Fruit crops are exciting. Fruit and berry crops

A person appreciates cultivated trees for taste and beneficial features their fruits and the decorative qualities of the crown. To obtain a cultural form from wild trees scientists use selection, hybridization or genetic engineering. To avoid confusion, trees, like all plants, have names. They are folk, Latin and generally accepted. This article acquaints the reader with the last of them.

The names of cultivated deciduous are not fruit trees

Trees of this species are of great interest to gardeners who use deciduous non-fruit crops to create landscape design. Trees differ in size, crown structure, color and shape of leaves and flowers. Cultivated trees, whose names are different, differ in many other ways.

  • Birch - business card Russian nature. This tree has many varieties, but more often weeping birch is used to decorate parks, gardens and lawns. It grows up to nine meters in height. Names of trees related to cultivated species, the most varied. But, a weeping birch with a snow-white trunk, hanging branches and yellowish catkins is especially beautiful.
  • White or silver poplar is the most common crop. The tree is an adornment of city streets, gardens, parks, adjoining territories. These two species grow up to ten meters in height. The lower part of the crown is lowered and is not high from the ground. Large-leaved poplar is different variegated leaves, and pyramidal black - with a narrow crown of a columnar shape.
  • Maple has a number of varieties, as do many cultivated trees. Titles garden forms are varied. Ash-leaved maple grows up to five meters in height. The edges of its leaves are White color. And the Norway maple is a little taller, its height is six meters and the leaves are purple.
  • Alder grows very quickly, so it is widely used to create a hedge in the swampy part of the site. it tall tree- 10-12 meters in height. Its crown is conical. Cultivated trees, whose names are different, have features. So, in black alder the leaves are glossy, and in gray - Bottom part sheet plate corresponding to the name of the color.

Names of cultivated conifers

In nature, there are six hundred species of coniferous trees. Most of them are valued decorative qualities. But, some breeds of conifers are valuable for the beneficial properties of their fruits - nuts. Many types of evergreen trees have been cultivated for a long time and successfully grow on garden plots and in the parks. It is impossible to list all the names, but you can get acquainted with some of them.

  • Mountain pine - an evergreen beauty, grows up to ten meters in height, and in its natural environment - twice as high. It begins to bloom and bear fruit from the age of ten, or a little earlier. This culture has long been used in landscape design. Its beneficial properties are used for medicinal purposes. Sanatoriums are being built in pine forests. single or group landings pines adorn gardens and parks.
  • Cedar pine or Siberian cedar - does not cause difficulties in growing. Appreciated by the healing properties of nuts and decorative. This is a large tree, it is planted in large areas, where it can grow and bear fruit for 30-40 years.
  • Spruce is a welcome guest on new year holidays. This culture has up to 50 species, but not all are used in landscaping. It is valued for its decorative qualities and wood.

Modern fruit crops are interesting and an exciting activity for any gardener. Thanks to selection, a huge number of varieties and types of fruit trees have been bred, which give a guaranteed harvest even in the most adverse conditions growth.

We offer you a review material, after studying which, you will understand that fruit crops are not only interesting, but also useful in terms of obtaining additional yields of fresh fruits and berries for your family's diet.

Growing fruit and berry crops

Growing fruit and berry crops in the garden is a beautiful and interesting occupation. It's also useful - the fruit is harvested directly from the tree or bush, so it's really fresh and you can grow varieties and varieties that aren't sold in stores. First of all, it is your apple or strawberry that you have grown with your own hands.

Despite the beauty of growing your own fruit, gardening was not popular until the self-farming movement burst onto the scene. Only one garden in three grew any fruit at all, and there were two main reasons for the lack of interest in it.

First, fruits were thought to be labor intensive and time consuming. Indeed there are some types that require regular care, but orchard, once planted and brought into fruition, gives more returns and with less effort than a vegetable garden. Perhaps some textbooks were partly responsible for this negative view. There are descriptions of pruning, according to which it is as complex as brain surgery. It was also fashionable to recommend a fungicide or insecticide to almost all intruders.

Secondly, many people believed that fruit growing requires a lot of space, and imagined ladders for collecting fruit from a tree.

Times have changed. The do-it-yourself growing movement fueled the desire for home-grown produce, and advances after World War II made fruit growing accessible to any garden.

Fruit crops include various trees

Garden centers offer containerized trees and shrubs that can be planted at any time of the year, while dwarf rootstocks produce apple and pear trees that are not much larger than rose bushes. Fruit crops include shrubs and various trees. So, fruit growing is right for you, but a word of caution needs to be said. Planting a fruit tree or shrub is a long-term investment, so read this chapter and perhaps a book about fruit growing before going to a garden center or ordering a catalog. Choose carefully, making sure that both type and variety are suitable for your conditions. Think also about the time you devote to gardening. If it is limited, then "light" cultures are chosen, such as dwarf apple trees, autumn fruiting raspberries and container-grown strawberries.

Fruit trees are types and types of horticultural crops

Fruit trees are common species horticultural crops for cultivation in the garden. There is no exact definition of a fruit tree - this includes large and strong plants with edible fruits. Almost all of them are tree-shaped (with one main trunk) in their natural state, but some (such as quince) are shrubs.

Most of the species of fruit trees belong to the Rosaceae family, and their choice is quite wide. In this chapter you will find detailed information for the four most popular of them, for others, see the book on fruit crops. Remember that fruit-type trees will be with you for many years, so choose your location carefully and prepare the soil properly.

The possible height of a tree will depend on its type, growing conditions and the rootstock on which the variety is grafted. The growth pattern is determined by pruning and shaping.

Choose the most sunny place available - complete solar lighting and mild climate are important for vulnerable types. The soil should be sufficiently deeply cultivated and not prone to waterlogging.

There are a number of questions to consider before choosing a variety. Prefer dessert (for eating) varieties over culinary (for processing) varieties if space is limited - you may find one or more dual-use varieties in catalogs. The variety offered for sale may be self-sterile and require for pollination the right partner nearby. Additional information on this subject can be found for each individual variety. Consider buying a "family" tree (a plant with several compatible varieties grafted onto it) if you only intend to plant one tree.

The main factor that determines the final size of a tree is the rootstock that was used.

Apple tree M27- the most dwarf rootstock.

M9 and M26 are dwarf rootstocks used for small shrubs;

MM106 used for large bushes,

MM111- stock for semi-standard trees.

Fruit stone fruits

1 year old Unformed. You will need to prune within about 3 years to produce a satisfactory branch structure.
2 years Partially formed. You will have to continue shaping to produce a satisfactory structure.
3-4 years Formed. The purpose of pruning will be to maintain a balance between growth and fruiting.
More than 4 years Usually too old to plant. It can take root very slowly.

Hardy trees that bear fleshy fruits that have a center containing several small seeds (seeds) - Apple, Pear.

Fruit stone fruit crops are hardy trees that bear fleshy fruits that have a center containing a large hard seed (stone) - Plum, Cherry. They are widespread in household plots and are cultivated almost everywhere.

Frost-sensitive plants that can grow in open field in protected places - this is, nectarine, figs.

About pests of currants and gooseberries

About pests and crops.
The other day a reader called and asked a question: “Every summer, the branches of currants, gooseberries begin to dry out ... Berries hanging on the branches also lose their tugor and shrivel. What kind of attack? I thought. Somehow I don’t pay attention to pests, but is it right? Searching in the literature about this, I, of course, found information. Everything turned out to be simple. This harms the currant glass butterfly. It is she who damages currants and gooseberries. In the wingspan, the butterfly is small - about 2.5 cm, the body is covered with lilac-black scales, there are light transverse stripes on the abdomen. They fly out two weeks after the flowering of blackcurrant. First, butterflies feed on the nectar of raspberry flowers. Female glassworts lay up to 60 eggs in cracks in the bark of branches. The white caterpillars that have appeared gnaw out the core of the branches, making moves up to 40 cm long in them. There they hibernate, gradually descending to the base of the branch. By autumn next year caterpillars reach a size of two cm, but again do not come to the surface, but remain in the branches for the second wintering. At the end of May of the following year, they gnaw through the exit to the surface of the branch, pupate, and butterflies fly out in June. At the end of the flowering of currants and gooseberries (or at the beginning of the ripening of berries), wilting and drying of damaged branches is noted. Against it, spraying bushes after flowering with chemicals to combat gooseberry moth, sawfly and other pests is effective. They write that it is necessary to follow the rules of agricultural technology and care berry bushes in the garden. Invalid mechanical damage branch bark. It is important to carry out regular pruning of bushes, with the immediate removal and destruction of branches damaged by pests. You can not leave hemp after cutting, wounds must be covered with garden pitch or disinfected. Regularly inspecting bushes with glassy symptoms helps to reduce the population of this pest in the garden. For these purposes, the preparation Spark Double Effect (1 tab. per 10 liters of water) or Aktara solution, or an infusion of mustard, tops and stepchildren of tomatoes, tansy, celandine is suitable. This treatment simultaneously destroys caterpillars and other pests. In early spring, these butterflies wait on raspberries.
When I carefully read all this, I decided to definitely process my plantings, because what is already there! It was like a year, I set out to get a decent harvest of non-wormy raspberries and achieved it! And she just sprayed the bushes in the phase of the extension of peduncles.
I recently ran into another problem. I collected in the fall and laid out leaf litter under the honeysuckle, because honeysuckle likes the soil to be wet. At one time, all magazines praised this shrub - it has no pests ... However, very little time passed and our caterpillars realized that honeysuckle leaves taste good. It turned out to be half the trouble - today I looked into the center of the bushes and also found a scale insect, but in such quantities! It looks like she came with a fall. A little later, the ants began to court her on the grapes.
In the summer I saw an amazing sight in the garden neglected by the owners. I went to the blackcurrant planting center and what? The leaves are full of pests! Imagine juveniles of different ages, and adult insects look after them - why not Kindergarten! And to harvest from such plants is one punishment - the berries stink of bugs, which then jump from your container throughout the house. Therefore, this should not be allowed. Surely, you are growing crops for yourself and your loved ones, and not for these ... Therefore, I think you will have to take on putting things in order. The main condition is to do it on time so that the chemicals have time to decompose and wash off.
Well, a few more tips: spread a cloth soaked in kerosene under the currant (but do not water the soil with it!). The specific smell will scare away black ants - dangerous pests of this berry (at the time of flowering they eat the ovary of blackcurrant). And as a bait, treat the trunks with Absolute, gels Clean house or the Great Warrior: such a “delicacy” will destroy not only most black pests, but most importantly, their uterus.
Check for a bud mite (large spherical swollen buds will tell you about its presence). They need to be picked up and burned. During flowering, pay attention to whether there are “abnormal” flowers on the bushes with narrow, fused petals of a dirty pink color - this is a very dangerous and contagious disease for other bushes - terry. Such a bush must be immediately uprooted and burned (even if the flowers are only on one branch!).
Red currants are often attacked by the red gall aphid, which settles on the underside of the leaves (resulting in red leaf blisters). Spraying with Fitoverm will help here. The female gooseberry sawfly lays eggs resembling bundles of beads. The hatched larvae can destroy all the leaves on the shrub. If you inspect the branches regularly, you can simply collect the caterpillars.
If currant leaves become stained and then fall off, most likely they are affected by anthracnose or septoria. These diseases are treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture (Bordeaux mixture: 100 g blue vitriol and 120 g of lime). Damaged bushes are sprayed no later than three weeks before harvest. FROM powdery mildew they fight by spraying the plants with a solution of 50 g of soda ash, 50 g of laundry soap, 50 g of ammonium nitrate in 10 liters of water. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days. All damaged branches, leaves, trunks are cut out and destroyed. The currant kidney mite usually lives inside the kidneys, which is why the latter inflates to the size of a large pea. Of course, the buds then do not bloom. Most effective fight with this pest: collection, destruction of damaged buds and cutting of severely damaged branches in the spring, during leafing.
The spider mite inhabits the leaves of currants, especially black currants. The overwintered females lay their eggs on the underside of the emerging leaves. Larvae, and then adult mites, damage the leaves, which acquire a bronze color. The presence of the pest is clearly visible in the brown dots entangled in the web, moving along the lower part. leaf blade. In late August - September, red-orange females usually winter under dry dead leaves and lumps of soil. Therefore, before flowering and immediately after harvesting, the plants are sprayed with 0.15% Aktellik, or 0.2% Akarin, or 0.1% Fufanon, or 0.04% Fitoverm, or the same preparations "Inta-Vir", "Spark" (1 tablet per 10 liters of water). During the ripening of berries, only vegetable decoctions or infusions of tobacco, garlic, onion peel, potato tops, celandine, tansy and others.

A person appreciates cultivated trees for the taste and useful properties of their fruits and the decorative qualities of the crown. To obtain a cultural form from wild trees, scientists use selection, hybridization or genetic engineering. To avoid confusion, trees, like all plants, have names. They are folk, Latin and generally accepted. This article acquaints the reader with the last of them.

Names of cultivated deciduous barren trees

Trees of this species are of great interest to gardeners who use deciduous non-fruit crops to create landscape design. Trees differ in size, crown structure, color, shape of leaves and flowers. Cultivated trees, whose names are different, differ in many other ways.

  • Birch is a visiting card of Russian nature. has many varieties, but more often weeping birch is used to decorate parks, gardens and lawns. It grows up to nine meters in height. The names of trees belonging to cultivated species are very diverse. But with a snow-white trunk, hanging branches and yellowish earrings, it is especially beautiful.
  • White or silver poplar is the most common crop. The tree is an adornment of city streets, gardens, parks, adjoining territories. These two species grow up to ten meters in height. The lower part of the crown is lowered, and is not high from the ground. Large-leaved poplar is distinguished by variegated leaves, and pyramidal black poplar is distinguished by a narrow columnar crown.
  • Maple has a number of varieties, as do many cultivated trees. The names of garden forms are diverse. grows up to five meters in height. The edges of its leaves are white. And the Norway maple is a little taller, its height is six meters, and the leaves are purple.
  • Alder is therefore very widely used to create a hedge in the swampy part of the site. This is a tall tree - 10-12 meters in height. Its crown is conical. Cultivated trees, whose names are different, have distinctive features. So, the leaves are glossy, and the gray one has the lower part of the leaf plate of the color corresponding to the name.

Names of cultivated conifers

There are six hundred species in nature. Most of them are valued for their decorative qualities. But some breeds of conifers are valuable for the beneficial properties of their fruits - nuts. Many types of evergreen trees have been cultivated for a long time and successfully grow in garden plots and parks. It is impossible to list all the names, but you can get acquainted with some of them.

  • Mountain pine - an evergreen beauty, grows up to ten meters in height, and in its natural environment - twice as high. It begins to bloom and bear fruit from the age of ten or a little earlier. This culture has long been used in landscape design. Its beneficial properties are used for medicinal purposes. Sanatoriums are being built in pine forests. Single or group plantings of pine decorate gardens and parks.

  • or Siberian cedar - does not cause difficulties in growing. Appreciated by the healing properties of nuts and decorative. This large tree is planted in large areas, where it can grow and bear fruit for 30-40 years.
  • Spruce is a welcome guest at the New Year holidays. This culture has up to 50 species, but not all are used in landscaping. It is valued for its decorative qualities and wood.

Names of cultivated fruit trees

These trees began to be cultivated thousands of years ago. Even ancient people appreciated the taste and healing properties their fruits. Currently, the names of a huge number of fruit trees are known. It is impossible to list everything, here are some of them.

  • Apple tree is the most popular fruit crop. There is a huge variety of its varieties "white filling", "Moscow pear", "Antonovka ordinary", "anise striped", "Zhigulevskoe", "mantet" and many others. The tree gives tasty and healthy fruits - apples.
  • Plum - the brightest attraction spring garden. Blooming trees of this culture are extraordinarily beautiful. They are no less valuable in autumn, when they bring bountiful harvest fruit - plum. Depending on maturity, climatic conditions and other features different varieties cultivated trees, the names of some of them are offered to your attention: "Alyonushka", "Amers", "Vision", "General", "early comet", "president", "traveler" and others.
  • The pear has both fruit and decorative value. Her delicious juicy fruits loved by children and adults. There is an opinion that sweet and large pears are grown only in areas with a warm climate. But this is absolutely not true. Here are a few names of varieties that grow in mid-latitude regions: Lada, Chizhovskaya, Rogneda, Otradnenskaya.

Names of cultivated trees of the Krasnodar Territory

The Krasnodar Territory is called the Russian subtropics, which are adjacent to mountain forests and snow-capped peaks. A huge number of different types of cultures grow here. Of greatest interest is the vegetation of the southern part of the Black Sea coast, in particular the Sochi subtropics. cultivated trees Krasnodar Territory have many names. You can meet some of them.

  • The cork oak is a tree with evergreen leaves, a thick trunk and branches that have the ability to be covered with a cork layer by the age of 3-5 years. After 15-20 years, the cork reaches a removable maturity, it is removed once every ten years. It is a valuable raw material for industry.
  • Peach is a typical representative of the subtropical climate of the Krasnodar Territory. This tree has thousands of varieties and is valued for the taste and beneficial properties of the fruit.

  • The tulip tree is a miracle of nature. Tulips grow on a giant tree forty meters high. AT Krasnodar Territory blooms in May and never ceases to amaze with its lush bloom and greatness.

Japanese cultural tree names

  • Sakura has been the national symbol of Japan for many centuries. This tree is valued for the beauty of flowers and their unique charm. Cherry blossoms are a sign of the awakening of nature and the onset of spring.
  • Plum "ume", like sakura, is a tree-symbol of cosmic significance. It grows up to 5-7 meters in height. It differs from sakura in the aroma of flowers. Its fruits are edible. The timing of flowering ahead of sakura by a whole month.

  • Japanese crimson is beautiful tree With unusual shape crowns and leaves. Appreciated for its high decorative qualities. It is used for landscaping streets, gardens and parks, lawns are decorated with it. The names of Japanese trees are different. So, for example, Japanese scarlet has another name - “pendula” or “weeping tree”. Interesting fact: the height of the tree is 4-6 meters, the crown is the same size. branches with big leaves fall to the ground, and the leaves change color in the process of growth.

This article lists every plant ever mentioned in Martin's books.

Most of the plants in Westeros are well-known terrestrial. It is understood that they do not differ from their prototypes in Western Europe, Mediterranean or North America. For fictional plants, a brief description is given.

The agriculture of Westeros does not know potatoes and tobacco, as it did not know them medieval Europe to the voyages of Columbus. It is curious that some other American plants, brought to Europe only in the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, are still present in the books - for example, there is corn in The Battle of Kings. In the HBO television series, however, the potato is mentioned.

wild trees

ironbarrel, iron tree (English ironwood) - conifer tree with very durable wood and dark bark. Beams for buildings and bridges, chests are made from it.

sandy beggar(English sandbeggar) - a knotty and gnarled tree characteristic of Dorn, there are no less thorns on it than leaves. The appearance of sand beggars in the desert means that the water is close.

guardian tree(English sentinel tree) - a coniferous tree with thick gray-green needles. Distributed throughout Westeros, especially in the North.

guard pine, soldier pine(eng. soldier pine) - a genus of pine common in Westeros.

cultivated trees

It is assumed that if the text mentions a certain fruit that grows on trees in our world (apricot, pomegranate, etc.), then there is a corresponding tree in Martin's world.

fire plum(English fire plum) - a genus of garden plum common in the south.



dragon's throat(eng. dragon "s breath) - large dark red flowers.

stingbloom(eng. poison kiss) - large purple flowers common on the Isthmus, highly irritating to the skin. They get blisters on their hands. Grow near swamps.

Wintering(eng. frostfire) - bright scarlet autumn flower, grows beyond the Wall.

moon color(eng. moonbloom) - some strongly smelling flowers

Kholodyanka(eng. coldsnap) - a blue autumn flower that grows behind the Wall.



blood melon(eng. blood melon) - a very sweet melon with blood-red flesh, possibly watermelon.

Sweet grass, sweet grass(eng. sweetgrass) - some kind of plant with a sweet taste, used to sweeten dishes along with honey, but eaten on its own, as a salad. Sweet herb decoction is popular with the Dothraki.



Imp Grass(English devilgrass) - weed.

pipe grass(eng. piper "s grass) - a reddish-golden plant that grows behind the Wall.

smoke vine(English smokeberry wine) - climbing plant, inclined to braid trees; apparently has berries.

goathead(English goathead) - a weed plant.

sour leaf(English soarleaf) - a plant with a tonic effect, causes drug addiction. It has an unpleasant taste, and the juice of the plant stains the chewer's saliva, teeth and gums blood red.

King's Copper(eng. kingscopper) - some kind of medicinal plant
