Where to put a feng shui tree Avoid major mistakes. Where to put a feng shui Christmas tree

If you stick Eastern calendar, then you should familiarize yourself with the traditions of Feng Shui and find out where to put the feng shui tree, because its location is very important.

First of all, the Christmas tree must be alive, not artificial.

And now about the most important thing - the location of the New Year's tree in the room.

Where to put a feng shui tree

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, all objects in the house should be placed relative to the cardinal points.

If everything is correct, then different types energies are sent to right direction and contribute to the rapid achievement of goals and the fulfillment of all desires.

And, of course, they attract health, love and prosperity to the house.

And even the New Year tree, as a symbol of the beginning of everything new and hopes for the best, must be placed in a certain place.

Depending on what you want in the New Year.

1. Good health is the center of the room.

2. Attract love and happy marriage- south.

3. Material well-being, wealth - southeast.

4. Fame, recognition in society, fame and good reputation - the southern sector.

5. Conception and birth of children, as well as creativity, new creative ideas- west.

6. Family happiness- East.

7. Career, luck and success in business - north.

8. Knowledge and wisdom - northeast.

9. Travel, as well as the search for friends, helpers, like-minded people - northwest.

After correct location and Christmas tree decorations, you can hang Feng Shui approved symbols on it, for example, a ball with a painted Chinese character happiness, a red flashlight with a brush or a coin with a hole.

Also, there must be toys that symbolize your desires in the New Year.

Another option for placing a Christmas tree

1. Love is the far right corner. Decorate with glittery crystals, silk ribbons and hearts, with each toy to have a pair. You can also hang the same toys on one branch, twisting the threads together. The color of Christmas tree decorations is red and pink, the crown is a red heart.

2. Money - extreme left corner. We make part of the decorations from banknotes, you can roll flowers, butterflies and birds from them. We also hang metal coins. The main color of the toys is silver.

3. Career (namely, career growth and promotion) - on the contrary front door, near the wall. Decorations are chosen in the style of what kind of work you want to get.

4. Travel - near the right wall, in the middle. Decorate the tree with the symbol of the country you want to visit.

5. Children - right corner, closest to the door. Toys must be puppet or handmade. You can see, and attach an angel to the top.

6. Friends - the left corner closest to the door. Ask friends and acquaintances to give you a toy.

7. A little bit of everything - the center of the room. This is the most chosen and recommended place for a Christmas tree.

If the corner or wall you need is occupied, and you can’t put a Christmas tree there, then make a composition of fir branches in a vase.

This will achieve the desired feng shui effect.

What else is needed? Imagine the streams of positive energy that penetrate the house and fill the rooms and non-residential premises.

In China, there is another tradition - baking cookies with good fortune.

It will make your New Year's holiday even more joyful and enjoyable.

Those who love Eastern philosophy and trust it become especially suspicious on the eve of the New Year. So, for example, they argue that if you correctly put Christmas tree, then it will not only bring joy and a festive mood, but also bring good luck to life. Whether you believe the Eastern sages or not, a little luck never hurt anyone.

A green and fluffy Christmas tree has long been one of the important symbols new year holidays. It doesn’t matter if you have an artificial or living beauty in your home, according to Eastern philosophy, something completely different is important. The feng shui tree 2018 is able to bring luck and love, money, career growth to life. But, for this you need to put it right.

It is important! Right choice the place where the feng shui tree should be in 2018 begins with the entrance to the room. It is the entrance that will be the starting point in all calculations, it will be necessary to look at space from it.

Where to put a Christmas tree to attract love

If in the new 2018 you are striving to meet your love or just want to make intimate life bright and stormy, then the tree must be placed in the far right corner.

As for how to decorate a feng shui tree to attract love, then you need to choose shiny toys, silk ribbons, heart-shaped toys, and all kinds of paired symbols will be relevant. Try to hang the same toys next to each other. It is best to tie paired toys with ribbons or ropes in order to seal the bonds as much as possible. Give preference to red and its shades.

Where to put a Christmas tree to attract money

If you have a goal financial well-being, then it is necessary to put the New Year's beauty in the opposite corner from love. That is, for wealth, place the tree in the far left corner.

The color of Christmas decorations should be gold or silver. Of course, do not hang on the Christmas tree Jewelry but find interesting bright details. For example, you can hang chocolate coins on the Christmas tree, which are sold in shiny packages. Moreover, the more such coins will be on the Christmas tree, the better for your future well-being. You can also wrap one branch of the Christmas tree banknotes, make element money tree.

It is important! According to Eastern philosophy, career and financial well-being are two different things. Attracting financial well-being into your life, we are not always talking about success in work. You may receive an inheritance. If you are interested in career advancement, then the New Year's beauty should be placed right in front of the front door against the opposite wall.

Where to put a Christmas tree so that everything is fine with children (to get pregnant)

For such purposes, the philosophy of Feng Shui involves the location of the New Year tree in the near right corner. If you want to become a mother in the new year, then the place of your Christmas tree is also in the near right corner.

Be sure to use sweets as decorations and Stuffed Toys. If there are already children in the house, then let them decorate the New Year's beauty themselves, you can only control the process from afar. The only thing to take care of is to hang the garland yourself for safety purposes.

If you did not find soft Christmas decorations, you can do .

Where to put a Christmas tree to attract friends

For these purposes, the feng shui 2018 tree should be in the near left corner. So you can attract good friends and influential patrons into your life, become famous in society. The effect will be very good if you ask your friends to give some toy to decorate the Christmas tree. If you are craving new acquaintances in 2018, then be sure to hang items on the tree that can be associated with a person. A tie, an expensive pen. In general, decorate the Christmas tree with something that you think the person you want to meet and be friends with must have.

Where to put the Christmas tree for optimal harmony

If in the new 2018 you want a little bit of everything, then you need to put the New Year tree exactly in the center of the room. This way, you can empower every area of ​​your life. It is necessary to hang the corresponding symbols of each sphere of life described above on those branches that look at the corresponding angles. How to decorate a feng shui Christmas tree to enhance a particular area, you already know from this article.

It is important! The Feng Shui 2018 Christmas tree must be firmly and evenly installed. In no case should she fall on her side, because dreams will be weak. If the tree is alive, do not forget to add water to it so that it stands longer.

If the size of your apartment does not allow you to put a Christmas tree in accordance with the rules, then do not despair. You can simply take fresh fluffy branches of the Christmas tree and create a New Year's bouquet from them. Put the bouquet in a vase, and put the vase in the right place for you. The effect, according to connoisseurs of Eastern philosophy, will be the same.

Under the Christmas tree in the new year, you can put a large beautiful box in which to put written wishes for all family members. Write kind words to each other and put them in a box to keep whole year. On the eve of the next New Year, open the box to check how many wishes and dreams have come true.

Those who love Eastern philosophy and trust it become especially suspicious on the eve of the New Year. So, for example, they argue that if you put up a Christmas tree correctly, it will not only bring joy and festive mood, but also bring good luck to life. Whether you believe the wise men of the East or not, a little luck never hurt anyone.

A green and fluffy Christmas tree has long been one of the important symbols of the New Year holidays. It doesn’t matter if you have an artificial or living beauty in your home, according to Eastern philosophy, something completely different is important. The feng shui tree 2017 is able to bring luck and love, money, career growth to life. But, for this you need to put it right.

It is important! The right choice of a place where a feng shui tree should stand in 2017 begins with the entrance to the room. It is the entrance that will be the starting point in all calculations, it will be necessary to look at space from it.

Where to put a Christmas tree to attract love

If in the new 2017 you are striving to meet your love or just want to make your intimate life bright and stormy, then the Christmas tree must be placed in the far right corner.

As for how to decorate a feng shui tree to attract love, then you need to choose shiny toys, silk ribbons, heart-shaped toys, and all kinds of paired symbols will be relevant. Try to hang the same toys next to each other. It is best to tie paired toys with ribbons or ropes in order to seal the bonds as much as possible. Give preference to red and its shades.

Where to put a Christmas tree to attract money

If your goal is financial well-being, then you need to put the New Year's beauty in the opposite corner from love. That is, for wealth, place the tree in the far left corner.

The color of Christmas decorations should be gold or silver. Of course, you don’t need to hang jewelry on the tree, but find interesting bright details. For example, you can hang chocolate coins on the Christmas tree, which are sold in shiny packages. Moreover, the more such coins will be on the Christmas tree, the better for your future well-being. You can also wrap one branch of the Christmas tree with banknotes, make an element of the money tree.

It is important! According to Eastern philosophy, career and financial well-being are two different things. Attracting financial well-being into your life, we are not always talking about success in work. You may receive an inheritance. If you are interested in career advancement, then the New Year's beauty should be placed right in front of the front door against the opposite wall.

Where to put a Christmas tree to attract friends

For these purposes, the Feng Shui 2017 tree should be in the near left corner. So you can attract good friends and influential patrons into your life, become famous in society. The effect will be very good if you ask your friends to give some toy to decorate the Christmas tree. If you crave new acquaintances in 2017, then be sure to hang items on the tree that can be associated with a person. A tie, an expensive pen. In general, decorate the Christmas tree with something that you think the person you want to meet and be friends with must have.

Where to put the Christmas tree for optimal harmony

If in the new 2017 you want a little bit of everything, then you need to put the New Year tree exactly in the center of the room. This way, you can empower every area of ​​your life. It is necessary to hang the corresponding symbols of each sphere of life described above on those branches that look at the corresponding angles. How to decorate a feng shui Christmas tree to enhance a particular area, you already know from this article.

It is important! The Feng Shui 2017 Christmas tree must be firmly and evenly installed. In no case should she fall on her side, because dreams will be weak. If the tree is alive, do not forget to add water to it so that it stands longer.

If the size of your apartment does not allow you to put a Christmas tree in accordance with the rules, then do not despair. You can simply take fresh fluffy branches of the Christmas tree and create a New Year's bouquet from them. Put the bouquet in a vase, and put the vase in the right place for you. The effect, according to connoisseurs of Eastern philosophy, will be the same.

Under the Christmas tree in the new year, you can put a large beautiful box in which to put written wishes for all family members. Write kind words to each other and put them in a box that should be kept for a whole year. On the eve of the next New Year, open the box to check how many wishes and dreams have come true.

The Feng Shui 2017 Christmas tree should also be taken out of the apartment on time if it is alive. This should be done as soon as you notice that the needles began to crumble. A tree that crumbles is a source of negative energy. We wish you in New Year 2017 to attract as much positive energy as possible into your life and the lives of the people you care about!

There is still quite a bit and the New Year will knock on the door of each of us. In order for him to pass highest level, fulfilled dreams and allowed to multiply all the good things, the preparation of the holiday should be approached responsibly. Everything old must be left in the outgoing year, and the New must be met with positive emotions, good mood and good mood. This is the only way to appease the owner of the year and make 2017 truly original and interesting. It will not be superfluous to listen to the advice of Feng Shui. We will talk about this in this article.

Choosing a place for the tree

Feng Shui requires that all objects be placed in their place, since only in this case the energy will be directed in the right direction, which in turn attracts good luck, wealth and love. The Christmas tree should also stand in its place. So, let's see what feng shui advice gives us in 2017:

  • South. If you put a tree in the south, next year will bring recognition, glory and strengthen the family.
  • Southwest. Christmas tree, located in the southwest, will help strengthen family bonds, will attract good luck in love.
  • Southeast. By placing the Christmas tree in the southeast, you will increase your financial condition.
  • West. This is the perfect place for a forest beauty if you dream of a child.
  • North. A Christmas tree located on the north side will bring career success.
  • Northwest zone. It is recommended for lovers of travel to place the Christmas tree in the northwestern zone.
  • Northeast side. The perfect place for the location of the Christmas tree, if you want to achieve wisdom and knowledge.

As you can see, wherever you place the forest beauty, she will bring only good things to your home. Therefore, you should not deny yourself such a common christmas decoration apartments. It is also very important to choose the right spruce. You should not buy a product that, in your opinion, looks "sick". The branches should be lush, and the needles should have a rich color.

What should you know?

In order to achieve all the benefits in 2017, it is necessary to appease the patron of the year. Considering the fact that the Fire Rooster, which is distinguished by passion, emotionality, impulsiveness and honesty, will dominate, you can attract his attention by using originality and courage. Do not forget that before you bring a Christmas tree into the house, you need to do general cleaning. By clearing the space, you let positive energy into your home that will change your life for the better.

The Fire Rooster will be grateful to you if you decorate the Christmas tree in an original way, generously using “rain” and LED lights. Consider the fact that the main shape that attracts positive changes in life is a triangle. Make it from an orange or red base. Be sure to place a coin in the middle of the product, then place the items on the Christmas tree or place them in the southeast corners.

The decoration with which you will decorate the Christmas tree should be scarlet, golden, yellow and sunny orange. As for the gifts that you have prepared for relatives and loved ones, pack them either in scarlet or yellow paper. At the same time, the main souvenir, no matter how trite it may sound, are tangerines. There should be a lot of them, arrange the fruits throughout the apartment. Place the rooster figurines around the rooms. But keep in mind, they must be bright, beautiful and in no way damaged. It is better to throw out the stuffed products. Astrologers also claim that by giving a person two citrus fruits for the New Year, you will thereby help him find his soul mate or strengthen his family.
