Duties of a waiter. Waiter job description. Service Rules

Job description of a waiter
Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.
1. General Provisions
1.1. The waiter belongs to the category of technical performers.
1.2. The waiter is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order on presentation.
1.3. The waiter reports directly to the administrator / hall manager.
1.4. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of a waiter: secondary vocational education, work experience in the relevant field for at least six months.
1.5. During the absence of the waiter, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.6. The waiter must know:
- the menu of the enterprise and prices;
- rules of industrial sanitation;
- types and rules of table setting and serving various celebrations;
- types and purpose of used tableware, cutlery, table linen;
- the procedure for receiving, handing over and accounting for tableware, appliances, linen and inventory;
- rules for the operation of the equipment and inventory used;
- the basics of cooking technology, culinary characteristic cold and hot appetizers, first and second courses, desserts, cold and hot drinks, wine and vodka products.
1.7. The waiter is guided in his activities:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
— Charter of the organization, internal labor regulations, other regulations companies;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.
2. Duties of a waiter
The waiter performs the following duties:
2.1. Serves tables.
2.2. Timely changes tablecloths and napkins as they get dirty.
2.3. Takes orders from visitors, helps visitors to choose dishes and drinks, orients them according to the time of preparation of the ordered dishes.
2.4. Distributes the order at the place of its execution between the bartender and the cook.
2.5. Controls the timeliness of preparation and marketable condition dishes before serving.
2.6. Serves ordered meals.
2.7. Displays the final amount of the order, submits it to the visitor and makes a full payment for the order with him.
2.8. Maintains cleanliness in the room.
2.9. Decorates the hall and sets tables according to festive events.
2.10. Conducts monthly stocktaking.

3. Rights of the waiter
The waiter has the right:
3.1. Require the management of the enterprise to create necessary conditions for storing material values, providing uniforms and everything necessary for proper after-sales service visitors.
3.2. Make suggestions to the management of the enterprise on improving the quality of customer service.
3.3. Demand compensation from the visitor for damage caused by their illegal or hooligan actions
3.4. Make independent decisions when controversial situations within its competence, if the decision taken by him does not run counter to the interests of the enterprise.
4. Responsibility of the waiter
The waiter is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their official duties.
4.2. For non-compliance current instructions, orders and instructions for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.


Job description of a waiter of the 3rd category

Type sample


______________________________ (initials, surname)
(name of company, ______________________
enterprise, etc., his (director or other
legal form) official,
approve official

"___" ____________ 20__

Job description
waiter of the 3rd category ___________________
(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)

"__" _____________ 20__ N _______

This job description has been developed and approved for
basis employment contract with __________________________________________
(name of the position of the person for whom
this job description has been drawn up)
and in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and
other normative acts regulating labor relations in the Russian

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional
duties, rights and responsibilities of a waiter.
1.2. The waiter is appointed to the post and dismissed from the post
order in accordance with the procedure established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
1.3. The waiter reports directly to _________________________.
(specify position)
1.4. A person who has
secondary special education and work experience in this specialty
less than _____ years.
1.5. During his temporary absence (holiday, illness)
The duties are performed by ________________________________.

2. Functional responsibilities

2.1. The waiter of the 3rd category performs the following functions:
2.1.1. serves visitors with a simple to medium table setting
and a simple assortment of dishes without issuing invoices to visitors or without
registration of money at the cash register;
2.1.2. covers and carries out preliminary table setting;
2.1.3. as necessary, replaces tablecloths and napkins;
2.1.4. cleans tables and disposes of used dishes,
cutlery, table linen, and cash.

3. Rights and obligations

3.1. The waiter of the 3rd category must know:
3.1.1. rules for table setting and service when sold by
prepaid vouchers, checks, coupons;
3.1.2. a brief culinary description, sequence and temperature
serving meals;
3.1.3. prices for sold culinary products, confectionery
products and purchased goods;
3.1.4. types, purpose and requirements for used tableware,
appliances, underwear, the procedure for their receipt and delivery;
3.1.5. rules for the operation of the equipment and inventory used;
3.1.6. procedure for settlement with visitors, delivery of cash, checks and
3.2. a waiter of the 3rd category is obliged to conscientiously fulfill his
job responsibilities:
3.2.1. take orders from visitors in a timely manner;
3.2.2. advise visitors on ordering dishes;
3.2.3. bring prepared meals to visitors;
3.2.4. clear dishes and cutlery from the table before serving
the next dish, as well as after the departure of visitors;
3.2.5. enter dishes ordered by visitors into the program;
3.2.6. accept money from visitors and give change;
3.2.7. comply with the Internal Labor Regulations
organizations _______________;
3.2.8. comply with the requirements for labor protection and ensuring
labor safety;
3.2.9. take care of the property of the Employer and others
3.2.10. do not give interviews, do not hold meetings and negotiations,
relating to the activities of the Employer, without prior permission
Organizational leadership _______________;
3.2.11. do not disclose information constituting a trade secret
3.3. The employee has the right to timely and precisely established in
organizations ______________________ deadlines to receive the established
waiter 3rd category salary.
3.3.2. Defend your rights granted to labor
legislation of the Russian Federation, in case of their violation

4. Responsibility

4.1. The waiter of the 3rd category is responsible for both
improper performance of their duties, as well as for inaction and
failure to make decisions on issues within its competence in accordance with
with this manual.

The job description was developed in accordance with _____________________
(name, number
and document date)

Head of structural unit
» » ____________ 20__

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The duties of a cafe waiter, of course, are somewhat different from those of his colleague in a restaurant. First of all, the fact that in a cafe the key is the speed of service, while in a restaurant this is far from the first point. But there are other features as well. What are the duties of a waiter in a cafe, to be specific? Let's try to figure it out.

At the end of the visit, the guest can say that the service was "excellent". This means he didn't just praise the waiter for Good work, but tacitly said that the waiter knows the professional methods of working with customers and their duties. Against, negative feedback the client says that the waiter still has insufficient skill, and in order to become a good specialist the waiter has a lot to learn.

The duties of a waiter in a cafe are varied, and behind each of them is not just an order from the administrator or a “dry” normative document. Behind each item "must" stands specific situation, special person. If a person with a tray in his hands came to work by vocation, then, naturally, he will quickly learn everything that is the responsibility of a waiter in a cafe and will do all the work in such a way as to become the best among his colleagues.

Basic duties of a waiter in a cafe

The waiter must:

  • Know the menu for today so as to instantly answer the question: “What does this dish taste like?”
  • Know the specialties of the cafe, their taste originality, talk about them so vividly that the client would certainly want to try this dish.
  • Serve the client "on the fly", so that in the opposite case, he would not want to get up and leave without waiting for the order to be completed.
  • A person with a tray in his hands is obliged to look like a brand new every shift, because he is the “face” of the cafe.
  • The waiter is obliged to sincerely smile at each guest and receive moral satisfaction from his work.

What should a cafe waiter know?

The question of what a cafe waiter should know is a rather serious one.

  • Most importantly, he should know that issues related to serving guests, the rules for setting the table and serving dishes are the main ones in his activities.
  • The person with the tray must know that every customer expects to be taken care of as if he were the only customer in the cafe.
  • The specialist should know that guests should not sit unattended for "a broken hour". It is important to approach them as soon as possible and take the order.
  • The person serving the guests must be aware that different visitors require different treatment. So visitors with children often come to the cafe. In this case, the waiter should know that, first of all, you need to keep the children busy so that parents can easily place an order separately for themselves and choose an order for children from a specific children's menu.
  • The cafe waiter should know that the menu (preferably open) is served to women first and then to men.

What are the duties of a waiter in a cafe?

The waiters in the cafe are exactly the people who keep the institution. You can fill a cafe with first-class equipment, you can hire a master chef, but only a waiter will give the establishment an influx of visitors, because a person always wants to have service on highest level whether it's a simple shop or cafe.

A real specialist knows what the duties of a waiter in a cafe are. The duties of a cafe waiter can be defined by the following points:

  • Serve visitors, which includes:
  1. acquaintance of cafe visitors with the menu;
  2. accepting their order
  3. serving ordered dishes to the table;
  4. beautiful table setting.
  • Provide advice on the choice of dishes by the visitor;
  • Making settlements with visitors;
  • Cleaning dishes from the table;
  • Preliminary table setting for the arrival of a new client.

As long as the sphere exists Catering, the profession of a waiter, whether it is a restaurant or cafe waiter, remains in demand. And, if there is a profession, then there will be duties of a waiter. And the success of the enterprise and the profitability of the profession itself will depend on how they are observed.

This is a profession that requires great endurance and the ability to manage your feelings and emotions, which is not always easy. However, it is quite possible to become a professional in your field by first mastering the basics.

The opinion that the duties of a waiter in a cafe are simpler is erroneous. Regardless of the place of work, the waiter must have professional skills, must know his duties and perform them in such a way as to earn the gratitude of customers. There is advice for this: often put yourself in the place of the client in order to understand how he feels, because his desires are the law for the waiter.

This waiter job description developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with a waiter, and in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

I. General provisions

1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and.

2. The waiter is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the Director of the organization.

3. The waiter reports to the Manager, the Seller and, directly, the Director of the organization.

4. An employee who has a specialized secondary education and at least 1 (one) year of experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of a Waiter.

5. The waiter must know and clearly observe:

Rules of trade relating to its functional duties and principles of service;
- Orders and instructions of the higher management;
- Internal labor regulations;
- Restaurant or cafe menu and prices;
- Instructions on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene;
- Types and purposes used: tableware, cutlery, table linen;
- A system for receiving, returning and accounting for canteens: dishes, appliances, linen and inventory;
- Rules for the operation of the equipment and inventory used;
- The principle of registration of the "Invoice" payable by the customer;
- The procedure for registration and maintenance of registers;
- The principles of special cooking technology, the culinary characteristics of cold and hot dishes that are sold in the dining room.

6. During the temporary absence of the Waiter, his duties are assigned to another (shift) Waiter.

II. Waiter Job Description: Functional Responsibilities

1. Serves and cleans tables on time. Ensures the cleanliness and order of the halls and the surrounding area.

2. Changes tablecloths and napkins in time as they become clogged.

3. Renders to the customer qualified assistance when choosing food and drinks. Orients the client on the time of preparation of the ordered dishes.

4. Serves ordered dishes.

7. Displays the total amount of the order for the "Invoice".

8. Submits an invoice to the customer and makes a full payment for the order with him.

9. Decorates the hall according to solemn and current events.

10. Draws up registers at the end of the working day.

11. Contains its own workplace and the hall for customers in absolute order and cleanliness.

12. Conducts a monthly audit of dishes and equipment.

13. Provides cleanliness in the hall.

III. Rights

The waiter has the right:

1. Require the management of the company to create the necessary conditions for storing material assets, providing Uniforms and everything necessary for proper customer service.

2. To attend meetings, meetings of the enterprise on the issues of the enterprise's activities.

3. Demand compensation from the visitor for damage caused by their illegal or hooligan actions.

4. Make independent decisions with the emergence of disputable situations within its competence, if the decision made by him does not run counter to the interests of the organization.

IV. Waiter Job Description: Responsibility

The waiter is responsible for:

1. For violation of the Internal Labor Regulations.

2. Improper provision of performance of their functional duties.

3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the director of the enterprise.

4. Failure to comply with the requirements of the job description.

5. Appearance at the workplace without uniform and in poor condition.

6. Violation of the work schedule.

7. Safety of entrusted material values.

8. Failure to comply with safety regulations in the workplace.

9. Non-safety of goods, utensils, inventory and equipment.

10. Not ensuring the sanitary condition of your workplace.

11. For incorrect settlement with the visitor.

12. For non-compliance with the Rules of trade.

Works very hard in the restaurant business a large number of service personnel. The most important person is, of course, the owner of the restaurant, but ordinary employees, such as waiters, are also important. A high-quality and polite attitude towards visitors has a positive effect on the growth of the owner's profit, so a set of rules of conduct for waiters is needed. And such a set has already been developed - this is the job description of the waiter.

In directories, such a definition of a job description is most often found - a document regulating the organizational and legal status of an employee, as well as his rights and obligations necessary to perform a labor function.

AT this case, consider the job description for a specific employee, i.e. a waiter.

Accordingly, it should fix those rights and obligations that relate directly to the profession of a waiter.

How to write a job description?

Registration of the job description of the waiter of the restaurant and cafe is allowed in free form. Any job description must include:

  • information about the place of work
  • list of persons in subordination and persons
  • persons to whom the worker is subordinate
  • a list of legal documents regulating the labor function of an employee
  • normative acts fixing the provisions on the procedure for appointment and dismissal.

The most important thing for a job description is that it must clearly delineate the rights, duties, responsibilities of the worker, as well as his functions and requirements for the position held. .

Waiter rights

This section reflects all the rights of the waiter, namely:

  • obtaining information for the performance of their labor function
  • the right to demand conditions from management for the storage of material assets
  • the right to demand the provision of the form and its cleaning, replacement
  • the right to make suggestions for improvement
  • the right to claim damages from customers
  • make decisions in controversial situations
  • make suggestions for rational activity
  • the right not to start work in case of a threat to work safety.

What is better and more profitable for a novice entrepreneur to open: an individual entrepreneur or an LLC? The answer is contained.

Section “Responsibility”

The waiter is responsible in the following cases:

  • causing material damage to the visitor or institution
  • improper performance of their duties
  • untimely completion of work
  • violation of the norms of time for the implementation of their labor functions
  • non-compliance with discipline, orders and other legal documents.

waiter job description sample

You can download a sample of filling out the job description of a restaurant and cafe waiter

The job description of the waiter is designed to regulate labor relations. The document is a list of functional duties and rights of a specialist. It also contains items related to the responsibility, working conditions of the employee.

The main duties of a senior waiter, a waiter in a restaurant, a cafe may differ.

1. The waiter belongs to the category of workers.

2. Appointment and dismissal from office is carried out by order of the director on the proposal of the manager of the institution.

3. The waiter reports directly to the manager / administrator / director.

4. Functional duties during the absence of the waiter are performed by a shift waiter or bartender or other official, as reported in the order of the institution.

5. A person who has a specialized secondary education and at least one year of work experience in a similar position is appointed to the position of a waiter.

6. The waiter bears full financial responsibility for the safety of the values ​​entrusted to him in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Rules for incurring liability.

The main job responsibilities of a waiter in a restaurant, cafe

The waiter must know:

  • instructions and orders of the management;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • list of dishes, their cost, quantitative, gastronomic characteristics;
  • requirements of the provisions of safety, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene;
  • types and rules of table decoration, arrangement of cutlery, dishes and customer service;
  • purpose and types of tableware, appliances, linen, inventory, rules for their accounting, receipt and delivery;
  • the procedure for handling the equipment and inventory used;
  • rules for registration and maintenance of registers;
  • cooking technologies, gastronomic characteristics of first and second courses, hot and cold appetizers, desserts, drinks, alcoholic products;
  • labor protection standards and fire safety rules.

8. In his work, the waiter is guided by:

  • employment contract and the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • provisions of orders and orders of the management of the institution;
  • this job description;
  • internal regulations, labor protection, fire protection, industrial sanitation.

9. Activities are carried out in accordance with the established norms of time for customer service and work operations. Their list is contained in the corresponding document.

II. Responsibilities of a waiter

The following duties are assigned to the waiter:

1. Make a table setting.

2. Immediately replace tablecloths and napkins as they become dirty or damaged.

3. Offer help and respond to customer requests for food and drink.

4. Inform the visitor about the time of preparation of the ordered dishes.

5. Control the pace of preparation and presentation of food and drinks before serving them to the client.

6. Serve ordered dishes on the table.

7. Provide a calculation of served meals and drinks in the form of an invoice.

8. Conduct full payment for orders with the client.

9. Decorate the premises of the institution in accordance with the theme of the events.

10. Make registration of registers at the end of the working day.

11. Keep the visitor area and your own work area clean.

12. Carry out a regular inventory of utensils and inventory.

13. Show attentiveness, polite treatment of visitors and staff, observe the provisions of the internal regulations.

14. Know the varieties and types of goods, their brief description.

15. To be in the prescribed form of clothing.

III. Rights

The waiter has the right:

1. Receive from the employees of the enterprise information necessary and conducive to the performance of their own work.

2. Require from the management of the enterprise:

  • facilitating and implementing the necessary conditions for the storage of material assets, the proper performance of duties;
  • provision of uniforms and their timely cleaning, replacement, as well as necessary materials, tools for quality customer service.

3. Submit proposals for consideration by the management of the enterprise to improve the quality of customer service.

4. Require from visitors, within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation, compensation for damage caused by their actions.

5. To make independent decisions within its competence in case of disputes that do not go against the interests of the enterprise.

6. Submit proposals for consideration by your immediate supervisor related to the rationalization of the activities of the institution, changing the norms of time for service and other work.

7. Discuss with the management of the company measures that contribute to quality performance official duties.

8. Do not start work if there is a threat to labor safety, health, life.

IV. Responsibility

1. Causing material damage to the establishment or client.

2. Untimely, improper performance of their official duties within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Regular non-compliance established norms time to complete work.

4. Offenses defined by the legislation.

5. Violation of discipline, provisions of instructions, orders, instructions, internal labor regulations, safety standards and fire protection.

V. Working conditions

1. The working conditions of a waiter are determined by:

  • the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • orders, orders of the management of the institution;
  • requirements of the current sanitary and hygienic standards, safety regulations.

2. An irregular work schedule is allowed, labor activity in the evening or at night, as reported in advance in the relevant documents.


OOO "Old Barn-5"


"___" ___________20__




- "Menu" Enterprises and prices;

What are the duties of a waiter?

During the period of temporary absence of the waiter, his duties are assigned to another (shift) waiter.


The waiter must:


The waiter has the right:

3.1. Require the management of the Enterprise to create the necessary conditions for storing material assets, providing uniforms and everything necessary for proper service to the guests of the Enterprise.


The waiter is responsible for:


Related information:

Site search:

Job Descriptions

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1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and

cafe waiter responsibility

1.2. The waiter is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the Director of the enterprise

1.3. The waiter reports to the Cafe Manager , To the seller and, directly, to the Director of the enterprise.

1.4. A person with a secondary specialized education and at least 1 (one) year of work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of a Waiter. Age - up to 30 years. Able to work in a team.

1.5. The waiter must know and strictly observe:

– Rules of trade regarding his functional duties and rules of service

Orders and directives from senior management

Internal labor regulations

- "Menu" of the enterprise and prices

Instructions on labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene

Types and purposes used: tableware, cutlery, table linen

The procedure for receiving, handing over and accounting for canteens: dishes, cutlery, linen and inventory

Rules for the operation of the equipment and inventory used

The procedure for issuing an "Invoice" for payment by the visitor

The procedure for registration and maintenance of registers

Fundamentals of cooking technology, culinary characteristics of cold and hot dishes sold in a cafe

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Waiter, his duties are assigned to another (shift) Waiter.


2.1. Serves and clears tables promptly. Ensures the cleanliness and order of the cafe and the surrounding area.

2.2. Timely changes tablecloths and napkins as they get dirty

2.3. Provides the visitor with qualified assistance in choosing dishes and drinks. Orients the customer on the time of preparation of the ordered dishes.

Job description of a waiter

Serves ordered meals

2.7. Displays the final amount of the order on the "Invoice"

2.8. Submits an invoice to the visitor and makes a full payment for the order with him.

2.9. Decorates the hall according to festive and current events

2.10. Makes registers at the end of the working day

2.11. Keeps his workplace and the hall for visitors in perfect order and cleanliness

2.12. Conducts monthly stocktaking of utensils and utensils

2.13. Maintains cleanliness in the room


The waiter has the right:

3.1. Require the management of the company to create the necessary conditions for the storage of material assets, the provision of Uniforms and everything necessary for proper customer service.

3.2. To attend meetings, meetings of the enterprise on the issues of the enterprise's activities.

3.3. Demand compensation from the visitor for damage caused by their illegal or hooligan actions

3.4. Make independent decisions with the emergence of disputable situations within his competence, if the decision he makes does not run counter to the interests of the enterprise.


The waiter is responsible for:

4.1. For violation of the Internal Labor Regulations

4.2. Improper provision of the performance of their functional duties

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise

4.4. Failure to comply with job requirements.

4.5. Appearance at the workplace without uniform and in poor condition.

4.6. Violation of the mode of operation.

4.7. Safety of the entrusted material values.

4.8. Failure to comply with workplace safety regulations.

4.9. Not the safety of goods, utensils, inventory and equipment.

4.10. Not ensuring the sanitary condition of your workplace.

4.11. For incorrect settlement with the visitor.

4.12. For non-compliance with the rules of trade.



OOO "Old Barn-5"


"___" ___________20__




1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a waiter at Stary Ambar-5 LLC (hereinafter referred to as the waiter).

1.2. The waiter is appointed to the position and dismissed by order Director General LLC "Old Barn-5" (hereinafter referred to as the Enterprise) on the proposal of the Director of the Enterprise.

1.3. The waiter is a financially responsible person and bears full financial responsibility for the safety of the material values ​​entrusted to him.

1.4. The waiter reports directly to the manager and director of the Enterprise.

1.5. A person with a secondary education is appointed to the position of a Waiter. Age - up to 30 years old, pleasant appearance, ability to work in a team.

1.6. The waiter must know and strictly observe:

- trade rules relating to its functional duties and service rules;

— types of guest service and table setting at the Enterprise with the inclusion of custom-made and signature dishes and drinks in the menu;

- assortment, rules and sequence of serving dishes and drinks;
- types and rules of table setting and servicing of various celebrations;

- internal labor regulations;

- "Menu" Enterprises and prices;

— rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene;

- types and purposes used: dishes, cutlery, table linen;

- the procedure for receiving, handing over and accounting for dishes, cutlery, table linen and inventory;

- rules for the operation of the equipment and inventory used;

– the procedure for issuing an “Invoice” payable to guests;

— rules for the operation of equipment for software"R-Keeper".
— basics of cooking technology, characteristics of cold and hot dishes sold at the Company.

1.7. During the period of temporary absence of the waiter, his duties are assigned to another (shift) waiter.


The waiter must:

2.1. Serve guests and create a friendly atmosphere for both guests and employees of the Company.

2.2. Answer questions about food and drink, including ingredients, preparation, and pairing with other food and drink.

2.3. Greet newly arrived guests in a friendly manner as they sit down at the table for 30 seconds.

2.4. Take a complete order and repeat it aloud to guests for clarification.

2.5. Offer appetizers, main courses, drinks, desserts and "Special Offers" and be able to advertise them in order to increase sales.

2.6. Orients the guest on the time of preparation of the ordered dishes.

2.7. Punching orders using R-keeper software equipment quickly, in the proper sequence, applying appropriate abbreviations, be responsible for the correctness of the information reflected in the cash invoice.

2.8. Listen carefully to the wishes of the guests. Serve ordered dishes to guests and make sure they are satisfied with everything.

2.9. Keep in sight of the guests in order to fulfill any of their requests in a timely manner.

2.10. Support appearance table, cleaning, changing ashtrays, removing dirty dishes and providing extra wipes if needed.

2.11. Display the final amount of the order on the "Invoice".

2.12. Submit an invoice to the guest and make a full payment with him.

2.13. Saying goodbye to guests in a friendly manner and inviting them to come back.

2.15. Timely inform the manager and director of the Enterprise about all the comments and wishes of the guests, as well as about all the problems and atypical issues that arise in the process of work.

2.16. Attend shift meetings.

2.17. Participate in inventory.

2.18. Take part in planning general cleaning Enterprises and utility rooms.

2.19. Carry out one-time assignments of direct supervisors related to production processes Enterprises.

2.20. Work in a team: provide assistance to other employees and ask for help yourself if necessary.

2.21. Provide guidance to the trainee.

2.22. Strictly observe the standard of appearance.

2.23. Comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection and labor safety, sanitary requirements and personal hygiene rules, internal labor regulations;

2.24. Timely undergo medical examinations and transfer the medical book to the manager.


The waiter has the right:

Responsibilities of a waiter

Require the management of the Enterprise to create the necessary conditions for storing material assets, providing uniforms and everything necessary for proper service to the guests of the Enterprise.

3.2. If necessary, attend meetings, meetings of the Company on the activities of the Company.

3.3. Remind guests of the rules established at the Enterprise.

3.4. Demand compensation from the guest for damage caused by their illegal or hooligan actions.

3.5. Remind guests to pay.

3.6. Make independent decisions with the emergence of disputable situations within its competence, if the decision made by him does not run counter to the interests of the Company.

3.7. Contact the management of the Enterprise in all cases when he cannot take measures to resolve complaints or satisfy the requests of guests on his own.

3.8. To receive the wages set for the waiter in a timely manner and within the terms precisely established by the Company.


The waiter is responsible for:

4.1. The condition and serving of the tables assigned to it.

4.2. The accuracy of the order he accepts.

4.3. Timeliness and correctness of serving dishes and drinks.

4.4. Creation of an atmosphere of hospitality and a culture of service.

4.5.Correctness of billing.

4.6. Violation of the internal labor regulations

4.7. Improper performance of their functional duties

4.8. Non-fulfillment of orders, instructions and instructions of the management of the Enterprise.

4.9. Failure to comply with the requirements of the job description.

4.10. Appearance at the workplace without uniform and in poor condition.

4.11. Failure to comply with safety regulations at the workplace.

4.12. Failure to ensure the sanitary condition of your workplace.

4.13. Wrong settlement with the visitor.

4.14. Failure to comply with the Trading Rules.

4.15. Failure to pass a medical examination.

4.16. Causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.17. For disclosure of information constituting a commercial secret of the Enterprise - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


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Waiter is an employee of a catering establishment that serves visitors (mainly in restaurants and cafes). The significance of the waiter is high, because the main factor in the success of the entire institution is the service to the guests. Any restaurateur knows that poor service can spoil the experience even with the best quality food.

It must be said that all the preliminary work of the restaurant staff (starting from the restaurateur, administrator and ending with the chef) is completely in the hands of the waiter, since it is his service that gives restaurant visitors an idea of ​​the work of the entire restaurant team. In other words, the restaurant can be called a kind of theater that sells pleasure, sensations and a variety of pleasant services.

Directly on economic indicators catering establishments are affected by every gesture or word spoken by the waiter. In this regard, ideal service is a serious source of profit not only for the entire establishment, but also for the waiter himself.

In order for customers to be satisfied with the quality of service, the waiter must strictly adhere to certain rules which are well known to experienced professionals. In fact, it is not the visitors who should adapt to the establishment, but its employees to the client.

As you know, the service of restaurant guests begins from the moment they arrive, ending with the exit of visitors from the institution. The administrator (hostes) of the restaurant meets the first customers, after which he passes them to the waiter. This procedure is aimed at ensuring that each guest receives the necessary attention and reduces the waiting time for serving dishes.

As soon as the visitors are seated at the table, according to the rules of etiquette, the waiter must approach each client from the left and offer him the restaurant's menu, which is served closed or open (which is not important). First of all, the waiter offers the menu to the ladies, after which he serves it to the men.

If a family with children came to the institution, then the waiter must first of all provide the kids with a special children's menu(if any). While the children are busy studying the colorful booklet, parents can easily get acquainted with the menu for adults and choose dishes for themselves.

Orders, just like waiter service, are accepted and carried out in a similar sequence. If, during a meal, a restaurant customer accidentally drops the appliance on the floor, the waiter must immediately replace it with a clean one.

In general, there are seven international laws that any professional waiter strictly follows.

First of all, dishes are served and removed from the left side of the visitor, while using left hand. However, it is customary to pour drinks in a restaurant by approaching the guest on the right with your right hand.

In addition, the waiter must take all cutlery by the handles, avoiding touching the “working” surface. Glasses are always taken by the legs - the waiter should not touch the edges that the visitor touches with his lips. When filling glasses, they are not taken from the table, but filled directly on the table.

When serving the dish, the waiter holds the plate in such a way that four fingers are under the dishes, and thumb slightly raised above its edge. It is important that you never touch inside plates, and the dishes should be cleaned only after all the guests have finished eating.

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Your waiters interact with customers more than anyone else. If your waiters are well trained, helpful and friendly, that's good. But on the other hand, it can be very bad. Of course, you want the perfect waiters to help your business, not hurt it, so make sure they don't do any of the following.

  • Waiters make customers feel like uninvited guests

    Every visitor to a restaurant should feel welcome. That is, each visitor must be greeted when he enters the restaurant, and be kind to him throughout the evening. Waiters must serve all tables with high quality and be equally polite with all customers. If a customer served by another waiter asks for another drink or another appliance, the waiter should not ignore him just because he won't get a tip. The waiters represent the restaurant, so they must be polite at all times.

  • The waiters behave in a familiar manner

    The other extreme is excessive friendliness. Waiters should not touch customers or interrupt their conversation. And no matter how casual the profile of the establishment itself is, waiters must always be professional—never touching the rims of glasses or the ends of cutlery, always writing down orders, and remembering that the customers are not their friends. They deserve respectful treatment.

  • The waiters are hiding something

    Waiters must not lie to customers, deceive them, or tell anything but the truth. Has there been a delay? Let your visitors know as soon as possible. In large companies, tips are added automatically?

    Tell your customers about this so that they are not unpleasantly surprised. Is there a separate charge for an extra side dish? This needs to be mentioned. And always tell customers before ordering about prices for Special offers and about the absence of any dishes on the menu.

  • Waiters arguing with visitors

    This may seem self-evident, but it is very important. The phrase "the customer is always right" is an axiom! When a customer complains about something, waiters should do their best to listen and help. If possible, they should resolve the issue, or refer it to a manager if they cannot resolve it themselves. What they should never do is confront customers or challenge their complaints, even if they are unfair.

  • Waiters make customers hurry

    Customers come to a restaurant to enjoy. They want to spend the evening away from home to relax and have fun. They will not like to feel that they are being rushed or surviving to make room for other visitors. Waiters should not clean up the dishes too early (especially if one of the visitors has not yet eaten everything) and bring the bill too early. It doesn't matter how full the restaurant is and how many customers are waiting for tables, you need to make sure that all customers feel relaxed and comfortable.

  • The waiters ask if the client wants to change something

    This is a simple action that actually betrays the lack of professionalism of the waiter. The client will always tell you if he wants something. Asking about it is impolite. The most important thing for waiters to remember is that they should always be friendly, polite, helpful and professional.

  • Just remember these tips so your waiters can avoid
    blunders and decrease in sales of your business due to their fault!
