Which plant is used for softening water? Water softening for the home in the best way with minimal investment. Chemical method of water softening

Station for water purification from hardness salts
The indicator "hardness of water" displays the quantitative content of alkaline earth metals in it. Due to the fact that the main contribution is made by calcium and magnesium, the remaining alkaline earth metal ions are neglected. The term itself has a household origin: a fabric washed in water with a high content of calcium and magnesium becomes hard to the touch. Water hardness is divided into carbonate (temporary) and non-carbonate (permanent). Temporary - due to calcium and magnesium bicarbonates, permanent - mainly chlorides and sulfates. Temporary hardness is reduced by boiling due to the formation of insoluble carbonates. Ohigh water hardness, as well as an excess of iron, can be judged by the traces left in the form of scaleon the heating elements, gray deposits on drying surfaces, dry tight skin, hard linen after washing.The process of removing hardness ions from water is called softening. Depending on the purpose of the water, the requirements for water hardness are different. For drinking water SanPiN sets the maximum concentration of 7 mg-eq / l, and according to the WHO recommendation, calcium in drinking water should contain 20-80 mg / l, magnesium - 10-30 mg / l, which corresponds to a hardness of 1.8-6 .5 mg-eq/l. For household appliances(washing and dishwashers, boilers) manufacturers recommend using water with a hardness of not more than 1.5 mg-eq / l. Most high requirements in terms of hardness, they are applied to water for, the hardness of the prepared water should not exceed 5 μg-eq / l.

Water softening - terms

  • Thermal . When water is heated, calcium and magnesium bicarbonates turn into insoluble carbonates and settle on the walls of a water heater, kettle, etc. This method is applicable when there is a small need for water, for example, for giving, and provided that most of temporary hardness (hydrocarbonate). The disadvantage of this method is also the difficulty of cleaning the heating surface from scale.
  • Reagent softening . The method is based on the introduction of slaked lime Ca (OH) 2 - liming, or hydrated lime Ca (OH) 2 and soda Na2CO3 - soda-liming into water, to convert hardness salts into insoluble carbonates, with further precipitation or clarification. Additionally, coagulants and flocculants can be introduced. The method is used in industry for large volumes of water consumption with high carbonate hardness. When liming and soda-liming are used, alkalinity decreases simultaneously with hardness, suspended particles, including colloids, are removed during settling and clarification, organic impurities can also be sorbed on sediment flakes. Cons of this method - high flow reagents, the need for reagent management, large dimensions of equipment when using sedimentation tanks, the formation of sludge that is difficult to dispose of. This method is not applicable to the preparation of drinking water, since softened water has a high pH value.
  • Ion exchange (Na-cationization) . The most common and available method, applies to both industrial, and for private water treatment systems . The method is based on the replacement of calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions when water passes through a strongly acidic cation exchanger in the Na-form. During the cleaning process, the ion-exchange resource of the load is exhausted and its regeneration is required. Restoration is carried out with a 6-10% solution of sodium chloride ( table salt), during regeneration, calcium and magnesium ions are again replaced by sodium ions, and the load is ready for further work. The frequency of regeneration is determined by the hardness of the source water.
  • Reverse osmosis and nanofiltration . These methods belong to membrane cleaning methods. At the core reverse osmosis and nanofiltration is based on the principle of filtration through a semi-permeable membrane. The cleaning process also removes other ions and contaminants, and reduces the overall mineralization of water. Installations are made both industrial, and household scale. Settings reverse osmosis indispensable for the purification of very hard water with an excess of salinity or sodium. The disadvantages of the method include high energy consumption compared to ion exchange.

Separately, you can specify the method of binding hardness salts with polyphosphate reagents, magnetic and pulsed processing, changes in the structure of hardness salts - all these methods do not remove calcium and magnesium ions from water, but only prevent scale formation.

Water treatment plants series - Water softening station
Water softening- extraction of calcium Ca2+ and magnesium Mg2+ ions from water, which determine its hardness. Hardness salts are the cause of scale formation on heating elements and internal surfaces of pipes, increasing consumption detergents, cloudy water.
The water softening station consists of a fiberglass body with an internal polyethylene liner, an Autotrol automatic control valve (Pentair Water, USA), a drainage distribution system, an ion exchange load, a gravel bed and a salt tank for regeneration.
Operating principle:
Water softening occurs by the mechanism of ion exchange, while calcium and magnesium ions are replaced by an equivalent amount of sodium ions. When the resource of the ion-exchange resin is exhausted, it is necessary to regenerate it with an 8-10% solution of common salt (NaCl). For this, special tableted salt is used, which is not subject to caking. The solution is prepared in a salt tank, the tank is filled with water automatically.The duties of the service personnel include filling the salt and monitoring its level.

"Lewatit" S1567 (Germany) is a strongly acidic helium cation exchanger in sodium form based on a styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer. Monodisperse granules have extraordinary chemical and mechanical stability and high osmotic resistance. The working exchange capacity is higher than that of most resins (taking into account aging) - 1200-1400 meq/l of resin is taken. Regeneration - with a solution of common salt (NaCl).

Source water requirements:

  • General hardness - up to 15 mg-eq / l, total salt content is not more than 1000 mg / l;
  • Lack of ferric iron in water;
  • The maximum content of dissolved iron in water is not more than 0.5 mg/l;
  • Permanganate oxidizability - no more than 3.0 mg O2/l;
  • Color - no more than 30 degrees;
  • Absence of suspensions, oil products, hydrogen sulfide and sulfides;
  • Content of free active chlorine - no more than 1 mg/l.


  • Water pressure at the filter inlet: minimum - 2.5 atm, maximum - 6.0 atm.;
  • Pump equipment must provide a water flow rate not less than required for flushing (depending on the filter model);
  • The installation installation room must have an inlet and a drainage line;
  • Availability of stabilized power supply 220V (±5%), ~50Hz;
  • Room temperature: from +5 to +35˚С, humidity - no more than 70%, temperature of treated water from +2 to +45˚С.

Water softening stations in the cottage

Hard water is water that contains a large number of hardness salts, namely calcium and magnesium.

What's wrong with hard water

Hard water is not suitable for many technological processes. It is unpleasant in taste, it is bad to wash and wash in it, since washing requires an increased consumption of detergents, and when washing, plaque remains on the hair and skin. Hard water is not suitable for needs Food Industry because of the bitter taste and due to the fact that salt precipitates during storage of food. And the quality of products suffers when using bad drinking water.

Hard water is a problem for everyone industrial enterprises, as it quickly clogs water pipes with precipitation and scale.

Salt deposits are the scourge of heating equipment, which hopelessly fails, and also requires a significant excessive consumption of fuel, since the efficiency of heat exchange processes drops sharply when a poorly heat-conducting salt layer is deposited on the surface of the heat exchangers.

Softened water is required in boiler equipment, kettles and washing machines ah, in heat pumps and district heating utilities. Even water with a small amount of hardness salts is not suitable for high-pressure boilers, since the failure of these installations can lead to a serious accident. In practice, it turns out to be much cheaper to carry out a set of measures to remove hardness salts from water than to repair and replace pipe, heating and boiler equipment.

Water softening is also required to obtain ultrapure water for laboratory and analytical needs, for pharmaceutical and medical enterprises. Mitigation is the first stage of water purification for these purposes.

Water softening methods

The main methods of water softening today are:

Softening with ion exchange resins;
- use of membranes;
- reagent (chemical);
- magnetic water treatment;
- thermal;
- electrochemical;
- combination of several methods in one installation.

Water softening with ion exchange resins- the most popular this moment a method for the needs of public utilities and the food industry. The principle of purification is based on the filtration of water through ion-exchange resins, passing through which calcium and magnesium ions are replaced by sodium and hydrogen ions. The regeneration of resins is carried out using a solution of common salt - a cheap and affordable reagent. The cleaning process itself is easily automated. The ion exchange method is often used in combined plants for deep water purification.

Membrane method water softening is the most technologically advanced, although expensive. It allows not only to soften water, but also to purify from most chemical, organic impurities, heavy metal ions, chlorine and organochlorine compounds, bacteria, suspensions. The principle of purification - water is passed through special membrane materials with certain size since.

Water softening with reagents It is based on the addition of special reagents to water, which form insoluble or slightly soluble compounds with calcium and magnesium cations. Most often in industrial scale slaked lime and soda are used. The disadvantages of this method are high salinity. Wastewater that require additional cleaning; the need for careful, most often manual control of the process and the high alkaline reaction of the resulting water. Chemical Methods not suitable for softening drinking water. As a rule, these methods are the first step for combined water treatment.

magnetic way water softening is based on the transfer of hardness salts into a modified state, in which they crystallize not into dense calcite, but into unstable aragonite, which is not deposited on the surfaces of pipes and heat exchangers, but is removed with water.

Thermal Water softening is based on the fact that when the temperature of hard water rises above 120 ° C, calcium and magnesium salts precipitate. Water can be purified also by freezing and distillation. In industry distillation is rarely used and only when there is access to cheap energy for heating, but in laboratories distillers are often used for deep water purification.

Electrochemical method water softening is based on several simultaneously occurring processes that occur at the time of the passage of water between the electrodes (electrophoresis, electrolysis, polarization, etc.), which lead to the formation insoluble salts magnesium and calcium.

The specific water softening method is usually determined depending on the quality of the source water, the desired quality of the resulting water, the required plant capacity and the acceptable financial costs.

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Why is water softening so important?

Surely, living in an apartment or a country house and using water from a city water supply, well, well, or other source of water intake, you have had to deal with the unpleasant consequences of using hard water. Dry skin after a shower, stiffness of clothes and fabrics after washing, poor foaming of soaps and detergents, as well as white deposits on plumbing equipment and the appearance of scale during boiling - all these are the most visible signs excess concentration of hardness salts in water. It is impossible not to note the harmful consequences of the influence of hard water on the human body: problems with the cardiovascular system, impaired motility of the stomach, joint disease and unwanted deposits in the kidneys or biliary tract. In addition to all of the above, the scale that forms during the operation of water heating equipment (boilers, boilers, washing machines, dishwashers, etc.) contributes to their premature failure.

Also, it is unacceptable to use water with a high salinity in industry, causing violations of technological and chemical processes in the production of food, beverages, consumer goods, etc. The need to eliminate water hardness also plays an important role in the energy sector, where the formation of scale disrupts the performance of an expensive heat exchange equipment and heating systems, while sharply reducing their heat transfer characteristics (subsequently increasing fuel costs), and causing a complete failure.

The concept of hard water. What causes water hardness?

Water hardness characterizes the concentration (presence) in it of calcium ions (Ca 2+), magnesium (Mg 2+), strontium (Sr 2+), barium (Ba 2+), iron (Fe 2+) and manganese (Mn 2+ ). But the presence in natural waters directly of calcium and magnesium ions is much higher than the total presence of other listed ions. For this reason, water hardness refers to the total amount of calcium and magnesium ions. Hardness differs in temporary (carbonate), scale-forming, caused by the presence of calcium and magnesium bicarbonates, as well as permanent (non-carbonate), often due to the presence of sulfates and chlorides and not released during boiling.

Today, regarding the hardness of water, there are a number of requirements and normative documents compiled by various departments and focused on different type consumers. Standards for total salt content, regardless of surface or groundwater, for systems of household and drinking and household systems, to a greater extent comes down to the requirements of SanPiN "Drinking Water", where the MPC (maximum permissible concentration) of hardness salts should not exceed more than 7 mg / l. However, due attention should be paid to water quality standards for hot water supply systems, heat supply systems, steam and hot water boilers, where the operating rules of devices require MPC hardness significantly lower than SanPiN standards (less than 2 mg / l). It should also be noted that the relatively lower concentration of calcium and magnesium ions, established in the quality standards of the European Union, the World Health Organization and the national standards of the United States, which does not exceed 5 mg/l. The requirements for water salinity also differ significantly in industrial systems (sometimes to the point of complete absence), where the required concentrations regulate technical and chemical production processes. Attention to the MPC of water hardness salts in the energy sector is justified by the technological and economic efficiency of the equipment (less than 1 mg / l), and in more It is aimed at preventing the main problem - scale formation.

Water softening methods

1. Water softening by ion exchange the most popular and widely used method of softening water from a well or a water supply system in drinking and household systems. This method consists in the ability of ion-exchange materials (resins) to exchange ions of hardness salts (calcium, magnesium, etc.) for ions of other molecules that do not cause scale formation. Also, this method, depending on the type of resins used, allows you to extract iron compounds and, if necessary, reduce the mineralization of water. Thus, water softening by ion exchange, unlike other methods (except reverse osmosis), ensures the elimination of water hardness, and does not convert them (without removing them) into a form that does not cause scale.

For household and drinking purposes, to soften water from a well, well or water supply, filters with food-grade cation-exchange resins in Na-form are often used. These resins are designed to eliminate water hardness by removing calcium and magnesium ions, exchanging them for sodium ions (without significantly increasing the mineralization of water). These filters include:

  • Water softeners of the WS series (Lewatit S1567) . Automatic and mechanical filters for eliminating water hardness with German-made filter material Lewatit S 1567.
  • Cabinet water softeners: North Star, BWT, Atoll Excellece L, Atoll Excellece R. Compact automatic filters for eliminating water hardness of American and European production.
  • Installation of softening of continuous action WS TWIN (Lewatit S1567) . Automatic water hardening filters for continuous water softening without regeneration. Filter loading - Lewatit S 1567.

To use cation-exchange filters in conditions of high concentration of iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide or organic compounds in water, their preliminary removal is required. For this reason, in complexes of water treatment systems, they are installed after preliminary rough cleaning, dosing systems, water aeration, water deironing stations, etc., depending on the technologies used.

Otherwise, for the one-time elimination of the hardness of water, iron, manganese or their organic compounds, without the use of preliminary "oxidizers" (dosing or aeration) and iron removers, combined resins are used, consisting of a mixture of cation-exchange, anion-exchange and inert materials. These filters include:

  • filters for water softening and iron removal Geyser Aquachief (Ekotar B) or stations for water removal and softening ECO A (Ecomix A) . Automatic and mechanical filters for eliminating water hardness, dissolved iron and manganese with a separate salt tank. Filter materials Eocar B and Ecosoft Mix A.
  • cabinet water softeners ATOLL series: EcoLife SM , Excellece LM . American-made automatic filters for eliminating water hardness, dissolved iron and manganese in one composite filter housing together with a salt tank.
  • water softening plants ECO (Ekomiks C) . Automatic and mechanical filters for eliminating water hardness, dissolved iron, manganese with an increased concentration of organic compounds (exceeded permanganate oxidation) with a separate salt tank.

Both for industrial, energy, household (especially steam and hot water boilers), and household and drinking facilities (including hot and cold water supply country houses), no less important along with water hardness is general mineralization. With increased mineralization, water softening ion exchange method also allows you to effectively reduce the content of mineral salts. However, water demineralization is somewhat more complex than softening. This process is based on the use of anion-exchange properties of resins after preliminary cationization. To do this, in water treatment, there are various one- and several-stage schemes of cationization and anionization.

The most popular brands of ion exchange resins are: Lewatit, Ecosoft Mix, Dowex, Purolite, Ecotar, PURESIN, etc. It is worth noting the existing variety of resins of the same brand, which differ in properties, composition, characteristics and purposes of their application. For this reason, before choosing and purchasing the necessary softener or changing the backfill in an existing filter, we recommend that you consult with a specialist.

2. Water softening method using reverse osmosis involves the use of semi-permeable membranes made of cellulose acetate or aromatic polyamide. Retaining almost all ions this method softening provides the deepest possible demineralization and elimination of hardness salts. The degree of purification of reverse osmosis systems is up to 99%. Compared to ion-exchange filters, their design is less overall and is a metal frame with membranes (the number and size of which depends on the required capacity of the water treatment station), a booster pump, a system unit, a dosing pump, small components, etc. When the purified water hits the membrane, a part of it filtered almost to distillate goes to the consumer, and the rest with all impurities goes to drainage system, or enters again for filtration.

In addition to small size and simplicity of design (relatively water softener ion exchange method) of reverse osmosis systems, it is also worth noting such advantages as: low energy consumption, relatively low operating costs and the possibility of discharging the concentrate into the sewer. However, with all this, it is worth considering the need for pretreatment of the treated water for a long service life of the membranes. The permissible concentration of impurities in treated water is regulated operational characteristics membranes. It should also be taken into account high flow water (while receiving only 20-25% pure, the rest for draining), high costs at the time of purchase and the recommended continuous operation.

To date, the method water softener using reverse osmosis is one of the most promising methods elimination of hardness of water and its purification as a whole. Water softening using reverse osmosis is widely used in the bottling of drinking water, the production of alcoholic and soft drinks, in the food industry, in cottages, country houses, apartments, etc. Among our products you will find reverse osmosis systems from manufacturers such as: Atoll, Aquapro, Geyser, Osmosis RO, etc.

3. Reagent water softening method is a treatment (by dosing) of purified water with a variety of reagents and coagulants that bind calcium and magnesium into poorly soluble compounds, which subsequently, along with other suspended impurities, are retained in various sedimentation tanks or clarification filters. In this case, lime, soda ash, sodium hydroxide, acids, phosphonates, etc. are used as reagents. Often, the reagent method of water softening is used to soften, or in other words, "stabilize", supplied to thermal power systems industrial facilities, housing and communal services buildings, boiler facilities for centralized heating, etc.

The main purpose of reagent treatment is to prevent scale formation, corrosion and microbiological fouling of heat exchange equipment, including pipelines, in conditions of small and high temperatures. Widely used in water treatment surface water where there is a high probability of high levels of harmful metabolic products of living organisms, algae, bacteria and other mineral or organic contaminants. For deeper water softening, it can be used in water treatment systems together with subsequent cation exchange filters.

Unlike closed systems heat supply (heating), reagent method of water softening in open systems ah is practically not used, since the requirements for the quality of network water of open systems must meet the requirements for "quality of drinking water".

4. Magnetic and electromagnetic method of water softening is used to prevent the formation of scale in thermal systems, steam generators, cold and hot water supply systems in industry, country houses, cottages, apartments, etc., and is a process of passing water flow in a pipeline through a magnetic field. Under influence magnetic field Scale-forming impurities of carbonate hardness (calcium, magnesium and iron) crystallize into an insoluble form that does not form solid scale on the walls of pipes or water heaters, while remaining in the water column. At the same time, previously formed deposits are also destroyed over time and, together with the flow of water, are easily removed from the plumbing system.

To create these magnetic fields in the pipeline in water treatment, special devices are used with permanent magnets or electromagnets. Unlike water softener by ion exchange and reverse osmosis systems, magnetic softeners are the most compact, easy to install, operate and economical. Installations with electromagnetic influence consist of an electronic unit that sends signals to a wound on water pipe insulated wire. Thanks to the signals coming with the specified purity, these wires emit an electromagnetic field, passing through which the purified water is softened.

Types of hardness. Water softening methods

Ca 2+ cations cause calcium hardness, and cations Mg2+ - magnesium hardness. General hardness consists of calcium and magnesium, i.e. from the total concentration of cations in water Ca2+ and Mg2+.

Water softening is understood as either the elimination or reduction of its hardness. It mainly consists in the complete or partial removal of cations from it. Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ and Fe 2+ . There are three main ways to soften water: heat treatment, chemical treatment, ion exchange.

1. Heat treatment

The essence of the method is to preheat water to 70-80° With or its boiling. At the same time, cations Ca2+, Mg2+ precipitated as insoluble compounds.

In relation to water softening processes, there are carbonate and non-carbonate hardness .

Carbonate call the hardness caused by the presence of calcium bicarbonates in water Ca (HCO 3 ) 2 and magnesium Mg (HCO 3 ) 2 . When boiling, bicarbonates are destroyed, and the resulting poorly soluble carbonates precipitate, and the total hardness of water decreases by the amount of carbonate hardness. Therefore, carbonate hardness is also called temporal .

When boiling calcium cations precipitated in the form calcium carbonate :

Ca 2+ + 2HCO 3 2- \u003d CaCO 3 ↓ + H 2 O + CO 2,

a magnesium cations - as basic carbonate or in the form magnesium hydroxide (at pH>10.3):

2Mg 2+ + 2HCO 3 - + 2OH - \u003d (MgOH) 2 CO 3 ↓ + H 2 O + CO 2

hydroxide ions OH - formed by the interaction of ions HCO 3 - with water:

HCO 3 - + H 2 O ↔ H 2 CO 3 + OH -

The rest of the hardness remaining after boiling water is called non-carbonate . It is determined by the content of calcium and magnesium salts of strong acids in water: sulfates, chlorides, nitrates . Boiling does not remove these salts, which is why non-carbonate hardness is also called permanent .

2. Chemical treatment.

Water softening can also be achieved by treatment with various chemicals. So, carbonate hardness can be eliminated by adding slaked lime

Ca 2+ + 2 HCO 3 - + Ca 2+ + 2 OH - \u003d 2 CaCO 3 ↓ + 2 H 2 O

Mg 2+ + 2HCO 3 2- + 2Ca 2+ + 4OH - = Mg(OH) 2 ↓ + 2CaCO 3 ↓ + 2 H 2 O

By adding at the same time lime and soda you can get rid of carbonate and non-carbonate hardness ( lime-soda method ). At the same time, carbonate hardness is eliminated with lime, and non-carbonate hardness with soda:

Ca 2+ + CO 3 2-+ = CaCO 3 ↓;

Mg 2+ + CO 3 2-+ = MgCO 3

MgCO 3 + Ca 2+ + 2 OH - \u003d Mg (OH) 2 ↓ + CaCO 3 ↓

Sodium polyphosphate is an effective water softener. Na 5 P 3 O 10 . In this case, ion binding Ca2+ and Mg2+ is carried out due to the formation of chelate complex compounds that are highly soluble in water:

P 3 O 10 5- + Ca 2+ \u003d 3-

P 3 O 10 5- + Mg 2+ \u003d 3-

3. Ionicexchange

Other methods of eliminating water hardness are also used, among which one of the most modern is based on the use of cation exchangers - cationic method . There are solids that contain in their composition mobile ions that can be exchanged for ions of the external environment. They got the name ion exchangers .

Ionites are divided into two groups. Some of them exchange their cations for cations of the environment and are called cation exchangers , others exchange their anions and are called anion exchangers . Ionites do not dissolve in solutions of salts, acids and alkalis.

From inorganic ion exchangers highest value have zeolites - aluminosilicates of complex composition, having a crystalline structure. For example, aluminosilicate composition Na 2 O ∙ Al 2 O 3 ∙4 SiO 2 ∙ m H2O has a spatial lattice formed by atoms Al, Si and O . The lattice is permeated with cavities in which water molecules and ions are placed. Na+ . The latter, having a certain freedom of movement, are replaced by ions Ca2+ and Mg2+ when passing water through a layer of grains (granules) of the zeolite.

More perfect ion exchange resins derived from synthetic polymers. They have both high operational and technical characteristics and a variety of physical and chemical properties.

Used to remove water hardness cation exchangers . Their composition can be conditionally expressed by the general formula Na 2 R , where Na + is a highly mobile cation, and R2- - a cation exchanger particle bearing a negative charge.

If water is passed through the layers of the cation exchanger, then sodium ions will be exchanged for calcium and magnesium ions:

Ca 2+ + Na 2 R = 2Na + + CaR;

Mg 2+ + Na 2 R = 2 Na + + MgR

Thus, calcium and magnesium ions pass from the solution to the cation exchanger, while the rigidity is eliminated.

When the ion exchange process reaches equilibrium, the ion exchanger stops working - it loses the ability to soften water. However, any ion exchanger is easily regenerated. To do this, a concentrated solution is passed through the cation exchanger NaCl (Na 2 SO 4 ) or HCl (H 2 SO 4 ). At the same time, Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ ions go into solution, and the cation exchanger is again saturated with ions Na+ or H+.

4. Physical methods for eliminating stiffness

Methods based on physical phenomena are also used to soften water.

Electrodialysis method is based on the phenomenon of directed movement of electrolyte ions to electrodes connected to a DC network. Thus, metal ions, which cause water hardness, are retained at the electrodes and separated from the water leaving the water treatment unit.

Magnetic ionization method also uses the phenomenon of directed movement of ions, but under the influence of a magnetic field. To increase the number of ions in water, it is preliminarily irradiated with ionizing radiation.

Magnetic water treatment consists in passing water through a system of magnetic fields of opposite direction. As a result, the degree of hydration of the dissolved substances decreases and they combine into larger particles that precipitate.

Ultrasonic water treatment also leads to the formation of larger particles of solutes with the formation of a precipitate.

E.A. Nudnova, I.N. Arzhanova

In one filter, the following are simultaneously removed from the water: mechanical impurities, dissolved, colloidal and organic iron, manganese, natural organic compounds (humic and fulvic acids and their salts), salts of hardness and heavy metals.

Price: from 32,900 rubles.

We will find a solution for you!

According to statistics, 90% of water heating and plumbing equipment breaks due to hard water. Scale builds up, pipelines clog, water heaters lose power, Appliances goes out of order. High rigidity is also dangerous for people. Sand and stones form in the organs, blood vessels and the heart suffer, the skin becomes dry, and dermatitis occurs. So that there are no accidents at home, and health does not deteriorate, they produce water softening using filters.

Hardness is a property of water that depends on the content of calcium (Ca) salts in the dissolved form and, at a lower concentration, silicon (Si lat. Silicium), magnesium (Mg).

  • Carbonate
  • Non-carbonate
  • General

Carbonate is temporary. Easily removed by boiling. It is determined by the presence of calcium bicarbonates (Calcium), magnesium in the liquid. Chemical formula— Ca(НСО3)2; Mg(HCO3)2. Forms scale in hot water pipelines, in the kettle, on the water heating elements of boilers, boilers.

Non-carbonate constant. Boiling is not removed. It is due to the presence of salts, which differ in properties from carbonate. Basically, these are chlorides (CaCl2, MgCl2), sulfates (CaSO4, MgSO4).

Total hardness is the sum of the 1st and 2nd hardness. The final indicator of the content in the liquid of all ions and compounds of magnesium, calcium present. Since 2014, updated standards have appeared, according to which this parameter is measured in degrees of hardness - ° W \u003d 1 meq per liter. According to the total hardness of water:

  • Rigid - more than 10°F
  • Medium hardness - 2-10
  • Soft - up to 2

In Europe, the concentration rate is 2.5; in the Russian Federation - 7.

AT well water"hard" chemical compounds come from soluble rocks, which consist of dolomite, lime, gypsum. If the region is rich in these minerals, they will definitely be in the water. Need water softener filter.

Why soften domestic water

"Hard" salts gradually accumulate in the body. Vessels are clogged. The heart suffers. Stones appear in the kidneys and other organs and body cavities. Arises urolithiasis disease. The use of water of increased hardness causes serious harm to health. Besides:

  • Scale formed on heaters and inside heating radiators reduces heat transfer
  • Detergents give little foam. Consumption household chemicals increased by 60%
  • Dishes take longer to cook. Meat stays tough after cooking
  • 1 mm scale increases power consumption by 10%
  • Leads to overheating of heating elements. Causes 90% of water heater failures

Hard water worsens appearance. The skin dries up, peels off. Dermatitis, acne, redness appear. Hair is not washed, looks untidy, becomes naughty. Plaque forms on the teeth.

Hard water is dangerous for newborns. Increases the likelihood of eczema and atopic dermatitis with constant use, bathing. Symptoms appear as early as 3 months. Eczema causes autoimmune allergies and further to food allergies, asthma.

The best protection - buy and install water softener filter. Water treatment and purification devices soften well, make domestic water suitable for drinking and household use.

Strong magnets are also used in water treatment. The liquid is passed through a powerful magnetic field. As a result, water changes physical characteristics, dissolved impurities lose their ability to form salts, and, consequently, scale. In addition, magnetized water destroys and removes already deposited scale layers. The technology is effective at a low content of calcium, silicon, magnesium ions.

The liquid is exposed to a highly charged electric field using special membranes. Hardness ions and some other substances are removed. The technology is used for desalination sea ​​water in industrial volumes, in the production of table salt and for the preparation of water in thermal power plants.

Made with reagents. Hydrated lime Ca(OH)2, sodium orthophosphate Na3PO4 or soda ash Na2CO3 are used. When interacting with the reagent, hardness salts take on an insoluble form, settle to the bottom and are easily filtered out. This technology is justified when cleaning large volumes of liquid. When applied, a number of specific technological problems arise. You need the exact dosage of the chemical reagent.

The technology refers to reagent softening methods. For water treatment, granular filter media are used, mainly ion-exchange resins, which are loaded into water softener filters. When interacting with resin granules, ions of “hard” compounds, as well as iron and manganese, are trapped from the liquid. Depending on the type of filter material, sodium, potassium or hydrogen ions are formed during the ion exchange process. With a well-chosen load, it is possible to reduce the hardness to 0.1-0.01 ° W even with ultra-high mineralization.

Advantages of ion exchange filters:

  • Price 20-50% lower
  • Universal. Suitable for cottages, country houses, city apartments. They are placed on wells, wells, cut into urban water supply pipelines
  • Productive. Removes hardness, iron, excess minerals, manganese, organic compounds and other contaminants in one can
  • Eliminate ultra-high concentrations of iron - up to 30 mg

Over time, resins become clogged with contaminants held in chemical bonds, and stop softening the water. However, the ion exchange reaction is reversible. If you pass a solution of table salt through the resin, the impurities will separate, and the sodium contained in the salt will fill the voids formed. The separated contaminants are washed into the drain. The renewed resin cleans and softens the water again.
