Menu for children's birthday. Children's birthday menu

Birthday is associated with balloons, sweets, clowns, games, and most importantly - with fun. It is important that the design of the children's table fits into general concept holiday.

When decorating a children's birthday, it is important to adhere to a single idea and select everything in the same style. IN Lately themed birthdays have become popular. For boys, it can be a pirate holiday, for girls - in the style of princesses.

Start serving

Making a children's holiday table, like an adult, begins with a tablecloth. Pretentious and expensive materials should remain where they were - in the closet. Firstly, children can flood them or get dirty with something. And secondly, kids will like bright, unusual tablecloths more.

It is better to use a fabric tablecloth with a pattern or a bright oilcloth. It can be polka dot, animal print or even cartoon characters. You can beat two plain tablecloths different colors connecting them and decorating with bows.

An example of serving is shown in the photo.

No less important at the children's party will be napkins. They can be placed under a plate or rolled into a fancy figure and placed on a plate. You can use both paper multi-colored napkins and fabric ones with embroidery elements. The latter are not so practical, but they will emphasize the significance of the event and will not leave anyone indifferent.

A great solution for a birthday will be a disposable plastic tableware. Kids will not be able to break it and get hurt. This is not about banal white plates. The variety of colors of disposable tableware is amazing. And children will definitely appreciate the dishes with their favorite characters. Try to pick up the entire set of dishes in one color scheme or topic.

An example of a photo with colored disposable tableware.

Additional elements in the design will not be superfluous. For example, M&Ms sprinkled right on the tablecloth. Interesting decoration there will be not a boring flower bouquet, but lollipops. Little sweet tooth will definitely appreciate this move.

To make each guest feel their importance, you can tie them to the backs of chairs air balloons with small gifts inside. When the guests disperse, invite them to pop the balloons. They will be pleasantly surprised and will remember it for a long time. You can use cards with the names of guests. Place them on a chair or directly on a plate. There are a lot of options for designing such cards. (photo)

Children's holiday table menu

On the video: cooking recipe: pancake cake, fruit salad and lemonade!

Many mothers have already seen own experience that kids are not very fond of culinary experiments, especially on holidays.

The key to success is simplicity. Save complicated meals for another day. Prepare something familiar: sandwiches, vegetable and fruit salads, chicken cutlets, mashed potatoes.

At first glance, it may seem that the menu is completely non-festive, but here the design of the dishes plays a decisive role. A little patience and this banality will turn into a real feast.
Children do not like "boring" food, they tend to start playing faster. The task of parents is to keep children eating. But you can’t glue them to a chair and you can’t hold them by force, so you have to restrain them with the originality of the dishes.

An excellent solution would be sandwiches, snacks on skewers (for older ones) and tartlets (for small ones). Therefore, the menu for schoolchildren and kids will be different.

It is necessary to take into account the age of the guests and select only allowed and familiar products for them.

Salads and appetizers

Canape on skewers - a win-win option that does not require special efforts- just carefully cut the ingredients into circles or cubes.

Ordinary sandwiches can be decorated in such a way that they will remain in the memories of children for a long time. Ladybugs from tomatoes (as in the photo), funny animal faces from cheese and sausage, mice from eggs - these are far from all possible options.

Delicious and healthy dish becomes a peacock tail. It is prepared from baked eggplant, processed cheese, boiled eggs, cucumbers and olives. An example of the design of the dish is shown in the photo.

An original serving idea will give any salad a festive look. The main thing is that the idea is understandable to the child. Choose only those ingredients that children will definitely like.

Salads can be decorated with edible animals, flowers, mushrooms and create a whole composition on a plate.

Joy in small eyes will make you forget about the time spent in the kitchen and the efforts spent.
Simple but original idea, become mice. Blind them from a mixture of grated hard cheese, crab shelves, garlic and mayonnaise. Make the ears carrot, and the eyes with allspice black peppercorns. Decorate the plate with slices of cheese and greens and serve on children's table. The success of this dish is guaranteed.

A good solution would be Mimosa with mice. Put the lettuce in the form of a head of cheese on a flat plate and garnish with boiled egg mice. The design of the salad is shown in the photo.

Taking chicken and quail eggs, you can create a mouse family.

Main holiday dishes

No need to focus on hot dishes. For a children's table, it is enough to cook one thing, for example, cutlets in the shape of stars or flowers.

Hedgehog cutlets with crispy thorns look interesting. They are prepared in an elementary way. Prepare the minced meat, form balls, stick the spaghetti (pre-break them into small pieces) and put in the oven until cooked.

multicolored mashed potatoes will impress the most demanding little gourmets. Prepare a regular puree and add the juice of boiled beets, carrots or spinach. In puree, you can add not only juice, but also the vegetables themselves, slaughtered in a blender. Put on a plate with a pastry syringe.

Desserts and drinks: serving secrets

All those children are still sweet. They wouldn't mind skipping all the snacks and going straight for the sweet.

Plan your menu carefully. If you're serving high-calorie appetizers and salads, it's best to opt for a fruit platter for dessert rather than a cream cake.

Serving fruit salad can also be beaten. Forget about a boring plate, serve it in a big piece of fruit. It could be melon or watermelon. Everything looks bright and juicy in the photo, you can be sure that the little guests will really like this treat.

The fruit canape can be put on the table from the very beginning with appetizers or at the end with desserts. But you need to prepare such snacks before serving.

Do not be too lazy to prepare fruit jelly (the design is shown in the photo). But show your imagination and pour it not into cups, but into half an orange peel. Multi-colored slices will surely interest the kids and will be the highlight of the children's banquet.

Even in drinks, babies prefer sweets. But don't serve boring Tetra Pak juice bags or plastic bottle with lemonade. At least they can be poured into beautiful jugs and put on the table. But then you will have to pour drinks for everyone on your own, because they may not be able to keep the jug from pouring over themselves and everything around.

You can use glass glasses and decorate the rim with sprinkles. It looks beautiful, and, in addition, it is also delicious. Also think about decorative umbrellas in glasses.

What to give up

Organizing a holiday for a child is not at all difficult. The main thing is to approach this with love, care and creativity. In order to avoid trouble on such a special day, you should mention what not to do:

  • decorate a room or table with lit candles. It's beautiful, of course, but also dangerous. The candles blown out on the cake will be enough;
  • if you decide to put fresh flowers, make sure that they do not have a strong smell;
  • save expensive services for another occasion;
  • nothing sharp. All dishes should be convenient to eat without knives;
  • do not use small items if the holiday is for kids, they can swallow tiny items;
  • do not use synthetic dyes;
  • find out if someone is allergic to certain foods;
  • in a small room it is better to arrange a small buffet and leave more space for games.

Your little one's birthday is just around the corner and you have no ideas? Do you want breathtaking fun, children's smiles and joy? Arranging a great holiday is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Think over the menu, and the birthday boy and guests will be satisfied.

A good birthday for adults and children are completely different things. The little birthday boy does not want complex salads and snacks, but dreams that everything will be interesting, provocative. Children now like something completely different than their parents did when they were children. Ask your son or daughter what dishes they would like to see, make a menu together.

A few important rules for the festive table

The menu can be completely free, but some conditions must be met in order to children's holiday succeeded:

  • treats should look appetizing. Children will not want an ordinary salad, decorate it in an original way, for example, in the form of a fabulous animal;
  • fatty, spicy, too salty and a large number mayonnaise;
  • children under 3 years of age are undesirable to use citrus fruits, food colorings, products that provoke allergic reactions. Be careful with chocolate, honey, eggs;
  • the presentation should be convenient, understandable to everyone (no intricate designs and falling apart canapes);
  • do not forget about sweets, ice cream loved by children. Be sure to put the cake.
Important! Pick up interesting recipes, the table should be varied.

Check with the parents of the invited children what foods the kids are allergic to.

Baby 1 year old

- responsible action. The kid is not yet aware of everything that is happening, but the joy from all the gathered grandparents, godparents will go off scale.

The menu is designed for adults, because children at this age eat mashed potatoes, cereals, juices.

Goodies for the holiday table

Use simple meals, but in an unusual presentation:

  • arrange “herring under a fur coat” in the form of a fish, make scales from carrots and beets;
  • serve everyone's favorite cucumber canapes with slices of salmon, olives, decorated with greens;
  • Potatoes with mushrooms in a pot, baked pig or any other of your signature dishes can become “hot”;
  • don't forget the cake. It can be purchased or prepared by you.

Salad "Grape"

Cooking method:

  • put lettuce leaves on the bottom of the bowl;
  • fry chicken fillet, with spices, cut into small pieces, and put on the salad;
  • mix diced boiled eggs with walnuts and mayonnaise;
  • put the mixture on the chicken fillet and garnish with the grapes cut into two slices.

For adults, choose drinks to your taste. Champagne, wine, various juices are perfect.

Child 6-8 years old

At this age, children are mobile, they want to jump and have fun. Organize a celebration in the style of your favorite fairy tale, for example, arrange a pirate party. In this case, the food should correspond to the theme of the holiday.


Almost any salad can be made "childish". Put the usual one from chicken and pineapples in the form of carrots and sprinkle with grated carrots, making a ponytail from dill.

A mixture of fresh fruits will be to the taste of all the children. Use apples, pears, bananas, kiwis, peaches, mangoes, grapes. Avoid strawberries and citrus fruits.

Sandwiches and canapes

There are a lot of variations of the products from which you will cook. For example, cut a cucumber in half, take out the pulp, fill it with any salad. From a slice of cucumber and a skewer, build a sail.

Sandwiches " ladybug» easy to perform:

  • spread the sauce on the bread;
  • make the body of a cow from a cherry tomato;
  • black olives will serve as the head;
  • make points on the wings from mayonnaise.

These appetizers are easy to make and will not leave anyone indifferent.

Pizza and sausages

It's hard to find young gourmets who don't love pizza. Ingredients - to your taste and the taste of your son or daughter. The main thing is to draw a funny face. Another option - pizza should be in the shape of an animal.

It's fun for kids to make their own pizza. Bake the dough in advance, cut the filling, and the children will make pizza to their liking.

The most ordinary sausages are always popular with children. Boil the halves of sausages with long pasta inserted into them - you get funny octopuses.

Drinks and sweets

What's a party without cake and ice cream? The cake can be in the form of a hare, an elephant or a castle. Everything depends on fantasy.

Give the ice cream to the hands of the little guests. Prepare the horns, fruits, nuts, jams and ice cream in advance. And certainly a device for making ice cream balls. You have never seen such joy in children.

Drinks on a holiday should only be healthy. No soda with harmful dyes. Juices, compotes and smoothies are perfect. Important! Drinks should not be too cold.

Holiday for a student

Without the consent of the birthday boy, who is already "almost an adult", do not even start. Older kids will appreciate complex dishes.

Just like for small children, the presentation of dishes is important. Decorate salads, snacks, desserts as creatively as possible. The festive table can be decorated with figures of animals, cars made of eggs, cucumbers and other products.

Main dishes

Stop for baked fish and potatoes, pizza and other kid-friendly options.

Recipe "Goldfish":

  • cut the fillet into portioned pieces;
  • prepare the breading for the fish - beat the egg white with cheese, sesame seeds and breadcrumbs;
  • moisten the breaded fish, fry for 5 minutes on each side;
  • then heat in the oven;
  • put the finished dish on lettuce leaves;
  • decorate the fish with corn instead of bubbles, make the tail and head from sweet pepper.

Advice! Choose fish with few bones. Catfish, carp, pollock, hake are perfect.

Snacks, salads

It is better to focus on snacks and sweets, because children do not eat a lot, they are more interested in trying a little bit of everything.

Children love different cheeses. You can experiment with Christmas trees and houses from different types cheeses garnished with olives, slices of tomatoes and cucumbers.

Suitable for snacks "fly agaric" from quail eggs inserted into tomatoes. The dish looks appetizing and original.

Pies, desserts and drinks

Everyone loves pies. It's delicious and simple. You can make the main fruit pie in the form of a ship, next to it are small boats (cakes). It all depends on the theme of the celebration.

Don't forget the jelly too. There are many variations. Make jelly with fruit, yogurt and ice cream. The kids will definitely love it.

Milkshakes are great for hot weather. They are easy to make:

  • beat ice cream, milk and toppings (flavorings like jam or fresh fruit) in a mixer;
  • pour into a beautiful glass and garnish with an umbrella or a skewer with any berry.

Nice tasting and beautiful cocktail perfectly refreshing.

Dear parents! Remember that the dishes should be light, healthy and remind the kids of what fairy tale they found themselves in. Do not forget about various holiday caps, funny contests and small presents for each of the guests.

A child's birthday is one of the most important holidays for every family. Guests, children's laughter, fun, funny photos, pleasant fuss and chores throughout the day. And of course, it is impossible to imagine this day without a festive table, delicious sweet cake, funny trinkets that children love so much. Table decoration, of course, will require imagination, time and effort, but the happy eyes of a beloved child are worth such stress.

Organizational moments

First of all, you need to decide:

  • how many guests do you invite;
  • what is the theme and program of the holiday;
  • what place in the festive program is a treat;
  • the treat involves the preparation and decoration of a festive children's table or it will be a dessert buffet;
  • how ready your potential guests are for self-service at the table.


Since we are talking about decorating the table on the children's birthday, and the guests of the dear birthday boy will come to have fun and be naughty, and not sit decorously around the table, do not use at the holiday:

  • breakable dishes,
  • expensive and valuable services for you,
  • candles,
  • sharp knives,
  • small parts decorations,
  • fresh flowers with sharp rich aromas,
  • dyes and flavors that cause allergic reactions.

Table, tablecloth

The choice, unambiguously, in favor of sustainable and strong table. He must withstand the onslaught of children's fun, fuss, tapping with hands and utensils on the countertop, feet on the legs of the table. The height should be comfortable for the growth of young guests.

Having decided on the general theme of the holiday, you can choose a tablecloth. Children's birthday is in no way combined with a classic snow-white starched tablecloth. More democratic options will suit you.

  • A themed tablecloth with drawings or applications on the theme of your holiday will be an excellent basis - a background for the festive table, and on memorable photos it will always serve as a signal for memories of the theme of the holiday.
  • Paper cover: cover the table with plain paper of any color, and at one of the stages of the festive day, invite guests to write birthday wishes or draw something. So your "tablecloth" will gradually become thematic and unique. Children at such a table will feel confident and calm. And funny photos will capture both the design and the original result.
  • Oilcloth coatings look beautiful and practical. You can originally arrange oilcloths of different colors. Easy to remove if needed upper layer. The edges can be decorated with bright clothespins or bows.
  • A piece of bright colorful fabric, possibly with a children's pattern, is perfect as a tablecloth for a children's table.

Napkins, cards

Napkins are a great addition to the table decoration on a children's birthday. Artfully folded and laid out, they will give originality to your table. Both fabric and paper napkins, decorated with stickers, fastened with a bright ribbon or a paper ring with a funny muzzle of your favorite cartoon character, will surely please your birthday boy and his guests.

Cards with the name of the guest and his photo will be a great detail. It is not difficult to prepare them yourself, using a ready-made printing base, colored felt-tip pens or pens, and photos of friends invited to visit. During the holiday, guests can write wishes to the birthday man and leave them as a keepsake. And you can also write cheerful wishes to the guests on your birthday and give such cards as a keepsake to the hero of the occasion.

And one more nice decor detail. Small toys from kinder surprises in line with the theme of the holiday will be the most pleasant "highlight" that will surprise and delight. Don't forget to take some photos with the original cards.


As experience shows, plastic dishes are the most practical for a children's table. With it, you can not be afraid for safety during a noisy fussy birthday.

You can purchase ready-made sets of colored dishes. Or you can make funny stickers on cups and plates, pick up forks and spoons, decorative umbrellas, skewers for canapes and rosettes for tartlets and baskets by color when preparing to meet guests on their birthday.

The edges of the cups for the sweet table can be decorated with bright confectionery frost: on the eve of the birthday celebration, wet the edges of the glass and dip it in powdered sugar or confectionery powder. Let dry well. Multi-colored jelly looks great in such cups. Drinking from them is also a real pleasure.

Juices and drinks are best served in carafes rather than bags. Bright colors drinks will serve additional decor holiday table.

Do not forget to capture the process of decorating the dishes in the photo. Your photo and video report on the holiday will start with fun moments of preparation and will give amazing memories in the future.

Serving dishes

A festive children's table on a birthday differs more in design than in unusual dishes. Children prefer familiar, familiar flavors and food combinations. They are wary of original recipes and culinary experiments. Therefore, on the birthday of the children, preparing to meet the little guests, it is better to think over original design everyone's favorite mashed potatoes, steam cutlets and meatballs, vegetable salads, sandwiches and pies. The key to success is a combination of tasty and beautiful.

  • The usual mashed potatoes will turn into festive fireworks if you divide it into several parts and tint each part with natural dye (beetroot, carrot, spinach, tomato). It will not affect the taste in any way, but it will look very festive. Get acquainted with the photo on culinary sites.
  • Traditional cutlets and meatballs are easy to turn into animal figures, decorating and supplementing with vegetables and cheese.
  • Quail and chicken eggs turn into nimble mice with pieces of olives, cheese and herbs.
  • Fun mushrooms are easily made from eggs and cherry tomato halves.
  • Sandwiches turn into funny faces with baby ketchup, homemade mayonnaise or sour cream, pieces of vegetables and fruits. Photos with decor options are posted on culinary sites.
  • Favorite fruits for a children's holiday are also transformed into fruit bouquets and baskets, interesting figurines and sweet boats. In combination with sweets, nuts, colorful confectionery, they become a bright final point of a treat on a birthday and perfectly complement the obligatory birthday cake.

Do not spare the time and effort to prepare and decorate the children's holiday table. Inspired by the love for your little birthday boy, having met different ideas, taking into account important points, you will definitely be able to organize the best and unique holiday for your baby. And the reward will be happy children's laughter and joy in your beloved eyes. Time will pass, and reviewing the photo, you will experience joy again. Happy holiday!

Photo selection of original tables

There comes a day when your child becomes a year older. Birthday!

If with the parents who will probably also celebrate this celebration (they are no less involved in this), relatively everything is clear, then with the organization of a children's event it is somewhat more difficult.

The question arises of what to cook for children on their birthday.

Not every dish can be put on the table, and the age of the guests must be taken into account. How to decorate dishes so that they are interesting and appeal to little guests.

Therefore, you have to sit down at the table and make a menu for a children's birthday.

The menu should consist of small dishes that are readily and quickly absorbed.

Of course, you need to take into account the age of the guests, not everything that can be put on the table for 7-10 year olds can be suitable for 3-5 year old kids.

Children's birthday menu

Let's start with the most simple, beautiful and readily eaten canapes, these are small sandwiches fastened with a skewer and consisting of fruits, vegetables, meat or fish products.

fruit canape

Prepare 6 - 7 types of fruits and berries, keep in mind that for young children, some fruits may be allergens

Rinse them well, cut into small pieces and put on skewers (you can choose and purchase a variety of skewers for canapes in stores), different options, spread or arrange them on a plate

Fish and meat canapes

Such canapes are made with small pieces of bread, sausage cut into thin plastics, fish or seafood.

Add pieces of vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, olives

What makes such sandwiches convenient is that they are easy and quick to prepare and there is a large scope of various options.

Another type of sandwiches on cookies or biscuits

Take biscuits or cookies, preferably not sweet, spread pate (liver, chicken) on top, cover with a small lettuce leaf

Cut the cherry tomato into four parts, put two on the salad in the form of a butterfly, cut out the head from the olives, put dots on the mayonnaise wings

Very original and tasty sandwiches "ships running on the waves"

Made from halves of egg whites stuffed with grated yolks with cheese and sour cream, and use potato chips as sails.

What else can you offer on the menu for a children's birthday?

Salad "Watermelon slice"

This salad contains:

  • chicken fillet - 300 g
  • cheese - 100 g
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs
  • champignons - 300 g
  • fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs
  • fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs
  • mayonnaise - 200-250 g
  • butter - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • pepper, salt

How to prepare such a beautiful and tasty salad?

Boil the chicken fillet in salted water and cool it in the broth

Cut the washed champignons, fry them in oil, salt and pepper

This salad is laid in layers, the first layer will be finely chopped chicken fillet, laying out a layer, give the shape of a sliced ​​​​piece of watermelon and brush a little with mayonnaise

The next layer consists of fried mushrooms smeared with a small layer of mayonnaise

The next two layers are grated egg yolks and grated egg whites also smeared with mayonnaise

Grate on a coarse grater fresh cucumber, squeeze lightly, put along the edge in the form of a watermelon peel, lay out the imitation of the white part with grated cheese

Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, let the juice drain, lay out the last layer, cut into small pieces of olives as grains

Salad "Tiger"

This salad uses the following products:

  • boiled sausage - 200 g
  • potatoes - 400 g
  • fresh cucumbers - 200 g
  • onion - 100 g
  • carrots - 400 g
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs
  • mayonnaise, pepper, salt

This salad is also laid out in layers, with each layer smeared with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

The first layer consists of grated boiled potatoes, lay it out in the shape of a tiger cub's head.

The next layers consist of finely chopped boiled sausage, grated cucumber on a coarse grater, chopped green onion, grated egg.

Make the top layer of grated boiled carrots.

From the grated protein, make cheeks, eyes of a tiger cub, lay out the nose, eyelashes, ears, stripes with chopped olives.

Make a protruding tongue with a small plastic sausage.

I think it turned out very cute and delicious.

Fruit and berry salad

You can decorate a salad of fruits and berries in a very original way.

The composition can be absolutely anything.

Cut the pulp in the watermelon, rinse the berries, peel the fruit, finely chop, mix with pieces of watermelon, put everything in the cooked watermelon. Prepare hot or melted chocolate for salad.

Chicken rolls with pineapple

Very tasty recipe

Take 1 kg of chicken fillet, cut into layers, beat off, salt, pepper

For each layer lay out 2 tbsp. l. grated cheese, pineapple and mushrooms, cut into small cubes, roll up and tie with threads or stab with wooden skewers

Brush them with oil and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Biscuit on skewers

Grind three ready-made biscuit cakes into crumbs.

Mix each one separately with condensed milk, jam, chocolate-nut butter.

Blind the balls, string them on long skewers and dip in hot chocolate, decorate with confectionery sprinkles and refrigerate.

Children will love this dessert.

Strawberry ice cream

Ice cream dessert will bring great pleasure to children.

You can come up with a lot of options from ordering an ice cream cake to making this dish yourself.

I can offer the following recipe, a frequently used dessert hit.

Freeze a kilogram of strawberries, chop them in a blender, mix with half a kilogram of ice cream (you can vanilla, ice cream, cream), add 200 g of strawberry jam or jam, 50 g of honey.

Beat the mass, put it into molds and freeze.

Sprinkle with crushed nuts or chocolate chips before serving.

If you want to make ice cream yourself, you can read the previous article

berry jelly

Fruit jelly is very popular with children.

It can be prepared from various berries.

I will offer here such a recipe for fruit jelly, consisting of one glass of berries (cranberries, raspberries, currants, etc.), 3 glasses of water, half a glass of sugar, 2 tbsp. l. gelatin, 1 g citric acid.

Soak gelatin in a glass of water for 1.5 hours. Rinse the berries and squeeze out the juice. Pour the pulp hot water and boil for 5-6 minutes, strain, add sugar, citric acid, bring to a boil.

Stir in the swollen gelatin to dissolve. Bring to a boil again and add the juice, stir, pour into molds and refrigerate. Before serving, dip the mold with jelly for 1 - 2 seconds in hot water and put the jelly on a dish.

Cookies crispy sticks

Make a dough, for which mix 2/3 wheat flour, 2/3 sugar, 100 g butter, 1 tbsp. l. lemon peel and salt to taste, until smooth and leave to cool in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Form flagella from the dough about 1 cm thick and 5 cm long, spread on a greased baking sheet and place in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees, bake until golden brown.

When serving, sprinkle the sticks with powdered sugar, crushed nuts or seeds.

As drinks, you can offer various teas, juices, fruit drinks, lemonades, how to make various lemonades.

brew delicious tea you can according to the recipes that you read.

Of course, do not forget to include in the menu for a children's birthday, in which there will be candles according to the age of the birthday person.

Unusual cake for children's birthday

The choice of products for a children's birthday menu is very different from those that parents buy for adult holidays. The children's menu should be, first of all, light, and the presentation should be original and interesting.

The best thing you can do when preparing a children's birthday menu is to involve your child in the cooking process.

Start with the dishes that the birthday boy offers, then make your suggestions.

When choosing recipes, think about how your baby can help you prepare them, and also that the dish consists of simple and familiar ingredients.

Rules for choosing dishes

  • Don't mix many different flavors.
  • Refrain from spicy, salty, fried and too sweet.
  • Do not submit to festive table fish with bones, fruits in a peel, as well as berries and grapes - exclude everything that a child can choke on.
  • Serve meals in portions.
  • Dishes should be placed at a safe distance from a place for children to play. Serve treats in small portions, preferably in unbreakable dishes.
  • Cut the pieces as much as possible and remove the excess so that the process of eating does not become more complicated.

Products by age

Ages 1 year, 2 years, 3 years:

  • exclude everything that can cause allergies in children (honey, citrus fruits, berries);
  • do not treat heavy food;
  • do not serve mushrooms, smoked meats and nuts.

Age of children: 4 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old:

  • at this age, it is already possible to serve boiled sausages and sausages, but smoked sausages are not desirable;
  • no need to serve fish;
  • don't risk serving exotic or out-of-season fruits.

After 7 years (8 years, 9 years, 10 years):

  • only now it is possible to treat children with bright juices;
  • it is possible to treat with beetroot salads;
  • you can berry desserts.

For the little ones

The most demanding guests and birthdays are kids under 3 years old. In preparing treats for such crumbs, many factors should be remembered. The most important thing is to remember that all children are different, and if your baby is omnivorous and he can do everything, this does not mean that his guests can also eat absolutely everything.

Familiar and simple foods can be served in a beautiful festive setting.

General rules:

  • All ingredients should be familiar to children.
  • The names of the dishes on the table should also be known to the kids.
  • Methods of eating most dishes are best limited to a spoon.
  • It's great to be able to eat with your hands.

Recipes for a child's birthday

Children's curd-banana pancakes


  • 0.2 kg flour;
  • 0.3 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 0.2 l of milk;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 3 bananas;
  • juice of half a lemon or apple;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 1 pinch of soda;
  • sugar, salt, vegetable oil.


  1. Mix cottage cheese and milk with a blender.
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks. Add the yolks to the curd and whisk again.
  3. Sift flour, add soda, salt and baking powder.
  4. Gradually add the rest of the ingredients, stirring thoroughly until smooth.
  5. Mash bananas in a puree, sprinkle with lemon or apple juice.
  6. Whisk the whites. Gently add the protein to the cottage cheese-banana mixture, mix with a spatula.
  7. Heat up a frying pan with oil.
  8. Put the pancakes and bake under the lid.
  9. Turn over and bake without a lid.
  10. Lay out on a towel.

The easiest way to decorate is to sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Pancakes can be made quite small, so it will be more convenient for children to eat them so that they do not get dirty.

Children's animal pancakes

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 1 banana, some mint (leaves);
  • peanut;
  • 0.1 l curd Activia without additives;
  • a little heavy cream (35%).


  • 125 ml of milk;
  • 50 g flour;
  • yolk;
  • 5 -7 g of sugar;
  • 30 g of vegetable oil;
  • salt.


  1. For the dough: mix flour with salt, add sugar, yolk and butter. Then add milk and whisk.
  2. Grease a frying pan with oil and heat.
  3. Lay out or pour the dough into the pan, like pancakes.
  4. Fry for about 2 minutes. Flip the pancake with a spatula and fry for another 1-2 minutes.
  5. Cut out 4 circles from pancakes.
  6. Spread 2 mugs with cottage cheese. Lay on top.
  7. Decorate the serving with a banana
  8. With the help of cream and a pastry bag, draw faces.

Pancakes can be topped with fruits and sauces to make bizarre beasts.

Children's potato zrazy stuffed


  • 0.1 kg flour;
  • 0.6 kg of potatoes;
  • 0.05 kg semolina.


  • 0.05 kg of zucchini;
  • 0.05 kg of cauliflower;
  • 0.05 kg of carrots;
  • 0.03 kg of onion;
  • dill, parsley, salt, pepper;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Wash, peel and boil potatoes.
  2. Cut vegetables (cabbage, carrots, zucchini, onions). Fry and cool, add herbs. This is the stuffing.
  3. Grate potatoes, add semolina, flour, salt, pepper, water and grind in a blender.
  4. Form cakes about 0.1 kg. Put the filling in the center and carefully mold the cutlet.
  5. Fry in a hot frying pan, previously greased with oil. Remove the zrazy from the fire as soon as a crust has formed. And you can serve.

If you avoid fried foods, you can bake zrazy in the oven.

For the filling, you can use fried minced meat or minced chicken. Good for stuffing and good cheese with vegetables and pieces of meat.

Chicken soufflé with zucchini and broccoli

Ingredients (about 6 servings):

  • 2 pieces of chicken fillet;
  • 1 medium-sized zucchini;
  • 150 g broccoli;
  • 1 medium-sized onion;
  • 1 tbsp milk;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • pistachios - 1 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt, a couple of sprigs of parsley.


  1. Separate whites from yolks.
  2. Cut zucchini and broccoli into cubes.
  3. Twist the chicken fillet, onion and pistachios.
  4. Add warm milk, butter, egg yolks, salt and parsley. Mix.
  5. Whisk the whites with a pinch of salt and add them to the minced meat. Then add vegetables.
  6. Pour into buttered muffin tins.
  7. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Soufflé can be made with a variety of vegetables and meats. Serve in muffin tins or on a plate to decorate the dish.

The easiest dessert

Sliced ​​fruit can always be served as the simplest dessert.

Sweets are the most important part of a children's holiday! Fruits, cookies, sweets, cakes and a cake with candles are a must! Sweet treats are best served in small pieces, preparing a portion for each guest.

Wafer cone with sliced ​​fruits and berries

Many more such recipes, for every day or for a holiday, you will find in cookbooks with recipes specifically for children.

  • book with beautiful photos and detailed recipes from Tatyana Sotnikova - "Cooking for children." Many people like it: for a lot of recipes for natural and healthy homemade food that can be prepared by the whole family, for its high-quality design.
  • Choose yours cookbook with children's recipes so that it is always at hand for the occasion of a children's party, birthday, or when inspiration is needed.

For older children

Snacks for the festive table

As an appetizer, canapes are perfect. Many children like small sandwiches on skewers, they are easy to prepare and easy to eat.


  • cherry tomato;
  • small sausages or ham, cut into pieces;
  • cheese can be cheese.

You can cook canapes without bread by simply combining vegetables with meat and cheese.

Almost any product is suitable for canapes. Even sweets and fruits.


Soups should not be served on the table on a children's holiday, but none of the guests will refuse chicken skewers on skewers or nuggets with sauces.

You can make only meat skewers or equally with vegetables.

Many kids love fast food, but often this food is questionable. It is much easier to prepare such dishes for children on their own. You can guarantee the quality of such fast food.



  • 0.25 l cream, up to 15% fat;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • crackers (for breading);
  • 0.5 kg chicken fillet;
  • oil for frying;


  1. Marinate the meat ahead of time. Beat the fillet pieces, pour them with cream, add salt and pepper - all this in the cold for 4 hours.
  2. Then, roll the marinated pieces in breadcrumbs and fry on each side.
  3. Ready! Can be served on the table.


Almost all children love this dish. At the same time, there are recipes that are suitable even for small guests.


  • 2 cups of flour;
  • half a glass of warm milk;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • tomatoes, bell peppers;
  • hard cheese (parmesan);
  • if desired, you can add olives or olives (choose the highest quality, picketed);
  • tomato paste, which is better to make yourself - rub the tomatoes on a grater and boil them by adding basil and salt.

This is a very simple dough recipe that is on the shoulder and the child.


  1. Pour flour, salt there.
  2. Stir the eggs, milk and vegetable oil, add this mixture to the flour, stirring.
  3. We knead the dough.
  4. Wrap in a towel and leave for 20 minutes at room temperature.
  5. Meanwhile, grate the cheese, chop the vegetables.
  6. Roll out the finished dough onto a baking sheet.
  7. Lubricate with tomato paste and put the filling, sprinkled with grated cheese.
  8. We put the dish in the oven for 17 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees.

Pizza can be of a completely different form, in the theme of a children's holiday.

It is time to teach older children to be independent, including cooking their own food, albeit not so often, and the simplest, but on their own. And if it’s also for your own celebration, it will be something to be proud of.

  1. Teaching a child to cook is very easy when there are such wonderful publications as: “Mom, give me an apron! Recipes for independent children” by Katerina Dronova. Excellent quality book with beautiful illustrations step by step recipes- both children and adults will like it. The recipes in the book are perfect for any occasion.
  2. The book "French Children Eat Everything" by Billon Le - became a bestseller. And it should appeal to many parents who are still unfamiliar with it, those who want to rally their families around the table and teach their children to those dishes that adults themselves eat. A wonderful and correct philosophy, realizing which parents will no longer wonder what to cook for a child on a birthday or on a normal day. In addition, the book contains recipes for delicious, healthy and varied dishes loved by French kids.

Children's birthday table

You can decorate a children's birthday table with napkins, bright disposable tableware with your favorite cartoon characters, hang balloons and garlands around, prepare carnival costumes, decorations for games. This arrangement will make the holiday much more interesting. All this can be ordered in the online store.

Prepare competitions and games - a children's holiday should be mobile to make it fun. For example,

It would be better to make a children's buffet, then each kid can eat when he is hungry. All children can only eat cake together.
