Landscape design of a suburban area with a slope. Landscaping of a site on a slope. Closed drainage system

Do not be upset, you are faced with opportunities that are not available to the owners of ordinary plots. Your imagination and our advice will help you create an original and original example landscape design.

Positive and negative sides of the site on the slope

To begin with, I would like to list all the advantages of the sloping location of the earth:

  • competently and beautifully designed, such a territory can become an extraordinary and picturesque example of landscape art;
  • the site on the slope is perfectly visible as a whole, so from the windows of the house you can contemplate all the design elements in the garden;
  • this land is a great place to create Alpine slide, waterfall or cascade;
  • if the cottage is located on the south side of the hill, its territory will be as much as possible illuminated by the sun, and this is an excellent prerequisite for good growth green spaces and high crop yields.

However, in addition to the pros, a cottage on a slope also has disadvantages:

  • on land with a fairly steep slope, it is problematic to plant a lawn;
  • the design of such a site will require significantly higher costs than in the case of a gently sloping location of the territory;
  • planted crops will need frequent watering, because the water in the soil will not linger for long, flowing down the hill;
  • plants on the northern slope may receive insufficient heat and light, which will cause poor flowering and low yields;
  • the foundation of a house located in the middle or at the bottom of a hillock runs the risk of being flooded with water;
  • unstable areas of soil can lead to erosion and landslides;
  • daily movement on the slope is physically tiring;
  • small children should not play on a steep hill, so you need to take care of their safety.

Features of the design of sloping land plots

The dachas located on the slope are unlike each other. All of them differ in different height differences, which makes their landscape unique and original. In this regard, the design of each such site has its own planning solutions and decorative elements. There are certain features in the design of sloping lands:

  1. It is considered optimal if the building in such a country house is located on top of a hill. This arrangement greatly simplifies the work with the terrain.
  2. The layout of the site on the slope must necessarily take into account the characteristics of the soil and technical features water supply. You also need to take into account the location of the slope relative to the cardinal points and the wind rose.
  3. First of all, you need to plan the location of utility structures and recreation areas, and only after that determine the position of all other structures: terraces, stairs, retaining walls and other elements.
  4. All measurements and calculations must be carried out with special attention and care - this will avoid unnecessary financial costs.
  5. When landscaping on a slope, you should be careful with the lower layers of the soil. They must not be moved or interchanged, as this can lead to soil erosion, which in turn will create a danger to garden buildings.

Plot on a slope, landscaping

A significant slope of the summer cottage area creates the prerequisites for the flight of the designer's imagination. The height difference can be beautifully beaten when decorating the site, which will subsequently give an interesting, unusual and unique result.

Too steep slope of the soil makes it problematic to move around the territory and creates inconvenience in everyday life. In order to solve such problems and make living in the garden comfortable, terraces must be built on the slope, retaining walls and stairs. Among other things, you should pay attention to soil moisture. In areas with a slope, the land is usually drier, and for good plant growth in such a garden, special attention should be paid to irrigation systems. To prevent flooding of buildings with storm water, drainage should be laid on the site.

Let's take a closer look at the various landscape design activities:

Land terracing

For the design of lands with a slope of more than 15 °, such a technique as terracing is perfect - the creation of special horizontal platforms reinforced with walls. The size of the site and the degree of its steepness directly affect the number and height of the terraces. The sites are connected with each other by means of stairs, which are in harmony with the appearance of the retaining walls.

The creation of terraces requires considerable work, time and money, but the efforts expended will not be in vain: after a while, your dacha will become a model of beauty and comfort. Before zoning a site using terraces, it is better to consult with specialists by inviting them directly to the place of work. Their advice should help you achieve these key goals:

  • soil protection from soil erosion and creation optimal system removal of unwanted moisture;
  • ensuring convenient and safe movement of the owners of the cottage on the slope;
  • creation of recreation areas, gardens and orchards on the site;
  • construction of high-quality and reliable retaining walls;
  • arrangement of space for relaxation in a comfortable place.

Terracing the site is carried out in several stages:

  1. To begin with, determine the degree of steepness of the slope. To do this, the height difference is divided by the indicator of the horizontal base.
  2. After that, the location of the terraces is marked on the site. The size of each site should be sufficient to accommodate a house, an outbuilding, a garden, a flower bed or a garden bed.
  3. Then geoplasty is carried out - artificial creation or changing terrain. At the same time, the upper terraces are first built, gradually sinking down. The land cut from above is the basis for creating the underlying sites. The height of the terraces can reach 1.5 meters, but do not forget that the creation of high retaining walls will require considerable financial costs.

The construction of terraces is a creative business. You can arrange them in one row, in a checkerboard pattern or asymmetrically - the choice depends on the desire of the owner of the land. The design of the site on the slope, the photo of which is presented below, is an example of asymmetric terraces:

Creating retaining walls

Retaining walls are not only a way to strengthen the terraces, but also a decorative element. What subtleties should be taken into account when building these structures?

  1. In order for the wall to look harmonious and fit into the overall design of the site on the slope, carefully select the materials for its creation and take into account the stylistic orientation of the garden. For example, in country style retaining walls made of beams or logs will fit perfectly. Suitable for a garden in the form of Art Nouveau brick decoration with wrought iron elements, and a site with an emphasis on natural beauty will look wonderful framed by natural stone.
  2. Materials for creating retaining walls can be very diverse. Suitable for small structures sheet metal, wood, stone or reinforced concrete. Metal and wood must be treated with paint or varnish to protect against moisture.
  3. The stone wall can be folded dry or a cement mortar can be used to fix it. In the first case, the height of the structure should not exceed 1 m, it is better to lay out higher walls on the mortar.
  4. Another material for creating retaining walls are concrete blocks. The structure made in this way must be protected from moisture at the points of contact with the soil. You can also do exterior finish walls with paint, tiling or natural stone.
  5. So that the wall stands firmly and serves for a long time, at the beginning of its creation, a reinforced concrete or rubble concrete foundation is laid.

Creation of a drainage system

Summer cottages with a slope are subject to soil erosion due to spring floods or heavy rains. In order to avoid such a nuisance, drainage is laid on the territory. This is a system of pipes made of metal or asbestos cement, which are laid at the bottom of the wall. Sometimes pipes are replaced with filtration holes.

Use water from drainage system can be useful. For example, accumulate it in suitable containers and water the plants or filter for the pool, if there is one on the site.

Construction of stairs

As a rule, in areas with a large slope, the terraces are interconnected using stairs. They not only make moving around the cottage comfortable and convenient, but also are an element overall design. In order for these structures to harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the garden, special attention must be paid to their construction.

  1. The dimensions of the steps do not have to comply with accepted standards.
  2. An affordable option can be a staircase made of wooden blocks or boards. AT this case the riser is made from a board mounted on the edge, fixed on the sides with wooden pegs, and densely packed soil serves as a tread.
  3. More expensive but also more beautiful option will become a staircase of stone, brick or monolithic concrete. In the latter case, you need to additionally make a wooden formwork.
  4. If the staircase turns out to be too steep, a convenient handrail should be installed on at least one of its sides.
  5. Too much a large number of it is better to break the steps into spans of 8-10 pieces, between which there will be platforms for rest during the ascent. For greater comfort, benches can be placed between the spans.

The site on the slope, the photo of which can be seen below, shows an example of a staircase made of stone:

Creating a garden on a plot with a slope

Because the sloping terrain provides an excellent vantage point, beautiful garden it will look especially impressive. Alpine slide, various flower arrangements, artificial waterfalls and cascades - all these opportunities open up to the owner of the site on the slope.

Often the soil of the hills contains a large number of stones and a very thin layer. fertile soil, but this problem is quite solvable. Stones can be used as natural material for the design of retaining walls, and himself land plot cover the slope with a layer of imported black soil.

Ideas for designing a relief area

  1. In a relief cottage, you can grow a lawn. If the terrain is too steep, it will be quite difficult to do this, but on a sloping slope, the grass and plants will take hold well enough and still look spectacular. If the territory is designed in the form of terraces, then there will be no difficulty in growing a lawn. Stepped platforms covered with a terry green carpet will look impressive when viewed from above.
  2. Sloping terrain is excellent soil for creating rockeries - ornamental garden from stones. You can also place a rock garden or simply beautifully decorated flower beds. All planted crops will grow remarkably on a slope if horizontal holes are made under them, reinforced with boards. On the terraces, the plants will feel even better, and the height differences will provide a beautiful play of the sun and colors.
  3. An artificial reservoir is another trump card of the site on the slope. Waterfalls, cascades and streams will fall beautifully from the top of the hill, and a quiet cozy lake can be placed on the terrace area.
  4. Paved platforms and stairs winding in a serpentine among the greenery - an important decorative element overall composition.
  5. Junipers and ground cover crops can be used to decorate the slope. They are able to grow across the territory with a motley carpet, and also successfully hide construction flaws.

You can learn more about the design of the cottage on the slope by watching the following video:

Do not be upset, you are faced with opportunities that are not available to the owners of ordinary plots. Your imagination and our advice will help you create an original and original example of landscape design.

Positive and negative sides of the site on the slope

To begin with, I would like to list all the advantages of the sloping location of the earth:

  • competently and beautifully designed, such a territory can become an extraordinary and picturesque example of landscape art;
  • the site on the slope is perfectly visible as a whole, so from the windows of the house you can contemplate all the design elements in the garden;
  • such land is a great place to create an alpine slide, waterfall or cascade;
  • if the cottage is located on the south side of the hill, its territory will be as much as possible illuminated by the sun, and this is an excellent prerequisite for good growth of green spaces and high crop yields.

However, in addition to the pros, a cottage on a slope also has disadvantages:

  • on land with a fairly steep slope, it is problematic to plant a lawn;
  • the design of such a site will require significantly higher costs than in the case of a gently sloping location of the territory;
  • planted crops will need frequent watering, as the water in the soil will not linger for long, flowing down the hill;
  • plants on the northern slope may receive insufficient heat and light, which will cause poor flowering and low yields;
  • the foundation of a house located in the middle or at the bottom of a hillock runs the risk of being flooded with water;
  • unstable areas of soil can lead to erosion and landslides;
  • daily movement on the slope is physically tiring;
  • small children should not play on a steep hill, so you need to take care of their safety.

Features of the design of sloping land plots

The dachas located on the slope are unlike each other. All of them differ in different height differences, which makes their landscape unique and original. In this regard, the design of each such site has its own planning solutions and decorative elements. There are certain features in the design of sloping lands:

  1. It is considered optimal if the building in such a country house is located on top of a hill. This arrangement greatly simplifies the work with the terrain.
  2. The layout of the site on the slope must necessarily take into account the characteristics of the soil and the technical features of the water supply. You also need to take into account the location of the slope relative to the cardinal points and the wind rose.
  3. First of all, you need to plan the location of utility structures and recreation areas, and only after that determine the position of all other structures: terraces, stairs, retaining walls and other elements.
  4. All measurements and calculations must be carried out with special attention and care - this will avoid unnecessary financial costs.
  5. When landscaping on a slope, you should be careful with the lower layers of the soil. They must not be moved or interchanged, as this can lead to soil erosion, which in turn will create a danger to garden buildings.

Plot on a slope, landscaping

A significant slope of the summer cottage area creates the prerequisites for the flight of the designer's imagination. The height difference can be beautifully beaten when decorating the site, which will subsequently give an interesting, unusual and unique result.

Too steep slope of the soil makes it problematic to move around the territory and creates inconvenience in everyday life. In order to solve such problems and make living in the garden comfortable, it is necessary to build terraces, retaining walls and stairs on the slope. Among other things, you should pay attention to soil moisture. In areas with a slope, the land is usually drier, and for good plant growth in such a garden, special attention should be paid to irrigation systems. To prevent flooding of buildings with storm water, drainage should be laid on the site.

Let's take a closer look at the various landscape design activities:

Land terracing

For the design of lands with a slope of more than 15 °, such a technique as terracing is perfect - the creation of special horizontal platforms reinforced with walls. The size of the site and the degree of its steepness directly affect the number and height of the terraces. The sites are connected with each other by means of stairs, which are in harmony with the appearance of the retaining walls.

The creation of terraces requires considerable work, time and money, but the efforts expended will not be in vain: after a while, your dacha will become a model of beauty and comfort. Before zoning a site using terraces, it is better to consult with specialists by inviting them directly to the place of work. Their advice should help you achieve these key goals:

  • soil protection from soil erosion and the creation of an optimal system for removing unwanted moisture;
  • ensuring convenient and safe movement of the owners of the cottage on the slope;
  • creation of recreation areas, gardens and orchards on the site;
  • construction of high-quality and reliable retaining walls;
  • arrangement of space for relaxation in a comfortable place.

Terracing the site is carried out in several stages:

  1. To begin with, determine the degree of steepness of the slope. To do this, the height difference is divided by the indicator of the horizontal base.
  2. After that, the location of the terraces is marked on the site. The size of each site should be sufficient to accommodate a house, an outbuilding, a garden, a flower bed or a garden bed.
  3. Then geoplastics are carried out - the artificial creation or change in the terrain. At the same time, the upper terraces are first built, gradually sinking down. The land cut from above is the basis for creating the underlying sites. The height of the terraces can reach 1.5 meters, but do not forget that the creation of high retaining walls will require considerable financial costs.

The construction of terraces is a creative business. You can arrange them in one row, in a checkerboard pattern or asymmetrically - the choice depends on the desire of the owner of the land. The design of the site on the slope, the photo of which is presented below, is an example of asymmetric terraces:

Creating retaining walls

Retaining walls are not only a way to strengthen the terraces, but also a decorative element. What subtleties should be taken into account when building these structures?

  1. In order for the wall to look harmonious and fit into the overall design of the site on the slope, carefully select the materials for its creation and take into account the stylistic orientation of the garden. For example, retaining walls made of beams or logs will fit perfectly into the rustic style. For a garden in the Art Nouveau style, a brick design with wrought iron elements is suitable, and a site with an emphasis on natural beauty will look wonderful framed by natural stone.
  2. Materials for creating retaining walls can be very diverse. For small structures, sheet metal, wood, stone or reinforced concrete is suitable. Metal and wood must be treated with paint or varnish to protect against moisture.
  3. The stone wall can be folded dry or a cement mortar can be used to fix it. In the first case, the height of the structure should not exceed 1 m, it is better to lay out higher walls on the mortar.
  4. Another material for creating retaining walls are concrete blocks. The structure made in this way must be protected from moisture at the points of contact with the soil. You can also make an exterior wall finish with paint, tile or natural stone.
  5. In order for the wall to stand firmly and last for a long time, at the beginning of its creation, a reinforced concrete or rubble concrete foundation is laid.

Creation of a drainage system

Summer cottages with a slope are subject to soil erosion due to spring floods or heavy rains. In order to avoid such a nuisance, drainage is laid on the territory. This is a system of pipes made of metal or asbestos cement, which are laid at the bottom of the wall. Sometimes pipes are replaced with filtration holes.

You can use the water from the drainage system to good use. For example, accumulate it in suitable containers and water the plants or filter for the pool, if there is one on the site.

Construction of stairs

As a rule, in areas with a large slope, the terraces are interconnected using stairs. They not only make moving around the cottage comfortable and convenient, but are also an element of the overall design. In order for these structures to harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the garden, special attention must be paid to their construction.

  1. The dimensions of the steps do not have to comply with accepted standards.
  2. An affordable option can be a staircase made of wooden blocks or boards. In this case, the riser is made from a board mounted on the edge, fixed on the sides with wooden pegs, and densely packed soil serves as a tread.
  3. A more expensive, but also more beautiful option would be a staircase made of stone, brick or monolithic concrete. In the latter case, you need to additionally make a wooden formwork.
  4. If the staircase turns out to be too steep, a convenient handrail should be installed on at least one of its sides.
  5. It is better to break too many steps into spans of 8-10 pieces, between which there will be platforms for rest during the ascent. For greater comfort, benches can be placed between the spans.

The site on the slope, the photo of which can be seen below, shows an example of a staircase made of stone:

Creating a garden on a plot with a slope

Since the sloping terrain is an excellent viewing platform, a beautiful garden on it will look especially impressive. Alpine slide, various flower arrangements, artificial waterfalls and cascades - all these opportunities open up to the owner of the site on the slope.

Often the soil of the hills contains a large number of stones and a very thin layer of fertile soil, but this problem is quite solvable. Stones can be used as a natural material for the design of retaining walls, and the land on the slope itself can be covered with a layer of imported black soil.

Ideas for designing a relief area

  1. In a relief cottage, you can grow a lawn. If the terrain is too steep, it will be quite difficult to do this, but on a sloping slope, the grass and plants will take hold well enough and still look spectacular. If the territory is designed in the form of terraces, then there will be no difficulty in growing a lawn. Stepped platforms covered with a terry green carpet will look impressive when viewed from above.
  2. The sloping terrain is excellent soil for creating a rockery - an ornamental rock garden. You can also place a rock garden or simply beautifully decorated flower beds. All planted crops will grow remarkably on a slope if horizontal holes are made under them, reinforced with boards. On the terraces, the plants will feel even better, and the height differences will provide a beautiful play of the sun and colors.
  3. An artificial reservoir is another trump card of the site on the slope. Waterfalls, cascades and streams will fall beautifully from the top of the hill, and a quiet cozy lake can be placed on the terrace area.
  4. Paved platforms and stairs meandering in serpentine among greenery are an important decorative element of the overall composition.
  5. Junipers and ground cover crops can be used to decorate the slope. They are able to grow across the territory with a motley carpet, and also successfully hide construction flaws.

In this article, ideas that will help equip a site that has a noticeable slope. We hope that our advice will help you turn the presence of a slope from a disadvantage into an advantage of the site, its highlight and the most noticeable element of landscape design.

Equipping a site with a slope, one should not forget about convenient ways of movement.
If the slope is very noticeable, of course, one cannot do without ladders and steps.

1. Deck

Above the slope, you can build a real deck from a decking board. From this site will open beautiful view, and the deck itself will become perfect place for outdoor recreation. Most often, such sites are equipped near the house, but they can be built in any part of the garden that differs in slope.

The deck can be supported by poles or a solid concrete foundation. used terrace board, which perfectly withstands all temperature changes and is not afraid of moisture.

On the deck rising above the site, of course, will be installed garden furniture, which will allow you to turn an open area into a cozy area for family dinners in the fresh air.

2. Alpine slide

This element of landscape design traditionally rises above the site, and when arranging an alpine hill, you usually have to make an embankment. So why not use a natural slope, which will be the perfect location for such a "stone bed".

To create an alpine slide, flowers are used that feel good on rocky soil and slopes, strengthen the earth. This arrangement will emphasize the "stony flower bed", highlighting it from the surrounding space.

3. Terracing

Have you ever seen rice fields located on the slopes on separate steps? The same method can be used in the country. Experts advise creating three or four terraces in areas with a height difference of about three meters. For their arrangement, retaining walls made of concrete are used, reinforced mesh, stones or boards.

Each such terrace can have its own function - beds with vegetables will appear on one, shrubs on the second, and a flower bed on the third. These will be pronounced separate zones with their own borders, united, for example, by an inclined path, stone or wooden steps. Terracing is done across the slope.

The disadvantage of terracing is that the supporting walls themselves will take up a lot of space, so there will be less land left for flower beds and beds.

Experts advise building the outer side of each terrace with a slope towards the slope to ensure natural water runoff during heavy rains.

Metal plates can also serve as retaining walls. In this case, professionals advise adding natural materials and elements, such as large boulders, that will soften the coldness of the metal.

Gabions can be used as a retaining wall on a site with a slope.

4. Stream and waterfall

If your site has a slope - this is a great opportunity create artificial stream or a waterfall. To do this, you do not have to equip the embankment and worry about the flow of water, everything will happen naturally. A water cascade can also decorate a retaining wall supporting one of the terraces.

The slope is already there, it remains to take care of the course of the future stream and think about exactly where your future river will flow.

The stream-cascade on the slope, surrounded by lush thickets of juniper, looks very natural, it seems created by nature itself.

5. Vertical garden

On a site with a slope, the most noticeable part will, of course, be the upper wall or fence. Its design should be given special attention, for example, to create a beautiful vertical garden.

Along the most visible, located at the top wall of the site, you can arrange tall plants in flowerpots or pots. Use tricks vertical gardening maybe on the wall. Perfect fit climbing plants, for example, parthenocissus, honeysuckle, common ivy or vichi grapes.

6. Observation deck with a bench

A site with a slope usually does not offer a place to relax - only terraces and paths with steps connecting them. Allocate one terrace for a small seating area - plant a tree there, and install a bench in its shade. It will turn out beautiful viewpoint where it will be so nice to sit with a book or just admire your lush garden. Of course, for the arrangement of the viewing area, it is better to choose one of the upper terraces to provide a beautiful view.

Find a place on the site for a swing sofa or a regular bench and you will get a great seating area with a view of the whole lower part site.

7. Ornamental garden

A plot, even with a strong slope, is not a reason to abandon the cultivation of herbs, spices and vegetables. True, the arrangement of the beds will have to be taken care of additionally. Perfect fit high beds in special vases.

This site has a strong slope, but this did not stop the owners from equipping a garden that looks attractive and will bring a good harvest.

In the tight space between two retaining walls from the stone in any case there will be enough space for cabbage and greens.

8. "Wild" slope

It is not at all necessary to bring your site with a strong slope into perfect order. It is quite possible to leave it in its natural state, providing only a convenient descent-ascent in the form of steps or stairs. And on the sides of the path, let such plants that do not require constant care grow, such as crocuses, botanical tulips, mint and lemon balm, bluebells, St. John's wort, ayuga.

By the way, everything ground cover plants perfectly strengthen the slopes. In addition, for this purpose, you can plant sea buckthorn, brooms, wild rose, lilac, cotoneaster, Japanese quince- all these shrubs do not require special care and feel great on an inclined surface, holding the soil with their roots.

Who said that a site on a slope must necessarily be decorated with regular flower beds with their clear boundaries, have a “sleek” civilized look? Do natural slopes with their wild flowers and shrubs look less attractive?

In conclusion, we note that landscape design experts are confident that it is easier to design a plot with a slope when the house is on a hill. However, if there is no other way out and the cottage had to be located at the very bottom of the slope, do not despair - many of our tips can also be used for such an arrangement, which is considered the most disadvantageous.

In general, many professionals are convinced that a flat terrain is too boring, but a natural slope can be used "to the fullest", turning it into an extraordinary beautiful place. Try it, perhaps, after the completion of the work, you will also be convinced of their correctness!

located on the slopes suburban areas different from land plots located on the plains. Due to the peculiarities of the soil and relief differences, the owners have to face the need to implement additional work. In most cases, to solve the existing problems, it is necessary to resort to the installation of retaining walls, terracing and the construction of special structures that help strengthen the soil layer.

Land on a slope - what can be done

A detailed study of many nuances and a thoughtful approach make it possible to obtain original solutions. Incorrigible at first glance, the shortcomings turn into a highlight, as a result of which the summer cottage located on the slope acquires attractive advantages that delight the neighbors.

In order for the efforts expended not to be wasted, it is advisable to study the area before starting work in terms of its further planning. Special attention focus on functionality.

The buildings built into the slope look very original. This tactic widens the circle architectural solutions through the implementation of additional exits to the adjacent territory from different levels.

At the planning stage, it is desirable to determine the locations:

Saving time and effort also turns into early marking of sites for:

  • flowerbeds;
  • gazebos;
  • canopy;
  • recreation areas.

The slope can also be used for arranging a cellar.

In the photo - the manufacture of retaining walls

A careful study of level differences and ledges can lead to non-standard solution in the field of landscape design.

Some corners seem to be created by nature for:

  • waterfalls;
  • streams;
  • light openwork.

Rocky areas are ideal for rockeries that recreate a mountain landscape.

Steep slope fighting

Dominant part summer cottages used for planting trees, ornamental and agricultural plants.

Realization of the goals set is impossible without reducing the degree of steepness of the slope.

  1. To solve this problem, one often resorts to simple method relief transformations, such as terracing.
  2. During the development of the terrace plan, it is important to work out ways to connect individual sections.
  3. As the latter, level paths or stairs can be used.
  4. Ascents and descents on steep steps are fraught with rapid fatigue. As a result, it is highly desirable that the height difference between the elements does not exceed 10 cm.
  5. Stairs oriented to heavy loads should be wide.

Tip: when building, give preference monolithic structures, erected according to the formwork method from a concrete mixture.

  1. Decorating with stones and tiles is started at the end of the main work.

Tip: for construction small stairs use wood and natural stones fixed with cement mortar or laid dry.

The transformation of the landscape begins after drawing up a site plan. A sketch created on the ground will also come in handy. Steep slopes require building more terraces.

Tip: when arranging the latter, one should not forget about the level of difference. The value of this indicator should tend to a minimum.

Support structures

To enhance the stability of the erected terraces, supporting walls are used, the main function of which is to hold the soil and redistribute the pressure exerted by it. Consider different materials:

  1. The method uses round timber, the diameter of which ranges from 80-130 mm. Thin logs and poles are treated with a special water-repellent impregnation. With their help, do-it-yourself support walls of small height are erected.
  2. The option is based on fastening boards or timber to previously installed pillars. The soil must be well compacted. In some cases, it is necessary to build concrete base. As a waterproofing layer can be polyethylene film or roofing felt, laid on the supporting wall. The last step is backfilling the top level.
Stone In practicality supporting walls from stone, people were convinced several centuries ago. The basis of the method, which does not require the presence of a solution, was the selection of stones of appropriate shapes and sizes. Implementation this method In practice, it requires creative thinking and perseverance. The price of work depends on the volume.
Concrete Individuals who are far from building can resort to the method of pouring monolithic concrete. It does not require special knowledge and the arrangement of supporting walls from natural stone fixed with a solution.
Blocks and bricks The instruction allows the construction of supporting walls from such materials. Before laying, work related to the creation of monolithic foundation. Most often, for these purposes, a tape variety is used, which attracts owners with a high degree of reliability. With its help, high terraces are equipped, which are characterized by large drops.

The problem of excess moisture

The effective functioning of the supporting walls is impossible without the presence of a drainage system. With an excess of moisture, the drainage layer successfully fights, for the construction of which sand and gravel are used.

Cope with the task:

  • drainage pipes laid in the direction of the slope of the terraces (1 pipe is laid for every 2.5 m);
  • if required, drainage trays can be used.

Backfilling of the terrace is carried out in the following order:

  • the drainage layer is covered with an infertile layer of soil;
  • top is plant soil.

Remember, the possibility of soil settlement is not ruled out. The occurrence of this complication is most likely during the first few days.

Tip: it is advisable to start work related to the improvement of the site after filling up the settled soil.


Summer cottages on a slope can be turned into interesting territories using the terrace method. You will not only add usable area, but also make your place original. Only it is necessary to strengthen the slope in advance with the help of props.

The video in this article will help you find Additional information on this topic.


beautiful landscaping garden retaining wall

The difference between a site on a slope and a flat landscape is that its development involves a thorough study and accounting natural features directly related to the terrain.

Inclined sections also have undoubted advantages - as a rule, there is no problem of high ground water, and such a site cannot be called boring, and some disadvantages. These include a large number of earthworks and less freedom in the choice of location for the location of buildings. In order for the result of creating landscape design to please you for many years, you need to approach its creation thoroughly.

It is especially important to consider the following terrain characteristics:

  • The orientation of the slope to the cardinal points.
  • Slope angle.
  • Direction and strength of prevailing winds.

The first item on this list will tell you about the illumination of the area. It is exactly what light regime has been established on your slope that will play a decisive role in the choice of plants. The southern slope is lit by the sun from morning to late evening. Here the snow melts early, but the soil dries out more strongly, and many plants in the southern latitudes suffer from the scorching heat. The northern slope is the least prone to insolation, and this limits the use of light-loving plants. The western and eastern slopes are quite favorable for placing green spaces, it is only necessary to take into account the direction of the shadow.

The slope angle largely dictates both the zoning of the site and the need for stairs, terraces, and retaining walls. These engineering structures not only make the site harmonious and comfortable. The higher the slope, the stronger the erosion of the soil, when the top fertile layer is washed down. The creation of steps hinders this process.

An unpleasant feature of the sloping terrain is the movement of air masses along the slope. Cold air flows down, stagnating in natural or artificially created hollows. Late frosts are possible in these places. A warm wind rising up dries up the soil during the hot months. It is necessary to locate buildings and recreation areas on a site on a slope, taking into account the prevailing winds.

How to start slope development

It is very difficult to imagine the intricacies of an inclined section, simply by drawing its plan on paper. It is much clearer to create its three-dimensional layout. This can be done using ordinary plasticine. By giving the plot layout the most realistic relief shape and slope angle, you will clearly see its features, determine the most appropriate location of the house and other buildings, paths, parking and recreation areas. At this stage, correlating the relief with the trajectory of the sun, it is worth considering optimal location garden, tall trees, vegetable garden areas. Be sure to resolve the issue of organizing the movement of people around the site - you may need to arrange stairs. And now it is worth planning the most advantageous places for placing a rockery or an alpine hill, a dry stream - these decoration elements are most appropriate and look very advantageous in areas with difficult terrain.

Design suburban area on the slope - photo

Then comes the turn of communication design. Particular attention should be paid to water supply and sanitation. An inclined site does not always imply the presence of secluded corners hidden from view, therefore all engineering structures must be aesthetically impeccable. At the same stage, the issue of the organization of drainage is solved. Water flows must be directed to channels specially designated for them, otherwise, over time, the relief of the site will change. Some areas located on the slopes are swampy in the lower part. This problem is solved by arranging a pond or digging a ditch.

Start planning the terraces. They are flat areas of various widths, located at different levels. From below, the terrace can be bordered by a specially erected retaining wall, but in large areas, terracing is sometimes dispensed with without them. In this case, a sharp slope between the terraces should be protected with geotextiles.

Features of the choice of plants

Of course, the final choice of plants for green spaces is dictated by the tastes of the site owners. But it is imperative to take into account the compliance of the selected trees and shrubs with the climatic features of the area and give preference to the most hardy species with a well-developed root system. Here are the principles for selecting plants for the slope:

  • The complex relief of the site also implies a complex species composition of plants. This means that on the slope there must be a place for both coniferous and deciduous trees, low shrubs and a flat lawn. Such diversity will give the site naturalness.
  • In addition to ornamental, plants perform a slope-strengthening function. Dense turf holds the soil, bushes across the slope prevent landslides.
  • Plants living on slopes must put up with a lack of moisture. Choose the types natural conditions inhabiting hills and mountain slopes.

If we talk about sites located on the hills in middle lane Russia, then conifers feel good here - cedar, mountain pine, junipers, varieties of spruce. From deciduous trees birch, hazel, microbiota should be preferred, in a humid climate - willow. There are many shrubs suitable for growing on slopes. For example, barberry, white derain, lilac, elderberry, brooms - a variety of shapes and colors will already allow you to create a wonderful composition. Irreplaceable deciduous flowering plants- hostas, daylilies, irises. Fescues will create a beautiful sod of the lawn. And, of course, all kinds of plants for rockeries will decorate the retaining walls - sedums, stonecrops, tenacity.

The slope, for all its complexity, allows you to create a unique and original design of the site. The main thing is to take into account natural factors, overcome soil erosion, arrange convenient zoning and populate the site with suitable plants.

Video - landscape design of a site on a slope
