What whiskey did James Bond drink? Features and recipes for making Bond's drink - Vesper. History of the vodka martini cocktail

Cocktails are rightfully considered the most elegant of alcoholic drinks, and Hollywood has become their main chronicler and popularizer. Famous films gave names to drinks and, conversely, films were named after legendary drinks. For a Soviet person, a cocktail in a bar was one of the symbols of a beautiful life. The protagonist of Vladimir Menshov's comedy "Love and Pigeons" said dreamily: "I'm leaving for a resort. I'll go to a bar there. I'll try a cocktail."

When making a cocktail, the main thing is the correct calculation. It is customary to measure the ingredients in fluid ounces (in the description of the recipe we call them parts) - the abbreviation fl oz or simply oz, such an ounce is equal to approximately 30 milliliters.

Cocktail 007

The most famous cocktail is from the James Bond movie. The catchphrase "Mix, but do not shake" was first heard in films about agent 007. The original recipe for the drink invented by Fleming appeared in the novel "Casino Royale".

"Bond...looked closely at the bartender.
- A dry martini. In a big glass.
- Oui, monsieur.
- One second, not yet. Three fingers of Gordon, one of vodka, half a finger of Kina Licklet. Shake well in a shaker, and then put a large slice of lemon. Remember?
"Order accepted, monsieur," the bartender said and looked respectfully at Bond.
- Damn it, this is the recipe! Leiter exclaimed.
"When I'm gathering my strength," Bond said with a smile, "I never drink more than one glass before dinner." But I like it to be a big glass of a very strong, cold and very well prepared cocktail. I hate half-heartedness in everything. Especially if the taste of the cocktail suffers from it. By the way, I invented it myself. I'll definitely patent it as soon as I choose a name."

The martini-based cocktail is as classic as an old Hollywood movie. So, in the company of a martini glass, Holly Gollightly, the heroine of Truman Capote's novel "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and the film of the same name with Audrey Hepburn in the title role, was repeatedly seen.

"... Holly clicked on her empty glass.
- Mr. Bell, dear, two more martinis.
Joe Bell - we sat at his bar - took the order reluctantly.
“You started getting drunk early,” he remarked, sucking on a pill.
It wasn't even twelve on the black clock behind the counter, and we had already drunk three cocktails...

The history of the creation of this drink is not completely clear; cocktails with similar ingredients were made back in the 19th century. One of the most popular legends says that it was invented during the gold rush in the Californian town of Martinez, from which the name came. But the curator of the Museum of American Cocktails Ted Haig, who has studied their creation for many years and received the nickname Dr. Cocktail for this, considers this version implausible, but agrees with another version of the origin of the name of the drink - from the name of Martini & Rossi vermouth. Most likely it appeared as a variation of "Manhattan" and was originally made on the basis of gin and sweet vermouth. Now there are many varieties of martinis. The closest to the classic is the Franklin martini, named after US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and the most distant is the vodka martini.

Martini "Franklin":

2/3 of gin
2/3 of dry vermouth
2 green olives

Stir the vermouth with ice and strain off excess liquid so that only the ice and the sides of the glass are covered with vermouth. Then add the gin and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with two olives.

Martini with vodka:

1 part vodka
¼ part dry vermouth
1 green olive or lemon zest

Add a couple of drops of vermouth to a mixing glass, fill with ice. When the martini is all over the ice, stir and pour off any remaining liquid. Add more ice, vodka and stir the drink again. Strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with an olive or lemon zest.

Martini tango:

1/2 part gin
1/2 part sweet vermouth
1/2 part dry vermouth
1/2 part Cointreau or Triple Sec (both have an orange flavor)
1/2 part freshly squeezed orange juice

Shake all ingredients in an ice-filled shaker and strain into a chilled martini glass.

Recipe for Mother Churchill

The "progenitor" of martini - "Manhattan" - also appeared in the 19th century, the first mention of it dates back to the 1880s. Some believe that it was designed specifically for Lady Randolph Churchill, Winston Churchill's mother, on November 18, 1874 at the Manhattan Club in New York. Then he was opposite the place where the Empire State Building is located. Lady Churchill is said to have come to the club that night to celebrate the success of Samuel Jones Tilden's gubernatorial campaign. According to another legend, the cocktail appeared in the 1860s, and was invented by a bartender named Black, who worked in a saloon on Broadway. Initially, one of the ingredients was rye whiskey, but now many people are replacing it with bourbon.

Perhaps the most famous "movie bartender" was Marilyn Monroe, who prepared "Manhattan" in the film "Only Girls in Jazz". And she did it in a very original way: on the top shelf of Geraldine, played by Jack Lehman, using an ordinary heating pad as a shaker.

Classic Manhattan:

1 part rye whiskey
1 part sweet vermouth
orange bitter
orange peel
2 maraschino cherries

Pour the whiskey, vermouth and bitters into an ice-filled mixing glass. Stir ingredients well to cool completely, then strain into an ice-cold martini glass. Garnish with cherries and orange zest.

"...four Cosmopolitan cocktails"

The Cosmopolitan cocktail, which the Sex and the City heroines drank in almost every episode, includes three main ingredients: vodka, liquor and cranberry juice. The origins of the cocktail are also debatable. Some believe that it was invented in the early 1970s by Miami bartender Cheryl Cook, who took lemon vodka as the base and added a little cranberry to get the pink color. But other bartenders have made similar cocktails, so recipes may vary: some people add Blue Curacao instead of orange liqueur and make blue Cosmopolitan.


1/2 part vodka
1/2 part Cointreau or Triple Sec
4 parts cranberry juice
1/2 part freshly squeezed lime juice

Shake all ingredients in a shaker and strain into a chilled glass.

Jeeves cocktail

The alcoholic drinks that make up any cocktail have one drawback, which is usually found the next morning after gatherings over a glass. Bertie Wooster, a character created by Pelm Granville Wodehouse, often suffered from hangovers until he met Jeeves.

Neither in the book nor in the film, where the characters were played by Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry, there is no exact recipe. Here is how Jeeves described it:

"This is the composition of my personal invention. The Pikan sauce gives it color, the raw egg gives it nutrition, and red pepper spiciness. It is extremely invigorating if you sat up the day before, so many people told me."

The effect of the cocktail is already conveyed by the words of Wooster:

“For the first minute, it felt like someone had blown up a mine in the head and climbed down the esophagus with a burning torch in hand, but then everything fell into place. The sun shone through the window, birds chirped in the treetops, and in general the dawn of hope reddened the skies again.

Nevertheless, a drink called "Dog Hair" is often passed off as a Jeeves cocktail, it is most likely not worth treating a hangover with it, but its composition is interesting.

"Dog hair":

1 part scotch whiskey
1 part low fat cream
3 bar spoons of honey

The morning after the cabaret

In the movie "Cabaret" singer Sally Bowles, played by Liza Minnelli, in the morning treats the character Michael York with a Prairie Oyster cocktail, also famous for its anti-hangover effect. As Minelli says in the film: "Egg, Worcestershire sauce, mix and beat ... Acts instantly, removes any hangover." There are also many variants of this cocktail, and most of them are non-alcoholic. It is said that the taste of this drink is as disgusting as the origin of the name. "Prairie oyster" ranchers of the American South called the testicles of calves, which were considered a local delicacy. It is unknown if the drink was named after this dish or vice versa.

Prairie Oyster (cognac version):

1 part cognac
1 raw egg yolk
1 bar spoon of malt vinegar
A little tobasco sauce
1 bar spoon of Worcestershire sauce
Salt and pepper

Carefully place the whole egg yolk in the bottom of the glass so that it doesn't run and slowly pour in the rest of the ingredients, making sure the yolk stays intact. Drink in one fell swoop and pray...

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources, the recipes for most cocktails are given according to the book - Hamilton O. Movie Cocktails. / Per. from English. M. Finogenova - M.: Hummingbird. ABC-Atticus, 2010.

Probably everyone watched the legendary films with a super agent - James Bond. It's no secret that the hero's favorite alcoholic drink was a martini cocktail with vodka, which was named "Vodkatini". It was this strong drink that was the favorite drink of the famous British agent 007.

If you delve into history, then "vodkatini" was first prepared in the United States, in the middle of the twentieth century. The creator of the drink itself remains unknown. Prior to this, gin was used instead of vodka, but few people were impressed by the taste of the cocktail. The replacement of the ingredient made a real sensation in the States, and after the appearance of a glass of vodkatini in the hands of James Bond, the cocktail began to enjoy unprecedented popularity. Now this legendary drink is the leader among the alcoholic assortment of the most reputable and chic drinking establishments around the world.


The classic vodkatini recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • Martini "Bianco" - 15 ml;
  • Vodka - 70 ml;
  • Ice cubes - 8 pieces;
  • Olive.
  1. Fill the bottom of a mixing glass with ice.
  2. Pour martini into container.
  3. Thoroughly stir the contents of the glass with a cocktail spoon for about 10-15 seconds. Ice should be properly saturated with the aroma of alcohol.
  4. Add pre-chilled vodka to a glass. Mix everything vigorously.
  5. Using a bar strainer, pour the resulting cocktail into a chilled cocktail glass.

It remains to decorate the finished “vodkatini” with an olive on a skewer and you can enjoy an amazing combination of two high-class strong drinks.

How to drink a cocktail

A martini cocktail with vodka is considered a long drink. In order to fully enjoy all the taste richness of the drink, it should be drunk slowly, in small sips. Despite its strength, "vodkatini" does not require any snacks. Initially, the olive was used in the recipe solely as a decoration, but recently it has become an actual mini-snack that perfectly complements the aftertaste.

The components of the drink must be chilled, this makes it easier and more enjoyable. The glass is also recommended to pre-cool. As everyone knows, cold drinks are difficult to mix. It is for this reason that "vodkatini" consists of layers of two strong drinks. If you enjoy this drink correctly, in small sips, and if you strictly follow all the proportions of the classic recipe, each sip will bring a lot of taste pleasure to the receptors.

Advice: To fully experience the unique aftertaste of vodkatini, it is recommended to drink the drink through a cocktail straw.

James Bond Cocktail Recipes

Vodkatini is far from the only hot drink that James Bond loved to enjoy. There are a couple of agent favorite cocktails, the recipe for which is discussed in detail below.

Another favorite drink of the super agent is Black Velvet, which is an original combination of chilled semi-sweet champagne and dark beer. Such a strong drink is able to perfectly complement a sultry summer evening, as it perfectly quenches thirst. If all proportions are correctly observed, you can get a lot of taste pleasures and at the same time not get very drunk, which allows you to have a fun evening.

Required components:

  • Dark beer (preferably Czech) - 130 ml;
  • Semi-sweet champagne (optional semi-dry) - 130 ml;
  • Ice cubes - 7 pieces.
  1. The glass from which it is supposed to drink a cocktail must first be cooled in the freezer. This will take about 10 minutes.
  2. Add champagne to chilled bowl. So that it does not foam much, it is recommended to pour it along the wall of the glass.
  3. Add to sparkling spirit beer. You need to pour it slowly, trying not to foam the cocktail much.
  4. It remains to add ice and you can enjoy the chic taste of Black Velvet.

The cocktail got its name in honor of the film in which for the first time its recipe flew off the lips of a British agent. Bond himself named this strong drink in honor of Vesper Lind, the only lady of his heart.

Components that are needed:

  • Dry gin - 100 ml;
  • Vodka - 30 ml;
  • Dry martini - 15 ml;
  • Lemon peel;
  • Bitter - a few drops (optional)
  1. Place ice in a shaker and pour in all the alcohol.
  2. Shake shaker vigorously.
  3. Using a strainer, pour the contents of the shaker into a glass.
  4. The final touch is to decorate the glass with a spiral of lemon peel.

A fantastic and light aftertaste, despite the strength of the ingredients, is the main feature of this cocktail.

This strong drink is an exquisite feature among Bond's alcohol preferences.

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • Red sweet vermouth - 50 ml;
  • Campari liqueur - 50 ml;
  • Soda - 30 ml;
  • Ice cubes - 6 pieces;
  • Lemon peel.
  1. Fill the bottom of the Old Fashioned with ice.
  2. Pour vermouth and liqueur into a container.
  3. Add soda and mix thoroughly.
  4. Garnish the glass with a neat spiral of lemon zest.

Advice: When adding soda, it should be borne in mind that the more soda in a cocktail, the lower its strength will be.

Vesper is a cocktail invented not by a professional bartender, but by an ordinary person who has nothing to do with creating cocktails. Ever since the drink was introduced in the book and then in the James Bond movie, it has been very popular.

Vesper is Bond's cocktail. The composition of such a drink includes vodka, gin, light French aperitif wine Kin Lille. The cocktail was first mentioned in the seventh chapter of the book Casino Royale, which was released in 1953. The book is written by Ian Fleming. Except for an episode in the book Casino Royale, the Vesper cocktail was not mentioned anywhere else.

In the book, the first time the name of a cocktail sounded when Bond, carried away by a game of poker, asked the bartender to bring him alcoholic drink, which consisted of vodka, Kin Lille wine, gin and ice. Agent 007 named the cocktail after his lover, Vesper Lind. Of all the Bond girls, Vesper drank the most alcoholic beverages, which is why she is considered the record holder.

The cocktail recipe and its name belong to a friend of the writer Ian Fleming. Translated from English, Vesper means Evening Star. Further, Fleming began to use the name of the invented drink in his book.

Vesper Ingredients

The following ingredients are used in the classic recipe for an alcoholic drink:

  • gin Gordons;
  • vodka;
  • vermouth Kina Lillet;
  • ice cubes;
  • lemon peel.

Gin Gordons is an English gin. The creator of this drink is a Scot of English origin Alexander Gordon. In 1769, Alexander established his distillery in Southwark. Subsequently, the plant was moved to the Clerkenwell area. The composition of Gordon's gin contains ingredients such as water, alcohol, juniper berries, angelica roots, coriander seeds, orange and lemon zest, licorice.

As for vermouth Kina Lillet, it is an aperitif that serves to enhance the taste of food and promotes better appetite. Kina Lillet is currently out of production. similar alcoholic drink is Lille Blanc liqueur, however, such alcohol is difficult to purchase in Russia, so it is advisable to use any dry white martini or other similar vermouth instead.

Recipes for any James Bond drink

There are four recipes for making Vesper, one of which is a classic variation, and three others are a modified version of the drink.

Recipe #1

The classic vesper cocktail contains the following ingredients:

In order to prepare your favorite James Bond cocktail, you need to pour gin, vodka and vermouth into a medium-length glass. Next, you should add ice cubes to the glass and gently mix all the contents. The next step is straining the drink and chilling the glass. Pour the mixed liquids with ice into a chilled cocktail glass and add the lemon zest. It is necessary to drink a Bond cocktail in small sips slowly through a straw.

Recipe #2

To prepare a modified version of James Bond's favorite drink Wasper, you need to purchase ingredients such as:

  • vodka - 30 milliliters;
  • vermouth - 15 milliliters;
  • ice - 6 pieces;
  • lemon peel;
  • olives - needed for decoration.

All liquids should be placed in a shaker: vodka, vermouth and pieces of ice. Shake the shaker for 30 seconds. After container contents mixed well, you need to pour the liquid into a martini glass and proceed to decorate the drink. For decoration, lemon peel and olives are used.

Recipe #3

To prepare Vesper, you will need such components as:

To prepare Bond's drink, you need to take a martini glass, cool it, and then fill it with ice and pour liquor into it. next step in the preparation of a cocktail is the addition of vermouth and sparkling water to a glass at your discretion. A slice of lemon is used to decorate the Vesper. You need to drink a drink through a straw.

Recipe #4

The components of the fourth version of the Vesper cocktail are:

  • gin - 50 milliliters;
  • vodka - 20 milliliters;
  • vermouth - 7.5 milliliters;
  • ice cubes - 6 pieces;
  • lemon zest - 1 piece.

To create a cocktail, you must first mix vodka and gin in a shaker, then add vermouth and 6 ice cubes. All shaker contents should be poured into a beautiful martini glass. For decoration and unusual serving, lemon zest is used. It is cut from the lemon in a circle, thus forming a thin and long curl of lemon peel.

In the cult Bond movies, 007 usually consumes champagne and vodka with a martini. But the literary prototype had a much richer wine list.

For the premiere of 007 Spectrum, the 24th Bond movie, let's take a look at a dozen of James Bond's favorite cocktails that have been featured in films and novels about the most famous superspy.

1. Vodka martini

Recipe: 75 ml of vodka, 15 ml of dry vermouth, 1 green olive and 1 lemon wedge. Add a drop of orange bitter or agnosto if desired. Shake in a shaker with ice for 30 seconds. Pour into a chilled martini glass and garnish with an olive or lemon.

Source: forbes.ru

2. Black Velvet

Recipe: Pour 120 ml of champagne into a beer mug and slowly (very slowly) add 120 ml of chilled stout (dark beer like porter). If you like it, you can experiment by increasing the proportion of champagne, but adding more beer is not recommended - it will not taste good.

Source: forbes.ru

3. Brandy Alexander

Recipe: shake 30 ml of cream, 30 ml of brandy and 30 ml of cocoa in a shaker with ice. Pour into a chilled cocktail glass. Add powdered nutmeg. Eat chocolate.

Source: forbes.ru

4. Vesper Martini

Recipe: Mix three parts Gordon's gin, one part good vodka and half a part Lillet wine in a blender. Shake with ice until the mixture is scalding cold. Garnish with a snake of lemon peel.

Source: forbes.ru

5. Americano

Recipe: 30 ml Campari aperitif, 30 ml sweet vermouth, sparkling water and lemon curl or lemon wedge. A tall glass is first filled with ice cubes, then Campari is poured, followed by vermouth. The third layer is soda (the volume is at the discretion of the super agent). The composition is crowned with a lemon or an orange.

Source: forbes.ru

6. Mojito

Recipe: 2 teaspoons of sugar and a bunch of mint are placed in a tall glass, then 50 ml of soda is poured. After that, a lime cut in half is squeezed into a glass, after which the second half of the fruit is placed in it. Then add 60 ml of rum. Stir, fill glass with ice and pour back some soda. Decorate with a sprig of mint.

Source: forbes.ru

7. Gin tonic

Recipe: Pour 60 ml of gin and 150 ml of tonic into a tall glass filled with ice, stir well and garnish with a lime wedge.

How to make drinks preferred by the famous super agent. Here are 10 of James Bond's favorite cocktails that have featured in films and novels about the most famous superspy.

In the Bond films, 007 drinks mostly champagne and vodka with martinis, but in the literary source his wine list is much richer. Let's call a spade a spade: Fleming's Bond is an alcoholic. But his taste is excellent, and his manner of drinking is the subject of many cultural and even scientific research. For example, the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Western Ontario in Canada conducted a whole study to figure out whether it is more correct to drink vodka with a martini - shaking or mixing. Not only did the scientists have a good time, but they also found that a shaken smoothie contains more antioxidants and, in moderation, helps prevent cataracts and heart attacks.

vodka martini

In the entirety of Bond, Agent 007 only deviated from the "shake but don't mix" rule twice. The first time is in the episode of the film "You Only Live Twice", when the liaison treats him with a cocktail prepared in reverse. Being a gentleman, Bond barely noticeably winces, but replies to the landlord that he has never tasted anything tastier in his life. The second time is when Bond loses millions of dollars to Le Chiffre at the poker table at Casino Royale. Simultaneously devastated and enraged, the hero orders a vodka with a martini, and the snide bartender asks: “Shake or mix?” Bond snaps, "Do I look like I give a damn?" “Do I look like someone who doesn’t give a damn?”

Recipe: 75 ml of vodka, 15 ml of dry vermouth, 1 green olive and 1 lemon wedge. Add a drop of orange bitter or agnosto if desired. Shake in a shaker with ice for 30 seconds. Pour into a chilled martini glass and garnish with an olive or lemon.

Black Velvet

One of the most original British cocktails is an incredible mix of champagne and beer. In Bond, oddly enough, it is mentioned only once - in the novel "Diamonds Are Forever", during a short visit of a super agent to London. The cocktail has been around for a century and a half, but it has only recently gained moderate international popularity. Japanese cuisine is booming in the world, and Black Velvet, as it turns out, goes well with sushi and seafood.

Recipe: Pour 120 ml of champagne into a beer mug and slowly (very slowly) add 120 ml of chilled stout (dark beer like porter). If you like it, you can experiment by increasing the proportion of champagne, but adding more beer is not recommended - it will not taste good.

Brandy Alexander

Aristotle Kristatos, the villain from For Your Eyes Only, was a full-length man who couldn't resist a feminine Brandy Alexander cocktail. Bond discovered that Aristotle used the unpopular drink to signal his accomplices. We are not on the international wanted list, so we can use the cocktail for its intended purpose - for example, in order to keep warm in winter.

Recipe: shake 30 ml of cream, 30 ml of brandy and 30 ml of cocoa in a shaker with ice. Pour into a chilled cocktail glass. Add powdered nutmeg. Eat chocolate.

Vesper Martini

The cocktail was described by Ian Fleming back in 1953, but reached the wide screens only in 2006, when the film adaptation of the novel Casino Royale was released. In the film, Bond appears in a new role for himself as a hero with a wounded heart: he falls in love with Vesper Lind, realizes that she is too good for him, but cannot fix anything - the girl dies. The sentimental agent decides to honor the memory of his lady by naming an alcoholic cocktail after her.

Recipe: Mix three parts Gordon's gin, one part good vodka and half a part Lillet wine in a blender. Shake with ice until the mixture is scalding cold. Garnish with a snake of lemon peel.


This Italian cocktail is one and a half centuries old, and it was originally called Milano-Torino - after the place of birth. However, during the era of Prohibition, American tourists vacationing in Europe became so addicted to the drink that the people began to call it Americano. This cocktail is the first thing that James Bond ever ordered, but it hardly appears in films about the superspy.

Recipe: 30 ml Campari aperitif, 30 ml sweet vermouth, sparkling water and lemon curl or lemon wedge. A tall glass is first filled with ice cubes, then Campari is poured, followed by vermouth. The third layer is soda (the volume is at the discretion of the super agent). The composition is crowned with a lemon or an orange.


In the books, Bond loved to chill mojitos during business trips to countries with a tropical climate, but on the big screen, for some reason, he disdained a cocktail until 2002, when the episode "Die Another Day" was released. Probably, the super agent was embarrassed to repeat after Hemingway, who valued only daiquiri above mojito.

Recipe: 2 teaspoons of sugar and a bunch of mint are placed in a tall glass, then 50 ml of soda is poured. After that, a lime cut in half is squeezed into a glass, after which the second half of the fruit is placed in it. Then add 60 ml of rum. Stir, fill glass with ice and pour back some soda. Decorate with a sprig of mint.

Gin and tonic

In general, Bond has a rule: do not drink more than one cocktail before dinner. And a number of deviations from this rule: the glass has the right to be very large, and the drink - very strong. In 50 years on Her Majesty's secret service, Bond has changed his principle only once: in the novel Dr. No, the agent relaxes and knocks over four gin and tonics per evening. It can be understood: this is one of the simplest and most delicious cocktails in the wine list of any bar.

Recipe: Pour 60 ml of gin and 150 ml of tonic into a tall glass filled with ice, stir well and garnish with a lime wedge.

Old Fashion

The editors of the Cocktails section of About.com were not too lazy and calculated that in half a century of his secret activity, Bond ordered this boring cocktail four times. "Old Fashion" is often drunk before bed to fall asleep faster. Maybe that's why it's such a boring recipe.

Recipe: put a cube of sugar on the bottom of a low glass, add 2-3 drops of angostura bitters, put an orange slice on top. Stir, add ice. Pour 90 ml of bourbon, and mix the cocktail thoroughly again. Garnish the drink with another orange slice and a cherry.

Scotch soda

In the books, Bond uses this uncomplicated cocktail even more often than vodka with a martini, but in the films you don’t catch him with him - too simple a drink for such a complex nature. Bond's father is Scottish, but the hero does not show fanatical patriotism in his choice of alcohol. Scotch, and American bourbon, and even brandy are suitable for him. Moreover, Bond often forgets to add soda.

Recipe: pour 60 ml of scotch (bourbon, brandy, Irish whiskey) into a tall glass with cubes of people, add soda to taste, wait 2 minutes until the drinks touch, and slowly drink.

Mount Gay rum and soda

In Casino Royale, when Bond beats yet another villainous Aston Martin DB5 at a poker table in a club in the Bahamas, he first orders Mount Gay rum and soda, and only then leaves in a trophy car with a trophy girlfriend. Mount Gay is an obvious product placement, but the drink is really considered good: otherwise Bond would have been substituted when ordering a rum with that name.

Recipe: 45 ml of rum and 150 ml of soda water (it can be replaced with cola) are added to a glass with ice and mixed thoroughly. If desired, you can decorate the cocktail with a lime slice and add a couple of drops of bitters.
