Fashion trends and new design curtains. Original do-it-yourself curtains for the kitchen (54 photos) - an exclusive in interior design Unusual ideas for curtains

Since ancient times, it has been customary to curtain the window with curtains and curtains. This element of decor makes the room cozier and darkens it from the sun. There are many types of curtains, and the fabrics and materials are endless! But it also happens that even such a variety is not able to help realize the original idea of ​​the owner of the apartment. Here non-standard curtains for extraordinary interiors will come to the rescue.

So what can be unusual in the most ordinary curtain?


▸ Sew a ribbon to the edge of the curtain and tie chic bows on the curtain. The work will not take time at all, and unusual curtains will surprise your guests and decorate the room.

▸ All sorts of unusual clips, buckles and even curved cutlery are also used to fasten curtains.


In addition to traditional fabrics for the manufacture of curtains, you can risk using unusual materials.

▸ Build stunning DIY curtains with colored beads. Of course, they will not shade the room, but the view of such curtains will be fantastic.

▸ Curtains can even be made from tinted corks. They can be used for doorways in an eco-style interior.

▸ Photo printed fabric. Modern technologies allow you to create fabric with absolutely any pattern. The Stickboutique online store offers its services for the manufacture of original photocurtains from three types of fabric: blackout, satin and gabardine.

▸ Original curtains can be sewn from leftover fabric. Collect bright pieces of fabric and create your own designer curtain. You can think of a pattern or sew as your heart desires.

▸ The most ordinary curtains can be made original by using fabric of different textures to decorate the window.

Unusual pickups with your own hands:

Even if you have the most ordinary and familiar curtains, but you want to do something extraordinary, add original decorative elements.

▸ Tiebacks in the form of ribbons. A beautiful pickup can be made from one wide ribbon or from several thin ones. You can tie a chic complex bow, or string beads on the ends and leave them to fall freely. Artificial flower arrangements can be used along with the ribbon.

▸ Tiebacks from soft toys. This option of pickups is perfect for the rooms of your children.

▸ Tie-beads. Old beads can be used as tiebacks for your new curtains.

▸ And hundreds more ideas that will come to your mind after reading this article.

Creative individuals are never satisfied with what stores offer them. Even the curtains in their home should be an expression of their personality. Fortunately, to create unusual curtains on your own, you only need inspiration and the desire to work with your hands.

Create designer things at home, surprise your guests!

Whatever the room, almost every one has windows that require decoration. The most affordable and attractive decor option is curtains, curtains and tulle. Now fashion is changing very quickly, but every modern housewife wants to have an original and stylish interior, which means that it is important to follow the latest and what is in fashion. In general, the most attractive option is precisely the curtains, we will talk about them today.

Types of modern curtains

For the right choice of curtains, you need to know not only their classification and modifications, but also where and which option will be applicable and appropriate. First of all, you need to take into account the specifics of the room, its style and design so that the curtains do not spoil the general background, but only emphasize its individuality.

The most popular and currently relevant types of curtains:

  • Classic curtains. They never cease to be fashionable, only the elements of their decor change. Often this type combines two opposite fabrics. For example, the lower part is made of tulle, but the top is made of dense fabric that protects the room from excessive sunlight. The addition of lambrequins is often used, but it is better to buy curtains without them, since they are not always appropriate.
  • Italian curtains. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they do not completely move apart, but collect them in a special ring fixed on the wall. Special cords can also be used with which the curtain can be tied. These curtains are assembled diagonally, most often used in the bedroom to create a pleasant and romantic atmosphere.
  • Roller blinds. Outwardly, they resemble a rectangular piece of fabric, which is wound at the top on a kind of base like a roller. Experiments with them do not work, but practicality is at an excellent level, because their main purpose is protection from sunlight.
  • Crossed curtains. Such curtains are made of transparent fabrics, which are firmly fixed on a special rail. You can’t move the rail, and the corners of the fabrics are crossed. Such curtains are used in order not to completely block the natural light, but only slightly scatter it so that the soft and muffled light of the Sun enters the room. The optimal location is the bedroom, living room.
  • Blinds. At the moment, the market is rich in various types of blinds. They can be of different colors, horizontal and vertical. Previously, they were used only in offices, but now the blinds have received a number of modernized options that will look stylish and original in an apartment.

Fashion trends 2018

For the right choice of ideal curtains, it is not enough to know their types - you need to follow current trends. The Baroque style remained in the past, as well as the Gothic, Rococo. Now the leading positions have been taken by minimalism, which consists in conciseness, simplicity and strict straight lines.

Classics are always fashionable, 2018 is no exception. The bottom layer is made of a light fabric in pastel or white tones, and the top dense fabric can contain a modern print or an original pattern.

Geometric shapes and patterns are gaining special popularity. Due to such curtains, a pleasant atmosphere with a twist is created. Using bright colors, you can place the right accents, draw special attention to a particular room, part of it. Alternatively, a natural pattern can be used to match the theme of the room.

Asymmetric curtains are able to attract their attention and help to reveal the individuality of the homeowner, emphasizing his taste. There are two main types: in the first case, curtains are present on both sides, but they are different in length, in the second, one part of the window remains open, and the curtain is assembled on the other side.

Asymmetry can be used not only in shapes, but also in color. You can use two different contrasting colors, such as yellow and red, blue and green. You can also decorate the window with one curtain, made in a two-color form. Two different curtains: one with a pattern, and the second one in monochrome.

For the original design, you can use wide transparent curtains, they will cover both the window and the wall. Such curtains can visually enlarge the room, create a favorable and cozy atmosphere. Alternatively, short curtains covering only the window itself.

Roller blinds are a minimalist solution that is gaining popularity. In most cases, their length is identical to the height of the window, and by adjusting it is possible to control the level of illumination. Color and material can be chosen to your taste, as there are no restrictions. The main advantage is ease of care, a wide range.

New in 2018

Curtains are used not only for aesthetic design and their intended purpose, but also as a way to hide flaws, flaws in finishing. This can be done not only beautifully, but also very fashionable. Many specialists and designers have worked to provide consumers with a number of fresh ideas.

Lambrequins can be used not only with thin tulle and dense fabric. Now they are as simple as possible, have a rectangular shape, outwardly resemble a thin strip at the top, which neatly decorates the window, and the curtains do not “steal” the space.

In addition to lambrequins, designers have worked on using combined curtains of different types. Thus, you can combine roller blinds with classic ones, or minimalism with simple geometric shapes. The use of different styles, colors, fabrics and textures is also encouraged.

For those who want to make the room visually taller, straight vertical curtains are offered for the entire height of the room. In this case, the curtains should lie lightly on the floor, it is better to use a few pieces of fabric.

The curtains on the grommets are metal rings that are threaded into the holes of the curtains. This type of curtains is used as an element of decor, often they are plain.

Roman curtains in the form of solid rectangles of fabric will also be fashionable in 2018, they give the appearance of folds when they are pulled up. The best option for minimalism, they are able to emphasize the excellent taste of the homeowner.

And the latest novelty presented by designers - organza curtains and prints. This type of curtains allows you to realize absolutely any ideas and fantasies. Having successfully selected a picture, you can place the right accents and simply decorate any room beautifully.

Today, no interior design option can be imagined without beautiful curtains that effectively frame the window opening. Every year, designers delight users with new models of original, creative curtains. Given the richest choice, it is not easy for the hostess to make the right choice the first time. To decorate the windows of your house with creative models of curtains, it is recommended to study the proposals of designers that delight the masters in the new season 2019. Studying various ideas, it is necessary to note the main trends that are considered fashionable and stylish today. Using the recommendations of professionals, you can easily choose the most successful model of window textiles.

fashion fabrics

Creative do-it-yourself curtains must be made of natural fabric. Today the trend is cotton, linen, velvet, jacquard, satin, taffeta, jute, tulle. No less popular are products made from bamboo linen and other natural materials, from which you can create beautiful curtains for any room.

If you don't know which creative living room curtains to choose, pay attention to the designers' recommendations. According to experts, for guest rooms, it is more expedient to purchase satin, brocade, voile models of curtains. They look impressive and very original, successfully fitting into any interior design.

Choose a type

In the 2019 season, the living room can be decorated with light, weightless loft-style curtains, in the photo. Products from tulle, chiffon and voile are suitable for creating a creative interior in the best possible way.

In the color scheme, designers recommend giving preference to white. But, the artistic vision of any living room design may require the use of brighter, more saturated colors. If you want to use red or deep burgundy curtains to get a creative living room, then you need to use this particular color palette.

Modern fashion trends allow light creative curtains in the photo to drape, giving volume to the product.

Curtains creatively for the kitchen, as well as for the bathroom, bedroom and hall, can be attached to the grommets. This is a convenient, functional solution that you can do yourself.

The kitchen or dining room can be decorated with bamboo panels or roll-up curtain designs. With your own hands, you can make excellent options for roller blinds from bright fabrics, combining them with plain canvases.

Thus, it does not matter which room needs to be decorated. Whether it's a kitchen or a bathroom, a living room or a bedroom, today designers are ready to offer creative, original and spectacular models of curtains for any design.

To choose the most suitable option, you just need to decide on the model of the curtain structure, style and color scheme.

The creativity of curtains can be expressed in the original selection of fabrics of different textures, or in the choice of unusual decorative additions.

Sewing curtains yourself is not so difficult. It is within the power of any housewife. The result will surely delight and pleasantly surprise you and your loved ones.

You can choose a design solution as you wish, since the Internet is replete with photographs of various curtain options.

The main thing is to carefully familiarize yourself with the sewing technique. From the huge range of curtains, only a few basic types are distinguished, everything else is their modification.

Having mastered the technology of how to independently sew the main options for curtains, you can safely take on curtains of any kind.

Types of curtains

Today there are many different types of curtains, of which about a dozen are considered basic. Some of the main models differ from each other only in some subtleties of the constructive solution.

All others are based on the top ten, therefore, having mastered the tailoring of the main options for curtains, there should be no difficulties with them.

The most popular types of curtains are:

  • English curtains;
  • Roman curtains;
  • simple curtains with ties;
  • lambrequins.

For sewing any curtains you will need:

  • Sewing machine;
  • Material;
  • Threads in the color of the curtains;
  • Pins, scissors, measuring tape, chalk.

We sew lambrequins

There is nothing particularly difficult in sewing curtains with lambrequins. Despite the simple design, these curtains look quite beautiful.

First you need to make the necessary patterns, this will greatly simplify subsequent work.

The main thing is that the curtains and their decorative details are combined with the overall interior.

Do not forget about the hem, they must also be taken into account when calculating. You also need to decide whether to make folds and how much.

The next step is to fold the material at the top of the future curtain, thereby creating a pocket for the rod. It is recommended to process it with a back seam.

Making a lambrequin requires precision and accuracy at every stage. Lightweight material will be perfectly decorated with beads and organza flowers. Fringe is perfect for heavy fabrics.


Step-by-step instructions for making Roman blinds

Roman style curtains are quite popular these days. Let's look at how to do it yourself.

  • We measure the window opening. To the obtained dimensions we add 5 cm for each side to the seams and 12 cm to the length. Thus, the required amount of material is calculated;
  • We select the fabric. This should not cause difficulties, since today's choice of materials is simply huge;
  • With chalk or soap, draw lines of allowances;
  • We fix a special adhesive tape on the beam and the upper edge of the curtain;
  • We bend, iron and hem the bottom edge of the curtain;
  • We sew the trim;
  • With wide stitches we attach rings to the curtain;
  • We attach the entire canvas to the beam;
  • We thread the rope into the rings, tighten it and cut off the excess.
  • We get elegant and expressive curtains.

Master class how to make English curtains with your own hands

English curtains look elegant and airy in any interior. Sewing them is not difficult.

First, we calculate the required length of fabric for a particular window. Do not forget about seam allowances and planned folds.

For English curtains, satin and muslin fabrics are perfect. We also need a satin ribbon.

We mark on the material the location of the satin ribbons. We take the ribbons themselves, tuck them 1 cm on each side, iron them, pin them to the fabric with pins and sew them on.


Then we fix the upper edges of the ribbons, hem and iron the bottom of the curtain. Our curtain is ready!

A handmade item is unique. She keeps the energy of her creator and helps to fill the house with warmth and comfort. Sewing curtains yourself is not difficult at all.

We hope that this article will help you with this. Good luck!

DIY curtain photo


Many prudent owners of private houses and apartments prefer to do the main housework on their own. Having adopted step-by-step instructions on how to make curtains with your own hands, any hostess is able to create a unique masterpiece. It will turn out to decorate the house and save the family budget.

What you need to know, be able to and have

Curtains for windows are not difficult to sew. You need to have basic skills in cutting and sewing, a great desire to personally realize the ideal project and a well-equipped workplace.

You will need the following tools and materials:

  • fabric cuts, threads, decorative trim elements;
  • sewing machine, hand needle;
  • scissors, pins;
  • tailor's measuring tape, ruler;
  • chalk, pencil;
  • nail polish - for highly loose fabrics, it is better to immediately process the cut line.

The best fabrics for tailoring are linen, silk, velvet, taffeta, viscose, etc. Natural fabrics with synthetic additives are a budget and practical choice. You need to choose a beautiful material that is not prone to color loss and is easy to wash.

A new fabric should be washed in warm water without powder, allowed to dry and ironed. Only then start cutting out the details. This will later avoid deformation of the finished product during washing.

For a small window, it is optimal to combine two types of fabric, it is advisable not to use dark colors. Consideration should be given to the possibility of adjusting the internal space. The room is visually perceived higher when drawing with vertical stripes, horizontal ones "expand" the room.

To sew curtains of simple models, you can immediately start cutting the fabric. Cut 1 or 2 pieces of the desired size into a rectangular shape. For complex samples, it is advisable to prepare patterns (especially if work experience is not great). It is convenient to draw them on the remnants of wallpaper - after repairs, apartments usually have unused material. You need to work at a large table, in his absence - on the floor.

It is permissible to hem the curtains manually (with a secret stitch), on a typewriter, or use a special adhesive tape. In order for the line to lie flat, the fabric does not warp, you must first iron the fold line.

When working with a sewing machine, do not start work on the main pattern. First, make sure that the stitching on this fabric is even and neat. If necessary, adjust the stroke of the machine, replace the thread.

The photo shows curtains of different models, made by hand. The simplest for self-production are products with ties and English curtains.

How beautiful to decorate a window

For tailoring curtains of complex patterns, introductory lessons are required. Carefully following the instructions will help to simplify the difficult task as much as possible.

For sewing lambrequins, it is important to have a high-quality pattern, accurate cutting and careful observance of all the subtleties of technological operations. You can successfully combine parts from different fabrics or unequal shapes. The main thing is to be combined with the overall design.

Roman blinds are very fashionable. They tightly close the window, so it is important to accurately measure the size of the opening and make the desired pattern. The fabric is used very economically, the pattern is clearly visible. You will also need Velcro tape, wooden blocks, rings for lifting the curtains, a weighting bar and consumables for fastening.

A popular choice is eyelet curtains. You can attach fitting rings to the canvas at home. The fabric is bought with a 3-fold margin in width. Only in this case it is realistic to achieve graceful curves and waves on the finished product. Along the length, take into account an additional allowance of about 6 cm - for high-quality fastening of the grommet.

Rings are installed last when the canvas is processed from other sides. The distance between them is 15-20 cm, the indentation from the edges is 5 cm. Be sure to glue non-woven or other strong tape when bending so that the curtain does not sag or tear on the eaves.

For the hole, make a preliminary markup, then cut it out with scissors. The halves of the ring are applied from different sides and snapped into place.

How to update the old

With a limited budget, it is justified to use fabric that has already been in use, but has retained a beautiful appearance. It is possible to successfully remake old curtains in such a way that they will change the familiar interior beyond recognition.

There is an option to radically alter them, change the style and shape. Or decorate with additional elements - sew on strips of another fabric, add ruffles, fringes, edging, beaded jewelry, elegant bows, and so on. It is only necessary to observe the measure, and not to sculpt everything at once.

An interesting solution is to sew a whole canvas from separate shreds. Can be stenciled to cut the same shape or vary sizes. Pre-pieces of fabric are carefully ironed. Such curtains are hung in the kitchen, children's room.

There are situations when it is required to lengthen ready-made curtains. For example, transfer from an apartment to a dacha, where the ceilings are higher.

Options for action:

  • Sew loops on top. Use a satin ribbon or strips of suitable material. It is not recommended to extend more than 10 cm.
  • Sew on the bottom frill 10-15 cm.
  • Add a straight transverse insert at an arbitrary height. So you can adjust any length. It is important to choose the perfect combination of fabrics, the contrast is approved.

Updated curtains will look like the original design idea, and not a forced saving measure.

Imagine and implement new ideas!

DIY curtain photo
