The content of the qualification work sample. WRC example template (sample thesis in economics). Title page of the final qualifying work

Review - a brief review of the work done by the graduate, where the reviewer indicates the relevance of the topic, the structure of the diploma, gives a brief description of each section, notes the advantages, disadvantages, comments and gives certain recommendations. In this article, we will consider a review sample, tell you how to format it correctly and what should be in the content of a review.

As a rule, there are no special requirements for the design of a review of the WRC, but still, it is advisable to adhere to certain rules.

The WRC review is drawn up on a maximum of two pages of A4 format and is printed in Times New Roman font with a size of at least 12 pt.

The review of the WRC should contain:

  1. Work theme.
  2. Introduction, which presents the relevance of the study, the purpose and structure of highly qualified work.
  3. The main part, which briefly describes the sections of the diploma.
  4. Conclusion. Here you can write conclusions, positive and negative aspects of the work.
  5. Signature, seal of the reviewer and his position.

Thesis writing style

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the content of the review, but also to the style of writing. You should not write a review in a journalistic, colloquial or official business style. Only the scientific style is taken into account, which reflects only the specifics of the topic.

The simpler the review is written, the easier the commission perceives the information, and the future assessment of the student already depends on this.

What should a WRC review contain?

A review of scientific papers is written on a separate form, which is issued to the student at the department. If there is no form, then it can be written on an A4 sheet in any form, but only in a scientific style. First, at the very top of the form, the topic of the thesis is written.

Relevance of the topic

After the title of the topic, the reviewer sets out the relevance of the study in about 2-3 sentences. It talks about the relevance of the study and how the author is going to solve the problems raised.

Purpose of the study

In this section, it is written what the purpose of the work is, whether the content corresponds to the target setting. It is desirable that the goal be described briefly, in a maximum of 2 sentences.

Diploma structure

In this part, all sections, paragraphs and subparagraphs of the work are indicated. That is, the reviewer writes how many chapters and paragraphs are in the student's work, how much literature is used, how many applications are added.

The content of the work

After the structure, each part of the work is summarized from introduction to conclusion. The reviewer describes what causes the relevance and what problems are identified in the work. Then he proceeds to a brief description of the sections, where he describes their significance in the work. Indicates the number of figures, diagrams, charts, and tables.

Advantages of work

Here, the reviewer evaluates the author's competence in this topic, indicates what results the student introduced into the practical activities of the work, whether he correctly issued a diploma, what was new in the study, what was taken into account during development, and what is the peculiarity of the work.

Work Disadvantages

The reviewer must also write the negative aspects of the work, if any, as well as point out typos and inaccuracies, perhaps the references to sources are incorrectly given in the text material or there are errors in the work. The reviewer describes all these shortcomings at the very bottom of the form.

Even if there are no significant shortcomings, it is advisable not to ignore this item. As a rule, each student will find shortcomings, albeit minor ones. However, at the same time, you should not focus too much on the shortcomings, as the commission may lower the overall score for the work.

The overall mark is set on the basis of all parts of the thesis. The reviewer draws attention to the logical sequence of information, to the design of the work and the use of terminology, and then sums up.

Examples of WRC reviews

No time to write your review? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with ready-made examples, where feedback on the thesis is written in stages - it's free!

Example 1


for the thesis of the 5th year student (s)

ARGO - Academy for the Development of Humanitarian Education of the city of Kremenchuk

Student (ka) - Dear Svetlana Nikolaevna

department pedagogy and psychology

Faculty psychological science


The thesis contains 86 sheets of A4 format, and there are also applications that reveal the topic of the work in more detail. The content of the thesis is holistic, it reveals all the points, it is clear that the student has conducted a deep and high-quality research. The volume and design of the thesis correspond to the stated requirements.


The graduation project is devoted to solving such actual problems:

Adolescence - the growth of aggression and their most often overestimated or underestimated self-esteem. These are serious problems, since they concern not only the teenager himself, but the whole society. Indeed, over the past few years, crime among adolescents has increased, which leads to bodily harm. In addition, every day more and more began to occur group raids on people. This suggests that teenagers have become too aggressive and let off "steam" with the help of civilians. That is why this topic is relevant today and it is necessary to urgently solve the problems posed.

Purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the level of self-esteem and manifestations of aggression in adolescents who study in secondary schools and colleges. The author admits that the place of study affects adolescents and therefore aggression, behavior of adolescents, their self-esteem, depending on the place of study, are very different.

The structure of the thesis:

The thesis consists of two sections, and each of them has 3 points. Conclusions, list of references (38 items) and applications (16 items).

In the introduction, the relevance of the study is determined, the main problems of adolescents are presented, the goal is correctly formulated, the subject and object of the study are identified.

The first chapter is devoted to theoretical studies of the problem of behavioral disorders in adolescence. The psychological features of adolescence, the causes and forms of manifestation of aggressive behavior of children are considered.

The second chapter presents experimental studies of the problem of aggressive behavior in adolescence. The author proposed a diagnostic experiment and carried out a correctional program to reduce aggression, and with low self-esteem, the author proposed methods to increase self-esteem to a normal level.

From the conclusion it became clear that the student approached the work and experimental methods seriously and responsibly. She suggested that some teenagers pass simple tests that are in the annexes to the thesis.

Positive aspects of the graduation project:

The conclusions confirm the practical significance of the study results. Therefore, the work ended logically, where the author demonstrated his competence in the research.

The results of the author were introduced by teachers into practical activities and at this stage the positive aspects of the student's work became noticeable, as the teenagers with whom experiments and tests were carried out gradually began to change for the better.

Negative aspects of the graduation project:

The work revealed minor spelling and stylistic errors. There are also inaccuracies in the bibliography and some references.

The final qualified work meets the stated requirements and deserves the highest score "excellent".

Example 2

In the thesis of the student (s) full name on the topic (topic name), the object and subject were investigated ...

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that ... ..

The project has developed fascinating techniques that will help in ....

The thesis deals with issues such as...

The student's project (s) consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and 10 appendices.

The introduction briefly talks about new methods, and also notes: the goal, objectives, subject and object of research.

In the first chapter, student (ka) FIO noted (a) such theoretical features ...

The second chapter is devoted to the practical part, where the following is noted ...

Based on the two chapters, the conclusion about ...

After reading the graduation project, the reviewer concluded that there are some inaccuracies in the author's work ...

There are interesting proposals in the student’s project that are worth paying attention to…

The student analyzed 15 sources and showed good knowledge in the theoretical and practical parts in the work.

Reviewer: F. I. O. academic degree (position) at the department

Date: "____" ______201_ Signature: ________________

Example 3

The diploma of the student (s) full name describes an important topic (topic name), which is quite relevant today, since ...

The first chapter deals with theory, where such problems and questions are explored ...

And in the third chapter, current problems and prospects of the company (name of the enterprise) are explored. However, the student not only identified problems, but also gave an assessment of the current level of information security...

The positive aspects of this work include…

There are also some minor shortcomings in the work. For example, the author did not go deep enough into the first chapter...

The pros and cons of the work have been identified, and now we can conclude that, in general, the author completed the work in accordance with all the requirements of GOST. The student (ka) presented (a) the work with a logical sequence, all chapter titles are fully consistent with the text. Therefore, I believe that the author deserves an “excellent” rating and the work can be allowed for protection.

Reviewer: F. I. O. academic degree (position) at the department

Date: "____" ______201_ Signature: ________________

Example 4

The student (ka) full name wrote her thesis work on 90 sheets of A4 format, which does not include applications, there are 7 applications in the project that confirm the project indicators. In terms of content, the work is built structurally, with a logical sequence, which proves the knowledge of the topic by the author.

It can be seen that the student (ka) conducted (a) deep research and made (a) capacious conclusions. Each part of the project was considered using the necessary professional terminology. The author processed (a) the required amount of material, which included not only scientific literature, but also educational literature, in order to fully reveal the topic and conducted a study at a high level. Plus, the student revealed original methods of economic efficiency of the enterprise.

Already from the first chapter it is clear that the author has an excellent level of knowledge of the theory, and she was able to formulate her own conclusions. The student took as a basis not only scientific literature, which described the opinions of various scientists in the field of this topic, but also educational literature, from which theoretical issues were considered.

In the second chapter, the author explored the practical part of the work and also presented a complete and in-depth analysis of not only Russian, but also foreign scientists. The student also conducted statistics on the activities of several enterprises over the past 3 years, thanks to which the author identified significant problems that became the basis for the development of this study.

In the third chapter, the student talked about specific ways to fix problems and made comprehensive suggestions on how to optimize the business at this enterprise. The practical recommendations were checked by the management and it turned out that the organization can really have really high performance if the recommendations are followed.

As such, the reviewer failed to identify shortcomings, but the work lacks illustrations, graphs or diagrams. Also, the style of presentation is different in each chapter, however, these minuses do not affect the quality of the project. Therefore, the student can be given the highest mark of “excellent”.

Reviewer: F. I. O. academic degree (position) at the department

Date: "____" ______201_ Signature: ________________

Example 5

The theme of the graduation project is relevant today and therefore the author considered such issues ...

The work contains 80 pages of A4 typewritten text, as well as appendices, illustrations and diagrams, and they confirm ...

The project consists of the following parts: introduction (occupies 1.5 A4 sheets), two chapters (theory and practice), each of which contains three paragraphs, conclusion (occupies 2 A4 sheets) and a list of references.

The introduction consists of the purpose, task, subject and object of research.

The first chapter contains three paragraphs, where only the theoretical part is considered. Here the author skillfully and competently formulates his opinion on the problem that is being investigated. It can be seen from the written that the student is fluent in theory on this topic.

I would like to note the positive aspects of the author's work, for example, the student studied the problem perfectly and suggested an alternative for the development of the enterprise.

However, the project also revealed shortcomings: incorrect expressions that cannot be considered from a legal point of view, but this provision does not affect the quality of the graduation project.

In general, the work was done quite well, and in this regard, the author was allowed to defend his diploma, as the student earned a high mark of “excellent” for his work.

Reviewer: F. I. O. academic degree (position) at the department

Date: "____" ______201_ Signature: ________________

Example 6

The final qualified work of the student (s) full name on the topic (topic name) is relevant today, since these problems concern almost every organization. The author has written three chapters that are devoted exclusively to the research topic.

The author processed 25 sources, which include both scientific and educational material. The student presented the work in an exclusively scientific style, and the volume of the project is 95 A4 pages, where applications are not included. However, there are enough applications (10 figures and 5 tables) to confirm all your work on the graduation project.

In the first chapter, the student presented and analyzed the theory over the past three years. The author has deeply studied and revealed the concepts and main aspects on this topic.

The student devoted the second chapter to the peculiarities of the economic characteristics of the enterprise over the past few years. The author also conducted a deep and complete analysis of the company and identified significant problems.

In this final qualified work, the author showed himself to be an excellent specialist in this field, was able to formulate his point of view.

Still, shortcomings in the work were also revealed: the author avoided scientific terminology, which is unacceptable for a specialist. However, the student explained everything in his own words, which is important for people who do not understand anything in terminology. Therefore, the work of the author can be admitted to the defense and is rated “excellent”.

Reviewer: F. I. O. academic degree (position) at the department

Date: "____" ______201_ Signature: ________________

The review of the final qualification work is an important component of the project, therefore, its writing should be approached responsibly. Try to write a review in more detail so that the commission does not have any questions in the future.

How to write a review for a WRC (thesis) correctly - 6 examples updated: September 2, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Often WRC is mistaken for a graduation project in a higher educational institution. In fact, this final work is in any professional educational institution that prepares specialists for graduation. And these are colleges, and technical schools, and others are not universities, but they are no longer schools.

Definition: What is a WRC?

Final qualifying work is one of the types of final attestation tests for students who complete their studies in the main educational program of a secondary vocational institution.

To write it, you must have a certain set of qualities. But in addition to having a personal characteristic, a number of more essential requirements will also need to be met.

Such work should be carried out in accordance with the guidelines and rules for writing the WRC, as well as with the following state documents:

  • with the Federal State Educational Standards for specialties and professions of secondary vocational education (secondary vocational education);
  • The procedure for conducting the State final certification for educational programs of secondary vocational education;
  • Regulations on the State final certification of graduates of an educational institution.

What does belonging to all these documents tell us? The fact that WRC is an obligatory part of the GIA. It is she who confirms that the graduate's professional training meets all the state standards of the chosen specialty or profession. After all, it displays the student's knowledge in the chosen subject, the level of his preparedness in the profession, the ability to analyze and systematize the collected data, generalize, and solve didactic problems in specialized activities.

The purpose of the WRC

Graduate qualification work is the systematization and consolidation of the theory in a particular specialty in the course of solving practical problems in research and analysis, identifying the ability to work independently.

That is why one of the requirements for writing a WRC is not a formal, but a creative approach to choosing a topic, drawing up a plan for completing a final qualification work, as well as the order of its writing and execution.

WRC topics

Subjects are chosen according to their qualifications. It can be performed:

  • in the specialty (in the form of a diploma project),
  • by profession (in the form of practical WRC and written work).

According to the guidelines for the implementation / writing of the final qualification work, the topic must be chosen in accordance with modern requirements for the development of science, technology, economics, production, culture, economics and other important areas of human life.

WRC tasks

Another definition says:

The final qualifying work is the final attestation research work of the student, which is carried out in the last year of study, presented in writing and meets all the requirements and guidelines for writing the WRC.

After graduating from the college, the WRC was called solve the following tasks:

  • helps to check the compliance of the level and quality of the students' knowledge and their readiness to work in the specialty;
  • get in-depth theoretical knowledge;
  • develop skills and abilities of independent mental work;
  • improve the skills of independent study of important literature (educational or professional);
  • to develop the skills of analysis and generalization of advanced professional experience, as well as their own experience in professional activities in the chosen specialty during the period of study;
  • learn and assimilate the essence of the methods of conducting scientific research, develop the ability to create their own research methods.

Guidelines for the implementation of the final qualifying work - this is not the only help in its creation. The supervisor plays an important role. It will help to draw up a clear plan for the WRC implementation schedule, as well as prepare the manuscript for defense.

In addition, the leader gives a review of the WRC, comparing it with a ready-made writing sample.

Examples of writing a review for a final qualifying work can be found here:

In the review, the supervisor confirms that he personally familiarized himself with the content and is partially responsible for any information indicated in the work, for their accuracy and execution. Therefore, it is in his interests to approach his work as meticulously as possible: assistance in preparing the manuscript, compiling comments for correction by the student. However, the author of the work still bears full responsibility for the content.

WRC writing methodology

There is a certain methodology for completing the final qualifying work, the quality of which is primarily assessed by the commission.

So, here are the main points that you should pay attention to when preparing for the surrender.


The volume of the manuscript should not be excessively large. With a standard font of 14 pt on A4 sheets, the optimal size of the work is 50 sheets.

Of course, this is not the law, and if necessary, you can exceed the specified figure. But most likely, the extra volume will simply not be taken into account by the members of the commission (in other words, the extra sheets will not even be read).


GOSTs were created for someone to comply with them. Therefore, any student in the preparation of the WRC should be able to correctly draw it up, because compliance with the standards is the first thing the SAC members look at.

You should not hope that the supervisor or members of the SAC will not pay attention to incorrect design. There is even a paragraph in the review that evaluates the quality of the work design.

So, a neatly prepared document should be written:

  • in a strict scientific style;
  • clearly, logically, consistently;
  • with the outlined basic materials necessary for the final work.

The main materials for the final work are the setting of goals and objectives, the argument of scientific publications on the subject, the description of the methods and stages of solving problems, the demonstration and analysis of the results obtained.

By the way! For our readers, there are now attractive discounts both on the works themselves and on the components of final works.

WRC structure

Like any other work, the WRC has a strict structure. Nothing new, standard:

  • title page,
  • table of contents,
  • annotation,
  • listing the main terms and their definitions, abbreviations with a brief explanation,
  • five page introduction
  • the main part (theory and practice, divided into paragraphs of 5 pages each),
  • two or three page summary
  • bibliographic list,
  • applications.

But that's not all. Before you start working on the main work, you will definitely need additional documents:

  • assignment for writing a WRC;
  • a plan for writing a WRC with a listing of the dates of the planned and actual period of work on each individual part;
  • review of the supervisor;

Sibai Institute (branch)


Head of graduation

qualifying work

Ph.D., Art. teacher Sitnova I.A.

"____"_____ ____ 20___

final qualifying work on the topic: "Formation of a quality management system for public services (on the example of MUP "Vodokanal", Sibay, Republic of Bashkortostan)" student (s) gr. 5.1 Galimova I.G.


1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of a service quality system

    Definitions and concepts in the field of service quality

    Service quality indicators

    Methods for determining the level of service quality

2. Analysis of the activities of MUP "Vodokanal"

    Status and prospects for the development of water supply in the city of Sibay

    Analysis of the financial and economic activities of MUE "Vodokanal"

    Service quality management system MUP "Vodokanal"

3. Improving the quality management system for public services MUP "Vodokanal"

    Measures to improve the quality of water supply

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed activities Conclusion

List of used literature


"___" _______ 20___ Student(s):______


Example of a task for WQR

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Bashkir State University"

Sibai Institute (branch)

Department of Management and Economic Theory


Head department ________________


"___" ______________20____

for graduate work

student (s) gr. 5.1. Galimova I.G.

The topic of the WRC: "Formation of a quality management system for public services (on the example of MUE Vodokanal, Sibay, Republic of Bashkortostan)", - fixed by order of the rector dated "___" _________ 20___. No. ____.

Target setting: taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, develop and economically justify measures to improve the quality of public services for the population of Sibay based on an analysis of theoretical problems, as well as the practice of the enterprise under study.

Empirical base of the research: Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Vodokanal", Sibay, Republic of Bashkortostan.

The main questions to be studied in the WRC:

    The essence of the service quality system, indicators and methods for assessing the level of quality of services provided.

    Analysis of the production sector, financial and economic condition and the quality management system of services of MUE "Vodokanal" (Sibay).

    Directions for improving the quality system of services of MUE "Vodokanal" (Sibay), calculation of the effectiveness of their implementation.

Deadline for the submission of the completed work: "___" ______ 20____.

The task was issued by: "____" ________ 20___, supervisor of research _________

The task was received by: "___" _____________20___, student (s) ___________________________


Title page design template






on the topic : "Quality management in the system of higher education in economic specialties (on the example of the Faculty of Economics of the Sibai Institute (branch) of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Bashkir State University")"

STUDENT ________________ Arginbayeva R. R.

HEAD _____________ Doctor of Economics, prof. Barlybaev A. A.


HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT ___________ Candidate of Economics, Assoc. Akhmetov V.Ya.



Chapter 1

1.1. Quality management: concept and essence

1.2. The quality of higher education and methods for its assessment

1.3. Quality management system at the university

Chapter 2 Management of the quality of education at the Faculty of Economics of the Sibay Institute (branch) of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Bashkir State University"

2.1. General characteristics of the institute

2.2. Comprehensive assessment of the quality of the educational process at the Faculty of Economics: state and problems


List of used literature



1.1 General information about the city

1.2 Landscape conditions for the formation and development of the city of Omsk

1.3 Socio-economic conditions for the formation and development of the city 2 COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE CITY OF OMSK

2.1 Methodology for conducting a comprehensive assessment of the city territory

2.2 Choice of a comprehensive assessment method, its main indicators and


2.3 Analysis of the ecological and landscape organization of the city territory

2.4 Results of a comprehensive land assessment in the city of Omsk


3.1 Zoning of the territory of the city of Omsk according to the degree of its favorableness for a specific intended use based on the results of a comprehensive assessment

3.2 Development of a territorial model for the targeted use of urban land

3.3 Development and justification of a set of measures for the sustainable development of the territory of Omsk


APPENDIX A Scheme of urban zoning of the territory of Omsk

APPENDIX B Scheme of targeted land use in the city of Omsk on an ecological and landscape basis

Appendix E

An example of writing an introduction


At this stage of development, cities occupy only 2% of the land area, but consume 3/4 of the world's resources.

AT Russia 73% of the population is concentrated in cities. The external features of a large city are: high-density multi-storey buildings, the widespread development of public transport and communication systems, the excess of the built-up and paved part of the territory over landscape gardening, landscaped and free spaces, high population density and, most importantly, the concentration of sources of negative environmental impact.

AT In the context of the developing ecological crisis, tendencies towards the formation and expansion of environment-stabilizing territories and objects that would ensure not only the vital activity of the population, but also the relative ecological balance of the eco- or geosystem, being the most important element of its organization of use and the basis of environmental planning, are becoming increasingly important.

The diversity and variety of processes and phenomena in nature and society makes it difficult to rationally organize, use and manage urban resources. Along with this, both the lack of information and the unreliability of the necessary information are noted.

The source of such information is a comprehensive assessment of the territories under study, the main task of which is to analyze the state of urban resources and territorial modeling of their intended use.

As object of study adopted urbanized land-

shaft of the city of Tyumen.

Scientific novelty of WRC design developments lies in the development

botke of methodological provisions on the formation of a territorial model for the targeted use of urban lands (sustainable development).

Practical significance of research lies in the fact that

the investigation was carried out on a real object and has practical developments to improve existing methods for a comprehensive assessment of urban lands; methods for assessing and analyzing the ecological and landscape organization of the territory of a large city; territorial modeling.

The WRC contains four sections.

When developing the WRC, the following materials were used: materials of the master plan for the development of the city; state cadastral valuation of land; programs of strategic development of Omsk; statistical reports on the economic and social development of the city (for the last 10 years); climatic conditions of the study area; land cadastral documentation; economic evaluation of the city territory; materials of special types of surveys and surveys (soil, water management, hydrogeological, geobotanical, etc.); regulatory framework; scientific sources; reference literature.

Approbation of the research results : the main provisions of the check-

This research was published in the collection of scientific articles of TSOGU: 1. Bogdanova, A.V. et al. Fundamentals of the analysis of the landscape-ecological organization of the urban territory (based on the materials of the city of Tyumen) / M.S. Bessonov, T.V. Reshetnikova// Materials of the spring session of SAN TGNGU,

Tsogu / Under the general. ed. T.V. Semenova. - Tyumen: TGNGU, 2012.

Annex G

An example of writing an analytical review of the literature


The environmental problems of cities are becoming the most acute global problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Along with pollution of the air and water basins, flooding, soil degradation, radiation, noise and thermal pollution, the state of use of recreational zones, specially protected natural areas and agricultural land remains the main problem for cities.

At the moment, when ecology and the economy are increasingly interpenetrating each other, leading to the emergence of new links between the ecological and socio-economic systems, there is a need to carry out land assessment work and establish a specific type of assessment based on the object of assessment.

AT Currently, the object of assessment is the city, which is considered as an urban planning and socio-economic system, but in order to resolve the existing environmental problems, it is necessary to change the approach to the formation of an object, the choice of type, factors and evaluation criteria.

AT as an object, it is advisable to take the socio-economic and natural-anthropogenic system of the city, and for one of the main evaluation criteria - environmental conditions and the state of use of urban land. This approach will help to form a scheme for improving the use of city lands on an ecological landscape basis, to establish the level of compliance of the use of city lands with their intended purpose, to identify inconsistencies in the existing organization of use, planning and development, and to determine the degree of favorableness of undeveloped territories for a specific type of use. This is the relevance of the ongoing scientific search, the resolution of the goal set in the work.

The issues of theory, practice and methodology of land appraisal, land management, urban planning, landscape science, ecology and cadastre, which are closely intertwined in the general problem of the formation of sustainable development settlements, are widely reflected in the works of a number of Russian authors: A.A. Varlamova, V.V. Vladimirova, A.P. Vergunova, V.V. Kozina, A.T. Isachenko, N.F. Reimers, V.L. Sidorchuk, A.G. Bannikova, V.A. Makhta, S.N. Volkova, S.V. Kostareva, A.L. Zhelyaskova, O.M. Roy, Z.F. Kochergina, E.N. Malysheva, M.A. Podkovyrova, Yu.M. Rogatnev.

The city is built in a natural landscape, forming its functional planning structure depending on the features of the relief, hydrographic network, wind regime, etc. In the process of the city’s life activity, extensive zones of intensive agriculture and recreation of the population are formed around it, water sources are developed and other resources. The city puts pressure on suburban landscapes, thereby forming a kind of connection between systems and their components. The city interacts with nature, deforms the natural properties of the environment. In turn, elements of the natural landscape permeate urban structures and are included as components in the urban landscape. Thus, the city and the landscape are a system in which human economic activity and natural processes interact.

Considering cities as a natural-anthropogenic system, it should be noted that they “occupy only 2% of the land area, but consume

¾ of the world's resources. The external features of a large city are:

high-density multi-storey (as a rule) development, widespread development of public transport and communication systems, excess of the built-up and paved part of the territory over landscape gardening, green spaces and free spaces, concentration of sources of negative impact on the environment, high population density.

A distinctive feature of the organization of the use of lands of settlements is that the category "land of settlements" is the most difficult land use in terms of regulating land relations. In settlements, the issues of land management are closely intertwined and interdependent with the issues of the policy of architecture, urban planning, ecology, various industries and spheres of the national economy, therefore, when land management of any settlement, it is necessary to take into account the whole range of basic requirements imposed by society on it, as a dynamically developing social - economic organism".

The development of the city is due to a number of factors: economic, social and environmental. In modern planning for the development of the city territory, the importance of answering the questions “what?”, “Where?” And How?" should be used, therefore, it is impossible not to involve such areas of activity as cadastral, land management and urban planning. Everything becomes extremely clear when the "city" is considered as the subject of a comprehensive assessment.

A comprehensive assessment of the territory of the city is an assessment that allows you to establish the level of compliance of the use of lands of settlements with their intended purpose, identify inconsistencies in the existing organization of use, planning and development, and also determine the degree of favorableness of undeveloped territories for construction.

specific type of use, taking into account socio-economic, environmental and urban planning requirements.

Settlements have a multifunctional purpose, but nevertheless, the main requirement for their organization is the formation of a comfortable living environment for a person. And this means that the social, material, psycho-emotional needs of a person must be satisfied. Finding the factors that determine the satisfaction of these needs is one of the main tasks of organizing the use of settlements, the optimal combination of which gives a solution to the problem of their ecological state.

The current stage of development of the relationship between man and his natural environment is characterized by comparability in scale of both technical and natural processes. For sustainable social and economic growth, it is necessary to further improve the main areas of nature management:

Implementation of environmental and economic assessment of natural resources and the establishment of rational norms for their use;

- determination of territorial proportions for the development and placement of economic, residential, recreational and other facilities;

- forecasting and assessing the consequences of human activity;

- development of a system of environmental protection measures, the implementation of which will prevent or drastically reduce the harmful impact on nature.

The state of the existing environment of settlements is influenced by: the nature of the emergence of the settlement; its hierarchical position; concentration in a relatively small space; economic conditions; national features and traditions; demographic situation; natural-climatic and landscape conditions.

The city as a whole is an artificial, urbanized landscape, which inherited from the natural only the geological basis, the main features of the relief and zonal climate features.

The term "landscape" should be understood as a natural-territorial complex, limited by natural boundaries and characterized by a certain external appearance; an area with the same type of geological structure, relief, climate and a specific combination of hydrogeological conditions, soils and biocenosis. All components of the landscape: soil, surface and groundwater, vegetation, lower layers of the atmosphere, wildlife are important resources for human life.

According to the generally accepted classification, natural and anthropogenic landscapes are distinguished.

Natural landscapes are self-regulating systems that strive to maintain a sustainable state.

The stability of a landscape is its ability to maintain its original state and properties under negative natural and anthropogenic impacts. The resilience of landscapes can be defined in relation to specific types of impacts, such as their ability to accept and dissipate a certain amount of matter and energy, without losing the ability to reproduce itself.

AT Currently, there are almost no absolutely untouched natural landscapes left. However, in practice this term is widely used as opposed to anthropogenic, in the formation of which human economic activity played a decisive role. According to the degree of change under the influence of human activity, the following typical landscape states are distinguished: conditionally unchanged, slightly changed, strongly changed or disturbed; rationally transformed.

Among anthropogenic landscapes, the following types can be distinguished: industrial, agricultural, residential, road, forest, water, recreational.

AT settlements with intensive interaction of natural

and anthropogenic factors create complex anthropogenic-natural systems, called urban (urbanized) landscapes. An urbanized landscape is understood as an urban environment: residential development, industrial areas, transport communications, green areas in the form of garden and park landscapes.

Urbanized landscapes are characterized by the fact that they are dominated by both artificial components (created by man) and accompanying or undesirable ones (salt marshes, waterlogging areas, flooding, landfills, disturbed territories, etc.). Most often, they inevitably arise, and, unfortunately, are the result of incomplete consideration of the interrelations of natural components in the urban development of land, their organization and use.

An important point in the development of urbanized territories is a significant change in landscape components (relief, geological deposits, climate, surface and groundwater, soils and vegetation), large cities have an impact on the environment at a distance 50 times greater than its own radius.

At the present stage of development, large cities are a territory of deeply changed nature, and therefore they are also a special ecosystem. The hydrographic network, landforms, distribution of vegetation create the basis for the formation of a natural ecological framework in the city.

AT In the context of ongoing industrialization and urbanization, one should speak of a functionally expedient ecological balance. Under the functionally expedient ecological balance is such a state of the natural environment, in which self-regulation and reproduction of its main components - atmospheric air, water

resources, soil and vegetation cover, wildlife. According

With these indispensable conditions for such a state should be:

- reproduction of the main components of the natural environment, ensuring their balance in interregional flows of matter and energy;

- correspondence of the scale of industrial and household pollution of the environment with the geochemical activity of landscapes;

- not exceeding the level of anthropogenic pollution of the values ​​of the biochemical activity of the city's ecosystem;

- lower indicators of the impact of transport, energy and other "engineering", recreational and other anthropogenic loads than the indicator of the physical stability of landscapes;

- preservation of undisturbed or slightly disturbed by anthropogenic activities of the city's ecosystem areas, ensuring sufficient complexity and diversity of the natural environment of the city as a whole.

With the intensive use of urban land, the concentration of the population, the creation of large industrial facilities and highways leads to a deterioration in the environmental situation.

AT In this case, the organization of the use of the city's land should be consistent with environmental standards and design rules. The issue of building density, number of storeys, placement of roads, engineering communications should be strictly regulated, it is necessary to provide for the inclusion of large open spaces in the built-up areas such as parks, forest parks, reservoirs. Very important is the balance between the components of the main spatial organization of the city: production, housing, recreation.

Large industrial and accompanying auxiliary facilities and structures, large residential areas and other functional areas are concentrated in a small area of ​​the city. All this together exerts anthropogenic pressure on the environment, which leads to failures of natural systems and their degradation. The deterioration of the ecological situation entails a deterioration in the health of the population.

Territory degradation (changes in the bearing capacity of soils, a decrease in humus in the arable horizon, salinization, waterlogging, flooding, etc.) lead to a decrease in production and an increase in its cost, an increase in production costs and other non-production costs. Ultimately, the restoration of the natural system will cost much more than the original organization of land use, taking into account environmental rules and laws.

The future belongs to cities where a person will truly feel like a part of nature. To design a city that would be consonant with human nature, it is necessary to take into account

not only the economic needs of a person (production capacity, population, building area, etc.), but also the ecological capabilities (critical capacity) of the landscape.

To achieve ecological balance, a fundamentally new approach to economic activity, to the organization of rational land use and nature management is required.

Rational reconstruction of urbanized and suburban territories, - emphasizes the famous geographer A.T. Isachenko, - should not be based on a superficial consideration of random heterogeneous data on certain natural components, but on the principles of modern landscape science.

Thus, noting a number of significant changes in the economic and urban planning sphere, it is necessary first of all to emphasize the importance of solving the problem of the ecological and landscape organization of the city territory on the basis of a comprehensive assessment.

It follows from this that the ecological and landscape organization of the city, in strict accordance with the town-planning and land legislation of the Russian Federation, will allow maintaining the stability of the natural-territorial complex.

AT This work uses methodological approaches to conducting a comprehensive assessment of urban lands on landscape-ecological basis of the following authors: V.V. Vladimirova, A.P. Vergunova, A.T. Isachenko, N.F. Reimers, V.L. Sidorchuk, S.V. Kostareva, Z.F. Kochergina, E.N. Malysheva, M.A. Podkovyrova, Yu.M. Rogatnev.

AT research included scientific and theoretical foundations of urban planning factors of engineering development and development of large cities, set out in the educational and scientific literature of A.M. Bogdanov, V.V. Artemenko, N.N. Mikhailov.

The ranking of the urban area carried out in this work is based on the method of cluster analysis and the experience of its use in the cadastral and urban planning practice of the Russian Federation.

Annex I

An example of using the scientific research method

3.1 Research methods used in the integrated assessment of urban land

The theme of the final qualification work: "Comprehensive assessment of the territory of the city of Omsk."

The purpose of the development of the WRC is to analyze the ecological and landscape organization of the city on the basis of its comprehensive assessment and develop a territorial model of sustainable development.

As object of study the urbanized landscape of Omsk was adopted.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

1. Analysis of the scientific and theoretical foundations for assessing urban land.

2. Establishment of landscape and town-planning patterns of formation and use of the city territory.

3. Establishment of factors of optimal ecological and landscape organization of the urban territory.

4. Development of methodological provisions for the implementation of a comprehensive assessment of urban lands, taking into account the priority of the environmental factor.

5. Comprehensive assessment of the urban area.

6. Development and justification of the territorial model of the city of sustainable development.

In the final qualifying work, an analysis is presented of: existing methods for a comprehensive assessment of urban lands; methods for assessing and analyzing the ecological and landscape organization of the city territory

and own methodological approaches to the formation of a territorial model for the targeted use of urban lands for sustainable development are proposed.

The recommended methods for conducting this study are: the method of correlation and regression analysis; method of analysis of hierarchies; grouping method (economic-statistical method); cluster analysis method, modeling method, analogy, analysis and synthesis method, etc.

3.2 Justification and description of the cluster analysis method

The study and analysis of the content of the above methods made it possible to decide on the choice of one of the methods, namely, the method cluster analysis to solve the problem associated with the development of a model for the targeted use of city land.

Cluster analysis methods are methods based on

beating objects into homogeneous categories (that is, all objects in one group are similar to each other in accordance with a certain measure), while each object belongs to only one class. This provision determined the choice of the cluster analysis method as a whole, since the studied urban area must be ranked according to the degree of favorableness to its intended use in the future.

Of particular interest is Ward's method, which is based on the methods of analysis of variance, which is necessary for estimating the distances between clusters. This method, based on the use of the Euclidean distance, allows you to evaluate an object (in this case, an urban area) in a multidimensional space, excluding the simplicity of calculating averages.

Euclidean distance- geometric distance in multidimensional space, which is calculated as follows:

(x , y )= [ ∑ i (x i − y i )2 ] 12 ,

where (x,y) is the Euclidean distance; x i , y i – coordinates of the i-th point.

As for urban areas, the assessment of classes can be represented by the degree of friendliness of each appraisal plot (land plot, cadastral territorial appraisal unit, urban real estate) to a specific type of its use.

So, cluster analysis is a set of various procedures that allow the division of a set of objects into groups or clusters. Cluster analysis compresses data into the classification of objects, into the formation of arrays, groups, clusters.

The great advantage of cluster analysis is that it allows you to split objects not by one parameter, but by a whole set of features (factors, indicators). In addition, cluster analysis, unlike most mathematical and statistical methods, does not impose any restrictions on the type of objects under consideration and allows us to consider a lot of initial data of an almost arbitrary nature, for example, indicators: the level of landscaping of the territory, the degree of degradation of the soil cover, chemical pollution of water and air basins, and etc. Cluster analysis allows you to analyze large information arrays and make them compact and visual.

mi (Fig. 3.1).

The task of cluster analysis is to divide the set of objects G into m (m is an integer) clusters (subsets) Q 1 , Q 2 ,......Q m , based on the data contained in the set X , so, so that each object G j belongs to one and only one subset of

beats and that objects belonging to the same cluster are similar, while objects belonging to different clusters are heterogeneous.

Each criterion is a certain functional that expresses the levels of desirability of various divisions and groupings, which is commonly called the objective function. In multivariate statistics, the intragroup sum of squared deviations is used as the objective function:

W = ∑ (x j − x)

= ∑ x 2 j

∑ x j ,




where W is the intragroup sum of squared deviations; x j - represents the measurements of the j-th object.

To solve the problem of cluster analysis when ranking, for example, an urban area, the concepts of similarity and heterogeneity are defined.

Objects i-th and j-th fall into the same cluster when the distance between points X i and X j is small enough and vice versa. Therefore, getting into one or different clusters of objects is determined by the distance between X i and X j from E p , where E p is the p-dimensional Euclidean space.

The concept opposite to distance is the concept of similarity between objects G i and G j . A non-negative real function S(X i ,X j )=S y is called similarity measure.

An important issue in the study is the choice of the required number of clusters. Our studies have shown that the clearest picture of the differentiation of urban areas according to certain criteria (features) begins with 4 clusters (at least).

The distance matrix is ​​based on the idea of ​​a dendrogram or tree diagram. A dendogram is defined as a graphic representation of the results of a sequential clustering process. With the help of a dendogram, the clustering procedure is graphically depicted.

Dendogram construction method displays objects horizontally, clustering results vertically. The value of distances or similarity, corresponding to the structure of new clusters, is depicted vertically by a straight line on top of dendograms (Fig. 3.2).

The goal is achieved by classifying the structural elements of the territory, i.e. combining objects into classes according to a set of features based on similarity (difference) measures. The choice of pr and -

signs characterizing the object is carried out according to the specifics of the task.

The formal statement of the problem of zoning heterogeneous territories can be formulated as follows. Divide the initial set of elementary territorial objects, each of which is described by a certain feature vector, into a certain number of subsets so that each object belongs to one of the selected subsets, the objects of one subset are similar, and the objects of different subsets are heterogeneous.

To solve the formulated problem, it is advisable to use the mathematical apparatus, in particular, the method of multivariate statistical analysis. A formalization and solution of the problem of zoning territories based on the cluster analysis method is proposed, which is a wide sector of classification algorithms that allow partitioning a set of objects into q-sets according to a set of features, both qualitative and quantitative. The formation of a classification structure is based on the concept of class homogeneity, characterized by a measure of the proximity of objects in the space of n-features. Reducing the process of zoning urban areas to a purely mathematical method is possible only on the basis of a detailed formalization of the substantive foundations of zoning and is promising.

3.3 Research methodology

The study of the problem of greening urban areas, the formation of urban land use for sustainable development made it possible to determine the methodology for conducting a comprehensive assessment of the city and improving the existing ecological and landscape organization of its territory.

The research methodology is:

in the preparation, study and analysis legal and technical documentation regulating urban development, urban planning and land management activities (in the conditions of the object under study);

in the collection of initial information about the object of study;

in the analysis of the current landscape, ecological state, territorial, socio-economic and urban planning use of city lands;

in the study and analysis of the current system of methods for a comprehensive and factorial assessment of urban lands in Russia and abroad;

in the development of a system of indicators, factors and indicators of a comprehensive assessment;

in the choice and justification of the assessment methods used;

in the implementation of the necessary types of zoning of the territory;

in establishing the ecological and landscape state of the city;

According to the methodology adopted by us for conducting a comprehensive assessment of the city's lands, it is proposed to: use a scoring scale for assessing indicators; indicators and scoring scales to determine and proceed from the characteristics of the object under study; to carry out zoning of the territory according to the most important indicators; the level of favorableness of the territory of the settlement is determined using multivariate analysis, which should be considered the most reliable; the results of multivariate analysis should be considered the result of a comprehensive landscape and environmental assessment; zoning of the territory for this type of assessment should be carried out on the basis of the ranking of urban lands obtained as a result of the study; the formed supporting target frame should be considered the basis for planning the use of undeveloped areas within the city and potentially drawn from the suburban area.

The development of a mechanism for zoning urban and other territories is of particular interest, since the problem of constructing a general theory has not yet been resolved. The basis for any zoning is the solution of the problem of dividing the territory into homogeneous zones. This methodological approach can be recommended for conducting a factorial and complex assessment of the territory of large cities.

A comprehensive land assessment was carried out on the territory of two administrative districts of Omsk: Central and Soviet, which have certain distinctive features in their formation.

Materials of the environmental assessment of the territory of the Central Autonomous Okrug showed that its territory was included in four groups or clusters, characterized by a corresponding score regarding the level of environmental friendliness (Fig. 3.1).

The territory with an ecologically favorable level for residential and public-business development, recreational and agricultural use makes up a high percentage of the total area of ​​the district - 54.7% and covers mainly the peripheral area in the northern and southern parts of the district; the territory with a relatively favorable level of use is not so significant in terms of area (18.6%) and is closely adjacent to the first array with estate development quarters; restricted area is

7.8%, it extended along the water arteries; the urban area with an unfavorable level of use is concentrated in the central part of the district with the most intensive use of its surface and underground space (18.9%).

153 166 132 129 113 164 158 126 155 110 162 116 115 148 157 128 131 130 108 136 119 161 107 125 112 100 121 165 120 _ 124 123 _ 169 168 167 118 145 146 142 117 160 147 141 _ 111 ​​127 _ 127 _ 127 _ 127 _ 127 _ 127 _ 127 _ 127 _ 154 159 _ 57 56 68 55 44 34 72 32 67 90 _ 105 _ 53 35 _ 143 _ 18 19 _ 171 170 173 174 172 152 135 177 175 138 150 137 180 151 149 134 181 144 _ 179 _ 52 29 11 20 64 49 38 65 50 41 _ 39 91 80 77 75 _ 103 _ 17 86 84 81 88 _ 102 101 _ 14 16 23 10 97 74 _ 104 _ 71 92 45 47 _ 114 _ 8

122 _ C _ 106 _ C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 133 _ C _ 140 _ C _ _ C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C _ C _ _ C _ C _ C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 182 _ C C _ C _ _ _ _ _ C C _ _ _ _ C C C C _ _ _ _ C _ C _ _ _ _ _ C _ _ C _ C _ _ C _ _ C _ C _ _ _ _ C _ C _ C C _


Rice. 3.2 - Dendrogram of the grouping of sites based on the results of the environmental assessment of the territory of the Central Autonomous District

A significant discrepancy between the selected territorial arrays (clusters) was expressed in the values ​​of such indicators as: air pollution, flooding, population density, the level of landscaping, the impact of water arteries of natural origin. However, the entire territory of this district is characterized by soil pollution, only the degree of pollution is different. Regarding the arrays, it can be noted that the massif of the first cluster is characterized by a higher level of landscaping and the lowest degree of soil cover pollution. The presence of sanitary protection zones played the greatest influence on the formation of the massif of the second cluster. The third cluster included sections of the urban area with the worst indicators of landscaping, a high degree of flooding, soil and air pollution. The fourth cluster, due to the presence of significant natural landscapes, entered the zone with limited use (Fig. 3.3).

An analysis of the results of the urban planning assessment made it possible to note that in the formed model of urban planning use of urban lands on the example of the Central Autonomous District, the most favorable territory for use for residential, public and business development and recreation is 40% of the total territory of the district, with restrictions for this use - 42% and 18% - completely limited.

The results of a comprehensive assessment of urban lands characterized a more stringent regime for grouping sites relative to the developed scale of factors and indicators due to the environmental approach. Unfavorable (according to a combination of factors) appraisal plots occupy 2129.8 hectares (19.7%) and

restriction in use - 812.1 ha (7.5%). Regarding the location, these sites are concentrated in the public and business zone of the city, having a ribbon pattern along the Irtysh and Om rivers (Fig. 3.3).

Rice. 3.3 - Scheme of a comprehensive assessment of the territory of the Central Autonomous District

The presence in this administrative district of large tracts with favorable and relatively favorable conditions for the functioning of the city as a natural, social and anthropogenic system, led to the conclusion that these are far from intensively used urban lands, therefore their further engineering development should be carried out only on landscape and ecological basis, relying on the ecological (green) frame of the city.

The level of environmental sustainability of the territory within the districts, the indicator varies from 0.15 to 0.40, which indicates a low and medium level of environmental sustainability of the urbanized landscape. The obtained data on the ranking of the urban area formed the supporting framework for the targeted use of the city's land for the future and identified the key points both in the rational use of urban land and in the development of a set of measures for the environmental stabilization of the city of Omsk.

Annex K

An example of writing a conclusion


The final qualifying work on the topic: "Comprehensive assessment of the territory of the city of Omsk" was developed in accordance with the program and assignment for the development of the WRC.

AT the final qualifying work is given a general description of the city of Omsk, an analysis is presented natural-climatic, ecological-landscape and socio-economic conditions for the formation and development of the city territory as a socio-economic and natural-anthropogenic system. Priority environmental, economic and social problems in the development of Omsk have been identified.

AT final qualifying work on the basis of the analysis of a number of methods for assessing urban areas, an own methodology for this type of assessment is proposed, the distinguishing feature of which is ecological-landscape approach to the consideration of the object of assessment and its subject. In the final qualifying work it is proposed:

1. Take landscape-ecological conditions as the main evaluation criterion.

2. When evaluating, use a point scale.

3. Indicators and scoring scales should be formed on the basis of specific regional natural, environmental, economic and social characteristics of the urban area under study.

4. The level of favorableness of the territory to a certain type of intended use (as an indicator) is determined using multivariate analysis.

5. Territory zoning should be carried out on the basis of the obtained ranking of appraisal sites during the formation of clusters (groups).

6. The end product of a comprehensive assessment is considered to be a supporting target frame with an information block, including a set of specialized maps.

7. The smallest cadastral territorial unit (or “cadastral quarter”) should be taken as the estimated territorial unit, which will require cadastral restructuring of the territory of Omsk, since the existing cadastral organization does not provide the formation of an up-to-date database about the object of assessment.

According to the results of a comprehensive assessment of the administrative districts of Omsk, it was found that:

1. Within the boundaries of the city, an area with favorable conditions for recreational, agricultural use, as well as housing

construction varies from 40 to 72.8% of the total area of ​​the districts, from 27 to 60% of the territory of the districts is in a zone of unfavorable condition or with restrictions in use.

2. The level of environmental sustainability of the city territory by administrative districts varies from 1.15 to 0.40, which indicates a low and medium level of environmental sustainability of the urban landscape.

3. The presence in the administrative districts of large areas with favorable and relatively favorable conditions for the functioning of the city, allows us to conclude that these are far from intensively used urban lands, so their further engineering development should be carried out only on landscape-ecological basis, based on the system of the ecological frame of the city.

4. It is proposed to put the principle of mutual influence of the urban area and its suburban area as the basis for the concept of forming a model of the ecological framework of the city. In this regard, the EKT of the city of Omsk will be developed on the basis of a planning framework, a settlement framework, including a framework for a suburban area, as well as a supporting framework for the targeted use of urban land, taking into account all its constituent elements. The total area of ​​Omsk EKT will be 196.11 thousand hectares (47.17% of the total area of ​​Omsk and its suburban area).

Design developments received an economic justification. The implementation of the developed set of measures for the environmental stabilization of the city of Omsk will reduce the total damage from the degradation of urban lands only in the territory of one of the administrative districts in the amount of 122.05 million rubles.

This article contains an example of the structure of the final qualification work (thesis / project or bachelor's / master's thesis) - from introduction to applications.

Here you can download the final qualification work template itself:

By completing the sections of this sample template step by step, you will get the job you need. It will then only need to be issued according to the methodological instructions of your university.

For questions, you can go here: Alexander Krylov

So. Structure


This sheet is from guidelines for the implementation of WRC provided by the university

It is also necessary to look guidelines for the design of text documents, there are:

- Margin sizes (usually the same on all sides - for example, 2 cm each, and the right margin is almost always 1 cm)

- Font size 14, spacing 1.5, the font itself is Times New Roman

- Insert page numbers. Usually they are placed at the bottom in the center, there is no number on the title page

Press Enter before and after each heading so that there is one blank line between the heading and the text before and after it

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………

Chapter 1. Theoretical review on the topic of WRC ……………………………………………

1.1. Overview of the essence of the selected WRC topic …………………………………………

1.3. Industry-specific features of the WRC topic …………………………………………

Chapter 2. Analysis of the state and activities of the object (enterprise) in terms of the WRC topic in accordance with the methods from clause 1.2 ……………………………………………………

2.1. Brief description and main indicators of the state and activity of the object ……………………………………………………………………………

2.2. Comprehensive economic or financial analysis of the facility’s activities ……………………………………………………………………………

2.3. Analysis on the topic of WRC ………………………………………………………………

Chapter 3. Designing measures to improve the activities of the facility in the direction chosen in the WRC ………………………………………………………………

3.1. Conditions and prerequisites for the development of events ………………………….

3.2. Name of event 1 …………………………………………………

3.3. Name of event 2 …………………………………………………

3.4. Name of event 3 ………………………………………………….

3.5. Evaluation of the effectiveness of a set of proposed measures ……………

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………

List of used literature …………………………………………………………

Applications …………………………………………………………………………………


Relevance. Why did you choose this topic? A couple of paragraphs, the total length is approximately 70% of the first page of the introduction

The purpose of the final qualifying work(read more about goals here:)

WRC tasks:

  1. First task
  2. Second task
  3. Usually there are 5-7 pieces

Object of study in the WRC - the legal form and the name of the object of work. For example, Senior Lecturer Alexander Krylov LLC

Subject of study- what comes after the first word "improvement" or "improvement" from the WRC topic. If there is no such word in the title of the topic, then the subject of research is usually the first phrase.

For example, the topic “Improving the financial condition of an enterprise (on the example of Diplom 35 LLC)”

Then the subject of study in the WRC is the financial condition of the enterprise

Research methods- the methods that you used in the work. Personally, because I am a former senior lecturer in financial management, I write here all the time. financial ratio method. It is reasonable to fill out this paragraph after writing the entire work.

By the way. The financial ratios themselves, as well as financial analysis in general, can be calculated for free using this link:

Practical significance of WRC- not available in all jobs. Here we write what a theoretical review of the work can be used for, how you can use the results of the analysis, how realistic it is to use WRC events at the enterprise

Work structure- also not always there is this section. But if there is, then we write here: the final qualifying work consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion, list of sources used and literature and applications. The main part contains a theoretical overview that reveals the topic of the final qualification work, an analytical section that allows you to assess the current state of the object of study, a project part containing a list of measures to improve the subject of research with calculations confirming their economic feasibility

The size of the introduction is 3-5 pages, no more is required.


1.1. Overview of the essence of the selected WRC topic

1.2. Methods and approaches to measuring indicators characterizing the theme of the WRC

1.3. Industry specifics of the WRC theme

You can read an article on how to prepare the first part of the final qualification work here:. Where to get the theory - here:


2.1. Brief description and main indicators of the state and activity of the facility

2.2. Comprehensive economic or financial analysis of the facility's activities

In this section, based on the initial data, a general analysis of the enterprise is carried out.

Regardless of the topic, the following types of analysis can be carried out:

2.3. Analysis on the subject of the WRC

This section provides a specific analysis for the topic of the work. You have to either invent it yourself, or look for a ready-made one and remake it to suit your theme of work.


3.1. Conditions and prerequisites for the development of events

In this section, we write the conclusions on the analysis from the second chapter, since they are the conditions and prerequisites for the development of measures. Specifically, this section may be located at the end of the second part - there it will be called "Conclusions". Or it can be at the end of the second part, and at the beginning of the third. It depends on what your manager recommends.

You can read about the events for the third part here:. There are many activities, you can invent them yourself. In addition, they can be recommended by your supervisor or a representative of the object of work, that is, for example, the head of a department of an enterprise, who can subsequently write a review of your work ()

3.2. Name of event 1

Here you describe how to implement the first event, what resources are required for it, what are the deadlines for implementation, justify the costs and planned income, describe the possible effect

3.3. Name of event 2

Here you act similarly for the second event

3.4. Name of event 3

Well, here you describe the third event

3.5. Evaluation of the effectiveness of a set of proposed measures

Here you describe at least the following indicators - for all events at once:

- One-time costs

- fixed costs

- Variable costs

— Income

Based on these indicators, consider the indicators of economic efficiency. At least this:

— Profitability of a set of measures

— Change in the efficiency of the WRC facility as a result of the implementation of measures

- Payback period

At the end of this section, you draw conclusions about how the activities you proposed allowed you to achieve the goal of the final qualification work


In conclusion, you:

- Draw conclusions to achieve the goal

– Draw conclusions for all chapters, confirming them with figures from the analysis and project

— Describe options for using WRC results

— Describe options for further research for which your WRC can become the basis


This is insanity, of course, but often works are sent for rework if the list of more than 30 sources contains more than 5 sources released 5 years ago. It is somehow naive to think that the opinion of a dozen modern analysts who wrote their articles a year ago can even come close to the weight of the opinion of Henry Ford, who was the first to use the assembly line, Jack Trout, who invented the concept of product positioning, or Jack Welch, the legendary CEO of General Electric.

During the two decades of Jack Welch's rule, from 1981 to 2001, the total value of the corporation increased 30 times - from 14 to almost 400 billion dollars. General Electric became the second most profitable company in the world. After his departure from GE in 2001, Welch wrote an autobiography, JACK: Straight From The Gut, which became a bestseller.

And for using such a book and indicating the date of its publication, you can “wrap up” the work. Therefore, adjust the release dates of information sources.



In most economic works, Annex A will be the balance sheet of the object of study for three years.



The following applications will be located:

— Large illustrations (more than half a page in size)

- Large tables (more than 70% of the page)

All annexes should be mentioned in the text of the WRC.

All applications in the text of the work should be referenced.

The number of applications and their volume is usually not limited.

Materials for final qualifying (diploma, bachelor's, master's), term papers and practice reports in economics, financial management and analysis:

  • The second chapter of the WRC on economics is usually called as part of the title of the thesis, but with the addition of the words "analysis, assessment, diagnostics", etc. to the beginning of the title. For example,…
  • Good day, dear reader. In this article I will talk about how to write the introduction of a thesis. The introduction is written after drawing up the plan of the thesis. After writing the introduction...
  • The third chapter of the thesis (bachelor's or specialist's) usually consists of three subsections. Its title is often similar to the title of the topic of the diploma and begins with words like ...
  • There are several options for where to get the balance sheet and income statement for the thesis. Well, for any other economic work, too. If you…
  • In order to evaluate the results of the implementation of activities in the third chapter of the diploma, it often makes sense to come up with a forecast balance sheet and a financial results report. What is this for…Good day to you. In this article, we will consider what to write in the conclusion of an economic work - a diploma, a dissertation, or a regular term paper. The total volume of the conclusion is about ...
  • Here you can read customer reviews about working with me, as well as see the cost of economic theses. Reviews first. Names, as you understand, cannot be given ...