What is the difference between an employee and an employee. Labor resources, personnel, personnel of the enterprise, their composition

In order to understand what is meant by the qualitative characteristics of personnel, it is necessary to consider the definition of personnel in a broader spectrum. Show the differences and connection with other concepts, in particular, such as personnel, labor force. This need is due to the fact that most often they are used as synonyms. Although these concepts contain some General characteristics, there are significant differences between them.

Thus, the object of personnel policy is characterized by various concepts and definitions. The broadest of them is the term "human factor", denoting a set of various relations that develop with the participation of people in the process of creating life's goods, and the narrowest is "cadres", which is understood only as permanent and only qualified workers. Between these concepts are the terms "human resources", "labor resources", "labor force", "total worker", "staff". At the same time, the concept of "human resources" refers simultaneously to the broadest definition of the object of personnel policy, and to the narrowest one. Human resources are, as noted, a generalizing, final indicator of the human factor, and personnel is a socio-economic category that characterizes the human resources of a particular enterprise, region, country. Therefore, the object of personnel management, in our opinion, should be understood precisely as human resources, which are a combination of various qualities people who determine their overall ability to work for the production of material and spiritual goods.

The labor force is also a socio-economic category. Labor power is directly connected with the means of production and is reunited with the individual. The carriers of a single labor force are all able-bodied members of society, actual or potential workers in the production and non-production sectors of the economy of all categories (workers, employees, specialists, managers). At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between general and professional work capacity. General working capacity implies the ability of an employee to work that does not require special training. Professional ability to work is the ability of an employee to work in a specific area of ​​professional activity, which involves special training.

Thus, the labor force is the ability to work, the totality of the physical and spiritual abilities of a person used in production activities. The direct basis of the labor force is the ability to work, i.e. health status, as well as knowledge, skills and abilities that allow a person to perform work of a certain quality and volume.

Personnel is a socio-economic category that characterizes the human resources of an enterprise, region, country. Unlike labor resources, which unite the entire able-bodied population of the country (both employed and potential workers), the concept of "personnel" includes a permanent (regular) composition of workers, i.e. able-bodied citizens who are labor relations with various organizations. In this sense, it is identical to the socio-economic category "labor force", which is understood as the ability to work, the totality of a person's physical and intellectual abilities necessary for him to produce life's goods.

The term "labor resources", which was introduced into science in the 20s of the XX century. S. Strumilin, is used mainly as a planning and accounting meter of labor force. Labor resources - a concept that is capacious in content. As a socio-economic category, it is a set of carriers of a functioning and potential social and individual labor force and relations that arise in the process of its reproduction (formation, distribution and use). The difference between the concepts of "labor force" and "labor resources" lies in the fact that labor resources have a quantitative and socio-demographic framework, while the labor force does not. Thus, the concept of "labor resources" covers all actual and potential workers with the ability to work (labor force).

Labor resources - this is the part of the population that has the necessary physical development, health, education, culture, abilities, qualifications and professional knowledge to work in the field of socially useful activities.


Personnel is a socio-economic category that characterizes the human resources of an enterprise, region, country. Unlike labor resources, which unite the entire able-bodied population of the country (both employed and potential workers), the concept of "personnel" includes a permanent (full-time) composition of workers, that is, able-bodied citizens who are in labor relations with various organizations. In this sense, it is identical to the socio-economic category "labor force", which is understood as the ability to work, the totality of a person's physical and intellectual abilities necessary for him to produce life's goods. However, there is a difference between these concepts. Labor force is the general ability for productive labor, its use is associated with the production of material or spiritual goods. Personnel is usually understood as full-time qualified employees who have undergone preliminary professional training and have special knowledge, work skills or work experience in their chosen field of activity.


Unlike personnel, personnel is a broader concept. Personnel - this is the entire staff of an institution, enterprise, organization or part of this composition, which is a group according to professional or other characteristics (for example, service personnel). In other words, the main characterizing components of the concept of "personnel" - the constancy and qualifications of employees - are not mandatory for the concept of "personnel". Personnel are called permanent and temporary workers, representatives of skilled and unskilled labor.

Thus, the object of personnel policy is characterized by various concepts and definitions. The broadest of them is the term "human factor", denoting a set of various relations that develop with the participation of people in the process of creating life's goods, and the narrowest is "cadres", which is understood only as permanent and only qualified workers. Between these concepts are the terms "human resources", "labor resources", "labor force", "total worker", "staff". At the same time, the concept of "human resources" refers simultaneously to the broadest definition of the object of personnel policy, and to the narrowest one. Human resources are, as noted, a generalizing, final indicator of the human factor, and personnel is a socio-economic category that characterizes the human resources of a particular enterprise, region, country. Therefore, the object of personnel policy, in our opinion, should be understood precisely as human resources, which are a combination of various qualities of people that determine their overall ability to work for the production of material and spiritual benefits. Personnel are both an object and a goal of personnel policy, the implementation of which involves the formation, distribution and rational use skilled workers employed in manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors social production, i.e. the actual frames.

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Personnel - The term "staff" includes permanent (staff) composition workers, i.e. able-bodied citizens who are in labor relations with various organizations.

The staff is the entire staff institutions, enterprises, organizations or part of this composition, which is a group according to professional or other characteristics (for example, service personnel). The staff is called permanent and temporary workers, representatives of skilled and unskilled labor

human resources are a combination of various qualities of people that determine their ability to work for the production of material and spiritual goods, and are a general indicator of the human factor in the development of social production .

Laborresources- the population of both sexes at working age (for men from 16 to 59 years old, for women from 16 to 54 years old inclusive), with the exception of non-working war and labor invalids of groups 1 and 2.

Classification provides for the allocation of two main parts of the personnel for participation in the production process: workers and employees.

Workers - carry out labor activities in material production with a predominant share of physical labor. They provide production, its marketing, service maintenance. The production staff can be divided into two parts:

The main personnel are workers, mainly employed in the assembly shops of the enterprise;

Auxiliary personnel - workers, mainly employed in the procurement and maintenance shops of the enterprise.

The result of the work of production personnel is products in material form (buildings, cars, televisions, furniture, food, etc.)

Employees - management personnel, carry out labor activities in the process of production management with a predominant share of mental labor. They are busy processing information using technical means management. Their main result labor activity is the study of management problems, the creation of new information, the study of its form and content, the preparation management decisions, and after the leader chooses the most effective option– implementation and control of execution of decisions.

Management personnel is divided into two groups: managers and specialists.

The fundamental difference between a manager and a specialist lies in the legal right to make decisions and the presence of other employees in subordination. Depending on the scale of management, there are line managers who are responsible for making decisions on all management functions, and functional managers who implement individual management functions. In addition, there are leaders top level enterprise management (director and his deputies), middle level (heads of shops and departments), lower level (heads of sections, foremen).

The specialists of the enterprise can be divided into three main groups depending on the results of their work:

Functional management specialists, the result of which is management information (referents, economists, accountants, financiers, marketers, etc.).

Specialists - engineers, the result of which is design and technical or design information in the field of engineering and production technology (technologists, engineers, designers, builders, designers, etc.).

Employees - technical specialists(typists, operators, couriers, elevator operators, storekeepers) performing ancillary work in the management process.

3. The main stages in the development of the science of personnel.

Personnel management is one of the directions of the complex of labor sciences and is closely connected with the history of the development of management science in general.
There are seven most significant stages in the development of personnel science.
1. The beginning of the twentieth century. NOT School - Taylorism: Labor - individual activity a person, which is a set of specific types of work that are clearly regulated. Transferring the ideas of engineering sciences to human control: "man-machine".
2. 20s. School of Administration: Formulated 14 principles of personnel management focused on building formal organizational structures and systems.
3. 30-40 years. School of Human Relations: An organization is a social system, in personnel management it is necessary to use the achievements of psychology and sociology in the field of human behavior.
4. 50-60 years. "Quantitative School": Organization - a complex system. Application of the provisions of the theory of cybernetics to personnel management.
5.70s. Case Study School: Organization - open system. Forms of personnel management largely depend on the external and internal environment of the organization.
6. 80s. School of organizational culture: The methods of personnel management are determined by the organizational culture, i.e. stereotypes of behavior of people in the organization.
7. 90s. School of Human Resources: People are one of the key resources of the economy. Investing in HR can give you a high return. The goal is to maximize the use of the potential of employees while creating all the conditions for its intensive development.

1.1.7. Staff

Unlike personnel, personnel is a broader concept. The staff is the entire staff institutions, enterprises, organizations or part of this composition, which is a group according to professional or other characteristics (for example, service personnel). In other words, the main characterizing components of the concept of "personnel" - the constancy and qualifications of employees - are not mandatory for the concept of "personnel". Personnel are called permanent and temporary workers, representatives of skilled and unskilled labor.

In this way, object of personnel policy characterized by different concepts and definitions. The broadest of them is the term "human factor", which refers to the totality of various relationships that develop with the participation of people in the process of creating life's goods, and the narrowest is "cadres", which is understood only as permanent and only qualified workers. Between these concepts are the terms "human resources", "labor resources", "labor force", "total worker", "staff". At the same time, the concept of "human resources" refers simultaneously to the broadest definition of the object of personnel policy, and to the narrowest one. Human resources are, as noted, a generalizing, final indicator of the human factor, and personnel is a socio-economic category that characterizes the human resources of a particular enterprise, region, country. Therefore, the object of personnel policy, in our opinion, should be understood precisely as human resources, which are a combination of various qualities of people that determine their overall ability to work for the production of material and spiritual benefits. Personnel are both an object and goal of personnel policy, the implementation of which involves the formation, distribution and rational use of qualified workers employed in the production and non-production sectors of social production, i.e., the actual personnel.

Schematically, the differentiation of concepts that define object of personnel policy, shown in fig. 1.1.

1.2. Personnel policy as a system of people management

The target task of personnel policy can be solved in different ways, and the choice alternative options wide enough:

● dismiss or retain employees; If you save, which way is better:

transfer to reduced forms of employment;

· to use on unusual works, on other objects;

send them to long-term retraining, etc.

● train workers yourself or look for those who already have necessary training;

● recruit from outside or retrain workers to be released from the enterprise;

● recruit additional workers or get by with the existing staff, provided that it is used more rationally, etc.

When choosing a personnel policy, factors inherent in the external and internal environment businesses such as:

● production requirements, enterprise development strategy;

financial opportunities enterprises defined by him allowable level personnel management costs;

● quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the existing staff and the direction of their change in the future, etc.;

● the situation on the labor market (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor supply by profession of the enterprise, conditions of supply);

● demand for labor force from competitors, the emerging level wages;

● the influence of trade unions, rigidity in defending the interests of workers;

● requirements of labor legislation, the accepted culture of working with hired personnel, etc.

General requirements for personnel policy in modern conditions come down to the following:

1. Personnel policy should be closely linked to the development strategy of the enterprise. In this respect, it represents the staffing of the implementation of this strategy.

2. Personnel policy should be flexible enough. This means that it must be, on the one hand, stable, since certain employee expectations are associated with stability, on the other hand, dynamic, i.e. be adjusted in accordance with the change in the tactics of the enterprise, the production and economic situation. Those aspects of it that are focused on taking into account the interests of the personnel and are related to the organizational culture of the enterprise should be stable.

3. Since the formation of a skilled workforce is associated with certain costs for the enterprise, personnel policy must be economically justified, i.e. based on his real financial capabilities.

4. Personnel policy should ensure individual approach to your employees.

Thus, the personnel policy is aimed at creating such a system of work with personnel, which would be focused on obtaining not only economic, but also social benefits, subject to compliance with current legislation.

labor resources, as a whole, they include the active labor force (workers, employees, peasants, entrepreneurs) and the able-bodied population, studying and improving their qualifications out of work, employed in household, serving in the Armed Forces, etc. Labor resources are the object of state and territorial administration and form the basic subsystem common system human resource management. The main task of this subsystem is to develop the best option for the formation of labor resources in the whole country, region, districts and cities, as well as to implement the chosen option through the implementation of an appropriate population policy, social development, education and vocational guidance. For this, it is widely used balance method, and the final result is reflected in the consolidated balance sheet of labor resources. It is one of the synthetic balances that are used in planning practice, when analyzing and evaluating the processes and trends taking place in the economy and throughout society, and is developed taking into account the demographic processes in the country and all the main indicators of the development of social production (increase in production volumes, development services and other non-manufacturing industries). In essence, the balance of labor resources in its final form is a concentrated expression of the developed plan for economic and social development in the form the best option employment of the population.

In general, personnel policy human resource management system covers the following subsystems.

1 . Human resource management. Provides processes for the formation and compensation of human resources through organization.
