Production of wall shelves. Shelves in the apartment: wall and floor - types, designs, design. Creative shelf options

Shelves are a great way to rationally organize free space. Modern products are different unusual style and originality, they can decorate a room, create a unique atmosphere in it. At the same time, you won’t have to spend a lot of money, since any shelf can be made independently from the most different materials, including plywood, glass, wood.

What wall shelves are assembled from - comparison of materials

If you want to save best option is to make the shelves with your own hands. The task is relatively simple, especially if you have experience and skills in handling tools. Plus, you don't need any special tools. The same applies to the materials used to create the shelves. So, any of the following is fine:

  • Wood is the most popular option, since most people choose wooden boards. Advantages this material is its availability, low price, and ease of processing and planing. Besides, wooden structures have a high life resource if they are installed in rooms with an appropriate level of humidity.
  • Glass is very stylish and beautiful option, which will always be in demand due to the style and excellent aesthetic appearance. The only difficulty is in the processing of glass - a special cutting tool is required, since ordinary cutting tools will not cope with fragile glass.
  • Plastic - its advantage lies in its low cost. Working with it is also very simple, but, unlike wood, plastic is not affected by mold and microorganisms. That's why plastic elements can be located in any room: in bathrooms, kitchens or balconies.
  • Metal - the shelves are very strong and durable, however, to create similar structures required at home welding machine, which causes some difficulties.
  • Chipboard, as well as laminate, or laminated chipboard - wall shelves made of these materials in recent times gained a lot of fans as chipboard becomes more and more affordable, while its advantages are obvious - resistance to mechanical damage, temperature fluctuations, and humidity.
  • Improvised means - you can use a wide variety of items, the flight of fancy is not limited by anything. Old suitcases, used pallets and pallets, boards from cabinets or computer desks.

When choosing a material for creating hanging shelves, proceed from your financial opportunities as well as skills. If you have never worked with glass before, we recommend that you first try your hand at wood or plastic. Only after that you can move on to a new, more difficult level.

Product configuration - all about wall mounting methods

The classic option is wall shelves that are attached to one of the walls using brackets, corners or nails. Most often they resort to this option, because it is convenient, simple and beautiful. Assemble such a structure on your own and hang it under the power of everyone. Wall shelves can be ordinary rectangular shape, and creative - asymmetric. A distinctive feature of mounted options is fasteners. The shelf is hung using vertical racks or cables, ropes. Corner ones are attached simultaneously to two walls forming an angle. Such products have found application in the bathroom or utility rooms.

In addition, shelves are classified and, depending on their design features. For example, shelves for books or other items can be open, closed, multi-tiered, of non-standard shape, as well as made in the form of consoles and racks. You can make partitions, insert doors to hide the contents. Can create shelves unusual shape without respecting the generally accepted proportions. Naturally, no one can guarantee that ready product according to the external parameters, it will turn out exactly the way you imagined. However, no one forbids fantasizing and experimenting. Moreover, it will take very little time to build one shelf.

Of great importance in the design of shelves is the type of fastening. First you need to study possible options fixation to choose the appropriate one. Most often, home craftsmen resort to the help of classic loops. This is the most popular option, it is used for almost any product, especially for plastic and wooden structures. The only limitation is the thickness - the hinges will not be able to provide an acceptable level of stability for narrow thin shelves. The fastening process itself is carried out as follows:

  • we fix the hinges on the side of the furniture with self-tapping screws;
  • having measured the distance between the two holes on the shelf, we set aside a similar gap on the wall. An important point in this case is the observance of a horizontal arrangement, because in the case of even a minimal error, the product will be located crookedly;
  • using a drill, we drill two holes for the subsequent installation of dowels in them;
  • the last stage is screwing the screws into the dowels, on which, after performing this operation, we will hang our shelf.

This type of fastening is in great demand, however, we cannot use it when working with glass products. Glass elements are fixed using special mechanisms for fragile materials. The fastening part itself consists of two main elements, which are usually interconnected by elastic gaskets. The shelf is installed between these elements. The gasket is necessary so that the surface does not scratch or deteriorate. After that, the entire structure is compressed by screws, but too much force should not be applied, otherwise the fragile glass will not withstand the pressure.

In some cases, it is reasonable to use decorative brackets, as well as concealed installation. In the latter case, neither loops nor any other connection elements will be visible. With a secret installation, you will need to drill in the future shelf small hole under the body and fastener pin, after which it is required to fix the hidden mensol holder and hang a shelf on it. Decorative brackets have found application when a unique atmosphere is created in the room. To this end, structures for storing small items are hung on beautiful and unusual holders, which are available as production method, and in the form of one-time exclusive products.

A flower stand or a place for books - such different functions

If you decide to make a shelf and hang it on the wall, first decide on its purpose. For example, if there are children in the family, then it would be quite logical to build a bookshelf for books, textbooks, notebooks and atlases. Such constructions are usually performed using wooden planks or laminate. In this case, attention should be paid to the strength of the shelf, as well as its dimensions. Shelves for flowers cannot be made of wood, since there is a high risk of liquid being released when watering plants, which threatens to rot the structure. Accordingly, it is necessary to choose materials for these purposes that are moisture resistant, for example, plastic.

Before you start manufacturing, you need to decide on its purpose.

Shelves can be hung everywhere - in the nursery, hall, hallway. In the kitchen you can create extra bed for storing spices or decorative ornaments(beautiful cups or exclusive plates). To provide additional protection objects, we recommend making a low side, which will prevent things from falling to the floor. A shelf with partitions or even closed doors is perfect.

Bathroom shelves are hugely popular as these spaces are traditionally no different large area, but the number of small items there is very large. Ideal material considered a glass surface, complemented by chrome elements. The production of universal shelves allows you to fully express your creative abilities. Such structures have found application in storage souvenir products, photos or photo frames. There are no strict requirements here, choose the material based on the design of the room.

Tools and drawing as a guarantee of successful work

The product design stage is preceded by the creation of drawings. The drawing should include the dimensions of the shelf, the place where it will be attached, and the dimensions small parts.The list of tools for work is not very large, most of of which any owner has in his house:

  1. 1. saw;
  2. 2. screwdriver;
  3. 3. electric drill;
  4. 4. hammer;
  5. 5. screwdriver;
  6. 6. tape measure or ruler;
  7. 7. pencil or pen;
  8. 8. building level.

Each connection must be securely secured with fasteners. If the shelf is assembled from metal structures, then the only method of fixing them is welding. In any case, all the materials that we need should be prepared with a margin.

Wooden structures - it couldn't be simpler!

Often, boards for future shelves need to be prepared a little - sanded, and varnished to increase the durability of the product and its resistance to mechanical defects. Pine and spruce are ideal as blanks. At the same time, spruce is distinguished by a lighter shade, while for rooms with predominant dark colors it is better to use pine. If the shelf is planned to be closed, then it is necessary to take into account very important point- horizontal and vertical elements on opposite sides should have the same dimensions in length and thickness.

Wooden elements must have the same dimensions in length and thickness

After preparing and sawing the boards, we proceed to their grinding. The machine is not needed, because all actions can be done using the usual sandpaper. First of all, we process the boards with sandpaper No. 40, after which we gradually increase the category of paper, moving on to sandpaper No. 80 and No. 120. Try to pick up whole boards without deep and noticeable damage. Otherwise, all defects will need to be repaired with a special putty.

Homemade wooden structures are fixed using standard self-tapping screws, however, euro screws will also be very useful for fixing individual elements shelves together. We carefully tighten the mount with a screwdriver or screwdriver, covering the caps of the self-tapping screws with special plugs. Now your shelf is completely ready, it remains only to hang it on the wall.

Let's give an algorithm for creating a suspended wooden shelf, which will be attached to the ropes. It looks great on loggias and balconies. Again, there is nothing complicated in the process, as you can see for yourself:

  • The preparatory stage, at which we prepare materials for the future hinged structure. We determine the number of tiers, the thickness and width of the boards, and also process the tree in accordance with the methods indicated just above.
  • Having drawn a drawing, we find best places for holes through which the rope will pass. For drilling, we use a drill with a drill of a suitable diameter. Narrow holes will not be usable, since the rope will simply not be able to enter them. On each horizontal bar two holes should be made on each side of the bar.
  • We thread the rope and tie it into strong knots under the bottom board. Naturally, an ordinary knot will not work, because it will not withstand the load and will untie over time. Hooks are installed on top, on the wall or ceiling, on which the entire structure is hung.

Glass products - we create from fragile materials

With the help of glass, it becomes possible to visually expand the room. The biggest difficulties arise when cutting the material, as well as its subsequent processing. If you already have a finished glass surface, then everything is easier.

First of all, we mark the places for fastening on the wall, and always using building level. We buy several brackets of the "pelican" type, each of which requires two dowels inserted into special holes. They can be found after removing the decorative gasket. After tightening the fasteners, we return the decorative part to its place, install the glass and tighten the screw. The shelf is ready!

Shelves from improvised means - a second chance for old things

If you have no problems with free time, the desire to experiment and create, you can always make a beautiful and unusual thing from improvised materials and items available at home. You can even use plastic pipes, from which you get a stylish corner shelf. For these purposes, corner cuts and parts are required. sewer pipes. The finished shelf itself is mounted on dowels to the wall. Another unusual material- these are old diplomats, cases and suitcases. To do this, you need to cut the suitcase in half in height, covering the cut with plywood. Fastening to the wall is carried out with brackets, since ordinary self-tapping screws cannot withstand heavy suitcases, even if cut off.

As wall shelf you can use sliding elements from old tables or bedside tables. At its core, this is a completely finished downed structure that needs to be improved a bit. To do this, we grind the details, primer and paint in any color to give a bright elegant look. The painted and dried box must be leaned against the wall to determine the places by screwing in the screws. The composition of several boxes will become a real decoration of your apartment. Feel free to experiment, and success will surely come to you!

In small rooms it is always important to use every centimeter of space. Shelves on the walls allow you to place almost all the little things: from cosmetics, decor elements, flowers to heavy books. And most importantly, they are inexpensive, they are easy to hang with your own hands and even make. We have prepared interesting shelf ideas with photos.

For the simplest shelf, you don’t need much: one chipboard board and two brackets will cost less than 500 rubles. It will be able to withstand up to 50 kg when using high-quality brackets. It should be remembered that beautiful decorative brackets are not designed to hold a lot of weight.

  • For fastening to concrete wall use standard dowel-nails 6x60 mm. More reliably, the shelf can be hung on anchors.
  • If the wall is made of drywall, fastening is done on special dowels (butterflies, umbrellas). At the same time, the maximum load is significantly reduced: it is no longer possible to store heavy books.
  • For walls made of cellular concrete, special expansion anchors are used for fastening.

We use every corner

In the kitchen, narrow shelves can be placed above dining table in several rows. This will free up the table.

The place in the toilet behind the toilet is usually not used in any way, pipes pass there. If you install narrow shelves, they will not interfere with anyone, and a new storage space household chemicals will appear.

Open shelves behind the toilet. They can be closed with doors. Or roller shutters.

In narrow rooms, shelves are fixed between two walls.

For books

Horizontal book shelves need holders or side walls. Therefore, they often make small vertical shelves, diagonal, corner - so the books do not fall.

In the children's room of the student, the shelves are located above desk. They should be of a convenient size and with reliable fastening to fit all the textbooks.

Shelves from IKEA

One-Stop Solution- IKEA LAKK shelves. For what and how they were just not used. They are sold in several versions: 110, 190, 30 cm, in white, black, red, wood effect. There is also a 30 cm vertical shelf module. Due to the base thickness of 5cm, classic colors and the lack of visible fasteners, they look modern, match and complement IKEA cabinets.

LAKK can be mounted exactly in a row, offset, in corners, at an angle, narrow shelves can be mounted vertically and used as limiters.

Corner shelves for small items. Attachment to adjacent walls. Shelf module in the bathroom.
Shoe storage. Toilet storage. Mounting above the desktop with offset.

A hidden metal bracket is attached to the wall, a shelf is put on it and fixed with two small screws from the bottom. Maximum load 7-15 kg, depending on length and base.


Decorative shelves are not designed for heavy loads. They are needed for arranging accessories in the style of the interior, flowers, paintings.

Original shelves from improvised means

If you can’t find suitable shelves for sale or you are limited in finances, you can make them yourself. To do this, you need several boards, screw ties and standard set tools. In the manufacture of original author's shelves, the choice of material depends only on your imagination. simple shelves made from boards or chipboard. In the latter version, be sure to paste over the ends with an edge. The shape and size of homemade shelves can be absolutely any. If in the hallway or pantry you can give preference simple designs, then in the kitchen or in the living room it is better to come up with something original. For example, for the kitchen, you can make vintage spice shelves or original bottle shelves.

The shelves are open space for storage without a door. This must be taken into account if you want to make a large rack in the entire wall. In the living room, after being filled with objects, they will look ugly, so it is better to use them there only for decorative elements. The use of shelves in the interior will not only help to put things in their places, but also give originality to the interior.

Finding storage space is one of the biggest challenges people face when thinking about a design, and after that too. Sometimes even in big room another bulky closet will look out of place, but what if you need to place a collection of figurines or a dozen books? Salvation in such a situation is wall shelves, which will be discussed today.

Types of shelves

Wall shelves, although they are a variety in themselves, also differ in location. Conventionally, they are divided into the following types:

The lightest and most common option, which is attached to flat wall. But precisely because of their simplicity, they provide a wide field for imagination: shelves of different geometric shapes, sizes, arranged in the form of honeycombs or creating complex compositions.

Such structures can be a single plank nailed to a wall, or they can form a silhouette of a tree with each "branch" serving as a storage space. Bookshelves are slanted or asymmetrical. In the ocean interesting ideas there are even round ones, only in the case of unusual figures it is necessary to think over every moment in advance: location, content, fulcrum.

This place is usually empty due to its impracticality, however corner shelves not only rehabilitate the space, but also help transform the interior. Fastening is carried out on two adjoining adjacent walls. In this case, not only the inner, but also the outer corner can be involved.

The variability in the design of corner wall shelves depends more on materials and decor, but even in itself this solution looks unusual. More often shelves are used for books or household items in the bathroom, as well as in storage rooms.

As the name implies, these shelves are not attached directly to the wall, but are suspended on ropes - from the ceiling or beam. This design is not very stable, so it is used to store books, not crystal vases. But it is ideal for creating original accents in the room.

It can be installed as one shelf, or several. The first option is often created in the form of a triangle or fit a shelf into a circle. The main thing is to make sure the storage is reliable.

Materials for wall shelves

A wooden plank nailed to the wall is the easiest shelf option that immediately comes to mind. But for modern design this is not enough. The choice of material, even for such a simple product, is quite wide - as are their capabilities.

Wood and derivatives

Even if this is an obvious basis, it should not be immediately discarded. Diversify a wooden wall shelf will help complex shapes and fastening. For minimalism or a loft, such a solution would be very appropriate. And if you want to fit an element into classic interior, it is recommended to pre-process the details, and maybe even decorate with carvings.

To save on material, you can use MDF, chipboard or plywood - beautiful, simple, practical.


But metal wall shelves will definitely attract attention and harmoniously fit into the interior, especially if it is high-tech, fusion or, alternatively, minimalism. Only for their installation will need special skills.

This basis has high performance— durability, reliability, strength. And pre-treatment will save you from corrosion.


A cheap, pliable, versatile material that can look simple or luxurious, mimicking natural options but leveling out their imperfections. Especially if such a shelf on the wall is full of objects, so guests will not have the opportunity to get to know its details better. For the bathroom - a very good solution!

Glass or mirror

Such a basis has a significant drawback - fragility. A sharp push or impact can damage the shelf, but this will not happen when storing light items. Is it worth mentioning how elegant the glass looks, and how glamorous the mirror surface is? This will give the interior a feeling of weightlessness.

What are the types of fasteners?

You will also have to choose the method of attaching the shelf to the wall on your own - from three options. The reliability and mobility of the structure depends on your decision.

Installation is done with dowels or anchors to the wall. This provides a strong fixation of the entire product, increasing its load capacity and strength. If the shelves are supposed to store heavy items, then this type is perfect. But there is a big minus - it is very difficult to dismantle it without consequences for the wall or structure.

Moderately rigid fastening with brackets and mounting hooks, which is easy to implement at home, unlike the first type. If necessary, they can be dismantled without damaging the shelf, after which a new one can be installed.

Fully in line with modern trends in functionality and mobility, such wall shelves are installed according to the principle of building up: the lower tiers become a support for the upper ones. A variety of combinations of shades or shapes that complement each other look appropriate.

We select shelves for the style of the interior

At quality work shelves turn into full-fledged furniture, which, like any other item, must be harmoniously entered into the style of the room.

Modern style

Everything here is simple and at the same time diverse: both laconic products from different materials and entire ensembles of various geometric shapes are suitable. Instead of empty embellishment - conceptual aesthetics. The priority is modular or mobile types of wall shelves.

It is necessary to focus on wall decoration: in the case of a neutral coating, you can enter bright designs, and on the side with a bright finish, it is better to do without shelves.

Classic style

Turn around in classical style won't work very well. Wooden shelves on a flat wall, in extreme cases - corner. Brackets can be brought to the fore if they are used and fit the design.


Provence makes similar demands. Only the processing of the base needs to be approached more carefully. First, use a tree or its derivatives. Secondly, cover them with white paint and, if possible, create the effect of antique furniture. Some carelessness in installation will add charm to the design, but we must not forget about its strength.


To begin with, we note that with this style it is unlikely that it will be possible to set on open shelves a lot of any "small things" - that's why he is minimalism. To fit a lot of items, it is recommended to provide shelves with doors, thereby hiding disharmony from the eyes. Good looking glass or wooden surfaces- even, smooth, directed strictly horizontally.


The freedom-loving loft offers us the greatest variety. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to fanatically grind the boards to perfection - slight negligence is quite organically combined with the brick walls characteristic of this style.

An excellent option is shelves suspended on a thick rope or an angular structure based on a pipe brought to the fore. In general, the loft allows you to turn the disadvantages of space into advantages, and technical elements into decorative and aesthetic ones.

Shelf decor

In addition to the fact that you can choose wall shelves with interesting design, they can also be further decorated for greater effect. To avoid the effect of clutter, make sure that the practical content of the products does not conflict with the details.

The simplest option that is suitable for standard wooden shelves- surface decoration. Here you can use all available tools: stencils, decoupage, decorative tape and so on. This solution will look good on neutral walls, for example, painted white.

The Provence-style interior is characterized by the use of textile elements, so why not decorate the shelves with them by laying a few beautifully hanging scarves with patterns? Cozy and practical.

A romantic mood will be given by candles arranged singly or in groups. However, you can experiment with light sources by entering some modern tendencies. For example, wall shelves with backlights look unusual - mounted lamps that gently illuminate the details located on them.

Tubular fasteners on the shelves can be used as a kind of "hanger": for example, for a lamp, towels or a garland. With little effort, a simple storage space turns into an elegant element of the interior.

It would seem that such a simple product, but so many options! But not all of them are easy to implement on your own and, let's admit, even for simple form certain skills are required. Before moving on to creating a shelf with your own hands, check out the basic recommendations that will help beginners in furniture business or experienced craftsmen.

So, before the main process, it is necessary to think over the design in detail and make a sketch. Determine for yourself the purpose of installing the shelf, the intended things that will be stored on it, the location, shape and size.

After evaluating the load, select the material and method of fastening. After that, marking is carried out on the surface of the base, and the material is also cut.

The resulting modules are assembled, a re-measurement is made, which is compared with the markup for fasteners. Next is carried out finishing elements, namely, grinding, tightening and painting, if necessary.

Fasteners are installed on the surface of the wall and on the shelf, after which the parts are fixed, as well as leveling with finishing fixing.

In addition to the options listed, here are 30 more wall shelving ideas to help you decide. interesting solution. Inspiration and beautiful interiors!

If you need a wooden shelf, you can make it yourself quite easily and quickly. How to do this, we will tell in our review.

Preparatory stage

In order to work on the manufacturing task, it will be necessary to prepare cordless screwdriver. It is necessary to choose a tool with a self-locking chuck, the caliber of which is 10 mm or more. In addition, you will also need an electric jigsaw. In order to get smooth edges, you need to purchase wood files. It is also worth buying a miter box, which can have a price within $ 30. A puncher, as well as a set of drills for woodworking, will come in handy. In order for the shelf to turn out to be aesthetic and even, a tape measure, as well as a marker, will come in handy. The process will not be possible without a spatula and brushes. It is not easy to do hanging shelves, but a prefabricated structure, which implies the presence of a hidden fastening.


A do-it-yourself wooden flower shelf can be made using wooden block, the cross section of which is 40x40 mm. The final length will be determined by the number and parameters of the shelves. Prepare and plywood, the thickness of which is 5 mm. Euro plywood is the most acceptable option, since it is devoid of all kinds of base defects. Stock up on the usual casing, which should have a width of 50 mm and be made of wood. In the end result, the shelves will have to be covered with paint, and if the products before that have defects, then you can get rid of them by applying putty. Almost no hardware is needed.

Defining parameters

A do-it-yourself wooden shelf can be of any size, but in this example, dimensions equal to 800x300 mm will be considered. The thickness of the material will be 50 mm. Initially, it is necessary to prepare the elements for the described shelf. For this, a bar in the amount of two pieces (720 mm) is useful; a couple more bars (300 mm), as well as plywood in the same amount (800x300 mm).

Assembly process

If a shelf is made of wood with your own hands, then you should not assume that it will be just a board fixed to the wall by means of corners, since the design, as mentioned above, will be prefabricated. Using a couple of short and one long bars, the last of which will be the front, you need to assemble the frame. To do this, it is permissible to twist it using self-tapping screws. You can take black, 4x80. The main condition is the need to try to make an even pairing.

As soon as a do-it-yourself wooden shelf is turned into a U-shaped frame, you can strengthen plywood on both sides of it using stapler staples. If there is a desire to make the structure as strong as possible, then the surfaces to be fastened in advance should be smeared with PVA glue. If a adhesive composition will not be used, then you will additionally have to use self-tapping screws.

Now the miter box comes into play. It will allow you to saw down the casing, in the end you should get an angle of 45 0. This will allow you to decorate unaesthetic ends. It will also have to be smeared with glue and further strengthened with brackets. Instead of such mechanical fasteners, “invisible” carnations can be used, this will eliminate the need for a long-term putty on the surface.

Shelf surface treatment

After the shelf has been made of wood with your own hands, you can proceed to work on ennobling it. To do this, all the irregularities are covered with putty, and after drying, they are processed with fine sandpaper. If glossy paint is to be used in the painting work, it is necessary to coat with a primer and sand with great care until it is possible to obtain perfect surface. Such manipulations are recommended to be carried out 2 times. This must be done even before the shelf is installed on the wall surface, since after such work it will be very difficult to carry out such work.

Mounting the shelf on the wall

After the shelf has been made and painted from wood with your own hands, it should be left until the composition is completely dry, only then it will be possible to proceed with subsequent work. The shelf, made according to the above recommendations, is a kind of hollow box, which is open only on one side. The remaining bar, which is similar to the one located in front, will complete the structure, as well as fasteners. Its fixation to the wall surface must be made by means of or another similar tool, since you have to ensure perfect horizontality. When working with a hammer drill, in no case should accidental damage be allowed. electrical wiring, you should definitely remember that pipes of the water supply system can be located in the wall, so you need to work very carefully.

A wooden mantelpiece can be made in the same way. In order to mount to the wall, it is necessary to fix the rear beam to the surface. It should fit perfectly into the empty space of the shelf. In order to ensure this, it is necessary to reduce it somewhat. This will make the installation process much easier. At the next stage, the shelf is put on the beam and strengthened through the plywood located on top. This must be done with self-tapping screws. The location of the fasteners in this place will not be noticeable, as something will stand on the shelf.

If this one is made of wood with your own hands, then it will be possible to put various objects on it, total weight which is equal to 10 kg, but no more. Dimensions can be chosen independently, which will be influenced by the needs of the owners.

Making a shoe rack

For manufacturing with dimensions of 900x350x524 mm, chipboard will be used. The whole structure will consist of a cover, the dimensions of which are 900x350x16 mm; walls in the amount of a pair of pieces 508x350x16 mm; stiffeners 868x508x16 mm; plinth 868x80x16 mm; from below the located shelf 868x334x16 mm; drawer bottom 868x313x16 mm; shelves in the middle 868x279x16 mm; drawer divider 313x80x16 mm and the wall of the drawers, which will be attached to the front, its dimensions are 868x96x16 mm. Assembly will be carried out at confirmations.

Once the cutting has been completed, you can proceed to drilling holes for confirmations, dowels and shelf supports. Now it's time to glue the edges. And at the end, you can start assembling.

Initially, the side walls and the stiffener are fixed. The next step is to add a plinth and from below - a reinforced shelf. Now you can install the drawers in the shelf system. Next comes the top cover, which is installed to the back wall.

The final stage

When a do-it-yourself shoe rack is made of wood, a photo of the manufacturing process of which is presented in the article (see above), the top cover should be fixed by means of door hinges. Shelf supports can be installed and put the middle shelf. Holes for shelf supports can be located at different levels, this will allow you to make distances for different shoes, for example, shoes and slippers. On this, it can be considered that makeshift shelf ready for shoes. But that's not all, its surface needs to be refined, for which you can apply the same processing method that was described in the case of bookshelves above. made of wood with dimensions suitable for its function, is relatively easy to make. You can use this technique in the course of work. And if you want it to be even more comfortable during operation, then its top cover can be covered with foam rubber, and then upholstered with a thick cloth.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

To give your home more personality and creativity, you can make furniture yourself. And if you can’t make all the furniture, then any man can do the shelves on the wall with his own hands. In this case, it will be possible to translate all your desires into reality as much as possible. Moreover, at the same time it will be possible to make beautiful shelves on the wall. certain form, colors and sizes.

Types of wall shelves

If you want to diversify your interior, then you can do bookshelves on the wall by yourself and hang them in your study or living room. Of course, a lot of them do not need to be done in the living room, but in this case it will definitely work to diversify the interior. If you look at a photo of the shelves on the wall, made by yourself, you can have an idea of ​​what shape they can be, as well as where in the room it is better to hang them.

Such shelves are very functional, because if you hang one or two in the living room, then in addition to books, you can place photographs, jewelry boxes or other little things in them. One such shelf can be placed in the bathroom to store in it as detergents as well as cosmetics. You can make decorative shelves on the wall and place them in the hallway: use one for hats, and make the second corner for keys, gloves and various small things. If you familiarize yourself with the video of making a shelf on the wall with your own hands, you can get a visual instruction.

It is most simple and convenient to make a shelf on the wall with your own hands from wood, since this material lends itself well to processing and is affordable. The most common are classic designs, as in the photo; they are convenient not only to make, but also to mount. And the word "classic" does not mean that they have to have two longer boards and two shorter ones; if there is a flight of fancy, then in addition to simple rectangular ones, you can make creative shelves of asymmetric shapes.

Corner shelves look especially beautiful. Such original shelves on the wall, in addition to the hallway of the room, it can also be used in the bathroom. Quite often, these rooms are small in size and in order not to clutter up the space too much, a corner shelf is more suitable here. It can also be placed on the balcony, if it is insulated. You can also make shelves for flowers on the wall of the original look.

Hanging shelves also look original. They do not need to be nailed to the wall, as a cable attached to the corner of the ceiling, or vertical racks are used as fasteners. Most of these beautiful shelves suitable for a child's room. All these products can be both open and closed, where hinged or hinged doors are used. But if one of the closed shelves is placed in small room, then in this case it is better to use a sliding door. As such doors it is best to use glass.

But it should be remembered that such structures must be securely attached to the wall so that they do not fall. The most secure fastener for concrete or brick walls- this is a dowel or anchor. In this case, the shelves can withstand big weight. But such a mount has one significant drawback: if it is necessary to remove the shelf in order to move it to another place, then this will be difficult to do. In addition to wood, shelves can be made from plywood, chipboard and MDF - these are the most common furniture materials.
