Review of the best kitchen-living room design solutions. Kitchen combined with living room. Design, photos and tips What does the living room kitchen look like

The main room in any apartment is the living room. Guests spend most of their time there. This means that you need to make sure that every member of the family feels comfortable here. Usually, the largest room is selected to create such a room. Often the hall simultaneously functions as a dining room, so the living room can be combined with the kitchen, and its layout should be based on functionality, practicality and convenience.

Do not forget about the interests and hobbies of the residents. If there are many guests in the house, the room should have a lot of seats - sofas and armchairs. If there are small children, it is necessary to allocate a place for them. After all, the baby will want to spend most of the time next to his parents. Fans of dancing think about free space. A large family that often gets together to discuss current issues will certainly think about placing a huge dining table. How to place all the necessary elements in one room and what area will be optimal for this?

Living room planning methods (with photo)

The minimum size of a common room according to building codes is 17 square meters. If more than three people live in the apartment, you should think about increasing the living room. This can be done even by reducing other rooms. Experience shows that the hall is the most popular place in the apartment, the main amount of time is spent in it, with the exception of sleep. The area of ​​the guest room is 25 m² (excluding the combination with the kitchen) is optimal for a family of 3-5 people.

However, in real conditions of limited space, the dimensions of the room are often much smaller. Therefore, you have to look for options for creating a cozy, functional and stylish living room based on the available squares.

A combined kitchen with a living room is a popular technique for increasing the main room in an apartment. This layout has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include the following factors:

  • The room becomes brighter and more spacious.
  • While cooking, you can continue to communicate with the rest of the family, keep an eye on the children playing in the room.
  • Those who like to cook to the sound of a TV show or a movie do not need to install an additional TV in the kitchen.

The disadvantage of this option is the smell and smoke that appear during cooking, as well as the noise of electrical appliances - the hood, dishwasher, coffee maker and others, which can interfere with a good rest in the living room. However, in the conditions of technological progress, shortcomings can be eliminated by equipping the kitchen with modern, almost silent electrical equipment.

Real photos of the layout when combining the kitchen and living room will help in the independent design of a unique space.

When planning a studio, it is important to keep flooring in mind. Drops of vegetable oil, water and other liquids may fall on the floor in the food preparation area. Therefore, in this place, tiles are often used on the floor. At the same time, it is important that the transition from one material to another (laminate, parquet, etc.) is harmonious and the overall interior of the room is not affected.

Living room combined with kitchen

To avoid abrupt flooring transitions, you can use the same material throughout the room. It can be a heated tile or a moisture-resistant laminate. Modern materials allow you to choose absolutely any color of this or that material, which will ideally fit into the intended interior.

The idea of ​​​​combining the kitchen and living room

Despite the combination of two different purpose premises, some owners want to leave the appearance of zoning. An excellent option would be a light translucent curtain. The feeling of free space will not go anywhere.

A translucent curtain visually zones the living room into two parts

When creating a studio, the furniture and the overall style of the interior in the kitchen and living area must match. A single color scheme and a solid picture will help create the intended mood of the room. Both locations may contain some of the same elements.

Proper use of colors will make the interior cozy and neat.

A common table that serves as a serving place from the side of the kitchen and a bar counter from the side of the room will create an absolute unity of two rooms that differ in their functions. At the same time, the color scheme should be sustained in all parts of the studio.

Using a bar counter to separate the kitchen and living room into two zones

Learn about the ways of redevelopment of a one-room apartment: space zoning and furniture selection, lighting rules and colors -

with a fireplace

For a long time, a fireplace has been considered the epitome of coziness and comfort. For many hundreds of years, the whole family has been gathering around the family hearth. Once upon a time, the stove served as heating for the whole house. The owner of a luxurious mansion slowly threw firewood into a massive fireplace, next to which all his relatives sat down in the evenings. Of course, it is impossible to imagine such a picture in our apartment buildings. However, modern technical solutions make it possible to create the appearance of such a corner even in an ordinary Khrushchev.

Electric fireplaces will create the desired feeling of a home, next to which you want to sit with the whole family and discuss the events of the past day. Such equipment does not require special extraction. If the owners have a desire and the opportunity to create a real fireplace with a "live" fire, it is imperative to obtain permission to install such equipment in the appropriate authorities.

Installing an electric fireplace in a small living room is quite possible. On the central wall, where the TV is usually mounted, you can install a plasterboard form of a classic decor element. In this case, evening family gatherings watching a movie will become more comfortable.

Electric fireplace in a small living room

The fireplace is not an attribute of an exclusively classic interior. Many living rooms perfectly combine modern minimalism and family traditions of the hearth.

A modern fireplace can be a detail of a minimalist interior

The fire in the apartment brings us back to our ancestors, when the walls in the house were not yet covered with wallpaper. Stonework near the electric fireplace will give you the opportunity to fully approach medieval traditions and create the atmosphere of a real country house.

Electric fireplace with masonry is suitable for a classic interior

Not always the fireplace should be located in the central part of the room. Sometimes it is installed in the corner. At the same time, the presence of the hearth is still felt. For a greater traditional effect, it can be veiled as a classic Russian stove from rich merchant houses with a characteristic wide chimney lined with tiles.

The location of the fireplace in the corner of the living room

The imagination of designers knows no bounds. In the absence of the possibility of installing a real fireplace, but an irresistible desire to have a real fire at home, you can create a plasterboard structure that resembles a fireplace. The inner part is sheathed with mirrors, there are many candles in the niche. Mirrors will perform fire-protective functions and at the same time visually increase the size of the hearth.

Original replacement fireplace in the living room

Small room

It's good when the apartment has a place for the realization of a flight of fancy. But what if a very small room is allocated for the hall? What to do with the layout of the living room 15 - 18 square meters. m? There are also a lot of options for arranging a small room. Certain rules should be followed, and a small-sized living room will become absolutely harmonious and comfortable. In this case, you should forget about the classic luxurious style, which is characterized by massive wooden furniture.

No need to load a small space with multiple elements. Large patterns should not be present in the interior, this will visually make the room more cramped. Preference should be given to light shades, they will create the effect of filling the room with fresh air.

Before starting repairs, it is necessary to foresee in advance for what purposes this room will be used. Do I need to equip the work area for installing a computer? Is it planned to receive guests in the living room with the possibility of a feast? If a room has to perform many tasks - entertainment, relaxation, games with children, receiving guests, the furniture in it must be functional. In this case, a high-tech style is more suitable for a young family - the minimum number of extra elements with the maximum functionality of each accessory.

The hall in a modern style will allow the use of modernist elements. The coffee table easily transforms into a working computer table. The floor lamp quickly changes the direction of the light, resulting in changing accents in the room. Hinged cabinet furniture will create the effect of weightlessness and increased space.

Transforming coffee table in a small living room

Replacing the doors with a stylish sliding curtain that repeats the interior design will save a lot of space in the room. Light colors with a laconic bright element will create an incredible atmosphere of harmony and purity. A small room is “afraid” of a large number of diverse palettes. It is enough to use three basic colors that combine with each other.

Sliding curtain instead of a door for a small living room

The presence of mirrors in a small living room will add light and visually enlarge the room. The reflection of the window will create a feeling of fresh air.

The presence of mirrors in any room visually increase its space.

It is worth experimenting with the arrangement of furniture. The window area is usually left free. If you put a sofa near it, the light will enter the room in the same size, while one of the walls will remain free, if necessary, cabinet or built-in furniture can be placed near it.

Experimenting with furniture arrangement can save space in a small living room

Wall mural on one of the walls in the living room will expand the boundaries of the room. A birch grove or a street going deep will create a perspective and a feeling of a large space.

The use of photo wallpapers helps to visually enlarge the space of a small room.

Is it possible to redevelop a two-room apartment? Do not give up, there are a lot of ideas to create a comfortable and cozy home:

narrow space

Some owners of apartments built during the years of the Soviet past are forced to equip living rooms in narrow rectangular rooms. When planning such premises, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances, observing which you can easily get rid of the feeling of a tunnel.

Bright catchy decor elements and patterns on the walls make the space heavier. Such an interior in narrow rooms should be avoided. It is best to use a neutral color palette. The white ceiling will visually raise the height of the walls. Strict geometric shapes will help to visually expand the walls. With the help of the lighting system, the room can also be made much wider. Mirror elements hanging opposite each other will increase the space and add light.

Ceiling light placed in a niche and directed towards the walls will visually expand the boundaries of the room.

Using an overhead light in a narrow living room to expand the space

Light colors and geometric shapes on long walls will help increase the space. It is better to refuse bulky furniture. If you need to organize the storage of things, it is better to resort to built-in structures.

Narrow living room in bright colors

A long living room, in the depths of which the window is located, is recommended to be decorated with wide curtains. Thick curtains on the sides will close the blank walls, there will be a feeling of a wide window opening. The hall certainly contains rectangular decorative elements.

Window decoration of a narrow living room with wide curtains

When laying floors, parquet boards or laminate should not be placed along a long wall, but across it. This will also help level the limited space in a narrow room.

Laying laminate across a long wall will level the limited space of the room

Carpet in the form of a skin of a tiger will help to avoid the feeling of limitation of the living room

The following examples of living room layouts will help you create your own unique room design. Great importance is given to lighting and color - with their help it is possible to create the necessary zoning and mood in the room. On large areas, free from partitions and walls, you can create an interior in absolutely any style. If the hall has limited dimensions, some stylistic decisions will have to be abandoned.

Photo gallery: living room interior design options

Option for planning and designing a living room in light colors Interior in restrained colors Classics in the interior Arrangement of an elongated living room with a decorative fireplace The idea of ​​zoning a studio apartment Using cabinets in the living room Minimalist design of the living room Option for arranging a living room in gray tones An electric fireplace will help create a cozy atmosphere An example of using bright details in the interior

Regardless of the available space, you can create a sophisticated interior where every member of the family will feel comfortable. Friends who come to visit always evaluate the owners by their main room. No wonder they say that the hall is the face of the whole house. The desire of everyone living in the apartment to return home will depend on how thought out the details and the overall style will be.

In modern interiors, the combination of kitchen design with a dining or living room is increasingly used. Such an organization of space has high aesthetic and functional properties.

Pros and cons

Advantages and disadvantages of the design of the combined room.


At the very beginning, before the upcoming redevelopment, it is required to create a project in which finishing work and zoning are considered. The next step is drawing on the plan of large furniture objects, taking into account their optimal location.

Dining room combined with living room

This design with a dining area flowing into a seating area is quite common and is especially preferred by those who value comfort.

In a living room in an apartment with a complex layout, it is very easy to beat the location of the dining segment. For example, if there is a bay window, it is possible to equip a dining group in it, which will look apart and at the same time remain part of the overall interior composition.

The photo shows the layout of a long modern living room combined with a dining room.

No less original solution is the arrangement of the dining room on the loggia or balcony.

In a small room, instead of a table, it is possible to install a compact bar counter. A similar design is also equipped with spacious storage systems.

The photo shows the interior of a small combined living-dining room, made in bright colors.

For a spacious hall of 18 or 20 meters, choose zoning using columns or wide and high arches. An interesting effect can be achieved by delimiting the space with a podium, which is perfect for both spacious and small rooms. On this elevated area, a dining area is placed and sometimes the structure is equipped with drawers, niches and other things.

Kitchen-dining room

In order for the interior of the kitchen combined with the dining room to be comfortable, special attention is paid to the decoration of the room. For the working area, practical materials are used in the form of ceramics, metal or artificial stone, and the dining area is decorated with wallpaper, plaster or wood.

The photo shows the design of the dining area, combined with a corner kitchen.

In the design of a spacious kitchen-studio, there are often stylish island or peninsular sets, including U-shaped or corner structures, which are sometimes complemented with a functional bar counter. For a small room, linear options or models with the letter g are more suitable.

When planning a kitchen, it is important to consider the convenient location of the working triangle with a refrigerator, stove and sink.

The photo shows a bright linear kitchen with an island, combined with a dining room.

If the kitchen has such an architectural element as a bay window ledge, it will be converted into a dining area. The recess is decorated with a sofa with a round or rectangular table. For a small room, it is appropriate to install a corner furniture set with built-in storage systems.

The photo shows a kitchen design with an attached dining area located in a bay window.

How to combine the dining room, kitchen and living room in one room?

Such a room is at the same time a place to relax, a cooking area and sometimes even a work area. Therefore, it is quite difficult to achieve a harmonious combination of three rooms into one full-fledged space.

However, taking into account competent planning and zoning, you can give the multifunctional space a very cozy look.

The photo shows a living room combined with a kitchen-dining room, made in the neoclassical style.

In this case, for the design of the combined kitchen, living room and dining room, a more concise design is selected and the atmosphere is not cluttered with unnecessary items. The room should have additional free space and good artificial and natural lighting.

Such a design provides an opportunity to embody many interesting ideas. For example, we use unusual wallpapers and photo canvases as zoning to emphasize and draw attention to certain sections, or we originally separate the dining area and the resting place using a decorative panel.

The photo shows the layout of the dining room, combined with a kitchen and a guest area.


Partitions are a common type of visual delimitation of space. They not only perfectly complement the design, but also solve the insulation problem. Wooden, metal, glass or plasterboard structures are used as a zoning element. The decor can also be complemented by folding or sliding screens in colorful or neutral designs.

The photo shows a fireplace as a zoning element between the kitchen-dining room and the living room.

For a non-standard design solution and creating a smooth transition from the living room to the dining room or kitchen, zoning is chosen using lighting. The workplace for cooking is equipped with spotlights and diodes, and table lamps and a chandelier are selected for the recreation area or dining area.

The photo shows the dining area in the living room, separated by a flight of stairs.

The most convenient way is to divide the room due to furniture elements such as a bar counter, an island module, a dining table, a rack, a nightstand or a sofa.

To mark the boundaries in a small room, color zoning is suitable. For example, the walls, floor or ceiling in the kitchen can be finished in neutral and soothing colors, and the living room or dining room can be decorated in rich and bright colors.


Regardless of the dimensions of the combined kitchen, dining room and living room, there is always enough light in the room. The highest quality lighting is installed in the work area. The light flux should fall on the countertop, stove and sink.

The photo shows a ceiling decorated with white spotlights in the design of a living room combined with a kitchen-dining room.

The design of the dining area is complemented with a chandelier, candlesticks or small lamps, and the living room is decorated with sconces, floor lamps or lighting with a muted glow.

The photo shows a ceiling lighting option in the living room combined with the dining room.


As a dining table, models designed for at least 8 people and designs with the possibility of transformation are used. For the design of a small room, it is better to choose more concise and compact rectangular or square products. The ideal place to place the table is the area near the window or the central part of the room.

The photo shows the design of the kitchen and dining room, complemented by a glass-fronted cupboard.

With enough space, armchairs or more massive chairs with armrests are suitable. It is appropriate to arrange a small room with light folding or transparent chairs.

A sideboard, console or hanging glass cabinets will organically fit into the design of the dining room, in which you can store dishes, cutlery, textiles and more.


To complete the interior, various decorative details are used in the form of paintings, mirrors, figurines, panels, photographs, posters, vases or even an aquarium. Minor details, in the form of cookbooks and all kinds of utensils, can add coziness to the surrounding design.

The photo shows the decoration of the living-dining room, made in the style of Provence.

You can significantly transform the space with potted plants, a living phyto-wall or a picture of natural greenery.

The photo shows the design of the living-dining room, decorated with green phyto-walls.

Photos of interiors in various styles

The interior in a modern style is characterized by conciseness, originality of finishing materials and combines innovative technologies with long-standing design traditions.

The classic style, with its refined gloss and expensive elegance, implies precise symmetry in the placement of decorative elements and furnishings. The environment welcomes the presence of natural materials, ceramics and bulky lighting fixtures.

The style of the loft fits perfectly into the combined premises. The design combines brickwork, modern cladding and bold combinations of different elements.

The photo shows a combined kitchen-dining-living room in a modern style with an interior designed in white and green tones.

The art deco direction is characterized by special beauty. For the interior, it is appropriate to use natural materials and glass structures in the form of lampshades or individual inserts. In the design there are natural curves and plant motifs.

Scandinavian design features a light bleached color scheme combined with natural wood, which is quite a trendy duo at the moment.

Photo gallery

Due to the correct distribution of plots, zoning of the premises and a well-thought-out design project, it turns out to achieve a comfortable and cozy interior of the kitchen, combined with the living room or dining room.

The combination of two rooms in one interior will not surprise anyone. This technique is used everywhere, since its use makes it possible to win in many plans.

A living room combined with a kitchen is a very reasonable and stylish solution. Proper zoning of the room and carefully selected interior will make it just perfect.

The option of combining a living room with a kitchen

Advantages and disadvantages of combining

The most obvious advantage of the kitchen-living room design is, of course, space saving. Undoubtedly, the absence of a wall between the combined rooms significantly expands the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The won square meters will be used to place furniture, household appliances, or simply become additional free space. You can also read more on the site

In addition, you will not be isolated from family communication. Now you can cook and at the same time communicate with the household, or spy on TV.

In the combined kitchen-living room, it is customary to separate the dining area from the kitchen, where meals take place. Meals in such an environment are held in a more solemn and pleasant atmosphere.

We will not hide the shortcomings of the combination.

  1. Diffusion of odors into the living room. Sometimes, of course, it smells appetizing, but it is better to install a good hood and ventilation system.
  2. Noises from household appliances. It is unlikely that a vacationer will like the rattle of a blender under his ear. Therefore, household appliances will need to be chosen with great care, giving preference to silent models.
  3. Difficulties in maintaining the functional purpose of the combined rooms. In order not to get everything mixed up in your house, like the Oblonskys, be sure to use the zoning of the room.

Where appropriate combination

There are several types of apartments in which the design of the combined kitchen "fits" especially well.

Large apartments

In small apartments, people sometimes need to retire, and they are forced to choose a hall or kitchen for this. If these two premises are combined, then they will lose this opportunity.

If each family member has his own room, the kitchen combined with the hall will not be a problem for anyone.

Studio apartments

In such an apartment, a combined kitchen is not just one of the design options, but an absolute must. In addition, a bedroom is also usually placed here, using a sofa as a sleeping place, or built-in folding beds.

Apartments with a small living room

A combined living room in them will redistribute the space of the room, making the apartments more comfortable for its inhabitants.

The option of combining a living room with a kitchen
The interior of the living room combined with the kitchen
The option of combining a living room with a kitchen

Zoning space

There are many zoning methods. You need to proceed from the size of the apartment, the goals of creating zones and financial possibilities.

  1. With the help of color.
    Properly placed color accents work wonders. This design option is the most budgetary and is perfect for a small living room. Refrain from drastic decisions. There is absolutely no point in painting one wall pink and the other green. It is enough to choose shades that differ by several tones.
  2. With finishing.
    Everything is extremely simple here: in the kitchen - tiles or laminate, in the living room - carpet or parquet, or in the kitchen - plastic panels, in the hall - wallpaper or decorative plaster. This will not only visually delimit the space, but will also be quite practical, since the finishing materials of the kitchen are constantly affected by moisture, grease and detergents.
  3. With furniture.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design living room combined with kitchen

Furniture options can be completely different.

  • Kitchen island. It is rarely used in Russian apartments, as it requires sufficient space for itself. It is a small area occupied by a cutting surface and located in the middle of the kitchen.
  • Dinner table. By separating the kitchen and living room in this way, you create an additional dining area. Looks pretty good. In order to emphasize the separation, a row of lamps is sometimes hung over the table.
  • Sofa. When choosing upholstered furniture installed between the kitchen and the living room, do not forget to take into account that it will get dirty more than usual. Give preference to materials that are easy to clean. It is not advised to place kitchen appliances or a dining table behind the back of the sofa. It is better to install a rack or cabinet there, thus completely separating the living area.
  1. Wardrobe or shelving.
    It is not necessary to choose full-size models. Open shelves and shelving will look much more appropriate. You can place books, photo frames, dishes or other decorative items in them, but not kitchen utensils.
  2. Bar counter.
    Stylish and functional item. The rest of the "past" wall is usually taken as the basis. To emphasize the division of rooms, you can use a row of wine glasses hanging above the bar, or built-in lighting.
  3. Fireplace.
    Island fireplaces are widely used in zoning. This element of interior design not only looks luxurious, but also additionally heats the room.
  4. Using part of a wall or arch.
    This technique unites the premises, while not mixing them, because the zoning will be obvious. When demolishing a wall, it is not necessary to remove it completely. Leave a narrow area between rooms, a few columns, or build an arch. An additional contrast in the design of the zones will be created by the lighting built into the arch.
  5. With a podium.
    This technique is appropriate only in apartments where the ceiling is high enough. Creating a multi-level floor in the kitchen-living room is an aesthetic and pragmatic solution. Numerous communications can be hidden under the raised kitchen floor. With the help of a slight elevation, you can also separate the dining area.
  6. With the help of the ceiling.
    Ceiling beams, multi-level structures, or ceilings of different colors and textures are used.
  7. With the help of lighting.
    In skillful hands, lighting works wonders. A competent combination of bright and subdued light, the use of various types of lamps and rotary spotlights can clearly divide the room into several functional zones. For example, a row of lamps above the dining table can highlight the dining area, and lighting built into the bar counter separates the kitchen.
  8. With the help of folding screens and partitions.
    A neat translucent partition will not only become a stylish design element of the room, but will also allow you to separate the kitchen from the living room as you wish.
  9. With the help of a hedge.
    No, it is not necessary to plant shrubs in the middle of the living room. It will be enough to use ordinary pots with plants. Another idea is to put an aquarium. This division will fit perfectly into the interior in eco style.

The option of combining a living room with a kitchen
The interior of the living room combined with the kitchen
The option of combining a living room with a kitchen

Features of design choice

The kitchen combined with the living room is an application for style and originality. In order not to lose face, when designing the interior, you need to carefully consider many details:

  • the general style in which the combined rooms will be made;
  • the presence of bright accents;
  • furniture set;
  • use of decor items.

The choice of kitchen design, combined with the living room, practically does not carry any restrictions. The only exception will be the Provence style. The fact is that the interior in this style involves decorating the apartment with tableware on display. Therefore, having designed the living room adjacent to the kitchen in this way, you run the risk of feeling like a guest in a china shop.

Classic - a universal solution that is appropriate in any apartment. Clear lines, expensive furniture, monotony and lack of frills, by definition, cannot spoil any interior.

The high-tech interior will also look great. Glossy materials, hidden kitchen appliances, compact and ergonomic furniture visually increase the free space of the kitchen, look stylish and modern.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design living room combined with kitchen

Recently, the popularity of the loft style is gaining wild momentum. It is used everywhere: in the interiors of bedrooms, hallways, kitchens and living rooms. This style appeared in America in the era of industrialization, when empty warehouse and industrial premises began to be populated by people and converted into apartments. This style is suitable for the interior of the kitchen-living room with high ceilings. Despite the deliberate roughness of the finish and seemingly ordinary “factory” elements, you will have to tinker with the design of the loft-style living room. Pay special attention to finishing. It is not necessary to open the walls to get to the treasured brick. Brickwork can be replaced with wallpaper with its imitation, decorative plaster, or just leave a concrete wall. The floor is usually chosen based on wood. Usually it is a laminate or parquet, preferably glossy. The loft is a game of contrasts, so try to combine modern furniture with antique furniture, and neat models with rough ones in the interior. Curtains are not a mandatory element; a loft-style living room can do without them. If bare windows do not suit you, get Roman blinds or curtains to the floor.

Lamps should be either absolutely simple, or, conversely, deliberately modern.

Do not forget about the characteristic color scheme. Use muted shades of red, green and blue, white, gray and black in the interior.

The option of combining a living room with a kitchen
The interior of the living room combined with the kitchen

The choice of furniture and appliances for the kitchen-living room

When choosing furniture for a kitchen combined with a living room, first of all, take care of its practicality and harmony. Since these two zones are in the same room, they must be made in the same or similar styles.

Choose furniture in the kitchen and living room so that it matches with each other. There may be bright accents, but in general, the colors of the kitchen and living room should overlap.

To make the living room look warmer and more comfortable, give preference to natural materials.

Remember that light shades will help visually expand the space. However, approach the choice of color schemes thoughtfully: due to the proximity to the kitchen, the furniture in the living room will get more dirty, as it will be constantly affected by smoke, steam and soot.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design living room combined with kitchen

For the same reason, the best materials for such a living room are non-staining and moisture resistant.

To avoid littering the apartment, buy only what you really need. Give preference to compact models. In the kitchen, built-in appliances will look most aesthetically pleasing.

Try not to take equipment in whole sets. Buying it separately, you will get the opportunity to buy what you need and not acquire unnecessary things.

It is very important to choose the right hood. Choose models with a standard air duct. In recirculation mode, in which the filtered air flows back into the kitchen, this is not necessary. It is better to hide the bulky air duct. If the living room is decorated in a loft style, then, on the contrary, it will complement its interior.

When choosing household appliances, pay attention to its noiselessness. The hum of the refrigerator and the rattling of the hood can poison the beauty of being in the living room. Carefully study the characteristics of the equipment and stop at the quietest models.

The option of combining a living room with a kitchen
The interior of the living room combined with the kitchen
Living room combined with kitchen

Choose multifunctional designs. Let the same object perform several functions at once. A great example is the bar. It can replace both a dining table and a cutting surface. In addition, the bar counter serves as a great place for gatherings and divides the space into zones.

The atmosphere in the kitchen matters a lot. In small apartments, it is better to install it in an L-shape or in one row. If there is plenty of free space, you can afford U-shaped placement, arrangement in two rows, or the creation of a kitchen island.

Correctly divide a narrow room

The combination of a kitchen and a living room in a narrow room is not only a reasonable, but also the most profitable solution. These two zones divide the length of the room in half, as a result of which it no longer seems to be elongated at all.

Try not to place all the furniture parallel to the long wall. Thus visually you stretch it even more.

To expand the space, use a light color scheme. At the same time, furniture can also be dark. This contrast enlivens the room and looks very interesting.

Choose your lighting wisely. The more light, the wider the kitchen seems. To play with light, use glossy surfaces and mirrors. They will also become your assistants in expanding the narrow space.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design living room combined with kitchen

Do not clutter up the room with decorative items. A couple of paintings on the walls will be enough to decorate the design of the kitchen combined with the living room.

Combining a kitchen and a living room in one interior means choosing ergonomics, style and practicality. This bold decision will save space in the house, add originality to the design of both rooms, and allow you to profitably use every square meter of the room.

Decorating a kitchen-living room with taste is quite simple if you know what you want to get in the end. To do this, you need to approach the process creatively and responsibly, and, of course, do not neglect the advice of professionals.

Video: Kitchen combined with living room

50 photos of the interior design of the living room combined with the kitchen:

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Modern ways of interior design, first of all, involve the use of ergonomic and functional design. You can create a comfortable space even in small apartments. An excellent solution is the living room, combined with the original options will allow you to choose the right design.

Proper use of a variety of color palettes and design techniques will allow you to create a stylish design from combined rooms, even in a small apartment

Connecting the living room with the kitchen is designed to increase the usable area. This is a great way for small apartments to create one more spacious and functional from several miniature rooms.Zoning matters when creating a kitchen design combined with a living room. The photo shows popular solutions for the competent separation of space. There is a separate working and dining area.

Joint spaces look great in open-plan apartments. A similar option can be used in a private house. At the same time, it is important not to expand the area, but to bring comfort and coziness to the common room. Redevelopment will allow you to correctly organize the space in too large rooms. For example, part of the area is taken from the large hall to create a kitchen area or office.

Useful information! The option of combined rooms is suitable for long and narrow rooms. At the same time, the space is divided into functional zones.

Combined space zoning options

An interesting design technique is the division of space into separate zones. The separation method depends on the dimensions of the apartment, budget and planned goals.

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Features of zoning with color

Zoning with a color palette is suitable for a small living room combined with a kitchen. Photos show the original design options. Accents can be distributed using saturated shades. When applying, the following rules should be observed:

  • catchy colors can emphasize small-sized objects in the interior. For large details, neutral tones are selected;

  • it is necessary to take into account the nuances of lighting.
Useful information! Warm colors have a positive effect on the appearance of appetite and have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Cool colors are soothing.

The use of finishing materials

When choosing finishing materials, it should be borne in mind that moisture-resistant options with resistance to aggressive environments are suitable for the kitchen area. For flooring, you can choose tiles, stone or porcelain tiles.

The floor in the living room can be finished with linoleum, parquet or laminate. For walls, different options are used, wallpaper or even paint. Such accents will help visually divide a large room into functional areas.

The nuances of zoning furniture

With help, you can share the living room, combined with the kitchen in Khrushchev. Photo options surprises with its originality. You can separate two rooms using the following items:

  • the kitchen island is used in spacious rooms;

  • Shelves, racks and bookcases not only allow you to divide the space, but also serve as an excellent storage system.

Useful advice! As a bar counter, as an option, you can use a part of the remote wall on which the countertop is installed.

Separation with an arch or partition

Part of the removed wall can also be used as a space divider. To do this, it is enough to leave a small piece of the wall on which you can install a TV, as well as any household equipment or a sink.

In place of the demolished structure, an arched element can be installed. In this case, it is worth considering the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdesign.

The use of multi-level ceilings and floors

The living room, combined with the kitchen (photos are presented in large numbers on the Internet), is perfectly zoned with the help of multi-level surfaces. Pipes, wires and other communications can be masked under a multi-level floor and ceiling. The use of glossy materials for ceiling coatings allows you to visually raise the ceilings and expand the space

Zoning with lighting

To divide the space, you can use a variety of types of lamps and spot lighting options. The contrast of light sources allows you to divide the room into functional areas. Using directional light, you can focus on individual elements. For example, a dining area, a bar counter or a sofa. This method will allow you to separate the living room from the kitchen area.

Useful information! With the help of light, you can highlight the work area or place of rest.


Kitchen and living room in one room - modern, comfortable and stylish. If the plan of an apartment or house does not initially provide for this, you can try to solve this problem by redevelopment. Modern equipment, technologies and materials give a chance to change the interior of the house in accordance with your needs and preferences. Owners of outdated and uncomfortable Khrushchev layouts have a chance to create a modern, ergonomic space.

Apartment owners often suffer from a lack of usable space.

Kitchen moving into the living room: how to distinguish

To save time and effort, the technical side of the demolition is best left to the shoulders of specialists. They will tell you about the possible difficulties and nuances that may arise when combining the kitchen with the hall.

Such a step should be taken with caution, taking into account all the positive and negative sides.

Important! With special attention and responsibility, study the plan of the apartment. It is necessary to clearly know the location of the load-bearing walls in order to avoid cracks and emergencies in the future.

There are a number of rules that should be remembered if a decision is made to combine the kitchen and the hall. Here are the main ones.

  • The territorial zone of the kitchen should be located above the non-residential zone. Planning a kitchen area above a living space is prohibited.
  • The kitchen area should have a separate ventilation unit.
  • It is forbidden to combine the kitchen with the living room if gas appliances are located there. Solution to the problem: switch to using an electric stove.

More space for life.

In order for the kitchen, combined with the hall, to create a holistic harmonious picture, it is necessary to skillfully zone the space. Separating the work area from the living room is not an easy task, but following the tips, you can create a comfortable combination.

The territory looks brighter, happier and even cleaner.

The main ways to design a kitchen-hall:

  • Floor level difference in zones. You can use a multi-stage design.
  • Columns, screens, partitions - an excellent design technique for visual zoning.
  • Multi-level lighting will help to smoothly divide the space and place accents.

The number of design options available is increasing.

Kitchen with a hall in Khrushchev: combine or not

The kitchen in Khrushchev can be very small: a meter and a half square is not at all a rare case. A great opportunity to correct the situation - to make the kitchen and the hall together. Before starting to develop an action plan for redevelopment in Khrushchev, you should carefully study the situation and weigh all the positive and negative aspects of the combination.

You can express your individuality to the fullest.

  • An increase in space, a real appearance of additional space.
  • The possibility of creating a dining area with a minimum of four seats.
  • Optimization and modernization of space: it becomes possible to equip the kitchen area with modern household appliances that did not fit before redevelopment.
  • Comfortable environment for receiving guests.
  • A modern kitchen is not only a room for household needs, but also a full-fledged center for family communication. Making it as comfortable as possible is the main task.

The desire to combine the kitchen with the living room is typical mainly for the inhabitants of small housing.

Important! When the hall is connected to the kitchen, you need to take care of a powerful and modern hood. So you can avoid unpleasant odors and soot on the surface of the headset.

  • Spreading smells of food throughout the apartment. Particularly caustic and difficult to remove from textile surfaces is the smell of burning in case something burns.
  • The connection may require a major relocation of the walls.
  • For a family of several people, the association will benefit only if the apartment is not one-room. Otherwise, the constant presence of all family members in the same room can interfere and tire, create discomfort.
  • Connected rooms will have to be cleaned more often than usual.
  • Noise from household appliances.

It is better to immediately choose the option that will allow you to design the entire space flawlessly and clearly, eliminating aesthetic problems.

Various options for the location of the kitchen in the hall

  • On one of the walls in the living room. There are two options for arranging kitchen furniture: in one row and in an L-shaped form.
  • Living room corner. For rooms with a small area, the corner placement of the cooking area is recommended. Corner furniture layout is considered a universal and win-win option.
  • On the biggest side. This option is relevant for elongated rectangular rooms.
  • Kitchen behind the closet door. A modern version of the combination of two different functional areas. Kitchen furniture and household appliances are located behind a folding door that opens when you need to cook food.
  • Partial matching. In houses with gas supply, it is not possible to completely remove the wall. In this case, there is a way out - to leave part of the wall in the form of a high bar counter, as well as to expand the doorway as much as possible.

Even with the closest possible fusion of the kitchen and the living room, one must not forget that these are two heterogeneous parts of an apartment or house.

Adjacent kitchen with a hall: division of space with the help of decoration

To create a stylish and modern space in a house with a multifunctional room, you should remember about effective ways of zoning with decoration.

We must try to emphasize their difference, doing it subtly and without rough opposition.

Ways to delimit space using walls.

  • Wallpaper. They are selected in the same tone, but with a different texture. Another option: wallpaper with the same texture, but different tones, for example, a combination of light green and yellow.
  • Wall painting and wallpaper. Harmoniously selected colors perfectly delimit the space. In this option, you can choose both contrasting colors and adjacent tones of the color palette.
  • Tiles and wallpapers. The kitchen area can be tiled, and the guest area can be wallpapered.

An excellent choice is the use of a bar counter of small width.

Important! Wall, floor and ceiling decoration should be combined in style and tone.

Ways to delimit space using the floor.

  • Various surfaces. The floor in the cooking area can be tiled, and linoleum, parquet, carpet or laminate can be put in the living room.
  • Carpet. A soft modern carpet can not only separate the seating area from the kitchen, but also create an atmosphere of comfort.
  • Creating levels. The kitchen area can be slightly raised.

This design absorbs not too much space and immediately makes the room more expressive.

  • Various materials. During the repair, one part of the ceiling can be sheathed with drywall and lowered a little lower if the height allows, and the second can be pasted over with wallpaper to match.
  • Finishing in different colors. You can divide functional spaces using laminate or linoleum in different shades.

It is logical to plan everything at once so that there is a working area equipped with an exhaust hood nearby.

Note! The boundaries of the floor delimitation can be duplicated with the ceiling, both along straight and curved lines.

The choice of furniture and appliances for the kitchen-living room

Furniture in the hall, combined with the kitchen, can be selected according to the design from the photo. Certain rules should be followed, then it will not unnecessarily clutter up the space, but exclusively fulfill its functional and decorative purpose.

Along with architectural techniques, one should not neglect the methods of visual fragmentation of a single room.

Suitable furniture and its arrangement, if the kitchen and living room are one room.

  • Sofa. Upholstered furniture in a joint kitchen and living room will get dirty faster than usual, this should be taken into account and preference should be given to a material that can be easily cleaned. It is not recommended to place on the back of the sofa: household appliances, a dining table.

The best option is to put a cabinet or shelving there, which will act as a visual room divider.

  • Cupboard. Open shelves, shelving will look more appropriate than a standard wardrobe. They can also accommodate decorative vases and figurines, as well as kitchen utensils.
  • Bar counter. Often the basis for it becomes part of the destroyed wall. With the help of this piece of furniture, you can organize a hanging shelf for glasses. This is a multifunctional design that can serve as both a place for receiving guests and a work surface.

After connecting the kitchen with the living room, even the typical space is updated into something unusual and luxurious.

  • Kitchen set. The version of fronts without handles is easier to combine with the rest of the furniture in the living room and decorative elements. There is modern furniture specially created for the combined kitchen-living room. Its feature: hinged modules that create the effect of weightlessness. Such a headset is as functional as possible and has a special mechanism for opening and closing.
  • Dinner table. It can be used as a zone divider for cooking and receiving guests. Successful lighting design of this zone will create an additional effect of a smooth division of space.
  • Kitchen island. Such an additional workplace is available only if square meters allow.

This is a stylish and convenient solution for a room with a large area and high ceilings.

Note! All furniture must have a high degree of protection against moisture.

Appliances for the living room-kitchen.

  • Hood. A powerful modern hood is a prerequisite for creating a joint area for cooking and a place for receiving guests and relaxing.
  • Fridge. Give preference to silent models.

Thanks to the arrangement of furniture, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bused meters of the kitchen also increases.

  • Stove and dishwasher. Choose compact models that can be built into kitchen furniture.
  • Television. To save space and convenient viewing, it is better to use a bracket and hang the device on the wall.

It is important not to forget about lighting. It can be used to cover areas that are not attractive enough.

We connect or combine the kitchen with the hall, using design secrets

Basic design tips for organizing the space of the kitchen and living room.

With all the simplicity of splitting a room with color accents, you should not make them as pretentious as possible, achieve extraordinary originality.

  • Expanding space with color. Visual enlargement of even a small room is possible through the use of light colors both in furniture and in the finishing work of the room.
  • Lighting. The more illuminated the room, the more spacious it seems. Combine artificial and natural light sources. Lamps, strip lighting, floor lamps - all kinds of full-fledged lighting options that can be combined and achieve incredible results in creating depth and volume of space.

This solution is useful to keep in mind for anyone who wants to solve a problem quickly, cheaply, and with a minimum of physical effort.

  • Stylistic harmony. It is important to adhere to one stylistic line in all areas. The simplest and most popular solution is a classic.
  • glossy surfaces. In a small Khrushchev room, a lack of space is a common thing; a mirror and glossy surface will help visually expand the room.

No matter how well thought out the division is, it plays a subordinate role in comparison with the design concept.

  • Kitchen island. The use of this element of furniture can be advantageously used in zoning. With it, you can clearly delimit the recreation area from the kitchen.
  • Decorative elements. Do not oversaturate the room with unnecessary decorative elements: paintings, figurines, vases or artificial flowers.
  • Ergonomics. It is necessary to make the most constructive use of every piece of space.

Light colors of paint and varnish and finishing materials are extremely valuable, and the less sunlight gets inside, the more significant this circumstance.

  • Use of screens, partitions and shelving. An effective and fairly simple technique for dividing space. The main types of partitions: plastic, glass, using living plants, counters.
  • Color tricks. Different functional areas should not contrast strongly with each other in color.

Without observing this condition, it will be very difficult to achieve the effect of a single space.

If there is any doubt about the need for redevelopment, there are many options when the kitchen and the hall are together, see the design and photos, you can carefully consider them and choose the right solution for yourself.

Using different colors and textures, you can achieve incredible results in the division of functional areas and create a special lightness and expansion of space.

VIDEO: Living room with kitchen - 30 beautiful solutions.

50 design options for a kitchen combined with a hall:
