The more years, the more happiness. US Congress Submits Act to Stop Russia's "Nuclear Aggression"

mature person

How many years have lived
We won't count
But we want this day
Wish from the bottom of my heart:
Don't get sick, don't get old
Never get bored
And many more years
Meet birthdays.

With all my heart, without verbosity,
Wish You happiness and health,
As well as the sun and heat,
Well-being, kindness,
Live a hundred years or more
And rejoice more!

I wish you happiness and good
So that life, like day, is bright,
So that only joy, without worries,
I crossed your threshold.
Let there be everything that is needed in life,
What is good about life:
Love, health, fidelity, friendship
And forever young soul!

Let the soul not know the cold
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom.
May the heart be forever young
Good crowning kindness.

More smiles
Fewer mistakes.
More happiness
More life.
eternal youth,
Warmth of the heart!

I wish you a good journey
Walk this path with friends
Health so as not to take
And never be discouraged.
Smiles, joy, good luck,
Live to a hundred! And not otherwise!

May there be a lot of joy and happiness
May there be a bright path in life.
So that you do not know what tears are,
Let storms and thunderstorms pass by.
Let there be many warmest words
And let love reign in the heart!

My wishes are uncountable
So why split them up?
Let all of them, as much as they have,
Fit in the word "happiness"!
Relentless years
It is not in our power to stop.
So let it always be so
The more years, the more happiness!

In the life of the brightest, best
We wish for you today:
The sun is clear, well-being,
Warm words and friendly eyes!
Well, the most important thing -
Let them not age your soul of the year,
May sadness never come
Better health, so that the age does not hurt,
To live - do not grieve and do not grow old with your soul!

What do you wish? Happiness!
What? I want to shout:
"Big, big,
To always and everywhere
It smiled at you."
I wish you eternal joy
love endless,
A true friend in need.
blue skies
fresh bread,
pure water
And do not know trouble!

Be beautiful all the time
Both soul and self.
Be loved all the time
Both winter and spring.
Do not bow rowan,
If there is trouble.
Be happy all the time
On this day and always!

I wish beauty, health
And clear days that are good with happiness,
And keep until deep old age
And the taste of life, and the youth of the soul.
So that the sun shines and the heart loves,
So that adversity and trouble
Turned into victories!

We wish you joy in life
In deeds - wisdom,
In friends - fidelity,
And in the heart - youth.
We are used to seeing you energetic,
Soulful and cute.
Stay like this,
Don't give in to your age!

Always be happy in life
And up to a hundred years will last.
Let your doors never
Sickness and old age do not knock.
Let there be no place for anxiety
And sadness goes away.
May safe roads
Your car will always find.

Congratulations on your birthday,
Wish you health, happiness.
With a smile, good mood
Continue your path through life.
May your every ordinary day
Will turn into a wonderful holiday
And never sadness shadow
It won't show up in your eyes.
We wish you only success in life,
Fewer tears, more laughter
The road of life is more authentic
And a lot of joy on it!

May this day be spring rays
People and flowers will smile at you,
And let them always go through life with you
Love, health, happiness and dreams!

Young man or girl

May the angel keep your life
Trouble doesn't know you
Let sorrow flee from you
Friends don't forget.
May joy, happiness, laughter,
Luck, tenderness and success,
Like a shining star
You are always accompanied!

Birthday is a special date
This holiday is incomparable.
Someone kind once came up with
Give joy to the birthday boy.
May your soul bathe in happiness
Everything that is planned - it turns out,
May your dreams come true
And all the best will not be forgotten!

The old legend says:
When a person is born
A star in the sky will light up
To shine for him forever.
So let the star shine on you
At least a hundred years
May happiness surround your house
May there always be joy in him!

I want to wish you a lot:
To find your happiness
For that road to be long
Where did you go in life?
For people to respect you
And everything was brighter around
To stay by your side
At least one, the most devoted friend.

Health, joy and laughter,
Everywhere in everything you - success
And as much happiness as you need
So that the soul would be glad
And to have fun
And what was planned - came true!

I wish you success, I wish you luck
It is easy to relax and study with dedication.
So that joy in fate
Constantly met
So that everything comes out and everything works out!

20 years- they are beautiful.
They have the freshness of life
The goals are clear.
They are like God's grace -
you can wish everything
Yours is only 20.
We wish you good health
We wish you coolness in disputes,
We want to always be loved
And from adversity fate stored.

I wish you happiness and warmth
Good and kind friends
Great hopes, drunken feasts,
Pleasant meetings and kind words.
I wish you success in everything
In love - happy days in full,
And on this day - fun, laughter,
In business - neither fluff nor feathers!

Life is like a fascinating book
In it, any year is like a new chapter ...
Let it be more interesting every moment
Read fate wonderful words!

On a solemn and bright birthday
With all my heart I wish
Plots of joyful, good luck and luck,
To embody bright ideas!

Family or loved one

The fragrance of all flowers and the blush of dawn
We are ready to give you this day.
Tenderness of roses in the morning, light, warmth, kindness,
Lots of sweet words and earthly love.
All that is bright and holy in fate,
We wish, dear, today to you!

I'm beautiful on this day
I give you the whole world
"So be very happy," -
I speak from the heart.
Let your life flow like a river
Passing stones and rapids.
And let them bypass
You sadness and anxiety.

Let the stars shine in your eyes
Let happiness sparkle like champagne
Let tears never shine in them,
And let sadness not knock on the heart.
May this day, like a song of a nightingale,
Cross out all the gloomy days of bad weather.
May your life be like a May dawn
Brings happiness every day in the palms!

May this day that you meet
A happy date will enter your life.
And all the good things you dream about
Let it come true and let it come.
Let the doors of happiness open
And everything that will be lived is not in vain.
You know we believe in you
And we love you very much!

We wish you happiness on this day
Warmth from all who will be near.
Smiles bright on the face
And sunshine as a reward.
We wish you lots of luck
We wish you eternal youth
May all dreams come true
And happiness will be endless!


We wish the son health and strength,
So that these gifts are enough for a hundred years.
And if, fortunately, they are enough for two hundred,
Then we would like to live with you together.
Let luck be a companion in life,
As well as smiles and nice people!

Son! We wish you happiness.
Love, health, long life.
Let misfortunes bypass you
And the sun shines forever.
Live, love and be loved
Keep your family hearth.
We wish a daughter or son,
So be happy, our dear!


We wish my daughter dear
Good luck, health, happiness.
So that peace reigns in the soul
And there was no bad weather.
We want life to be bright
So that you are cheerful
And so that the dashing did not know the troubles.
Live, dear, for many years.

To you baby eighteen,
A big door opened up.
How difficult it is to part with childhood,
But don't bring it back now.
May all the good things from childhood
You will inherit.
Let the heart beat with excitement
And sings songs of youth!

You have an open soul
And the character is better not to find!
You are good in everything, dear:
Caring daughter, loving mother...
We wish you bright days
Bright joy, brilliant luck
And excellent health, which is more important,
Than solving life's problems.

Mom, grandmother

Let your house breathe prosperity
May there be peace and labor in it,
Let the laughter of the grandchildren be heard in it,
May peace and happiness live in it!

Beloved mother! From a pure soul
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
You are good, our dear man,
May your life span last longer!
May health and happiness come to you
Let grievances and grief be forgotten.
Thank you, dear. for living.
Raised children, take care of grandchildren.

Years fly away like the fluff of poplars,
Do not be sad, seeing them off with your eyes.
After all, the year does not matter and is completely nonsense.
If family and friends are with you.
We wish you health for many years,
And to avoid adversity.
So that joy and happiness do not know separation,
To warm the soul of children and grandchildren.

To you, mommy, on your birthday
We want to wish you happiness
Good luck, joy, success,
To be healthy, not to know troubles,
Obstacles in life and obstacles
Easy and quick to remove
More laughter, less sadness
And never be discouraged.

Saying "thank you" is not enough
We are all indebted to you.
God bless you, mom,
The desire of all relatives is great.
Your warmth, your kindness
Protects and protects us.
And the soul is always light,
When your holiday comes.

Live, dear, up to a hundred years
And know that there is no better than you.
So that you are next to us
Today, tomorrow and always
We wish to live without old age,
Work without fatigue
Health - without treatment,
Happiness - without grief.
We wish you earthly blessings,
You are more than worthy of them!


Your paternal experience has grown
This bright day.
Happy birthday, our dad!
Let's sing about the past!
We wish you -
Only good luck, victories,
Happiness and goodness in fate,
Long years without trouble!


Happy birthday, dear grandfather!
Forget sadness and cold.
And no matter how old
If you are handsome and young
In life - joy and success,
Staten, cheerful - surprisingly!
Grandfather! Accept from everyone
Congratulations to your grandchildren!

Happy birthday, dear grandfather,
Our beloved, glorious!
You have been in the family for decades -
The best, chief!
Cheerfully, stay young
You are new in Russia
Let life be beautiful
Long and healthy!
Live for the joy of grandchildren, grandfather,
Not a year, not two, - another hundred years!


Our brother,
On your birthday
We want to wish from the heart
Fly confidently and proudly
Spread your wings in flight.
Immeasurable happiness to you
The most faithful friend
The most snowy winters
The most tender love
We wish you good luck in everything.
Let it be so, and not otherwise!

Be happy - even though it will be difficult sometimes,
Be loved - love always saves us,
Be well done - hold on in any conditions,
After all, whatever it is, this life is beautiful!

The act, introduced by Senator Tom Cotton (GOP) and Rep. Liz (also a Republican), states that as long as Russia continues to build up nuclear arsenals, the US should not advance the Strategic Offensive Arms Treaty (START III). The full title of the document submitted to Congress is "Stop Nuclear Aggression."

“Over the past few years, we have seen Russia tout several new nuclear weapon delivery systems, and it is not clear whether these systems will be bound by the boundaries of the treaty. When these issues are then viewed through the lens of Russia's long-term violation of the INF Treaty (on Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Nuclear Forces - Gazeta.Ru), it is clear that expanding the new START treaty is currently not in the interests of the United States in the field of national security, ”

Cotton and Cheney said in a statement.

The authors of the bill also claim that Russia is developing a strategy of "escalation for the sake of de-escalation." According to Western experts, it consists in inflicting a limited nuclear strike on any US ally in Europe in order to paralyze opponents and start negotiations on favorable terms.

The press secretary of the President of Russia, Dmitry, who is quoted by, said that the Kremlin did not familiarize themselves with the document on limiting the extension of START-3, which was submitted to the US Congress.

He also noted that the Kremlin does not understand the statement of the authors of the bill on the development by Russia of a strategy of "escalation for the sake of de-escalation", and stressed that the Russian side "does not agree with such an assessment."

“We did not have the opportunity to read the text of the draft, but we read the information in the media. Of course, let’s put it this way, before the start of a substantive treaty between Russia and the United States on disarmament issues, an attempt to codify the refusal is, of course, a cause for concern,” Peskov said.

The START-3 Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty was signed by Russian President and US President Barack Obama in 2011 for a period of 10 years with the possibility of a five-year extension. According to the agreement, both sides must reduce the number of nuclear warheads to 1,550 units, ballistic missiles of submarines, intercontinental ballistic missiles, and heavy bombers to 700 units.

If the US withdraws from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, as the Trump administration plans, START will remain the only agreement that curbs a potential arms race.

“Withdrawal from the treaty will not be a border, but a “foreign” decision, and this is a serious escalation of the nuclear race,” a leading researcher and specialist in international security tells Gazeta.Ru.

In October 2018, during his visit to Russia, US national security adviser John discussed the situation around the START treaty with the head. At the same time, Bolton himself said that Washington had not yet decided whether he would withdraw from the treaty.

Liz Cheney is the daughter of the former Vice President of the United States, the famous "neocon" Richard Cheney. Young Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton is also known for his conservative views.

Neither Cheney nor Cotton have ever dealt with issues of strategic stability - in recent days, Cotton's name has been mentioned in connection with prison reform in the United States. The American media note that Cotton is an opponent of the reform advocated by many Republicans. The proposed changes in the legislation should alleviate the situation of prisoners and lead to a greater humanization of the correctional system.

It is possible that the START-3 bill is a “trial balloon” that is beneficial to the White House, where there are influential opponents of the treaty. Among them is Bolton, who at one time was an ally of Cheney in the administration and knows his daughter well, whom her supporters call our “young Richard”.

It is known that Cheney's power was so great that the President of the United States once jokingly said that Cheney was "the worst president we have ever had." “The act submitted to Congress is a continuation of Cheney’s ideas,” says Sergey Oznobishchev from IMEMO

It is also worth noting that the act is submitted for consideration by the US Congress, which will soon cease its work in its current composition - it will be corrected after the elections that took place in early November of this year. And although both authors will work in the new composition, it is still unclear what chances the bill has for passing.

The new lower house will be dominated by Democrats who support arms control and may oppose it.

It can be assumed that, despite the opposition, the treaty will still be extended for five years, and the conclusion of a new one will become a headache for the next US president, as well as the next president of Russia.

Earlier, Washington stated that it was not going to deploy land-based nuclear missiles in Europe. This was announced by the official representative of the US National Security Council Garrett Marquis.

“The US has no plans to deploy ground-based nuclear missiles in Europe. Another misinformation from Russia about the INF treaty,” he tweeted in response to concerns expressed in Moscow about the fate of the INF in the event of Washington’s unilateral withdrawal from it.

The inexorable years are not in our power to stop
So let it always be
The more years, the more happiness!
Much has been lived in the world,
Head turned gray
And words of gratitude
Today children express
For a difficult life work,
To you for sincerity and honor,
For the fact that you are in the world.
For us in the world there is no more you,
And although the words are always simple,
May your grandchildren be like you
With the great light of generous warmth!

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