Where to exchange dollars for dongs in nha trang. Currency of Vietnam: personal experience. Transport - tickets for trains, buses, ferries, charters

If you are interested in where to change money in Nha Trang, then today's article is especially for you. First of all, you need to remember that it is dollars that are in use in Vietnam. Neither euro, nor rubles, nor any other currency can be exchanged at a more favorable rate than the dollar. The highest exchange rate is for 50 and 100 $ bills, for small ones it decreases slightly. So, where to change money? There are several options.

The airport

If you want to exchange money before arriving in Nha Trang (the airport is located in Cam Ranh, it's about an hour's drive), then we advise you to exchange no more than $ 50, since the exchange rate in the city is much higher.


jewelry stores

Very good exchange place. For example, local Russians living in Nha Trang prefer to exchange dollars for dongs (the national currency of Vietnam, VND) at the Ankhgor Treasures gemological center.

Street money changers

Small Vietnamese shops, grandparents offering to exchange money - this is not the best option. Often, the rate in them is much lower than it actually is.


You can exchange the first $50 both at the airport and at the reception of your hotel. However, in the future, try to find a more advantageous place, because the rate there is also often underestimated.

In Vietnam, as in most other Asian countries, it is best to travel with dollars. The American currency is held in high esteem here and it is exchanged at the most favorable rate, but the euro exchange rate in some places may turn out to be even less favorable than the dollar exchange rate. I don’t see any point in talking about rubles and other currencies, since it’s quite problematic to exchange them and at the same time the exchange rate will be very unprofitable. So if you keep your savings in rubles, then before the trip it makes sense to exchange them for dollars and fly to Thailand with dollars already. It will be problematic to buy Vietnamese dongs in Russia, and if it is possible, then the course will not please you.

Now, as for the currency exchange itself. I strongly recommend that you do not change all the money at once, as this is not necessary. As Vietnam becomes a popular tourist destination, the country is increasingly willing to accept dollars as payment for various goods and services. Thus, you can pay for accommodation in some hotels, travel in tourist transport, for excursions, etc. It is advisable that you have with you not only large bills, but also small ones. You also always need to keep in mind the average dollar to dong exchange rate in order to understand which currency is more profitable to pay in one place or another.

You won’t have any problems with currency exchange (such problems can only arise in some remote settlements where tourists hardly ever set foot). Money can be changed in hotels, large shopping centers, jewelry stores, travel agencies, but it is most profitable and safest to do this in banks and exchange offices, where the exchange rate is approximately the same, and if it differs, then slightly. Unlike many other countries, including Russia, in Vietnam you can change money at a good rate even at airports where local exchangers set a very reasonable rate, so immediately after arrival you can change about $ 50 so that you have dongs for petty expenses.

If, as they say, every penny counts, and you want to change the currency (in this case, dollars) at the most favorable rate, then you need to go to jewelry workshops and shops. There are no signs on them indicating that they change the currency there, but everyone knows perfectly well that it is there that they change money at the most favorable rate. To exchange, just go to a jewelry store and show the seller a 100 dollar bill and ask in English if they do the exchange. After that, you will be called or shown the exchange rate, and you decide whether it suits you or not. Not only in jewelry stores or workshops, but also in any other place where you decide to change the currency, carefully count the received dongs, and this must be done in front of the cashier or other person who makes the exchange, so that there are no unnecessary questions later. Currency exchange fraud is one of the most common crimes in Vietnam (especially in local resorts). And you don’t need to change all the money at once, otherwise you will get such a weighty pack that you won’t know what to do with it and where to put it - change money as needed.

Before the exchange, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the appearance of Vietnamese banknotes and then it will be much easier for you to navigate. The fact is that 500,000 dongs are similar to 20,000, and 100,000 to 10,000, which is often used by scammers, replacing banknotes.

One of the very first and most pressing issues for any traveler who has arrived on vacation is currency exchange in Nha Trang.

In this article, Uncle Vanya will tell you where you can find a favorable exchange rate, what currency is best to bring to Vietnam, whether it is possible to exchange Russian rubles, and how things are with cash withdrawals from ATMs and cashless payments in Nha Trang.

Currency exchange in Nha Trang today

The Vietnamese dong or simply dong is the official currency of Vietnam and is non-convertible.

For example, if dollars in government institutions (primarily banks) are easily exchanged for dongs, then back is unlikely.

In the tourist area, this can be done in many places.

Dollar exchange rate in Nha Trang

Currently, one American dollar is equal to approximately 23,250 VND.

So, when exchanging a hundred dollars, you automatically become millionaires, though only dongs.

Where to exchange dollars in Nha Trang

At Nha Trang Airport (Kam Ranh) you can exchange dollars, but the exchange rate will be slightly worse than in the city.

The difference is quite critical: if the exchange rate in the city is 23250, then here it will be about 21000-22000 per dollar. Exchange only a small amount if you want to pay for a taxi or buy water upon arrival.

Banks in Nha Trang also change at a less favorable rate than you will find in the tourist area.

For example, if the exchange rate in the bank is 23250 dong per dollar, then in shops and shops you will be offered 23350.

Large banks with a wide network of branches - Vietcombank, Agribank, BIDV, MARITIME, MB Bank.

You can see the course on their websites, for example agribank.com.vn. Please note that all government agencies and banks in Nha Trang work

on weekdays from 7.00 to 11.30, from 11.30 to 13.30 - lunch, and close their doors at 17.00. On Saturday, the bank is usually open from 7.00 to 10.00. Sunday and holidays are days off for all banks without exception.

In hotels, at the moment, the dollar exchange rate is about the same as at the airport or at the bank. Change if the amount is small, and dongs are needed urgently.

The most favorable exchange rate dollar in small shops and shops in Nha Trang (tourist pharmacies, travel agency offices, street counters with “currency exchange” signs),

as well as in jewelry stores near the Cho Dam and Son Moi markets (read how to get there in the article about Nha Trang markets).

If in the tourist area in shops and shops you will find a rate of 23,300 dong per dollar, then in the Cho Dam market (in some shops under the roof) you will be offered 23,400 dong per dollar.

The difference is small, and you have to take a walk, but still.

Currency exchange in Nha Trang. Addresses

Pharmacy 1001
70 Nguyen Thien Thuat

Jewelry stores "Treasures of Angkor"
24B Hung Vuong (Opposite Galina Hotel)
32 Biet Thu street
96 Tran Phu

Jewelry stores “Princess Jewelry”
Address 1: 46 Nguyen Thien Thuat
Address 2: 86 Tran Phu
Address 3: 30B Nguyen Thien Thuat
Address 4: 03 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai

By the way, in the same stores you can get a good discount on the purchase of real certified pearls and other jewelry.

Read more about it here: and shop.

The exchange rate of the ruble and other currencies for dong

Often Russian tourists have a question: “Is it profitable to change rubles for dongs or dollars in Nha Trang?”

How convenient it would be to avoid a double exchange - first rubles for dollars, and then dollars for dongs.

But, let's face it, the exchange rate of rubles for dongs is unprofitable. The reason is that these currencies are currently not linked by a direct exchange rate and, in any case, all conversions are carried out through the US dollar.

After such a recalculation, the commission of the shop is added, in which you change rubles for dongs. But if you still want to exchange, then the rate will be of the order 260 thousand dong for 1000 rubles.

Nha Trang also accepts the following countries for currency exchange: China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, England, Japan, etc.

In this case, it is better to contact the bank directly, or to the same street shops in the tourist area.

To date, the most profitable currency in exchange for a trip to Nha Trang is the US dollar.

The most unfavorable exchange rate of dollars for dong

The most unfavorable exchange rate in Nha Trang will be offered to you in restaurants and cafes if you want to pay in US dollars in cash.

In this case, there is a high chance that the exchange rate will be in the region of 20,000 dong per dollar (with the usual rate of 23,350 per dollar).

It is worth noting that direct settlement in dollars in Nha Trang is becoming less and less common: firstly, rounding the price in this case will not be in your favor, and secondly, now many sellers immediately say that they only accept dongs.

Another nuance that you should remember is that in Vietnam large denominations of 50 and 100 dollars are valued.

Therefore, you should not take with you a bunch of small change in dollars, following the example of countries neighboring Vietnam.

For small denominations, the exchange rate is much lower than for large banknotes. Of course, you won’t lose a lot, but you will still notice the difference.

Cash withdrawal from ATMs and cashless payments in Nha Trang city

With the development of the Vietnamese economy and tourism, it is possible to pay with a bank card more and more often. In shopping centers, chain and large hotels, cashless payments will be accepted with you absolutely calmly.

In small hotels and guesthouses, small shops and shops, it is necessary to check the availability of such an opportunity.

Also keep in mind that when making a cashless payment, you may be charged an additional commission of 3-5% (usually small entrepreneurs sin this), they will not always warn you about this - it’s better to ask before paying for the purchase.

In addition, in some stores you can pay with a card only after purchasing goods for a certain amount (for example, in A-Mart mini-market - when buying from 100,000 VND).

You can withdraw cash from the card at any of the numerous ATMs in Nha Trang (they are both on the street and in large shopping centers).

The ATM will only dispense dongs. Depending on the bank, there are restrictions on the withdrawal amount (usually 2-3 million dong, which is equivalent to 90-130 dollars).

Most banks in Vietnam take their own commission for cash withdrawals - about a dollar for every million dong withdrawn.

Remember that your card issuing bank in Russia also charges a fee for withdrawing cash in foreign currency. Check this information before your trip.

The exchange rate when withdrawing cash from an ATM, if you withdraw from a dollar account, is about 23,250 dong per dollar, with an average exchange rate in the tourist area of ​​23,350 per dollar.

In the comments in the article, we ask you to tell us about your experience of exchanging currencies in Nha Trang and other cities in Vietnam. Suddenly it was you who found the best course.

Well, what exactly can be purchased in Nha Trang, read the article for the exchanged currency.

National currency of Vietnam- dong, which is one of the smallest monetary units in the world in terms of purchasing power.

As a result, only large banknotes of 500 thousand, 200 thousand, 100 thousand, 50 thousand, etc. are in circulation. Banknotes of 1,2,5 dong simply do not exist, and really, what's the point of printing a banknote with a face value of $0.00005?

An interesting feature of the dong banknote is its plastic base.

Thanks to the use of thin plastic, banknotes serve correctly and persist much longer than their paper counterparts in many other countries of the world.

You can recognize the modern Vietnamese dong without much difficulty, because the portrait of the national leader Ho Chi Minh adorns the front side of each banknote. Various drawings are placed on the back side.

Along with the currency, coins formally circulate on the market, however, today their number is extremely small, moreover, to meet a coin with a face value of 200, 500, 1000, 2000 or 5000 dong is a real success.

Coins in Vietnam are of great interest from avid collectors and travelers. After all, everyone loves to take a coin from Vietnam as a keepsake to their native country.

What currency to take to Vietnam?

It is obvious that it is more than difficult to acquire the national Vietnamese currency in Russia. This suggests a completely logical conclusion: you should go on a trip with the world's current currency, and, if necessary, exchange the dollar / euro directly in Vietnam.

The most popular foreign currency is the US dollar.

You can exchange it almost anywhere. The Vietnamese Dong is roughly related to the US dollar as 1:20600, in other words, the US dollar is more than 20 thousand times more expensive than the dong. Best exchange rate for Vietnamese dong to the dollar, as a rule, jewelry stores offer, which do not always hang out a currency exchange sign.

In this case, you should just go inside and directly ask if they are ready to exchange your currency.

Of course, for free communication you need to know at least English.

However, if you walk into a jewelry store and show a dollar bill, ask "Exchange?" (“Exchange”), you will almost certainly be understood without any difficulty by pointing to the counter where the currency exchange is carried out, or by shaking your head.

However, many prices for goods and services for tourists are set in dollars from the very beginning, which by and large is very convenient. The exchange rate in Vietnam depends, as elsewhere, on the location of the exchange office, time of day and natural market trends.

In Vietnamese Nha Trang currency is needed to make small souvenir purchases local residents and in small shops, in large shopping centers, you can pay in dollars and even by credit card. At the same time, from the point of view of savings, it is much more profitable to pay in the national currency.

Features of the national Vietnamese currency

It will not be difficult for tourists to determine the denomination of the currency, however, during oral communication, especially with local residents, there may be some misunderstanding, since, in view of the extremely low cost of one currency unit, they like to call 1000 dong “dong” in everyday life.

Previously, the dong was subdivided into 10 hao and 100 su, however, today even coins with a face value of 5.2.1 thousand dong are out of circulation, again, due to the low currency value. The official names use the abbreviation VND, which corresponds to the ISO code 4217.

Return tax free in vietnam

The program of the Vietnamese government includes VAT refund for tourists for purchases made in the country on the corresponding check. The promotion is valid until 06/30/14, however, may be extended in the future. The main goal of the campaign is to encourage tourists to spend their money within the country.

However, the VAT refund applies only to goods with a check value of more than 2 million dong, which is equivalent to 93-97 US dollars.

It should also be noted that you can claim a VAT refund upon departure only within the first 30 days from the date of purchase.

The procedure itself is quick and easy, all you need to do is go to a special counter at the airport when leaving the country. The currency in which the refund will be made is chosen by the tourist.

Tipping waiters in Vietnam

There are no particular prejudices regarding tips in Vietnam, however, in the country of socialism, excessive commercialism is not in fashion. In this way, the staff will not expect cash handouts from the tourist, tries to work responsibly and conscientiously for honestly received wages.

Leaving employees a tip in Vietnam is worth it if you are satisfied with the quality of service, however, it is also not recommended to spoil the staff too much.

The average tip is 10-15 thousand dong.

You can thank, at your personal discretion, a porter, a waiter and even a bartender in a restaurant.

Video about the currency in Vietnam and other interesting information

This video is a quick guide to the main currency of the country and the level of theft. How to protect yourself from the actions of intruders? The most beautiful beaches in Vietnam.

Credit (plastic) cards in Vietnam

In Vietnam, plastic cards are widely used as means of payment in large hotels, restaurants, travel agencies and shopping centers. In addition, ATM networks are quite developed in cities, where you can cash out the denomination of a bank card.

However, it should be careful when making currency transactions, since cases of various frauds are quite common.

When exchanging dollars for dongs, there is a risk of substituting a 100 thousandth bill for a ten thousandth, and a 500 thousandth for a twenty thousandth, for this reason, you should be careful and do not hesitate to recalculate the currency.

It is not difficult to withdraw money from a plastic card or pay with it in a non-cash way for purchases made, however, a significant difference in exchange rates between the official and market values ​​​​leads to a noticeable overpayment.

The ATM network in Vietnam is widely represented in the main resort cities.

Therefore, withdrawing money from plastic cards in Vietnam will not be difficult for you, the main thing is to be careful when using ATMs.

Try to use ATMs that are located in bank branches or in large shopping centers.

The market rate, which is usually slightly higher, is used for cash payments and at exchange offices. Thus, it would be much better for a plastic card to prefer cash payments. It is not recommended to travel with rubles.

Most likely, you can find several exchange offices ready to exchange Russian currency for dong, however, the rate will be just speculative. The most logical exchange rubles for dollars before departure, and only then change the American currency to dongs.

Cashing out is also associated with many commissions, so, in addition to the native bank, which takes a certain percentage, local ATMs will also take 50,000 dong for the operation. Some ATMs set a limit on the maximum withdrawal amount, while holding a significant commission.

Thus, the choice of an ATM should also be taken quite seriously, since the cost of a foreign exchange transaction directly depends on this.

Traveler's checks in Vietnam

Checks can be exchanged without any difficulty at any branch of the bank, however, a certain commission is charged for this service, which is a little more than 3% of the total amount or $ 2.2 if the amount of commission calculated according to the specified percentage is less.

The country's currency is the Vietnamese dong (VND), banknotes from 500 to 500,000 dong are actively used, while theoretically there are also banknotes of 100 and 200 dong, as well as coins from 100 to 5,000 dong. Getting the smallest bills or coins is already unrealistic especially in big cities. Banknotes, starting from 10,000 dong, are not made of paper, but of thin plastic - so that they are wear-resistant in conditions of high humidity. For the first time after your arrival, be very careful about money and pay quickly until you get comfortable. The fact is that the 20,000 dong bill is similar in color to the 500,000 dong bill, and 10,000 dong in the twilight of a taxi can be easily confused with 200,000 dong. The Vietnamese are very serious about money, so do not be afraid to look awkward, no one will rush you with the calculation. Understanding local money is very simple, you just need to get used to it a little.

What currency to take

As elsewhere in Asia, cash dollars are preferred in Vietnam, and the exchange rate for 50 and 100 dollar bills will be slightly higher than the rest. Be sure to take small dollars if you have them - they can come in handy at first (taxi, water, fruit), until you have acquired local currency. You will not change cash euros everywhere, but in banks, for example, you can do this without any problems, so if you have European currency left over from a previous trip, feel free to take it with you.

Where to change

In tourist places, dollars can be exchanged not only in banks, but also in jewelry stores and travel agencies, and often the exchange rate there can be higher than the bank rate. This is explained by the restriction on the purchase of foreign currency by the local population. So the “tourist” dollars are always held in high esteem by the Vietnamese. Often asked - can i pay in dollars, as some are accustomed to doing in other countries. Theoretically - it is possible, but there are two points. The first - when calculating (for the sake of convenience, not deception), the price in dollars can be calculated for you at a low rate of 22,000 dong per dollar (whereas it is above 22,000). The second - in a number of cases (bus, street vendors, local eateries, supermarket checkouts), dollars will simply not be accepted from you. So change.

Dong to dollar and ruble exchange rate

It makes no sense to write the exact dong rate here, as it constantly fluctuates (June 2017 - around VND22,600 per dollar). Over the past six years, the dong has depreciated slightly (it was VND 20,800 per dollar). In case of drastic changes, we will immediately publish a new dong rate. As for rubles, now, unfortunately, the dollar is growing in Russia, and now, to find out how much certain goods or services cost in rubles, you need to multiply by 2.7. For example, if you gave the taxi driver 50,000 dong, then the trip cost you 135 rubles, and if you had dinner for 200,000 dong, then you gave 540 rubles for food. You get almost the exact price in rubles. How to multiply by 2.7 any amount in your mind? Very simple - first multiply by 3 exactly, and then subtract a tenth and you get just the exact amount.

Plastic cards

Vietnam belongs to the list of countries with very a large number of frauds with plastic cards. In August 2013, a number of Russian banks closed the Pacific and South American regions for card transactions without notifying their customers. Vietnam, as you understand, is part of the Pacific region. Some cardholders found out about this at the most inconvenient moment - when trying to pay with a card on the spot. We advise you before the trip check if transactions from Vietnam will be available on your card. In case of problems in Vietnam, you have the opportunity to call the number indicated on the card and, having called the code word to the operator (if you remember it, of course), unblock your card.

In general, it is advisable to have a plastic card not from the point of view of daily practical use on vacation, but just in case (there was not enough or lost money, there were additional urgent expenses, or there was not enough cash when buying, and I don’t want to waste time). It is not very convenient to use the card every day because ATMs, as a rule, issue no more than 2-3 million dong (100-150 dollars) at a time, and you will most likely pay two commissions - to both a Vietnamese bank and a Russian one (20 000-60,000 VND per transaction). In addition, many stores have an additional 3% markup if you pay by card. All this makes "plastic" if not useless, then certainly not a popular means of payment in Vietnam.


Everything flows, everything changes. Once in Mui Ne and Nha Trang there were mainly Vietnamese tourists. And tipping was almost banned at the state level, because Vietnam is a socialist country. The Vietnamese did not tip, and, accordingly, did not take. Then foreign tourists (very greedy economical, by the way) began to leave small tips. And then there were Russian tourists in Vietnam, big-hearted people who can give a waitress 100,000 dong (her daily wage) just because she smiled at them. All this to the fact that now in tourist places - in restaurants and spas, tips from Russian customers are more likely to be expected than not. However, tipping is optional. Considering the rather average service that a client receives in most establishments, we recommend encouraging only those staff who actually deserve it with their attitude and attention to you. The standard size is from 10% of the invoice amount, as elsewhere.

Vietnam travel budget

Very often, tourists ask how much money they need to have with them, “to have enough”. The question, although very individual, is still not idle - taking into account the fact that in Vietnam cash dollars are held in high esteem, in Russia they will need to be bought for this, and not "something", but a certain amount. Buying a little and a lot is more expensive for yourself. The most correct thing is to “assign” yourself some amount in advance, which you don’t mind spending directly on vacation. Basic expenses at the resort- this is food and alcohol, excursions and spa treatments, transport, and, of course, shopping. Let's roughly calculate the comfortable minimum. Daily fruit purchase - VND 100,000, two meals (lunch and dinner) of VND 200,000 each (a couple of dishes and a drink), massage - from VND 200,000, taxi from VND 50,000 per day. It is clear that somewhere less, somewhere more, and for 12 full days of rest we get 9 million dong (430 dollars). We add 100 dollars for excursions (at a price of 35-50 dollars and an average number of 2-3 excursions per person, according to statistics, it turns out), and at least another 100 dollars for souvenirs. We get about 630 dollars. Curious that we almost fit in golden rule of tourism have a minimum of $50 a day for expenses (12 days of $50 is $600). Approximately this amount should be counted as irretrievably spent. If necessary, you can meet the $ 300, practically without giving up anything from the list, just choosing cheap places and slightly reducing purchases. And if possible, it is easy to spend even $ 300 a day, even in such, in principle, an inexpensive country like Vietnam. In the spirit of this and another golden rule of tourism Finally: take half as much things, and twice as much money!
