The most popular topics of VKontakte groups. The best method for generating ideas for a VKontakte group. d) Sending promotional messages to join the VKontakte group

Almost everyone is subscribed to groups in social networks, but not everyone knows that community owners earn money from this. What is a VK group - this is a place in which there are people with common interests. Almost every owner of such a group can make good money. It's very easy to create a community. To do this, you need to have a VKontakte page. Then create a group and choose a topic.In order for the group to bring income, you need a lot of subscribers. What do they usually pay for?



  • Healthy lifestyle.

Now more and more people began to lead a healthy lifestyle. The theme for the group is beginning to gain popularity quickly. The community can be filled with all sorts of motivational pictures, quotes and videos.

Also in the group you can collect information about proper nutrition, secrets about losing weight and more. You are sure to get a lot of followers. The main thing is that the information is interesting.

  • Psychology. Another popular topic, thanks to which you can collect a large number of subscribers. Groups with this theme have already managed to gain more than five million subscribers. In the community, you can post any information on the topic of psychology - self-development, success, relationships, personal development and much more.
  • Education. This topic will never lose interest. You can teach anything in your group. It can be photoshop lessons, pickup truck and much more. Choose what interests you. You will definitely find your followers.
  • Cinema and music. No less popular topic. Everyone loves listening to music and watching movies. So why not create a community on this topic? If you are also a movie fan, then it will not be difficult for you to interest other people with interesting material. In the group you can post trailers, reviews of movies, cartoons, TV shows and more.

The most popular topics were listed at the top. In fact, there are even more of them. You can create not only large groups (sports, series, recipes), but also choose a narrow topic (baking secrets, relationship psychology, Doctor House series). If you do not understand making money on the Internet, then such a group should not be created. Such communities are not taken seriously because they are spammy and not interesting.

In general, you can go to VK yourself and see which groups are in demand now. There is no need to create exactly the same community as a blueprint. Add something interesting and unique. You need to get people interested. Then there will be a lot of subscribers. People are interested in something interesting and new. We hope that you have received answers to the question of which group to create in VK for making money. All these recommendations will help create a good community with a large number of subscribers.

The most profitable topic of the VK group

Today, the most profitable and relevant topic, of course, is the topic that is related to finance. For example:

Earnings per month can be up to 200,000 rubles.


If you decide to create a group on VK yourself, then today there is a free online service CANVA, with which you can quickly and easily create a group and independently design the cover of VK.

Design a cover for VKontakte yourself using the CANVA service

Designing a cover for a Vkontakte group requires a careful approach - this is the face of the group, something that people immediately pay attention to. The cover can attract even more subscribers or slow down the growth of the community. With the help of the same graphics, administrators post important information that should be in full view.

Consider the main issue for communities - their content. What is being written about now, what content is popular within social networks. What group topics are the most popular?

According to the current situation today, for existing VKontakte communities, a certain list of the most popular topics for VKontakte publics can be distinguished. If you don’t know what a group or public is, or doubt the need to create your own VK community, then. Perhaps today it is the fastest and easiest way to make money online!

The number of publics by topic

According to our research among million-plus public pages (more than 1 million participants), the quantitative ratio by topic is approximately as follows (in the context of ~ 60 most rated public pages within the social network):

  • quotes of various kinds - 35.3%,
  • humor - 29.4%,
  • healthy lifestyle and body care - 15.7%,
  • the world of cinema and music - 11.8%,
  • news from the world of design and cooking - 7.8%.

Top Engagement Topics

Judging by the number of subscribers, the topic of humor occupies a leading position. Its representatives are Evil Corporation (3,704,600 subscribers), MDK (about 3,373,000 subscribers), Positive (about 3 million subscribers) and other VKontakte publics.

The most popular topics

But in terms of the number of publics with more than a million subscribers, the communities that reveal various kinds of quotes are in first place. These are quotes of a philosophical, everyday, sometimes scientific nature, as well as quotes of famous people, quotes from books and films. Examples of such publics are "Happiness", "Beautifully said ..." (quotes of a philosophical orientation, the communities have more than 2 million subscribers), "Reset" (more than one and a half million users), "The best quotes of all time" (quotes from scientists, writers and philosophers, the community also has just over 1.5 million subscribers).

No less popular in terms of the number of subscribers, although significantly inferior in the number of communities themselves, is such a topic as news from the world of cinema and music. This topic is represented by such publics on VKontakte as “5 Best Movies” (a little over 3 million subscribers), “Music” (more than 2,700,000 subscribers), “New Music 2013” ​​and “Kinomania” (each community has more than 1,800 000 subscribers).

Communities that offer rules for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your body are "Beauty School", "40KG", which have more than 2 million subscribers and others. The owner of a number of such publics is a graduate of the Internet Money project - Alexei Dobrynin. In this video tutorial, he will tell you how he did it >>

Thematic niches VKontakte

Recently, communities focused on such a topic for VKontakte publics as design and cooking have become especially popular. There are not too many large such communities yet, just as the number of their subscribers is small, but they are developing very rapidly and actively. Among them are “Cook it! - delicious recipes” (more than 1.5 million people subscribed to the public), “Just Design!” (more than a million users read the news of this community).

Public topics provide us with a huge choice, each of them can be developed at a decent level and, as a result, acquire a popular VKontakte community. The most interesting areas among the topics for VKontakte publics are news from the world of science and specialized publics (“Science”, “National Geographic Russia Club”), IT technologies (“Apple”, “Zuckerberg will call”, “Typical programmer”, “Habrahabr”, "World of History"), novelties of the world of books, as well as other niche communities. Niche can also be called, for example, the “Men's Lux” community, the subject of which is publications about a luxurious lifestyle, style, publications expressing the aspirations and ambitions of people (the topic is not blurred until the publication of various beautiful things in general). How to correctly choose a niche for public >>

Mass plus niche

A separate category of publics should be considered those that are on the verge of different directions. For example, as we have seen, the direction of quotes is very popular, and design news is a niche. At the same time, at the intersection of these areas, for example, there is the ART Thoughts community, which is in the mass segment, but at the same time has an innovative design approach to the format.


It should be noted that in the context of open groups (the format of which provides more opportunities for discussion), fan communities are most often created. Examples are the groups "Game of Thrones", "Hannibal" (unite fans of the respective series), "Geeks Empire" (discussion of comics and superheroes, fantasy). Groups provide ample opportunities in terms of speed of development and niche selection (for example, about a month ago, the community of the Ray Donovan series had only 3 members, and was in this position for several weeks, which made it possible for competitive development). At the same time, fan groups of series now tend to create support sites (they have lost such a driver of their development as the ability to watch movies on social networks after the adoption of anti-piracy legislation).

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If you are well oriented and understand a particular topic and spend a lot of time on the Internet, then over time you will want to create your own group, for example, VKontakte. What is it for? The group will help you in finding people of your same interests. You can share information with group members, discuss various issues on the subject of the group. The group will also help you promote your Internet business, here you can make good advertising. This article will answer the question - "How to create a group in contact?". and the issue of promotion of the group in contact will also be raised.

Instructions on how to create a group in VK

First of all, you need to enter your VKontakte page, on which you will create a group.
Next, go to the "My Groups" section.

Since we are creating a group with all the ensuing possibilities, we select this item. Now we come up with a name for the group. It must include the keyword. A good name in search engines has a good frequency. It will be possible to change the name of the group, but when the group gains popularity, changing the name of the group will be inopportune. Therefore, it is better to immediately give a thoughtful name to your group.

Settings and the created VKontakte group

We can say that the group has already been created, that is, the foundation has been created. Now you need to do its main settings.

In the "Information" tab, we indicate any address of the page, in Latin.

A very important step is the description of the community. This is the first thing a guest sees when looking for the required group. The size of the text in the description should not be too large. It is necessary to write in the text the most important points of your topic and be positively colored.

In the group settings form, select the type of group: open group, limited, or closed. Also, if you have your own blog page, you can add its address. You can also add the name of your site. After filling in the required data, click the "Save" button.

The VKontakte network is a rather well-thought-out and social system specially organized for the needs of people. If at the first filling you indicated something wrong, do not worry. You can always change the mistakes made, edit the information by selecting the "Community Management" section.

Content filling and promotion of the VKontakte group

Let's move on to a no less serious part of the further development of the group, this is its filling and promotion. For popularization, you need to upload video materials of your interests, audio recordings, photos to the group. Install a bright and beautiful avatar on the main page. To attract the numerous attention of the Internet, try to always upload fresh and verified information on your subject. If these rules are followed, then the number of guests on the page will increase. In addition, page guests will begin to “repost” your interestingly selected content, thereby starting the promotion of the group.

Install a bright and beautiful picture of the group on the main page

In addition to the help of friends, the number of video views, group visits and subscribers, promotion will also increase with the help of their acquaintances or neighboring partner groups. You can share posts between groups. Moreover, to conduct both free exchanges (provided that there are no more than 3,000 people in this community) and paid ones (if there are more than 5,000 people in the community).

You must understand that the promotion of the group in a short time will not work. This is a fairly lengthy process and should be kept in mind. One of the conditions for the progressiveness of the group is the constant updating of content. The more often you upload new information, the better. Another condition is the quality of the uploaded information.

A professionally designed group will be a strong advertising impetus for promoting your topic. If you are selling goods, then the group will help increase demand for them. Also, the created group can help with increasing traffic to a particular blog, or your site. Here you can get useful contacts for life.

Promotion of a group in contact - video

On this, we believe, the answer to the question posed at the beginning of the article on creating a group has been received. At the moment, you have learned how to create and fill the content of the group. In addition, now you know some secrets for promoting a group in contact. We hope that it has become clear to everyone that this is a very useful and profitable tool on the network.

Reinventing the wheel...

People come here for various reasons. Some are to drive traffic to your site. Others - build . And someone just to chat, find interesting interlocutors.

Such an attractive platform for promoting your own projects cannot but be of interest to small business owners and those who are just about to start their own business.

Where to start?

How to create a popular Vkontakte group without special knowledge?

Much easier than . Think about it - what do you pay attention to when you get into an unfamiliar group? What visual signs of popularity do you note for yourself?

Let's try to figure this out together.

Benefit from the experience of predecessors

If you decide to create a group, then you have already decided on the topic. Or not?

In any case, do a little analysis. To do this, you need to select the most frequently requested keywords on your subject, for example, using the service and then use the Vkontakte search engine. By collecting information, you will understand the relevance of your topic. Determine the number of similar groups. Or maybe you'll come up with a more attractive option for yourself.

The main thing is that you will recognize your future competitors in the face.

Be sure to join their groups. Try to identify their strengths, understand their chips. And decide for yourself how you will stand out from their background, win your piece of the pie.

Do not neglect their experience, try to extract the maximum information. After all, these people know how to create a popular Vkontakte group, they have already done it.

Make a portrait of the group members: their gender, age, profession, marital status, area of ​​interest. Do not spare time for this - this is your future target audience. You create a group for them. To make it comfortable and interesting for them.

Set the steering wheel in the right direction

Now let's move on to the design and filling of the group:

  • Come up with a catchy name for the band. If the title contains keywords - great. Your task is to choose a name that will be popular in the search, and at the same time not very competitive. If the group is regional, then it is desirable that the name of the group contains an indication of geography. This allows you to attract more participants.
  • Your profile picture is the first thing people see when they visit you. It is known that the user holds attention on something for only a few seconds. And the first of these seconds belongs to the avatar. Try not only to appear in all its glory and designer brilliance, but also to show who you are and what your group is dedicated to.
  • The description of the group should be concise and informative. The first paragraph in the description should maximally reveal the main idea of ​​the community. Users should see the solution to their problem in the description. Be sure to include contact information for your office or store.
  • The next answer to the question "how to create a popular Vkontakte group?" will be the relevance of the posted content . Content is the information content of your group (informative, entertaining and advertising posts, polls). Many are wondering. Most of the information is simply copied from thematic sites or friendly Vkontakte groups. It is desirable that some part of the information in your group is unique. When writing unique text content, use your knowledge, experience in the business area you are promoting, as well as information from books, printed articles. If you are interested in a more professional promotion of your group, you can always turn to specialists.

Step on the pedals

The group has been created. Now is the time to breathe life into it. The group should be known, it needs members.

We will not dwell on how to attract people to the group. This is a large topic for another article.

In any case, try to make sure that these are interested active participants, and not people who come in for the sake of a tick. You can invite the first members to the group from among your friends or send invitations to members of similar communities. Word of mouth, the services of friends and all available means of advertising to help you.

Perhaps, after all these actions, the answer to the question - how to create a popular VKontakte group - will be obvious to you.

But that's not all.

Tailwind at your back

  • Involve people in the discussion, conduct polls more often, ask their opinion.
  • Fill the group with popular videos and audio materials. Try an experiment - combine their name with the name of your band. Perhaps this will attract additional visitors to your group.
  • Hold contests, draws, interactive games. Give out bonuses and prizes. No matter how serious your topic is, 5 minutes of rest will not hurt.
  • Change your profile picture from time to time. People respond positively to changes for the better. Unless it's your company logo.
  • Study your CA. Post updates when they are most often on the site.
  • Don't give out everything at once. Stretch updates throughout the day, use the appropriate computer programs as an assistant. Updates will occur without your participation.
  • Be sure to check the positions of the group in the search engines. If you yourself are not strong in SEO, ask the pros for advice on how to create popular VKontakte groups and how to bring them to significant positions in search engines.
  • Do not neglect the services of a moderator. Someone needs to monitor and respond to spam in time. This will keep your group from being banned.

Forward to the heights of popularity!

The success of any group at the initial stage depends on the initiative and active actions of its organizer. But even then, having caught the right wave, do not expect the ship to sail on its own.

Today we will touch on a very interesting topic. Let's talk about what kind of community to make in the social network. After all, the VK social network today is not just a platform for finding old acquaintances, friends and relatives. It is also a web platform for new acquaintances. To communicate with unknown people whose interests are close to yours. To find such people, each of us joined a hundred or two groups and communities. In addition to the fact that they allow you to just chat, gain experience from others, and generally have fun, communities on the social network will also help you earn some money. But this is only if the group or public is really original, interesting, visited and includes numerous users.

And so, you decided to create your own public page or group. You immediately ask yourself: what kind of community can you create on VKontakte? What topic? As I said, the topic should be interesting to many and at the same time original. Unfortunately, today almost all niches are occupied. But let's talk about everything in order.

Public or group?

Before you decide which community to create on VKontakte on a topic, you must decide what it will be - a group or a public. Each of these types of communities has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can read more about the differences between a public and a group in our previous one. From myself I will say that the group is good because you can invite your friends to it. The advantage of the public is that their list is beautifully located in the appropriate column for each VKontakte user. Thus, your public will more often catch the eye of other members of the social network.


Now, on to the topic. First, understand a simple truth: it will be very difficult for you to lead a community on a social network if its topic is not specifically interesting for you. For example, I don't like football. How can I create a community, promote it, and generally talk about this sport if I can't stand it? No way. With this, everything is clear. Second, your community must be competitive. For everything to be exactly like this, choose a topic that is not very developed on the social network. For example, cars. There are many communities dedicated to cars. Choose something less popular. You can, for example, create a community that is dedicated to a particular brand of car. It will include the owners of this particular brand of car from all over the world, so to speak. However, before creating, be sure to make sure that there is no such VKontakte community. And if there is, then make sure that it is running / abandoned, and so on. Only then is there a chance that your group or public will "surpass", in terms of the number of users, the previously created community by someone else.

However, if your goal is not to get money with the help of the community, then you should not think about what kind of community to make a VK. Love aquarium fish? Do not look at competitors, just create a public or group that will be dedicated to this. Do you like beautiful music about love? Why not create a community in which you will be on the wall, let's say every day, throw one romantic song? I hope that you understand what kind of community you can create in VKontakte in one case or another, and our advice was not in vain.
