A spell for good luck in everything on the water. Conspiracies from fear to read for children on the water and from hysteria. Strengthening family ties

Water is the most abundant substance on earth. It is able not only to influence the life of a person, but also, thanks to magical rituals, to bring good luck, financial well-being, health and success. Charmed water is a special carrier and keeper of information. With the help of special prayers and rituals, it is filled with strong energy, thereby becoming a magical liquid that can best affect a person's life.

Charmed water is a special carrier and keeper of information

Rituals should be performed with extreme caution. Despite the fact that the liquid is a malleable substance, the conspiracy to water is carried out exclusively in a positive mood, so that bad energy cannot harm. When conducting a ritual, it is necessary to concentrate on the final result. Do not think about a bad outcome, forget about insults and annoying situations, drink liquids and think about the beautiful. Then unpleasant surprises minutes away from you!

Proper implementation of the plan

You can talk water different ways. These rituals are innumerable. All of them have been practiced by sorcerers and magicians for more than one century. However, before proceeding with the ritual, you need to know common features works:

  • Perform rituals only with running or melt water. It is not advisable to use tap, cloudy, dirty, sandy or stoney liquid. If you still had to use the water substance from the tap, a cleansing ceremony is simply necessary for the conspiracy to work!
  • Before using a conspiracy or prayer, you need to memorize the lines, even if they are large enough, this should not stop you. When speaking water, one should not read prayers from books or notebooks. Words should be clear and distinct, without hesitation. In addition, you need to know step by step instructions ritual, so as not to go astray and not look for clues.
  • When performing the ritual, retire. No one should interfere with you so that the rite does not break. All thoughts should be turned to the final, positive outcome.
  • No one should know about the conduct of the ritual ceremony. Because negative energy stranger can affect the spell of charmed water. Even after you achieve the desired result, try to keep secret the performed magical ceremonies.

Rituals should be performed only with running or melt water

The life of water is not only in magic, but also in science

For many decades, sorcerers and sorcerers charged water with positive energy, and then used it to achieve all sorts of goals. Today, science has confirmed the fact that liquid crystals are capable of storing and transmitting information.

Many scientists who studied the properties and composition of water proved that the structural part of the liquid can change and react to words, music, electromagnetic radiation and human thoughts. Scientists are sure that such words as tenderness, kindness, love, compassion have positive energy. In addition, pure and bright thoughts of a person, correctly pronounced prayers, light music can turn ordinary water crystals into ordered snowflakes. But rough speech, anger, negativity, harsh music can destroy and destroy these tenderness, thereby giving the composition of the liquid an ugly structure. To prevent this from happening, treat the water with tenderness and affection!

What charmed water is the most powerful?

There is an opinion that water collected from three sources has a colossal magical effect, is able to cure any disease, remove damage and the evil eye. The first liquid crystals must be collected from a river or lake, preferably for the first time on the days of the new moon. Then bring water from the church. especially strong energy property possesses a substance that was in holy places on great holidays (Easter, Trinity or Epiphany). The final step will be plain tap water. When all three types of liquid are collected, they must be mixed and whispered:

“Crystals to crystals, a blade of grass to a bush, a ray to the sun, well-being to a home. Let profit and prosperity grow like a young moon and water in a stream. May sadness and anger be washed away, and my house be protected by holy water.

Charged water will serve as protection and support! She can wash her face daily, bathe babies with the evil eye and spray all corners of the house, getting rid of negativity and the gaze of ill-wishers.

Charged water will serve as protection and support

Conspiracy for the fulfillment of desires

Almost every person has cherished dream. However, not all wishes are destined to come true. In this case, you can resort to a conspiracy on the water. AT this rite only spring liquid is used. It is energetically clean. If it is not possible to use such water, then you should purchase it at the store. However, a special ritual for purification is simply necessary. After the liquid is prepared, say a prayer:

“I am a servant of God (name) asking some water to fulfill my sacred dream. Every day I wash my face and get drunk with you, so give me your drops, for happiness, so that my dream comes true. My thoughts are immaculate, there is no malice and resentment in them, and my desires are bright, like a clear day. My crystal key is closed and washed with spring water. As I ask, so let it happen. Amen".

After the prayer has been read, drink the liquid from the dishes, in small sips. Drinking it to think that soon the desire will come true. The ceremony is held after twelve o'clock at night.

Expel negativity with charmed water

If you often have to contact with unpleasant people who radiate a lot of negativity, thereby feeding on your positive energy, then you need to perform a ritual and get rid of the unpleasant sensation. In addition, the performed ceremony will not only fill the void, but also protect you from people with heavy energy.

Before proceeding with the ritual, you need to draw water into a spacious container, but only on the waning moon. Then bend over the bowl, read the prayer five times and wash. Splashed drops of liquid on the floor do not need to be wiped off, they should dry on their own. Conspiracy words:

“The Immaculate Mother of God walks through the dense forest, collects roots and stones, washes them and heals. Cleanse from someone else's, hated and useless. So that unkind people do not say offensive words, do not induce damage and the evil eye. My words and thoughts are strong and unshakable, Amen.”

You can only expel negativity with charmed water on a waning moon

Become attractive, thanks to the charmed water

The dream of most women is to be beautiful and attractive. After performing a ritual on the charmed water, this desire can come true. Any kind of liquid, both spring and tap, is suitable for the ceremony. Prayer words:

“I am a servant of God (name) I want to shine with beauty and captivate the views of people. I want my skin to be filled with natural freshness, so that everyone admires it. Only powerful and strong water can help me with this. All men will be touched by my beauty, and in women my beauty will only cause envy. My eyebrows will be black, my eyelashes will be long, my skin will be white and soft, my hair will be long and thick. With the help of crystalline water, I draw upon myself an outstanding beauty, Amen.

After the ceremony, wash, then drink three sips every morning and moisten the skin of the face.

Restore love with charmed water

If your other half has become indifferent and is gradually moving away from you, then you need to prepare charmed water that will help overcome this problem. The ceremony is performed on a young moon. As soon as dawn comes, take a bowl, pour water and put it in a secluded place so that no one can see. At night, after midnight, take a bowl of liquid, enter the center of the room and say three times:

“Water splashes in the bowl from edge to edge, from the middle to the sides. Washes my silvery hands, separates from each other, does not connect with my beloved. The water will calm down, settle down and connect my silver hands with the hands of my betrothed. We will be together for a long time, inseparable, unshakable, beloved all the time, Amen.

After reading the prayer, you need to sprinkle a few drops of water on your bed, and pour the remaining liquid into the street.

Charmed water will help overcome this indifference of the second half

Charmed water will help rejuvenate the skin of the face and body

The rite of rejuvenation is held on the great holiday of Ivan Kupala. On this day, you should go to a secluded place. Buy water from a spring, honey and seeds (fried). Find a quiet area where you feel comfortable, stop, take off your shoes and untie your hair. Then stand facing east and say:

"The rays of the sun, which warm the earth, give light and warmth, give my heart a little caress and light."

Then pour some water on it and say in a whisper:

“Voditsa sister, free me from all evil, from bad deeds, from bad thoughts, from cruel angels. Help me always, wash your face and soul.

After reading the prayer, pick flowers, weave a wreath, put it on your head and whisper:

“Twigs of the forest, flowers of the field, grass from the meadow, give me everything that virgin nature has given you.”

After that, sit down, try a spoonful of honey and drink water. Then stand up and throw a few grains of seeds in front of you, saying:

“Let everything be as I ask. Mother nature endowed me with her strength, sunflower seeds are witnesses to this.

Then you can go home. Take a wreath with you, it will act as your amulet, and drink the remaining water and think about fulfilling your desire.

Heal the disease with charmed water

In case of a serious illness or a constant illness, healing will come if you drink healing water. After the ritual, the liquid should be drunk whenever possible, also added to drinks and food. This ritual is the use of holy water. consecrated liquid has healing property, and replenishing it magic conspiracy, she is able to heal any ailment.

First of all, you need to go to the temple, purchase three candles and holy water. Approach the icons, light candles and whisper to the Lord for health and well-being, cross yourself and leave the church.

In case of a serious illness, you need to go to the temple, purchase three candles and holy water

Upon arrival home, light a candle, calm down, mentally pacify and think only about healing. Then put the church liquid and icons. And start saying the prayer:

“Holy water, which is similar to God's tear. Give me healing, save me from all ailments and ailments. Pass through my body with a healing stream and cleanse my soul of sinful soot. I believe in your strength and power and I beg you for a cure, Amen."

After the ceremony, try to drink the magical substance as often as possible. The course of treatment is at least fourteen days. To make the ailment completely disappear, repeat the healing ritual again.

Evil eye conspiracy

When the evil eye is imposed, it is necessary to perform a ceremony on the charmed water in order to get rid of bad luck and unpleasant consequences. Purchase melted water matter. After that, at twelve o'clock at night, in the phase of the waning moon, light a church candle, pour liquid into a plate and read the plot:

"My vodka, you look like heavenly queen. You came from the sky, went into the soil, from the soil you came again to the sky. Take some water from the servant of God (name) all the troubles, hardships, a bad look, fierce rumor. Hide everything in the ground where the human foot does not walk, let the darkness bury all negativity and adversity in its depths, Amen.

Waking up in the morning, drink water three times a day, three sips.

Magical water in human life

Every person is eighty percent water. Every day it should be consumed at least two liters. Such conclusions of experts are not accidental. The water substance really has magical properties. It can store and transmit information, assimilate words and thoughts, heal the body, cleanse from moral and energy dirt. The liquid has its own uniqueness. She knows how to change like flames. It can become liquid, solid or gaseous. Able to take the form of vessels and containers in which it was poured. Isn't it a miracle?

Water substance is the source and symbol of life. It is one of the most fertile elements on planet Earth. It can rightly be considered the basis of all creation.

Water substance is the source and symbol of life

Water is a powerful, protective substance

Even not charmed water has the strongest energy. To cleanse an object, it will be sufficient to lower it into water for several days, but change the liquid every day. The end result may surprise you the negative energy of the thing will simply disappear.

You can get rid of negative energy by taking a shower. The only rule is that the shower must go in this sequence: cold, hot and cold again. Reception will also help clear the negative. warm bath. You need to relax and let go of all bad emotions into the water.

Never spit in the water, so that further punishment does not follow. While on a river or pond, do not utter the word of a curse. Water substance understands and remembers human speech. All unpleasant speeches can turn against you.

So that you and your loved ones are not pursued by failure, trouble, the evil eye and illness, you need to drink crystal clear, charmed water as much as possible. It contains all the energy positive and health.

Natural substance - water - very good stuff for magical rituals. She remembers, writes down on her crystal lattice all the words and actions of the person who performs the ceremony. Special conspiracies for water are made taking into account all the features of a transparent, ordinary liquid.

How to conduct conspiracies

Both magicians and simple peasant beliefs preserved conspiracies for various objects: water, earth, eggs, etc., which are held at different times, with different paraphernalia, more complex or very simple, but always effective.

They are used for different purposes:

  • for good luck;
  • for enrichment;
  • from diseases and ailments;
  • to solve love problems (love spell, dryness, lapel, etc.);
  • to solve household problems, etc.

Spellbound water will be able to cure the patient, fulfill his plan, if there are no negative thoughts, resentments and greed in the head during the ceremony.

Before you speak water, it must be cleared of the negative that could have accumulated in it before (this does not apply to holy or spring water). This procedure is especially important if water is taken from the tap.

Efficiency will be enhanced by a prayer to Panteleimon and "Living Powers" uttered over a container of water.

After that, you need to leave the vessel with the liquid under the sun for several hours, placing it on a piece of paper with the words love, life, health, kindness written on it.

Simple slander

At home, without special preparation, you can independently, without resorting to magicians, carry out difficult rites or rituals and speak water to fulfill various desires. To do this, it is worth following some rules and correctly reading the words of the spell.

From being overweight

A village ritual helps to get rid of extra pounds. He is being held dark night so that the moon is not visible. Her light will interfere with the fulfillment of the desired. On the water, they read the slander in a whisper, from 7 to 14 days in a row, depending on how many kilograms you need to lose. With the onset of darkness, looking into a vessel of water, presenting in the reflection of his beautiful figure, pronounce the words:

“Lord, bless, Lord, help the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. On the ocean, on the sea, on the glorious island of Buyan, there was a bed, on that bed a downy feather bed. On a downy featherbed lies a pig with nine heads and ten mouths. That pig will eat my fat, and seize my fat, with all its nine heads, and ten mouths. As water flows through your fingers, so does my pig excess weight devour. I close my words with a key, I throw the key into the pool. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

How many times they read conspiracies for water, the same number of times you need to wash your face with water.

Universal Text

If something hurts inside, and doctors cannot find the cause, then they use a ritual with a conspiracy to clean water. A prerequisite: 7 days before the ceremony, you can not drink alcoholic beverages.

A conspiracy over water from all diseases is done during sunset. While it sits over the horizon, they say the words:

“On the third day of Pascha, St. Catherine walked, and St. Marina walked next to her. They carried the Holy Gifts. I, the servant of God (name), will remember those Holy Gifts for three evenings so that they help me restore my health. With clean, crystal water I wash myself, I get rid of the accursed disease. Healthy body, healthy heart. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

They wash themselves with charmed water, rub it on a sore spot. If there was a fungus, unknown skin diseases, then you need to pour water on these places. After 7 days, the disease will recede, and the patient will feel better. He is also suitable in order to quickly recover, among the people he is known under the interesting name "Like water off a goose, so thinness from me."

For the fulfillment of a wish

You always want to get what you want quickly and without much difficulty. For this there is good way: speak water for the fulfillment of desires. Some conditions must be met:

  • you can take only spring or well water;
  • pour it into a glass transparent vessel;
  • be silent before the ritual for 12 hours;
  • don't tell anyone your wish.

Bring a container of water to your face, lean towards it and say quietly:

“Water, water, you are my sister, you give me a wash, you give me a drink. Give me, servant of God (name), water, three drops for good luck, five drops for luck and the sea for happiness. I close my words with the key, I wash the key in the water. As water is pure, so are my thoughts pure and my desires clear. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

After the spell, take a few sips. The thoughts in the head must be pure.

This is a simple but very effective ritual for fulfilling various household desires, a successful outcome for the upcoming business, and in order to return the husband to the children, to the family. It has been tested by many people.

Conspiracy and prayer from fear

In order to get rid of fear, before speaking water, you should pour it into a glass and read “Our Father” 3 times, then recite the conspiracy by heart:

"God's hour, good hour, it's coming Holy Mother of God Mary across the golden bridge. Pure angels stood before her, and bright archangels. They asked where the Mother of God was going, where she was heading. Mary answered them that she was going to the servant of God (name), she was afraid to speak out from him, but to speak her tongue. And the Mother of God called with her all the angels of the saints, and the archangels of light. They will help her, they will pronounce fear from the servant of God (name), from his crown. From the eyes, from the ears, from the neck, from the tongue and subtongue, from the kidneys, from the lungs, from the spine, from the stomach, from the arms and legs, from the zealous heart, and the violent head, from all 77 joints. Do not stand here in fear, do not make blue veins, do not burst yellow bones, do not rage in red blood. Stop, fear, get away from the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If the plot was made for yourself, then wash yourself with magical water. If for a sick person, then wash him and let him drink the water left after washing to the last drop. If the baby had a fright, wash it completely with charmed water.

With land for good luck

It is necessary to speak water for good luck in the first half of the day, at any phase of the moon. Will be required following items: earth, a saucepan, pure melt water in a bucket and 3 candles from the church.

Before the ceremony, you need to work on yourself: put your thoughts in order, get rid of negativity, anger and envy and concentrate your attention and strength on main idea, on the fact that luck will come and everything will work out. The ceremony should be performed standing on the street, with bare feet on the ground or in a bathhouse, bathroom, but also barefoot, touching the floor with your feet. So the energy of the two elements will interact with each other and enhance the effect.

You need to put a bucket right next to you and, to attract good luck, make a conspiracy on water:

“Water, you cleanse me, the servant of God (name), wash me from head to toe, remove the burden from my soul and mind. As you, water, wash away dirt from stones, as you clean blackness, so wash off all that is superfluous from me, take away everything that I do not need in life. Wash me from grief, from loss, from pain. bring me new life, water, new luck. May it be so. Amen".

Then tip the water from the bucket onto yourself, trying to completely pour over. This action will wash away the negativity from the body. To charge yourself with clean energy, you should put candles in the shape of a triangle on the floor, stand in its center and say:

“Holy fiery flame, you put on me, the servant of God (name), with your sparkling power, your quick energy, which will never go out, but will burn for a century and warm people.”

Say the words several times, focusing on the image of the goal itself. Leaving the candles burning, exit the center. After the fire has burned down, throw the cinders into a trash can.

On the last step this ritual, take an unnecessary, worn, your thing and put it in a pot with earth. Go outside, dig a hole under the nearest tree, take some of the earth out of it and put it aside. Pour the contents of the pan into it, exhaling air from the chest, cover everything with the deposited earth and quickly leave this place.

Good luck after the ritual will settle in the house, she will not keep you waiting and will come in a few days, loneliness will go away with her, a successful meeting will occur, after which a wedding is possible. There will be positive changes in business. And so it will be in everything after the ceremony.

From debt to the growing moon

Conspiracies for money and debts are done quite often. Magicians know various rituals that are easy to carry out at home and without their participation. If the client wants, he can do it himself.

The ritual for wealth is universal. It will improve the financial situation, ensure financial stability and get rid of debts, if any.

The magic of the ritual from debts and wealth will help if all conditions are met. Boiling water is poured into a glass, it speaks in a special way for money at the moment when the growing phase of the moon comes. The spell is long, it must be written on a piece of paper and read three times.

“There is a golden well in a wide field, a golden well and golden water in it. Under the well, the white spring boils and the earth burns. Just as a white key boils underground, so the work of the servant of God (name) will boil and argue. Like golden water in a well, so the servant of God (name) will have a moshna filled with gold. There is a house next to that well, and in that house there is a table, and on the table there is bread and salt. As there is bread and salt on the table, so the servant of God (name) will have a table full, and there will always be something to chew in his house. Behind the golden house is again a field, and in the field there is a bull and a cow. As a cow runs after a bull, so good and wealth will run after the servant of God (name). Behind the field there is a forest, in that forest a spruce grows, and hops are on the spruce. As hops curl around a spruce tree, so around the servant of God (name) everything will curl on the right, honor, wealth, and goodness. Behind the dense forest is a meadow, and on the meadow there is grass, and on the grass there is morning dew. Just as dew is born on its own, no one grows or sows it, so the servant of God (name) will give birth to money. He will have money in his purse, like dew in a meadow. I close my words with a golden key, I throw the key into the sea. As a fish cannot fly in the sky, so no one can get my key. May it be so. Amen".

After the ritual, lucrative business offers will follow, an interesting contract will be signed. This is not black magic, it will affect all areas of life. Sometimes people find treasures afterwards.

love magic

Without love, life loses its colors, everything around becomes dull and uninteresting. To forge family life, to return a loved one, to get rid of a rival or to bewitch a bewitched one, they use water charmed with love.

Love is bewitched by a spring, clear water, without negative external influence and gain it immediately before the ritual. Pour it into a transparent glass during the growing moon. Spell words are read 9 times:

“I will get up, God's servant (name), blessed, I will go out of the house, crossing myself. From the door of the house I will go to the gate, from the gate to open field I will go out into a wide field. Sitting in that field is Jesus Christ, the son of the living God. How Jesus yearns for his church. Yes, for the disciples, so the servant of God (name), for the servant of God (name) will yearn. He can’t sleep, don’t walk, don’t eat, only yearn for me. He only thinks about me, he only loves me. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

With the help of conspiracies, you can attract the attention of a man

The return of the spouse is inevitable, in the morning the betrothed will come to the threshold, and the rival will lose interest in her lover after such a spell.

The ritual of the healer Maria Bazhenova

For good health, longevity, they carry out an interesting conspiracy of Maria Bazhenova, a famous healer. The magic of the ceremony is enhanced if it is carried out in the bath. If this is not possible, it should be done in the bathroom.

Take off your clothes, pouring water from the tub, you should say:

“Water from a goose, thinness from me, a dry body, a bruise, a wind fracture, wash it off, rinse it off the servant of God (name). Like a duck from the sea, so sickness from me. Like water off a duck, so sickness off me. Like water off a duck, with (name) thinness. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the ritual bath broom water rushes to the exit. The rite will speed up the recovery of a man or woman if done after taking healing decoctions or herbal tinctures.

B. Volodarsky - a healer from the Altai Territory - has his own method of incantation of water, boiled, flowing or well. He casts spells on the dead and living water. He lived abroad for many years, trained special forces for a mission in Afghanistan, acquired a lot of knowledge from old books and has rich experience in healing. The sorcerer helps from computer and game addiction, various diseases. After his rituals, many were able to recover and never remember their problems again. Makes rituals for wealth.

He does not reveal all his secrets and subtleties of work. In his hands, the water becomes magical and healing, a real life-giving moisture.

The stream of people coming to Boris for help does not dry out. This proves the power of his conspiracies. In his opinion, water hears and listens, responds to words and emotions, shows peculiar vibrations that affect the recovery of a person, the fulfillment of his desires.

Here is one of his conspiracies from illness to melt water:

“Help, water-vodka, deliver the servant (s) of God (s) (name) from 12 ailments: from shaking, from thorns, from overthrowing, from shooting, from fire, from stabbing, from twitching, from blinking, from blindness, from deafness, from a black kidney and infirmity. You, evil shaking, calm down, otherwise I will curse you to hell. You restless thorn, stop, otherwise I will send you to the ground. You, overthrower, stop, otherwise I will drown you in hot water. You, shooting, stop, otherwise I will tar you in seething pitch. You, ogrenitsa, cool off, otherwise I will freeze you with Epiphany frosts. You, hunk, shrink, otherwise I will crush you on a stone. You, stabbing, dull, otherwise I will cut you into small pieces. You, twitch, come back, otherwise I'll fill up the platinum with you at the mill. You, blinking, turn around, otherwise I’ll dry it in the sauna oven. You, blindness, crouch, otherwise I will drown you in tar. You, deafness, disappear, otherwise I will pitch you in a barrel and let you go across the sea. You, black sickness, get rid of it, otherwise I will make the water pound. Give up all ailments, get rid of, get away from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) to this hour, to this day, for his life according to my sentence. Be, my words, strong. Amen".

After reading the plot, you should wash yourself with this water so that the disease recedes.


You shouldn't give up medical care If there is a health problem, there is no need to sit and wait for the money to fall from the sky, if there is nothing to feed the family. don't just rely on chance successful conspiracy. It will help, but you should work on yourself and constantly strive for something new, move forward.

Charmed water is an essential attribute in the home arsenal of any fortune-teller or sorceress. What about both white and black. Such water is very often used in many magical rituals. When handled properly, water is very powerful. Every housewife can have a small bottle of charmed water at home.

It is important not to confuse charmed water with holy water. Without a doubt, the water blessed by the priest and brought from the church should also be in any home, as it is a kind of family talisman. But charmed water has a slightly different purpose. As a rule, water is said to bring happiness, health, good luck, wealth or trouble. After all, it is no secret to anyone that so many fortune-tellers take on not only white deeds, but also bad ones.

Water itself is a conductor of energy and has the ability to "remember" information. This liquid is the source of life for any living organism. Without it, existence is impossible. Due to the fact that water has such valuable properties, it is ideal as an ingredient in the performance of magical rites.

How to get the charmed water?

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this. If a person really needs charmed water, then he will not be too lazy on January 19, and go to church with a specially prepared container on the feast of the Lord's Baptism. There are several ways to "prepare" charmed water. Knowledgeable people they say that great importance have sources of such water. Although there are those who are sure that the source itself is not important, and most importantly, it is correct to cast a spell and prayer over the water.

But every person who wants to have charmed water at his personal disposal has the right to choose. To do this, you need to "arm" it with relevant information.

So, let's look at both options. The first of them says that in order for water to really have magical power, you need to “cook” it by typing from three sources. One serving of water must be drawn from a natural source - a stream or river. What does it best to do at the dawn of one of the first days of the new moon. There is also an opinion that water tends to be saturated with strong energy during the full moon. But here, who has what goals. If water is collected and spoken to promote someone's happiness or health, then it is better to go to the river at the time of birth new moon. Black witches often resort to the energy of the full moon and collect water at midnight.

Another portion of water must be brought from the church. In principle, any day is suitable for going there, but again - the same: the most powerful in terms of energy is considered to be water brought from the church to a large religious holiday. If you didn’t manage to visit the holy places for Epiphany, you can go there for Easter, Christmas or Trinity. These are the greatest holidays of all Christians and all objects and materials brought from the church service these days have a strong energy charge.

The source for the third portion of charmed water can be the most ordinary tap water. It's the easiest to get. After the water from all three sources is collected, you need to wait until dawn, put it on a table covered with a white tablecloth, light a candle next to it and get ready to read the plot. It is important that at this moment no one was at home and no one knew about your goals. Of great importance is the sequence of the spoken words in the prayer, which must be repeated three times:

“Water to water, grass to grass, light to the sun, health to home. Let profit and prosperity multiply, as a young month multiplies in the sky, and as silvery water multiplies in a stream. Let all sickness and evil wash away, let my house guard.

In this case, you need to pour water from three vessels into one and cross. After that, read the Our Father three times and hide it in a secluded place.

This is a conspiracy aimed at healing, prosperity and happiness. There are other "black" spells that are often charged with water for dark purposes. People wash their faces with positively charged water during illnesses and drink it on an empty stomach, bathe small children in it and spray the premises to drive out evil spirits. Three sips of this water soothe children after nightmares.

"Black" charmed water

During dark rituals, charmed water is often poured near the threshold of enemies. They also spray it near from the yard, cars, imperceptibly add it to food and drink. Water is very strongly charged with negative energy, if you wash the dead with it. Rituals involving such a liquid are generally very scary and entail great misfortune both for those who perform them and for those to whom they are directed. To use such water is a great sin.

Love spell with spelled water

Such water can be added to wine or food to the person they want to love. Adding - they say:

“Living water, hot passion, boiling blood, arrive in the servant of God (name). May it not depart from me like water from a stone, like stars from the moon, and like a swan from a winch. So be it, my word is strong, amen!

For love spells, charmed water collected from dew on the night or at the dawn of a holiday is very well suited - Ivan Kupala. You can also speak the water on which the girls let wreaths guessing at marriage.

Lapel Ritual

They also often use charmed water in order to remove the lapel. To stop the spell, the bewitched person himself must sincerely believe in miraculous power water. The ritual for the lapel is usually performed during the waning moon. Most auspicious days for this - Tuesday and Saturday.

“Black wind, cold cold, prickly malice! Enter the heart of (name), take possession of it and kill the memories of (name) in it. Let him hate, let him harbor anger and scold in front of everyone, let him drive away and avoid, turn away and cover, wrap up and take away!

After reading the plot, water should be given to drink to someone who wants to get rid of the effect of a love spell. If for some reason this is not possible, then it is necessary to pour it on the place where this person often passes or imperceptibly add it to his drink.

Conspiracy from diseases

The miraculous power of charmed water helps to get rid of any illness, both for an adult and a child. To do this, you need to take three vessels with water from different sources and read the plot over two of them (except for the church one):

“Queen of heaven, Mary the Mother of God, Virgin Mary, cover with your hand the bright servant of God (name), protect him from illness as the sun protects the sky from trouble, gird him with a month as you are girded with a red robe, warm him with your hands as sunlight warms the stream water! Water is a miracle worker, spread through the veins and body, wash away illness and suffering! So be it, amen!”

After that, you need to combine water from three vessels together and give three sips to a sick person to drink. With the rest of the water, wash his face and the top of his head. Part of the water must be poured over the threshold.

So that no diseases cling to healthy people, crosses are drawn with charmed water over each door in the house on both sides. Before front door a prayer is read, a large cross is drawn and part of the water is poured onto the ground.

Water is the source of life on earth. Nothing alive without it does not exist. Almost 80% of the entire surface of the Earth is covered with water. If we go deep into the earth, then we will find it there. All living things on earth contain water. It dissolves most of the elements necessary for life and transfers them to living organisms. She is a conductor of energy. Scientists working in the field of natural sciences are well aware that it is a participant in almost all reactions taking place in our world. To put it simply, our whole world is on the water.

Since ancient times, people have known that water accumulates, stores and transfers information. Research by the Japanese scientist Maisaru Emoto on the ability of water to carry negative and positive energies, with the help of mass media literally shook the whole world. But there is nothing new in this, since all this is also the subject of study by many modern scientists (for example: work on the study structured water was and is being carried out by the laboratory of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University). This was known to our distant ancestors, who used these qualities of water for many centuries.

Water is a carrier of information

There are such concepts of water as "own" and "foreign". And it is no coincidence that most people are more comfortable, from the point of view of spirituality, living in the place of his birth. And if a person moves to a foreign city or country, this leads to great moral turmoil. This is partly due to the water, which carries other information that is not entirely clear to the one that is part of this person.

The properties of water have been widely used in different religions. In Christianity there is global concept water baptisms. It is believed that it washes away all previous sins of a person. Buddhists and Muslims also have many rituals associated with water. It is not for nothing that there is an opinion that the water blessed in the church carries life-giving energy, which is given to it by prayers filled with the energy of love and kindness. But the most "living" water is spring water charged by Nature itself. There are still springs on Earth with primordial water, which has an extraordinary ability to heal and transform a person.

The most powerful is the conspiracy that is made on the water. Why exactly is he? Water has a large field of information. She preserves it and with its help influences people. So, water is an information carrier and, depending on the quality of this information, it can carry a positive or negative charge. Positively charged water is used by white magicians and healers to achieve certain goals for a person, namely health, good luck, luck, love, to save from evil, etc. black magic the water was charged with negative (black) energy and really brought irreparable harm to the ordered person.

Water conspiracy rules

The word has established force. But not just any word. Everyone knows strength prayer conspiracy on the baptismal water when millions of people in temples pray with faith, she becomes a saint.

Even in ancient times, people knew about the power of the impact of certain words spoken in a certain order on a person. These words were called - a conspiracy. It acts as a set of certain words, often rhymed, aimed at the realization of a secret desire. When performing it, it is necessary to repeat certain actions. The meaning of this repetition is that it gives power to words. When concocting water, you must follow simple, but essential rules. Only if they are followed, the conspiracy will turn out, and will have an effect:

  • We follow the rules of the conspiracy without deviating from them. Nothing new needs to be added. Otherwise, it may not work.
  • If you are in a bad mood, then you must first clean it, remove the negative mood. Otherwise, all the negative energy is transferred to the water.
  • We conspire in cases of urgent need, but in no case for the sake of curiosity.
  • The conspiracy is best pronounced in a whisper, clearly and clearly, without rearranging the words.
  • We carry out conspiracies exclusively for good, rituals aimed at causing harm to a person will certainly turn into misfortune for those who performed them.
  • When conspiring, we visually represent all the positive that we will get from the desired result.
  • We conduct a conspiracy with faith.

Each person has his own opinion, often different from others, regarding conspiracies aimed at changing the structure of water. Some believe in charmed water, others not so much. But one thing is clear that you should not get involved in conspiracies. This must be approached very carefully and carefully. Nothing in this world goes unnoticed. For each of our actions you need to bear a certain fee. Use these methods only as a last resort and preferably for protection purposes. Do not cast any incomprehensible spells. It is better to use prayers, as they contain a huge healing positive that affects the structure of water.

Do we influence others through water through personal thoughts, words, emotions such as hatred, envy or love? Are we able to program ourselves and other people around us? Undoubtedly. Similar feelings, like acute exhaustion, aggression without apparent reason, a bad mood and, in the worst case, illnesses can be the results of a negative energy-informational influence. This is damage or evil eye. Through the general energy-informational field, water keeps the relationship with the person who influenced it, at any distance.

How to speak water? What needs to be done in order for the water conspiracy to work? What water is taken for a conspiracy? Any. But preferably a holy baptismal one. One condition is that it must be clean, without any impurities and non-carbonated. It would be more correct to say that the water must be perfectly clean, that is, free from any information. This is considered melt water. Consecrated or spring water is ideal. best time for rituals - early morning. You can conduct a conspiracy at home, but so that no one interferes.

We clean ourselves from the negative of the evil eye or damage with a conspiracy prayer with water

Prayer for the water effective remedy. To do this, you need to charge the water with prayers or conspiracies spoken on it. Any self-confident person can use this method. Without deep faith it is not worth taking on a positive result, as it is said in the Gospel, it will be given by faith. For the ritual, we need: an icon (Jesus Christ, Holy Trinity or the Most Holy Theotokos), a small cup, a church candle:

  • An image is placed on the table.
  • A bowl of water is placed in front of him.
  • We take a candle in our hand and light it.
  • Reading "Our Father", we cross the dishes with liquid with a lit candle.
  • Next, we say a prayer to the Holy Cross.
  • Followed by Psalm 90.
  • We conclude with the prayer "Eternal God."

All these prayers are found on the Internet. Reading them, without stopping, we baptize the water. Focus on the words, no need to be distracted and think about something extraneous. Negative thoughts, and negativity is completely eliminated. Don't forget that your thoughts are carried into the water. In a large basin or other container, draw water and add the spoken word to it. Cover it from head to toe. Following the above ritual, the water becomes charged, purified and has great positive energy.

We speak water from the evil eye

For its implementation you will need: a glass, three spoons (tea), running water, preferably melted, you can take water from the well:

  • Take a glass. Fill it three-quarters full with water.
  • We put spoons in it.
  • Mix in turn each of the spoons of water.
  • We scoop water from a glass with a spoon and lower it with the handle down so that it is washed. We whisper in a whisper: “Just as a spoon does not grow, so (name) does not grow”.
  • We do this with each individual spoon and pronounce the above words.
  • AT left hand we take a glass, and with the right we wash our face and take three sips.

Water conspiracy to get money

There is never much money. They are always missing. Let's not miss the opportunity to earn them. There are conspiracies and special rituals to attract them to you. Conspiracies to attract money are performed with a growing moon. To carry out the ritual, we need: a jar, melt water, herbs of cinnamon, basil, cloves, thyme and saffron (preferably freshly picked, but dried can also be):

  • Take a clean and preferably sterilized jar. Pour non-drinking water into it. It is very good if it is melted.
  • We take a handful of herbs that attract money (cinnamon, basil, cloves, thyme and saffron). Add them to a jar of water.
  • At night, we find a place where the light of the moon will fall on a jar of infusion.
  • Now, looking at the water in the jar, we begin to clearly imagine a clearly formulated desire as having come true. We present the result in great detail. We experience emotions from what seems to be a wish come true. All your feelings and sensations. We reach from the visualization of desire to ecstasy, that is, to the peak of triumph.
  • Stretch your arms forward and place them over the jar. Now imagine how all your positive energy pours through outstretched arms into a jar of infusion.
  • We leave the jar all night under the light of the moon.

The next day, strain the infusion. Drain it into a jar and close it and put it in a dark place. Every day, add it to the water, tea, coffee that you are going to use.

Conspiracy on water from failures

Melt water is required for this ritual. If there is none, then you need to freeze the water in the freezer and let it melt, but not completely. Small pieces of ice are required. Still need church candle, silver spoon and small saucepan:

  • We light a candle.
  • Set the saucepan on the stove, making a slow fire.
  • We stir the water with a spoon and say in a whisper the words: “Baba Malanya came out at the end of the village early in the morning. She had no rest - she cried and roared all the time. She spoke to four sides - she created a complaint. She took away all my troubles, I do not want to know them. Let Malanya go and take my troubles with her far, far beyond the sea, the ocean, beyond the fiery key, to the edge of the earth. My house is a full bowl, everything is in it. Everything good in the house and nothing from the house. I (name) am the mistress of the house - there is no other way. So be it, and not otherwise.”
  • Before the water boils, you need to have time to read this plot twelve times.
  • Do not extinguish the candle. Let her burn out.

Put the saucepan near the bed, at the time of sleep. In the morning of the next day, boil this water, slowly imagining that you are exhaling all your troubles and troubles, exhale to the surface three times. Pour water immediately into the street or down the drain and rinse.

Conspiracies from ailments and diseases

A separate article in water healing is made up of conspiracies aimed at eliminating human ailments and diseases. Most of them are held during the falling moon, and the nuances of the conduct are associated with the picture of the disease. For example:

  • With intense pain in the joints, back, with rheumatism, the ceremony is performed at dawn. To do this, pour a full glass of water and whisper to it: "Zorenka dewy, rich in moisture, take my pain, aches, take me up into the Middle Kingdom." Then we drink it, taking big sips. The conspiracy must be carried out for three days.
  • A conspiracy from mental pain and longing is carried out on a falling moon. The words are pronounced on the water: “Cold water, spring, take away my sadness, torment. Cast off the heavy chains from my soul and heart. Amen". Water should be drunk.
  • Conspiracy to cure skin diseases. Spend on the waning moon. They slander on dishes with water: “It came from people, and it will go to them. It flew from the wind, it will fly away with it. Amen". We pronounce these words three times and splash water over the home threshold.

Water spells are powerful. And if you really want to achieve something, then you should try it. Do not forget that if you do not wish harm to anyone, you will not receive it.

The most unique and common substance on earth is water. And conspiracies for water are quite popular. After all, not every one of us knows how much this liquid can influence human destiny.

Properly spoken water can bring good luck and luck, heal from diseases, damage or the evil eye, give beauty, attract love and influence a loved one. But water with bad energy can do quite a lot of harm.

Features of the rites

A water conspiracy is a very common and popular magical ritual with which you can achieve various goals: from love spells to damage.

This substance is considered a kind of powerful keeper and carrier of information. And with the help of correctly read words, it is given the necessary structure, which is what knowledgeable people use.

To conspire water in order for the conspiracy to be effective, regardless of the goals of the ceremony, should be correct:

Following these rules, you will be able to make an effective and efficient rite. In addition, since water is a very sensitive substance, any doubts you have about the effectiveness of the ritual and its potential can negatively affect the entire ceremony.

Therefore, do the ceremony only when you can trust magic to participate in your destiny, and you will not doubt the power of magical influence.

Attract a lover

Among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, rituals for love are especially popular, which allow you to fall in love and bind a loved one to yourself. You can make such a ritual with the help of water.

Depending on your relationship, you can choose the right ritual. If you see each other quite often and communicate closely, then one rite will do, but if your acquaintance is capped, then it is best to do the rite at a distance.

If you see your beloved man quite often or live under the same roof, then the following ceremony will do, for which you will need one church candle in addition to water.

At midnight on the growing month, light a candle and read the words on the vessel with liquid:

"For love, for longing, for tenderness
I need to talk water
So that the servant of God (name) does not see his life without the servant of God (name).
For happiness to be together, love to keep, fidelity.
Let him not seek happiness without her, he does not know peace.

The words of the prayer must be repeated three times and the wax of the candle should be dripped three times into a vessel with liquid. Now the water is charmed and you should bake or cook something from it and feed your loved one with it.
