Old people are called by patronymics. The tradition of naming by patronymic. See what "by name and patronymic" is in other dictionaries

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The ability to communicate with other people is the key to your personal and professional success. It is this quality that allows you to arouse interest, sympathy, trust in another person, to persuade him to your side, to extract some benefit from the situation.

Of great importance in the process of communication is what and how you say. One of the magic words that greatly affects the atmosphere and mutual perception is the name of your interlocutor. Addressing by name is not just a formal courtesy. This word to you, like a magnet, makes you listen carefully to your words, believe them and take them into account. When a person addresses his counterpart by name, he makes him feel the most positive emotions that arise on a subconscious level. Based on these feelings, a trusting relationship arises between people, which helps to better hear each other, understand, and come to a positive and beneficial solution.

The power of the name

The fact that every person is pleased to hear his name has long been noticed by psychologists and has been successfully used as a win-win method of communication. A person hears his own name from childhood and strongly associates his personality with it. It includes appearance, spiritual and spiritual qualities, feelings, emotions, intellect, abilities, skills and abilities. Calling by name implies special attention to a particular person, expression of respect, recognition of significance and individuality. Such an attitude towards a close, beloved person, stranger, casual interlocutor or business partner will definitely find a positive response.

This is why calling a person by their first name is so important:

  1. The name evokes the most pleasant associations - with childhood, maternal love, approval, spiritual comfort, warmth;
  2. Hearing your name is a confirmation of significance, attention, respect for one's own personality;
  3. Calling by name evokes pleasant emotions, in response to which there is a positive attitude, sympathy, trust and respect for the interlocutor.

Calling by name, patronymic or simply by name serves as a confirmation of the importance of the interlocutor, recognition of qualities, merits, opportunities,. Such a move gives him moral satisfaction, helps to incline in your direction. After all, a person who was able to appreciate and recognize our merits and talents is himself perceived as the owner of important positive qualities and mind, attracts and disposes to himself.

How to correctly address the interlocutor by name

You can call a person by name or not, depending on how he introduced himself. Addressing by name and patronymic will be appropriate when communicating with a person whom you see for the first time, older in age, higher in status, position. If the interlocutor did not specify how to contact him, then you can ask about it yourself. If you are going to an interview, preparing for a meeting with business partners, new colleagues or students, the parents of a loved one, be sure to find out and remember the names of the people with whom you will communicate. If a new person is addressed by name, then he lays a solid foundation for a good relationship. In order for your interlocutor to be pleased to hear your name, you must follow the rules for using this magic word:

  1. Use the person's name more often when talking to him. It is better to start any appeal by mentioning the name, this will allow you to capture the attention of the interlocutor from the first seconds;
  2. Avoid excessive familiarity by using a reduced form, or calling only by the name of an older or unfamiliar person, boss, unless he himself expressed such a desire;
  3. Remember the names of the people around you, if necessary, write them down in a notebook, use the association method. Your natural bad memory will be taken as a sign of disrespect, and the response is not difficult to predict;
  4. Be at the right level, especially in a business meeting. It is necessary to address the interlocutor as he introduced himself, and to adhere to the same level yourself, taking into account the importance of the meeting, the status of the participants, and your position. Even if you are a junior specialist, you should still introduce yourself not as Sasha, but as Alexander or Alexander Petrovich, depending on the age category.

Calling by name is the key to a successful relationship

Why is it important to call someone by their first name? The significance of one's own name stems from the subconscious mind and is inextricably linked to a positive self-image. Calling by name is a simple and effective way to attract the attention of another person, overcome hostility and distrust, arouse sympathy, build a productive dialogue, and get the desired result. This is the key that opens the door to new opportunities, harmonious personal relationships, professional growth and success, and personal development.

The character of a person depends not only on his name, but also on his patronymic. Therefore, often people with the same patronymic behave similarly in standard situations. The middle name carries genetic information; what is laid down by nature itself is a kind of genetic code transmitted from generation to generation. It symbolizes a person's belonging to a certain genus and gives him an additional name - after his father.

The patronymic, as it were, corrects the existing image. It does not radically change it, but clarifies, softens or, on the contrary, sharpens some features, makes them clearer.

Holders of patronymics "hard", with firm articulation, have a harder time in life than their namesakes with patronymics that are softer, calmer; the character of the former is much more complex, more uncompromising.

The "hard" patronymics include, for example, such as Nikolaevich, Igorevich, Stanislavovich; and also: Adolfovich, Vissarionovich, Vitoldovich, Anatolyevich, Voldemarovich, Rostislavovich, Emmanuilovich, Samuilovich, Lyudvigovich, Yulianovich; to soft ones - Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Efimovich, Ilyich, Ignatievich, Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Pavlovich, Makarovich, Mironovich, Yakovlevich, Leontievich, Viktorovich, Nazarovich. When naming a child after the father, think carefully!

More softly pronounced names and patronymics belong to people who are kind, accommodating, able to easily communicate with others. These are Mikhail Ivanovich, Andrei Vladimirovich, Sergei Mikhailovich, Mikhail Sergeevich, Mikhail Mikhailovich, and also: Vladimir Ivanovich, Sergei Vladimirovich, Petr Sergeevich.

A person with a patronymic Alexandrovich is usually impulsive, first commits an act and only then thinks about it. All Igoreviches are stubborn and tough. And the Nikolaevichs, although by nature they are kind people, behave like rude people. They are persistent in actions, in extreme situations they spare no one, in some cases they are contradictory. It is difficult to find a common language with them, especially if they are in a state of intoxication. The owners of all male and female patronymic names Nikolaevich, Nikolaevna are given increased emotionality, to some extent - inconsistency.

We should also not forget that a lot depends on the time of birth, so different features in people with the same patronymic will manifest themselves in different ways. Those born in winter are always more complex, sharp and stubborn. Conflict situations often arise in their lives. Meanwhile, those born in summer are more gentle, kind and accommodating. When reading the characteristics of patronymics, do not forget about this, because if the name of a person carries gentleness, kindness, compliance, the opposite qualities brought by the patronymic will be neutralized. But if the characteristic features of the name and patronymic coincide, then nothing can be done about it. Don't be discouraged if your portrait doesn't look exactly the way you imagined. After all, the above characteristics are not individual, and if your character still has not the most attractive features, try to agree with the conclusion - that's why we look in the mirror to look better.

Male patronymics


In childhood, they are prone to respiratory diseases, bronchitis. The nature of these guys is impulsive, restless, they are naughty and fidgety, often change their addictions, quit what they started to get carried away by another. Dreamers dreaming of distant wanderings. Often endowed with a good ear for music. Very vulnerable, suspicious and quick-tempered, but quick-witted and unforgiving. Not deprived of friends, selfish. In the family, these are mom's favorites. Laziness is a great shortcoming of Alexandroviches, but when it comes to health or career, they develop vigorous activity. Avid debaters, they will defend their ideas with enviable persistence. They are talented, but their lives often do not turn out too well. Sensual natures.


The character is calm, hardworking. Alekseevichs are complaisant men who do not express their feelings in words, but try to prove it with deeds. They are somewhat slow in their work, although they do it carefully. Vulnerable, they try to survive all their grievances in themselves. Fastidious, love comfort and order. Grouchiness often becomes a companion of their old age. Family is highly valued. They love children and devote much of their time to them. Marry late. They try not to impose their views on other people. They are non-confrontational by nature. They often suffer from stomach problems.


People with a very complex, principled and stubborn character, they seem to be looking for trouble. Hot-tempered and vulnerable. It is very difficult to get along with people, it is not easy to communicate with them. However, to those who manage to understand them, they are attentive, tolerant and even gentle. Having parted with them, you, nevertheless, keep wonderful memories. A distinctive feature of the Anatolyevichs is their extraordinary capacity for work. They have golden hands, and everything in life they achieve exclusively by their own labor. Success usually comes to them after thirty years. Fidgets do not like to linger in one place, so the wife will have to get used to the idea that her husband will spend a significant part of his life on the road. They love travel. Very hospitable. In the family, leaders tend to impose their will.


Those born in the spring are good speakers, they can express their thoughts beautifully and convincingly. Andreevichs are impressionable, vulnerable people, with a superbly developed imagination, often with musical abilities. Kind and accommodating. In communication, they are simple and trusting, sometimes unnecessarily. They love themselves, become grouchy with age. They are distrustful, so they are careful in dealing with people.


Very active and mobile. They have a flexible mind. Stubborn and persistent in achieving the goal. Combined with enviable diligence, this guarantees them success in life. They are true to their word and do not tolerate people who are unreliable, optional.


They have excellent business skills. They are patient and move towards their goal slowly, but without turning off the path. Most often they manage to occupy a good position in society. Very obligatory and reliable as partners. Flexibility and diplomacy allow them to bypass sharp corners and not impose their opinions by force.


Cunning, stubborn, persistent and determined. Whatever they undertake, they will definitely bring the matter to the end. They go ahead, never listen to someone else's opinion, even knowing that they are taking the wrong step. Excessively quick-tempered and irritable. They are not too talkative, they like to grumble, they remember their grievances for a long time.


Cunning kind people who love to play a trick on their friends, but their jokes are never offensive or evil. They are always surrounded by many friends, despite all their shortcomings, they have one invaluable quality - diplomacy. Laziness is their drawback, the Borisovichs have to be urged on all the time, otherwise all their impulses will remain just impulses, and the things they have begun will never be realized. The nature of these men is complex and contradictory, which is why misunderstandings and complications arise in the family. They love to travel and drive a car.


Endowed with a complex, contradictory character. They have a pragmatic mindset, they carefully calculate all possible options. Differ in stubbornness and perseverance. However, those born in summer are more patient and calm. It is difficult to get along with people, they do not like to obey, although their wives often try to take power into their own hands. They are hardworking, but it is better not to entrust difficult cases to them. Domocedy.


Despite hard work and dedication, it is not easy to make a career. They are categorical, do not always find contact with people and cannot adapt to circumstances. Quick-tempered, but quick-tempered and unforgiving. Cautious and do not rush to final conclusions. They do not endure dictatorship over themselves.


They have a flexible, tolerant character. Resourceful, hardworking and talented. But, like most creative people, they are somewhat disorganized. So, having entrusted Vasilievich with some important business, it is useful to check how it is moving. A certain irresponsibility makes it difficult for them to move up the corporate ladder. Vasilyevichs are brave, fearless in extreme situations. They are kind and pliable, faithful in friendship, but cannot stand coercion. In a state of intoxication, they are very cool.


These are very kind and gentle men, often spineless, gullible, adoring their children and enjoying their reciprocity. They can be manipulated, they easily fall under the influence of others, both good and bad, with all the ensuing consequences. Viktorovicham is categorically contraindicated for alcohol.


Unbalanced, poorly managed. In the morning they like to soak up in bed. Curious, endowed with an analytical mindset. Not overly sociable. Some of them are stubborn, like to argue, proving their point of view, sometimes over trifles. There are often conflicts at work. Due to their somewhat absurd nature, they often do not realize their potential. They are gifted with talents in various fields of activity, but mainly in mathematics, electronics. Most receive higher education, but do not work in their specialty. Very careful, first they think, and then they act. They choose their own friends. They often spend most of their time at work.


Natures are complex, impulsive, stubborn. These people are on their own. They have very few or almost no sincere and devoted friends: they communicate with people and welcome them as long as they need them. This is especially true for men born in winter. They are strong, persistent, sometimes cocky. "Summer" - calmer, more tolerant, softer.


They are cunning and stubborn, they like to argue about insignificant things. A little dull. They are not mandatory.

Persistent, persistent and even bold, if the case promises them great benefits. They are not devoid of careerist aspirations and, nevertheless, make a career difficult. Jealous. Hospitable, like to live in a big way.


Kind and generous people. They have a very warm, tender relationship with their mother. By nature, they are altruists, always ready to help you not only with good advice, but also with a concrete deed. They are quick-tempered: it is better for them not to get caught under a hot hand, but, as a rule, their anger is short-lived. They are able to analyze the situation well. Bold and resolute, they have very developed family feelings.


Men with such a patronymic are calm, complaisant, but with a cunning. These are excellent family men, they occupy a leading position in the family, although their wives try to command them. They marry quite late, carefully choosing an excellent mistress and mother of the family as their wife. Hardworking, setting a goal, will make every effort to achieve results. Feel free to take on a new business, do not endure the routine. In relations with people, they are diplomatic and patient, they try not to impose their point of view, although their opinion is worth listening to - Grigoryevichs are prudent and reasonable, they never commit rash acts. They make excellent teachers and mentors. They are good at adapting to people. They often succeed in business.


This patronymic brings to the character such traits as complaisance, prudence. Danilovichi will first think over everything, calculate it, and then they will get down to business. They are very hardworking, they can be entrusted with any work with the confidence that it will be brought to an end. Danilovichi are sociable, surrounded by friends. Their disadvantage is excessive gullibility, which is often used by unscrupulous and dishonorable people.


Men with a difficult character. Stubborn, persistent, courageous. Little trust people, tend to rely only on themselves. Hardworking, but do not like to listen to other people's advice, even good ones. They lack flexibility and diplomacy. They can deceive, they can behave very rudely not only in relation to colleagues, but also in the family, so often their family life does not work out, although they are housewives, zealous owners and are attached to the house. Heavy to lift.


Bold and determined, they always get their way. Strive to be leaders. They try to do everything slowly, but thoroughly. They have a great capacity for work, are fanatically devoted to their favorite work, but prefer to work alone, without helpers. Somewhat harsh and unsociable, but exemplary family men. They are looking for their place in life for a long time and persistently. It is difficult to get along with people, it is painful to part.


People are stubborn, stubborn, but indecisive. They are very difficult to please, as well as to convince of something. Sociable, people get close easily, disperse without regret. In the morning they like to sleep, they are more efficient in the afternoon.


Hardworking, persistent and persistent in achieving the goal. Talented, but not always able to realize their abilities. Hot temper and selfishness are not the best traits of their character. They quickly make new acquaintances, but part without regret if there are differences of opinion. They demand attention to themselves, without understanding that this process cannot be one-sided. Inner selfishness prevents them from noticing the problems of their loved ones and helping them as best they can.


Calm, patient, flexible phlegmatic. Balanced, thoughtful, with a somewhat slow reaction, not able to quickly calculate all the possible benefits or disadvantages of the upcoming business. They are hardworking, but slow, and urging them on is absolutely pointless. They have golden hands, they are housewives, good family men, very attached to children. However, they are often unlucky in marriage. Thanks to their kindness, they fall under the heel of their wife. Those born in winter are unrestrained and quick-tempered, especially when drunk. Spend a lot of time at work. They love to mess with the car, and not only with their own. They are easy to climb, willingly take off, perfectly orient themselves in unfamiliar surroundings. Ivanovichi are kind, they have many friends who often abuse their patience and responsiveness. Suspecting someone of an unscrupulous or selfish attitude towards themselves, they easily and forever break friendly relations. In their personal lives they are not too happy. They are not distinguished by openness and experience their failures in silence. No career aspirations. They love animals.


Talented and creative individuals. Cunning, strive to be the first everywhere and, as a rule, succeed in this (with the exception of the "summer"). They are prudent, but often act under the influence of a sudden inner impulse. They lack tolerance, flexibility, so it is not always possible to find a common language with people.


Very calm, with a stable nervous system, modest people. They are patient, attentively listen to someone else's opinion, although they almost always act in their own way. They will not impose their own point of view by force, but will try to convince the opponent with strong arguments. Liveable, devoid of careerism. Punctual and meticulous. They love to travel. They are well versed in people - they are able to appreciate their friends and buddies. Very often - small growth.


These are people with a complex, difficult character. It is extremely difficult to communicate with them, they are distrustful, cautious, cunning. In companies, they are not the most welcome guests. Iosifovichi live with anguish, not always adequately reacting to the current situation. They are hyper-emotional.


Fond of nature, gifted with many talents, with a very wide range of interests. Hardworking and committed. In everything they love rigor and order. They never rush into assessments, do not act at random. Everything should be logical, balanced and thought out.


Strict, prudent and at the same time kind and generous. As a rule, these are broad natures who know how to get along with people, although they are not very sociable. You can always come to them with your troubles, they will carefully listen to you, and maybe they will help with advice or deed. They are talented, but not everyone manages to fully reveal or realize their abilities. Proud and not devoid of vanity. The efficiency of these people truly knows no bounds, masters of their craft. Very neat and often look smart.


The inconsistency of character makes these men unpredictable: on the one hand, they are complaisant, reasonable and benevolent, on the other hand, they are impulsive, stubborn and cunning. Sometimes they completely lose their sense of humor and

any, even a completely harmless joke addressed to them, is perceived as a blood offense. This quality makes it very difficult to communicate with them. It's hard to get along with people. In marriage, they are not too lucky, although they usually do not decide on a divorce. They are attracted by technology, often they graduate from some technical university, although they do not always work in their specialty. They like to sleep in the morning. They treat their appearance with special attention, before leaving the house they spin for a long time in front of the mirror. Almost all Leonidoviches have a sweet tooth.


People of extraordinary thinking. Stubborn, prudent and selfish. "Autumn" especially succeed in life, reaching great heights. Talent, multiplied by diligence, helps the Lvovichs to take a good position in society. Tied to the house, some are reluctant to go on business trips. Are fond of children. They have a weakness for the detective, preference and chess.


Friendly, tactful and obligatory. Easy to communicate. They have great willpower, never complain about their troubles, of which they have a lot. It is difficult to make a career, although excellent workers. Devoted sons. They are good at words.


These men lack commitment, precision and organization, but if something vital is at stake, they will make every effort to achieve the goal. However, they are lucky, and they require less effort than others. The Matveyevichs have one extremely unpleasant feature: they are surprisingly jealous. Their wives or lovers have to be extremely careful, but despite this, stormy scenes cannot be avoided.


Kind, sometimes to spinelessness, are influenced by stronger natures. Compliant, open and friendly, you can always find good advice and disinterested help from them. But, despite all their good nature, they are cunning, carefully considering every step, although they can act impulsively. With an analytical mindset, they make excellent leaders. They are able to correctly assess the situation and make an accurate decision that guarantees success. In addition, these people are extremely cautious and adapt well to circumstances. They have many friends with whom they spend time not only in intellectual conversations, but also in friendly feasts, to which they are clearly not indifferent. Sensitive and popular with women. However, they are good family men, attentive husbands and caring fathers. They love to travel and enjoy driving.


These men are not easy. They are quick-tempered, impulsive, stubborn. At the same time, excellent specialists who argue any business, no matter what they undertake, will bring everything to the end. Careerists by nature, but it is the Nikolayevichs who prevail among high-ranking leaders. Sometimes they are too straightforward, they do not know how to bypass sharp corners. Listening to someone else's opinion, all the same, everyone does it their own way. With a very developed sense of self-worth. Ambitious in the best sense of the word. Subtly feel any injustice and protest against it. In emergency situations, they act decisively and quickly. Their weakness is indifference to alcohol, especially the "winter" ones. In a state of intoxication, they can behave aggressively. Nikolayevichs are thrifty and tidy, they prefer good-quality, comfortable clothes and wear them. for a long time. Punctual. It is difficult to get along with people, so their circle of friends is quite narrow. These are inveterate fans, and they themselves are not alien to the sport.


Very difficult people with claims. It is difficult to make new acquaintances and quickly, without regret, can break all ties. Stubborn, persistent, principled. Quick-tempered, vigorously prove their point of view. Olegovichi are talented, they are fond of technology, sports. They read a lot. They work by inspiration, however, having set a goal, they are able to move mountains. It is not easy to communicate with them in everyday life, but it is very interesting. Olegovichi are one of those people who are said to be not bored with them: you never know what they will do next. Outwardly similar to mothers. Marry late.

Pavlovichi ­

Somewhat closed, even gloomy. They are very hardworking and meticulous, they do all work carefully, but they don’t like it when they stand above their souls, and even more so when they indicate how they should do it. In such situations, these people can flare up, say rude things. They like to teach young people; in old age they often become boring. They do not sin with diplomacy, they cut the truth in the eyes, seeking justice. They are eager to fight to sort things out with their superiors, but it often ends not in their favor. They love children, family and are loved by them.

Petrovichi ­

The character is quite controversial. It should not be forgotten, moreover, that in people born at different times of the year, character traits appear to a more or less pronounced degree. They are characterized by cunning, stubbornness and selfishness. But they are trusting, kind and forgiving. Too talkative - the flow of speech of these people is often simply impossible to stop. They can promise you mountains of gold, but do not flatter yourself, they are unlikely to keep their word, besides, they almost always think one thing, but say something completely different. Diligent, if you need to do some painstaking work, then you won’t find a better performer. However, they are very slow, it seems that everything falls out of their hands, they are often late for work. Neat to the point of cleanliness and extremely squeamish. They marry late, many remain bachelors, although sex is not the last place in their lives. Sociable, sociable people, who are called the "soul of society", but, unfortunately, quickly succumb to the effects of alcohol. They adapt well to circumstances. Sensitive and vulnerable. Read a lot, like to discuss.


Calm, balanced people, completely gone into their fantasies, living in a world they have invented. They have one very rare quality - they know how to listen to others. They are not talkative, nevertheless they are quite sociable, they love big companies, they often sing and play the accordion.


Surprisingly whole nature. They are courageous and kind, attentive and persistent in achieving the intended goal, they will always stand up for themselves. Very neat, elegantly dressed. These are exemplary husbands, caring fathers, hospitable hosts. However, they also have weaknesses: they are quick-tempered, touchy, like to have long conversations on the phone.


They are impulsive, difficult to communicate, because they are almost devoid of a sense of humor, do not like and do not understand jokes. They tend to argue over trifles and prove their point of view. Despite this, they are surrounded by many friends, take their problems to heart. Hardworking. They love to dream about the impossible.


Cunning, insincerity and prudence are surprisingly combined in these people with benevolence and decency. They are kind, reasonable, prudent - they think over their every step and every word. They do not bypass attention and care of a single person close to them, they will try to make everyone feel comfortable, comfortable and, most importantly, profitable. These are smart, unhurried interlocutors, always finding a common language with colleagues and superiors, who appreciate them for their hard work. They have a unique flexibility of mind, well-read.


Balanced, hardworking and persistent in achieving the goal. They take the matter seriously, they will calculate everything, put it on the shelves. Mandatory, faithful to the word. These are people you can rely on. Talented and pragmatic. Career is made without special efforts, although they do not like to adapt and obey. Many are overly emotional and take failure to heart. Dedicated to family and parents. They are not too sociable, they try to surround themselves with a few, but loyal and reliable friends. They spend most of their time at home, although they are happy to receive guests. They have an easily excitable nervous system, so it is better to wait out their outbursts of anger than to engage in a skirmish.


Stubborn, principled and independent. They are very considerate: before deciding something, they will think over all the details. Friendly and tolerant of other people's opinions. They are reliable and loyal friends. The work is done with their characteristic zeal, they reach leadership positions. Women who marry them will never regret their choice - such men make wonderful family men. They love their children to the point of self-forgetfulness.


Benevolent, accommodating and kind. Almost all Stepanoviches are very hardworking, they take on any business, and everything is arguing in their hands. Neat. Easy to communicate, sincere. In the family, leaders like to grumble, read lectures to their wife and children, and this annoys loved ones. Good entrepreneurs.


From childhood, they stand out among their peers. Kind, but somewhat cunning, cautious, cowardly. They are quick-tempered and irritable, so it’s not easy to live next to them. Their unstable nature often causes many conflict situations. However, hopeless situations simply do not exist for them. They perfectly adapt to any circumstances. Ambitious, careerists, in achieving the goal they can resort to any methods.


There is no firmness in the character of these men. They are kind, hardworking, not stingy. They cannot resist the influence of others. Pragmatists. Never jump to conclusions. They marry late, and in their personal lives they are not very lucky.


They are calm, easy to communicate with, easily converge with people, very executive and obligatory. They can be entrusted with any business, but they are somewhat slow, and pushing them is useless. Those born in the summer are overly suspicious and easily hurt. They love when everything goes on as usual, calmly, naturally. Heavy on the rise, knitted to the place, including the place of their work. Disinterested, rush to help all those in need, soft-bodied. In life, they are not very lucky, but it’s better not to adjust or constantly control them, they like to work and make decisions on their own. Those born in the summer are overly suspicious and easily hurt. They like it when everything goes on as usual, quietly and calmly. Usually there are only two entries in their work book: one for enrollment, the other for retirement. In communication, they are simple, they converge easily with people, but just as easily part. They don't have much luck in life.


Complex natures with obsessive ideas, avid debaters. Cunning, selfish, domineering, smart. Mandatory - any task assigned will be performed impeccably. "Summer" - good diplomats.


Their character is quite complex, contradictory. Balanced, easy to communicate ("winter" - emotional). Outward equanimity often hides deep inner work. Not indifferent to what is happening around them. They often prefer to keep their opinions to themselves, listening to others more. Homebodies.


Natures are bright, passionate, sexy. They are very straightforward, so communication with them always contains pitfalls. They can’t stand any dictate over themselves, so it’s better for them to choose a job where contact with superiors is minimized. Stubborn, decisive, easily calculate any deal, far-sighted. Good entrepreneurs. In marriage, they more often have sons who inherit the character of their father.


Selfishness is a characteristic feature of people with such a middle name. Cunning, prudent, pragmatic. In the morning they like to send, they work with laziness, they just need strict control. There are no leaders in the family, although they put on a strict look. These are amorous and addicted natures. They are sociable, they get along with people easily and quickly, they have a great sense of humor, they are simply irreplaceable in the company. They love to travel, because they just need a change of impressions.


These are modest, inconspicuous men, hiding a lot of undeniable virtues. They are very hardworking and determined. These are excellent, executive workers who can be entrusted with any business. In family life, it is sometimes difficult with them: they are somehow femininely curious, trying to keep abreast of all events, and besides, they are stingy and rude. 3ato they are great hosts, do any homework. They lack softness and tenderness, perhaps they simply do not know how to express their feelings, and therefore they are harsh.


Calm and flexible people with a soft, compliant character. They are smart and endowed with an analytical mindset. Selfish and loving. In actions, they are very careful and prudent. Selfish.

The ubiquity of foreign borrowings in the Russian language affected not only the vocabulary, but also etiquette (not characteristic of the Russian people) rules. In Pyatigorskaya Pravda, we are trying to fight this, we adhere to the classical canons, as we are convinced that a high-quality newspaper with a long history should be quite conservative.

If we talk about the general trend in the media, it should be noted that in the second half of the 80s, our fatherland "lost" the patronymic. That is, the means of communication (television, radio, newspapers) began to call people in a Western manner, only by their first and last name: not Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, but Yuri Gagarin, not Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, but Boris Yeltsin, not Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, but Mikhail Gorbachev . Currently, all media use this truncated form: first name + last name. It is strange to hear on television and radio how elderly, honored people are called exclusively by their first names. At present, the trinity is used more for identification purposes than as respect.

The tradition of calling each other by name and patronymic has been carried on by Russians from time immemorial. This is a tribute to a person, part of Russian speech etiquette. Using only the first and last name, we become like (as one of my senior comrades often repeats) Ivans, who do not remember kinship. After all, with what reverence in the old days they turned to the famous ancient Russian hero Ilya Muromets, “Sveta Ivanovich”. Patronymic has always exalted the Russian person.

The custom of being called by a patronymic goes back to hoary antiquity. According to researchers, patronymics began to appear in the 11th-12th centuries. The use of the name and patronymic in the pre-family period initially pursued a practical goal. It not only reflected respect for the memory of parents, but also acted as a legally fixed sign of a kind of right to property, spiritual and other heritage from the father.

The trinomial naming of people - first name, patronymic, last name - is a feature of the Russian language. This formula arose in the era of Peter I, then spread to Ukraine and Belarus, and then further, to other lands of vast Russia.

The adoption of the trinity in Russia is far from accidental: at one time it even acquired a sacred meaning - as the Orthodox Christian Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) was opposed to the Western European “two” (God the Father and God the Son).

The triune model (first name + patronymic + surname) was adopted by almost all the peoples of Russia and the USSR. In Russia, there has always been a respectful attitude towards other peoples and their traditions: it is known, for example, that among the Baltic states, residents of the Caucasus and the Far North, it is not customary to use patronymics in intranational communication. The name of the father is indicated only in official documents.

The dual form (even if the name is complete), as observations show, causes another violation of the etiquette nature: addressing the interlocutor with “you”, while calling him by his first name and patronymic pushes him to “you”. That is, in Russian etiquette everything is interconnected: one depends on the other. On the one hand, we seem to have got rid of excessive servility (it is curious that some journalists often introduce themselves only by their first names, even without their last names! When you ask for a patronymic, you usually hear: “It’s not customary with us!” By whom is it not customary? When? Why? - it is not clear), on the other hand, we offend many people.

It may be objected that the dual formula (first name + surname) manifests the desire of the language for compression, but is this really so? Or maybe this fact is one of the manifestations of the “democratization” and vulgarization of the language, the mixing of Western European with Nizhny Novgorod?
