Kitchen design for your own home. Kitchen design in a private house - current design ideas. Kitchen interior in a private house

The kitchen in a private house is one of the most emotional places. This room is called the heart of the building, the epicenter of happy memories and pleasant meetings.

Here family recipes are embodied, plans are made and sincere conversations are made over a cup of coffee and a slice of blueberry pie. It is necessary to clearly think over the design of the kitchen in a private house, taking into account all the details of the project, since a spiritual atmosphere should reign in such a room. It is important that adults and children love every shelf in the wall cabinet and proudly show the guests the main treasure of the house - the kitchen.

What wall color to choose to emphasize the advantages or hide the imperfections of the space? What is a work triangle? What styles are in fashion? Answers are below.

Modern trends confirm that beauty is in simplicity. This golden rule will help create an ideal area for all family members, an area that radiates warmth, comfort and stunning aromas.

white kitchen design in a private house with an island and bar stools

The ideal option is when not only food attracts, but also in a private house. Our advice, photos of successfully implemented projects, your desire and boundless imagination will help to make it truly “delicious”.

Be sure to come up with something original for the walls. In 2017, do-it-yourself decoration is very valuable and sometimes more effective than purchased pieces.

Turn your breakfast, lunch and dinner room into a functional, comfortable and stylish area for the whole family. Choose the interior of the kitchen in a private house especially carefully. Everything is important: a table, chairs, a working area, dishes, a flower pot. Design ideas should be really cool. To do this, take into account and beat every detail, even the most insignificant at first glance.

photo of brown kitchen table

Kitchen interior in a private house

When designing the kitchen of a private house, be based on your own needs and tastes. Experiment, pay attention to timeless design, high-quality materials, rich natural tones.

photo of a gray kitchen interior in a private house

Don't limit yourself. Implement ideas that people cannot decide on during apartment renovations.

The interior design of a kitchen in a private house depends on many factors. Is the room connected to the living room? Zone the space with a table, floor chairs, or a rug. For a studio kitchen, a powerful hood is needed.

interior design of the kitchen in the house with floral tiles

Equipping the passage room, correctly position the work points. Move kitchen furniture out of the way. Clear the area as much as possible from obstacles. Arrange furniture along the walls, carpet on the floor of the bed.

Hang open shelves, but don't litter the place. Let there be running plates, cups, and a couple of souvenirs for the mood. The kitchen in the house should look neat, stylish. Make two, and ideally one open area. Otherwise, chaos will prevail in the room.

white kitchen tile design

Use elements from the past, incorporate them into a modern space.

Interior design of the kitchen in the house should guarantee comfort. The heroes of Hollywood films are always washing the dishes, admiring the view of the courtyard. If possible, install a sink by the window.

Is your kitchen in the attic? Forget wall cabinets. The best option for this type of room is hanging shelves. They will allow you to usefully exploit the area under the slopes and give the design a sense of completeness. For this type, too, there are fashionable and modern ideas.

photo of a white kitchen in a private house in the attic

Design project of a kitchen in a private house

Before starting the arrangement, create a kitchen project in a private house. Decide on the location of the working area, consider the number of windows, doors, their size and distance from other elements in the room. Think over the installation of engineering systems, provide niches, holes for sockets, pay attention to ventilation, heating systems, heating, and so on. If you do not know how to make a kitchen project, ask a professional for help. But do not give up the reins completely - try to participate in the process.

photo of a white kitchen with a black island in the house

With your own hands, draw a personal vision of the arrangement of furniture and appliances. First of all, divide the room into a working, dining and recreation area. Think about where exactly the equipment will be embedded. Hiding a dishwasher, washing machine or oven is a very popular practice.

Apply the work triangle rule. According to him, the sink, stove and refrigerator stand side by side, forming a triangle. Between this technique there may be a working area with lockers and other necessary items.

The design of a kitchen in a private house requires more effort, attention and money than the design of an apartment. In the last communication, they are provided for by the project, and sometimes you have to redevelop the house in order to bring the pipe to the right place. There are many benefits too. In a dark room, you can always expand the windows. It is absolutely realistic to change the location of the door or combine two spaces.

The kitchen in a private house will become especially warm and sincere thanks to the fireplace. If you feel like basking by the fire on cold evenings, consider the following decorating ideas.

photo of the interior of the kitchen in the house with a fireplace

Kitchen layout

The kitchen in a private house can have completely different sizes and shapes. They dictate what furniture to choose and how to arrange it.

Linear layout - the best option for rectangular, not too large rooms. In such rooms there is nowhere to roam and install corner structures. In this case, the work area, appliances and lockers have no other choice but to stand together in a row. Choose stylish furniture and draw a flawless line.

photo of black countertop

In the center of a large square kitchen, an island will be conveniently located. The original table will play the role of an additional work area.

photo of a bright interior in a private house

For a room with a large quadrature (more than 18 meters), a standard island is suitable (height 900 mm, width - more than 60 cm, length - 60 cm-1.5 m). You can install sockets on it, place an oven or sink, microwave or kettle.

white interior with wooden island

There are also interesting compact options for small kitchens. Some of the tables are on wheels, which guarantees mobility.

One of the most convenient is the corner layout. Furniture in this case, most often, is combined with a washing machine, dishwasher, stove or refrigerator. Also, a bar counter is often installed in the room. She continues the kitchen set near the wall or “goes out” into the room. Thus, the design visually separates the zones in the room and performs the function of a table.

Choose high chairs for the bar counter. They will enrich the interior of the kitchen in a private house, complement the space and make family members and guests fall in love with them. The design, size, texture, shape, presence or absence of a back will affect the character of the room. Color is also fundamentally important. Choose chairs to match the room, or vice versa, use them to create accents. It looks very impressive.

white and blue kitchen in a private house with high chairs

wooden table and chairs in the interior of the kitchen

U-shaped layout is suitable for square and rectangular rooms. It involves the placement of furniture and appliances along three walls. This way of arranging is harmonious in medium-sized kitchens, as well as in large rooms. This option is best not to use in spaces with limited quadrature. But in the kitchen-studio - please.

Kitchen renovation in a private house

Before renovating, consider the mood of the room and consider how often it will be cooked in it. High humidity and unstable temperature are strong enemies. Decide what the kitchen finish should be, choose the best option for decorating the ceiling.

The painted surface is easy to wipe and wash, it is not so much afraid of evaporation. Among the minuses is the need to redo the ceiling completely if a piece peels off somewhere. White in this area is not a good idea. Insidious yellowness will win over time. But you can always apply a second layer of snow-white, and the kitchen in a private house will shine again.

A successful and inexpensive solution is a suspended plasterboard ceiling painted in the desired color. It will hide the imperfections of the surface, hide the wires. It will take a little time to install, but the design will last a long time.

light blue and white kitchen in a private house with an island and a marble countertop

Among the budget materials for decorating the ceiling are stylish, washable wallpapers with an original pattern. They are afraid of hot air and steam, but unpretentious in care. With their help, it is really possible to make interesting accents and diversify the kitchen. Possible local repair.

Not all the money in the world will help transform the kitchen with wall panels. Structures made of wood, glass or plastic will give the room a cool look in a short time.

Pay special attention to the floor. With it, visually separate the working segment from the rest of the kitchen.

beautiful black and white kitchen interior in the house

Combine artificial and natural finishing materials. Use wood, stone, ceramics, clay, and you definitely won't go wrong.

stylish kitchen interior with yellow tiles

A universal option for facing an apron is tile.

Color palette for kitchen design

The color of the kitchen must be successfully "fit" into the interior. It is important that the shade contrasts advantageously with the furniture, highlights specific areas, and charges with emotions. If the room in the house is small, choose light colors - they will visually expand the space, give a feeling of lightness. Using gloss, you will make the room shimmer and reflect the space favorably.

White is one of the most popular colors. Consider it in tandem with bright elements: colorful decor, fun carpets and bright bar stools.

modern design of a white kitchen in a house with gray tiles and black and white utensils

dining area in the kitchen in a private house

The blue color of the kitchen is a heavenly perfect solution. This shade can soothe, cool and refresh the interior. Such walls look restrained, expensive and fashionable. The following design options are proof of this.

blue island in the interior

gray-blue bright kitchen with windows

Brown is a practical and win-win option. It gives a special feeling of security, fills square meters with warmth and comfort. Be resourceful, creative and make the design of the kitchen in a private house not boring.

gray-brown kitchen design with windows in a private house

Black will look non-trivial and bold in the interior of the kitchen. This is a super strong element of the palette and you need to use it wisely. Experience shows that overdose is more than possible. So proceed from the size of your room and do not overdo it.

black and white room interior

black room interior with white countertop and copper utensils

Black has magical properties. He masterfully balances colors, emphasizes them favorably and even visually separates objects from each other.

A gray color in combination with other interesting shades will make a spectacular and stylish room. Muted or bright - they will create contrast and "draw" a coherent, beautiful picture.

light gray room interior

dark gray interior with white tiles

Kitchen Design Styles

The style of the kitchen can be very different. It is chosen based on the design of the facade of the house or the characteristics of the area. It is also a matter of taste and financial possibilities of the owners.


Do you like functionality and conciseness? Prefer minimalism. Clear forms, a limited number of shades (maximum three), discreet but stylish furniture, no unnecessary items in the work area, competent lighting and a flat parquet floor. To create an apron, use tiles, stone or colored glass. Keep simplicity in everything, do without elegant decor. This approach to design is suitable for people of any age.

white tiles in the kitchen

Kitchen design in a private house in Provence style

The interior in Provence style attracts the attention of many, but not everyone dares to realize it. To create a cozy, warm space, use pastel shades, aged furniture, elegant chandeliers, floral print textiles, and flower pots made from natural materials.

kitchen design in a private house in Provence style

American style kitchen

Recently, the American style is gaining momentum. Within its framework, combine light colors with a hint of wood color. Set bright accents with the help of fashionable decor elements. Separate work and dining areas. Hang a large chandelier above the island, and consider spot lighting above the countertop.

Modern styles combine minimalism and high-tech. A kitchen designed in this spirit should be practical, comfortable and bold. Create without holding back your imagination. Play with shapes and textures, choose trendy furniture and textiles, original lamps and crockery.

Use unusual decor in the design of the kitchen, experiment with trendy colors in 2017, create a cool, very special atmosphere.


Your repost will change the Internet :)

The design of a kitchen in a private house is as difficult a task as the design of a kitchen in Khrushchev: a large footage must be properly planned and carefully thought out.

Kitchens 16 sq. m with a tabletop by the window

A kitchen with a worktop by the window is a comfortable work surface, good lighting and an original solution for the comfort of a housewife.

When the sink is located by the window, it is worthwhile to provide drying for dishes in a drawer located next to the sink and dishwasher. So the dishes will always be in the zone of convenient access.

An example of drying in the lower base installed next to the dishwasher.

If a battery is installed under the window, then special ventilation grilles must be provided in the countertop so that warm air can rise up.

An example of ventilation grilles in the countertop under the window

Kitchen-living room in a private house

The design of a large kitchen in a private house, especially combined with a living room or dining room, often includes elements such as an island (peninsula) and a bar counter. The island can serve as both a work surface and a table for a quick snack.

Kitchen with an island with a sink and an additional work surface.

Both the island and the bar counter can zone the space of a large kitchen.

If you like built-in refrigerators, then two built-in refrigerators can be installed in the large kitchen. You get a built-in analogue of a side-by-side refrigerator.

Two built-in refrigerators Atlant in the kitchen 20 sq. m.

And there is a lot of storage space and a working area: this solution is perfect for those who cook a lot and often. In a kitchen of this size, several people can comfortably cook at the same time.

If there are niches or ledges in the house, then the kitchen can be conditionally divided and placed between the columns.

An example of the arrangement of kitchen furniture between the columns. In one part there is a stove and an extractor hood, in the other - a sink and built-in oven and microwave. The island serves as both an additional work area and a dining table.

The kitchen in a private house, as a rule, has a large space and excellent lighting. The arrangement of a kitchen in a private house is significantly different from the arrangement of a kitchen in an apartment. You will learn about the features and nuances of this process in this article.

    • The shape and dimensions of the room

In every home, in every family, the kitchen is one of the main rooms. Every day, the household gathers for meals in it, and the main family cook indulges them with new delicacies. The kitchen in the house should be as comfortable and functional as possible, regardless of its size. But the specificity of the cuisine lies not only in this. In this room, which can have a variety of dimensions, the systems of all communications that are in the house are concentrated, because it is difficult for a kitchen to do without electricity and plumbing, ventilation and gas pipelines.

In most homes, the kitchen includes a stove used to heat the entire house.

For convenience, large rooms are recommended to be divided into zones.

In a private house, the kitchen can be a spacious room, it can be miniature. Often in houses, kitchens have an irregular shape, or are walk-through. All this, no doubt, affects the design of the room and the style of its design.

Before starting the arrangement of the kitchen in the house, it is worth considering every detail, especially if the kitchen is small and combines several different functions (entrance hall, heating of the whole house, etc.). The design of a kitchen in a private house is significantly different from the interior of a kitchen in an apartment. For example, a large room needs to be properly planned, dividing the kitchen into functional areas, taking into account the supply of engineering networks.

Features of the kitchen in a private house

Kitchens with a small area in private homes are extremely rare. The kitchens of private houses differ from apartment kitchens in many ways:

  • Thanks to the large number of windows, the kitchens of private houses have a lot of sunlight.
  • The working area can be arranged at your discretion, and not according to the standard.
  • In the kitchen of a private house, you can place a fireplace that gives comfort and grandeur to the room. This option is ideal for kitchens that have stoves for heating the house.
  • Very often in a private house, the kitchen is a walk-through room that combines an entrance hall, a boiler room, a kitchen and a dining room. Therefore, it will not be easy to correctly plan a project for such a kitchen.
  • Kitchens of private houses can have the most unusual forms, far from the usual standards, which gives complete freedom in choosing the style of the interior.
  • The design of the kitchen at home is, first of all, the creation of its owners, reflecting their character and individuality.

    The shape and dimensions of the room

    A narrow kitchen can also be stylish, the main thing is not to pile it up with unnecessary elements.

    A kitchen in a country house can have the most unusual shape, including one that is far from standard ideas.

    • Square Kitchen. If you are the proud owner of a square kitchen, the design of such a room is not at all difficult to develop. First you need to decide on the location of the working area. If communications have not yet been completed, you are given complete freedom of choice. The placement of kitchen furniture and appliances depends on the size of your kitchen. If the square kitchen is small, the furniture arrangement should be linear or angular. In the spacious kitchen, you can consider the island option so that the spacious room does not seem empty. Also, in the kitchen of a large area, you can place a dining area, a seating area.
    • narrow kitchen. For narrow kitchens, it is better to choose a design that visually expands the space, in which case the narrow room will not look cluttered. You should carefully consider the functionality of the kitchen, eliminating as much as possible all unnecessary elements, utensils, appliances. You should not use a lot of decor, and the emphasis should be on a narrow wall. If there is a narrow wall with a window, then in order to visually highlight the wall, you should use bright blinds or curtains. The floor covering, be it board or laminate, should be mounted parallel to the narrow wall of your kitchen. The old coating can be easily replaced with a new one by doing the work yourself. For narrow kitchens, the most acceptable style is minimalism, which excludes bulky furniture designs and an abundance of decorative elements.

    The use of stone in the kitchen is not only very stylish, but also practical.

    • Combined kitchen. Kitchen-studios in private homes began to appear not so long ago. If the house is designed so that a small kitchen, which has an unconventional shape, is adjacent to the living room, the rooms can be connected, creating a comfortable room in a sufficiently large area. A sliding partition or bar counter will help to visually separate the kitchen area from the living room. The classic style in the combined kitchen will not look harmonious, so it is better to exclude it in favor of modern or minimalism.

    Minimalism in a small kitchen does not mean the equipment of an uncomfortable room. In addition, many consider it superfluous to have a large kitchen in the house and, when developing an individual project, take into account its small dimensions. Minimalism style implies a minimum of decor, strict lines in kitchen furniture and simple forms. All this makes a small room visually larger and much more spacious without creating a cluttered effect.

    Minimalism is one of the few styles that works great in any kitchen.

    The style of minimalism is quite applicable in spacious rooms. You can create a unique kitchen design with your own hands, adding any modern trend to minimalism. Bright accents, metallic elements, even a little decor will help make a spacious mini-style kitchen not so empty.

    Art Nouveau style in a modern kitchen of a private house. Art Nouveau is quite multifaceted and does not have a clear framework. Some of its features include smooth lines, unusual color schemes and combinations, harmonious asymmetry. Modern kitchens are distinguished by a combination of different materials and shiny horizontal surfaces; household appliances are not hidden here, but are installed in plain sight. The Art Nouveau style is suitable for a kitchen of any size and includes a variety of styles.

    Arrangement of the kitchen of a private house

    An old-style kitchen in a private house is a fairly common solution.

    The arrangement of the kitchen begins with the creation of a project, followed by the stages of its implementation. In a private house, the kitchen, especially if it is small, requires a detailed layout of all zones in order to end up with the most comfortable functional room. The arrangement of the kitchen begins with the supply, placement and installation of engineering systems.

    It is better to plan the input of water pipes and sewer pipes from the side of the sink and washing or washing machines (if they are possible to be installed). By the same principle, a gas stove or gas pipeline is placed.

    A private house and an abundance of wood are inseparable things

    In order for everything to be done correctly, a special project is drawn up, following which you can establish communications even with your own hands. First, the layout of the kitchen room is depicted on paper, taking into account all the built-in elements (communications, a heating stove, a chimney, a gas boiler, etc.):

    • Particular attention will need to be paid to niches and ventilation.

    Tip: for more efficient ventilation, when designing a kitchen, you should not block access to it.

    • The device of life support systems. In a private house, the kitchen is a room where various appliances are concentrated that do not belong to the kitchen. This applies to boilers of heating systems, water heaters, gas water heaters and similar priors. A properly designed kitchen project implies the placement of all devices that are inextricably linked to communication systems in one part of the kitchen, if it is not possible to transfer them to a separate room.
    • Arrangement of furniture and placement of equipment. Regardless of the size of the room, the rules for arranging furniture for all kitchens are identical. First, you should visually divide the kitchen into future zones - work, dining, recreation area (if there is space). If you are planning to buy furniture and appliances, it is better to use built-in appliances for a more comfortable organization of space.

    After the project is drawn up, it should be shown to a specialist for possible correction or obtaining the necessary recommendations.

    Arranging the kitchen of a private house is a more costly and time-consuming process than arranging a kitchen in an apartment. Here, special attention is paid to communication and life support systems, since in an apartment this is all provided for by the project, and in houses it is often necessary to redevelop the premises for supplying a particular pipe.

    Kitchen design in a private house (photo)

    One can argue endlessly about who is more fortunate: who has a house in his own possessions or those who have their own apartment.

    Nevertheless, if you live in an apartment, one way or another, you just have to put up with the almost impossibility of a thorough redevelopment in it, even with a great desire.

    Or have your own home. And even more so, which was also built by you (i.e. according to your project).

    After all, in this situation, everything is possible to think over exactly the way you want. Accordingly, the design of the kitchen in a private house, in which we will talk in this article, it will be possible to create the most unique, extraordinary!


    Starting repair work in the kitchen of a private house, you must choose exactly the option in which the whole house is decorated. As a rule, country, rustic, eco, Provence, etc. are chosen for them.

    Of course, if you are lucky enough to become the owner of a house on the coast of the sea, it is important to decorate the kitchen in it in a marine style.

    Compared to apartments, where styles like minimalism, loft, techno, etc. are often used, they are rarely used in private homes.

    And you can personally verify this by viewing the proposed photos of the kitchen design in a private house.

    In many houses, the environment as a whole is close to nature. Therefore, it is very good to use any natural materials. It is these materials that are very popular for decorating kitchen spaces in their own houses.

    The same should be noted about decorative items. The kitchen can be decorated with dry flowers as hanging bunches, garlic/onion braids, mittens in the form of mittens, pots and other clay utensils, as well as natural fabrics like silk, cotton in curtains, tablecloths…

    Dimensions, shapes

    Compared to apartments, where kitchen spaces are small and often rectangular in shape, in homes they can be varied, as well as with different sizes.

    Miniature elongated, square-shaped kitchen

    If the kitchen space is small, you need to choose furniture, appliances very carefully. The same applies to their arrangement, placement.

    If we talk about colors, in this case, choose a light and warm palette, which will make the room visually look larger.

    Also in this case, glossy surfaces will help well, which perfectly reflect glare, and the kitchen looks visually larger.

    As for the ceilings, choose a stretch, glossy option, with which the room will look spacious.

    When choosing furniture, you should choose cabinets in which the doors do not open, but slide out. Otherwise, when they are open, space will be eaten up. Also, if possible, we recommend ordering lockers with a depth of forty centimeters instead of sixty.

    Speaking of a square-shaped kitchen, it will not be as capricious as the previous version or as a narrow apartment kitchenette. The most popular option for arranging furniture here will be an island located in the center.

    If the kitchen has a square shape, but at the same time it is very miniature, the dining table is completely out of place here. It should be placed in the dining area. If it is not there, install a miniature bar counter directly in the kitchen.

    walk-through kitchen

    It can be completely uncomfortable if there is direct access to the terrace, veranda, etc. from the kitchen.

    We can offer to arrange furniture and other items so that it is not on the way to the exit. But to visually separate the work surface from the entrance, place a bar counter right on the border, which smoothly flows out of the cooking surface.

    The design can be very diverse if the dining room with the kitchen area are combined.

    Well, in other matters, we offer a selection of the best photos of the kitchen in a private house, from which you can be inspired by fresh interesting ideas and create your own real masterpiece!

    Photo of a kitchen in a private house

    Having a large house of your own is a huge advantage, but it is important to properly furnish it. When planning, you need to think through to the smallest detail design of a kitchen-living room in a private house to create a comfortable environment. Some homeowners have to deal with the modernization of an old house or the transformation of a summer house in order to modernize housing in the spirit of the times.

    Combining a kitchen with a living room is a very popular design decision today.

    The harmonious interior of the united space cheers up, increases appetite, and creates a desire to invite guests. Using the advice of experts, it is easy to combine the kitchen and living room according to all the rules for organizing space.

    The main goal pursued by the unification of the kitchen, dining and living areas is the visual expansion of space.

    How to plan a combined room in a cottage or private house

    The implementation of design ideas largely depends on the total area of ​​​​the rooms that it was decided to transform. They do it for different purposes.

    1. Modernization of the house.
    2. Re-profiling of adjacent premises.
    3. Expansion of the living room area due to the kitchen.
    4. Implementation of a specific design concept.

    Consider the option of designing a kitchen-dining room located in a private house of an urban or country type.

    These goals can be combined or make a radical modernization of living space for the sake of some interesting idea. For example, you can equip a billiard room in the house of an admirer of this game. But with the same success the interior of the kitchen-living room in a private house can be arrange as a large home theater or football fan hall. The combined room can be a cozy living room with a breakfast bar and an island sofa in the center by a large aquarium.

    From the point of view of arranging a large room in which the zones of the kitchen, dining room and living room are connected, this is not an easy task.

    When space is limited, you have to be especially inventive. To visually expand interior of the kitchen-living room in your own house , it is important to consider how the combined dining room will look like. All design elements must be decorated in the same style. What was not given much importance before, today it is recommended to make it more aesthetic.

    As a result, you need to get a space that will 100% fulfill the functionality assigned to it.

    Think about how the updated design of each corner will be - everything should be done with taste:

    • Place for cooking;
    • kitchen apron;
    • Stove or other hearth;
    • Shelves for kitchen equipment;
    • Facades of cabinets for kitchen utensils;
    • Free piers.

    The interior should be convenient, comfortable and easy to clean.

    Classic space organization scheme in the design of the dining room in a private house.


    1. kitchen block The main cooking area, everything should be at hand so as not to waste time moving around the kitchen
    2. dining area Visually separated from the catering unit (high back of the sofa, bar counter, rack for dishes, decorative side), the base is a table, a dining set, a corner with a low table
    3. Guest zone A sofa set or a group of upholstered furniture combines the dining area with the guest area, plus a large tabletop
    4. Auxiliary space Aisles should be free - for the delivery of ready-made meals in a straight line to any place (where guests and hosts eat)
    5. Additional functionality TV or plasma panel, monitor, aquarium.
    6. Adjoining areas The space under the stairs to the 2nd floor of the house, pantries, porch, hallway are designed as a single space.

    The design of the kitchen-dining-living room should look not just attractive, but harmonious and balanced.

    In the limited space of a small house, neighboring zones can be combined. The place for cooking should be optimized for the needs of the family and the lifestyle of the owners of the house. Often this is a suburban household, where they come mainly in the summer and cook in the open air. In the country, an electric kettle and a stove for 2 burners or electric heating elements are enough.

    In a building without heating, a fireplace is needed, which will become a worthy decoration for the design of the kitchen-dining-living room in a private house.

    Principles of organization of the united space

    Two-story houses in the private sector have their own layout features. Sometimes this is a defective summer cottage with an auxiliary ground floor, including an open veranda below and an attic. The distribution of the main zones should be as convenient as possible for the owners of the house. It is inconvenient to raise cooked food to a different floor each time, so a combined dining room is the best option for summer cottages with an attic.

    When planning a renovation in a large room with a high functional load, you will need to consider the style and color palette of the interior.

    In cottages, where everything is predetermined by the architectural plan, it is difficult to make a significant transformation of the space. The same principles of combining adjacent rooms work here as in city apartments during redevelopment.

    It is necessary to ensure the ergonomic arrangement of structures, furniture and decor items that do not interfere with free traffic around the house.

    Layout, design and interior of a kitchen combined with a living room in a private house should be thought about the proportional distribution of the area.

    1. In a house where there is a servant who is engaged in cooking, they make the maximum equipment, the working area is large enough, there is a special frying equipment.
    2. In families where they like to gather as a large family, you need a set - a large dining table with chairs with high backs.
    3. At the dacha of a lonely person who receives friends or visitors according to his interests, the catering department is usually small, but the space for receiving guests has been expanded.

    When planning the repair or reconstruction of the kitchen-living room, in order to obtain a comfortable and rational arrangement of functional segments, it is necessary to take into account the size and shape of the room.

    When the dining room and living room are combined, not a dining set is placed in the center of the room, but island sofas with a wide table in the center. The number of guests often varies, and it's a good idea to have a few comfortable seats to move around the house.

    Think over the stylistic solution of all elements of the combined room.

    When reconstructing a kitchen, the amount of equipment is initially determined. Of course, the more devices for food processing, the more convenient it is to cook and preserve everything that has grown in the garden. But there is equipment that is used once a year or less (brazier, juice cooker, miracle stove), they should not be among the items of daily use.

    A selection of design projects of modern living rooms combined with a kitchen and dining room will inspire you to search for your own design ideas, color schemes and original combinations.

    Sophisticated interior of the dining room-kitchen in a private modern house designs are usually complemented with modern paraphernalia. Most often it is:

    • Bar counter;
    • Modern chairs;
    • Suspended plasma panel;
    • Open shelving for dishes and kitchen utensils.

    The size of refrigerators and their number must also be justified. If the store is within walking distance, it makes no sense to put 3 refrigerators and fill them with drinks, raw meat and fresh vegetables, as is customary in some families. It is better to buy everything fresh more often, and large stocks are appropriate if the house is removed - purchases are made once a month.

    "Global" stocks do not decorate the interior of the kitchen-dining room in a private house at all, they only occupy a usable area.

    Advice . With any organization of space, add some zest to the design of the combined kitchen, something memorable, reflecting the taste of the owners of the house. For example, the decor is typical for a fisherman or a hunter, the home of a travel lover should be recognizable by bright accents, like a photo.

    It is important to consider how the windows of the combined room will look like. In a small house, it makes sense to replace the window sill with a wide tabletop where you can sit down to have a bite to eat without laying a large table.

    The same function is performed by the bar counter, which separates the kitchen from the living room.

    Advantages and disadvantages of combining rooms

    The design of the combined kitchen and living room in a private house is specific, but it has its advantages:

    • Lots of space, light and air;
    • Extended working area for product processing;
    • Big bonus in the form of wide passages;
    • From the kitchen it is convenient to observe everything that happens in adjacent rooms;
    • The possibility of placing multi-seat upholstered furniture or a large buffet with a collection of dishes;
    • You can chat with guests while cooking, or watch TV on a large plasma panel in the guest area;
    • It is easier to organize parties or holidays for the whole family with invited chefs and animators;
    • It is easier to combine the preparation of technologically complex dishes and the reception of guests;
    • Large selection of stylistic solutions that require a large space;
    • Possibility to organize a full-fledged dining room for a large family.

    In modern premises, zoning is most often carried out in the kitchen.

    But there are also disadvantages:

    • The spread of condensate and condensate, odors from cooking, soot and greasy suspension, if the hood is weak (or absent);
    • High noise level - there is no obstacle for the propagation of sound;
    • The common space makes it difficult to concentrate or relax when someone is doing the kitchen or other things;
    • Smells from cooking stimulate appetite in advance;
    • Rubbish from the kitchen spreads throughout the room, you have to clean it often, unwashed dishes spoil the overall impression of the living room.

    The lighting of the kitchen area should be brighter than the rest segment - the living room.

    Advice . It is important to consider facing materials so that all surfaces are easy to clean. Be sure to provide the stove with a powerful hood and think about how to hide its bell behind the decor, which does not differ in special aesthetics. The kitchen apron can be decorated with a beautiful panel of tiled materials, mosaics or decorative panels.

    Secrets of zoning the kitchen and living room

    The basis of a successful design of a living room combined with a kitchen in a private house is in functional zoning. This is a guarantee of comfortable living and convenience in the creative process, when you want to experiment with culinary recipes.

    A popular way to mark the invisible boundaries of the kitchen space from the living room is to highlight the level using a false ceiling.

    Emphasized functionality - everything you need for a certain type of activity or recreation is concentrated on 2-3 squares of the area. For example, a personal space where you want to retire for classes or intellectual work should be isolated so as not to be distracted by trifles.

    The main place should be equipped in such a way that during work you do not run around the corners in search of the most necessary things.

    It should be clear to guests entering the house where each of the functional areas ends, even if it is a studio-type room. In a house without internal walls, it should be noticeable by the demarcations where the entrance hall ends and the living room begins.

    In the interior of the living-dining room in a private house, the kitchen unit should be separate from the place of eating.

    There are several methods of zoning.

    1. The choice of color - the catering unit, the dining room and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe place for receiving guests have their own shade and palette, but they must all be in harmony.
    2. Transparent partitions (glass, fabric, plastic).
    3. Materials of different textures - tiles for the kitchen, linoleum for the dining room and laminate - in the living room of the combined space.
    4. Zoning by the ratio of levels of planes (thresholds, podiums, steps and multi-level ceilings).
    5. Each part of the room has its own finishing materials.
    6. Separation by blocks of furniture (set with a side, end, peninsula or in the form of a short pier).
    7. Decorative screens and panels, designer panels, installations or works of contemporary art.
    8. Different lighting in general light design of the living room and kitchen in the house.

    Such designs can also play a decorative role if original shapes or unusual colors are “connected” to the performance of a multi-level ceiling.

    Local lighting should organically fit into the overall solution or complement the front chandelier in the living room.

    Stylistic solution of the united space

    When expanding the usable area by combining 2-3 adjacent rooms, more free space appears. This gives an additional bonus when choosing a style.

    If we are talking about a new house, where the style has not yet been decided, you need to focus on the architectural solution. A traditional wooden frame, a modern house or a classic building are equipped according to long-established canons.

    To simplify cleaning processes, the flooring of the kitchen area is made of easily washable materials with high resistance to moisture.

    For lovers of solid houses, when they build "for centuries", passing the estate by inheritance, it is worth focusing on the classics or historical style. It does not go out of fashion, only approaches to design implementation are being transformed. interior of the kitchen-living room in a private house.

    Those who love a refined and luxurious interior are offered a historical style:

    • Empire;
    • Renaissance;
    • Baroque;
    • Rococo;
    • Palace style.

    When you do not want to go to extremes, it is better to focus on something conservative - English classics or minimalism.

    Traditionally, the interior in the Baroque style involves ornate lines, many details and accents.

    People who are nostalgic for rural childhood, provincial wilderness and simplicity, embodied in a new way, are recommended:

    • Retro or vintage;
    • Country in any version, including chalets, Provence, ranches or the style of a Russian hut (styles fit organically into buildings with an attic).

    When choosing interior design, remember that you live here, not guests who want to impress. There are different options, the main thing is to create the house of your dreams. Modern style solutions:

    • Modern;
    • Loft;
    • High tech;
    • Fusion;
    • Contemporary.

    Try to design a living room combined with a kitchen in a modern modern style.

    Ethnic style lovers usually have well-established interests, but the most popular are:

    • Japanese minimalism;
    • Scandinavian functionalism;
    • Arabic style;
    • Moroccan; Chinese;
    • Indian;
    • African interior style.

    Advice . When choosing furniture sets, pay attention to the technical description. Many headsets, soft corners and universal sets have a style indicated. This makes the choice much easier.

    The harmonious interior of a living room with a kitchen in a private house largely depends on the color scheme.

    At the time of buying household appliances should think about how it fits into the stylistic decision and the overall range. Textiles, decor, accessories and handicrafts should also organically fit into the design of a kitchen combined with a living room and a dining room in a private house , as in our photo examples.

    VIDEO: Design of a combined kitchen dining room living room.

    Kitchen-dining-living room design in a private house - 50 ideas:
