The most effective way to advertise real estate. Text for a real estate agency: examples of how to write sales advertisements

Advertising is one of the important tools in the sale of real estate. It is used by developers, realtors, and citizens who sell apartments or country houses. There are many ways to advertise an apartment, but each sale case is unique, and it happens that general rules are not suitable for him, you need to act outside the box.

This article is a reference and information material, all the information in it is presented for informational purposes and is for informational purposes only.

The common phrase “advertising is the engine of trade” is also relevant for the real estate market. True, the market square meters- a heterogeneous mass: it consists of segments of urban new buildings, "secondary", suburban housing, and the "fence" is also, in turn, "primary" and "secondary". "" decided to figure out in detail which advertising move would be most suitable for each segment.

Resale: the most popular segment
In the secondary market, advertising is placed not only by professionals - realtors or private brokers, but also by the owners of real estate themselves, that is, citizens.

Realtors in this sense are more active, therefore, they have a wider range of sources for advertising. Elena Karpova, Head of Marketing at SEZAR GROUP, considers the most popular real estate communication channel professional bases WinNer, CIAN and others. "Any agent will first turn to these sources for information," the expert says.

Sometimes realtors go through the trial method to choose best channel to advertise the property. According to calculations Anton Lyubin, Deputy Director for Sales and Marketing, CJSC Zheldoripoteka, average term the exposition of a liquid object on the secondary market is 1-2 months, and, as a rule, it is enough to advertise in specialized publications, as the object immediately gets into the database of realtors. And in 2-3 weeks, depending on the advertising platform, it will be possible to understand the effectiveness of advertising and the relevance of the offer and its price.

Wanting to find a buyer for an apartment, realtors actively use banner ads on windows and balconies, post information on bulletin boards in porches, on fences and poles. As told to us Petr Masharov, CEO Century 21 Eurogroup Real Estate, company agents distribute leaflets around the area, lay them out on mailboxes. In addition, they advertise in the most famous advertisement newspapers, while trying not to forget to take a picture of the object.

Citizens in principle try to do the same. people give advertisements in various sources on the Internet, and, as noted Vitaly Lvova, General Director of Promotion Realty, Increasingly, sellers are choosing low-budget or free sources where you can place your ad without any effort. Pavel Lepish, General Director of Domus Finance, the same group of sources includes forums and social networks. Rarely, but it happens when people create a business card site for the object being sold. “Unlike ads, which are limited in terms of parameters and amount of text, on a mini-site you can describe the advantages of housing in as much detail as possible and place a large number of photographs,” the expert explains.

People also resort to the help of the print media; they even use outdoor advertising, in particular, there are sellers who place banners with telephones on the balconies of apartments.

However, for each specific option, you need to look for your own approach. A case from practice told Yuri Sharanov, General Director of GCN-Group: the company had an apartment for sale, which was extremely difficult to sell. Ads were placed in various resources, but potential buyers rarely called. Then the realtors decided to put up ads in the area where the apartment was located. And it worked - a buyer quickly showed up. There was another apartment, which was also "hard going." "Having tried standard methods advertising and not having received a result, we went the other way - we hung a banner with an announcement of the sale on the wall of the house, - says the expert. “Buyers were found almost immediately - they were people from a neighboring house who saw the banner from the window.”

True, this method is not suitable for every apartment. “I remember once I saw a banner hanging at the level of the 25th floor of a residential building,” says the expert. Unless they happened to have binoculars with them.”

Petr Masharov (Century 21 Eurogroup Real Estate) also shared a story from practice. The company was contacted by people who tried to sell their property for several months, but in vain: they often looked at their apartment, but there was no result. It turned out that the owner advertised in the WinNer database and limited himself to this. But after all, this resource is mainly used by professionals, so realtors immediately realized that the visitors were their colleagues who came for the most part only to persuade the owner to enter into an exclusive contract for the sale with him. “After we joined the deal, the buyer was found in two weeks,” says the expert. “He lived in the same building, but it was only thanks to our leaflets that he found out that the apartment was for sale.”

Advertising within the boundaries of the cottage village is also popular in the suburban market. By placing a banner on his fence or right on the house, the real estate seller attracts buyers who want to acquire real estate in this particular village: often their parents, children or friends already live in it.

Advertising in the primary market
Advertising in the primary market is the most powerful in terms of the volume of tools involved, because in order to sell significant areas of housing being built, it is necessary to notify the widest possible audience. According to Olga Novitskaya, Director of Public Relations, MIC Group, the following communication channels are used to advertise real estate objects:

Outdoor advertising (boards of various formats, city formats). Mostly outdoor advertising is concentrated on a territorial basis (i.e. in the directions where the developer's objects are located);
- object advertising (advertising on the object). Here great importance be given to the design of the sales office (the presence of an illuminated logo, flagpoles, convenient navigation and pointers to the object);
- advertising in specialized media;
- advertising on the radio;
- contextual advertising ("Yandex Direct" / Google Adwords) for key queries;
- search engine optimization(SEO);
- media (banner) advertising - placement of advertising information with a link to the site in the form of a banner on specialized sites for the sale of real estate;
- advertising on routes vehicles(when a minibus, bus, tram is branded with a company logo indicating advertising information);
- affiliate programs (cross promotion);
- SMS-mailing;
- advertising on monitors shopping malls, fitness centers, etc.;
- SMM and advertising in in social networks;
- promotion through PR and participation in exhibitions.

The returns of these tools are different. “Internet sites and outdoor advertising are the most effective,” believes Alexey Ivanov, project manager in the valley of Vector Investments. And advertising in paper media now (unlike in the early 2000s, when it was just the most effective medium) is needed more to support the brand and to a much lesser extent - for direct contact with the consumer.

Outdoor advertising gives a good response in the geographical area of ​​placement, so it is widely used in the suburban market. In the urban housing market, outdoor advertising at the facility is also able to provide from a third to a half of the appeals of potential buyers.

At the same time, television advertising is useful at the start of a project or to maintain the image of a company, while radio works well for brand recognition and is especially effective as a communication channel for announcing promotions and promotions. special offers. At the same time, although the number of hits after radio broadcasts increases sharply, there is usually no jump in real demand: there is a large flow of “idle” hits.

Advertising in the city and in the suburban market
But the advertising of urban high-rise buildings and suburban villages is not the same thing. Methods that effectively promote new residential complexes in Moscow and the cities of the Moscow region will be ineffective for cottages, townhouses and summer cottages.

“To promote suburban real estate,” says Olga Novitskaya (GC “MITS”), “traditionally, outdoor advertising is used, media advertising on special sites dedicated to the suburban housing market, advertising in print media specializing in the same segment is possible.”

Among the numerous sources of advertising in terms of effectiveness, the expert singled out billboards. No less important role is played by the recommendations of the company's customers ( in simple words- word of mouth, or in the terminology of marketing WOM Word-of-mouth marketing - word of mouth). Experts assure that this communication channel is perhaps the most effective. The recommendations of partner banks can also be regarded as advertising for suburban facilities. The MIC Group said that a certain pool of customers comes as a result of recommendations received from banks in which potential buyers apply for a mortgage.

When selling urban housing, priorities change. “For our facilities,” says Anton Lyubin (CJSC “Zheldoripoteka”), “the most effective source is advertising at the construction site. This type of advertising is the least expensive and is aimed at people who have already made a purchase decision. According to them, the highest conversion of calls into transactions is 1:10. In second place is contextual advertising on Yandex - work with target customers whose needs the product meets. Also, a high proportion of customers are visitors to the corporate website due to its high-quality promotion (SEO - search engine optimization). For impulse stimulation of demand (promotions, special offers), banners on transport routes and prime-time radio advertising on specialized radio stations also work well.

There are examples when companies try to use all possible channels. According to Elena Karpova (SEZAR GROUP), promoting an apartment complex, the company advertises in almost all Internet databases, actively places outdoor advertising throughout Moscow, banner advertising on the Internet and advertising modules in the press. “In practice, the sale by advertisements can reach 5-7 apartments per month,” the expert clarifies.

And Anton Lyubin ("Zheldoripoteka") told how the effectiveness of advertising, which is being built by CJSC "Zheldoripoteka" in July-August, the vacation period, has increased significantly due to the adjustment of the text of advertising messages. Each advertisement was targeted at a particular target audience depending on its priorities: “3-room apartments for the price of 2-room apartments”, “apartments of 101 sq. m for 7.47 million rubles”, “2-room apartment for 5.4 million rubles”, “3-room apartments, 0% installment plan”.

Advertising payments
The choice of one or another advertising tool depends on the budget allocated for the promotion of the object. The most significant budgets have developers who build residential complexes or suburban cottage settlements. By promoting their properties, they stimulate sales and increase profitability. The budget of realtors is much smaller, but compared to the funds that are spent individuals, is higher in most cases.

According to Olga Novitskaya (MIC Group), on average, the cost of renting a 3 x 6 shield can range from 40,000 to 120,000 rubles. per month (it all depends on the location of the shield, the closer to the center - the more expensive). The cost of road navigation located on the Moscow Ring Road (one pointer) is about 450,000 rubles per year, in terms of a month - 37,500 rubles. Advertising in specialized media can vary from 40,000 to 300,000 rubles. per month. SEO optimization services cost from 30,000 - 120,000 rubles. per month, depending on the project and technical specifications. And the cost of placing advertising information with a link to the site in the form of a banner on specialized sites for the sale of real estate is in the range of 40,000 rubles. up to 200,000 rubles per month.

In the secondary market, the size of the advertising budget is directly dependent on the level of supply liquidity: the higher the second indicator, the lower the first. “If the price of an object is very attractive,” Yury Sharanov (GTsN-Group) explains, “the budget can be reduced to zero by placing an ad in free sources. If the object is complex (the price is higher than the market average), you will have to spend money on advertising.” For example, the size of the advertising budget outside the city will be about 10 - 15 thousand rubles per month. Subject to sale during the season, this object can be sold within 2 - 3 months. Elena Karpova (SEZAR GROUP) calculated that on the Internet the price of placing an ad varies from free (in free databases) to 23,000 rubles, and a private ad in a specialized newspaper will cost from 600 to 2,000 rubles.

Expert advice
Alexey Shlenov, General Director of MIEL Brokerage

However, the main factor here in the first place is marketing research of the market and a clear understanding of the price situation. Not making a mistake with the price is extremely important. Here it is best to contact a specialist, he will help to correctly position the apartment on the market. If we are talking about an apartment in Khrushchev, then it is natural that it is pointless to advertise it in glossy publications, and for an expensive apartment it is clearly not enough to confine yourself to an ad in “From Hand to Hand”.

On average, advertising costs of realtors are 10-15% of turnover. And if we talk about absolute figures, then the elite real estate agency spends about 2 million rubles per quarter on advertising. How do companies distribute the advertising budget and what determines the choice of certain media?

Representatives of the ten leading agencies in Moscow shared this information with our publication. True, most of the interlocutors agreed to answer questions only on condition of anonymity.

Image is nothing...

First, in order to simplify the task, we decided to separate the advertising of real estate objects and the image promotion of the company. But it turned out that among the ten companies there were only two that still had the “image advertising” item in the expense column. The image costs these players 15-20% of the total advertising budget.

Newspapers - 3-4%;
Magazines - up to 20%;
Outdoor advertising - up to 25%;
Internet - up to 40%

Interestingly, television and radio are considered useless for the image, and they prefer not to spend money on them at all.

However, most players consider image advertising itself to be ineffective. “After all, dry object advertising will remain only in contextual ad in the Internet," advertising director remarks Villagio Estate Anton Gololobov, - “whereas advertising of an elite object on the radio or in outdoor advertising automatically carries an image charge. The text of the video or the layout of the advertisement will be based on recognizable elements of the company's brand book.” the expert explains.

Objects are everything!

Generally speaking, on the one hand, you can immediately give 100% of advertising money to the Internet, since other advertising channels are no longer working,- says the partner of the company Chesterton Catherine Thane. - On the other hand, at the start of a facility under construction, full-fledged advertising campaigns are carried out using different channels, the budget of which in the first two or three months is from 400 thousand dollars a month, and then maintained at the level of 4-5 million rubles a month.

Let's start with newspapers. FROM right side the number of players from our ten surveyed companies is indicated, on the left side we see what percentage of their advertising budget they spend on advertising in newspapers:

0% - two companies
3-5% - three companies
10-15% - two companies
35-40% - three companies

On average, companies spend 14-15% of their advertising budget on newspapers.

0% - two companies
2-4% - three companies
10-15% - five companies

Thus, about 7% of advertising funds are given to magazines.

TV advertising_. None of the respondents use this channel to promote objects. The prices for TV advertising are exorbitant, and the effect is doubtful. Moreover, the television audience in recent times is rapidly shrinking. Real estate agencies prefer to work with television through PR-promotion. As a result, advertising blank" >real estate on television tends to zero.

0% - five companies
2-4% - two companies
10% - two companies
25% - one company

In total - about 5% for this source of information.

One of the most effective tools counts outdoor advertising.

0% - one company
10% - two companies
20% - three companies
40% - three companies
100% - one company

All this internet.

The most popular advertising channel is the Internet. Firstly, it is here that the vast majority of buyers are looking for real estate, and secondly, there are the best opportunities to structure and promptly update information about the object. Most players spend on online advertising from 30% to 80% of their budget.

The detailed layout looks like this:

15% - one company
30-35% - four companies
40-50% - two companies
60-70% - three companies

On average, it turns out that about 43-44% of the advertising budget is spent on Internet real estate agencies.

It is interesting that in a number of agencies a separate item of advertising expenses is the creation and promotion of the object's website - from 5% to 50% of the object's budget. As one of the marketers noted, this channel is considered the most effective in his agency: the site is the face of the object in the network.

To promote objects in social networks, blogs and forums - in a word, to everything that is now proudly called social media marketing, abbreviated as SMM - realtors are still wary, although they are already starting to spend advertising money here. Only two said that they do not spend a penny for these purposes, while the rest give figures from 3% to 5%.


On the one hand, we can conclude that the Internet is winning, television has lost, but the print press and radio do not give up. But it is worth considering that planning advertising campaigns is a rather complicated process. For example, according to Ekaterina Thain, radio advertising should run for six to eight weeks, and on five or six radio stations at once - shorter terms and coverage are simply ineffective. It is clear that at current prices, this channel can "eat up" the entire budget allocated for this period. Or share it with outdoor advertising and website promotion in search engines. At other times, all 100% will go to Internet resources and listing sites, if this is provided for by the company's strategy. And if advertising proves to be ineffective, the director of the advertising and PR marketing department of the company notes ZAO GUTA-Development Irina Ayatova, then the strategy and tools can quickly change.

A well-planned and executed advertising campaign will help convey information about the apartment for sale to all interested parties. Conversely, ignorance or ignorance important rules may deprive you of contact with a significant part potential buyers and stretch the process of selling an apartment for indefinite time.

Basic rules for a highly effective advertising campaign for the sale of an apartment

Preparatory stage

It is necessary to highlight and describe all the advantages of your apartment. The most important thing here is a fresh look and a creative approach. Any apartment has its own characteristics, pros and cons, and it is not always possible to unequivocally evaluate any feature.

The simplest example is the number of floors, for some the location of an apartment on the first or second floor is very undesirable, while for others it is an advantage, for example, for older people, you do not need to climb high if there is no elevator in the house.

Features that play a role when choosing an apartment:

  • kitchen size (people like big kitchens)
  • floor / view from the window (personally, I would give a lot for this)
  • house material (brick is held in high esteem)
  • closed area of ​​​​the house (creates a sense of security)
  • concierge (especially good if this position went to an elderly lady, an indispensable person in the house)
  • underground parking (in winter, the car rests warm)
  • quiet green courtyard (there are fewer of them)
  • water purification system in the house (recently it has become very relevant)
  • high-quality repair in the apartment (buyers really like a good repair)
  • built-in furniture that remains (sometimes very handy)
  • the presence in the immediate vicinity of infrastructure facilities (shops, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, bus stops)
  • Availability freight elevator(handy not only for furniture, many prams do not fit in conventional elevators)
  • Now it's your turn:)

Carefully! Such a list can cause you to love your apartment and not want to sell it.

If this is the case, be sure the list is of high quality!

Photos of the apartment

Be sure to take pictures of the apartment, photos make the ads more visible, and save you from many unnecessary calls and showings of the apartment.

Here the rule works: less is better. Choose the most Beautiful places in the apartment, be sure to grab a beautiful tile in your kitchen, new interior doors, a snow-white bath, it’s not bad if an expensive sofa gets into the frame, but it’s better to leave personal belongings and hygiene items behind the scenes. If the apartment has a depressing view, you can take a picture front door or the house itself.

Select 2-3 the most successful photos and slightly edit them, for example, in Photoshop. Usually I limit myself to making the picture brighter and more contrast, this creates a very good impression, it seems that there is a lot of light in the room and everything is new.

Writing advertising text.

Ads like "Khrushch, com. adjoining, comp. choir, balcony. don't fit at all.

Much better: Cozy apartment in brick house will delight you with a fresh renovation, a clean, green courtyard and a beautiful view of the park from the balcony. Bus stops and a shopping center are within a 5-minute walk.

Or like this: An apartment renovated by an Italian designer in a neoclassical style, with underfloor heating, a jacuzzi, German built-in furniture and Appliances, beautiful view from the window, oil-painted ceiling in the bedroom, 2 balconies, 2 bathrooms. node.

In the second case, of course, we are not talking about Khrushchev.

The description of specific material advantages has the greatest influence: the material of the walls of the house (brick is valued more than the panel), the quality interior decoration (plastic windows instead of Soviet wooden ones, tiles on the walls in the bathroom instead of painting, use natural stone and tree), the location of the house (panoramic view of the city, river or forest, the proximity of infrastructure facilities, being in an ecologically clean area).

Try to reflect in the ad visual images (view, new windows, fresh renovation), bodily sensations (the apartment is warm, comfortable), functionality (technological improvements in the house, infrastructure facilities, proximity to transport hubs), while not needing to spread too much, leave only the most important.

Placement of advertisements for the sale of apartments.

Now you need to get information about your apartment as far as possible. more potential buyers.

In Yandex, type the magic words “buy an apartment” and it will immediately give you the most popular sites where you can post ads. Register on them and post ads. Do this immediately on all the sites you like.

In the future, when you receive calls, ask where the caller saw the ad, so you will understand which sites to visit Special attention. In Perm, I place primarily on the metrosphere - it is viewed by all realtors, I also use,,, the federal sites and, and several other sites.

Place ads in local newspapers. In Perm, for residential real estate, I use only From hand to hand.

Make a schedule, for example, spend Monday and Thursday posting ads on the Internet, in a newspaper, an ad should be published in each issue.

Answering calls.

There will be a lot of calls, especially the first 2-3 weeks, all market participants, mostly realtors whose interests are affected by your apartment.

It doesn't have to be people interested in buying. It could be your competitors.

In the article “How to properly evaluate an apartment”, I recommended calling similar apartments to determine the price, now these options will call you, because your apartment will compete in price and quality with other objects.

I keep a call log, where I enter the date, phone number, name of the caller, the price that I announce, the terms of the purchase, the comment.

You should pay special attention to the conditions for buying an apartment.

Find out the source of funds, if it is cash, they should already be in the account, and not be expected from the sale of real estate, which may not be sold at the time you need. If it's a mortgage, find out if the application has already been approved or if it hasn't even been submitted yet. If you are offered a certificate, find out when to expect payment for the certificate, this process can take 1-2 months.

These preliminary steps will allow you to know exactly who you are dealing with, whether competitors are calling you, realtors who want to find a client, or whether it is really a realtor who is looking for an apartment for a client, or even a potential buyer himself.

After finding out important points feel free to invite to view the apartment, it is better to set aside special days for this, for example, weekends, and one or two evenings on weekdays, there can be a lot of impressions.

Read more about how to prepare an apartment for a showing.

The real estate industry has its effective ways advertising. There are certain promotion trends that are popular with developers. Each company wants to stand out from the background not only of its competitors, but also advertising of other goods and services. For this reason, it is increasingly possible to see a variety of creative ideas in housing advertising.

It happens that the expectation of the maximum result from an advertising campaign in the end remains unjustified. This often happens due to the unsuccessful design of advertising communication. Even if the advertising message is good, without proper design support, it is lost. Therefore, it is very important to follow what is relevant in the advertising of a particular industry and use it in your practice.

So, let's look at some working and effective techniques in real estate advertising.

So you don't understand right away.

Trend One - Don't post a picture of a house
Showing the house, that is, the product itself on a billboard, is not always relevant. This is justified if appearance home is a competitive advantage. For example, the facade looks great in the evening or has unusual design. Visualization will perfectly replace the image - a well-chosen image that will convey the essence of the advertising offer. The mechanism of action is as follows: the consumer is involved in deciphering the message, falling on the hook of a tempting picture, there is a "game of associations" and then it becomes clear what is at stake. If the layout is good (all elements are large, contrasting and easy to read) - this process takes 3-5 seconds.

happy at home

The second trend is to depict tenants busy with household chores

Why not make the target audience the protagonists of advertising? It is clear that all people are different and it is impossible to portray similar to everyone. The main thing is to show what will be typical for the majority. For example, pleasant household chores that happy owners do in a new, comfortable apartment.

In such ads, there are no stock photos of ideal families smiling with all snow-white 32 teeth. As one of our customers says: “These non-Orthodox faces are immediately visible!” :). Therefore, it is necessary to choose photos of “live” people with sincere emotions that are similar to your consumers.

And with the help of the image of a person, you can sell the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"emotions from a purchase." Only offer not a vague “happiness”, but feelings experienced from specific events: dinner with the family, furnishing an apartment, inviting guests to a housewarming party, etc. It is necessary to think carefully about what you offer the new owners of the apartment to do so pleasantly, and reflect this in advertising.

Not an advertisement, but a picture

The third trend is not to use photos, but to draw illustrations

Sometimes the problem is that a photo, even bought on stock, can be used by a competitor. This happens due to the fact that there are not so many high-quality stocks and suitable clipart.

Another common problem is that there is simply not one photo that is suitable for an advertising message.

To achieve uniqueness and reflect the essence of the proposal, you can create an illustration or photo collage.

Drawn communication catches the eye. Realistic images are certainly good, but they also become boring if everyone around uses them. The consumer's eye is "blurred" by the monotony of the message, and as a result, the billboard remains unnoticed. A colorful illustration with an amusing plot is interesting to look at :).

Such a hand-drawn format is easier for the audience to perceive due to the “packaging” of a serious question about buying a home in a “wrapping” of a colorful message.

And we have gas in the apartment

Trend Four - Display Key Benefits

There is a great reception - hosted:

The main advantage of the “product” is demonstrated to the buyer, which is also supported by a convincing, as realistic as possible image. This is great for the subconscious. A person clearly understands what exactly he is offered to buy.

Serious about serious

Trend #5 - Use Humor and Situational Marketing

The use of appropriate humor in advertising adds ease of perception. it good opportunity easier to present important information. It also allows you to set yourself apart from competitors, who for the most part are accustomed to a dry presentation of facts.

Everyone loves cats

Trend six - use images of pets

Sometimes the main characters outdoor advertising real estate become pets. Following the furious popularity of cats on the Internet, advertisers began to place cute little animals on banners and billboards.

What idea a fluffy image carries is sometimes difficult to make out. Well, in general, a pet symbolizes warmth, comfort, harmony, and leads to a pleasant thought that someone is waiting for you at home.

Balancing on the brink

Trend Seven - Realize Extreme Ideas

Can work well on creative ideas and develop well, sooooo provocative advertising. Sometimes the consumer needs to be awakened, shocked or outraged in order to win his attention.

If you advertise, do not see the desired result, and as a result come to the conclusion that the consumer “passes by” the usual beautiful / high-quality advertising, then this is for you. Just be sure to read the requirements of the FAS and the "Law on Advertising", so that there are no troubles.

To go beyond

The method of using an extender (when part of the image goes beyond the perimeter of the structure) is almost the most popular trend in advertising for all types of goods and services. The advertisers' love for extenders is explained by the many advantages they have:
  • advertising is noticeably different from the standard one due to the 3D effect;
  • attracts attention through unusual way submission of an advertising message;
  • occupies a larger area, so it is visible from afar.

So, all eight trends:

  • do not post an image of the house;
  • depict tenants busy with household chores;
  • do not use photographs, but draw illustrations;
  • display key advantage;
  • apply humor and situational marketing;
  • use images of pets;
  • implement extreme ideas;
  • use the extender in advertising.

This is only a small part of what exists in the advertising real estate market. And imagine how many things have not yet been invented?

You can apply one or several of the described trends in your advertising at once, without reinventing the wheel (these methods really work - how many companies cannot be wrong at the same time :)), or put your creative hand and create new trend which everyone else will follow. Try, experiment, be creative and you will certainly find your signature and effective technique.

Relative to the cost of building real estate, advertising is cheap. At the same time, the demand and success of the project completely depends on it. universal way there is no such thing as advertising real estate, but each type of building can have its own strategy features. We have collected the most common advertising methods that always help when working with residential premises, luxury buildings and offices.

Residential Properties

In order to quickly sell apartments in a house under construction or already built, you need to turn to advertising media designed for mass audience. In the segment budget apartments there are many every year construction projects, so the same and memorable slogan is needed on each of the media. It will help you stand out among others and be remembered by a wide audience.

The most effective carriers for residential real estate advertising are the categories included in the concept of outdoor advertising. A billboard installed directly on a house under construction should contain information about the price, telephone number and date of completion of construction (if it is a project in progress). Families renting apartments in the area and considering buying their own home will definitely pay attention and call you back. Stretch marks will receive even more attention in different places around construction.

Since proximity to the project is a key recommendation for placement advertisements for the sale of apartments, it is worth considering the regional and municipal newspapers. The advertisement in the newspaper should expand the information placed on the billboard of the house: the address, the exact prices, the footage of the apartments, the availability of balconies, the views from the windows and your contact information. An interesting way would be to advertise in the elevators of nearby houses: invite the audience to improve their living conditions without the tiring move to the other side of the city.

Elite real estate

Projects in luxury real estate are beginning to be advertised on early stages. It will be almost impossible to sell apartments without a convincing marketing campaign. Its key task is to create an opinion about the prestige of the object under construction and tell about what distinguishes it from ordinary housing. For example, an advertising campaign for the Legends of Tsvetnoy residential complex, which became famous thanks to Naomi Campbell, who allegedly lives in it. The campaign included a video, billboards, billboards and streamers featuring the model and the caption “Now you know where I live…”.

The average price for 8 videos per day in an ordinary cinema with five or six screens will be 240 thousand rubles. The price varies by region.

Office rooms

The audience for the marketing campaign for the office space project is the decision makers in large campaigns. Fortunately, advertising for this audience is not much more difficult to implement than other types of real estate advertising. The working day of the management of large and medium-sized companies takes place in the office, at meetings and on business trips. by the most the right time to contact advertising office space will be exactly working time when the client is set to make decisions related to his business. Therefore, it is recommended to place, presentable,. Placing a billboard close to the property is also often used during a marketing campaign on final stages construction.

An A3 ad in an elevator in a business center will be inexpensive: one frame costs from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, and if you use all the elevators in the building, the average cost per month will be 30 thousand rubles. An interesting option placement - branding of elevators. The cost is from 50 to 120 thousand rubles. per month, depending on what area was pasted over with a film for advertising.

Office advertising should contain information about its location, area and equipment. Depending on the media, you can enable Additional information, such as neighboring companies, the class of the business center, parking opportunities, the availability of canteens and.


Property promotiondifficult task, requiring each time individual approach. However, the combination of standard advertising media with creative options placement will make any audience pay attention to you. Even with a small budget, you can make a really successful advertising campaign. By understanding your audience and selecting the appropriate advertising outlets, you will ensure your property gets a lot of attention.
