Strategic analysis of the internal and external environment of the organization. Coursework: Strategic analysis of the external environment

Strategic management is a process that is in constant motion. Change both inside the organization and outside it, or all together, requires appropriate adjustments to the strategy, so the strategic management process is a closed cycle. The task of evaluating performance and making adjustments is both the end and the beginning of the strategic management cycle. The course of external and internal events sooner or later forces us to reconsider the purpose of the company, the goals of the activity, the strategy and the process of its implementation. The task of management is to find ways to improve the existing strategy and to monitor how it is being carried out.

There are many models of the strategic management process that more or less detail the sequence of steps in this process, but three key stages are common to all models:

  • ? strategic analysis;
  • ? strategic choice;
  • ? implementation of the strategy .

Strategic Analysis is usually considered the initial process of strategic management, as it provides both a basis for determining the mission and goals of the company, and acts as the most important stage of management in developing an effective strategy and provides a real assessment of one's own resources and capabilities and a deep understanding of the external competitive environment.

Each organization is involved in three processes:

  • ? obtaining resources from external environment(input);
  • ? transformation of resources into a product (transformation);
  • ? transfer of the product to the external environment (exit).

Management is designed to provide a balance of input and output. As soon as this balance is disturbed in an organization, it embarks on the path of dying. The modern market has dramatically increased the importance of the exit process in maintaining this balance. This is precisely reflected in the fact that the first stage in the structure of strategic management is the stage of strategic analysis.

The strategic analysis stage interprets the strategic position of the organization by, firstly, determining the changes that have occurred in the economic environment of the organization and identifying their impact on the organization and its activities, and secondly, determining the advantages and resources of the organization depending on their changes. The main purpose of strategic analysis is to assess the key impacts on the current and future position of the organization and determine their specific impact on strategic choices.

One of the results of strategic analysis is the formulation of the overall goals of the organization, which determine the scope of its activities. Tasks are defined on the basis of goals. They are used to represent indicators strategic planning. Presented in writing indicators can be financial or non-financial in nature. Financial indicators are numerous, expressed in numbers, convenient for comparing strengths and weaknesses various options strategic development, with their help it is easy to exercise control.

Conducting a strategic analysis involves examining the dynamics of the environment and the potential of the organization. The potential of the organization is studied in order to use it in building competitive advantages. An important role in strategic analysis is played by the identification of basic skills and abilities - those skills that give the company a competitive advantage and determine the main directions of its activities.

The need for strategic analysis is determined by several factors:

  • ? firstly, it is necessary when developing an enterprise development strategy and in general for the implementation of effective management;
  • ? secondly, it is necessary to assess the attractiveness of the enterprise, from the point of view of an external investor, to determine the position of the enterprise in national and other ratings;
  • ? thirdly, strategic analysis allows you to identify the reserves and capabilities of the enterprise, determine the direction of adaptation of the internal capabilities of the enterprise to changes in environmental conditions.

Strategic analysis involves the study of:

  • - external environment (macro environment and immediate environment);
  • - the internal environment of the organization.

An analysis of the external environment (macro- and immediate environment) is aimed at finding out what the company can count on if it successfully conducts work, and what complications can await it if it fails to prevent negative attacks in time, which can give her the environment.

An analysis of the internal environment reveals those opportunities, the potential that a company can count on in a competitive struggle in the process of achieving its goals. An analysis of the internal environment also makes it possible to better understand the goals of the organization, to more correctly formulate the mission, i.e. determine the meaning and direction of the company. It is extremely important to always remember that the organization not only produces products for the environment, but also provides an opportunity for its members to exist, giving them work, providing them with the opportunity to participate in profits, providing them with social guarantees, etc.

On the this stage analysis, top management selects the most important factors for the future of the enterprise - strategic factors. Strategic factors are factors in the development of the external environment, which, firstly, are likely to be implemented and, secondly, have a high probability of influencing the functioning of the enterprise. The purpose of the analysis of strategic factors is to identify the threats and opportunities of the external environment, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. A well-conducted managerial analysis, giving a realistic assessment of its resources and capabilities, is the starting point for developing an enterprise strategy. At the same time, strategic management is impossible without a deep understanding of the competitive environment in which the company operates, which involves the implementation of marketing research. It is the emphasis on monitoring and assessing external threats and opportunities in the light of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise that is the hallmark of strategic management.

The result of strategic analysis is the formation of an effective enterprise strategy, which should be based on the following components: correctly chosen long-term goals; deep understanding of the competitive environment; a real assessment of the company's own resources and capabilities.

Analysis of the internal state of the company allows you to balance market demands and the real possibilities of the company itself, to obtain the necessary information for making informed management decisions and developing a market strategy and policy. In strategic analysis, the entire internal environment of the organization, its individual subsystems and components are considered as a strategic development resource. The main condition for the success of such an analysis is its consistency, multifactorial nature, completeness and ultimate efficiency.

Stages and tasks of analyzing the internal environment of the company and its position in the market

Analysis stage

Main goals

1. The study of the strategic performance of the company in dynamics

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the current strategy based on the analysis of indicators for a number of years: market share, sales volume, production costs, net profit, stock returns, etc.

2. Identification and evaluation of key success factors (KSF) using SNW analysis.

Analysis of KFU related to production, technology, personnel, marketing, products, management, etc.

3. Cost and value chain analysis

Estimation of the company's costs for all stages of production and sales of products that create value; comparison of these costs with the corresponding costs of competitors.

4. Analysis of strategic potential using the matrix of strategic resources

Qualitative assessment of the possibility of achieving the company's strategic goals, taking into account the existing strategic resources(financial, personnel, material, spatial, informational).

5. Assessment of competitive strength

The use of expert assessments of the firm's competitive position in terms of key parameters in comparison with competitors.

Thus, the analysis of the internal environment comes down to determining the strengths and weaknesses of the company, assessing the current state of the business, and identifying strategic problems. When developing a firm's strategy, it is necessary to use internal variables that can become the basis of competitive advantages, and take into account the possible negative impact of identified shortcomings and limitations that impede success.

3.2.4. Strategic analysis of the external environment.

The main purpose of the analysis of the external environment is to find out and understand the opportunities and threats that may arise for the enterprise in the future in order to correctly determine the strategic directions of its development.

The external environment is characterized by a huge number of variables that create uncertainty and instability in the strategic plan.

Opportunities refer to positive trends and environmental events that can increase sales and profits. Such opportunities, for example, are: the weakening of the positions of competitors, the growth of household incomes, the expansion of sales markets, favorable government policy, etc.

Threats are negative trends and events that, in the absence of an appropriate response from the enterprise, can significantly weaken its competitive position. Threats include: tightening of customs regulation, the emergence of substitute goods, increased competition, reduced purchasing power, etc.

According to the degree of impact on the processes occurring within the enterprise, there are two groups of external factors:

    indirect impact factors (macro environment)

    direct impact factors (immediate environment) (Fig.)

Various research tools and methods can be used to analyze the dynamism and complexity of the external business environment.

Stages and tasks of strategic analysis of the external environment

Analysis steps

Main goals

1. REST - analysis of the macro environment

Identification and assessment of the impact of the most significant factors of the macro environment (political, legal, economic, socio-cultural, technological) on the results of the current and future activities of the enterprise.

2. Conducting an industry analysis (assessment of the main economic indicators industries)

Determining the attractiveness of the industry and its individual product markets, studying the structure and dynamics of the industry to develop a strategy for the company's behavior in the market (market size, stage life cycle, scale of competition, growth rates, degree of product differentiation, etc.).

3. Analysis competitive environment(according to the five forces of competition model)

Assessment of the intensity of competition between sellers, the threat of new competitors, the degree of influence of suppliers, the degree of influence of substitute goods.

4. Identification of the driving forces of the industry (trends in the external environment)

Forecasting changes in the situation in the industry based on studying the dynamics of the development of the driving forces of the market (for example: changes in the composition of consumers, renewal of innovation, globalization of industries, etc.

5. Assessment of the competitive positions of firms in the industry (according to the model of strategic groups)

Positioning of firms in market segments, assessment of positions and reasons.

6. Analysis of competitor strategies and types of competitive behavior.

Studying the actions of competitors, their strengths and weaknesses in order to anticipate future behavior.

7. Evaluation of the prospects for the development of the industry, its attractiveness.

Identification and analysis of factors that make an industry attractive or unattractive.

8. SWOT analysis

A comprehensive final assessment of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company, external threats and opportunities.

SWOT analysis is one of the most common and available methods for the final assessment of the firm's environment.

The name of the SWOT method is an abbreviation of English words: Strengts (strength), Weaknesses (weakness), Opportunities (opportunities), Threats (threats). Strengths and weaknesses characterize the internal environment in the company, and opportunities and threats characterize the external environment.

There are various forms of presenting the results of a SWOT analysis. Most often, to establish links between different environments, the classic version of the SWOT matrix (Fig ...)



field: strength and possibilities

field: strength and threats

The act of using strengths to capitalize on opportunities

Strategic decisions to use company strength to eliminate threats

Weak sides

field: weakness and opportunity

field: weakness and threats

Strategic actions to seize opportunities to overcome existing weaknesses

Development of strategic approaches to both get rid of the weakness and prevent the threat looming over the company.

Rice. SWOT Analysis Matrix.

When developing strategies using the results of the SWOT matrix, it should be remembered that opportunities and threats can turn into their opposite. Thus, an untapped opportunity can become a threat if a competitor exploits it. Or vice versa, a successfully prevented threat may open up additional opportunities for the organization if competitors were not able to eliminate the same threat.

Strategic planning at all its stages involves an analysis of the company's environment. The process of studying the environment involves the study of its three components: the external environment, the immediate environment, the internal environment of the company.

Environmental analysis is the process by which strategic planners control factors external to the organization to identify opportunities and threats for the firm. Analysis of the external environment includes the study of the impact of the economy, legal regulation and management, political processes, natural environment and resources, social and cultural components of society, scientific, technical and technological development of society, infrastructure, etc.

Such an analysis includes studying the impact of the economy, legal regulation and management, political processes, the natural environment and resources, the social and cultural components of society, the scientific, technical and technological development of society, infrastructure, etc. It helps to get important results. It gives the organization time to anticipate opportunities, time to plan for contingencies, time to develop the system. early warning in case of possible threats and time to develop strategies that can turn previous threats into any profitable opportunities.

To study the external environment of a company, seven areas are usually distinguished: economics, politics, market, technology, legal regulation, international position and social behavior.

Analysis of the external environment helps to obtain important results. It gives the organization time to anticipate opportunities, time to plan for contingencies, time to develop an early warning system for possible threats, and time to develop strategies that can turn past threats into any profitable opportunity.

Threats and opportunities faced by an organization can generally be divided into seven areas. These areas are economics, politics, market, technology, legal regulation, international position and social behavior.

Economic forces. The current and projected state of the economy can have a dramatic impact on an organization's goals. Some factors in the economic environment must be constantly diagnosed and evaluated.

An analysis of the economic component of the macroenvironment makes it possible to understand how resources are formed and distributed. Obviously, this is vital to the organization, since access to resources very much determines the login state of the organization.

The study of the economy involves the analysis of a number of indicators: the value of GNP, inflation rates, unemployment, interest rates, labor productivity, taxation rates, balance of payments, savings rates, etc. When studying the economic component, it is important to pay attention to such factors as the general level of economic development, extracted natural resources, climate, type and level of development of competitive relations, population structure, level of education. work force and the amount of wages.

For strategic management, when studying the listed indicators and factors, it is not the values ​​of the indicators as such that are of interest, but, first of all, what opportunities for doing business this gives.

Also in the sphere of interest of strategic management is the disclosure of potential threats to the company, which are contained in the individual components of the economic component. It often happens that opportunities and threats go hand in hand.”

The analysis of the economic component should by no means be reduced to the analysis of its individual components. It should be directed to comprehensive assessment her condition. First of all, this is fixing the level of risk, the degree of competition tension and the level of business attractiveness.

political factors. A clear idea of ​​the intention of the organs state power with regard to the development of society and the means by which the state intends to carry out its policy.

market factors. The changing market environment is an area of ​​ongoing concern for organizations. Market environment analysis includes numerous factors that can have a direct impact on the success and failure of an organization.

Technological factors. Timely see the opportunities that science opens up for the production of new products. international factors. Threats and opportunities may arise from the ease of access to raw materials, the activities of foreign cartels (such as OPEC), changes in the exchange rate and political decisions in countries that act as investment targets or markets.

legal factors. The study of laws and other regulations, the effectiveness of the legal system. Social factors. People's attitudes towards work and quality of life, customs and beliefs, demographic structure, shared values, population growth, level of education, etc.

By analyzing the external environment, an organization can create a list of the dangers and opportunities it faces in that environment. The most common ways to monitor the state of the external environment are:

participation in professional conferences;

analysis of the experience of the organization;

studying the opinions of employees of the organization;

holding meetings and discussions within the organization.

The immediate environment is analyzed according to the following main components: buyers, suppliers, competitors, labor market. For buyers, their geographical position, demographic characteristics, socio-psychological characteristics, the attitude of buyers to the product. Buyer selling power is determined by awareness, volume of purchases, degree of seller-buyer dependency, availability of substitutable products, cost to the buyer of switching to another seller, and price sensitivity. When evaluating suppliers, it is recommended to study the cost of the supplied goods, quality assurance, time schedule of deliveries, punctuality and obligation of the supplier to fulfill the conditions. The competitive strength of a supplier depends on the following factors:

The level of specialization of the supplier;

The cost of attracting other customers;

the degree of specialization of the buyer in the acquisition of certain resources;

· concentration of the supplier on work with specific clients;

The importance for the supplier of sales volume.

During the analysis of competitors, first of all, their strengths and weaknesses are revealed. An analysis of the internal environment reveals the potential that a company can count on in the competition in the process of achieving its goals. The internal environment is analyzed in the following areas:

· Personnel of the company, their potential, qualifications, interests, etc.;

organization of management;

production, including organizational, operational and technical and technological characteristics and Scientific research and development;

company finances;


organizational culture.

Environmental analysis should be carried out continuously, as its result is the receipt of information on the basis of which estimates are made regarding the current position of the company.


1. Strategic analysis of the internal environment of the organization

1.1 Strategic Analysis: Necessity and Essence

1.2 Analysis of the internal environment of the organization and methods of conducting

2. Strategic analysis of the internal environment of the organization on the example of Samarenergo LLC

2.1 SWOT analysis

2.2 Strategic SNW-analysis of the internal environment of Samarenergo

2.3 Analysis of the factors of the internal environment of the enterprise


List of sources used


In today's rapidly changing socio-political and economic conditions, an organization operating in the market of goods and services is faced with the task of ensuring not only survival, but also continuous development, increasing its potential.

The extremely rapid changes in the business environment that accompany the development of modern Russian business cause increasing attention to the issues of strategic enterprise management.

Strategic analysis is usually the starting point of the strategic management process. This analysis, as part of the concept of company management, allows you to look at the organization as a whole, based on the analysis, draw conclusions about why some companies develop and prosper, while others experience stagnation or are threatened with bankruptcy, that is, why there is a constant redistribution of the roles of the main market participants.

AT economic practice The Russian application of strategic analysis is in its infancy. At the same time, domestic and international analysts believe that the Russian market has entered the stage when the lack of a developed strategy hinders enterprises at every step. What is the role of strategic analysis for an enterprise in the conditions market economy? The need to study this problem predetermined the choice of the topic of this term paper, its relevance and significance.

The main purpose of the course work is to study the process of strategic analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise and develop recommendations for its improvement.

This goal predetermined the need to solve the following tasks:

to study the theoretical and methodological foundations of the process of strategic analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise;

explore methods for conducting a strategic analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise;

analyze the key factors of the internal environment of the enterprise;

identify the strengths and weaknesses of the activities of Samarenergo LLC.

To develop the main directions for improving the process of strategic analysis of the internal environment in Samarenergo LLC.

The object of the study is Samarenergo LLC.

The theoretical basis of the work was the works of leading economists on the problems of strategic management and analysis, publications in periodicals.

1. Strategic analysis of the internal environment of the organization

1.1 Strategic Analysis: Necessity and Essence

Strategic management is a process that is in constant motion. Change both inside the organization and outside it, or all together, requires appropriate adjustments to the strategy, so the strategic management process is a closed cycle. The task of evaluating performance and making adjustments is both the end and the beginning of the strategic management cycle. The course of external and internal events sooner or later forces us to reconsider the purpose of the company, the goals of the activity, the strategy and the process of its implementation. The task of management is to find ways to improve the existing strategy and to monitor how it is being carried out.

There are many models of the strategic management process that more or less detail the sequence of steps in this process, but three key stages are common to all models:

Strategic analysis;

strategic choice;

Implementation of the strategy (Fig. 1.1).

Strategic analysis is usually considered the initial process of strategic management, as it provides both a basis for determining the mission and goals of the company, and acts as the most important stage of management in developing an effective strategy and provides a real assessment of one's own resources and capabilities and a deep understanding of the external competitive environment.

Each organization is involved in three processes:

obtaining resources from the external environment (input);

transformation of resources into a product (transformation);

transfer of the product to the external environment (exit).

Management is designed to provide a balance of input and output. As soon as this balance is disturbed in an organization, it embarks on the path of dying. The modern market has dramatically increased the importance of the exit process in maintaining this balance. This is precisely reflected in the fact that the first stage in the structure of strategic management is the stage of strategic analysis.

The strategic analysis stage interprets the strategic position of the organization by, firstly, determining the changes that have occurred in the economic environment of the organization and identifying their impact on the organization and its activities, and secondly, determining the advantages and resources of the organization depending on their changes. The main purpose of strategic analysis is to assess the key impacts on the current and future position of the organization and determine their specific impact on strategic choices.

One of the results of strategic analysis is the formulation of the overall goals of the organization, which determine the scope of its activities. Tasks are defined on the basis of goals. They are used to represent strategic planning indicators. Written figures may be of a financial or non-financial nature. Financial indicators are numerous, expressed in numbers, convenient for comparing the strengths and weaknesses of various options for strategic development, with their help it is easy to control.

Conducting a strategic analysis involves examining the dynamics of the environment and the potential of the organization. The potential of the organization is studied in order to use it in building competitive advantages. An important role in strategic analysis is played by the identification of basic skills and abilities - those skills that give the company a competitive advantage and determine the main directions of its activities.

The need for strategic analysis is determined by several factors:

Firstly, it is necessary when developing an enterprise development strategy and, in general, for the implementation of effective management;

Secondly, it is necessary to assess the attractiveness of the enterprise, from the point of view of an external investor, to determine the position of the enterprise in national and other ratings;

Thirdly, strategic analysis allows you to identify the reserves and capabilities of the enterprise, determine the direction of adaptation of the internal capabilities of the enterprise to changes in the external environment.

Strategic analysis involves the study of:

External environment (macro environment and immediate environment);

The internal environment of the organization.

An analysis of the external environment (macro- and immediate environment) is aimed at finding out what the company can count on if it successfully conducts work, and what complications can await it if it fails to prevent negative attacks in time, which can give her the environment.

An analysis of the internal environment reveals those opportunities, the potential that a company can count on in a competitive struggle in the process of achieving its goals. An analysis of the internal environment also makes it possible to better understand the goals of the organization, to more correctly formulate the mission, i.e. determine the meaning and direction of the company. It is extremely important to always remember that the organization not only produces products for the environment, but also provides an opportunity for its members to exist, giving them work, providing them with the opportunity to participate in profits, providing them with social guarantees, etc.

At this stage of the analysis, top management selects the most important factors for the future of the enterprise - strategic factors. Strategic factors are factors in the development of the external environment, which, firstly, are likely to be implemented and, secondly, have a high probability of influencing the functioning of the enterprise. The purpose of the analysis of strategic factors is to identify the threats and opportunities of the external environment, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. Well Conducted Management Analysis , giving a real assessment of its resources and capabilities, is the starting point for developing an enterprise strategy. At the same time, strategic management is impossible without a deep understanding of the competitive environment in which the enterprise operates, which involves the implementation of marketing research. It is the emphasis on monitoring and evaluating external threats and opportunities in the light of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise that is the hallmark of strategic management.

The result of strategic analysis is the formation of an effective enterprise strategy, which should be based on the following components:

well-chosen long-term goals;

deep understanding of the competitive environment;

a real assessment of the company's own resources and capabilities.

1.2 Analysis of the internal environment of the organization and methods of conducting

The internal environment of an organization is that part of the overall environment that is located directly within the organization. It has a permanent and most direct impact on the functioning of the organization. The internal environment of an organization is the source of its lifeblood. It contains the potential that enables the organization to function, and, consequently, to exist and survive in a certain period of time. But the internal environment can also be a source of problems and even the death of an organization if there is no effective mechanism for its functioning.

The study of the internal environment, as well as the study of the macro- and immediate environment, should be aimed at revealing those opportunities and threats that lurk within the organization.

When developing an enterprise strategy, managers must examine not only the external environment, but also the situation within the enterprise. It is necessary to identify those internal variables that can be considered as strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, assess their possibility and determine which of these variables can become the basis of competitive advantages.

Strength is something a company is good at, or some feature that gives it additional features. Strength may lie in skills, significant experience, valuable organizational resources or competitive opportunities, achievements that give the firm an advantage in the market (for example, a better product, better customer service, modern technology).

Weakness is the absence of something important for the functioning of the company, or something that it fails (in comparison with others), or something that puts it in unfavorable conditions. A weakness, depending on how important it is in the competition, may or may not make a company vulnerable.

In practice, several approaches are used to determine the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise:

Internal approach - determination based on the analysis of the experience of the enterprise, the opinions of its specialists;

External - determination based on comparison with competitors;

Regulatory - as it should be (according to experts, consultants).

There are many approaches to conducting management analysis.

In particular, J. Pierce and R. Robinson singled out a set of key internal factors that can be a source of both strength and weakness of an organization. The analysis of these factors allows you to get a comprehensive picture of the internal environment of the organization and its strengths and weaknesses.

Table 1.1 - Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization

SphereFactorsQuestions for analysis 123 Personnel 1. Management personnel; 2. Morale and qualifications of employees; 3. Set of payments to employees in comparison with the same indicator for competitors on average in the industry; 4.Personnel policy; 5.Using incentives to motivate work performance; 6. Possibility to control the recruitment cycle; 7. Staff turnover and absenteeism; 8. Special qualification of employees; 9. Experience 1. What management style does top management use; 2. What is the dominant in the value system of top management; 3. How long do senior leaders stay in their positions and how long are they going to stay in the organization; 4. To what extent the qualifications of middle-level managers allow them to cope with planning and control issues related to the calendar schedule of actions, cost reduction and quality improvement; 5. Whether the qualifications of the organization's personnel correspond to its current and future tasks; 6. What, in general, is the location of employees and what are the motives for their work in the organization; 7. What is the remuneration policy in the organization in comparison with other organizations of a similar profile General management organization 1. Organizational structure; 2. Prestige and image of the company; 3. Organization of the communication system; 1. Are the rights and obligations clearly distributed in the organization; 2. Is there a practice of reducing management costs in the organization? 3. Is the interaction of various effective? 5. Organizational climate, culture; 6. Use of systematized procedures and techniques in the decision-making process; 7. Qualification, abilities and interests of top management; 8. System of strategic planning; 9. Intra-organizational synergy (for multi-industry firms) of divisions in the process of achieving the goals of the organization Production 1. The cost of raw materials and its availability, relations with suppliers; 2.Inventory control system, inventory turnover; 3. Location of production facilities, location and use of facilities; 4.Economy of scale of production; 5. Technical efficiency of capacities and their workload; 6.Using a subcontracting system; 7. Degree of vertical integration, net output and profit; 1. Whether production capacity meets competitive requirements today whether they are the most modern or whether they are already obsolete; 2. How efficiently are production capacities used, is there an underload and are there opportunities to expand the production base; 3. What is the return on research and development; 4. Do R&D lead to the creation of fundamentally new products 8. Return on the use of equipment; 9. Control over the manufacturing process of the product; 10. Designing, scheduling work; 11. Purchase; 12. Quality control; 13. Comparative, in relation to competitors and the industry average value of costs; 14. Research and development, innovation; 15. Patents, trademarks and similar legal forms of protection of goods Finance and accounting 1. Opportunity to attract short-term capital; 2. Ability to attract long-term capital; 3. Cost of capital compared to industry average and competitors' cost of capital; 4. Attitude towards taxes; 5. Attitude towards owners, investors, shareholders; 6. Possibility of using alternative financial strategies; 1. What are the trends in changing the financial performance of the organization; 2.What percentage of profit is provided by individual divisions; 3. Are there sufficient capital expenditures to meet future production needs; 4. Whether financial institutions treat the management of the organization with due respect; 5. Does management provide an aggressive and based on deep knowledge tax policy7. "Working" capital: the flexibility of the capital structure; 8. Effective cost control, the ability to reduce costs; 9. System of cost accounting, budgeting and profit planning.

Analysis of the internal environment of the organization can also be carried out in a number of functional areas: personnel, organizational, production, financial.

Interaction between managers and workers;

Recruitment, training and promotion of personnel;

Evaluation of labor results and stimulation;

Establishing and maintaining relationships between employees.

Organizational area includes:

communication processes;

organizational structures;

norms, rules, procedures;

distribution of rights and responsibilities;

dominance hierarchy.

AT production area includes:

production of products;

supply and warehousing;

technological park maintenance;

implementation of research and development.

financial area includes processes related to ensuring the effective use and movement of cash in the organization:

maintaining the proper level of liquidity and ensuring profitability;

creating investment opportunities.

Along with the study of various aspects of the internal environment of the organization is very great importance also has an analysis of organizational culture. There is no organization that does not have an organizational culture. It permeates any organization through and through, manifesting itself in the way the employees of the organization carry out their work, how they relate to each other and to the organization as a whole. Organizational culture can contribute to the fact that the organization acts as a strong, stable structure surviving in the competitive struggle. But it may also be that the organizational culture weakens the organization, does not allow it to develop successfully even if it has a high technical, technological and financial potential. The particular importance of the analysis of organizational culture for strategic management lies in the fact that it determines not only the relationship between people in the organization, but also has a strong influence on how the organization builds its interaction with the external environment, how it treats its customers and what methods it chooses for conducting competition.

2. Strategic analysis of the internal environment of the organization on the example of Samarenergo LLC.

2.1 SWOT analysis

In order to get a clear assessment of the strengths of the enterprise and the market situation, there is a SWOT analysis. Analysis is the definition of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as the opportunities and threats emanating from its immediate environment (internal environment):

strengths (Strengths) - the advantages of the organization;

weaknesses (Weaknesses) - shortcomings of the organization;

opportunities (Opportunities) - factors of the internal environment, the use of which will create the advantages of the organization in the market;

Threats are factors that can potentially worsen an organization's position in the market.

For analysis it is necessary:

determine the main direction of development of the enterprise (its mission)

weigh the forces and assess the market situation in order to understand whether it is possible to move in the indicated direction and how best to do it (SWOT analysis);

set goals for the enterprise, taking into account its real capabilities (determination of the strategic goals of the enterprise).

Conducting a SWOT analysis comes down to filling out a SWOT analysis matrix. In the appropriate cells of the matrix, it is necessary to enter the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as market opportunities and threats.

The strengths of an enterprise are something that it excels in or some feature that provides additional opportunities. Strength may lie in experience, access to unique resources, availability advanced technology and modern equipment, highly qualified staff, high quality products, fame trademark etc.

Weak sides enterprise is the absence of something important for the functioning of the enterprise or something that is not yet possible in comparison with other companies and puts the enterprise in an unfavorable position. As an example of weaknesses, one can cite a too narrow range of manufactured goods, a bad reputation of the company in the market, lack of funding, low level of service, etc.

Market opportunities are favorable circumstances that a business can take advantage of. As an example of market opportunities, one can cite the deterioration of the positions of competitors, a sharp increase in demand, the emergence of new production technologies, an increase in the level of income of the population, etc. It should be noted that the opportunities in terms of SWOT analysis are not all the opportunities that exist in the market, but only those that can be used.

Market threats are events, the occurrence of which may have an adverse impact on the enterprise. Examples of market threats: new competitors entering the market, tax increases, changing consumer tastes, declining birth rates, etc.

The same factor can be both a threat and an opportunity for different enterprises. For example, for a store that sells expensive products, the growth of household income may be an opportunity, as it will lead to an increase in the number of customers. At the same time, the same factor can become a threat for a discount store, as its customers, with rising salaries, can move to competitors offering a higher level of service.

Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise

In order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, it is necessary:

Make a list of parameters by which the company will be evaluated;

For each parameter, determine what is strong point enterprises, and that - weak;

From the entire list, select the most important strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise and enter them into the SWOT analysis matrix

Identifying Market Opportunities and Threats

The second step of the SWOT analysis is the market assessment. This stage allows you to assess the situation outside the enterprise - to see opportunities and threats. The methodology for identifying market opportunities and threats is almost identical to the methodology for determining the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise:

Drawing up a list of parameters for assessing the market situation;

Determining the opportunities and threats of the enterprise for each parameter;

Choosing from the entire list of the most important opportunities and threats and building a SWOT analysis matrix

Matching the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise with the opportunities and threats of the market

Comparison of strengths and weaknesses with market opportunities and threats allows you to answer the following questions regarding the further development of the business:

How is it possible to take advantage of the opening opportunities, using the strengths of the enterprise? What are the weaknesses of the enterprise can interfere?

What strengths can be used to neutralize existing threats? What threats, exacerbated by the weaknesses of the enterprise, should be most feared? A slightly modified SWOT analysis matrix is ​​used to compare the capabilities of your enterprise to market conditions.

Table 1

Opportunities 1. 2. 3. Threats 1. 2. 3. Strengths 1. 2. 3. SIV FIELD SIS FIELD Weaknesses 1. 2. 3. SL FIELD SL FIELD

2.2 Strategic SNW analysis of the internal environment of Samarenergo

table 2

Np/p Name of the strategic position Qualitative assessment of the position S Strong N Neutral W Weak + 6. Distribution as a product sales system (in general) + 7. Information technology + 8. Ability to lead in general (as a synthesis of subjective and objective factors) + 9. Production level (in general) + 10. Marketing level + 11. Level of management + 12. Brand quality + 13. Personnel quality + 14. Market reputation + 15. Relations with authorities +

Thus, from the above table it can be seen that such positions as the organization's strategy, organizational structure, financial position, costs, information technology and relations with authorities should be considered neutral for the organization in relation to existing competitors.

It is especially important that the products themselves and the system of their sale are a strong position of OOO "Samarenergo" in the market. The organization has a favorable image in the eyes of the public and its regular customers. But it is impossible to hold out on old merits for a long time, therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the low level of management and managerial personnel, this is necessary to maintain and increase the profit of the organization as a priority direction of the business strategy.

To analyze trends in the external environment, the PEST analysis technique was used, which allows you to take a broader look at how the environment affects the organization.

2.3 Analysis of the factors of the internal environment of the enterprise

We will analyze the internal environment of the JSC Samarenergo enterprise in a number of functional areas:

) personnel;

) organizational;

) production;

) financial.

Target personnel policy OOO "Samarenergo" - a reasonable combination of renewal and preservation processes, maintaining the optimal numerical and qualitative composition of the personnel of the energy system, capable of high professional level ensure the solution of problems related to the production, transmission and distribution of electricity and heat, uninterrupted power supply to industrial enterprises and household consumers of the Republic of Mordovia. To achieve this goal, the activities of the personnel services of the energy system are aimed at:

creation of an integral system of normative, administrative, methodological internal documents and principles of work with personnel;

formation and strengthening of the corporate spirit, the image of the employee of Samarenergo LLC, fostering a sense of attractiveness of brand affiliation.

Personnel policy is implemented through personnel management, as a system of intra-company relations and a system of working with external sources of personnel. The personnel management development strategy is part of the overall strategy of Samarenergo LLC, contributing to the achievement of financial and economic stability, sustainable profitability and dynamic development.

Personnel management will be effective only if the entire management team, top and middle management, line managers, specialists of functional services and departments are included in the management process. There are the following principles of personnel management of JSC Samarenergo”:

inclusion in the process of personnel management of all senior management, and leading management, line managers, building a system for training management in the principles and methods of personnel management, developing guidelines for working with personnel for managers of all levels;

reasonable combination of internal and external resources when filling vacancies; constant personnel renewal combined with continuity; ensuring optimal employment of employees, maximum use of the skills and experience of each employee, the intellectual potential of all labor resources, effective organization of labor and ensuring its safety;

creation of conditions for professional and personal growth of employees, development of incentive systems for highly productive labor;

improving the living standards of employees and their families based on the functioning of a competitive system of staff incentives;

creation of a system of social and labor rights and guarantees that improve the position of employees of Samarenergo LLC, form the consciousness of corporate affiliation and strengthen its attractiveness;

creating a favorable psychological climate in teams;

social partnership and mutual responsibility of the parties in relations between representatives of the employer and employees;

planning of personnel management based on the establishment of specific goals in each area of ​​management, which are an integral part of the overall plan for personnel development;

maximum introduction of modern personnel technologies and computerization of personnel management processes;

rejuvenation of the personnel of the energy company based on headcount optimization;

flexible, constant dynamic development of the personnel management system that adequately meets the current interests of Samarenergo LLC.

Table 2.4 presents data on the dynamics of the number of personnel of Samarenergo LLC over the past three years. The main share in the number of production and industrial personnel of Samarenergo LLC is occupied by the category of "workers" - 62%. It is in this category that there is a clear trend towards its reduction in absolute terms. The share in the total number of the "specialists" category is 20%, and of middle managers - 16%.

Table 2.4 - The number and structure of the personnel of Samarenergo LLC by category, people

Personnel categories 200620072008 Top managers 353938 Middle managers 441439430 Specialists 565481523 Employees 343130 Workers 196216791649 Total:303726692670

The reduction in the number of the "worker" category is associated with the policy pursued by Russian energy companies aimed at optimizing the number of production and industrial personnel in the direction of improving their quality characteristics.

The energy system employs employees of all age groups, but the older age group (from 45 years old to retirement age) accounts for the largest share in the total number of personnel - 40% (Figure 2.1). Moreover, this group has continued to increase in recent years due to the reduction in the share of the group from 35 to 45 years. The share of personnel aged 25 to 35 remains stable and up to 25 years in total is 21%. In the process of selecting personnel for vacant positions, priority is given to young, promising specialists with a high level of basic theoretical education. Staff turnover is a critical indicator of workforce dynamics in an organization. The values ​​​​of the recruitment and dismissal of personnel in Samarenergo LLC over the past 3 years indicate a high turnover of personnel in the energy system, which is a reflection of the processes of reforming the electric power industry:

Optimization of the number of personnel;

Implementation of the compensation program;

Figure 2.1 - Age structure of the personnel of Samarenergo LLC in 2008

withdrawal of maintenance personnel.

In October 2001, Energosbyt OOO "Samarenergo" was spun off into a separate branch. In 2006, the high turnover of personnel was associated with the reform of the energy repair production and the transfer of part of the repair personnel of the Samara CHPP-2 and Samara heating networks to the PRP Samarenergoremont. In 2007, the staff of the PRP "Samarenergoremont" was allocated to the SDCs of OJSC Samarenergoremont". As part of the Compensation Program, 75 people left the power system by agreement of the parties.

Distribution of the personnel of OOO "Samarenergo" by the level of education has remained quite stable over the past few years (Figure 2.2). In 2008, the main share of employees of Samarenergo LLC was made up of personnel with secondary and secondary specialized education. The data in Figure 2.2 show a slight increase in the qualitative composition of the personnel of Samarenergo LLC, which occurs due to the reduction of personnel with secondary education.

The Company strictly adheres to the concluded Sectoral Tariff Agreement in the electric power industry, the Collective Agreement, ensuring timely and full payment of wages.

Figure 2.3 - Distribution of personnel of Samarenergo LLC by education in 2006-2008, %

Improving the system of material and moral incentives for personnel has been and remains the most important activity of Samarenergo LLC in the personnel management system.

Special attention the company pays for the training and retraining of specialists. Proceeding from this, JSC "Samarenergo" carried out in 2008 systematic work on training and advanced training of personnel (Table 2.5).

Table 2.5 - Advanced training in Samarenergo LLC, pers.

Indicators 2006 2007 2008 Training of workers736,925

The training of the personnel reserve is carried out within the established plan for retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists, both with and without interruption from work. Advanced training of managers and specialists of Samarenergo LLC is carried out on the basis of the following educational institutions:

Institute for advanced training of power engineers "VIPCenergo";

Petersburg Power Engineering Institute for Advanced Training of Executives and Specialists;

North-Western branch of OJSC "GVTs Energetiki", etc.

In addition to training in the IPC, training is conducted in the UKP, universities and directly at the workplace. Particular attention is paid to the training of specialists on a contractual basis in various universities.

The UKP applies modern methods teaching methods developed in leading Russian universities. Training of specialists is carried out using computer technology and special simulators. In 2008, 825 people were trained at the training center (in 2007 - 750 people, in 2006 - 705 people).

Particular attention is paid to the issues of protecting the health of workers and improving labor safety in the energy system. In 2008, 10 million 229 thousand rubles were spent on labor protection, incl. for protective equipment 3 million 500 thousand rubles, which is 1313 rubles. per worker (in 2007 and 2006 - 785 and 713 rubles, respectively).

In order to prevent industrial injuries in the energy system, since the beginning of 2004, a regime of increased responsibility for the organization of work, compliance with labor protection standards and requirements has been established. In addition to sudden inspections of working teams, comprehensive surveys of electric grid enterprises and Energosbyt were carried out by the inspectors and technical services of the executive apparatus.

Every month during the year, in the branches and subdivisions, according to approved programs, Safety Days were held. Based on the results of the safety days, orders were issued with conclusions and proposals. In 2008, 353 employees of Samarenergo LLC underwent a psychophysiological examination (in 2007 - 817 people).

We examine the organizational component (Appendix A). The construction of the organizational structure is based on a linear-functional type.

The first direction is headed by the first deputy CEO - Chief Engineer. The following structural subdivisions are subordinate to him: central dispatching service; production and technical department; metrology service; relay protection and automation service; design department and other technical services.

The purpose of this direction is mainly to develop and implement the technical development policy of Samarenergo LLC based on the latest achievements of domestic and foreign science and technology, progressive environmentally clean technologies, in the organization of sustainable operation of power equipment and electrical networks, in regulatory and technical support and control of the work of branches, etc.

The Deputy General Director for Financial Affairs and Reformation is responsible for interacting with public authorities and administrations of the Republic of Mordovia and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, insurance and credit organizations, energy companies and federal and local government authorities on assigned issues, as well as for developing and implementation of a financial policy that ensures the sustainable operation of the "Company". The following structural divisions are subordinate to him: the Treasury, the Reformation Department, and the Marketing Group.

The economic bloc is headed by the Deputy General Director for Economic Affairs. Its functions include interaction with the Regional Energy Commission: development and improvement of the tariff policy, system of economic norms, standards: development of balances of electric energy and capacity of the "Company" for a year, broken down by quarters, for a quarter, broken down by months, taking into account the predicted electricity consumption and capacity, fuel resources and the need to create fuel reserves in accordance with the established tasks; development on a regular basis of forecasts of electricity consumption and maximum electrical loads for the energy system as a whole; exercising control over the implementation by the branches of the energy system of approved estimates, determining the priorities for the direction of spending funds and finding opportunities for their movement in connection with the production need. The Deputy General Director for Economic Affairs organizes the activities of the heads of the following departments: the Business Planning Department, the Economic Forecasting and Tariff Policy Department.

The Deputy General Director for Energy Sales is responsible for organizing the supply of electricity to consumers connected to the Company's networks in accordance with the concluded agreements; organizing the signing and monitoring of the implementation of multilateral agreements with FOREM market participants; ensuring a stable financial position of the Company through timely settlements of consumers for electrical and thermal energy; compliance with the current legislation, active use of legal means to improve management, strengthen contractual discipline, financial position of the Company; development of forecast plans for the sale of energy in general for the energy system and the branches of the company participating in the sale; organization of work with consumers on the timely and full transfer of funds for the energy received.

The Deputy General Director for Energy Sales Activities organizes the activities of the heads of the Energy Sales Departments.

The Deputy General Director for social and labor relations and organizational structure is responsible for: organizing the development of the personnel policy and personnel management strategy of the "Company", including staffing the enterprise with workers, employees and specialists of the required professions, specialties and qualifications in accordance with the goals, profile of the LLC " Samarenergo" definition of the "Company's" policy on personnel training (through training of the enterprise's personnel in educational institutions; through the organization of training courses in the "Company").

The functions of the Deputy General Director for social and labor relations and organizational structure also include the development of personnel development programs for the Company; development together with the trade union organization collective agreement and verification of its implementation: development of forecasts for the future and current needs for personnel and search for sources of its satisfaction based on an analysis of the availability of the personnel necessary for the "Society". The following structural divisions are subordinated to it:

Department of personnel management;

Educational course point;

Management support group;

Department for work with authorities and the media.

Samarenergo LLC is also characterized by very close and broad ties with product consumers, which are all sectors of the national economy.

Intersectoral production links are dynamic, they change as a result of technological progress and shifts in the structure of production and consumption various kinds products. For example, at thermal power plants, with an increase in the initial parameters of the steam, the requirements for the quality of equipment increase, the specific fuel consumption decreases, and thereby the production links between the power plant and other industrial enterprises change.

Thus, the main features of production at Samarenergo LLC are:

a) a rigid continuous connection between the production and consumption of energy, the coincidence in time of the phase of its production with the phase of consumption, with the determining influence of the magnitude and mode of energy consumption;

b) the cycle of energy production at the power plant ends with its transmission through the networks to consumers. The transmission and distribution of electricity necessitates its transformation from low to high voltage (at step-up stations) and from high to low voltage (at step-down substations), which is associated with the loss of electricity both during its transformation and during transmission through power lines;

c) the absence of work in progress;

d) uneven production of electrical and thermal energy due to seasonal fluctuations in its consumption within a year (quarterly), within a month (daily) and within a day (hourly), which predetermine the variable mode of its production at power plants;

e) the need for an uninterrupted supply of energy to consumers High Quality(frequency and voltage).

The features of this production include the following:

close technological, organizational and economic interconnection between individual energy divisions;

operation of all power stations and network enterprises according to a single dispatch schedule, which ensures the greatest reliability and efficiency of energy production and energy supply to consumers;

territorial discrepancy between the main centers of production and areas of energy consumption, as well as sources energy resources, which leads to the creation of a unified energy system of the country;

a high degree of concentration and centralization of energy production using complex and expensive power equipment and facilities.

All these features define organizational structure Samarenergo LLC and, as a result, are reflected in the organization of management. Thus, the volatility of the value of power and energy consumed due to the diversity of the composition of consumers, the features of their mode of operation and the technology of their production determines the great importance of operational management at the enterprise. The operational management of the production and distribution of energy is carried out by dispatching services. They are a very important body in the management of the enterprise: the primary task of the dispatching services is to achieve continuity and reliability of the processes of energy production and energy supply to consumers.

Being an economic entity, Samarenergo LLC is focused primarily on the economic efficiency of its activities. However, the company is aware of the enormous responsibility that business has to society. Samarenergo LLC also attaches great importance to creating a healthy climate in the team, which undoubtedly contributes to increasing labor productivity and optimizing production process. Precisely in connection with this, social politics LLC "Samarenergo" is aimed at creating the maximum comfortable conditions for the efficient work of employees of the energy company and the arrangement of a favorable social environment in the region.

Let's analyze the production component. As noted above, Samarenergo LLC is the only electricity producer in Samara. The Company includes two main power plants: Samara CHPP-2 with an installed capacity of 340 MW and the Komsomolsk Branch of Samara CHPP-2 (KO CHPP-2) with an installed capacity of 9 MW. In the period 2006-2008. installed electrical and thermal power Samarenergo LLC remained unchanged, namely, electricity - 349 MW, heat - 1,371.5 Gcal / h, including for enterprises:

Samara CHPP-2 - 978 Tcal/hour;

HP CHPP-2 - 73.7 Gcal/h;

Central boiler house - 119.8 Gcal/hour;

Let's consider the data of the consolidated balance of electric energy of Samarenergo LLC, presented in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6 - Consolidated balance of electric energy of Samarenergo LLC (million kWh)

Indicators200620072008Electricity generation, total including 1133,86715231507,503 TPP 1133,867 15231507.503HESElectricity consumption for own needs 114,771172,6140,633 - TPP, of which 114,771172,6140,633 - for electricity generation55.70911080.219 The same in % - for the supply of heat59.06262.660.414 The same in kWh/Gcal28.128.828.6 - HPS The same in% Electricity output from tires 1019,0961350,41366,87 Including: - TPP 1019,0961350,41366,87 - HPP Purchased electricity, total 1679,5871289,61305,739 Including: - from block stations145.57501.938 - from the wholesale market1534.0121289.61303.801Regulated sector1488.037742.141472.002Free trade sector45.975547.459831.799

The data in Table 2.6 show that electricity generation by Samarenergo LLC in 2008 increased by 32.9% compared to 2007. Electricity consumption for own needs increased, compared to 2007, by 25.9 million kWh.

At the same time, electricity supply from busbars is planned at 1,350.4 million kWh. amounted to 1366.87 million kWh. (an increase of 1.22%), compared to the fact of the corresponding period last year, an increase of 17.57% (2007 - 1162.637 million kWh).

The rapid pace of aging of the fixed assets of Russian power plants due to insufficient investment in the renewal and modernization of equipment can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the industrial complex and life support systems of the population. The problem of aging fixed production assets is complicated by emerging last years growth in energy consumption. The physical and obsolescence of equipment, on the one hand, and the growth of energy consumption, on the other, can lead to a situation where the demand for electricity will exceed supply. To solve this problem, it is necessary not only to conduct a competent tariff policy that takes into account the investment component, but also to introduce energy saving and technical renovation programs.

The development of the Samara energy system is closely connected with capital construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment. From year to year, the system invests its own funds in the renewal of existing facilities, replacing obsolete fleet and outdated main equipment. The volume of capital investments made in 2007 amounted to 134.9 million rubles. (including VAT), including reconstruction and technical re-equipment of 121.7 thousand rubles. (VAT included), new construction 13.2 million rubles. (with VAT), in 2008, respectively - 229.8 million rubles. (with VAT), 155.4 thousand rubles. (including VAT) and 74.4 million rubles. (VAT included).

Table 2.7 - Investment volumes for 3 years (thousand rubles)

YearsPlanFactPercentage of plan completion2006133 88679 56959.432007196 400134 90768.682008305 672229 76075.14

From table 2.7 we see that the volume of capital investments for the analyzed period is growing. Thus, for example, the capital construction plan of Samarenergo LLC for 2008 provides for the utilization of 305.7 million rubles. The total amount of financing in 2008 amounted to 229.8 million rubles. (or 70%).

The main source of financing for capital construction projects was the enterprise's own funds. In 2008, 162.6 million rubles were financed from own sources. or 76.0% of all investments, including:

due to depreciation - 162.6 million rubles. (or 76.0%);

at the expense of attracted sources (credit) - 67.1 million rubles. (or 24.0%).

Borrowed funds were attracted for better financing of investment activities. The total amount of financing for borrowed funds is 51.5 million rubles. Financing for the construction of industrial purposes amounted to 213.0 million rubles. (or 99.5%), of the total volume. The cost of capital investments in non-production facilities - 1.1 million rubles. (or 0.5%). In 2008, the actual disbursement of funds through the system amounted to 229.8 million rubles. or 75.2% of the annual plan. For power plants, with a plan of 122.4 million rubles. the development of capital investments amounted to 85.7 million rubles. or 70.1%.

For heating networks, with a plan of 27.5 million rubles. the development of capital investments amounted to 17.7 million rubles. or 64.4%. The main pipelines with a length of 0.956 km were reconstructed in a two-pipe design, a pavilion was built and equipment was installed for an automated system for accounting for thermal energy of the main heating main TM-4 at CHPP-2 pos. Zarechny. As a result, the reliability of the heat and steam networks has increased.

For electric networks, with a plan of 49.4 million rubles. the development of capital investments amounted to 50.6 million rubles. or 102.4%. In order to improve the reliability of power supply during the transmission and distribution of electricity in power and lighting networks, self-supporting insulated wires were used this year. Self-supporting insulated wires are used for power lines with an operating voltage of 0.6 and 10-20 kW at temperatures from -50 ° C to +50 ° C. The use of SIP reduces operating costs by 80%, ice formation does not occur on the wires, the likelihood of electricity theft is reduced , the volume and efficiency of the information received on emergency processes has increased, and the reliability of the stations has increased.

For other facilities, with a plan of 106.4 million rubles. the development of capital investments amounted to 75.4 million rubles. or 71.2%. A new generation of electricity supply meters and instrument transformers were installed, the communication channels of ASKUE LLC "Samarenergo" were modernized and redundant. The ASDU system was introduced in Komsomolsk electrical networks based on Kotmi. In the Kovylkinsky electrical networks reconstruction of an outdated ATS.

According to the article, equipment that does not require installation with a plan of 18.4 million rubles. development amounted to 24.2 million rubles. or 11.0% of the total volume of work performed. A radio station was purchased, drilling - crane installation BKM, auto-hydraulic lift AGP-22-16, truck crane based on the Ural car with a capacity of 14 tons, a car repair shop, vehicles for energy sales and more.

In 2006, 0.4 million rubles were used for non-production construction.

The analysis of the financial position of the company is based on the "Methodology for assessing financial condition SDC RAO "UES of Russia". The calculation of the corresponding indicators is given in Table 2.8.

The financial condition from the point of view of the short term is characterized by liquidity indicators. During the analyzed period, the value of liquidity indicators changed. In 2007, this group of indicators decreased, which primarily refers to absolute and current liquidity indicators (from 0.156 to 0.099 and from 1.871 to 1.082, respectively).

The reason for the decrease in absolute liquidity was that at the end of 2007 the balance of funds on the Company's settlement accounts amounted to 50,934 thousand rubles.

Table 2.8 - Financial indicators

Name of indicators Criteria value 2006 2007 2008 Liquidity indicators Absolute liquidity ratio0,03-0,150,1560,0990,131Quick liquidity ratio0,5 - 0,750,8760,6210,614Current liquidity ratio1 - 1,21,8711,0821,182Indicators of financial stability Financial Independence Ratio0,65-0,80,840,7890,819Profitability indicators Profitability of sales5-15%17,02%10,5%7,871%Return on equity<0%1,09%-9,19%0,527%Return on assets<0%0,88%-7,54%0,424%Business Activity Indicators Dynamics of accounts receivable<(-10%)-29,01%-44,3%-12,964%Dynamics of accounts payable-10%-0-46,60%-5,06%-42,904%The ratio of receivables and payables1.0 - 1.2 or >1.51.8811.1041.683 Financial Stability GroupAZ (steady) VZ (satisfactory) IN 1 (satisfactory)

The decrease in liquidity indicators in the period from 2006 to 2008 indicates a deterioration in the current payment readiness of the enterprise. In addition, there is a sharp decrease in own working capital. As of January 1, 2007, its value amounted to 448,618 thousand rubles; working capital remaining free after the repayment of short-term liabilities, or funds with which the company can "work" has become significantly less.

In 2008, the value of liquidity indicators improved. At the end of the year, the cash balance on the Company's settlement accounts amounted to 61,447 thousand rubles, which led to an increase in the absolute liquidity ratio (0.131). The value of short-term financial investments represented by bank bills at the end of 2008 decreased and amounted to 2,033 thousand rubles. , so the quick liquidity ratio slightly decreased (from 0.621 to 0.614).

The size and structure of receivables directly affect the liquidity and solvency of the Company. In 2008, the total accounts receivable decreased by 51,852 thousand rubles, or by 13% from the 2007 level. The dynamics of accounts receivable is characterized by:

reduction of subscriber debt for consumed energy;

reduction of other receivables.

As of January 1, 2009, accounts receivable for consumed energy amounted to 181,717 thousand rubles, including: for electricity - 151,617 thousand rubles, for heat energy - 30,100 thousand rubles. In order to increase the solvency of the enterprise, as well as reduce the debt position of Samarenergo LLC, one of the priority areas of the Company's financial activity is work aimed at reducing accounts payable and loans. The Company is also working to prevent the formation of arrears. The dynamics of accounts payable is characterized by:

growth of loan debt by 19.8%. In 2007, the total loan debt amounted to 314,649 thousand rubles, in 2008 - 376,855 thousand rubles;

reduction of debt to fuel suppliers from 13,477 thousand rubles to 571 thousand rubles;

in 2007 there was an increase in current debt to repair and construction organizations by 97.7%, in 2008 this debt decreased by 8,694 thousand rubles. or by 40.8%;

in 2007, the debt to the budget and extra-budgetary funds increased due to the reflection in the balance sheet of restructured and current penalties and fines on taxes and fees, as well as payments to extra-budgetary funds in the amount of 119,908 thousand rubles, in 2008 this debt was reduced by 45,829 thousand roubles.

The analysis of financial and economic activities, as well as the calculation of the rating of Samarenergo LLC according to the Methodology for assessing the financial condition of SDCs for the purpose of determining the credit rating and accrued dividends, shows that in 2006 the company was in group A3 (with a stable financial condition), in In 2007, the company moved to the VZ group (an enterprise with a satisfactory financial condition). The main reason for the transition is the deterioration of profitability. According to the results of activities in 2008, the enterprise took a place in group B1. The reason for this is the improvement in profitability indicators:

return on assets in the 4th quarter of 2008 amounted to - 0.433% (in the 4th quarter of 2007 - (-7.54%));

return on equity amounted to 0.527% (in 2007 - (-9.19%));

product profitability amounted to 7.871% (in 2007 -10.5%).

The operating and non-operating components of income and expense items have a significant impact on the financial result of the enterprise. The main operating income is income received by the Company from the sale of inventories, from the sale of fixed assets. In 2008, there is a significant decrease in operating and non-operating income of the Company, which amounted to only 69,590 thousand rubles. (in 2007 these incomes are equal to 109,734 thousand rubles).

Non-operating expenses in 2008 decreased and amounted to 99,082 thousand rubles. A significant proportion of expenses is associated with the write-off of accounts receivable with an expired limitation period in the amount of 41,905 thousand rubles, it should be noted that one of the reasons for the decrease in non-operating expenses is a significant reduction in penalties for which court decisions were received on their recovery from Samarenergo LLC ( from 111,758 to 6,369 thousand rubles).

Table 2.8 shows that according to the results of the Company's work in 2007, the Energy System suffered losses from financial and economic activities in the amount of 316,783 thousand rubles. In 2008, the enterprise received a profit in the amount of 36,046 thousand rubles. The net profit of Samarenergo LLC was affected by the write-off of part of the restructured penalties and fines (mainly on property tax) in the amount of 3,718 thousand rubles. as a result of early repayment of principal on restructured taxes.

An analysis of the internal environment showed that the financial and economic activity of Samarenergo LLC, despite the identified negative factors, can be considered satisfactory. Effective personnel management of the enterprise, a clear construction of the organizational structure, the development of intersectoral production relations, close technological, organizational and economic interconnection between individual energy divisions, also give positive trends in the functioning of the enterprise.


Strategic analysis of the internal environment of the organization is the most important stage of strategic management, which provides a real assessment of their own resources and capabilities. The analysis of the internal environment of Samarenergo LLC showed that the strongest side of the enterprise under study is the presence of highly qualified personnel.

On the basis of the personnel component of Samarenergo LLC, it can be concluded that the personnel policy of the Company reasonably combines the processes of renewal and preservation, maintaining the optimal numerical and qualitative composition of the energy system personnel, capable of solving the problems of production, transmission and distribution of electricity at a high professional level. and heat energy, uninterrupted power supply of industrial enterprises and household consumers. The study of the organizational component of the Company allows us to say that the principle of the functional model is the basis for building the organizational structure.

The analysis of the production area of ​​the Company's activities showed an increase in the productive supply of heat and electricity for the analyzed period, which is positive for the enterprise. A negative impact on Samarenergo LLC is exerted by the rapid pace of aging of fixed production assets, which is due to the growth in energy consumption that has emerged in recent years

The analysis of the financial position of the company according to the "Methodology for assessing the financial condition of the SDCs of RAO UES" showed that the main financial indicators characterizing the activities of Samarenergo LLC for three years indicate the unstable position of the enterprise.

Like any analysis, the strategic analysis of the company's internal environment requires the availability of appropriate methods and tools. In this course work was considered the most common method of strategic analysis - SWOT analysis. The proposed analysis is aimed at identifying and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the object, identifying opportunities and potential threats.

The strengths of Samarenergo LLC include the following characteristics:

belonging of the energy complex to the basic sectors of the region's economy;

high social significance;

improving the efficiency of energy supply;

availability of qualified human resources.

The list of weaknesses includes:

the operation of the management system is within a strict legal framework;

use of physically and morally obsolete equipment and technologies;

unstable financial and economic situation;

lack of investment attractiveness;

insufficient electricity production.

Possible possibilities are presented as:

sustainability of demand for products;

development of capital construction projects;

lack of explicit competition;

full provision of energy resources of the region with possible export of electricity;

increasing the flexibility of the control system.

Potential threats have been identified. It:

high probability of emergency situations;

lack of energy capacity;

unjustified tariff policy;

tightening environmental requirements;

A quantitative assessment of the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the external and internal environment showed that the most strengths are the belonging of the energy complex to the basic sectors of the economy and the availability of qualified personnel. The most vulnerable places are the operation of obsolete equipment and insufficient production of own electricity.

Based on the identified weaknesses and limitations in the activities of Samarenergo LLC, in the process of strategic analysis, recommendations were developed to strengthen them, which formed the basis of the plan for normalizing the Company's debt position.

The implementation of these measures will improve the financial and economic activities of the enterprise and outline positive trends in its development.

List of sources used

1.Fatkhutdinov, R.A. Strategic management: textbook. - 8th ed., Rev. and additional - M.: Delo, 2007. - 448s.

2.Fatkhutdinov, R.A. Competitiveness of an organization in a crisis: economics, marketing, management. - M .: Publishing and bookselling center "Marketing", 2002. - 892 p.

3.Ansoff, I. Strategic management: a classic edition / translation from English. ed. Petrova A.N. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 344 p.

.Zaitsev, L.G. Strategic management / L.G. Zaitsev, M.I. Sokolov. - M.: Infra - M, 2000. - 415 p.

.Kuznetsov B.T. Strategic Management: Textbook for university students studying economics and management 080100/ B.T. Kuznetsov. -M.: UNITY-DANA, 2007. - 623s.

6.Lapin, A.N. Strategic management of a modern organization / A.N. Lapin. - M.: Intelsintez BSh, 2004. - 288 p.

7.Porter, M.E. Competition: Per. from English: Proc. allowance. - M. Williams Publishing House, 2001. - 495 p.

.Shkardun, V.D. Marketing fundamentals of strategic planning: Theory, methodology, practice: monograph / V.D. Shkardun.- M.: Delo, 2005

.Economics, investments and state regulation of the market in the energy sector. - M.: Agro-print LLC, 2002 .- 2 vol. - 391 p.

.Federal Law of March 26, 2003 No. 35-F3 "On the Electric Power Industry"

.Federal Law of March 26, 2003 No. 36-FZ "On the peculiarities of the operation of the electric power industry in the transition period."

.Registration of written works: Methodological instructions / comp. T.V. Bogdanov. MOU South Ural Professional Institute; 2nd ed; corrected - Chelyabinsk, 2006.33 p.

3.1. Analysis of the company's environment as the most important stage of strategic management

Environmental analysis is usually considered the initial process of strategic management, as it provides both the basis for defining the mission and goals of the firm, and for developing a strategy of behavior that allows the firm to fulfill its mission and achieve its goals.

One of the key roles of any management is to maintain a balance in the interaction of the firm with the environment. Each firm is involved in three processes:

  1. obtaining resources from the external environment (input);
  2. transformation of resources into a product (transformation);
  3. transfer of the product to the external environment (exit).

Management is designed to provide a balance of input and output. As soon as this balance is disturbed in an organization, it embarks on the path of dying. The modern market has dramatically increased the importance of the exit process in maintaining this balance. This is precisely reflected in the fact that the first block in the structure of strategic management is the block of environmental analysis.

Analysis of the external and internal environment in any company is carried out constantly in various forms. It is the basis for making any decisions about the activities of the company. In this case, it is necessary to consider the methods of analysis that can be used to obtain the information necessary both for choosing a strategy and strategic planning, and for assessing the success of the strategy implementation.

Before conducting an environmental analysis, it must be borne in mind that we have an unlimited amount of information, not all of which is equally useful in decision making. Therefore, in order to limit the time, effort and financial costs of conducting an analysis of the environment, it is necessary to find "filters" to determine the necessary information (relevant information). Such filters are the mission, as well as the possible goals and strategies of the company. This means that before starting the analysis of the environment, it is necessary to obtain an approximate formulation of the mission and, preferably, the goals of the company, which will then be refined based on its results.

Firm's environment is the totality of all factors that influence the firm's activities. Accordingly, the external environment of the company and the internal one are distinguished.

Environmental analysis is the most important process of strategic management. Based on the data of this analysis, the goals and strategies of the firm and, to a lesser extent, its mission are determined.

The following general methodological principles should underlie the analysis of the environment of the company's activity:

  • a systematic approach, according to which the company is considered as a complex system operating in an open systems environment and consisting of a number of subsystems;
  • the principle of a comprehensive analysis of all constituent subsystems, elements of the company;
  • dynamic principle and the principle of comparative analysis: analysis of all indicators in dynamics, as well as in comparison with similar indicators of competing firms;
  • the principle of taking into account the specifics of the company (industry and regional).

The purpose of the situational analysis is to identify those features of the internal and external environment of the firm that most prominently affect the strategic vision and capabilities of the firm. Attention is focused on getting clear answers to a well-defined set of strategy questions. These responses are then used to form a clear picture of the firm's strategic situation and identify alternatives to its strategic actions.

The methods of strategic situational analysis of a single business firm are later largely used to analyze the strategy of a diversified firm.

It is expedient to consider environmental factors in the following order: give a complete set of factors, logically or expertly select the most significant and characterize them.

3.2. Analysis of the external environment of the company

3.2.1. Analysis of the macro environment

The analysis of the external environment involves the study of its two components: the macroenvironment (environment of indirect impact) and the immediate environment - direct impact (microenvironment).

The logical outcome of a firm's strategic analysis is the evaluation of alternatives for choosing a strategy.

The analysis of the external environment (the macro-environment and the immediate environment) is aimed at finding out what the company can count on if it successfully conducts work, and what complications can await it if it fails to avert possible negative attacks in time.

For the effective study of the state of the macro-environment components, a special system for tracking the external environment is created in the company. This system should carry out both special observations related to some special events, and regular (usually once a year) observations of the state of external factors important to the firm. Observations can be made in many different ways. The most common methods of observation are:

  • analysis of materials published in periodicals, books, other information publications;
  • participation in professional conferences;
  • analysis of the company's experience;
  • studying the opinions of the company's employees;
  • holding meetings and discussions within the company.

The study of the components of the macro environment should not end only with a statement of the state in which they were before or are now. It is also important to uncover trends that are characteristic of changes in the state of certain important factors and try to predict the trends in the development of these factors in order to anticipate what threats the company may expect and what opportunities may open up for it in the future.

Analysis of the macro environment includes the study of the impact of the economy, legal regulation and management, political processes, natural environment and resources, social and cultural components of society, scientific, technical and technological development of society, infrastructure, etc.

A very popular method for studying events occurring in the macro environment is PEST analysis (political / legal, economic, socio-cultural and technological). His first step is the identification of the main external factors influencing the company's activities. Examples of some of them are shown in Fig. 3.1.

Macro-environmental factors have a different, changing over time (depending on the size, shape and stage of growth of the organization) influence on business strategy. The causes and consequences of these changes must be considered in relation to their impact on competitive positioning.

The purpose of the PEST analysis is not just to compile a list of environmental factors, but also to use a scheme to identify changes or trends in the development of environmental factors; focusing on the trends that matter most to the organization; taking into account ongoing changes in the development of strategies for the organization.

The PEST analysis is intended to facilitate management's assessment of the influence of environmental factors on strategy, it draws attention to the dynamic nature of the business environment and emphasizes the need for periodic revision of plans.

The static analysis of environmental factors must be supplemented with a dynamic one, which makes it possible to identify trends in its development and determine the level of possible changes.

Currently, the most significant, as a rule, are: the level of inflation and inflation expectations, the level of political stability (instability), scientific and technological progress in the industry.

The characteristics of these factors are given in a qualitative or quantitative form. A quantitative characteristic can be given according to the level of inflation and its impact on the profitability and cost of production (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1. Characteristics of the inflation rate and analysis of its impact on the performance of the company
Index Year
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Inflation index, %
Enterprise income
Enterprise costs
Cost (costs per ruble of income)
unit cost products, rub.
The cost of fixed assets
Fixed assets revaluation ratio

Studying the socioeconomic and political factors that shape a firm's operating environment is the first step in studying the indirect effects of the environment. Particular attention should be paid to the factors of the competitive environment that affect the organization's ability to compete effectively in target markets.

Situational analysis concerns the immediate environment of the firm (microenvironment). The immediate environment is analyzed according to the following main components: buyers, suppliers, competitors, labor market, financial market.
