DIY soda bath bombs. DIY bath bombs: step by step recipes with photos and videos. Food coloring gets into the blood

Modern life is an endless marathon of tasks, tasks and responsibilities. We are in a hurry to work, we are in a hurry to study, we need to pass a report or a session. Do not forget to take care of your parents, make time for your children, and you also need to take a walk with your pet and do not forget about your personal life. In all this fuss, it becomes difficult to relax, it is difficult for a person to simply throw all thoughts out of his head. But today you will learn how to make ordinary water procedures not just relaxing, but also incredibly useful and aesthetically beautiful.

Bath bombs are small balls that sizzle and bubble when they come into contact with water. It looks like a whirlpool effect. In addition, bombs can change the color of water, create foam, fill the air with pleasant aromas. Depending on the ingredients, you can make bombs that will soften and moisturize the skin.

Bath bombs are also called geysers for their ability to give out a large number of bubbles. Such a geyser can be bought at any cosmetic store. However, it is not cheap, although it often consists of simple components. In order not to spend money on items that you can make yourself, let's try to make a bomb with our own hands.

Bomb Ingredients

In order for the bomb to turn out not just sizzling, but also safe and healthy, it must be prepared with the right ingredients.

  1. Baking soda. When buying, pay attention to the date of manufacture of the product. Expired soda may lose its properties and, when combined with other ingredients, such soda will not give a reaction.
  2. Lemon acid. Baking soda and acid are the two essential and basic ingredients that produce the desired hissing reaction when in contact with water. If citric acid is not available, fresh lemon juice can be used. But in this case, the bomb will boil a little less, although you will get an awesome citrus aroma. Also, if you replace citric acid natural juice, you will have to add more dry ingredient to make the mass quite thick.
  3. Starch. It is better to take corn - it dissolves quickly and leaves no particles behind. If there is no starch on hand, it can be replaced with dry milk. In fact, starch is just a filler to add volume to the bomb. In addition, starch helps the geyser to boil longer than usual.
  4. Oils. As you know, any cosmetic oil has a great effect on the skin, especially dry and lifeless. By adding a little oil to your bombs, you will make a product that is not only beautiful, but also healthy for the skin. For a geyser, you can use any oil - almond, coconut, peach, linseed. Sea buckthorn oil will not only moisturize your skin, but also give a slight blush to your pale body due to its orange color. If there are no cosmetic oils, use a simple olive or sunflower oil - it is also incredibly useful for the skin, gives the epidermis firmness and elasticity. If you don't love oil formulations, make a bomb without them, their use is optional.
  5. Essential oils. Smells are another component for comfortable relaxation. Essential oils can be bought at the pharmacy - they are presented there a wide range. The aroma of sandalwood will help you calm down, relieve depression, and overcome stress. Rose essential oil will give you a delicate aroma, heal wounds on the body, after such a bath you can sleep peacefully and for a long time. The smell of orange has a beneficial effect on nervous system, you can relieve anxiety, improve performance. Bergamot essential oil will not only give you a tart aroma, but also allow you to suppress the active activity of the sweat glands. Choose the bomb oil you want. Perhaps today you decide to work all night and you need an invigorating citrus scent. And tomorrow, tired of a hard day, you will want to relax and a bomb with the smell of pine needles will help you with this.
  6. Dye. In order for the bomb to be not only fragrant and healthy, but also beautiful, you need to add a dye to it. It can be ordinary watercolor or gouache, but it is safer to use food-grade paints, since the coloring pigment is in contact with large area skin. Food colors can be bought at any culinary store, they are quite rich and deep. If you are for naturalness, you can use beetroot juice, which will give a deep pink shade. Turmeric will give your bombshell a golden sheen. purple color can be achieved using blueberry or currant juice. But green tint obtained from the juice of spinach and parsley.
  7. Soap component. To make the bomb interesting, you can add a soap component to its composition. Thanks to this component, the bomb will not only bubble and bubble, it will begin to give out foam. As a soap component, you can use shower gel, bath foam, shampoo or plain liquid soap.

In addition to the main ingredients, you can add anything to the bomb. It can be sea salt, which will improve the condition of your skin, or a decoction of string, which will soothe and heal small wounds on the body. Anything that comes to your mind can be part of a geyser. But how to prepare it so that everything works out?

Let's take the basic recipe for making bombs. For him, we need citric acid, soda, starch, peppermint essential oil, a little bath foam, green dye and a spoonful of peach oil.

  1. To prepare bombs, you need to take plastic or porcelain dishes. This is especially true of a spoon - an ordinary metal one can oxidize.
  2. Sift citric acid, starch and soda through a sieve so that there are no hard sticky pieces left in the mass. Mix these ingredients in the following proportions - two parts of citric acid, the same amount of soda and one part of starch. If you take 2 tablespoons of acid and soda, as well as one tablespoon of starch, you get about three small bombs.
  3. Take all the powders and mix them thoroughly. Add a tablespoon of bath foam, a few drops of dye and peppermint essential oil. Now you should mix everything well, the intensity of the bubbling of the bomb depends on it. If the mass is too thick, add a little more foam, if too thin, increase the amount of starch. Do not add water to the mass. At most, you can sprinkle the porridge with a small spray from a spray bottle. If you add water, the mass will begin to hiss strongly - the reaction will occur earlier than planned and the mass will crystallize incorrectly. After that, it will lose its properties and will not hiss when it enters the water.
  4. Knead the dough from the prepared mass and divide it into several parts. Production bombs round shape, and we can make them any. In fact, the shape is not important - after all, you immediately throw the mass into the water, and it will quickly dissolve. To form bombs, you can use Silicone forms for cupcakes plastic container for freezing ice. So that after freezing the bombs leave the mold well, the container is pre-lubricated vegetable oil. If you don't have molds handy, simply roll the mixture into balls and place on a cutting board.
  5. When the bombs are ready, they should be sent to the refrigerator, or better, to the freezer, where they will grab better and, when thrown into the water, will defrost longer, which means that the bubbling process will be long.

This is an easy way to make sizzling bath bombs. But the recipe can be varied, getting incredibly beautiful, fragrant and unusual bombs.

What other bath bombs can you make

There are many variations of this product. Here are a few interesting recipes making geysers that you will surely like.

  1. Lemon bombs. Mix half a cup of baking soda with a quarter cup of starch and citric acid. Add yellow dye and lemon essential oil to the mass. An excellent decorative element will turn out by adding yellow petals of any flower, for example, daffodil. You can add chopped fresh lemon zest to the mass. Mix all the ingredients and freeze as in the previous recipe.
  2. Caramel bombs. Take the base - citric acid, soda and starch. To give the geyser a cheerful color, you can add bright colors to your taste. As an aromatic component, use simple vanillin. The bomb will turn out in this case appetizing and caramel.
  3. Rainbow bombs. To prepare this composition, you will need several colors. However, if we add them to one container, they will mix up and the result will definitely not please us. Therefore, we make the basis of the usual components and divide it into several parts. We add our own shade to each part - red, green, yellow. Then we shift the three masses into one container and sprinkle with sparkles. We mix, but not very intensively, so that the colors differ and do not turn into a homogeneous mess. When throwing bombs into the water, it will begin to seethe in various shades, and sparkles will make the show even more colorful.
  4. Milk rose. These bombs will come in handy during romantic date. For their preparation, we take a base of citric acid and soda. Instead of starch, it is better to use milk powder here, it will make the water slightly whitish after dissolving and give a milky flavor. To enhance the color effect, use white food coloring. Add rose essential oil for fragrance. Decorative element- petals of a pink or scarlet rose. Mix everything and freeze as usual. When it enters the water, seething will appear, light petals will float to the surface, the water will turn milky, the bath will fill with thin floral scent- setting for a romantic evening.
  5. Calming bombs. You will need the recipe for this bomb after a hard day at work, when you want to relax and get rid of all disturbing thoughts. In the bulk, add the relaxing essential oil of lavender and dried chamomile flowers. Oil will relieve nervous tension and stress, and chamomile will calm the soul and body.

Having made such bombs, you will always have blanks in the refrigerator for any occasion.

The bath bomb is unique way relaxation, pacification, calming thoughts and body. This is aromatherapy, and aesthetic enjoyment of bubbling colors, as well as small way bring something new into your everyday life and everyday life. After all, life, as you know, consists of pleasant trifles and joyful evenings spent with pleasure.

Video: how to make bath balls from home ingredients

Hot bath is a procedure created by adepts of beauty and health. Healing, relaxing and tonic - they were popular in ancient states: Rome, Greece and Egypt. Even then, various herbs, essences and oils were added to them. This procedure is still loved today. Women all over the world are sure to find time to soak in hot water with all kinds of drugs: sea salt, herbs, aromatic or essential oils or foam. All this can be purchased at the store. However, a truly effective and natural product can be obtained if you make your own bath bombs.

Have you ever taken a bath bomb before? In vain. This sizzling and bubbling ball will turn an ordinary boring bath into a royal jacuzzi. Soap shells can fill the space around with an amazing aroma, make your skin tender and soft and cheer you up.

Bath bombs are also loved by children. bubbly balls delight kids of any age, making even the most inveterate haters of the shower fall in love with soap procedures. They are also indispensable for romantic baths. Pops will make you laugh joyfully and enjoy a tender moment next to your loved one.

Of course shops household chemicals and perfumeries offer a huge selection of bombs. But what are they made of? Are they really made with natural ingredients? Those who doubt a positive answer to this question can make nice soapy things themselves. Plus, it will help you save money. Essential Substances are quite inexpensive.

Young Chemist's Kit: Gathering the Necessary Ingredients

First, we need a couple of free minutes to study the recipes. You'll have to find molds later. You can take, for example, silicone molds for baking, ice boxes and other pastry items are also suitable.

You can use containers from Kinder Surprise or jars left over from cosmetics.

There are also special molds in the form of a ball.

Fantasize! Let your bomb be unique.

The obligatory ingredients that are responsible for the hissing and bubbling of soap balls are citric acid and baking soda.

We take amazing aromas from essential oils or dried flowers. The skin will thank us for the use of essential oils. For example, olive, grape seed oil, sunflower or almond. Those who are especially keen can also use dyes, just try to choose hypoallergenic ones.

The rest of the ingredients depend on what kind of bomb you want to end up with.

Recipes for stress

An ideal hot bath is synonymous with a relaxing treatment. It will help you get rid of unnecessary thoughts and stress. Especially if magic bombs are present in it. Here are some recipes that will transform ordinary tap water into a magical relaxing liquid.

Lavender with milk

We stock up on a cup, a spray bottle, a tablespoon and the following substances: soda, citric acid, sea salt, grape seed oil, crushed dry lavender and essential essence of the same flower.

This bomb is based on lavender oil and milk. The gentle scent of the composition has a calming effect. The oil helps to cope with headaches, fatigue and excruciating insomnia.

Almond bath

We stock up as always with a cup, a tablespoon and a teaspoon and a spray bottle, baking soda, citric acid, a bottle of glycerin and almond oil. If you want to add a delicate lemon tint to the bombs, then prepare the curry spice.

  1. First, mix soda (4 tablespoons) and citric acid (3 tablespoons).
  2. Then add glycerin (1 teaspoon), sweet almond oil (1 tablespoon) and some water from a spray bottle.
  3. If desired, add one quarter of a teaspoon of curry, send to molds, pack tightly.
  4. Such a handmade bath bomb will dry much longer - about 72 hours.

However, it's worth it. Almond pop is a great way to unwind after a hard day at work. Take this bath after sports training or any other physical activity. It will help to relax the muscles and prevent pain in them the next day.

Mint bath bombs

We stock up as always with a cup, a tablespoon, baking soda, citric acid, sunflower oil and dry crushed mint and its ether.

  1. Pour chopped mint into a thermos (about 5 tablespoons).
  2. Send boiling oil there (3 tablespoons). Leave the resulting mixture for an hour.
  3. After 60 minutes, squeeze out the oil. For example, using gauze or a thin towel.
  4. Mix soda and citric acid (3 tablespoons of each substance), add a few drops of peppermint oil.
  5. Mix both compositions and pour the resulting mixture into molds.
  6. We are waiting for at least 20 days.

Peppermint bombs can save you from bad thoughts and mental strain. Therefore, take the time to prepare a few of these unique specimens.

For invigoration of the body and soul

A hot bath can have more than just a relaxing effect. By adding special energizing ingredients to it, after 15 minutes you will feel a surge of strength and an unprecedented tone.

Coffee ylang - ylang

We stock up on a cup, a spray bottle, a tablespoon and the following substances: baking soda, citric acid, ground coffee, starch, wheat germ oil and sea salt.

  1. We take a cup. Pour 4 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 citric acid into it. Try to combine the powders into a single mixture. To do this, rub them well with a spoon.
  2. Stir in 3 tablespoons of another dry substance - starch.
  3. Now next in line are 2 tablespoons of wheat germ oil. Mix well.
  4. Pour in one tablespoon of ground coffee and salt.
  5. Then turn 15 drops of ylang-ylang ether. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly.
  6. Spray the composition in the cup with water from a spray bottle.
  7. Finally, take the substance in the palm of your hand and squeeze it tightly. If the product crumbles and falls apart, then drip a little more wheat germ oil.
  8. Lubricate the forms with any vegetable oil. After that, lay out future bombs and leave for 2-3 hours.
  9. Remove from molds onto paper, leave to dry for 5-6 days. After this time - the bombs are ready!

Bath bombs, handmade with ground coffee and ylang-ylang oil, will give you an unprecedented burst of energy. The oil will have a special softening effect on the skin. One of his abilities is to heal wounds. Also, this fluid affects blood pressure. She can fix it. And you can not talk about the invigorating function of coffee. This fact has long been proven by scientists and confirmed by ordinary people.

The invigorating power of citrus. The fastest lemon bombs

We stock up, as always, with a cup, soda, a tablespoon, dry citric acid and take a fresh lemon.

  1. Grate one fresh citrus fruit.
  2. Combine the resulting slurry and soda (4 tablespoons).
  3. Add acid (a quarter of a teaspoon).
  4. Then we act at the speed of light: we quickly lay it on the molds and be sure to wrap it with a film.
  5. We forget for five or even six hours.
  6. We take it out of the mold, lay it out on paper sheets.
  7. We leave for 7 days.

lemon bomb - perfect solution for "owls". A morning bath with a lemon shell is a real energy SPA. You will forget about drowsiness, and meet the new day in a fighting mood.

Soapy sweets or a sweet tooth bath

Sweet aromas of chocolate, cinnamon or almond will drive almost any woman crazy. After all, we are natural sweet tooth. In addition, the smell of mouth-watering desserts will turn you into a fluttering butterfly. Therefore, in moments of depression and sadness, we snack on chocolate or buy ourselves a fragrant cinnamon shampoo. Dessert water procedures have an even greater effect in this situation. How to make a bath bomb equivalent to a chocolate brownie? stocking up the right ingredients and prepare an explosive projectile.

Coffee with cream

We stock up on a cup, a spray bottle, a tablespoon and the following substances: soda, citric acid, dry cream, cinnamon powder, ground coffee and glycerin or grape seed oil of your choice. You can add your favorite aromatic ether to this list.

  1. Mix citric acid (2 tablespoons), soda (4 tablespoons) and dry cream (1 spoon) in a bowl.
  2. Add one tablespoon of ground cinnamon.
  3. Then the turn of glycerin or grape seed oil (2 tablespoons of one of these two bases).
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Add 15-20 drops of your favorite essential oil and coffee.
  6. Spray with water using a spray bottle and send to the mold for 10 - 15 minutes.
  7. Remove the pops and leave on paper for 5 - 6 hours.

Due to the natural nature of the ingredients, these bombs should be used up within a week. However, such a dessert is unlikely to be stale. Who wouldn't want to get rid of depression and blues with zero-calorie sweets?


Who doesn't love chocolate? All those who raised their hands, please leave the monitor. This precious recipe for chocolate bombs can only be accepted by true connoisseurs of this delicacy.

We take: 3 tbsp. l. baking soda, 1.5 tbsp. l. citric acid, 3 tbsp. l. chocolate: milk, dark or bitter. Most importantly, no additives.

The composition of these sweet pops is simple. No more complicated and the recipe:

  1. Finely grate a bar of your favorite chocolate.
  2. Combine baking soda and citric acid.
  3. We send grated chocolate to the dry mixture. Pour the mixture tightly into the moulds.
  4. After 3-4 hours, we take out the bombs, lay them out on paper.
  5. Forget about them for a day. That is how long they will dry.

Now you can use homemade bombs during the reception hot bath. We send the pops into the water and enjoy the process first, then the effect. Soap shells, made by yourself from natural essences, will cheer you up and become ideal allies in the fight for beauty. The most delicate skin like silk, chic thick hair and a positive attitude - all this will make you irresistible not only in the eyes strangers but also in their own.

  1. The temperature of the water in the bath should be no higher than 36.6 degrees.
  2. Don't mess around in hot tub longer than half an hour.
  3. Do not use questionable components or those to which you may have a negative reaction.
  4. Do not use more than 20 drops of essential oils.

Once you get used to making bombs with these recipes, feel free to start making your own. Add your favorite ingredients to infuse your bath with nature's most delicate scents.

Try to create explosive masterpieces with your child or friends. Or arrange a surprise for your loved ones, friends and colleagues - give them homemade presents for the next holiday!


Greetings, dear friends!
Today we will talk about personal hygiene and how to make everyday activities a particularly pleasant and interesting procedure. Most children enjoy bathing as it relaxes and relieves stress. After this procedure, sleep well. And washing can be turned from a hygiene procedure into exciting game. And baby bath bombs will help us with this.

Of course, every child receives the first bath immediately after birth. And in the future, taking a bath becomes a regular daily ritual. Hot water, soap and a washcloth already perfectly cleanse the skin. So what are bombs and why are they needed in the bath? Fragrant balls got such a formidable name because of their shape and ability to "explode" - to dissolve with a hiss and gurgle.

This is a nice addition that makes bathing fun and rewarding. Of course, children love to watch how, after lowering the ball into hot water, it begins to geyser, foam and hiss. If the pop contains dyes, the foam will turn into a delicate color, and essential oils and flavorings will give a delicious smell.

Bombs or geysers can be roughly divided into two groups.

On the effect on the CNS

  • soothing;
  • stimulating.

While soothing pops are recommended for excitable, anxious and emotionally unstable children who are prone to irritability. They will also help kids with sleep disorders. In contrast, stimulating, invigorating ones are good for slow, inactive children. Suitable for those who find it difficult to concentrate.

By production method

  • industrial, which can be bought at the store;
  • handmade - made by craftswomen taking into account all your wishes;
  • homemade - handmade.

Let's talk about how bath bombs are useful or harmful. If you buy balls in a store, you may be faced with the fact that the composition will contain various chemical additives: surfactants, dyes, flavors, preservatives. Surfactants are added to make the geyser foam more intensely, dyes give the bath bomb a pleasant color, flavors give a delicious smell, and preservatives help to keep it for a long time.

If natural paints, such as saffron, were used in the manufacture, then such a tool will not bring any harm. But more often in the industry they use chemical compounds, and this is not too good for the delicate skin of the baby. However, artificial flavors and fragrances can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, carefully study the composition when choosing a bathing product.

A bath bomb is more useful if it is made at home, because you select its composition completely from natural and healthy ingredients, taking into account the needs of your child. Undoubtedly, the process of making a bomb with your own hands together with children will become not only entertaining, but also a developing pastime.


The main ingredients of any fizz are ordinary baking soda and citric acid. Of course, any housewife has these components in the kitchen, as they are often used in cooking. Almost always cheap and available. The action of the geyser is based on the fact that a dry mixture of sodium bicarbonate with acid, when it enters the water, gives a reaction and begins to spin, boil and hiss. This results in water softening. Lemonka is a good natural antioxidant, and the properties of soda to relieve itching and inflammation have long been known. In addition to the main components, you can add:

  • dry milk or cream
  • sea ​​salt
  • flower petals or ground dried flowers
  • emollients and essential oils
  • spices
  • cosmetic clay
  • vitamins

How to do it yourself

Of course, the manufacturing process is simple and accessible even to an older child. There is only one component that needs to be prepared without the presence of children, citric acid. To do this, grind its crystals with a coffee grinder into a homogeneous powder. Of course, it is better to do this in a mask or respirator, because the smallest particles can irritate the respiratory tract. So, everything is ready, you can start. There are three manufacturing methods: with the addition of water, with the addition of alcohol and with the help of a spray bottle. The basic ratio of acid and soda is 1:2, i.e. for 1 tablespoon of lemon you need to take 2 tbsp. sodium bicarbonate.

Basic Rules

  • utensils for mixing should be well wiped;
  • it is better to work with gloves, because. high humidity hands can cause the main ingredients to react with each other;
  • you can take any mold - a cup of yogurt, silicone for baking, a mold from a children's sand set;
  • mix the dry parts thoroughly first, then add the liquid parts, rubbing well;
  • tamp the mixture very tightly;
  • remove from molds after at least 4 hours;
  • do not store for a long time, it is better to use immediately, storage in a dry room well wrapped in foil is allowed;

The properties of bath bombs depend on the additional components included in the composition. Add essential oils and herbs based on your child's preferences, desired effect, and possible allergic reactions. If your baby has diathesis or bronchial asthma, it is better to refuse the use of ethers altogether.


As an illustration, here are a few recipes for baby bath bombs, many of which you can easily make from improvised materials.


Promotes relaxation and soothes due to the menthol contained in mint. Undoubtedly, gives peace and improves sleep. First, mix all the dry ingredients, add the base oil to them and grind the mixture well. If it remains crumbly, add a few drops of water, rubbing thoroughly and quickly to avoid a reaction. At the end, drip mint essential oil. Then press firmly into the mold and let dry.

  • 1 tablespoon sea ​​salt;
  • 1 st. l. citric acid;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sodium bicarbonate;
  • 1/3 teaspoon base oil (olive, grape, castor);
  • ground dry mint;
  • a few drops of green food coloring;
  • 2-3 drops of mint essential oil.


Good for softening and nourishing the skin. The principle of its manufacture is the same as in the previous case.
Take citric acid and soda in a ratio of 1 to 2, add one tablespoon to them. powdered milk or cream and one tbsp. cocoa. After that, stir well, add base oil and a few drops of vitamin E.


Of course, it stimulates activity, gives a joyful mood. Add 1 tbsp to the main mixture. cornstarch, and then 1/3 tsp. base and a few drops of essential oils of orange and sweet tangerine. A bright orange pleasant color will give saffron if you take it as a natural dye. If desired, drop 2-3 drops. cinnamon ether. The combination of cinnamon and citrus gives a warm, sweet, bright aroma.


Promotes relaxation and rest, as well as relieves anxiety and normalizes sleep.
Mix soda and lemon as in the first recipe, then add a tablespoon of sea salt, tsp. powdered milk, half tsp. castor oil, a few drops of lavender ether, 1-2 k. blue food or cosmetic dye.

In order to make multi-colored geysers, you need to prepare a mixture of several colors and pour them into a mold in layers or in random order. Use crushed dried flowers, cocoa or coffee, rose petals, saffron if you want to get variegated. Do not add coloring components if your plans are for a dye-free bomb. As a result, it will be dazzlingly white!


Sometimes it happens that during the cooking process, when water is added, the mixture immediately starts to sizzle. Then add the liquid drop by drop, trying to rub thoroughly. For this purpose, you can moisten the mixture from a spray bottle. However, you should not get carried away, otherwise the soda will react with the acid. And unfortunately, all the work will be in vain. Be careful, because the humidity should be such that the gruel is easily compacted and does not crumble.

Rest assured, your little one will love helping you make pops. Moreover, swimming with them will become his favorite pastime. However, we must not forget that although sea salt, oils and soda are good for the skin, it is not recommended to use such products on a daily basis. Enough 1 time in 2 weeks. Throwing a ball or figurine should be into hot water, only then it will work and reveal its properties completely. Keep in mind that you need to take such a bath at the end of washing. After all hygiene procedures with soap are finished.

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How wonderful that today bathing can be turned into fun show. One has only to put a bubbling bath ball into the water and enjoy the dance of bubbles with a delicate smell of a cosmetic product.

Bath balls will entertain while bathing and give the skin softness and gloss. They combine the functions of care and relaxation. The composition of the soap product can be various caring components.

Making your own bath bombs is not that difficult. Bath bomb recipes are amazing. But not everyone knows how to make bombs. A master class on their creation can be found here.

you can put any herbs in bath bombs

What is a bath bomb, we answer: effervescent bath bombs are made from different mixtures according to numerous recipes, they are also called "geysers". Once in the water, they seethe, gradually dissolving.

The recipe for bath bombs includes only natural ingredients. They give the skin beneficial caring substances. The balls have a delicate aroma, soothe and relax. Or, on the contrary, they carry an invigorating charge, dipping into a fresh whirlwind of emotions.

In any case, this soapy fireworks will give everyone pleasure and cheer up. The ball with the addition of sea salt will turn the water in the bath into a salt pool, very beneficial for health.

How to make a bath bomb with your own hands, first things first, a specialized master class will teach you this. To prepare a bath popper, you must have the following products:

  • Citric acid
  • Sea buckthorn, almond - any other oil
  • Powdered milk, cream, cosmetic clay
  • Any essential oils
  • Supplements of dried herbs, flowers, flakes, honey and so on
  • Dye

Components are taken in accordance with their tastes. Depending on the condition of the skin and the presence of any allergic reactions. It is important what emotions and what kind of care you want to get in the process of bathing with one or another bomb.

in each bomb we can add literally everything that is at hand


To create homemade bomb for the bath should be prepared:

  1. volumetric cup
  2. Gloves and mask
  3. Cold water spray bottle
  4. Bomb molds

If there were no spherical shapes at home, any will do. It can be plastic containers any size and shape. And then you should purchase the missing forms for bombs in hardware stores or departments for creativity.
Making our own bath bombs, we will use the following recipes:

Master class number 1 "Relaxation"

four tablespoons of soda;
one to three tablespoons of citric acid;
one tablespoon of salt;
two to four tablespoons of powdered milk (cream);
two tablespoons of almond oil;
10-20 drops of essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, bergamot;
one tablespoon of chamomile flowers, lemon balm.

Combine all ingredients, except oils, in a large container, crush. While stirring, add almond oil and other oils. To mix everything. We spray on the mass from the spray gun. When the mixture begins to sizzle and becomes viscous, spread the mass into molds and tamp well.

The form must be pre-greased with oil. We leave products for 5 hours. Transfer the finished bath pops to separate place. If the bomb is made as a gift, it should be beautifully packaged.

How to pack a ready bubbling bath ball is up to you. There is no limit to the flight of fancy. Wrapping paper, ribbons, colored cardboard, bright cellophane will do. You can just wrap the ball in beautiful paper and tie with ribbon. And you can combine round geysers into a simple composition of several pieces. Lots of options.

Master class No. 2 "Chocolate Paradise"

four tablespoons of soda;
one to three st. spoons of citric acid;
one tablespoon of salt;
two tablespoons of jojoba oil;
one tablespoon of dark chocolate;
one to three tablespoons of powdered milk can be (cream);
one tablespoon of cocoa powder.

use whatever forms you have

In a spacious container, combine soda, acid and salt, grind. Melt a bar of chocolate. Slowly add jojoba oil to the cooled mass. Add the resulting mixture to the bowl with the rest of the elements. Mix. Place a homogeneous mass according to the forms. Put in the freezer. Remove after half an hour, the soap attraction is ready.
Learn how to make a homemade citrus bath bomb.

Master class number 3

three to five tablespoons of lemon or rather lemon zest
three to five st. spoons of soda;
one to three st. spoons of citric or any other acid;
half st. spoons of salt;
two tablespoons sea ​​buckthorn oil;
15-20 drops of grapefruit or lemon essential oil.

Mix loose powders in a dry bowl. Add grated lemon zest. Carefully pour in the sea buckthorn oil, lemon oil and mix everything well. If desired, add food coloring. Sprinkle the prepared mixture with water and lay in special forms for bombs. And you can leave for 5 hours. When the balls are dry, you can start using them.

These handmade bubbling bath bombs are made from natural ingredients.
And they have a lot of useful properties:

  • take care of the skin, nourishing and moisturizing it;
  • give a pleasant aroma and a feeling of joy;
  • relax and soothe;
  • increase overall vitality.

It’s easier, of course, to buy a ready-made bubbling ball. But how can you be sure of its quality and safety? Store-bought balloon water bombs may contain ingredients that are unhealthy. And instead of positive impressions, they will bring problems and bad feeling. And if these are children's bath bombs, then their natural composition is all the more important.

Children's direction

It is also easy for children to make bombs with their own hands. Every child will be happy to bathe with a soap miracle. Noisy seething and a colorful cascade of splashes will delight any kid. It is only necessary to approach the creation of home-made water fireworks with enthusiasm and imagination.

A baby bath bomb at home is made, just like everyone else. Only this bomb will be brighter, more unusual and interesting. With the smell of sweets or fizzy soda. There are a huge number of children's forms for bath bombs. Of course, when choosing a recipe for bath bombs, it is worth considering the interests and tastes of the child.

Swimming beads

A similar soap firework will provide bath beads. This is a set of small beads similar to pearls. They are different size and colors. Consist of the same ingredients as large geysers + contain gelatin. Often included in large balls. They are placed inside the bomb at the stage of creating a soap masterpiece. Beads give the same unforgettable emotions and sensations. You can buy these wonderful beads on the Internet or in departments with bath products.

If you want to turn a routine bath into a real SPA ritual - add to the water bright colors rich aroma and useful material. How? With bath bombs that are easy to make at home!

Unlike ordinary bath salts, bath bombs are not only useful, but also spectacular: when they hit the water, these colored balls begin to boil, creating abundant foam and saturating the bathroom with your favorite scent.

The shape and color of homemade bombs depend only on your imagination!

Do-it-yourself bubbling bomb

So, you will need a few basic ingredients:

  • baking soda;
  • citric acid powder;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • food coloring (in liquid form);
  • essential oils;
  • water.

In the manufacturing process will come in handy:

  • rubber gloves;
  • spray;
  • Bowl;
  • kitchen scales;
  • gauze face mask;
  • molds.

To get started, try making one or two bombs to master the technology. Then you can make several pieces at once. Soda and citric acid should always be added in a ratio of 2:1. This is a prerequisite, otherwise the correct chemical reaction will not occur.

You can choose additional components of the bombs yourself: base and essential oils, dried flowers, cereals and herbs. In the process of creating bubbling balls, use gloves and a gauze mask, because dry soda and citric acid aggressively affect the skin of the hands and also irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. So, let's start making bombs.

Stage 1: Preparation of the main composition

  • Whisk the baking soda and citric acid thoroughly with a whisk in a bowl, breaking up any lumps.
  • Add your favorite essential oils drop by drop. Tip: If after adding oils (such as citrus) the mixture starts to sizzle, stir it quickly until smooth.
  • Divide the mixture into several parts and add a couple of drops of a different dye, vigorously kneading the mixture until the color is uniform.

Stage 2: Shaping

  • Using a spray bottle, spray a little water into the mixture, all the while observing the consistency and rubbing the mass in your palms. Add water until the mass becomes plastic, but not too "rubber".
  • Pour the prepared mixture into the molds, gently pressing against the walls. If you are using special spherical shapes for bombs, then simply fasten them together (do not scroll!), wait a few seconds and carefully remove them without damaging the bombs. You can also take the usual children's molds or figured baking dishes.

Stage 3: Drying

  • Fold the finished bombs on a paper sheet and let dry for several hours.
  • Pack dried strong balls in plastic bags or cling film to minimize moisture ingress.

Remember: the fresher and drier the bombs, the more they hiss in the water, so do not store them for a long time, especially when open.

Homemade Bomb Recipes

There are many different interesting recipes for bubbling balls. By adding certain cosmetic ingredients, you enhance beneficial features bombs. Depending on the mood, you can add tonic, soothing, warming, softening and many other additives.

Bomb "Chocolate Delight"

This fragrant hissing geyser will be a real find for chocolate lovers. For one medium sized bubbling ball you will need:

  • soda - 60 g;
  • citric acid - 30 g;
  • food sea salt - 30 g;
  • dry milk - 35 g;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tsp
  • food flavoring "Chocolate" and "Cherry" - 5 drops each.

Mix all the ingredients according to technology and give the bomb the desired shape.

Bomb "Morning coffee"

A fragrant coffee bomb will help you wake up quickly in the morning and add energy for the whole day. In addition, coffee is also an excellent skin exfoliator. Ingredients:

  • soda - 50 g;
  • citric acid - 25 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 30 g;
  • dry cream or milk - 30 g;
  • ground coffee - 25 g;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tsp

Bomb "Good night!"

By dissolving this bubbling ball during the evening bath, you will provide yourself with not only a strong and healthy sleep, but also full recovery strength, because the recipe is based on soothing lavender. For 3 balls you will need:

  • soda - 90 g;
  • citric acid - 45 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 35 g;
  • dry lavender flowers - 10 g;
  • lavender essential oil - 15 drops;
  • turquoise and purple food coloring - 5 drops each.

Divide the mass into two parts and dissolve a different dye in each. Gently stir the colors - so that they do not merge, but contrast with each other.

Bomb "Orange and Cinnamon"

Bath geyser made of orange and cinnamon has a warming, tonic and stimulating effect on metabolic processes. This recipe is suitable for all owners of oily skin, because the orange perfectly narrows and cleanses the pores. So, you will need:

  • soda - 70 g;
  • citric acid - 35 g;
  • dry milk - 15 g;
  • bitter orange essential oil - 10 drops;
  • ground cinnamon - 5 g;
  • cinnamon essential oil - 5 drops;
  • orange food coloring - 5 drops.

Bomb "Oriental Tale"

Thanks to this geyser, you can give yourself a real aromatherapy session. For one bomb you will need:

  • soda - 60 g;
  • citric acid - 30 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 30 g;
  • jojoba oil - 7 drops;
  • essential oils: patchouli, ylang-ylang, geranium, mint, rosemary, eucalyptus, lemongrass - 3 drops each.
  • red food coloring - 8 drops.

In jojoba oil, mix the rest of the essential oils and add them to the finished dry mixture, stirring vigorously and making sure that no lumps form.

As you can see, it is very easy to create bath geysers with your own hands. Bubbling balls can also become perfect gift for your friends. Experiment with dyes, oils, and dry herbs. Find your perfect recipe!
