Rules for feeding cucumbers with fresh manure. We fertilize tomatoes with mullein How to water cucumbers with cow dung

Any owner of the garden wants to get the maximum yield of cucumbers, they are needed not only fresh for salads, but also as an important component of winter harvesting. If you have a desire to get a lot of good, large and healthy fruits, then you need to think about feeding plants in a timely manner.

It is simply impossible to get a good result without a suitable fertilizer. For this reason, a direct question arises - what is better to use for feeding cucumbers to get a decent harvest? Many people use mineral fertilizers for this purpose. They are easy to use, but such top dressing is “chemistry” (cucumbers absorb a lot of nitrates). For those who care not only about the harvest, but also about their health, it is better to use compounds of organic origin. Thanks to them, you will get safe and environmentally friendly fruits from cucumber bushes. One of the environmentally friendly ways is to feed cucumbers with mullein.

What is a mullein

Oddly enough, not everyone knows what a mullein is. This is the most effective natural fertilizer, it is used for almost all plants in the garden. In origin, it is the dung of cattle. It is able not only to increase the yield of garden and garden plants, but also protects them from diseases and increases their immunity. The composition of the mullein contains all the substances necessary for the development and fruiting of plants.

Important! Unlike mineral fertilizers, in addition to the main elements, it contains many trace elements.

If you add only 1 ton of manure to the garden, then the soil on the site will receive 5 kg of nitrogen, 6 kg of potassium and 2.5 kg of phosphorus. These factors have a positive effect on the development of garden plants, increases the quantity and quality of fruits.

The most important thing is that nitrogen is present in organic form in cow manure. When this fertilizer decomposes in the soil, 1/3 of the nitrogen passes into a form accessible to plants very quickly, and the rest of the active substance of the mullein passes into this state for a long time, and for a long time feeds the cucumbers growing in the garden. Also passes into an accessible form and phosphorus. Potassium, unlike these elements, completely dissolves in soil moisture and becomes available to plants immediately after manure enters the soil.

The benefits that mullein will bring to cucumbers

Such a fertilizer has many positive qualities. Its main positive property of mullein is the active reproduction of microorganisms in the soil that help the plant. The reason is that the mullein contains a large supply of food and energy for any microorganisms. In addition, cow dung greatly improves the chemical and physical properties of the soil. Its use makes it possible to transfer insoluble soil compounds into an easily digestible state.

In addition to these advantages, mullein has the ability to improve the structure of the soil, turning it into a mixture of small lumps, among which there is enough space for moisture and air. This structure is considered the best for the development of any plants. The soil is saturated with humic acids (an important component of humus), and after you water the beds or after it rains, it is difficult to destroy the lumpy structure with water flows, they are quite strong for this. In a clay area with difficult soil, the mullein will loosen the soil and make it breathable. Once cow dung is applied, it is easier to care for and warms up quickly in the spring. This will have a good effect both on the growth of cucumber lashes and on the number of grown fruits.

Attention! With this fertilizer, you can feed not only cucumbers, but also any shrubs and trees, mullein is suitable for crops and you can fertilize indoor plants with it.

However, before using mullein, it is necessary to know the existing feeding methods and how they should be prepared. This will prevent the appearance of problems with cucumbers, which are possible with improper feeding.

What is cow dung

Everyone understands that mullein comes from a cow. There are 2 varieties of it, depending on the method of keeping the animal. Some breeders bed the barn with sawdust or straw, while others do not.

As a result of this, cow dung happens:

  • litter;
  • liquid.

Litter is cow dung without the slurry that the bedding material absorbs. During storage, after a while, it begins to overheat, gradually turning into high-quality humus. Liquid mullein, to obtain humus, is placed in a compost pit along with organic components. You can mix it in a compost pit with garden soil, weeds, post-harvest residues, fallen leaves, straw or sawdust. The proportion between manure without bedding and additional components is 5/2 (5 parts of manure and 2 parts of organic components are added). Wood ash or lime can be added to the compost pit, approximately 2-4% of the amount of compost laid.

You need to prepare it according to the following scheme:

  1. Sawdust, fallen leaves or straw are poured into the bottom of a plastic barrel or pit.
  2. From above, everything is poured with slurry.
  3. From above, everything is again covered with another layer of organic material.
  4. After that, again a layer of cow dung, filling it with the previous layer. The filling of the barrel is thus continued until it is full.

You can use the mullein both immediately from the barn, and after it is half or completely overheated. Fresh manure must be introduced into the soil carefully, as it can burn the roots of cucumbers, after which the root may die. For this reason, it is advisable to bring fresh mullein under the autumn digging of the soil. It will have time to rot before spring, and will not damage the root system of cucumbers. And in the spring and summer, you can feed cucumbers by diluting it with infusion of cow dung 1:10, or adding rotted manure to the soil.

Important! To get the maximum positive effect for cucumbers from cow dung, you need to introduce it into the soil on the site before planting the cucumbers.

Features of mullein fertilizer

With top dressing, you are much more than ideal cucumbers, strengthen the plant. It is only necessary to take into account several features of the fertilizer of this crop, and properly prepare the mullein.

Cucumbers need to be fed several times a year, preferably 1 time in 2 weeks. It is especially important to think about top dressing if the cucumber bush is weak, with a small number of shoots and does not bear fruit well. The first time they use mullein for feeding - after the appearance of the first 2 leaves of cucumber seedlings. This period begins 14 days after the emergence of seedlings. Once again, top dressing is needed at the beginning of the appearance of fruits on plants in the same way. After that, plants are fed every 2-3 weeks. Under each bush of cucumbers, it is necessary to apply 8-10 liters of fertilizer.

Making an infusion of cow dung is not difficult - you just need to dilute the mullein with water in a ratio of 2: 1. You need to wait a week, during this period the manure will infuse, and they can feed cucumber bushes. This is a concentrated infusion of mullein, it can damage the roots of cucumbers. It is best added to water when watering plants, diluting 0.5 liters per 10 liters of water. In this form, it will become safe for plants.

You can not water cucumbers with infusion of cow dung, on top of the green mass, they should not wet the leaves of plants. Cucumbers do not respond well to excessive moisture. It is best to carefully apply this solution into the grooves and grooves in which cucumber bushes are planted. So, the solution will go directly to the roots of plants, for every 1 m 2 you need to pour a bucket of diluted cow manure solution. If you properly feed cucumber plants, they will increase the yield of beautiful fruits in a short time.

Top dressing of cucumbers with rotted mullein

It can be applied to the soil whenever you want, but it is most effective in spring feeding. Fertilizer is scattered over the site before digging and immediately dug up so that all useful substances are preserved.

Decomposed cow manure should be applied to the site in a smaller amount than fresh manure, it is enough to add 4–5 kg of humus per 10 m 2. It is successfully used as a mulch that can feed growing cucumbers. Nutrients from manure are released very slowly, this is a kind of "long-playing" top dressing.

What else is used to feed cucumbers

Please note that you can not feed plants with one fertilizer, you can alternate feeding with mullein and mineral compositions of trace elements. So the plants will be able to get all the substances necessary for proper development, they will grow well and bear fruit successfully. Growing cucumbers need nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus, and in the period after the fruits begin to grow, plants require potassium, magnesium and nitrogen.

Fertilizers that are still used for dressing cucumbers:

  1. Wood ash.
  2. Ammonium nitrate.
  3. Fermented green grass.
  4. Infusion of chicken manure.

It is undesirable to use these formulations at the same time, it is better to choose 1-2 drugs that are convenient for you and use them alternately. Do not get carried away with too frequent feeding of plants, but do not skip the jumps of fertilizing.


Mullein is an effective natural fertilizer for cucumbers, which combines in its composition many elements necessary for the plant. Their use will allow you to get a decent harvest from plants even in an unfavorable year. Grown cucumbers grow useful for the body, with a wonderful aroma and taste, they can be used both in salads and for winter preparations.

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Top dressing of cucumbers with mullein is popular. This organic fertilizer or formulations with its addition are well accepted by the vegetable crop. To get only the benefits of top dressing, you need to know at what time, and in what quantity to make it.

Growing cucumbers is not complete without the application of mineral or organic fertilizers. Is it possible to use mullein in your summer cottage, the useful properties of this component will speak for themselves.

Mullein (cow dung) is an organic fertilizer that stimulates the growth and development of cucumbers, increases the number of ripe fruits, improves immunity and protects against many diseases. In the fertilized land, the number of many useful trace elements increases: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boron, iron and others. The composition is environmentally friendly and inexpensive.

It is possible to reduce the risk of developing diseases among cucumbers even at the stage of preparing seeds for sowing. For sowing, it is best to take disinfected seeds. In addition to the common potassium permanganate solution, cow dung infusion is popular and effective. Recommended proportions 1:6.

The use of infusion for spraying helps prevent many fungal and viral diseases. If the disease has just been discovered, the stems of the bushes have become thinner, the leaves have withered and turned yellow, then foliar treatment is just as effective. In this case, the manure is diluted at a ratio of 1:3 before use.

You can feed cucumbers with mullein several times during the entire growing season, with an interval of 12-14 days. It is especially useful when the plant looks lethargic, weak, and the leaves turn white on the stem. Suitable for the first feeding, when the first leaves are just beginning to unfold. The main thing is to know what kind of manure is suitable for cucumbers and at what time it is safe to use.

Basic rules for using fertilizer

Cucumbers benefit from mullein at various stages of their development, but it is different from slurry. Slurry contains many trace elements in its composition, but it may contain pathogens of various infections. Mullein is obtained by fermentation and pathogens die during this process. Therefore, it is safer to cultivate the land with mullein than with slurry.

A large number of microelements are concentrated in the manure bed, beneficial microorganisms begin to multiply. It becomes profitable to plant vegetables on such plots of land. All useful substances contained in the soil are more easily absorbed by the plant when mullein is introduced. During the ripening period, you can enjoy delicious and crispy cucumbers.

How to make a bed, vegetable growers recommend rotted manure for cucumbers. Before planting cucumbers, it is useful for them to process the garden during autumn or spring digging. If cucumbers are planted in such soil, then a rich and high-quality crop is obtained. The beds are also mulched with rotted litter and infusions for irrigation are prepared on its basis.

Do not use fresh manure for top dressing. Fresh manure can cause burns to the root system and leaves. It is allowed to make an infusion from fresh manure for watering and spraying, or to put it in a clean, undiluted form only in the fall, digging up the ground.

Since unrotted manure contains a lot of weed seeds, spreading on the site leads to the spread of weeds.

Despite the fact that cucumbers love and accept mullein well, it should not be applied too often to the soil. An excess of some trace elements can harm the plant. Therefore, only a balanced application can be beneficial.

How to prepare a healthy composition

A ready-made mullein is for sale, but you can make top dressing for cucumbers with your own hands. There are two main types of mullein: liquid and litter.

In the presence of bedding material from sawdust and straw in the stall, the cow accordingly obtains bedding-type manure. It turns out solid manure with the inclusion of straw. With prolonged storage, it begins to overheat, forming humus. Humus is also useful to feed the plants.

Liquid-type fertilizer for cucumbers can be done as follows. Auxiliary components such as straw, fallen leaves, sawdust, potato tops or tomatoes are placed in a compost pit or a large plastic barrel. Everything is filled with liquid manure. Then the layer of auxiliary components is repeated again. Layers alternate to the very edge of the container.

You can feed cucumbers with a composition made in a different way. Fertilizer based on mullein should be started a week before applying to the beds. The easiest way to make a good top dressing is to dilute the mullein with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and leave to infuse.

The appearance of bubbles indicates the beginning of fermentation, the color becomes lighter. Before watering, the resulting solution is again diluted with water. Mullein infusion should be watered only between rows, avoiding contact with leaves and ovaries. To preserve all valuable properties, it is impossible to open the container with the finished solution.

There are several rules on how to feed a cucumber bed with prepared manure. For the entire period of development, it is recommended to feed the cucumber bed at least four times. Since a varied diet improves the development of cucumbers, it is useful to alternate nutritional components.

  • The very first time, cucumbers should be fertilized with mullein before the start of the flowering period. The recommended dosage of manure is 250 g, which is diluted with a bucket of water. From the experience of gardeners: "Together with manure, I diluted 5 g of potassium sulfate, superphosphate and urea."
  • The next time to fertilize is necessary during the beginning of fruiting. Instead of mullein, you can use chicken manure and wood ash, which are also bred in a bucket of water.
  • After two weeks, you can again water the cucumbers with a solution of mullein. Tip: "Separately dilute the mullein with water in a ratio of 1:3." For the composition, you still need to take a diluted solution (1 liter), add 5 g of potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate.
  • The last top dressing is recommended to be applied after three weeks. Again, instead of cow dung, an infusion of bird droppings is prepared.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse for the first time can be fed with mullein two weeks after planting the seedlings. In 10 liters of water, 1 liter of mullein is diluted and left to infuse for about three days. Then once again dilute with water and add 250 g of wood ash.

When feeding plants, it is best not to pour the mullein solution under the root, but to put it in the grooves made next to the beds. After soaking the solution, the grooves are again covered with earth.

Application of horse and rabbit manure

Many vegetable growers note that it is much more efficient for cucumbers in the open field to choose horse manure as a fertilizer. It decomposes much faster, warms up quickly and cools down slowly. It keeps heat for a long time, which has a beneficial effect on the development of cucumbers.

Horse manure, especially fresh, is best cultivated in the fall. For 1 sq. meter will need to take 5.5 kg of the main component. When digging the ground in spring, it is best to make rotted manure for cucumbers. During flowering and the formation of ovaries, it is most effective to water with liquid manure.

To make a bed for cucumbers when using horse manure in greenhouse conditions, the topsoil is first removed. Then manure is laid on top of the remaining beds and spilled with boiling water to get rid of all pathogens. After that, greenhouses and greenhouses are covered with a new layer of soil, the beds are dug up and leveled.

It is useful for plants to make compost from horse manure. To prepare it, you need to put various plant wastes into a pit or a large container, for example, leaves, sawdust, tops of other vegetables and mix with prepared manure. To make liquid top dressing, manure is diluted with a bucket of water and left to infuse.

You can also feed cucumbers with rabbit manure, it is no less useful than cow or horse manure. It contains equal amounts of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, various trace elements, vitamins and other valuable substances. Growing a good crop is easy, as all components are easily and quickly absorbed by plants. Manure loosens and fertilizes the soil.

Rabbit manure as a fertilizer is used in any form in a greenhouse or in open beds. Fresh litter is cultivated in the fall. To prepare the infusion, you need to take one part of manure and ten parts of water. Leave to infuse for 2.5 weeks. Compost is considered effective. They make a compost pit, about 1.5 meters deep, throw sawdust and leaves there. The heap will have an alternating vegetation layer with manure. Can be used for cucumbers in the spring, before planting.

The key to a good harvest is the correct and timely application of fertilizers. It is imperative to take into account the timing of manure application, and dilute the components in the recommended dosages.

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​) chlorosis and other diseases. The popular belief that watering plants with tea or coffee stimulates plant growth is deeply mistaken. Just as little effective is vegetable oil, which, when applied to the leaves, only clogs the pores, thereby disrupting the breathing process.
bird droppings

Accelerate abundant and long-term flowering of plants and have a positive effect on the formation of flower buds.

If the roots of the plant only braided an earthen lump, but did not form felt, then transshipment of the plant or mineral or organic top dressing should be applied.

But an excess of copper is also extremely harmful to the plant.

With a lack of magnesium, the leaves turn pale, interveinal chlorosis is possible, flowering is delayed, plant growth slows down.

With an excess - the plant grows vigorously.

Mullein (fertilizer): application, composition, how to cook



Nitrogen is the most important element contributing to the active nutrition of plants;

  • Mullein is the most popular fertilizer among summer residents and gardeners. It can be used to feed almost any plant. With its help, you can significantly increase the yield of various vegetable and fruit crops. It is also used for ornamental plants.
  • - very capricious plants, but very responsive to proper care, i.e. nutrition and fertilizers.
  • However, referring to the experiences of reputable Michurinists (M.P. Arkadyeva, K.V. Solovyova and others), I can offer the following home methods of fertilization:

Gives an even greater effect than feeding with mullein. In terms of nutritional value, bird droppings are superior to mullein and, moreover, have no smell. Before use, bird droppings are diluted with water to a slightly cloudy greenish hue. A solution of high concentration can destroy the plant.


Bedding mullein

Potash fertilizers

  • Fertilizer watering is best done in the evening. Fertilize only healthy plants during the period of growth and flowering. During the dormant period and when the growth of some plants stops at the end of summer and autumn, the plant is not fertilized. It is also impossible to fertilize not rooted, as well as diseased plants.
  • Molybdenum

Mullein without litter






Feeding indoor plants with fertilizers

Potassium is an essential element during flowering and fruit set; Phosphorus - contributing to the active appearance of young shoots and ovaries;

Of course, mullein is a fertilizer that must be used correctly. In no case should fresh manure be introduced into the beds on which any plants are already growing or will be planted in the near future. The fact is that, decomposing, such a mullein gives off a lot of heat. As a result, you can simply burn the roots of plants. Fresh manure can be applied to the soil only before winter. In a few months (until spring), he will have time to overheat a little.

All summer residents and gardeners are familiar with mullein fertilizer from bark dung, it is with the help of mullein that you can fertilize any vegetable and garden plants, but before fertilizing roses with mullein, it is certainly better to make an infusion. Dilute fresh manure with 1 to 5 parts of water, then tightly close and leave to ferment for 1 - 2 weeks, periodically opening - stirring. Feeding with sugar.​While most plants make do with conventional complete fertilizers, there are still species that require special fertilizers.​

The main elements of soil nutrition of plants.

promote plant growth. Together with phosphate fertilizer, potassium has a good effect on the abundant flowering of plants and the color of flowers. For flowering plants, potash fertilizer is most often used during the establishment and development of flower buds and when buds appear. They do not tolerate this fertilizer during the appearance of camellia buds and some other plants in which leaf and flower buds appear from one sinus.

​Fast growing plants fertilize more often, slow growing plants less often, potted plants fertilize also rarely. You can not fertilize when the earthen clod is dry. You must first moisten it well and then apply fertilizer watering.

With a lack of molybdenum, spots appear on the leaves, the edges of the leaves twist, the flowers fall off. With a lack of iron, the formation of chlorophyll stops, the leaves become light yellow (chlorosis). Potassium helps the plant absorb carbon dioxide from the air. Potash mineral fertilizers include potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, 40% potassium salt, etc. fertilizer for plants.
Magnesium - helps to increase plant productivity, Only properly prepared fertilizer is poured into the beds. Mullein is preliminarily kept in heaps for at least 2-3 months. First you need to pour a layer of peat on the ground. Then a layer of mullein is laid on it, then again peat, etc. It turns out a kind of "layer cake". The approximate thickness of each layer is 20 cm. Instead of peat, it is allowed to use ordinary soil.​ It is with this solution that roses can be fed, such an infusion more contains all the necessary trace elements for nutrition, the development of roses. For a pot with a diameter of 10 cm 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar. Sand is poured onto the surface of the earth before watering once a week. You can in solution - 2 teaspoons per glass of water, once a week. Cacti especially respond to feeding with sugar.
Azaleas, camellias Overfertilized plants fatten, bloom later, underdeveloped buds die off. Cut flowers of overfertilized plants do not hold well in water. Now fertilizers are produced in the form of insoluble powders and granules, tablets and sticks, as well as liquid fertilizers. Be sure to include an indication of the percentage composition of this fertilizer and instructions for use on the label. Powders and granules are widely used in horticulture, for open ground. In indoor floriculture, it is better to use tablets or sticks that are immersed in the soil. But there are significant drawbacks here. Firstly, the nutrients are concentrated in one place, and secondly, if necessary, for example, with the onset of a dormant period, this top dressing is difficult to extract from the soil. Therefore, the most effective liquid fertilizers. The concentration of fertilizer watering should be weak, especially at the beginning of plant growth. The best effect is more frequent watering with a weak solution. For most indoor flowering plants, it is recommended to apply a full mineral fertilizer at least twice - during budding or flower bud formation.
Seed treatment in microelement solutions Bor Potassium is especially necessary for flowers; with a lack of potassium, flowers do not form or they are very small. With a lack of phosphorus and potassium, the leaves turn yellow from the edges and begin to gradually fall off, plant growth is sharply delayed. A characteristic sign of potassium starvation is a light border over the entire surface of the leaf. In addition, with a lack of potassium, plants are more easily susceptible to fungal diseases.
Nutrients are found in the soil in the form of mineral and organic compounds. Plant nutrients are obtained from the soil in dissolved form through the root system. However, it is possible to provide plants with nutrients to a certain extent through the leaves (foliar feeding). as well as calcium, zinc, etc. The top of the pile is covered with a layer of soil. This way you can avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors, as well as the loss of some of the nutrients.
I personally grow roses myself - but I prefer to do without organic fertilizers, that is, manure. Top dressing with castor oil. and some other plants prefer acidic soil. Special fertilizers are produced for them, containing in the optimal ratio primarily nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as all the necessary trace elements.​
Even now, when you can buy almost any fertilizer in the store, many indoor flower owners fertilize plants with organic fertilizers brought from their summer cottages or gardens. Organic fertilizers improve the physical properties of the soil, increase its ability to absorb moisture, reduce soil acidity, and improve its aeration.​ Plants in the dormant period or at the end of the growth period before the dormant period,
Feeding plants through the soil and through the leaves during the growth and development of plants; Bor< необходим растениям для нормальной жизнедеятельности точек роста, т.е. самых молодых частей растения.​ Sulfur
Substance in excess Cattle manure mixed with straw, hay or peat from the bedding of these animals. Mullein is a strong enough fertilizer. Therefore, even in a rotten form, it must be used carefully. Dry fertilizer is applied to the soil mainly only in the spring, when preparing the beds. On the surface of the soil, rotted manure is scattered with a layer of 3 cm for tomatoes, peppers and cabbage and a layer of 2 cm for cucumbers and zucchini, and then dug into half a shovel bayonet. Dry mullein is sometimes used as a mulch in the summer (after watering and loosening the beds).
Before planting seedlings, the roots of roses must be dipped in a prepared special mixture of fertilizers. Pour a teaspoon of castor oil into a liter of water and shake well. Fertilize during flowering and fruiting. Epiphytic bromeliads and tillandsias Humus
​Just transplanted plant and newly purchased plant (top dressing no earlier than 2 weeks), The introduction of microelements into a mixture of organo-mineral fertilizers.

Ways to use trace elements:

  • With a lack of boron, the death of the apical buds and their decay, and young plants die.
  • Sulfur is essential for normal plant growth and development. Special sulfur fertilizers are not applied to the soil, since sulfur is contained both in manure and in superphosphate, which are applied to the soil.
  • Nitrogen

Peat as bedding - such manure is characterized by an increased concentration of ammonium nitrogen, which plants absorb better than ordinary nitrogen.

Signs of an excess of minerals are as follows:

  • Do not apply it in this way only for carrots. If you fertilize the bed under it with manure, it will grow "shaggy". For this crop, a slightly different fertilizer is prepared - liquid mullein. In the summer, when the plants are already planted, other crops are also fed in this way. To get this type of fertilizer, you will need some kind of large container. It is filled with manure to half, and then warm water is added to the very top of the container, covered with a lid.
  • But first, rose seedlings are pruned so that 3-4 shoots remain with two or three buds on each shoot. The roots of roses should be cut to 15–20 cm.
  • Some craftsmen fertilize flowers
  • Absorb water and nutrients with their leaves. Therefore, the fertilizer solution for these species must be available for the absorption of nutrients by scales and leaf filaments. For these plants, it is better to use a liquid fertilizer that does not contain any salts, as they clog the pores on the leaves. It is best to purchase a fertilizer mix for hydroponic crops at the store. The nutrient solution is either poured into a rosette of leaves, or the plant is sprayed with it, or the whole plant is immersed in it.

When to fertilize.

- (rotted manure) - an extremely valuable fertilizer. Infusion is used as a fertilizer watering

Sick plants, when the cause of the disease state has not been established, Plants with a root system that has fallen (root rot, if the plant has been heavily flooded, etc.),

It should be noted that an excess of minerals adversely affects plants.


With a lack of sulfur, the leaves become light, the growth and development of the plant stops.

  • Nitrogen is part of the complex compounds from which protein is built - the basis of living matter. Nitrogen is also part of chlorophyll, which plays an important role in plant photosynthesis. Nitrogen mineral fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate) and organic fertilizers (manure or slurry) are used to feed plants with nitrogen.
  • Straw and hay bedding - manure is enriched with a sufficient amount of potassium and phosphorus. These elements are necessary for development, full growth, gives resistance to changes in air temperature.
  • This mixture is left for 1-2 weeks to ferment. During this time, it is thoroughly mixed several times. The result is a liquid mullein - an unusually effective fertilizer. For irrigation, the resulting composition must be diluted. 3-4 buckets of water are taken per bucket of such a concentrated slurry and the beds are watered at the rate of 10 liters per square meter. If the soil is moist, the solution can be made a little stronger.
  • And now we lower the roots of roses into a fertilizer solution, which is prepared like this

What are fertilizers?

milk, meat

cacti mullein Cacti are not recommended to be fed with organic fertilizers. drooping leaves; Manganese increases the assimilation of carbon dioxide in plants, i.e. plays a big role in photosynthesis. Calcium

Nitrogen is especially necessary for leaves, with a lack of nitrogen, the leaves become pale green, plant growth is delayed, the leaves become smaller.

A solution of medium density consistency, it does not contain foreign impurities of peat or hay. This fertilizer contains an average of 50-70% ammonia nitrogen. This solution is used to prepare liquid mullein, which is used as a top dressing for fruit, garden trees and garden crops. In autumn, dry mullein is crushed and scattered over the entire area at the rate of 4 kg per square meter. Potatoes are most often fertilized with mullein using a slightly different method. When planting, they simply throw a handful of fertilizer into each hole. This will be quite enough. We put a shovel of clay and a shovel of mullein in a bucket, add water to 3/4 of the volume, mix everything thoroughly. or From the steppe zones and deserts grow slowly. Therefore, they need a small amount of nitrogen. If you feed a cactus with manure water or azaleas fertilizer, then accelerated growth will cause the skin of the plant to burst, the plant may die.​​(1 part manure to 10 parts water). Manure top dressing contains insufficient phosphorus, so superphosphate can be added to it at the rate of 12-15 g per top dressing bucket. There are plants, for example Plants require various fertilizers at different periods of growth and development.

White crust on the soil surface and the outer wall of the ceramic pot (in areas with soft water); With a lack of manganese, the plants are slightly leafy. Calcium is also very necessary for plants. If there is a lot of magnesium and little calcium in the solution, then magnesium harms the plant.

Special fertilizers.

Excess nitrogen - the leaves become dark green, flowering (and fruit ripening in lemon, orange, etc.) is delayed.

A liquid top dressing, which is often used for periodic top dressing of plants, previously diluted with water. To prepare a concentrated infusion of slurry, it should be placed in a fermentation tank, this process lasts about two weeks. At the end of fermentation, prepare a working solution. To do this, the concentrated liquid is diluted with water (1: 2). Such top dressing is poured under the roots of plants, in order to increase the effect, superphosphate can be added to the solution (per 10 l - 50 g of the substance). Mullein is a universal fertilizer. If you have the opportunity to use it in your garden, this is a must. In any case, manure is preferable to mineral chemical dressings. Roses should be properly fed with azofoska 5 grams, nitrophoska 8 gamma or complex fertilizer 10 grams per bush aged 3 to 6 years. Roses will bloom more luxuriantly if you add half a glass of dry chicken manure and ashes. All this is introduced into the soil. Fish water There are so-called home remedies for plant nutrition, if you are not a professional florist or botanist, then it is better not to experiment, otherwise you will do much more harm to the plant than good. Asparagus

Home feeds.

Nitrogen fertilizers

Dry brown spots on the leaves, dry edges of the leaves; Copper A lack of calcium weakens the growth of roots, the tops of the stems and young leaves die off. Especially calcium is needed for cacti with large or multiple spines.


Mullein - fertilizer is used according to certain rules. It is not recommended to use fresh manure to fertilize the soil immediately before planting, as it can harm the plants. The decomposition of manure in the soil is accompanied by increased temperature. For this reason, mullein is applied to the soil in the fall before cultivation - 4 kg per 1 sq. M.; Mullein is a fertilizer that is used by many experienced gardeners and gardeners. Mullein is a natural universal remedy that is suitable for almost all types of plants: vegetables, flowers and garden trees, due to the fact that it enriches the soil with unique nutrients. You can, like almost all plants, but you need to do it at the right time and observe proportions. Mullein is a fertilizer rich in nitrogen and micronutrients. Nitrogen contributes to the growth of the plant, the formation of additional shoots. But you can burn it with mullein. In addition, if you feed nitrogen fertilizers at the end of summer and autumn, the roses will not prepare well for wintering and may freeze. And they have good results, but as they say - "need for invention is cunning." It’s easier to buy fertilizer than to be perverted, and what to do with it is written there.

So, for example, watering plants with water infused with eggshells causes plants susceptible to calcium and magnesium salts (which are very fond of feeding with mullein. It is best to smear the walls of the pot with cow cake when transplanting them, and then cover the ground. Contribute to enhanced growth of stems and lush foliage.With an excess of nitrogen, plants fatten, the growing season lengthens, and the beginning of flowering is delayed, and the plant is more easily ill with fungal diseases. In summer, plant growth stops, and in winter you can see weak, elongated stems. Copper is involved in redox processes in plants, increases plant resistance to fungal diseases.

Is it possible to fertilize roses with mullein?



A k s i n y a

Phosphorus is part of the so-called nucleoproteins - the main component of the cell nucleus. Phosphate mineral fertilizers include superphosphate, phosphate rock, etc. Regular fertilizing of indoor plants with fertilizers should become a regular procedure for you, since many so-called plant diseases are caused precisely by improper care. The most important thing to do is to avoid fertilizers for garden plants, as the calcium carbonates contained in them can cause significant damage to houseplants.​

Many summer residents believe that manure, as a fertilizer, meets all the requirements for the composition of nutrients. It contains all the necessary substances for the successful development of plants. This organic fertilizer is also valuable because only natural components are characteristic of its composition.

folk wisdom

Those who do not want to use preparations containing a large amount of chemicals for their garden, but love beautiful, lush flowers and strive to grow them, prefer manure as a fertilizer. Compared to other top dressings, manure is inexpensive, and if you have your own barn, it is free. Its only drawback is considered a specific smell.

Fresh manure is not recommended to be used untreated to increase soil fertility. Liquid fresh feces are used to make a solution of mullein. When digging the soil, rotted manure is added. The longer the excrement is stored, the better the quality of the organic feed. For growing flowers, humus or mullein solution is more often used. Horse and cow dung, bird and rabbit droppings are suitable for feeding flower crops.

Video "Dung as fertilizer for flowers"

Horse manure for fertilizing

Horse manure as a fertilizer is ideal for growing flower crops. In the people, it is called "marmalade for roses." Many summer residents use it to enrich the soil with useful substances and in liquid form. The natural substances of horse excrement allow you to get a lush, beautiful "queen of the garden."

Horse manure is an excellent top dressing for roses.

Varieties of horse manure

  1. Fresh. It is not recommended to use for fertilizing flowers, as you can burn the roots of plants, and fresh humus contains worm eggs that are harmful to the garden.
  2. Semi-decrepit. It is added to the soil or used in an aqueous solution to feed flowers.
  3. Dry manure. It becomes half as much as fresh manure. Ten kg of manure is sufficient fertilization for one square meter of soil.
  4. The most valuable type of organic matter is humus.

Horse manure has a porous structure; during overheating, it decomposes very quickly and has warming properties, which contributes to the rapid heating of the earth.

To feed, you need to mix ten liters of water and one kg of horse excrement. During the day, the solution should be infused, the next day you can feed, diluting the solution with water by half.

In the fall, when future flower beds are being prepared, add fresh horse excrement at the rate of 5 kg per square meter of soil. By spring, the manure will have time to overturn, and it will be possible to start planting flowers.

Horse humus compost is well suited for feeding flowers. Dig a hole about a meter deep, place sawdust, tops, leaves, horse excrement down. The compost heap is ready, it remains to wait until the waste is overheated.

How to make fertilizer from cow dung

For many flower crops, mullein fertilizers are beneficial. Top dressing should be carried out before flowering. There is nothing complicated in its preparation.

To do this, you need to take liquid manure and fill it with water in a barrel or deep vat. One bucket of cow waste requires five buckets of water. It is desirable that the container with the contents be located away from the living quarters - the barrel will emit a very unpleasant odor. You can put a barrel on the outskirts of the garden. It takes two weeks to insist mullein. Every day it is recommended to mix the contents, bubbles should appear. After 14 days, the solution becomes light and mullein can be added.

How to use mullein

For greater nutrient saturation of the solution, it is recommended to add wood ash and eggshells to the mullein. The value of mullein corresponds to the beneficial substances that the cow consumed. For flowers, cow dung is considered the best fertilizer.

  1. Cooked mullein must be diluted with water. The ratio is 1:2. At a higher concentration, there is a possibility of burning the roots.
  2. Dig small grooves near the flowers without touching the roots. Pouring plants directly to the base of the plant is not recommended, you can burn the root system.
  3. Water the flowers before feeding with mullein.
  4. To make the plants bloom faster, they can be sprayed with infusion of mullein with water. The proportions are 1:20. This method additionally protects against pests and diseases.

How to use cow dung as fertilizer in spring

Fresh excrement should not be applied to the soil immediately before planting. It is best to prepare a compost heap in the fall based on cow dung and waste (withered grass, leaves, sawdust). In the spring, such compost will be an ideal fertilizer for roses, peonies, dahlias, lilacs, lilies, nasturtiums, marigolds. When forming a flower bed, compost must be placed in each hole for the plant and mixed with the ground.

Rotten cow dung can be used for digging not only in autumn, but also in spring.

Using rabbit manure as a fertilizer

Rabbit manure is a valuable organic fertilizer. It consists of all the useful substances necessary for flower cultures: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients. There are no wild grass seeds in rabbit feces, because they usually feed on already plucked plant leaves. The downside of rabbit manure is that it is difficult to obtain in large quantities compared to cattle feces.

How to make fertilizer from rabbit manure

Indoor home and garden flowers will delight you with abundant flowering if you use rabbit droppings for top dressing.

  1. It is required to take one part of rabbit droppings and one part of wood ash. We dilute with water, after fermentation, you can water the plants, having previously diluted with water in proportions of one to ten.
  2. Rabbit feces can be used as dry organic feed. Dried manure is crushed and added to the soil at the rate of 1 tablespoon of powder per three kilograms of soil. Decorative houseplants are placed in fertilized soil.

For garden plants, you can also use rabbit droppings to improve the fertility of the land when digging.

Chicken manure fertilizer

Chicken manure is rich in nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium

A gorgeous flowering flower bed will appear on your site if you use chicken manure for organics. Flowers will thank the gardener with bright numerous flowers, you just need to properly fertilize. Chicken manure is characterized by a variety of nutrients: nitrogen, phosphoric acid, potassium, magnesium, sulfur. This fertilizer is especially rich in phosphorus and nitrogen. The content of these elements in the composition of chicken manure is several times higher than the amount of elements found in the manure of cattle. To improve the development of plants, gardeners mix one part of chicken manure with three parts of sawdust and straw, and then spread it on the ground next to flower crops.

Methods for preparing liquid fertilizers from chicken manure

  • Fermentation method. Now in agrotechnical stores there are necessary preparations to accelerate fermentation. Previously, this method was used exclusively on poultry farms. Sawdust must be treated with a special preparation and poured into a chicken cage. When cleaning the cage, sawdust with droppings must be mixed and placed in a certain place. When the heap reaches the required size, it must be watered with a fermentation accelerator. After a month, the pile needs to be dried, and the flower food is considered ready.
  • A simpler method is to infuse chicken manure. To prepare it, you need waste products and water in a ratio of 1:100. The finished solution resembles brewed tea in color. If the shade is a brighter shade, it is recommended to dilute the preparation.
  • To get rid of urea acid, chicken manure is soaked for 2 days. Then the water is poured out, fresh water is added. This procedure is carried out up to four times. The resulting content can be added to the soil when planting.

Granular chicken manure fertilizer

Great alternative for indoor plants

In modern stores, you can buy organic preparations in liquid and dry form. Dry chicken manure is sold in the form of granular formulations.

  • To prepare a liquid solution from granules, it is required to infuse 400 grams of the drug with one bucket of water for a day. An excellent nutritious top dressing for flowers will be if you simply bury the granules in the soil. When the components are decomposed, the plant roots will receive all the necessary nutrients. When flowering, the plants are fertilized with a solution of 100 gr. granules and 10 liters of water.

The use of chicken manure has a beneficial effect on the intensive growth of flower crops, the formation of flowers. For home indoor flowers, it is better to use a dry mix to avoid unpleasant odors and root burns. The drug is mixed with the soil mixture or deepened into the soil near the already grown plant.

How to use manure as fertilizer for various flowers

Each plant reacts differently to feeding. Experienced gardeners find an individual approach to each flower culture. Not every plant will like the application of manure fertilizers.

Lily "purple rain" Asian hybrid

  • you need to fertilize with a dilute infusion of mullein when the first true leaves appear. You will get a healthy plant with large bright flowers.
  • Peonies in the spring should be mulched with humus, compost with a layer of 10 cm. When the first leaves appear, spray the flowers with urea diluted with water.
  • For spring, pour a teaspoon of organic fertilizer into the hole. Excess organic matter can harm the plant.
  • Astilba needs to be fed with mullein during the growing season.
  • The host should be watered with a solution of mullein. The proportions are 1:10. Fertilize in spring and June. Fertilizers should not be applied later, as loose leaves may grow on the flower, which attracts harmful insects.
  • For phlox, top dressing is often needed. In the spring, mulch the ground with compost or humus. At the end of spring, fertilize with infusion of mullein with wood ash. Dry top dressing should be carried out before rain, liquid top dressing - after watering.

Perennial flowers are fed three times a year. In the spring, you need to add humus or compost from manure and loosen the soil well. The next step is top dressing when the first leaves appear or during the flowering period. In order for flower crops to stock up on nutrients for the winter, you need to add organic matter after flowering. For successful development, two dressings are enough - after planting in the ground and during the formation of buds.

Benefits of using manure when growing flowers

When organic matter is introduced, there is a decrease, an improvement in its structure, and the normalization of air and water regimes. As organic matter decomposes, carbon dioxide is released and heat is released, providing ideal conditions for the development of healthy flower roots. Fertilized with manure, the soil has a harmonious balance of useful elements, the development of soil microflora occurs. Earthworms multiply faster in humus and increase soil fertility.

Manure is rich in nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, trace elements

  • Phosphorus and potassium contribute to the development of roots, the resistance of flower crops to the negative effects of the environment. Flowering depends on these substances.
  • Trace elements are needed to increase soil fertility.
  • Nitrogen contributes to the growth of leaves, but with a lack of it, the plants get sick.

For the best fertilizer, animal excrement should be composted for 2 years. It is important not to overdo it with the introduction of organic matter - flowers develop from an overabundance of top dressing. With optimal amounts of organic fertilizers for soil soil, you can grow a stunningly beautiful garden with lush crowns of flower crops.
