Sunflower oil according to the dream book. The Magic of Numbers

Oils seen in a dream - portends extremes in a pleasant business for you.

Collection of dream books

Oil- mitigation of a tough situation.

If you are given oil in a dream- this portends friendliness and affectionate greetings.

Oil- showing respect; spread on bread- career advancement.

Oil- losses, hard times, the hard way to success

See butter or olive oil- to the disease; spill vegetable oil or smear something with butter- to a conflict, stressful situation; there is butter - to the disease; eat any vegetable oil- in nutrition, it is necessary to refuse butter and switch to vegetable oils.

See- sickness and loss; spill- you are being followed; to be doused- good deeds; drink- friends make it easy for you life path; see blazing- joy and pleasure; linseed oil - win; lubricating oils- things are going smoothly.

Lean oil for the sick- for recovery.

Seeing (or eating) a lot of butter- to great happiness and wealth.

Dreamed butter- means that soon you will have a son or daughter.

But if in a dream you buy oil- a dream predicts deep grief.

If you dreamed of vegetable oil- a heavy loss awaits you, which you will not be able to avoid.

Oil spilled in a dream- a sign that soon your money affairs will recover.

Get oil in a dream- a harbinger of the fact that you will complete your business with great profit, but only if you show scrupulousness and honesty.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The oil is even rancid- to well-being.

Ukrainian dream book

oil see- happiness, health; drink- disappointment in love.

There is oil - well-being.

Oil, smear- someone "smears" you with their tongue, they talk about you.

Esoteric dream book

Any oil- to well-being.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Oil- good, respect; shoot down- grow rich; cow- fulfillment of the desired; there is- kiss, from someone respect, well-being; spread- they say about you, promotion; drink vegetable oil- disease; pour- recovery; shed- the loss; pour over- benefit.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

Medieval dream book of Daniel

There is butter- to good news.

If someone is sprinkled with oil- this portends to him the protection of the grace of the Holy Spirit.

To be oiled- to wealth, joy, good, both now and in the future.

Get oil- to joy.

English dream book

Butter, be it in a butter dish, on bread or in porridge- always dreams of good, it is a harbinger of celebration and fun. To the lover it- promises a quick wedding. Tired of litigation - promises to win the case. After such a dream, your friend will finally return home safe and sound and will forever remain for you that true friend that "is known in trouble." If you were in danger, now it will certainly bypass you.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

A dream in which lubricating oils appear- first of all testifies to sad thoughts. In addition, your health may deteriorate and you will have to go on a diet.

"Anoint" someone's hand means to give a bribe or a tip. Are you trying to bribe someone or is someone trying to bribe you?

General dream book

Knock down oil in a dream- in reality it means that you set difficult goals for yourself, but, having shown diligence and diligence, you will achieve what you want and become a wealthy person.

The peasant has such a dream- promises good harvest, and a woman- economic and energetic husband.

If you dream that you are lubricating something- this speaks of upcoming events in which you will be the driving force.

Large amount of oil- excessive passion for some pleasant thing for you. Oil trade for a man means failure in love relationships when he counted on an easy victory. For a woman to lubricate something with oil in a dream- a sign that great opportunities will open before her.

Rub yourself with oil in a dream- means recovery, getting rid of some life difficulties.

If you dreamed that you were pouring sunflower oil- the news that you learn the next day will turn out to be false rumors.

In a dream, you set fire to sunflower oil- Tomorrow you will learn a lot about your colleagues.

drink sunflower oil- to illness.

Women's dream book

A sign of good health and ongoing plans.

rancid oil- portends wealth acquired by hard physical labor.

sell oil- to a small profit.

If a woman sees a dream in which she oils her body- this portends that soon she will rush headlong into frivolous entertainment.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Eastern female dream book

In whatever form the oil dreamed- this is good sign; lovers oil- dreaming of an imminent wedding, businessman- to a successful deal, military- to a speedy and safe return home. If you were in danger- she will pass by.

Modern combined dream book

There is fresh golden oil in a dream- prediction of good health and successfully completed plans. This dream promises you the acquisition of wealth and knowledge.

If you dreamed that you were eating rancid butter- skill and prosperity will be your reward for hard physical work.

sell oil- to a small profit.

New family dream book

If in a dream you ate fresh golden butter- your plans will come true, and your health will not let you down. You will also gain wealth and knowledge.

rancid oil- also dreams of prosperity, but acquired by hard physical labor.

If you were selling oil in a dream- don't expect big profits.

A woman who lubricated her body with oil in a dream- will go headlong into frivolous entertainment.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Butter - good health, good luck.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Butter for a long time was considered a symbol of prosperity, because vegetable oil was much more common - sunflower, corn, linseed, and so on. A century ago, only wealthy people could afford to eat creamy.

If in life this product was a sign of a rich life, then why dream of butter? Aesop's dream book considers oil in night dreams to be a very ambiguous symbol. So, according to the interpreter, the different meanings that this object you saw can reflect were embodied in proverbs and sayings, different in their meaning and emotional mood.

If everything is moving “like clockwork” for you, this is just wonderful, but if you had to “cajole” someone, then this is most likely such a phenomenon as corruption, causing in society negative emotions and censure.

To interpret the oil that you happened to see in a dream, you first need to decide what exactly you saw. The meanings of dreams in which fatty products of animal, vegetable or chemical origin appeared will be different. Therefore, let's try to analyze what it means if:

  • You dreamed of animal oil.
  • I dreamed of a vegetable fat product.
  • The oil in your dreams was technical (machine), cosmetic or medical.

Creamy Prosperity

According to the Old French Dream Book, butter, seen in a dream from the side, means that soon the dreamer should expect replenishment in the family - he will have an heir or heiress. Aesop's dream book gives a different interpretation: a lot of this product in night dreams is a symbol that your affairs will go smoothly, and the obstacles that interfered with you will disappear, as if by magic. Well, a worthy completion of your affairs will be material wealth.

The Russian dream book also considers oil of animal origin in a dream a sign of a future prosperous life. If you get your hands dirty in it, some pleasant event awaits you. And to see that you yourself use the churn, trying to get the final product out of it, means that you will be able to earn decent money, but for this you will have to work hard.

I dreamed that you were smearing butter on a slice or a piece of fresh rolls - you could make a profit without putting much effort into it. Interpreters pay a lot of attention to what it means to eat a product made from animal fat in a dream.

If he was handsome golden color and tastes good, Big dream book, that is, it is a very good sign. Seeing such an action in your nightly dreams means that your plans will come true, and your health will be strong and will not cause you any anxiety.

Other dream books believe that if you happen to eat oil in a dream, then soon you will receive important knowledge. It can be some kind of secret or a refresher course. But in any case, the information received will benefit you, and with its help you can significantly improve your financial condition.

If you had to eat an already rancid product in a dream, then this means, according to Family dream book that you will have money. However, for this you will have to work very hard - and most likely, this work will be physical, not mental.

There is cold butter, from which it was difficult to make a sandwich, which means that you will have to make an effort to improve relations with a certain person. And if someone else had a sandwich with a creamy product in your dream, most likely you will have a pleasant acquaintance.

vegetable luck

What is the dream of oil of vegetable origin, tells in detail the Alphabetical dream book. It turns out that a lot depends on how it was in a dream. Sunflower see - to financial well-being and good health.

Olive warns that you need to be more attentive to your own health. Corn is also a warning sign: in business, you can only rely on yourself if you want to get good result and monetary reward. But linen gives a sign in a dream that even without significant efforts on your part, money will come to you - it can be a win, an inheritance or a bonus.

To dream that you have spilled a fatty product on the floor, which is of plant origin, is interpreted in the Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff: this means that all your undertakings will be successful. However, in order for this to happen, you will need to make great efforts and not let things take their course. The Islamic dream book believes that to see any vegetable oil in dreams - to a comfortable life, the means for which will be honestly earned.

Spill it on the floor, says the Gypsy interpreter, - you need to be very careful not to "slip" in your professional activities. See vegetable oil spilled on yourself - your cash receipts will increase. Moreover, this will not be a one-time “infusion”, but, for example, an increase in salaries or an offer of a better-paid job.

What is the dream of sunflower oil that you had to drink in a dream? Seeing that you had to drink such a product or eat black bread with it means that your relatives will need your help. And in order to render it, you will have to visit them.

If in your dreams there is a scene that you went to sell vegetable oil, or maybe buy it, then such a dream promises to improve things. It will come thanks to your ingenuity and initiative.

For car and body

Why dream of oil if it has nothing to do with food? Seeing this product of cosmetic properties, applying it to the body in your dreams, smearing it with it - for a woman, such a vision portends romantic adventures. Also, such dreams can mean any upcoming fun entertainment.

An aromatic fat product that someone in night visions lubricates your body, according to Medieval dream book, means that a comfortable and joyful life awaits you. If you get aroma oil in - you will have a lucky chance.

When in night dreams you have the task of lubricating some mechanism with engine oil and you successfully cope with it, this means what awaits you professional growth . If you do well with the work assigned to you, then career advancement may follow. You also don’t have to worry about relations with colleagues and management - they will be, if not warm, then at least even and respectful.

If you dreamed of an olive tree, it warns Big Dictionary dreams, do not rush to be upset that things are not going the way we would like. Anxiety is premature, very soon everything will work out, and there is no reason for concern.

If you had a dream, the oil in which turned out to be machine for domestic use, reports the Interpreter from A to Z, a major purchase is ahead. Perhaps this thing will be quite expensive, but in household would be indispensable without it.

The dreamed grease for firearms - for example, guns - symbolizes concern about the future of children. But do not worry: everything will work out in the best way, although, of course, children can make their parents worry.

A very good symbol is a canister of car oil or the process of refueling a car with it. This is a harbinger of a fun trip.

Oil plays a very important role in our life, and this applies to both butter and vegetable.

However, not everyone knows what to expect when it was seen in a dream.

Of course, much will depend on the details of the dream, so you should remember the entire plot of the dream up to the smallest details.

So, let's figure out what the oil is dreaming of, and what to expect from such a dream.

Butter or sunflower?

In general, the appearance of oil in a dream should be interpreted as a positive sign, promising excellent prospects and success for the person who had such a dream.

In ancient times, this product was available only to wealthy citizens and high-ranking officials, but that time is long gone, and today this product is present in abundance in any family. Thus, the symbolism went precisely from the old days and has survived to this day.

    The butter that you saw in a dream is a symbol of happiness in your personal life. This positive sign promises good period relationships, which will be full of favorable news and events;

    sunflower oil is a symbol of peace and tranquility. Great sign, foreshadowing the departure of all troubles and anxieties, your life will stabilize again, confidence in the future will appear, happiness and harmony will return to the family.

What portends?

1. As mentioned above, butter - auspicious sign that promises you prosperity. However, you do not need to think that everything will come very simply, you will have to work hard for this, but, in any case, all your efforts will be well rewarded, and you will be able to provide yourself with a comfortable life. So, you can apply for a new, more important and highly paid post, you are promised promotion, profitable cooperation, a serious win or some other profitable niche. So do not sit still, everything is in your hands!

2. If you dreamed in a dream how you see or eat oily, fatty porridge, this is also a good harbinger that promises you a good deal. Therefore, be vigilant in business, do not miss the opportunity to significantly improve your material well-being. Take the initiative, use every chance - and your courage will be rewarded!

3. If you dream of butter that you are churning with my own hands- this is a sign that you will have to work very well and fruitfully, but at the same time all your efforts will be rewarded. Remember that you will definitely succeed, but for this you cannot sit idly by.

4. If you see yourself purchasing sunflower or butter - this is a warning sign that you should be very vigilant in business, try to bypass offers that seem vague and unpromising to you. This period is very dangerous, so do business only with trusted partners, as there is a high risk of being deceived and incurring serious losses.

5. If you smear oil on your body and hands in a dream, this is not good sign, promising an early illness. For young girls, such a dream means that you should beware of rash adventures and dangerous entertainment, as in the end you can be very disappointed in people.

6. If you oil your own head in a dream, this sign promises you fame and recognition. You can be sure that your efforts will not go unnoticed, you will be honored and respected among colleagues, superiors, and even in the family circle. Therefore, do not listen to anyone, but stubbornly follow your goal and have no doubt that you are doing everything right.

7. If you dreamed about spilling sunflower oil, this is a favorable sign that promises you a good profit. Moreover, money can come from the most unexpected places, so soon your well-being will improve a lot!

8. If you dreamed of oil that another person gave you or treated you, this is a sign that you will be able to make a profit, but only if you work hard on yourself, save a good relationship with other people and set realistic goals.

9. Seeing butter on the table (on a dish, bread or any other form) is a sign of some kind of celebration and fun. So, good company, delicious food and pleasant stay.

Oil according to Miller's dream book

The American psychologist Gustav Miller interprets dreams with oil as follows:

    eating fresh butter in a dream is a good sign that promises good health, prosperity and the implementation of all plans. There is a high probability that very soon you can become the owner of large real estate;

    eating butter, while feeling bitterness in your mouth, is a good sign that you will be able to fulfill all your dreams and plans, but they will not come easy to you, you will have to work hard;

    if you sell oil in a dream - to a small income;

    if a woman lubricates her body with oil in a dream, this means that soon in real life she will be swallowed up entirely by frivolous amusements;

    if you are whipping butter, this is a sign that you are setting yourself challenging tasks, and you can achieve them only through great diligence and labor;

    to see oil in a dream for a villager means excellent harvest this year;

    if a woman saw butter in a dream, this is a sign that she will have an economic and enterprising husband;

    if you dream a large number of sunflower oil is a sign of your excessive passion for some interesting activity for you;

    for a man, selling sunflower oil means problems on a personal front, although at first everything seemed simple enough;

    if a woman lubricates her body with sunflower oil, this is a sign that excellent prospects will soon open before her.

Why dream of sunflower oil according to Vanga's dream book

    to see how you diligently rub oil into your body is a sign that you will be able to get rid of the problems that weigh on you, if you get sick, then you will recover soon;

    if a girl lubricates herself and everything around with oil (objects, furniture, and so on) - this is a good sign that promises her unprecedented prospects;

    if a man sells oil in a dream, he will face a collapse in his personal life;

    if you whip butter in a dream - in reality, your tasks are difficult to complete;

    if a girl whips butter, it is a sign that she will soon marry a purposeful and practical young man.

Why dream of butter according to Freud's dream book

    watching another person spread butter on bread - to pleasant acquaintance with a person with whom you will quickly find mutual language;

    if in a dream you are trying to spread cold butter on bread, and this process is not easy for you, it means that in real life you will not be able to restore harmony soon;

    if you dropped oil on the floor in a dream, this is a sign that you, trying to open your partner’s eyes to what is happening, accidentally offend him;

    buying oil on the market is a sign of guilt towards your “counterpart”, which you will try to make up for with all your might. However, it will be enough just your care and attention.

Why dream of sunflower oil according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    Seeing fresh oil in a dream is a good sign promising happiness and prosperity;

    to see rancid oil in a dream - you will be able to achieve your goals in business and love only through hard work and patience.

Why dream of butter according to Adaskin's dream book

    whipping or eating butter in a dream is a sign of prosperity and good health. Even if the oil is rancid, your well-being will only improve;

    if you lubricate the body with oil - this is a sign of frivolous hobbies;

    if you spilled melted butter - this is a loss, but if the drops got on your clothes - expect an early profit;

Islamic dream book: oil in a dream

    if you saw sunflower oil in a dream, this is a sign that your well-being will be earned in an honest way;

    to see butter in a dream is a sign of prosperity and profitable deals; for a peasant, such a dream means a rich harvest this year;

    if you drink oil in a dream - be careful, there are a lot of ill-wishers around you, there is a possibility of inducing damage or the evil eye;

    drink oil residue in a dream - you will get profit only through humiliation;

    if you are sick and rub your body with oil, expect a speedy recovery.

Dream interpretation sunflower oil

Why dream of sunflower oil? To prosperity and prosperous life. More oily fluid in your sleep is better for you. Such a dream leads to success both at work and at home.

Dream in hand

The dream in which you saw vegetable oil is the most favorable. There are many sleep scenarios, they can rub the body, cook food with it, wring it out, spill it, and so on.

Your actions

If you dreamed of sunflower oil

If you have a desire to know what kind of pleasantness a dream promises, remember well what you did with it. Any of your actions will directly affect the interpretation of sleep.

Annushka spilled oil

I remember the great work of Leo Tolstoy "Anna Karenina". And what will the dream lead to in which you managed to spill vegetable oil?

This is the only negative interpretation of dreams about vegetable oil. Spill it, then you are surrounded by enemies, and high power, giving you such a dream, tells you to look around, find enemies, and isolate yourself from them.

Drink vegetable oil

To dream about how you drink oliya - check your health. The dream predicts that an ailment will soon appear. But if you take care of yourself in advance, you can special efforts overcome it.

Cosmetic procedures

Seeing a person doused with this product means a good-natured person in front of you. If he is familiar to you, hold on to him in reality. Such people tend to help in trouble, support in difficult times.

In a dream, smear their head with it - expect good news, it is possible to receive money. All the things that you do not undertake will be successful.

  • Smear your hands in oil - get a pleasant surprise.
  • Lubricate hands, hair - an ambiguous prediction. When difficulties arise, there will be people who will come to the rescue.
  • Showering is a benefit.
  • Smearing your head - the long-awaited debt will return back, the arrival of funds.

For a woman, to see herself smeared and shiny - you will begin to look for easy entertainment.

Taste and smell

To feel in a dream how vegetable oil is bitter - you will gain prosperity, but before that, work hard physically. Seeing vegetable oil and taking it inside - your state of affairs is stable. Until the end of your days you will have prosperity, adversity will bypass.

Some sources of information claim that if you drink this product in a dream, love disappointments will follow.

It is not sunflower, but olive - you will appear before the bureaucracy, you will have to appease someone.

Seeing vegetable added to food in a dream is wealth. The only exception is:

  • cheese - business troubles, someone can set you up, be careful;
  • pancakes with butter - grief, sadness.

What do dream books predict

Everyone knows that before puzzling over a dream, you need to look into the dream book. Fortunately, there are a great many of the latter.

Family dream book

If sold

I dreamed about eating fresh vegetable oil, a promising vision. You will be healthy, rich, prosperous, all desires will be fulfilled.

Even the old dreams of prosperity, but for this you will have to make a lot of effort.

Selling it in a bottle - do not expect extra profit.

Aesop's dream book

The dream in which you beat the butter is an unfavorable period in life. You will work hard and hard, but in the end you will receive a reward for your work.

See on your hands olive oil- wait for mercy from fate. The main thing is to look both ways so that it does not slip away.

Lubricate parts - good luck in professional activities.

I dreamed of a lot of butter spread on bread - material and spiritual well-being.

Spill - to change, not very favorable. But you can prevent them if you treat others with more tolerance and respect.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

The only dream book that interprets such dreams negatively. In his opinion:

  • oil itself is a lie, deceit, flattery from your employees;
  • olive oil - loss of property or illness;
  • spilled - succumb to persecution.

If you happen to drink it

But if you study it well, then you can find positive moments seen in a dream. For example, flaming vegetable oil will bring pleasure and joy. Drink it in a dream - get the support of friends.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

This dream book also gives a positive interpretation of what he saw in a dream. Everything connected with this product will bring prosperity, success, respect.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

This source gives the most complete interpretation of what you dreamed about. For example, spreading olive oil on a bun - you will quarrel with relatives about the division of property.

Buying it in a store means peace and tranquility in your home.

A bad omen is carried with wood and camphor oil. Seeing the first will bring grief to loved ones. The second is sadness and irreversible loss.

I dreamed that you were making a purchase and sale of an olia - you would be involved in a dubious business. Although you will get a profit, but a meager one, incommensurable with the time and labor costs.

The dream in which I happened to see a burning liquid is rather negative. Tests are ahead, and only after overcoming them, you will find peace in the family and stability in business.


A dream in which a sleeping person can see oil is mostly positive, with the exception of a few nuances. For the most part, it is a spilled or burning oily liquid. But even in this case, you can get rid of problems with your own efforts. These dreams are more of a warning of danger than a real threat, so to speak, a guide to action.

Your mark:

“Annushka has already spilled the sunflower oil” – if you have read Bulgakov, then remember what her awkwardness turned out to be for the unfortunate Berlioz. By the way, even old dream books emphasize special meaning of this product - the way it is presented in a dream gives grounds for predicting fate. So, why dream of amber pomace from sunflower seeds?

Miller's dream book about the sources of wealth

Miller in his dream book pays tribute to sunflower oil and interprets the image as a harbinger of well-being. The price at which a fortune will be earned depends on the characteristics of the dream. If you dreamed of transparent and golden, then dreams of good education and strong prosperity. Turbid and rancid will also bring what you want, but this will have to be achieved with great effort.

Selling it in a dream means making an insignificant income, and seeing large stocks prophesies the resounding success of the enterprise, with which serious hopes are associated.

ambition and status

It is difficult to say from what ancient times sunflower oil has been associated with the social status of a person, but even today it reflects a high position in a dream and portends social recognition and profitable contacts.

Why dream of receiving a gift from someone: dream books believe that the dreamer's charisma attracts others. Buy - to win respect with work and properly built relationships. To drink - to go to recognition, relying on the support of associates. Why dream of seeing a warehouse of bottled oil: you should protect your reputation.

If you dreamed that someone was oiling your skin, then in reality you have an important role to play in significant events. Women are characterized by other priorities: for them, oil treatments in a dream predict love success and a lot of admirers.

be careful

Since we are talking about such a precious product, then any incident with it means an important warning. Why dream that sunflower oil was spilled or the dreamer's clumsiness manifested itself in some other way? Dream Interpretations report:

  • Seeing spilled - to persecution.
  • Carry in a bottle and break it - to disagreements with associates.
  • I dreamed that it was spilled by you - to material loss or incapacity.
  • To slip where it is spilled - to the failure of the plan, it would be better to postpone new projects.

Strive for productive communication

To pour sunflower oil into a bottle, dream books are interpreted as a reflection of a tedious and unproductive discussion of problems, the so-called "pouring from empty to empty." If you dreamed of oil neatly bottled, then this is a hint of the need to structure relationships and abandon burdensome relationships.

Unexpected signs

A sudden turn of events in a dream usually portends something new in life. The interpretation of sleep depends on the details. For example, frying in oil is a sign of future prosperity. If it turned out to be rancid, the dreamer is threatened with illness. I dreamed of boiling sunflower oil - control yourself, do not give vent to fits of jealousy. Why dream that it ignited? Dream Interpretations urge not to be afraid: many bright joyful events await ahead.
