Favorite flowers. Ground Cover Plants: Weed Control

Constant weed control is a headache for any gardener. You can, in the old fashioned way, almost daily weed with a chopper. But there are other methods of weed control that have become widespread in modern gardens. One of the effective and reliable methods is landing ground cover plants.

Ground cover plants are useful garden plants covering the soil with a dense carpet through which weeds cannot break through.

Periwinkle on the road. Photo: Forest & Kim Starr.

Ground cover plants are shrubs, lianas, many herbaceous plants, which form dense thickets in the garden. Most ground cover plants propagate themselves using creeping shoots or underground roots. For a couple of years, they form a dense plant carpet in the garden, through which not a single weed can break through.

Ground cover plants include periwinkle (Vinca L.) (pictured left), saxifrage (Saxifraga L.), sedum or sedum (Sedum L.), iberis or candytuft (Iberis L.), etc.

How to prepare your garden for planting ground cover plants

Before planting ground cover plants in the garden, it is necessary not only to remove all weeds, but also carefully plow and loosen the soil, remove the roots of all weeds from it, especially such as gout and wheatgrass. Then, on the prepared soil, it is necessary to apply a layer of compost 1-2 cm thick, leave it for several days, wait for the weeds remaining in the ground to germinate, once again carefully weed everything and process it with a cultivator. And only after all these procedures start planting ground cover plants.
In the photo on the right: rocky iberis ( Iberis saxatilis L.).

How to plant ground cover plants

Ground cover plants should be planted as densely as possible. The gaps between the seedlings are covered with pine bark mulch. When the first shoots sprout, just cut the plants to half their length. After pruning, intensive branching of the lower shoots of plants occurs, and this is exactly what we need. As a result, ground cover plants create a very dense living carpet in the garden, which is not afraid of any weeds.
In the photo on the left: shadow saxifrage ( Saxifraga umbrosa L.).

A beautiful carpet of ground cover plants will not only decorate your garden, but also reliably protect against weeds.

The most popular ground cover plants are described in the article.


Every gardener wants his garden to look beautiful and well-groomed. But for this you have to constantly engage in weeding.

Weeds feel at ease where there is free space. And it is better to adhere to the main rule: the soil should not remain bare. For this, there are, for example, mulching or denser planting of plants, which eventually close together, suppressing the growth of weeds.

Ground cover plants against weeds

This includes creepers and herbaceous perennials, shrubs and conifers of prostrate forms. They differ in their requirements for light, soil and moisture; can be quite low (up to 1 cm in height) and quite tall. But they are united by the ability to create a dense ground carpet. Actively growing and capturing new territories, they oppress and gradually displace weeds, even such as wheatgrass. But in order for the ground cover to fulfill its task, you need to create good starting conditions for them. Prepare the soil, carefully select plants for specific conditions, taking into account their environmental requirements. After all, only a healthy and strong plant is able to withstand the onslaught of weeds.

Some of the ground covers are quite aggressive, and what is good at controlling weeds can be a problem at other times.

Add color to the garden Most ground cover plants are ornamental and profusely flowering plants that will not only fill the free space, but also add color to the garden.

On dry sunny places or slopes with poor sandy soil, thyme, sapling, undersized carnations, subulate phloxes, various stonecrops, small-leaved and New Zealand acenas grow well, cat paw. In the penumbra looks good spotted lamb with silvery leaves. Wallenstein, tenacious, periwinkle, Julia's primrose grow in a dense carpet. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, fragrant violet blooms under the crowns of trees. Its purple flowers combined with yellow-flowered primroses form very colorful carpets.


Of the taller ground cover subtrees, pachysandra, Goryanka, and heart-leaved tiarella grow well. A dense carpet, even in heavily shaded areas, forms an evergreen hoof.

In open areas, evergreen bergenia is good. For shaded, wet places, the loosestrife and Indian dyushene are perfect. In narrow gaps, between the tiles of the paths, you can plant creeping thyme, rough kotula.

Many low-growing groundcovers can be used as turf substitutes where lawn grasses do not take root.

Aggressive will have to be restrained

All listed plants are only a small part of this wonderful group.

Monetary loosestrife, planted among large perennials, will not cause harm, but, for example, it is inappropriate on an alpine hill, because, rapidly growing, it begins to oppress more delicate neighbors. Therefore, when choosing plants, it is better to think over everything in advance. And then the ground cover from the category of helpers will not move into the category of weeds.


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Group of ground cover plants

Weed control is a lot of trouble for any gardener. You can use the old-fashioned way with the use of a chopper. But in our time there are more convenient and reliable methods of dealing with bad plants - weeds. Useful plants come to the rescue. The whole trick is that it is necessary to cover the soil with a dense vegetation cover.

The group of ground cover plants combines all herbaceous perennials, shrubs, lianas, capable of forming dense thickets on the soil surface. Most of them propagate themselves by means of underground rhizomes, root offspring or superficial creeping shoots and in a few years form living carpets of such density that weeds have no chance to break through them.

Before planting ground cover plants, the rhizomes of weeds such as wheatgrass and gout should be removed from the soil. This must be done carefully and better with a digging fork, leaving not even the smallest pieces of rhizomes from which new weeds can quickly grow. After that, after loosening the soil, spread mature compost over it with a finger-thick layer and wait for a while for the weed seeds remaining in the soil to sprout and then they must be removed. Treat the soil with a cultivator again and only then proceed to planting ground cover plants.

To forget about pesky weeds forever and grow an impenetrable cover in a short time, the plants are planted thicker, and the remaining gaps are covered with pine bark mulch. Plants that form shallow creepers can be planted at longer intervals, but only weed control in these places can be delayed. In the remaining gaps, you can cover with pine bark mulch.

In the fight against weeds, the related mountaineer, mountaineer, triple Waldstein, pachysandra can win. Goryanka and wallenstein - in semi-shady and shady places, and mountaineer and pachysandra - on moderately moist soils, where there is more sun. Highlander related, reaching a height of 25 cm, forms dense living carpets of pink candles in sunny places and in partial shade on fertile and moist soils. Its flowering lasts for several months - from June to October. One of the best representatives of ground cover plants of the Wallenstein. Only shrubs and such persistent perennials as Volzhanka dioecious can compete with this strong perennial plant with always fresh evergreen leaves.

Evergreen flower-bearing stonecrop should be planted where there is a lot of sun, on dry soils, under the scorching sun. You can arrange a carpet of roses. Good for sunny locations resistant species ground cover roses. Periwinkle works well for shady areas with nutrient-rich soil. Ivy knows how to conquer the highest peaks and masterfully crawl in a plastunsky manner. Creeping tenacious - undersized herbaceous perennial with bright flowers rich blue color and winter-green rosette leaves - prefers moderately moist soil and partial shade.

Pruning is recommended immediately after planting ground cover plants. Without pruning, ground cover plants with creeping shoots such as ivy, cotoneaster and periwinkle begin to grow intensively. As a result, the soil around the lower parts of the shoots remains open and very quickly pays off with weeds. After cutting the shoots to half their length, intensive branching begins on lower parts shoots. As a result, the plants, while maintaining a compact form, create a dense cover and suppress weeds.

You can create universal flower beds or several beds (see "vegetable beds"), mixing on them different cultures, vegetables, salads, flowers and ornamental plants. Such beds can be formed according to the principle of utility, planting next to vegetables, cultivated flowers that can be medicinal and edible. Such flowers will not only protect capricious vegetables from pests, but also decorate our beds.

Zinnias and marigolds can be placed on a bed with tomatoes. A wildly climbing cacophony can be placed next to cucumbers and pumpkins. Borage will save vegetables from stagnant water and attract pollinating brethren. Borage is not only a wonderful soil baking powder and honey plant, but also an excellent medicinal and spicy plant. Calendula can be planted in any garden. It has a positive effect on the soil, is able to drive away pests, and has medicinal properties.

Sunflower and nasturtium are useful. Nasturtium will get rid of weeds and will decorate the garden until frost. Other flowers are also useful and beautiful - chrysanthemum, fragrant pelargonium, clary sage, cuff, mallow. Chistets, licorice and mullein have valuable medicinal properties.

When planning, it is necessary to take into account growing conditions, location requirements, individual characteristics of plants. When creating vegetable beds, do not use tall giants with a powerful root system or overly aggressive, fast-growing carpet plants. And it is better to refuse some because of possible harm, for example, slugs can attack the delphinium, and this is bad for vegetables. Source: http://www.florets.ru

House, garden

Precautionary measures to protect the garden from weeds. Mechanical and chemical methods of weed control

Weed control with ecological methods that preserve the integrity of the complex living system of the garden is important element concept of organic gardening. Weed control measures are preventive and destructive. The latter include mechanical and chemical methods weed control

Weed control: preventive measures, weed control

Preventive weed control measures are aimed at making it difficult for weeds to enter the garden, flower garden and vegetable garden and at protecting existing plantings from weeds. At first glance, preventive weed control seems complicated, but in the end it saves the gardener a lot of time and labor costs. So, how to prevent the spread of weeds in the garden?

Don't over-dig the soil unnecessarily, and avoid the proverbial "fall and spring garden digs" strongly recommended by many gardening manuals in the recent past. Digging and transshipment of the soil raises deeply stored weed seeds to the surface. and light stimulates their further growth. No extra weeds in - no need for extra fighting with them.

Do not leave an unused area of ​​soil open for more than two weeks. Either start planting soon, or cover the soil with black plastic or garden material and leave it on until planting begins. Dark garden material not only suppresses the growth of weeds. seeds of which are always in the soil, but also contributes to additional heating of the soil.

For irrigation, use drip systems that provide targeted water to the roots. cultivated plants. Avoid irrigation systems that irrigate wide areas, including weeds growing on them.

Carry out an annual rotation (crop rotation) of vegetable crops. In our special article at the link above you will find simple circuits crop rotation by families.

For successful weed control, plant vegetables and flowers more densely, leaving only the minimum space between plants necessary for growth and development.

Planting seedlings in most cases is preferable to sowing seeds in open ground. The latter are too easily clogged with stronger and more viable weeds.

One of the most effective weed control measures is regular mulching of the soil and plantings. Almost all plants respond well to mulching, it is only important to choose the right mulch (mulching material). It can be newsprint and cardboard, special garden materials and plastic, coconut and cocoa bean shells, fallen leaves. cut grass, gravel and crushed stone, hay and straw, chopped wood, bark, shavings and sawdust, garden compost, densely planted ground cover or "green manure"... Always leave a few inches of mulch-free space at the very base of the plant. It is best to do the first mulching immediately after planting, and then add a fresh layer of mulch at least once a year, and preferably two.

Lay garden paths and make a seating area only in those places where you will really use them often, otherwise they will quickly become overgrown with weeds.

Weed control: mechanical and chemical methods

Preventive weed control can greatly reduce the number of weeds. but, unfortunately, they will not be allowed to completely get rid of them. Therefore, preventive measures must be supplemented by regular mechanical methods weed control - the usual weeding and uprooting of rhizomatous perennial weeds. Sometimes, especially difficult cases, a chemical weed control measure (use of pesticides) may be required. Chemical methods weed control is better not to apply unless absolutely necessary and use them pointwise, at the destination.

Manual weeding or weeding with a chopper, hoe, Fokine flat cutter and other special tools. It is easier to weed in the spring, when young weeds are just emerging. Further weeding is done during the season as needed. It is easier to weed in well-drained soil. Weeding as a weed control measure. effective in beds with vegetables and in flower beds.

Weed control. How, with little effort, to clear the neglected area from weeds, where there were no cultural plantings at all before (wasteland on the site, part of the wild garden)?

When the soil is well moistened by rains, uproot only perennial rhizomatous weeds (dandelions and the like), apply fertilizer with a long decomposition period to the surface of the soil ( wood ash. bone meal), spread a layer of organic matter on top (dried mowed grass, partially decomposed leaves, beveled green manure - green manure, garden compost), then cover the entire problem area black garden film whole year. The next year, when you lift the film, you will see soft structural soil ready for planting.

Thermal destruction of individual weeds (performed using a special device that kills weeds with a flame or hot air). Especially effective for tiled paths and patios. You can destroy weeds with boiling water if this method is cost-effective for you.

The use of cultivators and electric plows that plow the land, crushing the weeds that have fallen. This method of weed control is effective in large open spaces, large-scale vegetable gardens or fields. After plowing, the land should be immediately sown / planted and planted with mulch, otherwise it will soon be covered with weeds again.

Pruning or mowing weeds under the root is often a forced weed control measure. giving a quick but short-lived effect (prevention of self-seeding). However, this measure should not be neglected if there is no way to do more. Weed mowing is used on large empty plots of land.

Chemical methods of weed control - the destruction of weeds with herbicides. Herbicides are poisons that destroy other plants. As already mentioned, precautions should be taken when using herbicides. Avoid inhalation of herbicides, contact of herbicides on open hands and body, as well as other plants. See also: How to protect your hands while gardening

Material and photos. Oksana Jeter, CountrysideLiving.net

Weed control in the garden

Comments: 3

It should be noted right away that not all plants that have settled on the site without permission are subject to extermination. The presence of a small number of weeds is necessary. They often serve as shelter or food. beneficial insects, when dying, they fertilize the earth, loosen the soil with their roots.

We make compost from them

Some gardeners try to get rid of weeds - they burn or take them out of the site. And they make excellent compost, and experienced gardeners know about it.

So: we find a secluded corner in the garden, away from the eyes and arrange a bunch there: we throw into it all the weeds weeded out during the season. And you can even any organic residues ( potato peelings etc.). A year later, the fertilizer is ready. Just remember that wheatgrass and thistle are not suitable for fertilizer. Their rhizomes can survive up to next year, and when introduced into the soil, we ourselves clog our site.

We insist liquid fertilizer

To do this, fill the third part of the barrel with freshly picked weeds and fill it to the top with water. A week later, top dressing is ready. It is universal and suitable for all crops, and it can be done every 7 to 10 days until mid-July. For this 2 - 3 liters liquid fertilizer dilute in a bucket of water and water the plants. And fermented weeds can be sent to compost heap. Cheap and efficient!

One of the most important items in the care of garden beds, gardens and lawns is the prevention and removal of weeds. Methods of control depend on the type of weed, its biological features and places of growth. Consider the main types of weeds and describe methods for controlling their spread.

Harm and benefits of weeds

Weeds are usually called plants that "settled" on the site in addition to cultivated crops. Fighting them takes a lot of time and effort from summer residents. To date, more than 2,000 weeds are known, including poisonous and harmful to animals - about 100 names.

No matter how hard we try, it’s impossible to get rid of weeds once and for all - they get to the site through a variety of sources:

  • some weed seeds "sit" in the soil and wait for favorable conditions for germination;
  • organic fertilizers - if the compost has not been properly processed;
  • low-quality seed;
  • seeds are carried by the wind, animals, people (on the soles of shoes).

Weeds cause significant harm to agriculture and landscape design:

  • drown out cultivated plants and reduce their productivity;
  • release harmful substances into the soil;
  • absorb a large number of nutrients and water;
  • create a shadow
  • can cause poisoning of pets;
  • are a hotbed for the development of diseases and pests of agricultural crops.

But, not everything is so clear. Agrotechnicians note that some types of weeds are beneficial. Weeds with powerful roots break soil compactions and loosen the soil, extract useful substances from a great depth that is not available to lawn grass and some garden crops. These plants make good fertilizer.

Weed classification

All weeds are classified according to three main biological characteristics:

  • life expectancy;
  • method of reproduction;
  • way of eating.

Depending on the life expectancy, weeds are divided into juvenile and perennial species.

Underage Weeds are propagated by seeds. This group includes:

  • ephemera - the growing season is less than one season;
  • spring - the growing season is the same as that of annual garden plants; more often than other weeds they infest cultivated crops;
  • winter annuals - sprout in early autumn; litter plantings perennial herbs and crops of wheat;
  • biennial - full cycle development includes two growing seasons.

perennial weeds can grow in one place up to 4 years. After the seeds ripen, the ground organs of the plant die off, and root system continues to develop. Every year, new stems grow from the underground part. Perennials reproduce vegetatively or by seeds.

According to the method of nutrition, the following types of weeds are distinguished:

Weed plants in the garden: names, descriptions, photos

Creeping wheatgrass lives in fields, gardens, orchards, in floodplains, along roads. It has a deep root system and quickly spreads over the site. The stem of the weed is erect, the leaves are flat, long with a rough surface. Wheatgrass is very resistant to adverse conditions, propagated by rhizomes on almost any type of soil, perennial cereal families. It is necessary to get rid of wheatgrass, especially if potatoes are planned to be planted.

If you do not fight wheatgrass, the lawn can be completely overgrown with weeds: photo

Field bindweed (birch)- perennial weed, enveloping the stems of plants. One plant can confuse up to 2 square meters crop areas. Berry bushes suffer the most from birch. The length of the stem is up to 180 cm, the leaves are arrow-shaped, the fruit is a two-celled box. The branched roots of the field bindweed go into the ground to a depth of five meters, so it is very difficult to completely get rid of the plant - the roots will have to be dug up.

Purslane garden- an annual plant with a reddish thick stem and fleshy leaves. The length of the stem is about 60 cm, the shoots of one plant can cover a significant area of ​​the garden. Purslane can be used medicinally and in cooking.

Mokritsa (chickweed)- wintering annual, ephemeral. Weed shoots appear in early spring, and when the time comes for the germination of cultivated plants, the wood lice grows into a solid green carpet. Carrot crops suffer greatly from this weed.

In the old days, woodlice predicted the weather for the near future. It was believed that if after sunrise the starflower flowers did not rise and open, then rainfall should be expected during the day.

Shiritsa upturned- spring early annual, characterized by very high fecundity. Don't be afraid of the weed seed mechanical influences and retain the ability to germinate for 5-40 years. The plant has a high pubescent stem (up to 150 cm), ovate-rhombic leaves, flowers are collected in a dense paniculate inflorescence. Seeds can germinate from a depth of no more than 3 cm.

Hedgehog (chicken millet)- clogs vegetable crops(sunflower, carrot, beet) at the beginning of their growth. In rainy years, it can completely drown out sparse young crops. The stem reaches 120 cm in height, the leaves are broadly linear, pointed at the edges, the inflorescence is a panicle with spiky single-flowered spikelets, filled with seeds that look like millet.

Cleavers- early spring annual. Distinctive feature- the trunk and leaves of the weed literally cling to clothes. The tenacious bedstraw appears on fertile, limestone-rich soils. The horse system of the weed is rod-shaped, the stem is tetrahedral up to 1 m high, there are small spikes bent down on the ribs of the stem. The flowers are collected in dense panicles, the flowering period is summer.

shepherd's bag- wintering annual, blooming from spring to late autumn. The viability of seeds is preserved for almost 35 years. The height of the stem is about 20-40 cm, the leaves are pinnately dissected, the root is taproot. White small flowers are collected at the very top of the stem, flowering of the weed continues all summer. During this time, the plant gives 2-4 generations (seeds fall off and immediately germinate).

Yarutka field- an annual plant with characteristic rounded fruits with a cut at the top. The height of the stem is no more than 40 cm, the leaves are collected in a rosette and are located near the ground. During the flowering period, the yarutka produces up to 50 thousand seeds. The maximum depth from which the seeds can germinate is 5 cm.

Thistle pink, better known as the field flower, is a common perennial weed plant that clogs any crops. The height of thistle can reach 1.5 m, the surface of the stem is prickly. The shape of the leaf is lanceolate, there are spines along the edges. mature plant has a powerful root system that grows up to 6 meters deep. On the bends of the root, buds are laid, giving the development of above-ground shoots.

The main source of clogging the garden with a bodyak is a vertical root. When fighting thistle, it is necessary to destroy the root system located at a depth of up to 60-70 cm

Lawn weeds: names, descriptions, photos

Bluegrass- An annual weed. At the beginning of growth, the plant is imperceptible, but over time, the weed blooms and stands out as ugly spots on the lawn carpet. Bluegrass thrives on compacted soils in lowlands. If the weed is removed in a timely manner, then it will not appear on the lawn for a long time.

Avoid appearing on the lawn dandelions whose seeds are dispersed by the wind. Best of all, dandelions "take root" on young, rarely planted lawns. weed plant has fleshy roots, which contain a large supply of nutrients. This must be taken into account when fighting weeds - for complete destruction, more than one treatment with selective herbicides will be required.

buttercup creeping- a perennial weed with a stem creeping along the ground. The length of the plant is about 1 m, the leaves are trifoliate. Buttercup reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. Favorably develops in damp and insufficiently lit places.

Moss, like buttercup, appears on damp soils in the lowlands. To combat it, the lawn must be regularly aerated and drainage ditches made. The height of the moss is no more than 50 cm. If you do not fight this weed, then it can completely displace lawn cereals and lead to waterlogging of the soil.

The appearance of moss may indicate a “poor” soil composition, a lack of nutrients and an excessive level of soil acidity.

Plantain often grows on over-compacted, trampled soil or in places where moisture stagnation is observed. A special garden fork is suitable for removing adult plants. If the plantains have grown significantly over the lawn, then selective herbicides should be used.

Speedwell thrives on moist soil rich in useful elements. Plant height - no more than 12 cm, the stem is thin, the flowers are pale purple. The weed propagates by shoots.

Clover- most problematic weed, delivering a lot of trouble to lawn owners. Perennial plant 15-50 cm high, root system - rod, leaves ovoid. The appearance of clover can signal a lack of nitrogen in the soil.

Active growth of clover can be provoked by potash and phosphorus fertilizers applied in spring

Mary white- frost-resistant weed on the site, growing from early spring to late autumn. The height of the plant can reach 1.5 m. The maximum depth from which the seeds can germinate is 10 cm. The plant must be removed before flowering, since one weed can produce about 500 thousand seeds with various terms seedlings.

Oxalis ordinary(hare cabbage) is a perennial plant with a powerful root system. Weed grows in groups and easily "clogs" lawn grass. Oxygen is very resistant to many chemicals, so the most effective way- uprooting the weed.

The presented photos and names of weeds will help to recognize and eradicate malicious pests in time.

Useful weeds in the area

Not all weeds are pests; useful wild plants can also be found in the garden and in the garden.

Cornflower blue- Healing seasoning in cooking. It is believed that the plant has a diuretic, analgesic, choleretic and wound healing effect. An infusion of flowers helps with boils, eczema and conjunctivitis. Dried cornflower inflorescences are used as a natural dye in cooking.

meadow clover attributed antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The plant is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and dry cough. Spring salads are prepared from clover flowers and young leaves, and dried shoots are added during cooking main courses.

young nettle- a valuable gift of spring. It contains a large amount of vitamin C and carotene. The use of a decoction of nettle stimulates the metabolism in the body and promotes weight loss. Nettle is used for cooking soups, borscht, cooking meat, omelettes and other dishes.

Horsetail- a perennial plant up to 60 cm high. It is used in the treatment of the bladder and as an antimicrobial agent. Dry grass is brewed, infused and drunk before meals. To improve blood circulation and alleviate conditions in rheumatic diseases, it is recommended to take "horsetail" baths.

Highlander bird (knotweed)- an annual weed growing in gardens, parks, gardens and lawns. Knotweed contains many biologically active substances: coumarins, flavonoids, essential oils, vitamins and phenolcarboxylic acids. The plant can be used as an antipyretic for colds or externally to speed up the healing of wounds and ulcers.

Weed Prevention

It will be much easier to fight weeds in the garden and lawn if there are not too many of them. For this, preventive measures must be taken.

Prevention of the appearance of garden weeds:

Every gardener wants his yard to look beautiful and well-groomed. But for this you have to always do weeding

Weeds feel free in the place where there is free space. And it is better to adhere to the main rule: the earth should not remain bare. To do this, there are, for example, mulching or a denser planting of plants, which eventually close together, suppressing the growth of weeds.

ground cover plants against weeds

I include creepers and herbaceous perennials, shrubs and conifers of prostrate forms. They differ in their requirements for light, moisture and soil; can be quite low (up to 1 cm in height) and quite tall. But they are united by the ability to create a dense ground carpet. Actively growing and capturing new territories, they oppress and gradually crowd out weeds, even such as wheatgrass. But in order for the ground cover to perform its own task, it is necessary to create good starting conditions for them. Prepare the ground, carefully select plants for specific conditions, taking into account their environmental requirements. Since only a healthy and strong plant is able to resist the onslaught of weeds.

Some groundcovers are quite aggressive, and what is great at controlling weeds can be a problem in others.

Add color to the garden Most of ground cover - decorative and profusely flowering plants that will not only fill the free space, but also add color to the garden.

On dry sunny places or slopes with poor sandy soil, thyme, sapling, low-growing carnations, awl-known phloxes, various stonecrops, small-leaved and New Zealand, cat's foot grow beautifully. In the penumbra, a speckled lamb with silvery pages looks good. Wallenstein, tenacious, periwinkle, Julia's primrose grow in a dense carpet. In spring, when the snow melts, fragrant violets bloom under the crowns of trees. Its purple flowers, combined with yellow-flowered primroses, form very colorful carpets.

Of the taller soil subtrees, pachysandra, Goryanka, and heart-leaved tiarella grow well. A dense carpet, even in very heavily shaded areas, forms an evergreen hoof.

In open areas, evergreen bergenia is good. For shaded wet places, the coined loosestrife and Indian dyusheneya are great. In narrow crevices, between the tiles of the paths, it is possible to plant creeping thyme, rough kotula.

Many low ground cover can be used as a lawn substitute in a place where lawn grasses do not take root.

Aggressive will need to be restrained

All listed plants are only a part of this wonderful group.

Monetary loosestrife, planted among large perennials, will not cause harm, but, for example, it is inappropriate on an alpine hill, because, rapidly growing, it begins to oppress more ticklish neighbors. Based on this, when choosing plants, it is better to think over everything in advance. And then the weak ones from the category of assistants will not move into the category of weeds.
