Why liquid flowed from the consecrated Easter egg. Easter Egg Signs

American superstition says that an awkward silence usually occurs when the minute hand of the clock shows 20. It is believed that this is a show of respect in honor of Abraham Lincoln, who died at 7:20. According to another version, it is at this time that angels sing, so people involuntarily listen to them.

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Folk omens about eggs

Egg - very tasty and useful product, it is also used in some rituals. In addition, the birds that live around us also lay eggs. Perhaps that is why folk signs about eggs are so interesting - they can tell a lot of interesting things.

Easter eggs quotes

Signs with colored eggs are very diverse. Some say that they contain a very great power that can heal, remove damage and ward off the evil eye. To get rid of all ailments, it is necessary to “roll out” them with a testicle - roll it over that part of the body where there is pain, or in the center of the forehead, from the forehead to the temples and down the bridge of the nose. For especially severe cases one consecrated painted egg was left and kept until next year behind the icon. If during this time someone in the family fell seriously ill, the disease was “rolled out” with a testicle, and then they were buried with a prayer at the grave of a person with the same name as the patient.

In Europe

Signs about Easter eggs developed not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

  • So, in Germany it was believed that if a pregnant woman eats them, then she will certainly have a boy.
  • In Great Britain there was a tradition to take with them the painted shell, which remained after the celebration of Easter, in the field and put it in the furrows along with grains of bread - then a rich harvest could be expected.
  • In Poland, girls put red eggs in a basin at night, and in the morning they washed themselves with water from this basin in order to preserve their beauty for a long time - at least until next year, when the ceremony had to be repeated.


There are universal beliefs for different countries. For example, signs with eggs for Easter strictly forbid throwing away the shell. Even if Easter eggs have deteriorated, a sign punishes them to bury them, like colored shells, in the ground. To commemorate a deceased relative, painted eggs are carried to the cemetery and crumbled there for the birds.

The custom of knocking eggs against each other is widely known. An Easter egg cracked - omens promise health problems to the one with whom this happened. The same one whose testicle will be long time to remain undefeated, he may not worry - he will be successful in all matters.

Notes on egg yolks

2 yolks

Perhaps the most common sign is two yolks in one egg. This kind of thing doesn't happen very often. It is believed that the person who got such an unusual product will have unexpected success. For a young girl, a double yolk in an egg promises to soon find her soulmate. For married - early pregnancy, and, possibly, twins.

3 yolks

Three yolks in an egg is a rarer sign, like the phenomenon itself. However, like the birth of triplets in humans. A chick cannot hatch from such an egg. And if he can, the anomalies will be incompatible with life. However, for someone who comes across such a rich product, there is nothing wrong with that - luck will come to him in a triple amount.

Without yolk

But an egg without a yolk is a less positive sign. Such anomalies happen when it comes to older chickens. Such a product promises a quick disappointment in a business that he considered trouble-free and win-win.

Birds and eggs

You go out onto the balcony, and there the pigeons laid their eggs - this is a very good sign. Your family is expecting an addition soon. It doesn't have to be the birth of a child. Perhaps one of the already grown-up children will bring the bride or groom, or announce the imminent birth of a grandson.

But what to do with pigeon eggs? It is strongly advised not to throw them away. But if the neighborhood with birds in such close proximity is not included in your plans, try to carefully move the nest without damaging its contents. Maybe it will be possible to place it under the roof of the balcony or in some niche nearby.

Find a thrush egg - more a rare thing. This is possible if you go to a dacha outside the city, where there is a forest nearby. Sometimes, due to natural disasters or human fault, thrush nests end up on the ground. Signs say that such a find is good luck.

Other signs about eggs

There are signs about rotten egg, about when to put chickens on the nest, and even about why eggs explode.

  • A man should not take out the contents from chicken nests - after that, chickens will begin to rush worse.
  • An egg has fallen - a sign warns of possible unexpected difficulties. Cancel important trips and visits, spend the day with your family to avoid unnecessary grief and disappointment.
  • You can’t beat eggs on the table - this will scare away good luck in business for a long time.
  • The chicken laid a small egg - a sign promises the one who found it empty chores that will not be worth the effort spent on them.
  • An egg with blood omens is called a harbinger of an imminent illness. Do not eat it if you want to neutralize the omen.
  • A boiled egg is rotten - damage has been brought to the house. Take a spoiled testicle, take it outside and crumble it under the nearest bush. Ants will steal egg crumbs, at the same time taking away the evil eye and spoilage.

Now the stars advise you to use one of the layouts below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

There were many signs associated with easter egg. It was impossible, for example, to eat an egg and throw (let alone spit out) the shell out the window into the street. The peasants believed that throughout the entire Bright Week, Christ himself with the apostles in beggarly rags walks the earth, and through negligence, one can get into him with a shell.

With the help of an Easter egg, the living receive relief from all diseases and misfortunes. If the egg received during Christening from the priest is kept in the sanctuary for three or even twelve years, then one has only to give such an egg to be eaten by seriously ill people - and all the ailment will be removed from them as if by hand.

An Easter egg can bring out any disease. Indeed, the Easter egg is believed to have incredible powers.

On the day of Easter, the hostess must leave the consecrated egg and put it behind the icon. God grant that there is no opportunity to use it. But if someone gets very seriously ill, then they took out this egg and, with special prayers, rolled it out over the sore spot. After that, it was necessary to dig an egg on the grave of a person who, during his lifetime, bore the same name as the patient.

There was also a belief that with the help of an Easter egg, the souls of the dead could receive relief in the next world. To do this, you just need to go to the cemetery, christenate with the dead three times, then break the egg, crumble it and feed it to the “free” bird, which, in gratitude for this, will remember the dead and ask God for them.

But most of all, the Easter egg helps in agricultural work: it is only necessary to bury it in grain during the Easter prayer service, and then leave for sowing with the same egg and grain, and a wonderful harvest is guaranteed.

The peasants also believed that the egg also helps in extinguishing fires: if a righteous person takes such an egg and runs around a burning building three times with the words “Christ is Risen”, the fire will immediately subside, and then stop by itself. But if the egg fell into the hands of a person of a dubious lifestyle, then the fire will not stop.

Then only one remedy remains: throw the egg in a direction opposite to the direction of the wind and free from buildings. It was believed that then the wind would subside, change direction, and the strength of the fire would weaken.

Exist old tradition. When people come home after church service, then each member of the family takes a consecrated dyed egg, and everyone knocks eggs. Whoever's egg remains intact, he will whole year the healthiest.

Finally, the egg helps even treasure hunters. After all, every treasure, as you know, is guarded by a specially assigned to it evil spirit, and when they see a person approaching with an Easter egg, the devils will certainly get scared and rush in all directions, leaving the treasure without any protection and cover. Then it remains only to take a shovel and calmly dig out the cauldrons of gold.

On Easter, there are signs that are associated with the weather. So, for example, it is believed that if Easter is a cloudy or snowy night, then the year will be fruitful, but the milk yield will be very poor. And vice versa, if it is clear, then wait for a crop failure, but the chickens will lay just perfectly. And if the sun is dim during sunrise, then this is not just a crop failure, but also a swine pestilence.

In the Christian tradition, a painted (usually red) egg is a symbol of the blood of Christ shed for us.

After the death of Jesus, its main perpetrators gathered for a feast. Other dishes on the table included fried chicken and hard-boiled eggs. During the feast, one of the villains said that Christ promised to rise on the third day. To which the owner of the house objected: "If the chicken comes to life, and the eggs turn red, then he will rise again." At the same moment, the eggs changed their color, and the cry came to life.

Our ancestors believed in Easter signs. There are many signs associated with the Easter egg.

You can’t, for example, eat an egg and throw (let alone spit out) the shell out the window into the street. The peasants used to believe that throughout the whole bright week, Christ himself with the apostles in beggarly rags walks the earth and, by negligence, one can get into him with a shell.

There was also a belief that with the help of an Easter egg, the souls of the dead could receive relief in the next world. To do this, you just need to go to the cemetery, christenate with the dead three times, then break the egg, crumble it and feed it to the “free” bird, which, in gratitude for this, will remember the dead and ask God for them.

With the help of an Easter egg, the living receive relief from all diseases and misfortunes. If the egg received during Christening from the priest is kept in the sanctuary for three or even twelve years, then one has only to give such an egg to be eaten by seriously ill people - and all the ailment will be removed from them as if by hand.

The egg received during the first Christening never spoils and has a special power to put out fires: if a righteous person takes such an egg and runs around a burning building three times with the words “Christ is Risen”, then the fire will immediately subside, and then stop by itself. But if the egg fell into the hands of a person of a dubious lifestyle, then the fire will not stop. Then only one remedy remains: throw the egg in a direction opposite to the direction of the wind and free from buildings. It was believed that then the wind would subside, change direction, and the strength of the fire would weaken.

But most of all, the Easter egg helps in agricultural work: it is only necessary to bury it in grain during the Easter prayer service, and then leave for sowing with the same egg and grain, and a wonderful harvest is guaranteed.

To rejuvenate and get rich, older women washed themselves from the dishes in which they put colored egg and coins, that is, they washed themselves "from gold-silver and from a red egg."

An egg helps even treasure hunters. After all, every treasure, as you know, is guarded by an unclean force specially assigned to it, and when they see a person approaching with an Easter egg, the devils will certainly get scared and rush in all directions, leaving the treasure without any protection and cover. Then it remains only to take a shovel and calmly dig out the cauldrons of gold.

According to Orthodox traditions, it is permissible to store the remaining eggs after Easter until the next Christ Day. But what about the consecrated attributes, if it is no longer possible to leave them or eat them? The Lives of the Saints say that the ascetics began the Easter meal by eating an egg consecrated for the past Resurrection of Christ. For ordinary lay people who have not reached such spiritual heights, following similar examples It can be dangerous, and it's not necessary in principle.

But sometimes, after the holiday, quite a lot of eggs remain, even if they were prepared in a reasonable amount for a family break: relatives and friends, wishing to share the joy bright resurrection, brought their Easter treats, including elegant Easter eggs, consecrated in the temple. What can be done with surplus consecrated food? Where to put them? Do they need to be stored? What do church canons recommend in such cases?

Easter eggs are believed to have almost miraculous properties.

Properties of krashenok and pysanka What happens, according to beliefs
State and preservation of the consecrated eggs. In a house where grace is present, consecrated krashenki can lie near the icons for many months and not deteriorate: their contents simply dry out, without exuding the characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide. When exposed to negativity, bad intentions directed against family well-being, the egg inside turns black, moldy, and deteriorates.
A powerful amulet of the family hearth. This consecrated Easter attribute protects the house from fire.
Beneficial effect on the inhabitants of the house. An egg can remove spoilage, relieve headaches, aching joints, and fatigue. Its crushed shell also helps to heal the sick.

According to various beliefs, this consecrated Easter attribute has great power. In any case, whether or not to consider the attributed properties as superstitions, the egg prepared for the celebration of Easter is a sacred symbol, or, as the clergy say, a real material shrine.

In relation to objects of this kind, regardless of whether they have deteriorated or not, the question is raised where to put their surplus: you need to act in accordance with the accepted rules.

How to deal with the attribute of Easter after the holiday

Regarding what to do with last year's Easter eggs, if it is impossible to store them, the church has established such recommendations.

  1. Consecrated objects should not be thrown into trampled places, which include garbage chutes, house containers, sewers, roads, sidewalks.
  2. It is unacceptable to give consecrated eggs as food to pigs, dogs, and other domestic animals.
  3. The best way to dispose of last year's Easter attributes is to burn them in a furnace and pour the ashes into the river, and in the absence of such an opportunity, bury them in a deserted, impregnable place.
  4. Last year's egg can be buried in the cemetery near the graves of relatives.

Quite often, temples have special tanks. They put dilapidated icons, dried up prosphora, broken crosses that have fallen into disrepair church utensils. Therefore, when the question arises of what to do with the eggs left over from last Easter, you can take them to such a place.

A separate issue: the use of thermal labels with bright multi-color drawings depicting the face of Christ, the Virgin and church attributes in general for decorating eggs. Thermal film does not allow the shell to "breathe" - this explains why eggs, even consecrated in the church, deteriorate during subsequent storage in the refrigerator. Therefore, eggs with thermal stickers need to be cooked exactly as much as you can eat on days close to Easter. And it is absolutely unacceptable that the labels with icon faces, along with the shells, go to the garbage can. In this case, they must be disposed of in the same way as it is dictated. church rules in relation to consecrated objects: burn and get rid of the ashes.

But even in the manifestations of piety, a reasonable measure should be observed. Should not be given important some petty ceremonial establishments, to strive without fail to preserve the eggs until the next Christ's Day, or to look for signs from above in the fact that the consecrated last year's egg has gone bad: it means that the time has come for this.

The main thing is not to turn a ritual attribute into magical talisman, but observance of a respectful and dignified attitude towards him as a symbol of Easter.
