Transit advertising: outdoor, indoor, on transport. transit advertising

Features of transit advertising as a channel for the delivery of advertising information

The effectiveness of transit advertising is the result of a large number of factors, so planning and conducting advertising campaigns requires the advertiser to know its individual features. The precisely chosen transit advertising format guarantees the attention of the target audience to its content, and a significant variety of advertising media makes it possible to form an advertising placement program in such a way as to ensure the largest number contacts with an advertising message, and hence greater memorability. At the same time, the presence of a variety of advertising media, including transit advertising, leads to "advertising noise", especially in large cities: the consumer can "get lost" in a huge advertising and information flow and not notice the advertisement. At the same time, advertising placed in public transport salons can hold the recipient's attention for a long time due to the absence of other irritants.

  1. Ensure coverage of the modes of transport used by the advertiser's target audience .
  2. Catch your eye often.
  3. Draw attention to yourself.
  4. Be concise and easily perceived in the process of movement.
  5. Be understandable to a mass audience.

Due to these requirements and relatively low selectivity, transit advertising is primarily used as an aid in complex advertising campaigns to reinforce and supplement advertising placed in other media. Such a complex impact can significantly increase the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

Evaluation of transit advertising as an advertising distribution channel

Advantages Flaws
Wide coverage. In Russia, public transport has traditionally been the most popular means of transportation, and therefore has a well-developed infrastructure. Lack of selectivity. Transit advertising almost does not allow you to reach certain segments of the audience, that is, it cannot be directed to consumers of a certain gender, age, professional affiliation, education and so on.
Coverage of local markets combined with a high frequency of advertising impressions. Transit advertising is used as effective remedy impact on mass audience local markets, when selectivity does not play a significant role. In combination with outdoor advertising, it provides a wide coverage of the mobile population in local markets in a relatively short time. At the same time, transit advertising provides high level frequency when covering a mobile population. Transience, conciseness of the message. Transit advertising is used to convey simple and short messages, since complex or long messages will not be perceived by the audience.
Flexibility. An advertiser can choose to advertise vehicles used by members of his target audience, which leads to partial selectivity and a significant increase in advertising effectiveness. Reaching only specific audiences for public transport advertising (for example: working men and women using public transport).
High level of impact. Advertising placed in public transport salons can hold the attention of the recipient for a long time. Limited advertising space. Size is a key means of attracting attention, however, transit advertising, with the exception of certain formats, does not allow the advertiser to provide the advertiser with large sizes of advertising media.
Low cost of advertising contact. In terms of the cost of an advertising contact, transit advertising is one of the least expensive advertising distribution channels. Thus, in Russia a significant number of people use public transport, which ensures a low cost of advertising per consumer. The need for frequent monitoring. Despite the relatively low cost of an advertising contact, the use of transit advertising is often associated with rather high maintenance costs for advertising materials due to the need for constant monitoring and replacement of ads that get dirty, erased or otherwise damaged. The cost of such services is usually included in the overall advertising budget.

The main means of transit advertising

  1. Outdoor transit advertising- is placed on the outer surfaces of vehicles, as well as on special stationary or temporary structures located outside the transport infrastructure facilities.
  2. Internal transit advertising- is placed inside vehicles, as well as on special stationary or temporary structures located inside transport infrastructure facilities.

Vehicles used for advertising are divided into the following main groups:

  1. Public land.
  2. Underground.
  3. Aviation.
  4. Railway.
  5. Water.
  6. Commercial.
  7. Taxi.
  8. Private.
  1. roof advertising- located on the roof vehicle.
  2. Onboard advertising- placed on the sides of the vehicle (on the rear, front and side sides).
  1. Video advertising in the interior of transport - advertisements on video screens and displays of various formats.
  2. Audio advertising in the interior of transport- sound advertisements.
  3. Static advertising in the interior of transport- in-salon advertising tablets, posters, leaflets, stickers of various formats.
Transport infrastructure:

Transport infrastructure facilities used for advertising placement are divided into the following main groups:

  • Railway stations.
  • Metropolitan.
  • Airports.
  • Bus stations.
  • Gas stations.

The advertising space of the transport infrastructure includes buildings, premises and adjacent territories of these objects. Advertising outside the buildings and in the adjacent territories of these enterprises is placed on special stationary or temporary structures, and, as a rule, is no different from outdoor advertising in other places. Advertising inside transport infrastructure objects, as a rule, generally corresponds to the formats of indoor advertising placed in other places.

The term transit advertising includes outdoor, indoor and transport advertising. This refers to both various signs, billboards, structures that people themselves move past, and advertising on the sides of various vehicles that move past people (trams, trolleybuses, buses, trains, etc.).

Transit advertising in Russia

Formation modern market transit advertising in Russia began along with the economic reforms of the 90s of the 20th century. Advertising appeared on billboards along the most important highways, on the sides of trolleybuses and trams. In Moscow, “since the middle of 1997, most trolleybus and tram fleets have released about 70% of the issued cars on routes.”

In 1999, the total amount spent on transit advertising in Russia amounted to about 90 million US dollars (including 10 million for advertising on transport). Among the total advertising costs, the share of transit reached 12%. Among the total advertising costs, the share of transit worldwide in 2007 is about 6%.

At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries in terms of development Russian market transit advertising is significantly inferior to the markets of many countries. Thus, “according to the estimates of specialists from the ESPAR-Analytic company, by the beginning of 2001 in Russia there were about 65 thousand advertising surfaces intended for outdoor advertising, while in the USA there were more than 400 thousand, in Germany - 330, France - 250 , Great Britain - 100, Italy - 90 thousand surfaces. The positions of the domestic outdoor advertising market in terms of such a relative indicator as the number of advertising surfaces per 10 thousand inhabitants are even more modest: in Russia this indicator is approximately 4.5 surfaces, in Norway - 8, in the USA - 15, in the Czech Republic - 23, Germany - 40, in Switzerland - 58, etc.”

Advertising surfaces of transit advertising are concentrated mainly in large cities, primarily in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Feature– low level of advertising concentration. So, in the late 90s, the share of 30 leading companies, each of which owns more than 200 advertising surfaces in standard formats, accounted for only a little more than 70% of all advertising structures. In billboard advertising, this figure was even lower (60%). In regional centers, as a rule, two-thirds of the 3 x 6 m billboards belonged to small companies.

Although the vast majority of companies have advertising structures in only one of the regional markets, some have managed to form inter-regional networks covering a significant number of major cities. For example, APR-City, by teaming up with TVD and RMS, was able to advertise on its own structures in all 13 million-plus cities using the main standard advertising structure formats.

Transit Advertisers

Formed networks of advertising media allow leading advertisers to run national campaigns in transit advertising, covering all major cities. So, for several months in 1999, Peter I cigarettes were advertised on 600 billboards of 3 x 6 m format in all millionaire cities.

The leaders of transit advertising are manufacturers soft drinks, beer, cell phone service providers. The largest advertisers are also companies producing cigarettes, wine and vodka products, which is explained by the ban on their advertising on television.

Transit Advertising Audience

Over 75% of the population Russian Federation lives in cities. About 40% of citizens use public transport every day, 23% - several times a week. About 60% of those who travel go to work, about 40% go shopping, about 55% go to relax and have fun.

On average, the number of trips by urban public transport is slightly more than one per day per inhabitant. During the journey, depending on existing system urban public transport, several types of urban transport are often used: metro, trolleybus, tram or bus.

In Moscow, the average trip length is about 12 kilometers, in other cities - 3-10 km. 80% of travelers spend about 1 hour in public transport, 17% - about 2 hours, 3% - more than 2 hours.

Most people are on the streets and in transport during "rush hours", when people go to school, work, business or back. On weekends, the number of pedestrians increases, especially in areas of recreation and entertainment.

However, the number of passengers and pedestrians does not equal the number of those who saw this or that transit advertisement. People in transport often do not see anything at all, except for the backs of their neighbors' heads. They can also be busy with their thoughts, reading books, newspapers. Drivers are primarily busy managing their vehicle, controlling the situation on the road. Pedestrians also do not always have the opportunity or desire to look at advertising surfaces that come across.

Non-illuminated structures and inscriptions on the sides of the transport are not visible at dusk and at night. During rain, snow or fog, no advertising is visible. In heat or frost, a person's attention is scattered.

The position of a person in relation to the advertising structure also influences. The smaller the angle, the less attention a passenger or pedestrian will pay to advertising.

The higher paying part of the population uses personal transport, less solvent - public. The more highly paid part lives and works in certain areas or quarters, often using airports, luxury railway cars, VIP lounges, etc.

AT different situations a person devotes different time to transit advertising. When a person moves relative to the advertising surface or, conversely, it moves relative to him, then he has very little time to perceive advertising information. In this case, use simple means communication of information - clear composition, clear visual image, short text, large print, etc. The most suitable may be image advertising without phone numbers and addresses.

Types of transit advertising

Transit advertising, in terms of its perception by a person, can be divided into two types: dynamic and static. In the first case, a person moves relative to the advertising surface or, conversely, it moves relative to him. In the second case, the person and the advertising surface are in a static position relative to each other.

Dynamic transit advertising is various signs, billboards, structures, past which people themselves move. This type also includes advertising on boards of various vehicles that move past people (trams, trolleybuses, buses, trains, etc.)

There is little time to perceive dynamic advertising, so it uses simple means of conveying information - clear composition, a clear visual image, short text, large print, etc. This type is most effective for image advertising without phone numbers and addresses.

Static advertising is informational materials in relation to which a person is inactive. First of all, such advertising includes stickers, leaflets fixed inside vehicles (in subway cars, buses, trolleybuses, etc.).

A static advertisement can contain many facts, details, individual illustrations, etc. For example, in a flyer posted on a subway train, a long detailed text is quite appropriate - people temporarily locked in an empty information space will simply be forced to read it.

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Before talking about the attractiveness of advertising on public transport, let's look at some statistics. More than 75% of the population of the Russian Federation lives in cities, and since own cars are not accessible to everyone and possible way movement, urban public transport is extremely important for the population. It is equally important for advertisers. There is a lot of it, it is noticeable, and the number of routes only increases with the growth of cities. Bus traffic is available in almost 1.3 thousand cities and towns in Russia, more than a hundred cities have trolleybuses and trams. According to some estimates, 36 million passengers a year use public transport services.

The average number of trips on urban public transport is just over one trip per day per inhabitant. But a single trip may involve moving on different types of urban transport (metro, trolleybus, tram or bus), depending on the existing system of urban public transport. The average trip distance is from 3 to 10 km, which is mainly determined by the size of the city (in Moscow, the average trip length is about 12 km). Almost 80% of passengers spend up to one hour a day traveling by public transport, about 17% - from one to two hours a day, and about 3% - more than two hours.

All these figures testify to the exclusivity of transport

The following main types can be distinguished:

  • (1) outdoor advertising on transport- involves the placement of advertising information on the outer surface of the vehicle. Placement of advertising on surface public transport allows the most various options- from sticking films on one or two sides to complete repainting of the vehicle;
  • (2) in-salon advertising- involves, first of all, sticking stickers in salons, a kind of this advertisement is radio announcements on the intra-salon dynamics;
  • (3) advertising in the subway- the following types of advertising surfaces are used: stickers in cars; billboards along escalators, in station lobbies and subway passages; station door stickers;
  • (4) advertising on transport facilities- can be placed at bus stops land transport, railway, bus and air terminals, ports, stations, etc. In fact, it is very close to conventional outdoor advertising;
  • (5) advertising on intercity and international transport involves: the use of external surfaces of the vehicle for advertising; placement of advertisements inside the premises of passenger transport; providing passengers with various printing, souvenir and other promotional products.
  • it is almost impossible to avoid contact with transit advertising. Any person, regardless of age, occupation and other characteristics, going out into the street every day, sees transit advertising and experiences its effect;
  • transit advertising has a much larger audience coverage than stationary media, which is achieved due to the ability of this type of advertising to move through the streets of the city. The average speed of a trolleybus on the route during rush hour is 20-30 km/h, which ensures high-quality perception of advertising information by both pedestrians and motorists;
  • large advertising space. The outer surface area of ​​one trolleybus is 80 square meters. m (long car) or 60 sq. m (short). At the same time, the advertising space is 50%, which makes this advertising medium one of the most visible in the city;
  • advertising marketing opportunity. Depending on the characteristics of the product, advertising on transport can be concentrated in a certain area of ​​the city where the sales centers of this product are located, or cover all areas if the product is sold in every store. Wealth marketing is also possible potential buyer. Advertising can be targeted at an audience with an average income by placing messages in the sleeping areas of the city, or targeted at a more affluent audience by presenting advertising on vehicles passing through the "expensive" streets of the city;
  • transit advertising allows the use of various formats and color effects at a relatively low cost, and the execution of advertising can meet the needs and desires of specific groups of passengers;
  • continuous exposure to the same audience for 20 minutes or more allows you to explain in detail and inform about the advertised product;
  • Advertising on transport is one of the most attractive advertising media in terms of price.

However, transit advertising has its own limitations. One of them is the inability to reach certain sectors of the market, such as people who live in the suburbs and use their own cars, as well as businessmen and professionals who use little public transport services. Partly because of this, it is classified as a non-prestigious type of advertising, which is aimed only at certain segments of the population. In addition, such advertising eliminates selectivity, so it is best to use it to promote goods and services of mass demand to the market. Still others call transit advertising reminder. This, in fact, means that to advertise some completely New Product or unfamiliar trademark using only transit advertising is inefficient.

In order for all the benefits listed above to work to their full potential, it is necessary to take into account some features of transport as an advertising medium.

  • (1) The perception of a moving layout is somewhat different from that of a stationary shield. Advertising on a moving medium must be clear, well-recognized, readable in the short time during which a moving object is in the field of view of consumers. Overloading with both visual and text elements is undesirable.
  • (2) The presence of doors, windows, accordions and other elements in the vehicle imposes some restrictions on the design of the layout.
  • (3) It is necessary to take into account the requirements of transport services, in particular the traffic police, which objects to the use certain colors paints, reflective materials, additional elements for the design of advertising images. Currently, the rules of the traffic police prohibit the painting of municipal transport in black for the reason that it is hard to see at night. Reflective films, which are widely used abroad and on which advertisers and transport designers had high hopes, were also rejected by the traffic police. The reason for the refusal was that at night the reflection can blind drivers. It should also be noted such a serious fact as the unwillingness of passengers to travel in transport, the windows of which are completely sealed on the outside with a perforated film with a printed image. Despite the fact that the film allows you to see the surrounding space through it, the cabin still looks darkened and causes displeasure of passengers, which, of course, is transferred to the subject of advertising.
  • (4) Advertising on boards must be visible and recognizable in traffic. The letters should be optimally large: so that, firstly, they can be read on long distance, and secondly, so that the words made up of these letters are read immediately, at one glance. It is important to keep in mind that some fonts are poorly readable and perceived when driving vehicles - these are oblique fonts, fonts with continuous letters, with a small distance between letters and words.
  • (5) In big cities more people with visual impairments, more queues at bus stops, overcrowding during rush hour in passenger transport. That is why advertisements should be bright and distinct.

However, all of the above difficulties are insignificant compared to the advertising effect that advertising on transport provides. This idea is supported by the fact that this species advertising continues to develop rapidly, and a significant increase in the volume of advertising in transport is observed in the regions of Russia.

In 1910, on the buses of the city of Buffalo (USA), an image of a funny "mint man" appeared - this is how one of the most successful advertising campaigns of Wrigley company began. The concept, advertising text and the character itself were created for her by writers Francis Scott Fitzgerald and Ogden Nash. The image was printed on stickers, which were then placed in the interiors of buses. The success was so loud that the advertising campaign was immediately carried out in all major US cities.
Following successful example Wrigley, Campbell's (production and sale of soups), decided to start an advertising campaign for its products, advertising a third of all buses in New York for a year. Inspired by the incredible growth in sales, after 6 months Campbell's executives signed a second contract - and placed advertisements for their products on every bus in New York without exception. Sales growth was 100%, and for 12 years, transit advertising was the only advertising medium for this company.

The history of the emergence of modern transit advertising in transport

The history of modern advertising begins in the late 80s of the last millennium. The first advertising wave covered the press, outdoor media, television and radio. These media seemed to be more accessible for the transmission of advertising messages. Transit advertising appeared somewhat later. The development of advertising public vehicles in Moscow began primarily with the subway and trolleybus depots.

Advertised trolleybuses first appeared on the streets of Moscow and a little later in the regions of Russia. And only after that advertising moved to other modes of transport. But television, print, and radio were still considered more prestigious media outlets for advertising. After the crisis, financial difficulties forced advertisers to focus primarily on revising the cost / effectiveness ratio for each of the channels for distributing advertising messages. Analysis of the data obtained showed that advertising on transport is among the leaders in many respects.

Dynamic advertising is various inscriptions, billboards, structures that move past people or that people move past. Dynamic advertising includes street signs, billboards on the roads, inscriptions on the sides of various vehicles, etc.

Static advertising is information materials, relative to which a person is inactive. First of all, such advertising includes stickers, leaflets fixed inside vehicles (in subway cars, buses, trolleybuses, etc.)

Advertising on transport- is one of the most effective types outdoor advertising, as thousands of consumers will be able to see your advertisement every day. The effectiveness of advertising on vehicles is also confirmed by studies. According to their results, advertising on a mobile medium causes better perception and more frequent visual contact with target audience. Thus, according to the results of research, the average recognition of transport advertising companies is 31% of respondents on the streets of the city; memorability of campaigns - 27% of respondents.

In addition, studies by the marketing company Simmons Market Research have shown that 71% of passers-by who encounter it for the first time retain the impression of seeing outdoor advertising. Whereas only 18% remember the first heard radio commercial, and 23% remember the first seen video. It is possible that the memorability rate of transit advertising is higher than 71% due to its dynamism, mobility and often large size compared to billboards.
Over the past ten years, the number of cars on the roads has increased significantly. Road construction is not keeping up with the growth in the number of vehicles and the load on transport routes is increasing. This, in turn, leads to more and more “traffic jams” on the roads, therefore, the average speed of cars is reduced. This, among other things, suggests that the potential audience of outdoor advertising is expanding significantly: drivers and passengers sitting in cars, passers-by have more time to look at outdoor advertising media (including advertising on transport). Various kinds transport in any city is used by up to 90% of the population. In large cities, the number of visitors is added to them. With the increase in the number in cities, the amount of transport used also increases. And this means that advertising on transport is becoming more and more popular in the advertising market. With the development of new image overlay technologies in the production of advertising on transport, the quality of transit advertising has improved a lot. And this means that advertising on transport has become more understandable and readable for the consumer.

Transport is considered by the advertising community as the same advertising medium as, for example, city billboards. But at the same time, advertising in transport is: 1) the most democratic type of advertising, because even poor people are forced to use public transport, and 2) the most intrusive type of advertising, because while advertising is shown on TV, you can turn off the sound, start something either read or solve a crossword puzzle; but in transport, especially at rush hour, you involuntarily have to study pasted advertising prints for tens of minutes.

The transit advertising market is constantly evolving: new media, new technologies, new ideas and solutions appear - traditionally static advertising media begin to move. Obviously dynamics are back in fashion.
In Europe, the transport advertising sector is growing faster than the outdoor advertising sector and already has about 250 thousand buses, 30 subways, 25 national railways and over 100 airports. The UK demonstrates the highest growth rates in this segment of the advertising market, proving, together with other European countries, that there is a huge field for creativity in this area. Transit advertising around the world continues to develop successfully: new advertising media appear, the number of bright and creative advertising campaigns that involve transport is growing.

1. You can find many examples non-standard solutions and bright advertising campaigns that took place in different cities of the world.

For example, in Europe there was an original campaign to promote a popular diet. An advertising sticker was pasted on the "accordions" of buses, due to which, during the movement of the bus, the image of a woman was stretched and compressed, clearly demonstrating possible changes in the figure (Fig. 43).

On Hollywood streets, you can now meet SNICKERS "on wheels": buses circling the city, designed as a package of a chocolate bar (Fig. 44). The new advertising campaign is based on the brand's visual recognition, since the branded packaging of the chocolate bar has long been the most important attribute of this brand.

Thus, advertising on transport is one of the few types of advertising that has the properties of mass communication, one of the most effective advertising tools in terms of cost / effectiveness, advertising on transport is available to advertisers with different tasks and budgets - from world-famous brands to local advertisers and it is a product with a very high degree of impact on the audience.

Using another format of advertising along with transit advertising, you have the opportunity to attract extra attention your consumers. You have the opportunity to extend your advertising campaign at a low cost. The cost of advertising on transport consists of the cost of producing the image and advertising. The cost of placement is determined based on the size of the advertising medium, the type of vehicle (single or articulated) and the route.

For example: The most common type of advertising on vehicles is auto stickers to the car. Auto stickers - not only good decision for advertising purposes, but also to give the car an aesthetic appearance. : The laminated self-adhesive film used in the manufacture of transport advertising is a beautiful and durable material that is not afraid of moisture, temperature changes and mechanical damage.

Type 2 - For complex bodies
