Lunar calendar for march moon phases. The history of selection of the best varieties and hybrids of petunia

Our lunar calendar will tell you the phase and position of the moon, the time of its rising and setting, as well as its transit through one or another zodiac sign. In addition, we offer you brief recommendations on every day.

Please note that the calendar indicates Moscow time, so if you live in a different time zone, then make an adjustment based on the difference in time.

the date moon day Start lunar day moonset time Moon in sign and time of entry Moon phases Recommendations for the day
March 1 4 8:38 21:48 Moon in Aries I phase, the moon is growing Good day for things that require responsibility for other people
2nd of March 5 9:02 23:09 Moon in Taurus, 10:18 I phase, the moon is growing You should not transfer your savings to another bank, betray your principles, change something radically at home
March, 3rd 6 9:29 - Moon in Taurus I phase, the moon is growing In any commercial transactions and purchases, be guided by your inner instinct
March 4 7 10:00 0:29 Moon in Gemini, 12:27 I phase, the moon is growing You should not gossip, brag, talk a lot and with clothes
the 5th of March 8 10:38 1:46 Moon in Gemini 1st quarter, 14:32 In any conversations carefully so as not to harm yourself and others
March, 6 9 11:24 2:56 Moon in Cancer, 15:02 II phase, the moon is growing Before 15:02 beware of gossips, after - those who are too obsessively looking for your friendship
March 7 10 12:20 3:59 Moon in Cancer II phase, the moon is growing Until 12:20, refrain from investments and any purchases. After - a great moment to visit the bank and select the most profitable deposit
March 8 11 13:24 4:51 Moon in Leo, 18:57 II phase, the moon is growing In the morning and afternoon, watch your colleagues - their behavior can lead you to interesting thoughts. Evening is a great time to
9 Martha 12 14:35 5:33 Moon in Leo II phase, the moon is growing Use a creative approach to solve any problems. It pays to be generous to others
10 Martha 13 15:48 6:07 Moon in Leo II phase, the moon is growing There will be a chance to realize some
11 Martha 14 17:03 6:35 Moon in Virgo, 1:05 II phase, the moon is growing Until 17:03, in any business, be guided by past experience and take into account old mistakes. After - worth doing
12 Martha 15 18:17 6:59 Moon in Virgo Full moon, 17:54 Beware of those who are always dissatisfied with everything. Avoid talking to hypocrites
13 Martha 16 19:29 7:20 Moon in Libra, 8:44 Phase III, waning moon Until 19:29, you should not start new collaborations and make promises; and save your nerves. After - do relaxation: do breathing exercises,
14 Martha 17 20:39 7:40 Moon in Libra Phase III, waning moon Worth it, strive for harmony, keep peace of mind
15 Martha 18 21:48 8:01 Moon in Scorpio, 17:11 Phase III, waning moon Until 17:11 there will be a chance to earn income through friendships. After - you can crank out a risky business deal
16 Martha 19 22:56 8:22 Moon in Scorpio Phase III, waning moon Those around you will demonstrate their true attitude towards you; draw conclusions
17 Martha 20 - 8:45 Moon in Scorpio Phase III, waning moon and antisocial individuals. Try not to get into the crowd
18 Martha 20 0:01 9:12 Moon in Sagittarius, 5:59 Phase III, waning moon A great day for any trips and the start of a long journey
19 Martha 21 1:03 9:43 Moon in Sagittarius Phase III, waning moon It is worth talking with friends, among them there may be like-minded people, with whom a successful business alliance will then develop
20 Martha 22 2:02 10:21 Moon in Capricorn, 18:32 4th quarter, 18:58 Until 18:32 will go well. After - it is worth saving your knees and refraining from communicating with dogmatic individuals
21 Martha 23 2:55 11:07 Moon in Capricorn IV phase, waning moon Do not argue with superiors, ignore official duties, start conversations with the boss about promotion
22 Martha 24 3:41 12:00 Moon in Capricorn IV phase, waning moon A great day for career achievements and for starting long-term projects that require perseverance and a clear, structured plan.
23 Martha 25 4:21 13:02 Moon in Aquarius, 5:01 IV phase, waning moon Find or at least on the evening promenade
24 Martha 26 4:56 14:10 Moon in Aquarius IV phase, waning moon During the day, you should not be maximalistic. In the evening, you can chat with friends, but do not brag about anything in front of them and do not impose your opinion on them.
25 Martha 27 5:25 15:23 Moon in Pisces, 14:25 IV phase, waning moon A good day for doing things that you enjoy
26 Martha 28 5:52 16:41 Moon in Pisces IV phase, waning moon A day of passive rest and contemplation. Watch a good movie, flip through albums with reproductions
27 Martha 29 6:16 18:02 Moon in Aries, 18:36 IV phase, waning moon Do not start anything new and make any plans. Beware of Energy Vampires
28 Martha 1/2 5:59/6:39 19:24 Moon in Aries New Moon, 5:59 The generosity shown today will return to you a hundredfold
29 Martha 3 7:03 20:48 Moon in Taurus, 20:08 I phase, the moon is growing A great day to start short-term projects. Get your documents and papers in order
30 Martha 4 7:30 22:12 Moon in Taurus I phase, the moon is growing Chat with relatives
  • From March 6 to March 11, 2017 - the moon is growing.
  • From March 13 to March 19, 2017 - the moon is waning.
  • From March 21 to March 27, 2017 - the moon is waning.
  • From March 29 to March 31, 2017 - the moon is growing.
  • Bad days in March 2017

    During the entry of the Moon into the next phase, you should not start new business, be in the crowd, agree on something with others and conflict. Besides, these days are escalating chronic diseases, and the risk of mistakes, injuries and nervous breakdowns increases. Take care of yourself.

    • March 5, 2017 - 1st quarter.
    • March 12, 2017 - Full Moon.
    • March 20, 2017 - 4th quarter.
    • March 28, 2017 - New Moon.

    Some things in life never change. The cyclicity of time and the interconnection of all living and non-living beings in the world is so obvious that since ancient times people have been interested in learning to retell the future and feel connected with the whole world with the help of such knowledge. Thanks to the experience of many generations and modern technologies we have the opportunity to follow the closest, and therefore the most significant celestial body- Moon.

    Moon phases in March 2017

    It should be noted that the lunar calendar presented below is compiled taking into account all the main processes, the influence of the Zodiac and the days of the week, each of which has its own power that affects the processes on our planet.

    Lunar calendar for March 2017 - table

    Below we will tell you about the most energetically significant periods of the lunar cycle: new moons and full moons, which will be in March 2017 (see the lunar calendar).

    New Moon and Full Moon March 2017

    Moon in first quarter - March 5, 2017. Great time to get started. Almost all long-term undertakings started on this lunar day will have a great chance of success.
    Full Moon - March 12, 2017. The most powerful phase of all. At this time, feelings, desires, illnesses and fears are exacerbated. You should prepare for this day in advance: stock up the necessary medicines, if necessary, protect yourself from unnecessary stress and use less technology.
    Moon in last quarter– March 20, 2017. At this time, it is best to complete the work that has been started and start generating new ideas, but so far only on paper, without direct implementation.
    New Moon - March 28, 2017. On this lunar day, the heavenly body sends a certain energy impulse to the Earth, which gives strength and infects with a positive mood.

    Favorable lunar days

    March 3 (Fri) - Growing Moon in Taurus. Feel free to plan the most important meetings, sign contracts and don't worry about anything. Taurus - a symbol of financial stability - will save you from troubles.
    March 4 (Sat) - Growing Moon in Gemini. On this day, complete relaxation will be appropriate. Postpone everything for later, go to a cafe or to meet friends. Be sure to end the day with soothing treatments: a bath, a massage, a quiet sleep.
    March 15 (Wed) - Waning Moon in Scorpio. The best time for dates and even for marriage (see for weddings).
    March 19 (Sun) - Waning Moon in Sagittarius. On this day, it’s good to devote yourself to land work, or at least to ennobling your home. indoor plants.
    March 23 (Thursday) - Waning Moon in Aquarius. Do not enter into transactions related to land real estate. But adding funds to another business will bring you a lot of wealth.
    March 25 (Sat) - Waning Moon in Pisces. On this day, it is best to do self-education. Sign up for courses, find an interesting educational book for yourself, or just chat with smart people“Today everything will go well.

    Helpful Hints

    What does March 2017 have in store for us? What are the best things to do in this first spring month years, and which should be postponed until better times? These questions will help answer the lunar calendar of favorable and not auspicious days months!

    You can read more about what awaits all the signs of the Zodiac in March 2017 in the article.

    This month promises to be dynamic and active, so any business that requires a quick decision and completion should be well planned. in the first half of the month. important event month is Venus goes retrograde what we talked about in . It is this event that tells us that all things that are related to beauty and shopping may not turn out the way we expect.

    This month you may have a return to some things that you have not completed or simply forgot. Business and finance-related matters should now be approached very carefully. Possible different kind Problems those who are engaged in areas related to beauty (model business, beauty salons, sale or production of jewelry, cosmetics and jewelry, etc.)

    borrow large sums or taking large loans now is unfavorable, because it will be difficult for you to repay them due to circumstances beyond your control. Also, if possible, do not conclude major financial transactions: They may fail. Important contracts signed at this time may be seriously RENEWED in the future. But still, we allow small loans and the signing of standard current contracts on the most successful days of the moon.


    Moon without a course:

    The periods of a weak moon and a moon without a course must be known so that at this time don't start important things, since these cases are more likely to fail, unsuccessful or not bring any result.

    March 2017 generally not suitable for travel, with the exception of some signs of the zodiac ( Leo, Virgo), but we especially do not recommend going on a long journey: 1, 7, 14, 21 March 2017.

    ATTENTION! MAGICAL TIME OF THE MONTH! March 28 from 05:57 to 06:39 Moscow time. These 42 minutes will be filled with the energy of the first lunar day and will help you bring the fulfillment of any of your desires closer. The main thing at this time is to clearly visualize your desires, make plans and dream.


    1 MARCH, Wednesday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:37.ARIES

    Symbols of the day : leopard (leopard), tree of knowledge. The first day of spring will not be too lucky due to the unfavorable aspects of the moon. Now it's easy to wishful thinking and promise more than you can give. Broad gestures won't be appreciated, and shopping can make you waste money.

    What not to do : argue and conflict, start new business and accept important decisions, make promises, enter into important financial transactions, seek help from influential people.

    ♈♉ 2 MARCH Thursday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:02.ARIES , TAURUS from 10:43

    Moon without a course from 05:18 to 10:42

    Symbols of the day : tree of knowledge, unicorn. Attention: the time of the Moon without a course is dangerous to start new business! After the transition of the Moon into the sign of Taurus (after 11:00), it will be possible to start new interesting things and projects. Today it is good to plan the beginning of long-term affairs and projects: everything will be done on time and will be done very conscientiously. This advice is specifically addressed to superiors.

    What not to do : to trust unfamiliar people.

    3 MARCH, Friday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:28.TAURUS

    Moon without a course from 18:20

    Symbols of the day : unicorn, crane. Today, instincts and intuition will work very well, you will unconsciously choose activities that you really need right now. If you feel like you want to relax, go relax, invite guests or visit yourself. It is also good to go to theaters, exhibitions, museums, etc. If you would like to clean up a little or decorate the house, you can safely get down to business. At this time, it is also good to continue the work that was started in the past.

    What not to do : you can not give someone personal things, so as not to lose luck.

    4 MARCH, Saturday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:00.TAURUS , TWINS from 13:06

    Moon without course until 13:05

    Symbols of the day : crane, wand (wind rose, keys). The moon without a course in the morning will prevent you from getting good result if you start a new business at this time. This day is good to spend in a relaxed state, you should not rush anywhere. It is good to distribute debts or unnecessary things. In the morning, you can do a little cleaning, but we do not advise you to overwork yourself especially.

    What not to do : Today we do not advise you to engage in any business that is directly related to beauty and relationships, because today Venus will become retrograde. For example, it is highly undesirable to make an appointment with a beautician, buy jewelry and cosmetics, arrange an engagement or arrange a wedding, etc. It is also a very unfavorable day for major transactions and investments.

    5 MARCH, Sunday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:37.TWINS

    I quarter, the second phase of the moon from 14:31

    Symbols of the day : wand (wind rose, keys), phoenix. A busy day, it is better not to plan any important things for it. Today it is good to communicate, collect information, read, watch educational programs. The second half of the day will be more successful: in the evening you can meet with friends and discuss last news. New acquaintances are allowed ( after 15:00), but it is better if these are friendly and friendly acquaintances, and not romantic ones.

    What not to do : start new important things, sign important documents, draw up papers, set up negotiations: there is little chance that these things will be successful.

    ♊♋ 6 MARCH, Monday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:24.TWINS , CRAYFISH from 15:54

    Moon without a course from 11:22 to 15:53

    Symbols of the day : phoenix, Milky Way (bat mother's milk). The morning of this day can be quite stressful: you may feel unwell in the morning or get up in an unfavorable mood. Be calm and unperturbed, do not try to sort things out with loved ones, then a bad mood will quickly disappear. After 11:00- time active action on the way to the target. You can go on trips to the reservoirs, you can also visit relatives.

    What not to do : starting new business, risking money, making important deals, negotiating, arranging weddings.

    7 MARCH, Tuesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:19.CRAYFISH

    Symbols of the day : milky way (bat, mother's milk), fountain (mushroom, water source, phallus). Today it is best to devote yourself to routine and not too important things. Even though it's the last day before the holiday, you might be tempted to go shopping for the women you love. If you want to buy something really worthwhile, go shopping after 14:00. Otherwise, your gift will simply be underestimated.

    What not to do : apply to the courts, sue, register firms and enterprises, start new important projects.

    ♋♌ MARCH 8, Wednesday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:24.CRAYFISH , A LION from 19:46

    Moon without a course from 17:59 to 19:45

    Symbols of the day : fountain (mushroom, water source, phallus), crown (ridge, fiery sword, labyrinth). Pleasant feasts in the circle of close relatives will bring good mood and good luck. This day cannot be called very positive due to the negative aspect of the Moon with Mars. Irritability and impulsiveness may play in you, something may annoy you in the environment. Quarrels and showdowns are not excluded.

    What not to do : quarrel and argue with partners and close relatives, seek help from influential people, appoint important negotiations, conclude important financial transactions and contracts, start making repairs. Try to maintain a good mood on this festive day and not be angry or angry, especially over trifles.

    9 MARCH, Thursday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:34.A LION

    Symbols of the day : crown (ridge, fiery sword, labyrinth), cup (heart). Unlike the previous few days, today is one of the most successful days of the month, when luck promises to smile at you. If you are planning any negotiations or important acquaintances, you can schedule them for today until 18:00. By the way, it would be good to triple the talks now in an informal or semi-official setting, then the chances of reaching an agreement will increase significantly.

    What not to do : move, buy property.

    Lunar calendar 2017: auspicious days

    10 MARCH, Friday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 15:48.A LION

    Moon without a course from 20:05

    Symbols of the day : bowl (heart), wheel (spinning wheel). Another pretty positive day. Today, visiting any cultural events. You can arrange small banquets. The day promises pleasant surprises, gifts and surprises. It is good to communicate with friends and like-minded people, spend time with children, you can go to any entertainment venues. From 16:00- the time of the weak moon, when no important business can be started.

    What not to do : to buy expensive jewelry and very valuable things without special need. Avoid negative emotions, do not look for flaws in others, do not show pride and narcissism.

    ♌♍ 11 MARCH, Saturday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:02.A LION , VIRGO from 01:07

    Moon off course until 01:06

    Symbols of the day : wheel (spinning wheel), trumpet (call). Not a bad time to take care of the house and indoor plants. Any cleanup will be pretty quick. You can also go on business trips by land, preferably private rather than public. After 18:00 we do not recommend starting new business, as the moon is approaching the full moon.

    What not to do : on this day, do not go to crowded places, if possible, do not use public transport. Do not start important business or start a new job.

    12 MARCH, Sunday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:16.VIRGO

    FULL MOON at 17:55

    Symbols of the day : trumpet (call), fire serpent(jackal with wings). ATTENTION! SATAN DAY! The full moon in Virgo can bring out all those unfavorable qualities of the sign that can prevent you from making the right adequate decision or in order to get down to important business. Today, criticality and nervousness will increase, it will be difficult to see the main thing, the essence behind the little things. That is why this day is unfavorable for new important undertakings. Today it is good to continue any business that was started in the past. But it is better to devote it to the routine and solving everyday pressing issues. For example, it's still good to do sorting and cleaning.

    What not to do : do not start businesses that require emotional and creative upsurge, buy real estate, move, go on trips water sports transport.


    ♍♎ 13 MARCH, Monday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 19:28.VIRGO , SCALES from 08:28

    Moon without course from 05:36 to 08:28

    Symbols of the day : fiery serpent (jackal with wings), butterfly (dove). When the Moon is in the sign of Libra, you will have more chances to start a successful business. Although this sign favors various matters related to partnerships, negotiations and acquaintances, it is better not to plan these matters and postpone them until tomorrow. Today there is a risk of falling under the negative influence of others. The time of the weak moon - until 9 am.

    What not to do : do any dirty work, argue and sort things out, make purchases, especially jewelry, cosmetics and clothes.

    14 MARCH, Tuesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 20:39.SCALES

    Symbols of the day : butterfly (dove), bunch of grapes (bells). This day is good for various banquets and events, promotions and charitable activities. You can go for new acquaintances or arrange negotiations with business partners. Today it is also good to expand the circle of contacts, increase the level of knowledge, seek advice from specialists. If there is such a possibility, after 21:00 you can start traveling.

    What not to do : risk health, engage in extreme sports, go to crowded places (at rallies, large concerts, etc.)

    15 MARCH, Wednesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:48.SCALES , SCORPION from 18:11

    Moon without a course from 13:05 to 18:10

    Symbols of the day : bunch of grapes (bells), mirror (monkey, ice). This day is suitable for distributing debts and paying bills. For the first half of the day, it is worth planning important things that require attention and labor. If you want to negotiate, plan to start them in the morning ( until 13:00). Then there is a high probability that you will be able to quickly come to an agreement.

    What not to do : change your place of residence, make new acquaintances, borrow money, sign documents related to real estate.

    MARCH 16, Thursday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:55.SCORPION

    Symbols of the day : mirror (monkey, ice), net (spider). Nice day. Intuition will work well today, so more serious things can be planned for this day. Scientific and creative work will bear fruit. Today there is a chance to find the missing thing. You can also start repair work, install plumbing, do a lot of laundry, carry things to dry cleaning.

    What not to do : switch to new permanent job, especially with financial responsibility, buy wardrobe items.

    March 17, Friday, 19th lunar day.SCORPION

    Symbols of the day : web (spider), eagle. ATTENTION! SATAN DAY! Any business that you choose on this day will require great dedication from you. Try not to overwork yourself and spend energy in a dosed manner, which is becoming less and less every day, since this is the time of the waning moon.

    What not to do : we do not recommend making important decisions on this day: despite the fact that intuition is working well now, your perception of reality may be slightly distorted. It is especially dangerous to use any means that distort reality (for example, alcohol, drugs, strong medications etc.) They can affect you very strongly, changing your will and behavior.

    18 MARCH, Saturday, 20th lunar day from 00:00.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 06:00

    Moon without course from 00:56 to 05:59

    Symbol of the day : eagle. Today is a pretty auspicious day. It is good to assign important negotiations to him, especially with foreign partners. You can start romantic relationships and satisfy your whims. Auspicious day also for any trips - business or pleasure. If travel and dating is not your goal, you can pamper your loved ones with pleasant gifts and surprises on this day. good time to strengthen relationships. You can move to a new place of work, build relationships with the team.

    What not to do : make serious promises, as there is a big risk that you will not be able to keep them.

    19 MARCH, Sunday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 01:03.SAGITTARIUS

    Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot). Another pretty positive day, however, be careful with water modes of transport and water sports! Today there is a risk of wishful thinking. People want to dream a lot and idealize others and situations, so when making important decisions, take this into account, but rather postpone important decisions until a better day. Today you can deal with any legal issues.

    What not to do : it is better to postpone important issues that are related to land or plots, for example, it is better not to buy plots and not start construction work on them.

    Favorable days of the lunar calendar

    ♐♑ 20 MARCH, Monday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 02:01.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 18:31

    Moon without a course from 13:37 to 18:30

    III quarter, the fourth phase of the moon from 18:57

    Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key). DIFFICULT MONDAY. Not the most successful day of the month: today there is a lot of tension, and new things are doomed to failure. This day should be spent calmly, without any important business. On this day, it will be more difficult to understand each other.

    What not to do : engage in large investments, buy and sell real estate and securities, negotiate and conclude important contracts. Today is also not the best time to go on trips: many obstacles and all sorts of troubles can arise.

    21 MARCH, Tuesday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:54.CAPRICORN

    Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key), crocodile. This day can get off to a pretty good start. It is ideal for work, to continue the work started earlier. You can do the cleaning: all work will be completed in at its best. You can also start repair work by getting rid of old trash, furniture, stripping the floor and wallpaper, etc.

    What not to do : move to a new place of work, carry out important banking and financial transactions, move to a new place of residence.

    22 MARCH, Wednesday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:41.CAPRICORN

    Moon without a course from 16:20

    Symbols of the day : crocodile, bear. The conclusion of medium-sized transactions or the signing of contracts should be scheduled for a period from 11:00 to 16:00. However, be prepared for the fact that the situation can turn out quite unexpectedly: some new details or things that you have not taken into account may come up.

    What not to do : in the morning hours ( until 11:00) we do not recommend contacting higher authorities or high-ranking people: this can bring a completely opposite effect.

    ♑♒ 23 MARCH, Thursday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:21.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 05:29

    Moon off course until 05:28

    Symbols of the day : bear, turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water). This day can have both negative and very positive events. In general, the main thing is to be less nervous, not to go to extremes and not save negative emotions. Then all the things planned for today will turn out perfectly. Today is a good time to spend time in a friendly team, as well as immerse yourself in useful information.

    What not to do : make business or romantic acquaintances, borrow money, make important decisions, apply to higher authorities, make important decisions.

    24 MARCH, Friday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 04:55.AQUARIUS

    Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water), toad (swamp). This day is suitable for resolving various disputes, especially after 16:00. The number of contacts and conversations on this day can be much higher than usual, so there are chances to make acquaintances. It is good to invite friends to visit, arrange banquets. This is an auspicious day for intellectual pursuits, for reading and exchanging opinions. After 16:00 good to travel.

    What not to do : change jobs, contact higher authorities on various issues (especially until 16:00).

    ♒♓ 25 MARCH, Saturday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 05:25.AQUARIUS , FISH from 13:07

    Moon without course from 08:56 to 13:06

    Symbols of the day : toad (swamp), trident (rod, ship). This is a relaxed day when new things are not worth starting. I want to relax more or complete the simple things started in the past. The second half of the day is suitable for starting travel, especially if it is travel to water bodies. It is also good to do household chores, washing, washing window frames, airing rooms, cleaning shoes.

    What not to do : turn to fortune tellers and healers, figures of alternative medicine, for big undertakings and large projects.

    26 MARCH, Sunday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 05:51.FISH

    Symbols of the day : trident (rod, ship), lotus (karma). On this day, you may have an unrealistic picture of what is happening, so it is very easy to deceive your expectations, fall into a trap. Keep this in mind if you want to take a risk, no matter what: health, money, or relationships with other people. This day is suitable for relaxation and meditation, for visiting swimming pools, for creative work.

    What not to do : make important decisions, conclude agreements, take risks, play games gambling, drink alcohol, deal with various chemicals.

    ♓♈ 27 MARCH, Monday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 06:15.FISH , ARIES from 17:11

    Moon without a course from 13:19 to 17:10

    Symbols of the day : lotus (karma), octopus (hydra, maya). WARNING: SATAN'S DAY! Last day lunar month always tense and very negative: now all negative energy, which could accumulate in a month, can make itself felt. That is why many things simply will not work out due to lack of energy and due to various kinds of obstacles. Be careful: take care of your health and nerves, quarrel less with loved ones and be more patient.

    What not to do : even if quarrels and disagreements arise, do not give them of great importance. Most likely, after the Moon changes its phase, the situation can be corrected. Eliminate any important business for you, it is better to complete everything that was started in the past.


    28 MARCH, Tuesday, 29th, 1st lunar day from 05:57, 2nd lunar day from 06:39.ARIES

    NEW MOON at 05:57

    Symbols of the day : octopus (hydra, maya), lamp (lamp, third eye), cornucopia (mouth). This month the magical time will be just over 40 minutes (from 05:57 to 06:39). This is the first lunar day when you can bring the fulfillment of your desires closer. Don't miss this time: make a wish. Make plans for the coming month. Think about how your desire has already been fulfilled, and imagine what you want to be.

    What not to do : start important business, sue, start traveling, take exams, conduct important negotiations, make important decisions (especially hasty), play sports or difficult physical labor.

    ♈♉ 29 MARCH, Wednesday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:03.ARIES , TAURUS from 18:48

    Moon without a course from 15:07 to 18:47

    Symbols of the day : cornucopia (mouth), leopard (leopard). The day is good for small and not too important things, cleaning the workplace. If you are planning a new business, it is best to schedule its start for a period from 8:30 to 15:00. Now it will be good to get quick things that do not require a lot of energy and time. Not a bad time to play sports or to increase the overall level of activity. This will allow you to quickly gain energy that was spent at the end of the lunar month.

    What not to do : today it is extremely undesirable to allow negative emotions: aggression, anger, resentment. They will be especially destructive. Let go of the negative, do not accumulate it inside yourself, then health will be much better.

    30 MARCH, Thursday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 07:29.TAURUS

    Symbols of the day : leopard (leopard), tree of knowledge. Despite the calm sign of the Moon - Taurus - this day can be quite nervous. When the Moon is in conjunction with Mars, it is difficult to control your emotions, impulsiveness and aggression. It's easy to get excited at this time nervous system and weaken the immune system. That is why we advise you to choose today those things that will give you pleasure. Can cook delicious food, engage in creative activities, go on a date in the evening or attend a cultural event.

    What not to do : sort things out with partners, sign important contracts, enter into disputes.

    ♉♊ 31 MARCH, Friday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 07:59.TAURUS , TWINS from 19:41

    Moon without a course from 02:12 to 19:40

    Symbols of the day : tree of knowledge, unicorn. Although the moon will be idle all day today, this day may turn out to be quite auspicious. Today it is good to continue the things started in the past, but not to start new ones. You can do cleaning or sorting out the wardrobe. Between about from 20:00 to 21:30- a good time for romantic acquaintances, any cosmetic procedures aimed at rejuvenation, and for shopping.

    What not to do : start things, the result of which is important to you. For example, we do not recommend investing money, scheduling important negotiations, making romantic acquaintances: all this before 19:40.

    Auspicious days for various things in March 2017

    General cleaning: 2-4, 11-13, 21, 22, 30, 31
    Wet cleaning: 11-13
    Wash: 16, 17, 25-27
    Washing windows and glass: 1, 2, 4-6, 9, 10, 13-15, 18-20, 23-25, 27-29
    Ironing: 13-20, 23-27
    Dry cleaning: 13-20, 23-27
    Repair start: 16, 17, 21, 22
    Start building a house: 9, 10
    Moving: 2, 3, 29, 30
    Signing of documents: 2-4, 14, 22, 29, 31 (after 19:40)
    Search new job: 4, 31 (after 19:40)
    Appeal to the authorities: 9, 10, 18, 19, 21, 22
    Transfers and receipts of money, small loans, debts: 9, 10 (until 10:00), 14, 16, 18, 19, 24 (after 16:00)
    Business acquaintances: 5 (after 15:00), 9, 10, 14, 24, 31 (after 19:40)
    Leisure trips to water bodies: 6 (after 11:00), 7, 18, 19, 25
    Trips to rest houses and sanatoriums: 6 (after 11:00), 7, 25
    Trips to the mountains: 21, 22, 24
    Business trips: 11, 21, 22, 24
    Visiting theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions: 2-4, 9, 10, 13-15, 29-30
    Banquets and celebrations: 9, 10, 14, 24
    Weddings:no good days
    Judicial and Legal Issues: 18, 19
    The most successful and auspicious days of the month: 9, 10, 18, 19
    dangerous and bad days month: 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 20, 23, 27, 28, 30

    We bring to your attention the lunar calendar of favorable days for March 2017, thanks to which you can make your life better and more interesting.

    4 lunar day from 08:37, moon in Aries

    It is worth doing only what implies good intentions. You need to pay off your debts in order to feel financially independent. You need to devote more time to your family, but you should limit any physical activity.

    5 lunar day from 09:02, moon in Taurus from 10:44

    Energetically difficult and wasteful day. It is necessary to be calm in any circumstances in order to avoid conflicts. If you are uneconomical, then financial difficulties may arise. Do not refuse to help those in need. But, most importantly, it should be a selfless impulse.

    6 lunar day 09:28, moon in Taurus

    Auspicious day for everyone financial transactions and conclusion of contracts. It doesn't hurt to consult a lawyer. You can go shopping. Do not ignore the signs that fate throws up.

    7 lunar day from 10:00, moon in Gemini from 3:07

    A good time to plan new promising opportunities. You can engage in the development of your intuition or spiritual activities. The day is filled with positive energy, so there should be no reason for sadness and sadness. On an optimistic note, it is worth taking on even difficult cases that will be successfully implemented.

    8 lunar day from 10:37. moon in Gemini

    On this day, you need to be especially persistent and focused, because there is a huge amount of work to be done. Don't take on any new cases. First you need to do the previous things, so as not to add unnecessary trouble to yourself. In people, you should notice only the positive, and it is better to stay away from negative personalities.

    9 lunar day from 11:24, moon in Cancer from 15:55

    Everything related to documentation, new cases and trips is better to cancel on this day. And no matter how others persuade you, you should not follow their lead. Even the marriage should be postponed to another day, the most favorable.

    10 lunar day from 12:19, moon in Cancer

    A great day for positive and good deeds. You can have a good rest and have fun if you don’t get involved in conflicts, don’t show your irritability to other people. No significant decisions are foreseen until the time is right. But good opportunity dream about the future.

    11 lunar day from 13:24, moon in Leo from 19:47

    It is worth taking care of your health, doing preventive procedures. It is necessary to stock up on positive energy, and not waste it in vain. No new business should be started, however, as well as making important decisions.

    12 lunar day from 14:34, moon in Leo

    This day is good for trips, romantic meetings and realization of plans. It is very important to learn something new. The accumulated fresh information will be very useful in the near future.

    13 lunar day from 15:48, moon in Leo

    Any difficulties that may arise on this day must be resolved very quickly. Nothing should be put off until later. If you work actively on this day, you can expect good success in the future.

    14 lunar day from 17:02, moon in Virgo from 01:08

    You need to control your actions and deeds, think before you say something. In general, the day is very harmonious, you will want to do housework and find time to communicate with relatives. You need to think carefully about your actions. It is better not to plan any trips for this day.

    15 lunar day from 18:16, Full Moon in Virgo at 17:52

    The day is light and fun. But it's worth giving Special attention to your health. Nutrition should be balanced and healthy, so junk food for the body should be excluded from the diet. Any urgent matters and work with documents should be postponed for another time.

    16 lunar day from 19:28, moon in Libra from 08:29

    You need to carefully allocate your budget before you go shopping. A good day for training, professional development. And if this day is remembered positively, then you will feel yourself in such high spirits for a long time to come.

    17 lunar day from 20:39, moon in Libra

    All the plans will come true, there is no doubt. This day will be very successful. Plans and dreams will come true. The main thing is not to panic if something goes wrong. The spontaneous situation is unlikely to be corrected.

    18 lunar day from 21:48, moon in Scorpio from 18:12

    Auspicious day for signing important documents and making deals. You must be extremely careful and responsible for your actions. Do not make promises if you doubt that you will be able to fulfill the deadline.

    19 lunar day from 22:55, moon in Scorpio

    A day rich in events, though not easy for psychological relationships. Conflicts must be avoided. And even if on this day you are not lucky in something, you should not be upset, nervous and worried. Do not betray the meaning of dreams, they will be meaningless.

    20 lunar day from 00:00. moon in scorpio

    Any real estate transaction will be successful. It is worth building relationships with relatives and work colleagues. No need to sign unfamiliar and dubious projects.

    20 lunar day. moon in Sagittarius from 06:01

    A good day to connect with loved ones. The main thing is to be more restrained in order to maintain a warm and friendly atmosphere. Do not put off home and creative affairs for later, they will be successful.

    21 lunar days from 01:03. moon in Sagittarius

    The day will go fine if you do not want to change the course of events. There will be exciting acquaintances, both in personal and business direction. A good time to study, especially if you want to learn a new profession. Give gifts to loved ones and give joy to others.

    22 lunar day from 02:01, moon in Capricorn from 18:32

    Urgent matters can wait. It is worth being prudent in your actions on this day, so that later you have to rejoice at good results, thanks to your good behavior. The day will be favorable for reading books, building relationships with people and improving your skills.

    23 lunar day from 02:54, moon in Capricorn

    On this day, you should be careful when it comes to important transactions and contracts. If you prepare well for the negotiations, then they will be held on high level. You need to be sincere and honest with those people who treat you the same way.

    24 lunar day from 03:41, moon in Capricorn

    Some events will not develop in accordance with desires. But do not be upset, and even more so, let everything take its course. It is also not worth taking on other projects if they seem unpromising. Big mistakes are not expected if you clearly follow your actions.

    25 lunar day from 04:21, moon in Aquarius from 05:29

    The day is busy, so you need to change your active lifestyle to a more moderate and calm one. internal state should be in balance. Make time for family, children, home.

    26 lunar day from 04:55, moon in Aquarius

    It is better to refuse long trips. Moreover, it is especially dangerous to make them on your car. Accidents on the road are not ruled out. But walks in the fresh air and relaxation in a calm environment will not interfere.

    27 lunar day from 05:25, moon in Pisces from 13:08

    Do not plan for the future. Any new projects will not be as successful as you imagine. Before you say something, you should think. Loans and purchases will not be successful either. It is better to refrain from them so that financial problems do not appear.

    28 lunar day from 05:51, moon in Pisces

    If any people seem unpleasant, then it's time to protect yourself from unwanted communication. But on this day you need to extinguish your aggression and irritability. After all, because of your incontinence, a conflict may break out.

    29 lunar day from 06:15 , moon in Aries from 17:12

    change in fate. A very good day for study, trips. Travel can be both leisure and business. March is coming to an end, it is worth analyzing all the events that have happened and happened this month.

    1 lunar day from 05:57, 2 lunar day from 06:39. New Moon in Aries at 05:57

    You can make responsible decisions, most importantly, without fuss. Only a bold and persistent attitude will help you to go the right way. The result will greatly please and exceed all expectations.

    3 lunar day from 07:03, moon in Taurus from 18:49

    This day predicts great activity and bold decisions. You may be lucky enough to move on to another job. You need to communicate a lot and achieve your goals.

    4 lunar day from 07:29, moon in Taurus

    A successful day in all areas where success and recognition will be expected. You should not borrow money, but if you yourself owe someone, then you must definitely return it.

    5 lunar day from 07:59, moon in Gemini from 19:41

    It is necessary to control your emotions and behavior, as a very difficult day emotionally. You should not spend too much money, and it is better to refuse purchases altogether.

    March is a special month, symbolizing liberation from the shackles of winter. The strength of this month is emphasized by the waning moon. Moon calendar will tell you what will bring good luck during the period of the decrease of the lunar disk.

    Astrologers highlight the 7 most important things to do on the waning moonhowever, in March, any clichés and rules break down on the energy of spring. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that the patron saint of 2017 is the Fire Rooster. This means that the energy of any strong period increases significantly.

    Finances, career and business on the waning moon

    In March, the Moon will decrease from the 13th to the 27th. For the financial sphere of life, it would be better if the waning period falls at the beginning of the month, but do not forget that spring is also just beginning. During this period, you can start looking for new sources of income, continue to develop vigorous activity. The moon will be in harmony with the stars for almost the entire period from March 13 to March 27. It is a huge rarity when there are as many as 7 favorable days in a row in the lunar calendar. From March 14 to March 20, there will not be even a slight dissonance, so do not try to hide from your duties and work. Go towards difficulties - you will successfully overcome them.

    The financial sphere of life during the waning of the moon will require maximum concentration from you. Do not be distracted by trifles - concentrate on the most important things, the most pressing problems.

    Love and relationships from March 13 to 27

    In love, despite the decrease in the lunar disk, a general increase in sexual energy awaits you. Thanks to the harmony of the moon and stars, relationships that are just beginning to emerge will have great support. You may not even determine for yourself the path of development in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife - everything will happen by itself.

    Be sure that you are on the right path in love to get rid of negative thoughts. Long-term relationships can be tested for strength, but do not be afraid of difficult situations. Believe your heart and come to the aid of your soulmate.

    As for relationships with people in general, then problems may arise for those who close themselves from the world. During this period, each person will have a chance to find a friend, a soul mate or just someone who will listen and provide psychological support. Be open and willing to forgive people.

    Health and mood in mid-March

    This period can be incredibly positive. The flowering of nature, supported by a good lunar mood - this is what the doctor ordered. The mood on the waning moon sometimes goes negative, but this time the depression will be short-lived. Everything will strive for renewal, goodness and light.

    If you decide to radically change your life, then here you will also not meet much resistance from the Moon and stars. The lunar calendar for March is favorable, so you just need to decide on your desires and be active.

    positive thinking will allow you to learn the materialization of thoughts. Try not to go into the negative, so that you are surrounded only by goodness and good luck in everything. The waning moon in March 2017 will help you find the shortest path to success. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

    28.02.2017 15:46

    Our life is inextricably linked with the lunar cycles. So that the difficult period of the waning moon goes smoothly and ...
