He who has not studied man in himself will never reach a deep knowledge of people. N. Chernyshevsky. “He who has not studied a person in himself will never achieve a deep knowledge of people” (N.G. Chernyshevsky) (USE social science)

Self-study (self-study) as a quality of personality - the ability to explore your inner world, to penetrate into the depths of your mental and physical features, into the motives of their social manifestations, intentions and actions.

An old Hindu legend tells that there was a time when all people were gods. But they neglected their Divinity...

And Brahma supreme god, decided to take away their Divine Power and hide it in a place where it could not be found. However, finding such a place was a big problem.

And Brahma gathered together all the supreme Deities to solve this problem. And they suggested: "Let's hide Divinity under the Earth!" But Brahma replied, “No, that will not do. Man will start digging and find Her again.” The deities offered another option: "Then let's throw Her into the very depths of the Ocean!" But Brahma again answered “No. Sooner or later, a person will explore the depths of the ocean and, finding Her, will bring Her to the surface.

The Deities were at a dead end, they didn't know where they could hide Divinity. And it seemed that there is no such place on Earth or in the Sea that would be inaccessible to man. But then Brahma objected: “A person will never study himself to the end, and even more so, he will not look for God within himself. This is what we will do with Divinity: We will hide It in the depths of man himself, because this is the only place where he, despite the study of himself, will never seek. Since then, man has been running around the Earth to explore it all: since then he has been searching, climbing and descending, diving and digging in search of a thing that can only be found through self-study within himself!

An excellent opportunity to study oneself provides human communication, relationships with people. All life is made up of relationships. Therefore, you can study yourself only in relationships. Sitting in the corner like a bastard, you can't study yourself. A person is manifested in his attitude to people, ideas, views. He cannot study himself abstractly, by himself, in isolation from his relations with other people.

To study oneself means to find out about oneself who I really am, and not how I want to appear, putting on various social masks. It is easy to teach, instruct and give advice to others, it is much more difficult to study oneself. By learning about yourself, you begin to understand others better. Having studied himself, he realizes why he reacts in this way and not otherwise to the words and actions of others.

The study of oneself is an internal search for a person in oneself. To reach the spiritual level of consciousness, one must scrupulously study oneself.

For a better study and understanding of others, first of all, it is necessary to study oneself, that is, to realize one's own motives, views, feelings, one's reactions to various events.

A person can achieve integrity and harmony only if he began to carefully study himself. Life itself forces us to study ourselves, because we must be aware of what is happening to us, why we are in such a situation.

In one scripture it is said that wherever you are, whoever you are, try to find yourself, what you are and every movement, every drop of energy, your energy should be used to study, to know yourself. This is your need, your need. Leave everything, all other efforts, attempts, types of search and try to understand who you are, what you are. Find out who you are, what is the nature of your soul. All energy must be used in this way. With all your energy try to search for that something. If something is worth hearing about, then listen about the soul, listen about yourself. If there should be some concentration of energy, if energy should be invested in something, then invest it in it, it is worth investing it in this, in the search, in the study of oneself. Any beginning of your energy movement should be in this direction. In this direction. Try to study and understand yourself, to realize who you are, what you are. And then you will understand what is necessary for the development, the elevation of this beginning.

At the same time, there must be a measure in self-study. There should be no idealization of the process of self-study. Self-study cannot be considered the only way of personal growth and self-improvement. The main thing is not to go too far, refusing help spiritual guide and authoritative, wise knowledge.

Psychologist Vyacheslav Ruzov, in the context of this thought, says that self-study is generally a harmful science. It is better not to study yourself for a particularly long time, only problems begin from this, you can come to schizophrenia. Therefore, it is better not to play with the psyche, and excessive concentration on dreams is a game with the psyche. There is no need to play with her, there are already problems with her, with the psyche, i.e. information is best obtained in proven ways by talking to a knowledgeable person. If we are tormented by some question, it is not necessary to look for clues in some esoteric moments. It is not necessary to think which eyebrow twitches, right or left, it is not necessary to think which palm itches, left or right, it is not necessary to think which leg I got up from and dreamed something important or not. Just asking is enough. Therefore, everything that tries to lead us away from questions and answers is some form of sin. That is, they are trying to impose on us an independent understanding of the laws of the world, this is a useless way, trying to understand the world on our own, there is simply not enough time to study all its laws.

Self-study is useful if it makes a person better. For example, a person begins to study his actions, comes to the conclusion that he did wrong and vows not to do it again. This is good. The whole day may consist of a large set of small vows. And if, as a result of self-study, a person made a little vow to himself and fulfills it, then his study of himself has moved into a positive direction. If he simply criticized himself and did not take any vow, “I can’t do anything, and I’m nobody, there is no future,” then of course all this turns into self-flagellation, and this is negative, this is already negative self-criticism, there is no sense from this. Therefore, always the crown of self-study should be some kind of point, there should always be some kind of practical completion.

Petr Kovalev

N.G. Chernyshevsky

The statement I have chosen touches upon the problem of a person's knowledge of himself, the importance, significance of a person's comprehension of his own personality and other people. Even the ancient sages said: "Know thyself." Why is it so important? A person contains not only unique, but also universal qualities, therefore, knowing himself, a person learns not only personal and individual characteristics its structure, but also what is common, what unites all people.

Russian publicist and public figure XIX century N.G. Chernyshevsky argued:"He who has not studied the man in himself will never reach a deep knowledge of people."In other words, in order to make a judgment about society and other people, a person, first of all, needs to know himself. In other words, self-knowledge, according to Chernyshevsky, is a fundamental stage in the knowledge, study and understanding of society and other people. I fully share the opinion of Nikolai Gavrilovich and also believe that without knowing oneself, it is simply impossible to make any kind of objective judgment about other people. After all, as they say: “An alien soul is darkness”, and only looking at the world and people through the prism of understanding the human essence or trying on their roles for yourself, you can “reach a deep knowledge of people”.

For a theoretical understanding of the problem, let us first of all consider the concept of self-knowledge. Contemporary social scientists define self-knowledge as special kind cognitive activity of a person, when interest is directed at himself. Knowing himself, a person, as it were, answers internal questions: “Who am I? What am I capable of? What am I really? Thus, one can single out one's own interests, abilities, way of thinking, characteristics of the organism, etc. as the main objects of self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is carried out by two methods: self-observation and self-examination. During the first, a person observes himself, his behavior, his reactions, etc. In the second, he analyzes the information received, asks himself questions, looks for answers to them. It is important to note that self-knowledge is simply impossible in isolation from society, since an important component in the formation of a person’s understanding of his essence is the opinions of the people around him about him.

The end result of self-knowledge can be considered a full-fledged representation of a person about himself or, as psychologists call it, the formation of a self-concept or image of "I". At its core, the self-concept is a system of ideas of the individual about himself, a conscious, reflective part of the personality. These self-images are more or less conscious and relatively stable. The subject of self-perception and self-esteem of an individual can, in particular, be his body, his way of thinking, his abilities, his social and behavioral characteristics, and many other personal manifestations. Based on the self-concept, a person builds interaction with other people and with himself. Its formation begins in early childhood and more or less formalized by the age of 16. However, self-knowledge of a person continues throughout life. In this context, I am reminded of the phrase of the Roman emperor of the 2nd century AD Marcus Aurelius: “Begin with yourself and follow before yourself.”

The thought of N.G. Chernyshevsky is also accepted by all modern psychologists. Almost any psychological training on personality development, the basics of communications, personnel management or manipulation begins with an introduction to personality psychology. That is, before starting to learn how to communicate with other people, manage them, a person must master the basics: to understand the essence of personality, that is, to study himself and his psychology. Modern psychologists are confident that this knowledge is basic for studying relationships between people.

Another illustration of this problem is the worldview of the great Russian writer and philosopher of the end XVIII beginning XIX century Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. He purposefully followed the path of self-knowledge, analyzed his actions, and described the events of his inner life. The purpose of this was to get to the bottom of the truth: to understand why he and other people act this way and not otherwise, where love and hatred, good and evil come from in a person, how his character develops.

You can also give an example from the literature. Jack London's Martin Eden the protagonist in knowing oneself finds the key to knowing other people. So, only after learning something about himself, having comprehended his views on the world and values, he sees the real, real image of his beloved. He understands that she is an ordinary girl, a standard representative of her social class, that “bright and radiant image” was nothing more than an appearance that was created due to a lack of life experience from Martin himself. Thus, having understood himself, he saw the real state of affairs, was able to make the right choice.

As an argument from personal experience I can make my own observations. My peers are just at the age when a person's understanding of himself begins to take shape, a picture of personality is being formed. Analyzing others, we find something similar and close in ourselves, and vice versa, analyzing ourselves, we acquire the ability to understand other people. That is, for a person who knows and understands himself, it will not be difficult to understand his interlocutor, to find with him mutual language, without much difficulty to solve a particular problem.

Thus, after analyzing theoretical material and citing factual arguments, one can come to the conclusion that self-knowledge for a person is the key to knowing other people, the arrangement of their relationships. In other words, only a person who knows himself is able to achieve a "deep knowledge of people."

He who has not studied man in himself will never reach a deep knowledge of people. N.G. Chernyshevsky.

What role does self-knowledge play in human life? Why, by studying himself, a person learns better than other people? Let's try to answer these questions, based on the statements of the Russian philosopher and writer N.G. Chernyshevsky.

In my opinion, the author touches upon the problem of the unity of self-knowledge and knowledge, which has been the subject of philosophical research throughout time. Greek philosophy, which proclaimed the thesis of man as the measure of everything that exists, was guided by his mind, called for self-knowledge. The saying "Know thyself" was one of the directions in the development of the sciences of man. The Russian philosopher N.A. Berdyaev wrote: “The problem of man is the main problem of philosophy. The key to the existence of man for man is hidden in man. So what is self-knowledge? I am in solidarity with the poet E. Yevtushenko, who asserts that "man is knowledge that knows itself." In fact, all his life a person is engaged in self-knowledge, which includes the perception of oneself, self-esteem, self-confession, thereby opening the way to self-realization - the manifestation of one's "I" in activity.

It is difficult to disagree with N.G. Chernyshevsky that self-knowledge plays an important role in a person's life. It is by knowing oneself that a person better understands other people, builds relationships with them, fulfills different kinds activities. For example, self-esteem is very important both for the person himself and for the knowledge of other people. An overestimation of one's abilities and capabilities makes a person arrogant, selfish, reduces the level of critical control of one's behavior, and, therefore, makes it difficult to communicate with other people. On the contrary, low self-esteem does not contribute to the successful development of a person, makes him passive, insecure, and, therefore, unable to actively exist. Achieving objective self-esteem, a person begins to objectively evaluate other people. The desire to succeed, to win respect allows a person to benefit not only himself, but also society. The ability to correctly evaluate one's actions, deeds, the desire for absolute honesty with oneself is the path to moral principles: honesty, decency, kindness, etc. Better understanding himself in the process of self-knowledge, a person is able to understand other people living nearby. And this is the path to mutual understanding, mercy, attention, and the prevention of conflict relationships.

That is why I believe that N.G. Chernyshevsky is absolutely right, believing that one who has not studied a person in himself will never achieve a deep knowledge of people.

"He who has not studied man in himself will never reach a deep knowledge of people."

The author in his statement touches upon the problem of social cognition, giving the leading role in it to self-knowledge - knowledge of oneself. Let's try to figure out if the role of self-knowledge in the knowledge of other people is so fundamental.

The process of self-knowledge begins with the most early years, from the moment the child begins to distinguish his "I" from the world around him, and continues throughout his life. A person cognizes himself, based not only on introspection and introspection, he cognizes himself through other people, analyzing their behavior and their assessment of their personality. As a result, a person's self-esteem is formed. So, parents who do not get tired of deservedly praising the actions of their children bring up successful, self-confident people. A vivid illustration of these words can be found in Romain Gary's autobiographical novel A Promise at Dawn, which describes how his mother's boundless faith that her son "would become a French envoy, a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor and dress in London style" determined his fate.

One of the features of social cognition is a large proportion of subjectivism. Indeed, society, knowing itself, cannot give an objective assessment of its actions. So, Soviet people in the days of the USSR did not represent the causes of the second world war in the same way as Western people or modern Russians, because some facts were hushed up, distorted, painted in the tones of the dominant worldview. So, for example, in history textbooks it was said that the Germans attacked the Brest Fortress on 06/22/1941, but the information that in 1939 the Germans recaptured this fortress from the Poles and donated it to the USSR was silent.

Get as objective as possible social knowledge possible with the help scientific methods knowledge. These include reliance on facts, the rigor and unambiguity of theoretical concepts, evidence-based reasoning and their logical consistency, the objectivity of scientific conclusions, that is, the independence of scientific truth from personal desires, opinions and social prejudices. The ability to see and feel the way other people see and feel helps the scientist. Complete objectivity of social cognition is unattainable, not only because the cognitive activity of a scientist is influenced by his opinions and ideas, stereotypes of thinking, features of education and upbringing, but also because the scientist himself is an object of social cognition, and self-esteem is always subjective. That is, on the one hand, the ability to empathize with other people, developed in the process of self-knowledge, helps to better understand the essence of social phenomena, and on the other hand, it forms stereotypes that interfere with an objective assessment.

It is very difficult for me to express unequivocal agreement or disagreement with Chernyshevsky's words, because without knowing other people it is impossible to deeply study a person in oneself, and without studying a person in oneself it is impossible to learn to empathize and feel other people. Self-knowledge and knowledge of other people are complementary and inseparable processes for a person living in society, and the depth of knowledge obtained as a result depends, first of all, on the level of development of cognitive abilities, the perfection of methods of cognition and the amount of accumulated knowledge.

Social science

(Konovalenko N.A.)

Explain the meaning of the statement of the Russian writer N. Chernyshevsky "He who has not studied a person in himself will never achieve a deep knowledge of people." State your thoughts on the issue raised. Give the necessary arguments to justify your position. In the work, use the knowledge of the course, the relevant concepts, as well as the facts of social life and your own personal experience.

Explain the meaning of the statement of the French philosopher P. Buast "The poorest is the one who does not know how to use what he has." State your thoughts on the issue raised. Give the necessary arguments to justify your position. In the work, use the knowledge of the course, the relevant concepts, as well as the facts of social life and your own personal experience.

Explain the meaning of the saying of the Roman philosopher Cicero "We can become free only when we become slaves of the law." State your thoughts on the issue raised. Give the necessary arguments to justify your position. In the work, use the knowledge of the course, the relevant concepts, as well as the facts of social life and your own personal experience.

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