The front door does not close well in a dream. Entrance door according to the dream book

Sleep is one of the special states of a person when he has access to the comprehensive information field of the Earth. Esotericists and many modern specialists in the field of psychology believe that all data about the past and future is collected in the ephemeral field. Therefore, an attentive dreamer can always get a hint about a particular event relating to his life.

However, most people have long lost the ability to interpret the various symbols that appear to them in dreams. In addition, they do not even remember their dreams, preferring to ignore the often confusing clues of higher powers. But it happens that even such skeptics suddenly begin to worry about the obsessive dream, which is repeated from night to night, and look for its interpretation in dream books.

Today in the article we will find out what the door is dreaming of. After all, this symbol is not at all as simple as it might seem at first glance.

The image of a door in a dream: a general description and characterization of the symbol

Every day we are faced with large quantity doors, it is quite difficult to imagine our life without them. Therefore, it has long been forgotten how sacred this subject is.

In almost every fairy tale, legend or tale, the door is not just a symbol, but a certain feature that separates the ordinary and the mystical world. It is after overcoming it or refusing it that in a person’s life comes new stage which seriously changes his life.

Why is the door dreaming? It is not that simple. This symbol is very multifaceted meaning which combines many features. On the one hand, the door is a step towards something unknown and new, often accompanied by overcoming one's fears and satisfying a fair amount of curiosity. Indeed, sometimes it is not so easy to force yourself to take the handle and open the door, and even more difficult - to take the first step without looking back.

On the other hand, given character can be interpreted as protection from the problems of the outside world. After all, each of us breathes a sigh of relief, returning home and locking the door behind him. On the subconscious, it seems to us that all troubles are left behind the threshold, and now we can relax, feeling completely safe.

It was this versatility of the symbol that provided him with absolutely different interpretations in dream books. Sometimes one small, insignificant detail of a dream can significantly change the interpretation. Sometimes even the opposite in meaning. Therefore, if you want to know what the door is dreaming of in your particular case, then try to remember as many details of your dream as possible. Keep in mind that when it comes to the subconscious, every nuance is important, which to the uninitiated person seems insignificant. To make it easier for you to navigate the details, we will show you what to pay attention to. Special attention trying to interpret the dream.

door material

Trying to understand how the symbol of the door is interpreted by the dream book, pay attention to what material it was made of. This moment is considered very important in order to correctly decipher the clue given higher powers.

If you saw a wooden door, then think about how well your family is protected from external influences. Perhaps you are surrounded by ill-wishers who spread rumors and gossip about you and your loved ones. Or someone is trying to have a negative influence on you, but you just can’t cope with him and get even more confused in an unpleasant situation.

In the case when you dreamed of a thick metal door, then you can be calm - there is a reliable support in your life, and any troubles will bypass you. Sometimes in the form of a patron acts a real man holding a high position in society. But sometimes higher powers simply hint at the presence of a strong guardian angel who cares about your well-being and safety.

The glass door is a real warning. Most likely, they want to make you some kind of offer that has every chance of seeming financially profitable. But do not rush - you will be deceived, and you will lose not only money, but also open the way for a whole series of troubles.

Appearance and color of the door

The second most important factor that you should pay attention to when figuring out what the door is dreaming of is its appearance. For example, a dilapidated, shabby and unsightly door is a symbol that should make the dreamer act immediately. If you wait any longer to accept important decision the consequences will be irreversible. So be firm and boldly move forward.

A broken door carries approximately the same meaning. It should rush you to make a decision that will immediately throw off a very heavy load of problems.

In some dreams there is a door with a hole. This means that you must prepare to reveal all your secrets. Moreover, many of them have every chance of harming you and significantly spoiling the reputation of your loved ones. Try to prevent such leakage of information by all possible means.

It is worth considering if in a dream you saw a black door. It is a symbol of the fact that soon you will need the help of your closest people in solving problems. If a needed help you will not be provided, then you will have to get rid of trouble for a long time.

But white door The interpretation of sleep is completely different. In this case, it is you who should help someone, but do not try to refuse - this help will one day return to you in a triple amount. The main thing is to give it on time and consciously not expect anything in return.

Door size

The size plays very great importance in order to correctly decipher the incoming character. Generally speaking, in a dream, a large door seems to enhance the message, while a narrow and small one, on the contrary, significantly reduces its value and requires paying attention to other details.

If you easily pass through a large open door, you can be sure that what you want will come quickly and without any special efforts from your side. After such a dream, you can safely agree to any proposals and launch new commercial projects.

But, squeezing in a dream through a narrow and uncomfortable doorway, think about the fact that you will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve something significant in this life.

Dream interpretation - door: interpretation of the symbol

Of course, there are a lot of options in which you may dream of a door. It is rather difficult to describe them all in an article, but we have collected the most common dreams that can be easily interpreted with the help of special books.

So, most often people dream of the following symbols and images:

  • many doors;
  • knock or call;
  • closed or opened door;
  • own or someone else's door;
  • people looking through the peephole;
  • the place where the door is installed;
  • bolts and locks.

Each of the options has its own special meaning, which, when deciphered, should be correlated with the characteristics we have already described above.

Open the door in a dream: meaning

If you see an initially open door, then higher powers send you good sign. It is interpreted in almost all dream books as an opportunity to implement any of your projects without resistance. You will be accompanied by good luck and success in business.

But with difficulty opening the door in a dream is a direct indication that you have not yet got rid of the ghosts of the past. They may be present in your life in the form of memories of a person or act that has not affected you for a long time, but is not forgotten either.

Interestingly, the open door that you do not dare to enter symbolizes all your fears and phobias. However, the door to the apartment opened in a dream promises a very advantageous offer, which you will soon unexpectedly receive.

closed doors

This symbol is very multifaceted, it's just not decipherable. If in a dream a closed door does not make you want to open it, then it means that your future is still unknown and, most likely, not even predetermined. In addition, the symbol can mean the appearance of obstacles and restrictions that will have to be fought.

A door that closes on its own indicates that you are not yet able to get the prospects and opportunities that you dream of. They are not yet available to you.

Sometimes in a dream a person closes the door himself. In this case, you can only interpret the dream from one side - you have completed all your affairs and projects and now you can enjoy the result of your hard work. But when you slam the door in the face of another person, then think about what provokes you to refuse him help and support. Some psychologists argue that this symbol can also mean an unwillingness to let someone into your life and a desire to distance yourself.

A dream in which you are trying with all your might to slam the door, but you just can’t do it, should make you analyze your entire environment and your own actions. Perhaps someone is putting a lot of pressure on you, or bad habits and negative attitudes are hindering your personal growth.

Knocks and calls

A knock on the door in a dream is a pretty good sign, especially if it is accompanied by a pleasant voice. loved one. It symbolizes meetings and discoveries. If someone persistently breaks into you, but cannot break the door in any way, then this sign portends good news soon. They can be unexpectedly pleasant and important.

But the call to your door is a clear invitation to the role of an arbitrator in resolving the conflict. If, after the call, you nevertheless opened the door, but did not see anyone, then it means that you will successfully solve all work problems and even increase your authority among colleagues.

If you are actively knocking on the door of a person you know, then this may mean a long-awaited peace after a long and difficult quarrel.

Number of doors

To see many doors in a dream is to face a difficult choice. And you must do it as quickly as possible, otherwise you will lose all the opportunities offered.

If you are walking along narrow corridor, where doors are located on both sides, then keep in mind that each of them symbolizes different possibilities. Moreover, absolutely all of them are available to you, do not be afraid to try and open all the doors. Most of your plans and ideas will come true.

Door Accessory

Quite often images of burning doors come. It is very important to determine whose they are. For example, to see in a dream someone else's door on fire - this means the imminent arrival of guests. But if your own door is engulfed in flames, then be very careful - you are in serious danger.

In the case when someone else's door is tightly locked, this means the loss of friends. They will turn away from you through your fault, or you will simply become objectionable to them due to negative events that happened in your own life.

Look through the peephole

In such dreams, you need to pay attention to actions and details. They carry deep meaning, which allows to correctly interpret the sent image. In dreams where you look through the peephole, the symbol of the door is deciphered as something that brings new perspectives, success and good luck in business. But when you approach the peephole after obsessive knocks or calls, then you will have to endure the attention of obsessive fans who will pester you for a long time.

In some dreams, the peephole is faulty. This image may mean an unsuccessful search for the second half. You will have to experience disappointment in love and go through several failed romances.

Door installed in an apartment or a country house

If in a dream you are standing near the door of your apartment, then this may mean a thirst for change. You want to radically change the way of life or the field of activity. door to the big country house means upcoming changes, the nature of which you do not even suspect. They can be both positive and negative.

Door bolts and locks

Locking the door with a key in a dream means a future marriage for a young girl, and for men and women who have a legitimate soul mate, it means solving problems.

If you dreamed of a door with a lock, then remember what it was like. A large barn lock predicts obstacles on the way to the goal, and a neat mortise lock predicts the disclosure of other people's secrets. But the broken lock is sure sign slander, you should be careful with your inner circle.

Those who received the image of an old battered wooden door with a powerful bolt that moves with difficulty in the grooves, you should think about your psychological state. This dream indicates that you are clearly afraid of meeting people and are trying with all your might to isolate yourself from the outside world.

If you did not find your dream in our article, then you can look for its interpretation in dream books. However, do not forget that our dreams are an accurate reflection of the subconscious "I". Therefore, if you wish, you can always independently decipher any image sent by higher powers to help you.

Dreams associated with opening a door in many dream books are interpreted as dreams that bring good luck, success, financial stability, new opportunities and career growth. Also, a similar plot may indicate that on the path of a person all obstacles that previously prevented the realization of certain plans will be overcome.

What if you dream of opening the door?

If you turn to the most popular dream books among the people and find out why you dream of opening the door, you can learn a lot of interesting things. So, for example, in his dream book, Tsvetkov connected the opening of the door with mutual love or some generous increase. For men, such a dream promises a meeting with an incredible lady. In Hasse's dream book, opening a door in a dream is a harbinger of an important gift. But esoteric dream book they interpret the plot of such a dream in a slightly negative way, making this dream a harbinger of the fact that a trap is being prepared for a person. Well, if you believe Tsvetkov’s dream book, such a dream plot promises success in business.

But whatever it was, opening the door in a dream is a positive sign that does not depend on other circumstances of the dream plot. Such a dream informs that new paths are opening up for the dreamer, and people nearby, in case of trouble, will always be happy to lend their shoulder.

Most dream interpreters note the curious fact that the doors themselves in dreams represent the state of indecision of the owner of the dream. Therefore, a person who does not decide on any act in reality, in a dream, by opening the doors, tries to overcome his indecision on a subconscious level.

As for the dream in which a person opens the door, and there is a crowd behind him, such a dream acts as a warning that difficulties may arise on the dreamer's path that interfere with business. Such a dream plot is a negative omen for farmers and politicians. Creative person such a dream portends oppression and general discontent on the part of others.

If a person opens the door and sees there someone whom he knows well in real life, which means that this acquaintance is waiting for attention and mutual sympathy from the dreamer.

By the way, very often people in their dreams open the doors to their childhood. Such dreams in the future promise a person well-being and guardianship from relatives and friends.

There are dreams when the dreamer, after opening the door, immediately closes it, or simply cannot move the door, which means that in reality he needs to find a suitable hobby for himself that diversifies life. Plus, such a dream means that in reality the owner of the dream cannot erase from the memory of the person with whom he broke up and forget the past.

What portends?

If at the moment of sleep the dreamer opens the door to public place- a dream informs that he needs to become kinder towards his relatives. Having shown care, a person in real life will be able to feel how he is changing for the better.

Open the door and stand near it, while not being able to enter - a dream is a harbinger of difficulties and loss of self-control in real life, as well as quarrels with relatives and friends. Dreams in which a person opens doors and at the same time for a long time won't let go door handle promise new acquaintances.

The opening of the doors to the state house, seen in a dream, indicates that the time has come to forget about a carefree life and start thinking seriously about your present and the future of your family.

But, and if, according to the plot of the dream, a person opens the doors on a rainy night and enters them, this dream promises impermissible tricks to the girl, and speaks to the man about his unforgivable act, and about the upcoming secret meeting.

By the way, if at the moment of opening the door itself makes a strong creak, dangles and makes an unreliable impression, this dream indicates a possible trap. In other words, about the prospect, which in fact can become a trap set by ill-wishers.

And finally, it is worth adding that any opening of doors means that the dreamer is ready for new achievements and is looking forward to when they are already realized. Such a dream tells you that you need to start acting, and not put everything aside.

Curiosity. This is what pushes a person to new knowledge and discoveries. Both in reality and in the night's slumber, it is not easy to resist not to see what is hidden behind the open door. And why dream of an open or closed door? You can find out about this by reading the most interesting and useful interpretations of dream books.

It turns out that this is a symbol of an ever-changing being, and the interpretation of night vision depends on what happens in this moment sleeping in real life. It is curious that the interpretation of a vision can have both a purely pragmatic meaning and a philosophical one. And it is also a likely warning about deceit, deceit and other troubles that await the dreamer in the near future.

Locked or wide open?

An open door is often dreamed of by people who are not accustomed to wearing a stone in their bosoms, who are simple-hearted, honest, frank. But closed - in night vision it characterizes the sleeping person as a rather insidious person, ready for intrigue. However, the same plot may be associated with hidden obstacles that a sleeping person has to overcome in reality.

What else can dream of both a closed and an open door? Dream Interpretations recommend, if possible, to recall the context of the vision, first of all, the actions that were performed in night vision.

Miller's opinion

The dreamer is actually trying to get rid of the attacks of enemies and restore his good name, that's what dreams, according to Miller, that you opened the door and went into the room.

What is Vanga's dream book? Why did the collection of interpretations of the Bulgarian seer of the last century become one of the most books read new century and even modern world does not lose its relevance? The article will talk about the features and benefits of the dream book of the famous fortuneteller.

Lucid Dreaming: A Simple Path to Your Subconscious Mind

Answers to any questions, the realization of even the most unrealistic dreams, self-knowledge and the development of one's personality are only a small part of the possibilities that the world of lucid dreaming can give. The ability to manage your dreams is available to everyone, you just need to want and find a way that connects consciousness with the subconscious.

What is the danger of colored dreams?

Vivid, colorful dreams may indicate serious mental disorders or that a person is currently in a severe psychotraumatic situation. That is why every obsessive dream should be worked out with a psychologist.

Why is the door dreaming

Door in a modern dream book

If you open a door somewhere in a dream, slander from your enemies awaits you in reality. The exception is the dream in which you open the door home- this is a good sign, portending prosperity and prosperity. If in her dream a woman opens the door in the pouring rain, then in reality she is prone to various pranks. For a man, such a dream predicts an unexpected romantic meeting and ruin. A dream in which you see people opening doors portends long and unsuccessful attempts to resolve your problems. If such a dream appeared to the writer, then in reality the work on which he is working will not meet with success. If in a dream the door closed by you fell off its hinges and injured someone, then in reality you will soon give advice that will bring your friend big problems. If this dream is repeated, then in reality you will be powerless in helping your loved ones.

The door in Miller's dream book

If you enter somewhere in a dream, then in reality you are waiting for unsuccessful attempts to get rid of the slander of ill-wishers. If you enter your father's house, then in reality you will never be alone and unhappy. If you approach the door in the darkness of the night, a waking dream promises rash acts.

The door in Vanga's dream book

The door, intricately and richly ornamented in a dream, portends wide prospects that will open before you. If you open the door in a dream, in reality you are not sure about the stability and long-term nature of your current work. An empty doorway predicts a romantic acquaintance while on vacation. Moreover, this acquaintance has a chance to grow into something more important. If you lock the door in a dream, then in reality you dream of being alone for a little while, but your hopes will turn out to be unpromising.

Door in Freud's dream book

The symbolism of the door denotes the female genital organs. Doors closed in a dream symbolize your indecision and lack of initiative in sexual relations. If you decide in a dream to check the locked door, and it turned out to be open, then in reality the object of your passion will happily enter into sexual contact with you. If the door does not give in, then in reality you may have some problems in sexual relations. The keys to the door lost in a dream symbolize your inattention to your partner, the habit of not attaching importance to details important to your partner. If you unlock the door for someone in a dream, in reality you are gnawed by dissatisfaction in the sexual sphere. An even more serious symbol is the change of doors - a dream marks your craving for frequent changes in sexual partners.

Reality is the cause of nightmares.

The probability of the fulfillment of dreams

Since some people are more influenced by the Moon and others by the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. Dreams, dreamed on the night of today, will soon come true.

Today is the 18th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today are fulfilled on the 20th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is the day of strictly Saturn, the planet of fate, fate, trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams on Saturday will tell about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful, pleasant, then no serious restrictions are foreseen, much of what was planned is easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come true only as a result of hard work, that is, in the near future nothing will come easy. On Saturday night, you can find out about your fate or the fate of other people.

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DOOR - Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you enter the door, this portends your futile attempts to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers.

The only door you enter in your dreams - the door of your childhood home - promises you future happiness and an environment of kindred spirits.

If you look at the door at night in the pouring rain, this promises you unforgivable antics and frivolous meetings.

Seeing others entering or leaving the door means possible difficulties in putting your affairs in order; for peasants and politicians, this dream is full of particularly bad omens.

If the door suddenly breaks off its hinges when you try to close it, and at the same time injures someone, the dream portends danger to your friends.

DOOR - Modern Dream Interpretation

In general, doors in a dream mean obstacles.

If the doors themselves open in front of you in a dream, then this means that everything you have planned can come true and success in business awaits you.

A dream about an open door portends a woman that she will soon have a new lover.

Opening the door yourself in a dream is a sign that you will have no one to blame or thank for what happened.

To see new doors in your house - to add a family or change your lifestyle associated with new problems. For those who are expecting the birth of a child, such a dream predicts the birth of a son.

The doors that slammed shut in front of you, and those that you could not open, are failures.

Search and not find doors in own house- a sign of obstacles in business; to the sick, such a dream predicts that his illness will last a very long time and may end in death.

Stay around closed door in a dream and calling her or calling on the phone means that at the moment the implementation of your plans depends on other people. Expect disappointment. A dream should be considered successful in which, after your calls, the door will open - and you will enter it.

Seeing open doors in a dream is a gift or an unexpected pleasant incident.

Locks on the doors mean the intrigues of ill-wishers.

Locking the door with a key in a dream is a sign of imminent marriage for women.

If in a dream the door to your apartment or house suddenly flung open, then expect unpleasant news that will cause you a lot of trouble. Sometimes such a dream predicts grief and the loss of a loved one. For some, a dream predicts that they will soon have to change their place of residence.

The creak of a door in a dream will warn you of an unpleasant visit.

A door burning with a bright flame means a meeting with friends whom you will accept with open arms.

Burnt doors in a dream portend a great misfortune that can happen to one of your family members or to someone who had such a dream.

The dream in which you saw that you forgot to close the door means that through your own fault you will lose money or incur losses.

Entering the door in a dream is a sign that you will be engaged in some business that will cause you a lot of trouble.

If you dream that in a dream you entered the door parental home, then your worries will subside and the soul will find peace in the circle of loved ones.

The dream in which you saw the door close behind someone means a quick separation from this person. For spouses, such a dream means a divorce (if you saw or know that the door closed behind your spouse).

Hearing a knock on the door in a dream is a bad omen. Wait for bad news - this trouble is knocking on your house.

If you dream that you are trying to close the door, and at the same time it falls, then beware of an accident. If in a dream the door falls on someone, then this person is in danger in reality.

Unpleasant people come to your door - your financial affairs will be upset, it will not be easy to put them in order.

You knock on the door with your fist - you will do things for which you will be ashamed later.

You close the door in front of someone, do not let some person in - they will turn to you for help, and you will refuse.

Your door is falling off its hinges - your friends are in danger. Those close to you will make some claims, you will only make it worse if you go ahead. If you give in, you will only win, and at the same time you will laugh at the enemy.

A closed door means that you will not get what you think you deserve.

On the contrary, an open door indicates a favorable environment.

DOOR - Slavic Dream Interpretation

Open - unrequited love, generous offering; locked - an obstacle; burning - a visit from friends; new ones - for the birth of a son.

DOOR - Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

Big and high - wealth and nobility; open - wealth; doors suddenly swing open - happiness and profit, good luck; change doors to new ones - the birth of a noble offspring; doors crumble to pieces - there will be an unpleasant situation; break, become unusable - a great misfortune; to see that there is no one behind the doors is a big trouble; a small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

DOOR - Indian Dream Interpretation

See burning - death; the lack of doors at your house is an obstacle in business.

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