How to make a profile pipe bender drawing. The best pipe benders for profile pipes. Required structural elements

Do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe, advanced craftsmen make it very often, despite the fact that the construction market offers factory bending machines in large quantities.

But, why spend money on expensive equipment if you need to do a small amount of work? For this reason, home craftsmen try to make this simple home tool with their own hands.

This work at home is not something super complicated. Almost any home master who has the necessary tools and a little experience can cope with it.

The pipe is one of the most popular building materials that are successfully used in households and in industry. But, for the construction of various structures, pipes have to be bent, and here you can not do without a pipe bender. It is this tool that makes it possible to easily change the configuration of the product from any material.

Profile bending design

To independently build a pipe bending machine, they use different drawings. The priority of one or another option, as a rule, is dictated by the availability of available materials.

The frontal version of the bending machine consists of the following elements:

  • metal shafts or rollers (in a set of three pieces);
  • drive chain mechanism;
  • metal profiles used for the manufacture of a frame base.

A machine for bending a profile pipe is often equipped with wooden rollers. Polyurethane is also often used for this. When choosing these parts for profile bending, it is necessary to take into account the strength index of the tubular product. If this requirement is not taken into account, then a do-it-yourself bending machine will simply not withstand the load and will become unusable.

Classification of devices by drive type

Industrial enterprises offer devices for bending square pipes of various designs. For processing assortment with a small diameter, devices are used that operate on a manual drive.

And for tubular products with large sizes, they use equipment for processing profile pipes, which has a hydraulic drive. These devices are intended for volumetric events with square pipes. The most convenient of these mechanisms are bending tools that are connected to the electrical network.

Types of devices by bending method

Pipe benders are also divided according to the type of bend, consider them.

  1. Crossbow mechanisms.
  2. Manual spring devices.
  3. segment options.
  4. Dorn devices.

What materials and design nuances are needed

To build a simple profile bender with your own hands, you will need:

  • simple jack;
  • shelf and metal profile;
  • high strength springs and 3 shafts;
  • drive chain.

In order for the simplest form of construction to serve reliably, it is important to design a strong frame. It is fastened with welding or bolts. Then, in accordance with the developed drawing, shafts and torsion axes are installed. From the distance at which the axes of the simplest bending device are located, the radius of the bend of the professional pipe will depend.

The simplest machine for bending square pipe materials is driven by a chain drive. To complete the transmission of this profile bender, three gears are used. It is recommended to take the chain directly to the machine, made by hand, from an unnecessary car or motorcycle.

The mechanism for bending the corrugated pipe sets the handle in motion. To bend the profile, it is connected to one of the shafts. It also creates the necessary torsional force of the mechanism on the profile bender.

The process of making a profile bending machine at home

The simplest options for homemade miter bending tools are designed to process a range of small diameters. But, this technology is acceptable for operations not only with aluminum profiles. With such tools for bending a profile at an angle, steel products can also be processed.

A feature of each device for bending pipes is the distribution of the load on the profile. It is distributed gradually and evenly over the bend area. It is the same at all points of the profile. Due to this, the fixture does not crush the walls of the pipe assortment during bending.

The manufacturing process in each case begins with the development of a drawing. Depending on what devices are used for bending pipes, it is manufactured. The plan must indicate all structural elements: frames, pipe stops, shafts, etc.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the profile does not need to be supported by the side walls during processing. Therefore, in machines for bending it, shafts wider than the profile itself can be used. .

The drawings of the machine for bending the profile pipe are very different. Masters willingly share them. After reviewing many options, you can choose the most suitable type for your goal.

IMPORTANT! Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the drawing must contain accurate measurements of each part. Otherwise, the device will fail.

After the drawing is selected and studied in all details, you can proceed to the most important stage - manufacturing.

How to start the process and where to find the details

Naturally, it is easier to bend the usual round pipe assortment with your own hands, but the appearance of the profile looks much more interesting when erecting arbors, greenhouses, and fences.

Bend it with your own hands at home, so that during deformation the walls do not flatten, and cracks or waves do not form on the fold line, which are somewhat heavier.

To save money, you can not buy a pipe bender in the store, but do it yourself at home, practically without spending any of your savings.

All materials can be found at stations for the purchase of ferrous metal. According to external characteristics, such a machine will be unsightly. But he will cope with his direct duties no worse than factory-made bending devices.

Designs are very different depending on the materials and tools that are available at hand.

People with engineering skills will be able to add their own elements to improve the design of any of the following fixtures.

The second (alternative) home-made model of the simplest sample

This machine is made by hand at home using a hydraulic jack.

To create it, you will need to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. arrange several ribs parallel to each other, for example, by driving metal rods into the wall;
  2. the jack is installed under the bars (necessarily on a solid basis). Make sure that the axis of the jack rod is located just in the center between the metal bars.

When everything is ready, a homemade pipe bender can be tested. To do this, the pipe segment to be bent is placed under the bars above the jack, and by raising the rod, the sample is bent as required.

Do-it-yourself home-made hydraulic pipe benders can be somewhat improved by connecting the system to an engine that is equipped with a gear motor. Thus, the shafts will be driven by a chain drive.

The design, equipped with a jack instead of the third upper pressure roller, can bend products with a section of any size. And the jack in the process of bending makes it possible to adjust both the pressure force and adjust the height.

When installing both the jack and the engine, you can open a company for the mass production of blanks of various shapes from a profile pipe.

The design of the device for bending medium complexity

The functionality of this profile bender is based on the principle of the rolling machine. To start creating, you will need to prepare in advance: a welding machine, a clamp (or its equivalent), rollers and a channel. Before starting construction, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the process of the machine.

A homemade pipe bender for a profile pipe operates on the principle of rolling a sample through a pressure zone.

The movement is carried out using a pair of horizontally mounted rollers on the channel, which is the base, and the third roller, which is installed at the bottom of the clamp, plays the role of a deforming unit.

The assembly of such a machine is carried out according to the following scheme. The first step is to prepare the base, which can be a wide channel or by connecting a pair of narrow ones together.

After the base is ready, a U-shaped metal structure is installed on top of it. A hole is made in its upper beam, suitable in diameter for the clamp coupling.

At an equal distance from the mechanism, rotating rollers are installed on the sides, on which chain sprockets are mounted. They are manually operated.

A pin is screwed into the coupling, on the edge of which a third roller is attached, and a handle is welded to its upper part. Such a bending machine functions as follows:

  1. the sample to be bent is placed on the feed rollers;
  2. by rotating the clamp handle, the pipe assortment is pressed by the third roller and moved to the deformation zone by rotating the chain drive handle connected to the feed rollers.

The first pressure will be relatively small, but by pulling the product through this zone several times, any degree of bend can be achieved.

It should be noted that bending the product at a right angle by this method will not work.

Homemade profile bending machine of the simplest design at home

To create such a machine, you need only a few components. Before starting manufacturing, a concrete slab, a concrete drill and a large number of metal pins should be prepared.

The assembly process is based on the following steps:

  • a measuring grid with mesh sizes of 4x4 or 5x5 cm is applied to the concrete slab;
  • holes are made at the intersection of lines with a drill on concrete (you should try to drill holes as deep as possible);
  • after that, metal pins are inserted into the plate, and it becomes like a huge brush for clothes.

Such a home-made pipe bender can bend samples up to 25 mm. The process consists in inserting the product between the teeth and bending it in the desired direction. The angle of flexion can be varied by moving along the teeth in a diagonal direction.

Self-manufacturing of a simple manual pipe bender

The assembly of a machine for the manual production of a bent corrugated pipe does not require expensive materials. All that is needed for the manufacture of a profile bender is often at hand at the home master.

So, for the manufacture of a manual machine for the production of a bent profile, you need to prepare:

  • apparatus for welding;
  • clamps;
  • grinder;
  • roulette;
  • channel or corner 10 mm;
  • large bolts;
  • small bearings;
  • tubular billet with a diameter equal to the inner diameter of the bearings;
  • steel connecting rod with sprocket;
  • additional sprocket from a bicycle rear wheel;
  • chain from a bicycle.

There is no need to draw up a special drawing for this work. The whole structure for the production of a bent profile is simple. But, there is a point that requires special attention. This is the production of shafts.

Here is the diagram on how to make them. But, only a professional turner can handle this work. Therefore, this part of the action must be entrusted to such a person. And here is the scheme according to which the shafts are machined.

Do-it-yourself assembly of a pipe bender for a profile pipe is carried out in the following sequence.

  1. The base is made from the corner, it is welded very firmly. The design of the pipe bender will be quite massive, so the weak base simply cannot withstand it. The frame length is 54 cm, width is 33 cm. The frame is mounted on a mobile stand in which the gearbox is placed. The height from the ground is 59 cm.
  2. For ease of rearrangement, wheels are mounted on the legs. For this, any wheels from old technology are suitable. In this case, it's done like this.

  1. Vertical guides are cut from the channel. They make a p-shaped structure, which is welded to the prepared base. The height of the stand is 45 cm, and the width of the rails is 60 mm.

  1. Now install the shafts. The dimensions of these elements of the structure must match those provided in the diagram above. They must be made by a professional turner, and they are turned without back-up rings. In total, you need to prepare three shafts: two support and one pressure. The bearings on this unit are 207. They are taken from an old combine.
  2. The drive on the chain mechanism. The chain was taken to work at 19.5. It is derived from the worm gear (deduction 1 to 32).

  1. A 220V motor is installed at the bottom of the base. It helps to significantly reduce the physical effort that must be applied by the master.

  1. Installation of guide washers. They must be set. Otherwise, the bending device will not work effectively, and the profile will bend with a screw. These washers are clamped with three bolts.

  1. A handle is welded on the back of the structure, which will bring the device into operation.

  1. A hole is drilled in the upper U-shaped structure, and a screw is inserted into it. It will raise the center roller. The total volume in this version is 12 cm. And this is quite enough for a home master.

  1. Now sprockets are welded onto the bearings, and a chain is put on them.

What this manual pipe bender with a chain for square pipe materials looks like is shown in the photo. If you carefully consider the unit with the chain before assembly, then the installation work will be completed quickly and correctly.

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Another option for making a manual fixture for square pipe rolling

Not only profile benders with a chain have gained popularity. A fixture is also often made, the bending process of which is carried out using a jack. For example, such a three-roller type of equipment among home craftsmen has become widespread.

This mechanism is made of rollers placed in the shape of an isosceles triangle. In width, they must correspond to the cross section of a square blank prepared for bending.

The foundation for the structure was made from the remains of a metal building. The lower part and the leg are one-piece elements.

The upper platform is made of two parts, which were fastened with an old canopy from the gate.

A jack is installed under the movable left side of the mechanism and a metal bar is welded near it. It will serve as marks when processing several workpieces so that the dimensions of the deformation remain the same.

Three shafts from a bicycle are welded to the upper base. They are placed at a distance of 25 cm. The middle one is placed slightly higher than the two lower ones. Then they are welded with pieces of reinforcement to the base.

Instead of a handle, a bicycle pedal is used.

The profile pipe for processing is placed on the rollers of this device, and tightly clamped with a jack.

While turning the handle, the workpiece is pulled between the rollers. So on it the necessary deformation change is obtained.

Hydraulic pipe bender for a professional pipe: drawings and features of the diagrams

The main thing in this machine is to correctly make the undercut of the rollers for the device for bending the pipe profile assortment. It is also important to choose the right race for the bearings. The dimensions of the shafts for the pipe bender are selected in accordance with the bearings and sprockets. If there are any difficulties in this matter, it is better to ask for help from specialists.

The clamping screw for a hydraulic pipe bender is replaced with a jack. But, the main attention in such a device is paid to the shafts.

For the construction of a profile bender, VAZ bearings are often used; for them, it is recommended to take gears from a VAZ too. Now it's up to a good turner. He must fit everything to the required dimensions.

Now consider another manual unit.

The sequence of work on the manufacture of a manual roller pipe bender.

  1. From the channel "seventies" the base of the profile bender is made.
  2. Then the upper part is made from two parts, which is fastened with a metal canopy.
  3. After that, the legs of the roller manual profile bender are welded. Their height is approximately 40 cm.

  1. On the sides of the installation, places for installing shafts are welded from the corner. They are simply placed in a prepared place. The distance from the central roller to the side rollers is 40 centimeters.

  1. High limiters are welded on the sides of the building. They are needed to fix the profile product, and then the workpiece will not go to the side.
  2. The central bearing rises above the other two by 15 centimeters. It is additionally welded with a corner and holder plates.

  1. A handle is welded to the central roller of the pipe bender. It is an important part of the mechanism, and it should be given special attention. It is better to put a rotating tube on it. Otherwise, while working with profiled steel, calluses will rub on your hands.

  1. This roller device is lifted to deform the workpiece by means of a hydraulic or manual jack. The jack is best fixed with welded bolts.

This do-it-yourself pipe bender for profile pipe rolling functions perfectly. If this profile bender is made independently exactly according to the rules, then the quality of the bend will be at a high level.

They can easily make the deformation of any profile with their own hands, and at the same time the profile bender is easy to spin. At the end of the work, you need to paint the finished structure in order to protect it from corrosion and give it a more presentable appearance.

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Another option for manufacturing a similar device in home devices

The work of creating any hydraulic structure becomes quite complex. But, these difficulties can be avoided if you approach the work patiently and carefully. This type of mechanisms is arranged from a hydraulic cylinder, stops for pipe rolling and an injection mechanism.

So, they are preparing for work:

  • screw and nut from a 5 ton hydraulic jack;
  • metal plates 2 pieces 6 mm thick;
  • corner at 25;
  • rollers 3 pcs.;

Consider the process of work.

  1. The base is constructed from durable metal.
  2. From the corner at 25, a “carriage” of the profile bender is built, which is set in the center. The upper and lower parts of the carriage are metal plates, and a handle and a screw from a five-ton jack are used inside.

  1. Particular attention should be paid to the location of the rollers. They are mounted at an equal height in a rectangular base. A handle is specified on the right roller. It should not be made longer than 25 centimeters, otherwise it will be inconvenient to twist it. The placement of all these parts in the future will determine the desired bend angle of the product.

  1. At the end, it is desirable to paint the finished structure with paint.

It is not difficult to work on such a pipe bender. The whole course of actions takes place in the following order.

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  • the workpiece is "planted" on the first roller;
  • the handle on the carriage presses the pipe;
  • then, using the second handle on the roller, the pipe blank is driven along the pipe bender, during which it changes its shape to the required angle.

The action of such a pipe bender can be stopped at any moment. To remove the workpiece, you need to turn the handle a couple of turns in the reverse order.

The procedure for bending a profile pipe blank on home-made mechanisms

Pipe bending and accessories for it will not be “driven into a corner” if you remember a few simple tips. Bending machines make it possible to change the configuration of a corrugated pipe from various materials. Homemade fixtures can easily cope even with thick-walled products.

On bending machines, this operation can be performed in two ways:

  • cold;
  • hot.

The first method is a simpler option for working on bending machines. And it is suitable for processing products that are flexible material. The nuance of such work is that the workpiece is filled with sand, or simply cold water, before bending. Thus, the manual fixture performs its task qualitatively, and the profile tubular product is practically not deformed.

A thick-walled professional pipe, which is characterized by a high rate of rigidity, is processed in a hot way.

How to independently bend a profile pipe without a pipe bender

Designing a machine for bending a profile pipe will not become a troublesome task if you do everything with your own hands according to the rules and prepare accurate drawings. It is clear that a machine made according to a well-designed drawing will allow you to bend pipe rolling with your own hands. Often this is exactly what they do, making profile benders with their own hands from available materials.

But, there are situations when you can do without the manufacture of a pipe bending mechanism, and solve the issue by other methods. Not everyone has the qualifications, patience and perseverance for this job. And for a one-time need, it makes no sense to process profile rolled products, to design a profile bender with your own hands from available materials.

The question of how to bend arcs for a greenhouse at home without a pipe bender is much easier than working with a machine. The thing is that bending profiles for a greenhouse does not involve spending time on developing a drawing, financial costs for purchasing the necessary parts and for building a mechanism.

Craftsmen figured out how to bend profiled steel for a greenhouse to the desired angle. Only, without special equipment, it is possible to work with profiled rolled products of a small volume.

You can make and form for a greenhouse in the following ways.

  1. Bulgarian or welding.
  2. By means of a special spring.
  3. When using sifted sand.

, after which, with the help of a grinder, cuts of three sides are carried out along the entire length of the bend of the sample, after which it is easily bent at the desired angle.

In order for the bend angle to be accurate, it is better to use a wooden pattern of the desired shape. We apply the whole side to it, fix it and gently bend it.

It is worth considering that the more often the cuts are made, the smoother and more natural the result of the bend will be.

The cutting points are closed with a welding machine and the irregularities are polished. Welding must be applied in such a way as to guarantee the strength of the connection, and not simply cover up cracks.

With this method, you can achieve simply stunning results and solve the problem of the issue of correct bending of the pipe assortment with your own hands. Watch the video below, it will help you understand all the nuances of the process in order to conduct it efficiently, and most importantly, correctly.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that this method is suitable for isolated cases, if you have to work with a large flow and a long process, then it is better to purchase or make a special tool suitable for a particular case.

Means of internal countermeasures will help to qualitatively bend the pipe

To bend a thin profile pipe at home, you can use a specially made spring as a pipe bender.

A steel wire with a section diameter of 1 to 4 mm is taken and wound into a spring with a square section, taking into account that the length of each side of the spring segment must be 2 mm less than the inner diameter of the workpiece so that it can fit inside without hindrance.

You can bend the profile assortment in your home workshop with a variety of hand-made devices. Finding the right circuits for such a machine is not difficult. There are a huge number of them on the Internet. And by the way, it must be added that amateur masters and real “pros” are constantly improving this type of equipment.

The results of their activities can be found on the net, and put into practice. The main thing in this case is to stock up on a lot of patience. If all actions are carried out according to the rules, then you can count on a high-quality end result in the form of a reliable professional bend, which will allow you to design many useful things from a profile pipe for home use.
Watch the video

If desired, it will not be difficult to purchase already bent products, but the pricing policy of such an acquisition will be correspondingly high.

Not every person will decide to spend so much money to build a greenhouse in their summer cottage, gazebos or install a canopy on the porch. It is better that he prefers to change the configuration of the pipe himself.

Such a decision will lead to disastrous results. To prevent this from happening, carefully watch the video tutorials and visual photo materials located in this article.

In the best case, the fold will turn out to be ugly and wavy or crack, and in the worst case, the product will simply flatten at the fold and thus simply become unsuitable for further use.

That is why it is recommended to use factory or do-it-yourself pipe benders at home. The principle of operation of each of them is based on the laying of rolled metal between the shafts, and by changing their position, the pipe is stretched and bent to the desired radius.

The mechanism of the machine guarantees an even distribution of pressure, which eliminates the possibility of flattening or other deformation.


Pipes having a square, rectangular or oval section are called profile pipes. To assemble a pipe bender with your own hands, you need to find out which pipe you are going to work with and, starting from the pipe profile, assemble the pipe bender.

In the construction of sheds, small architectural forms, greenhouses - such material is used no less than a traditional pipe. Builders prefer this section because of the flat surfaces on which it is convenient to mount the roofing material. And the appearance of such a pipe is much more respectable.

In processing a professional pipe is no more difficult than a round one, however, when bending it, some features must be taken into account.

How to bend a profile pipe - the simplest pipe bender

It is not necessary to make a complex device from rolls, levers and a bed. To bend profile pipes of small cross section, a simple method is sufficient, for example:

Sand filling

Sand, preferably fine river sand, is poured into the internal cavity of the workpiece. The sand is pre-sifted and dried. The holes at the ends are plugged with plugs. Further, the profile pipe is bent around the template of the required shape.

If necessary, the bending point can be preheated with a blowtorch or gas burner.

IMPORTANT! With this method, it is necessary to control the side walls of the workpiece. If the critical radius is exceeded, the pipe will collapse like a house of cards.

Filling with water

In fact, bending a profile with water is pointless. So you have to freeze it first. To do this, the pipe is plugged on one side with a cork (you can use ordinary plasticine), filled with water and exposed to frost.

Important! The other end of the workpiece is left open so as not to "break" the pipe when the ice expands.

A frozen professional pipe is bent on a template. Of course, you can’t use a burner or a blowtorch, otherwise the whole point of filling with ice will disappear. In this way, it is good to bend thin-walled copper or aluminum pipes.

Spring (homemade mandrel)

Preliminarily, a spring is twisted from a steel wire, the dimensions of which are 3-5% less than the internal section of the profile. The finished tooling is placed inside, and the corrugated pipe can be bent in the traditional way around the template. After completion of work, the spring is removed, aligned and can be reused.

Bending profile pipes is a fairly common procedure, for which a special device is used - a pipe bender. You can make a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands, or you can buy it on the construction market or in a store.

One of the simplest types of pipe bender for profiled pipes

Serial devices differ in principle of operation, they can have different types of drives, however, certain experience is required to work on any of these devices. Limits the use of devices manufactured in a production environment, and the fact that they are not cheap. A good way out in all such situations will be the independent manufacture of a device designed for bending profile pipes, for which you can use improvised means.

Required structural elements

The scheme of operation of the pipe bender is very straightforward

To make a pipe bender with your own hands, you can use the drawings of various designs. Their choice is determined mainly by what materials you have. Most often they opt for front-type pipe benders, the design of which includes:

  • three rollers (shafts), which must be metal;
  • drive chain;
  • axes of rotation;
  • a mechanism that will set in motion all the elements of the device;
  • metal profiles from which the frame of the device will be made.

Very often, a profile pipe bending machine is made with rollers that are made of wood or polyurethane. When choosing such materials, one should take into account the strength characteristics of the pipes that will be bent. If this requirement is neglected, then the working elements of a home-made device may simply not withstand the load and collapse.

Drawing of a pipe bender: the design of the pressure roller attachment is visible in the section

To understand how to bend a profile pipe on a home-made device, it is important to understand what technology this process uses. As a rule, pipe benders use the principle of rolling or rolling, which minimizes the risk of fracture and damage to the pipe.

To make a bend on a profile pipe using such a device, it must be inserted between the pipe bender rollers and turn the handle. The use of such a simple bending device makes it possible to obtain bends on a profile pipe that fully correspond to the specified parameters.

Pipe bender using a jack

To make a simple machine for bending profile pipes, you will need the following structural elements:

  • ordinary jack;
  • metal profiles and a shelf necessary for the manufacture of the frame;
  • springs with high strength;
  • shafts in the amount of 3 pieces;
  • drive chain;
  • a number of other structural elements.

When using such a device, the operation of which can be seen in one of the videos below, the pipe is placed on two side rollers, and a third one is lowered on top of it, creating the required force. To give the pipe the necessary bend, you should turn the handle that drives the chain and, accordingly, the equipment shafts.

Inverted jack option

Pipe bender manufacturing process

To make a device for obtaining a bend of profile pipes, you must perform the following procedures.

  • Prepare a reliable frame, the elements of which are connected by welding and bolting.
  • According to a previously prepared drawing, install the axis of rotation and the shafts themselves, two of which are placed above the third. The distance at which the axes of such shafts are located determines the bending radius of the profile pipe.
  • To drive such a bending mechanism, a chain drive is used. To complete such a transmission, it is equipped with three gears, and the chain itself can be picked up from an old car, motorcycle or other equipment.
  • To bring such equipment into action, a handle is needed, which is connected to one of the shafts. It is due to such a handle that the required torsional force is created.

Drawings of a pipe bender for professional pipes

Pipe bender manufacturing instructions

It is not difficult to make a pipe bender for a profile pipe on your own if you follow the following technological sequence.

  • Gears, bearings and rings are placed on the pressure shaft, which are connected to it with a key. First, a drawing of such a shaft, a cage for bearings and rollers is developed, then these parts are machined, which is best entrusted to a qualified turner. In total, for this device, it is necessary to make three shafts, one of which is suspended on springs, and the other two are located on the sides.
  • Then it is necessary to drill holes in the rings, which are necessary for making grooves and threading.
  • Now it is necessary to make a shelf, for which a channel is used, in which holes are also drilled and threads are cut, which are required when mounting the pressure shaft.
  • After completing the preparatory measures, the entire structure of the equipment must be assembled, for which welding and bolted connections are used. First of all, the frame is mounted, which also serves as the legs of the pipe bender.
  • The next step is to hang the shelf with the pressure shaft attached to it, for which springs are used. After that, it is necessary to install side support shafts on a home-made pipe bender, on one of which a handle is attached.
  • The final touch is the installation of a jack on the pipe bender.

Some subtleties of the installation work:

  • the pressure shaft, fixed with dowels, is additionally screwed to the shelf;
  • installation of the pressure roller is carried out according to the following scheme: the shaft is installed on the shelf, to which the nuts for the springs are preliminarily welded, after the installation work is completed, the shelf is turned over and suspended on the springs;
  • chain tension is carried out using a magnetic corner, which is used as a holder;
  • when twisting the stars, dowels are used, which are pre-made from the grower;
  • the drive handle for the bending machine is made with a turning tube;
  • a jack on such a home-made device is installed on a suspended platform, for which bolted connections and welding are used.

Production of a hydraulic pipe bender

On the Internet you can find a lot of photos and videos on how to independently make a device for bending profile pipes with a hydraulic drive. The manufacturing process of such a pipe bender, equipped with a hydraulic cylinder, an injection device and pipe stops, is a rather laborious undertaking.

In the drawing and in the design of such a pipe bender, the following elements can be distinguished:

  • hydraulic type jack with a lifting capacity of at least 5 tons;
  • shoe;
  • rollers in the amount of 2-3 pieces;
  • powerful metal channel;
  • thick metal plates and other details.

To perform the required bending of the profile pipe using a hydraulic device, it is necessary to insert it into the shoe and fix both ends of it. After that, you need to use the jack, which, with its rising rod, presses on the roller that acts on the pipe and bends it. After the required bending angle is obtained, the process can be stopped and the pipe can be removed from the pipe bender by turning the jack handle several times in the opposite direction.

Pipe bender for profile pipes in finished and painted form

Clamping roller moving platform Shaft installation Chain with tensioner Assembly view

To independently make a hydraulic bending device for profile pipes, a photo of which can be easily found on the Internet, you must perform the following procedures.

  • According to the drawing or photo, a structure is made for mounting the shoe and rollers, as well as the frame of the equipment.
  • A metal plate is attached to the lower platform, on which the jack will be installed. After that, such a device is fixed with bolts and a drive handle is installed on it.
  • The most important thing is to find suitable rollers for the profile pipe, which should tightly wrap around with their working part. If desired, rollers for a profile pipe, which are installed on a channel at the same height, can be made by hand. The shoe is installed below the rollers, and their relative position is determined by the required bending radius.
  • To fix the rollers and the shoe, bolts are used, the holes for which are made according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing.

Drawing of another version of the pipe bender

Pipe bending methods using a homemade machine

The question of how to bend a profile pipe with a homemade pipe bender is unlikely to confuse you if you read a few more recommendations. On hydraulic machines, it is possible to successfully bend profile pipes from different materials, as well as thick-walled products. Such an operation can be performed both by cold and hot methods, which involve preheating the pipe section.

Thus, a manual hydraulic bending machine can be used to act on a pipe in two ways:

Another variation with a jack

Cold bending is the simplest bending method and is used for pipes made from ductile materials. The subtlety of such a process is the filling of the pipe before the flexible sand, salt, oil or cold water. This allows you to get a better bend without significant deformation of the pipe.

If you are interested in the question of how to properly bend a profile pipe with thick walls or made of materials of increased rigidity, then the answer to it will be the use of the hot bending method.

To the question of how to bend a profile pipe as accurately as possible and without unnecessary labor, some useful tips from qualified specialists will answer.

Removable rollers of various shapes will allow you to comfortably work not only with profile pipes, but also with round ones.

  • In manual pipe benders for bending profile pipes, you can not use sprockets, but assemble a structure based on a single drive roller. Instead of a clamping screw, a jack is often used in such pipe benders.
  • If you are bending according to a template, then so that the pipe does not slip off it, you can use metal hooks as stops.
  • If it is necessary to bend a profile pipe under a large radius, it is best to use a pipe bender with three rollers.
  • To get a more versatile bending machine, you can make its thrust rollers movable. So you can change the bending radius of the pipe.

In order to strictly observe the dimensions of the required pipe bend, it is best to perform such an operation using a template that is made of wood. Even the simplest manual pipe bender using such a template will allow you to bend a profile pipe with exact observance of the specified parameters. By the way, such templates are mainly made to implement the simplest manual bending methods.

Do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe - diagram, drawings, video

We make a pipe bender for a profile pipe with our own hands. Stages of work, diagram, design drawings and tips for working with a homemade pipe bender.

Homemade pipe bender for a profile pipe: device and manufacturing nuances

The need for a reliable and simple device for bending profile pipes arises when the home craftsman begins to work seriously with metal. Pergola frame, carport, garden bench, workbench…

These and many other designs turn out to be strong and beautiful if the profile metal for them is carefully bent on a special profile bender.

There is always an economical alternative to buying a ready-made machine, since you can make a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands in your home workshop. Before the first workpiece is clamped in a vice, we suggest that you get acquainted with the principle of operation and the existing varieties of homemade pipe benders.

How does a pipe bender work?

The principle of operation of this device is simple: a profile pipe is placed between three support shafts. The central shaft creates pressure that bends the metal at the desired angle.

To bend the pipe in one local area, a point machine is used.

If you need to get an arched profile, then a rolling bending machine is used that combines the bending of the metal with the broach.

Varieties of pipe bending machines

Depending on the drive that transmits force to the profile metal, there are three types of pipe benders:

  • mechanical (pressure is created manually using a central screw or lever);
  • hydraulic (a hydraulic jack is used);
  • electrical (bending force creates an electric motor);
  • electro-hydraulic (hydraulic cylinder is driven by an electric motor).

It should be noted that a rolling pipe bender with a manual profile drawing is designed for a pipe with a small section (maximum 40x40 mm). It is impossible to stretch a large profile manually. For its bending, powerful machines with an electric broaching mechanism are used.

How to make a bending machine with your own hands?

The basic principle that should be followed when developing a drawing of a home-made pipe bender is the maximum simplicity of design and reliability.

The spot bending machine can be assembled from two pieces of channel, four corners and two scraps of pins from tractor tracks.

The bending of the pipe in it is performed by a standard hydraulic jack with a force of at least 5 tons. A steel "shoe" is installed on its working rod. It can be ordered from a turner or made yourself from an old pulley, the width of the “stream” of which is equal to the width of the profile pipe. By cutting off a half from the pulley and drilling a seat for the jack rod in it, a hydraulic drive mechanism is obtained.

The frame of the homemade device consists of four corners (shelf 60-80 mm) welded to a steel plate. Two channels are welded parallel to the upper ends of the corners. Holes are symmetrically drilled in their walls to control the angle of bending of the workpiece.

The manual pipe bending machine is brought into working position very simply:

  • Two steel fingers are inserted into the holes on the channel and the stop rollers are mounted on them.
  • The jack with the shoe is raised so that a profile pipe passes between it and the stops.
  • Having installed the pipe, they work with the jack handle, creating a bending force.

It is also quite possible to build a rolling manual pipe bender for a profile pipe on your own. For its manufacture, 2 linear meters of a channel will be required (wall height 15-20 cm), from which the base and racks are cut.

For the manufacture of rollers, six short pieces of steel pipe are taken. It will act as a holder for the bearings. Therefore, its inner diameter must be equal to the outer diameter of the bearing. Having ordered three shafts from the turner for mounting the bending rollers, they begin to weld the bed.

For the machine under consideration, the extreme right support plays the role of a guide that sets the profile bending angle. It is mounted on a channel hinged to the main frame using conventional door hinges. The jack rests against the turntable with its working rod and raises it.

By rotating the handle, mounted on the shaft of the intermediate stop, the profile is pulled through the machine.

You can adjust the bending radius of the profile not only by tilting the rotary channel, but also by the outer rollers. To do this, they are not welded tightly to the frame, but are made movable (holes are drilled in the channel and base plates).

Instead of a hydraulic jack, a screw car jack can be used to lift the outer roller.

Do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe - device diagrams, photos and videos

Learn how to make a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands. Design options, description of manufacturing features, photo and video materials.

How to make a profile bender with your own hands

When arranging a site or in preparation for the summer and garden season, there is a need for arcs from a profile pipe. They are needed when constructing a greenhouse, assembling a gazebo or a canopy. It is unprofitable to buy already bent arcs - the price is two times higher than for the same flat rolled product. The way out is to do it yourself, and in order to facilitate the process (it’s very difficult with your hands), you need to make a pipe bender for a profile pipe. You will need a channel or corners, rolling rollers and some more details. Of the tools - a grinder with a disk for metal, a welding machine, a ruler.

Profile bending design

The machine for bending a profile pipe is structurally different from the usual one. This is due, firstly, to the greater resistance of the profile to bending loads, and secondly, to the fact that the bending radius is usually required to be large. Therefore, there are three rollers in the design. Two of them are installed permanently, one remains mobile. With the help of a movable roller, the radius of curvature changes. In general, there are two types of pipe bender for a profile pipe: with an average movable roller and with an extreme one (right or left - as desired).

Do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe can be made in different sizes

Pipe bender with middle movable roller

Two extreme rollers are fixed on the body. They are raised above the base plane. For the middle roller, a special U-shaped frame is brewed. In the middle of its jumper, a long clamping screw of large diameter is installed. A third roller is attached to the lower end of this screw (can be welded). By rotating this screw, the roller lowers and rises, changing the bending radius of the profile pipe.

Design of a pipe bender for a profile pipe with a movable middle roller

A cloud is welded to one of the fixed rollers, with the help of which the pipe is rolled through the machine. In order to be able to apply less effort for rolling, two fixed rollers are connected by a chain. For efficient transmission of torque, sprockets are welded to the rollers (possible from a bicycle), a chain is selected for them. Such a simple mechanism makes bending a profile pipe much easier.

With extreme movable roller

In this design, the right or left roller is made movable. It moves along with part of the base. This part is connected to the rest of the frame with powerful metal loops.

Drawing of a bending machine for a profile pipe with a lifting platform

You can change the height using a jack, as shown in the drawing. The height of the platform in this case is selected depending on the height of the jack. The bending radius is changed by lifting the movable part of the table.

Pipe bender for a profile pipe with a lifting platform

Unlike the previous design, this pipe bender for a profile pipe is driven from a central roller - a handle is welded to it. To reduce the force required, it is also possible to weld the sprocket to two fixed rollers and transmit the torque using a chain.

What materials and design nuances are needed

The base of the pipe bender is made from a channel or two welded corners. The thickness of the shelves is at least 3 mm, select the width of the shelves and the back of the channel according to the available parts. One rule - the base must be massive and reliable.

Several holes can be made along the edges of the platform. Through them, you can fix the machine to some kind of heavy base using large-diameter self-tapping screws. Fixation is necessary, since when bending pipes with a thick wall, considerable effort has to be applied and it is more convenient to work if the machine is firmly fixed.

This is how the bed looks like in welded racks for attaching a movable roller

A few words about rollers. They should be made of good quality, preferably hardened steel. It is on the rollers and on the axles that hold them that most of the load falls.

It is necessary to say about the form of rollers. They should not be smooth - there should be rollers along the edges that will not allow the pipe to “walk” during rolling. Only under such conditions will the arc from the profile pipe be even, and not twisted. Ideally, each pipe size needs its own rollers. But then the design becomes more complicated - they must be made removable, a reliable method of fastening should be thought out. The second option is to make rollers of complex shape, such as in the photo. Carve several steps for different sizes of pipes.

Rollers for bending profile pipes of different widths

The same photo shows that the upper part of the bed is uneven, but notched. With the help of such teeth, it is possible to rearrange the rollers at different distances and thus also adjust the bending radius.

In general, they assemble home-made bending machines for shaped pipes from what is at hand or what they find / buy inexpensive. Who has the opportunity - grinds rollers, inserts bearings. Those who do not have such an opportunity use what they have - up to the bushings from bicycle wheels. In general, it is necessary to understand the design and

Tricks to make pipe bending easier

Bearings are used to make the rollers move better. But, in principle, for a homemade pipe bender, which will be used only occasionally, you can simply make holders from a corner or channel. Make a hole in them, which is slightly larger than the axis on which the roller will be mounted. Pass this axle with a roller put on through the holes of the holders and somehow fix them (at least weld a couple of points that will be stoppers). During operation, for a better move, lubricate the friction points with a thick grease such as Litol. This is not suitable for industrial and semi-industrial production, but for making arcs for a greenhouse or a gazebo with your own hands - just right.

Example of turned rollers

There is another trick that helps to reduce the required force when bending a profile pipe. You can use the principle of increasing transmission as in a bicycle. By the way, you can use sprockets from a bicycle. In this case, the handle that drives the rollers is welded to a small asterisk. It is installed somewhere on the body. Larger sprockets are welded on the shaft axis (but the teeth with the same pitch). All this is connected by a suitable chain.

With such a torque transmission device, an electric drive is not needed - it will be easy to work

And one more improvement - with the constant use of a pipe bender for a profile pipe, it makes sense to mechanize it. In this case, they put a motor that runs at low speeds.

The procedure for bending a profile pipe on homemade machines

You are unlikely to be able to get the required bending radius at a time - too much effort is required for this. It is impossible to create it manually. Get the required bend in several passes:

  • First, the rollers are set so as to obtain a slight bend, the pipe is rolled in one direction, then it is removed from the rolls, unfolded and inserted with the other side. It is necessary to unfold to get an evenly curved pipe.
  • With the same position of the rollers, it is pulled several times until the curvature is no longer added.
  • If the required bending radius is not reached, change the position of the roller and repeat the steps again.

Electric tube bender

The change in the bending radius is obtained gradually, otherwise you cannot make an arc from a profile pipe on a home-made pipe bender. What if you need to repeat the same bend? Make a graduation - note to what height the roller moved, how many times it was rolled in each position. When repeated, the differences, if any, are insignificant.

The complexity of bending lies in the fact that there is no scale and it is difficult to get the intended bending radius without experience. Sooner or later you will get it, but a lot of material can be spoiled.

How to bend a profile pipe without a machine

There are two ways to get an arc from a profile pipe without a profile bender - using welding and a template. Let's start with welding.

Get an arc by welding

The profile pipe is cut with a grinder on one side. They are made after 15-30 cm, depending on the required radius, section and wall thickness. The cuts should not touch one side - the one that will be outside.

The result of bending by welding

The spare part prepared in this way is bent, giving the desired bend. For reliability, the edges of the arc can be fixed by welding a rod to them. Then they pass through all the cuts by welding, welding them. And the last stage is the grinding of the welding spots and the treatment with anti-corrosion compounds.

Using a template

Thin-walled profiled pipes can be bent by hand using templates. If you need some special shape, it can be cut from a piece of thick plywood or chipboard, fixed to the table with clamps. On the workbench, where we will bend the pipes, we make 8-10 holes. The template is placed near these holes.

The process of obtaining an arc from a profile pipe using a template

At one end of the pipe, the holes are repeated; with their help, the pipe is attached to the workbench. Now the free end of the pipe begins to be pulled smoothly, forming a bend that repeats the shape. You need to pull smoothly, without jerking.

The template can also be made on the ground. Pipe-pegs are driven into the ground (at least half a meter deep). They form the required arc. For emphasis, two additional stakes are hammered, which are located away from the arc. The distance that you need to step back to the side is slightly more than the width of the pipe.

Pattern on the ground

Having inserted the pipe, it is pulled towards the arc. Great effort is needed, hard work. It can only be obtained with a thin-walled seamless pipe. The seam has too much resistance in the seam area. It is very difficult to overcome it manually.

Do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe

Home craftsmen often use a profile pipe. You can expand your creative possibilities with the help of a pipe bender, which you can do yourself

How to make a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands

If you like to create unique building structures, engineering structures, good equipment for a home workshop will come in handy. When selecting specific types of equipment, it is necessary to pay attention to the mechanisms discussed in this article. To make a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands - study the detailed instructions, videos, photos, drawings. With the help of these materials, it is not difficult to implement the corresponding project.

Electric pipe bender

Do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe: basic data

Before studying the working documentation and algorithms of installation operations, it is necessary to accurately determine the intended purpose of the product. A do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe must be designed for certain efforts, workpiece sizes, and materials. It is easier to establish meaningful criteria after familiarizing yourself with the parameters of fixtures tested in practice.

What are these devices for?

Elements of building structures of complex shape are created using different techniques:

  • Fastening with bolts and screws is not always able to provide the necessary reliability. Such connections are destroyed by vibration, additional loads are formed.
  • Welding has an excessive thermal effect, which destroys the original structure of the materials. To make the connection reliable and durable, a good qualification of the performer of the work is required. Special equipment consumes a lot of electricity. In some technological processes, expensive consumables are used and special conditions are created.
  • Adhesive joints are limited resistance to loads and influences of various nature.

The disadvantages listed above are completely or partially eliminated if the workpiece is bent in the right way. In order to avoid damage, accurate dosing of loads and speeds is required. In some places, it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the walls with external supports.

To reproduce such techniques without errors, special devices, machines are used.

What engineering solutions will be applied in practice

With a relatively low strength of materials, it will be enough to use a suitable stencil.

The workpiece is wound on a roller, forming the required angle

To create the necessary force, a lever mechanism is installed here. A metal pin is used to fix the free section of the pipe. It is installed in suitable grooves of the "comb" before performing work operations.

Machine "crossbow" type

Using the example of this factory sample, it is easier to study the design features:

  • The handle (1) regulates the automatic stroke of the piston in the opposite direction. This solution reduces the burden on the user.
  • A hydraulic system is installed inside the body. When moving the handle up and down, a force of up to 150 kN is transmitted to the working piston (8). This is quite enough for fast bending of workpieces made of durable metals.
  • The support rollers (3, 4) are installed in the required holes of the open frame (5, 9). They do not damage the surface of the pipe, but provide a secure fit.
  • This removable segment (6) is designed to be bent at an angle of 90°. But with the appropriate configuration, you can install on a similar product of a different shape.
  • The robust housing (10) is mounted on three supports (7). Rubber pads prevent the machine from moving during work.
  • In addition to cleaning from dirt, occasionally check the condition of the oil filter (11). No other regulatory procedures are required.

For rolling, a mechanism with three rollers is used, which are movably fixed

Running in

In this technique, a workpiece of the desired shape is used. A pipe is pressed against it using a rotating roller and a lever.

With the right choice of technology, a straight pipe can be bent as follows
With the help of appropriate equipment create such decorative products

Important! Before bending a workpiece using a certain radius, you should study specialized reference books. They provide data on the permissible deformations of pipes made of different materials, with different wall thicknesses. If these instructions are violated, visible or hidden defects are formed in the finished products.

Relatively small mechanical loads on working tools are created by levers and manual force. To work with durable metals, the equipment is equipped with hydraulics, electric drives.

A stationary machine is useful for quickly completing large-scale tasks
The manual device is mobility, the ability to perform work in a limited space

Creating a do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe: drawings and other preparatory operations

A simple fixture for bending aluminum and plastic blanks is shown in this figure.

Such a device is not difficult to assemble quickly using improvised means.

For the manufacture of such a structure, a solid board is needed. After marking, a round profile is cut out of it with an electric jigsaw. The rest is used to make the support element. The created parts are rigidly attached to the supporting surface. For the strength of the joints, in addition to screws, clamps are used. Next, the pipe is bent by hand until the desired shape is formed.

Before creating this simple pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands, it is recommended to make an elementary drawing with dimensions. A template made of thick paper, cardboard, on which markings will be applied, will come in handy. It is clear that for the manufacture of more complex structures, it is necessary to prepare full-fledged design documentation.

Assembly drawing
Pipe bender with screw drive of the working shaft
The design is not difficult for self-manufacturing Professional drawing indicating the steel grade and other parameters
Such a simple device can be done quickly with your own hands.

It is not necessary to strictly adhere to engineering standards in order to make a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands, a schematic image is quite enough. It is only necessary to specify all the dimensions, decide on the materials, the technological process and the components. The project will help solve several practical problems:

  • In the process of preparation, it will become clear whether it is necessary to use welding and other special equipment.
  • A complete list of necessary components will be needed for targeted visits to certain stores.
  • We must not forget that the machine must be protected from adverse external influences using wood impregnation, metal painting.
  • Some parts will be too difficult to make on your own. Appropriate orders should be placed with specialized workshops.

Important! When bending strong metal pipes, great efforts are needed. In order not to take unnecessary risks, you can use drawings of a proven design, or copies of an industrial design.

How to make a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands

To make a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands - study the detailed instructions, videos, photos, drawings. With the help of these materials, it is not difficult to implement the corresponding project.

A pipe bender is used to bend profile pipes. This is a tool designed to deform profile pipes. Devices of this kind are sold in finished form or are made independently. The second option is popular, since a home-made pipe bender can be made from improvised means and it will cost ten times cheaper.

What is the unit for?

To bend a profile pipe, you do not need to seek help from metal rolling or buy a special tool. This can be done with the help of two metal posts buried in the ground. However, this method has a significant drawback - the need for physical effort. The result is an inaccurately curved pipe, which is not suitable for the construction of a greenhouse, arch or other products.

The pipe bender is designed to be able to produce neatly curved pipe shapes. These units are subsequently used for the construction of arches, greenhouses, ceilings, arbors, fences, etc. If you set out to build a greenhouse at home, then you need to design a home-made pipe bender. If there are improvised products and tools for this, then it will not be difficult to implement the design of the device with your own hands.

To make a do-it-yourself roller pipe bender for a profile pipe, you need to take care of the drawings. They are used to calculate the required amount of material, as well as the cost of producing a home-made unit.

The planned design of the product is applied to the drawing, which depends on the materials available.

Most craftsmen stop at the manufacture of front-type pipe bending machines. Such products consist of the following components:

  1. Rollers presented in the form of a round steel tube (the number of required rollers is 3 pieces).
  2. A chain that drives the shafts.
  3. Axes of rotation.
  4. The mechanism that drives the device.
  5. Profiles that are used to make a base or frame.

The use of soft types of materials as rollers is unacceptable, as this can lead to the fact that they cannot withstand high loads and collapse. It is recommended to use metal round pipes as rollers.

It is worth noting that there are a huge number of manufacturing options for the products in question, but they all operate on the principle of rolling or rolling. It is this principle of pipe bending that makes it possible to reduce the risk of pipe fracture and cracking.

A simple pipe bender has the form of a unit into which a profile pipe is inserted, after which the handle is turned, during the rotation of which the pipe begins to move, and a bend is formed. When designing a home-made unit at home, it is important to consider that the bending parameters will depend on the design itself. The closer the pressure rollers are to each other, the smaller the angle.

The simplest pipe bender: what materials will be needed

The simplest home-made pipe bender, in which the bend angle is adjusted, is made using the following materials:

  1. Hydraulic jack.
  2. Metal profiles, which are the basis for the construction of the structure.
  3. High-strength springs - 4 pcs.
  4. Metal shafts - 3 pcs.
  5. Chain.

When designing a pipe bender with adjustable bending angles, two rollers are located on the lower base, and the third is installed at the top. When obtaining the desired bend, you only need to rotate the handle, which will move the shaft with a chain mechanism.

To create a device, which is shown in the photo above, there is no need to make grooves for adjusting the location of the rollers, which will greatly simplify the work. To get such a product, you only need the necessary material and a welding machine. The rest is the work of the master. It all depends not only on the skill of welding and grinder, but also on the imagination.

Where does the manufacture of a pipe bender begin?

A homemade pipe bender is made by performing the following manipulations:

  1. Frame manufacturing. The resource of the manufactured device depends on the quality of the materials used and the welds. Welding is not the only option for creating a base, as a drill and bolted elements can be used.
  2. Set, depending on the dimensions of the drawings, the axis of rotation, as well as the shafts themselves. Two shafts are installed below the third. The distance between the axes of these shafts is the bending radius of the profile pipe. This needs to be taken care of before the shafts are fixed on the base.
  3. The device will not work if the shaft is not driven. For this, a chain transmission is used, which can have 3 gears. The chain transmission is not a mandatory element of the device, since only one shaft can be set in motion in order to move the profile through such a tool. If it is decided to equip the device with a chain mechanism, then the chain and gears are taken from the gearbox of a car or motorcycle.
  4. A special handle will help simplify the process of rotating the shafts. With the help of such a handle, a torque will be created to obtain, ultimately, a curved pipe.

The device of the pipe bender is not very difficult, but its creation must be taken responsibly. It will not be difficult to make a device in haste, but whether such a tool will be effective and reliable, it all depends on thinking through every little thing. To adjust the angle or radius of the resulting bend of the profile pipe, it is required to make one of the shafts adjustable. This will make it possible to obtain products of different radii, which are used not only for the construction of greenhouses, but also for arches, arbors or entrance gates.

How to make a pipe bender with your own hands: instructions

If there is an example or diagram of a pipe bender, then making a machine with your own hands will not be difficult. You must follow the appropriate sequence of actions. To make a pipe bender for a profile pipe, the following manipulations are performed:

  1. Gears must be placed on the shaft, as well as bearings and rings. The manufacture of shafts is entrusted to an experienced turner. If you plan to create all the details yourself, then you will need three shafts, two of which are distributed on the lower base (the channel serves), and the third is suspended on springs.
  2. The corresponding holes are drilled in the rings, which are needed in order to cut the thread. This thread is needed in order to attach gears to the shafts.
  3. The shelf for fixing the third roller is also made of a channel.
  4. All elements are distributed on the frame, and combined by welding or bolting.
  5. First of all, a frame is mounted on which the corresponding structural elements are distributed.
  6. The shelf is welded perpendicular to the base.
  7. A handle is attached to one of the shafts.
  8. Finally, to adjust the bending radius of the profile pipes, you need to install a hydraulic jack on the top shelf.

If you make a tool according to a template, then there will be no difficulties. To clarify some points, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. The pressure roller, located on the shelf, must be additionally fixed to it. It is also secured with dowels.
  2. The pressure roller is made by performing the following manipulations: a shaft is fixed on the shelf, as well as springs that are attached to pre-installed nuts. After manufacturing the shelf, it can be welded to the frame of the main device.
  3. To tension the chain, you need to use a magnetic corner. He will serve as the holder.
  4. The sprockets are fixed with dowels made from Grover.
  5. The handle for the drive is constructed from a steel tube.
  6. The jack is placed on a suspended shelf.

The design of the simplest home-made unit for bending profiled pipes is shown in the video below.

How to build a hydraulic pipe bender

The design of a hydraulic pipe bender with your own hands is presented in the video below.

It will not be difficult to build a tool of this type if you have two channels of 0.5 meters each. The following elements are included in the basis of such a device:

  • hydraulic cylinder;
  • stops;
  • supercharger.

In addition, you also need to highlight:

  1. A jack that can withstand loads up to 5 tons.
  2. Rollers including 2-3 pieces.
  3. Channel - 3-4 mm.
  4. Thick plates.

The principle of using such a tool lies in the fact that you need to install a profiled pipe in the shoe. The required bending radius is set with a jack. When pumping up the jack, the rod rises, pressing on the roller. After setting the bending angle, you can remove the pipe. This version of the bending device is relevant when it is required to bend the pipe in one place, for example, when arranging a heating system.

Crossbow pipe bender: step by step design instructions

The crossbow pipe bender got its name because it resembles the shape of a hand crossbow. The cost of crossbow devices is about 10 thousand rubles. To save on the purchase of such a unit, it is recommended to make it yourself.

The photo shows two options for crossbow devices for bending pipes. The first option is a factory design, and the second is a home-made machine. The difference between these two machines is significant, since the factory version is made of steel with a size of no more than 2 mm, while metal 3-4 mm thick was used for home-made. This means that a home-made unit is made not just to be, but for everyday use.

Feeling the difference, each master will wish to acquire a crossbow pipe bender by making it on his own. The disadvantage of this version of the pipe bender is the fact that it allows you to get a pipe bend at only one point. This is due to the fact that the device is equipped with a fixed shoe. This option is used for round pipes when you need to get a certain bending radius in one place.

To design such a device, you need a channel and a hydraulic jack. For the jack, a special shelf is made in which it is installed. In the upper working part, two rollers made of steel pipe are mounted between two channels. The distance between the rollers and the nickel of the jack must be the same in order to be able to get even and neat bends.

Other options for rolling pipe benders

You can make a manual pipe bender with two steel plates, as well as four metal bars with dimensions of at least 4x4 cm. The reliability of the structure will depend on the thickness of the bars. An example of another type of rolling type pipe bender is shown in the photo below.

Initially, a frame is made, with 3 rollers fixed on it. Two rollers are fixed and placed on the side racks. A hole is drilled in the upper base (steel plate) and threaded. This thread is needed to adjust the third movable roller. On the reverse side of the installation is a handle, which can be presented in the form of a wheel. When the wheel rotates, the pipe will be automatically rolled and bent. The bending radius is adjustable with a threaded connection.

This is not the easiest design, however, with the right approach, it will last a long time. If you need to make the product easier, then below is a diagram with all the necessary dimensions.

Stationary pipe bender: step by step instructions

If you plan to independently make a greenhouse from steel pipes, then you will need to acquire not just an ordinary pipe bender, but a reliable product. After all, with this approach, you will need to bend more than a dozen profile pipes. To make the design of the greenhouse neat and beautiful, you need to use a stationary pipe bender.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the greenhouse, you need to take care of the presence of the appropriate tool for bending profile products. You will need the following elements to design a stationary pipe bender:

  • rod for 25;
  • 6 bearings;
  • channel.

You will also need a welding machine, with the help of which all the components will be connected. A step-by-step instruction for making a stationary pipe bender is as follows:

When installing a profile tube of any size, you should adjust the radius of the final bend. This can be done using a jack located under the base, on which one of the shafts is fixed. Having adjusted the required bending radius, the handle rotates. The result is high-quality curved tubes. The advantage of a pipe bender is the ability to bend materials of any size and diameter.

Of the shortcomings, only the possibility of operation in one place can be noted. It is important to understand that such a device can be used for any needs. For the manufacture of such a device, an investment of no more than 500 rubles will be required. You need to buy only 6 bearings, and all other elements can be found in the household of each master.

How to bend a pipe with a homemade pipe bender

Making the devices in question with your own hands is only half the battle. After that, you still need to use the tool correctly. How to use the tool can be seen in the video.

The above are methods for manufacturing manual type pipe benders that are suitable for cold bending of pipes. This is an option by which the material is not subject to heating. You can use this option for plastic materials. To increase the efficiency of bending, you need to fill the inside of the product with sand or salt. Filling the internal cavity of the material with sand or salt will eliminate pipe deformations, as well as obtain a high-quality bend.

If the walls of the pipe are thick, then it will not be possible to bend it in a cold way. For this, a hot method is used, which involves preheating the point where the bend is obtained.

Note to craftsmen

Useful tips from the masters are always popular and in demand. Based on the experience of the master, you can avoid various mistakes when carrying out the relevant work:

  1. In manual devices, it is not at all necessary to resort to installing a chain transmission, since the design will function when only one shaft moves.
  2. To prevent the pipe from slipping off the template, according to which it is bent, it is necessary to use appropriate metal hooks.
  3. If you need to get a pipe bend of a large radius, then three rollers are used.
  4. When designing a manual machine, care should be taken in advance to be able to adjust the bending radius.

The video shows another version of the manufacture of a manual pipe bender with two stars. A useful thing that does not require large economic and physical waste.

If you have a pipe bender at your disposal, then you can even earn money on it. Indeed, with its help, you can not only bend a profile pipe, but also reinforcement, obtaining the necessary patterns. Curved fittings are used for the manufacture of decorative elements for entrance gates, visors, awnings, etc.

An elementary home-made pipe bender is able to make any home craftsman. And with a strong desire, it is quite possible to make a more complex device for bending pipes made of metal and other materials.


Pipe benders are divided into different types depending on the type of their drive (hydraulic, electric and manual), the level of mobility (portable and stationary), the option for processing the workpiece (rolling, running in, exposure to a special rod, winding). Electrical devices are considered the most practical and accurate in use. They operate in automatic mode due to the fact that they are equipped with an electric drive. Such mechanisms are able to bend products from any materials.

Homemade pipe bender

Hydraulic pipe benders are good for working with shaped pipes (rectangular, square). But, we note that such devices, when used, often change the inner radius of the bent blanks. For this reason, it is undesirable to use them for bending sewer and. The voiced problem is deprived of pneumatic pipe benders. In their design there is a tube for supplying heated air. This makes it possible to bend tubular products in any desired direction without changing their radius.

The mechanism that uses rolling to bend the workpiece is very simple. Its design provides for a fixed-type template and special rollers (they are called pressure rollers). The latter are just used for running the pipe. Winding pipe benders work differently. In them, the workpiece is pressed against a special stop and a movable roller, and then pulled between these elements.

A more complex principle of operation is implemented in a rolling pipe bender. Such a machine has a central roller and two additional support rollers. The rolling mechanism is classified as a universal unit. It is allowed to bend pipes of different sizes. There are two rollers in crossbow fixtures (they are stationary). A pipe rests on them. The bending process itself is carried out with a special template mounted on a movable rod.


We figured out in general terms the design features of mechanisms for bending tubular products. Now it will be easier for us to understand which device will require minimal effort to make. Let's say right away that the design of a particular home-made mechanism depends on the bending radius of the workpiece that we plan to obtain, the diameter of the pipe and the thickness of its walls.

The simplest pipe bender

If you need a homemade pipe bender to perform simple and non-responsible work (for example, to bend products with an arc for building a greenhouse), the easiest way is to make a template type fixture. Everything is elementary here:

  1. Take some wooden boards. Connect them to each other in one design using any method convenient for you (metal corners, adhesives, nails or wood screws). The thickness of the boards used must be a couple of centimeters larger than the cross section of the pipes that are planned to be bent.
  2. Attach the template made of wood to the base. This function can be performed by any separate surface or an ordinary table.
  3. Screw a special stop to the base. You will abut the tubular product into it and bend it at the required angle.

Homemade pipe bender is ready. Its production took a maximum of a couple of hours. And if you carefully watch our video tutorial, you can make a template fixture in just half an hour. It is easy to work with such a mechanism. You need to place one end of the tubular product between the stop and the template, grab the other end with your hand. And then, with unhurried movements without jerks, begin to bend the pipe. There are two ways to simplify the process. Either pull a pipe with a large cross section onto the workpiece to be bent, or insert a reinforcing bar into the workpiece. The process in both the first and second cases will go much more efficiently.

Note! You should not bend the pipe at one point, but bend it - carefully, but confidently. Then the workpiece will acquire the desired configuration, and will not break.

The template can really be made more universal. Just fix the metal hooks on the wooden base along the bend contour. Such a device will allow you to change the bending line. And if the farm has a manual winch, the functionality of the pipe bender with hooks will expand significantly. You can even work with thick-walled and shaped pipes (watch the video). After all, the winch will provide an opportunity to increase traction.


To bend large pipes, you can make a machine with a fixed and movable (called a pressure) roller. Such mechanisms are made of metal or wood. Wooden benders are ideal for working with. Wood is a fairly soft material, so it does not deform copper products. Metal pipe benders with rollers are more suitable for working with steel products.

Manual pipe bender with rollers

The video clearly shows how the manufacture of such devices is carried out. The process will go faster if you follow these guidelines:

  • The rollers must be mounted on a U-shaped metal holder.
  • The base of the pipe bender can be made of durable sheets of plywood or boards, you can also use sheet steel.
  • The roller holder must be able to rotate. At the same time, it must be qualitatively fixed on the basis of a home-made machine.
  • A lever is placed on the holder on the reverse side of the fixed roller. The greater its length, the higher the bending force you can create.

The following video shows how to make your own manual winding machine for bending tubular products. Its main elements are a solid base, a pressure roller, a special frame with a handle and two pulleys. This machine works according to the following scheme. Take the pipe you want to bend, place it in a fixed pulley (more precisely, in its groove) and fix the workpiece with a clamp. Now you simply start winding the tubular (using the handle) around the template. At the exit, you get the required bend.


The basis of the homemade crossbow mechanism is a metal frame. It is welded from a channel and metal corners. Inside this base, two rollers are installed (there should be two), a jack and a pressure shoe. The latter is necessary for the formation of the force that will be aimed at the bent product. In detail, all the subtleties of assembling a crossbow pipe bender are presented in the video.

Crossbow pipe bender

We just want to note that such home-made devices can be used to bend pipes that are round in cross section. The crossbow machine, as a rule, deforms profile products. And now let's try to make a high-tech device that functions on the principle of rolling. Its main elements are rotating rollers. In total, there are three of them in the design of such a pipe bender. In this case, one of the rollers will act as a pressure roller.

The principle of operation of the rolling device is easy to understand. It is based on the fact that the pressure of the roller (pressure) on the pipe gradually increases. Moreover, the load on the workpiece is repeated at all positions of the movable roller element. Due to this scheme, the product is bent according to the most gentle technology. The walls of the pipe in this case are stretched as evenly as possible. It is desirable to equip a home-made rolling machine with an electric drive. The manufacture of the supporting structure of the pipe bender is allowed to be made from wood.

But the rest of the elements of the unit - a lever for scrolling rollers, fasteners, roller axles, should be made of metal. Note that recently the rollers are also made of polyurethane. According to its characteristics, it is in no way inferior to metal. We will not describe the procedure for assembling the rolling mechanism. Just watch the proposed video, and you are guaranteed to be able to make such a machine yourself. True, it will take a lot of time to make it. But on the other hand, you will get at your disposal a truly effective pipe bender.

As you can see, fixtures for bending tubular products can really be made independently. Their functioning is based on the laws of elementary mechanics that are clear to everyone. We hope that you will not have serious difficulties with the manufacture of a home-made bender for steel, copper and metal-plastic pipes.
