Can you flush condoms down the toilet? Why can't you throw a condom down the toilet? items that should never be flushed down the sink or toilet

  1. Having finished intercourse, you do not need to immediately ask your partner what to do next and why you should not flush condoms down the toilet. First of all, you should properly remove it from the penis, otherwise it will slip off the organ and get stuck in the vagina, and this is fraught with many far-reaching consequences.
  2. Having coped with the first point, you do not need to throw the used contraceptive under the bed or throw it out the window. In the first case, the kitten living in the house will be dissatisfied with you, in the second - mothers walking under the windows and janitors, who are also very interested in why you can’t throw a condom into the toilet, but you can go outside.
  3. In order not to spoil a romantic evening with showdowns with janitors and plumbers, you just need to tie a knot at the end of a contraceptive that has served its purpose, wrap it in a napkin and put it in the trash can.

11 items that should never be flushed down the sink or toilet

  1. egg shell. Never leave it in the kitchen sink drain. The sharp edges of the shell will, like a magnet, attract and cling to other food particles and accumulate them. Which over time will definitely lead to blockage.
  2. Fat and oil. Who doesn't flush the remaining oil from a frying pan down the sink or toilet? It turns out that this is by no means the case. Fat does not dissolve in water, but settles on the walls of pipes. The layer keeps growing and growing until other objects no longer fit in the pipe and it clogs. To prevent this from happening, let the fat or oil cool, add some cool water with a drop of dishwashing detergent, and then pour it into a plastic bag or foil and throw it in the trash.
  3. Flour. It's simple: when flour is mixed with water, it swells. And the dough in the pipes is definitely not for you.
  4. Medications. Most medicines are water soluble and won't cause a blockage unless you rinse the whole pack off at once. But it's different. Dissolving, they saturate the water with their active components. To put it less optimistically, they poison. Are you sure the filters will handle this? Therefore, if you decide to dispose of expired tablets (which must be done!), The most correct way is to take them to the nearest pharmacy. Local pharmacists have access to proper medical disposal sites.
  5. Stickers from fruits and vegetables. Before washing, never forget to remove stickers from vegetables and fruits and throw them in the trash. These papers do not dissolve in water.
  6. Coffee grounds. Unlike you, plumbers don't like strong coffee at all. After all, coffee grounds are the #1 cause of clogged pipes. And water, as you might guess, does not take. Therefore, do not forget to throw the grounds in the trash can. Both from the coffee filter and from the cup.
  7. Items marked "washable". "Water soluble" cat litter or baby wipes are better thrown in a container than rinsed. Less risk.
  8. Household chemicals. Except the one designed to clean the toilet or unblock the pipes. And that, without fanaticism. After all, as in the case of medicines, this entire cocktail of Mendeleev will end up in your water and the world's oceans.
  9. Paper. Except, of course, the toilet. Another "grade" is very poorly soluble in water.
  10. pasta and rice. They swell on contact with water, clump together, and dissolve very poorly. Sounds like a potential blockage, right?
  11. Dye. Viscosity and chemical composition is a dangerous combination for your pipes and health.

Why can't condoms be flushed down the toilet? and got the best answer

Answer from ST1le[guru]
spermatozoa combine with sewer shit and then the uprising of shitmen is coming

Answer from [email protected] [guru]
clogged, better in the window! =))))))

Answer from Natalya Zhingel (Chernyshova)[guru]
since you ask about such things, then you know why you can’t wash them off. I heard they are taken somewhere for recycling, like waste paper. Find out more and you can benefit.

Answer from Jovetlana[master]
It’s a pity you can’t comment on the answers =)) the second answer was very pleased =))) sT1le you are the best =)))

Answer from LEONID ABRAMOVICH[guru]
Because it gets clogged, you have to get it out with your own hands.

Answer from Ira[guru]
There was one guy who was constantly flushing condoms down the toilet. For half a year
living in the sewer woodlice consuming human protein is real
mutated, grew up to 7 cm in length. They liked the moving ones so much
squeaky spermatozoa that they began to search and make their way to the source
squirrel. and then one morning they did get to the peasant's toilet, and he, like
times "on a huge" got a job to do. Particularly hungry woodlice tyap him
for an egg. In short, an unpleasant story, there is blood, police, Dr. House. FROM
when the boy in the family turns 14, Dad brings him to
toilet and tells this story (and a couple of times with his head on the toilet, so as not to

Answer from Alexey Kuznetsov[guru]
Mutants will climb from the toilets.
Well, in general, sewage treatment effluents are pumped under a thick layer of a mixture of sand with organic absorbents. Water rises through the sand and goes to further purification steps. Gets killed quickly.
Toilet paper still passes water and grinds in pumps.

Answer from Maria Kamalova[newbie]
and suddenly get to the neighbors ..))

Answer from Dima Dmitriev[guru]
Because the plumber will be very grinning, getting ... and he will break the price for dirty work)))

Answer from Gosh sailor[guru]
because microbes can feed on them

Answer from Nova Prime[guru]
They, like cholesterol, clog the arteries of sewer pipes =)

Answer from Ѐuslan Ruslankin[guru]
blockage can happen

Answer from Vladimir Ptokhov[guru]
And sciatica - you won't get there? "Grandpa, well, you give! Give me at least a pee!"

Answer from Alexander Borschak[guru]
Rubber does not dissolve in water (and even in shit mixed with urine, which form a more aggressive environment than water). As a result, the condom will settle in some kind of septic tank (knee), of which there are a lot, and will begin to retain other dirt and shit - which will lead to the creation of a lump that will completely clog the sewer. And to clean it is not even an unpleasant thing, but a very difficult one - since it is not easy to determine exactly where it is clogged.
P.S. There may be other reasons, but I don't know about them.

Answer from SMOKEY[guru]
Because it's not organic! And, accordingly, at least not to dissolve, but as a maximum .... it can spoil the treatment facilities! Would you like to drink condom-flavored water? How about washing with faecal-scented water?

Answer from Autumn I[guru]

On the packaging of contraceptives of any brand, you can find a mark that says that you can not throw them into the sewer. Few people actually observe this rule, and those who read ask the question - why you shouldn't throw a condom down the toilet?

Why can't you flush condoms down the toilet?

Almost all people, both young and not very much, use these contraceptives, but some still do not know the rules for disposing of this contraceptive.

Some, not even realizing that this should not be done, flush condoms in the toilet. And after that, troubles can arise with the tenants if he suddenly pops up, and with plumbing, if the condom suddenly gets stuck somewhere in the pipe.

To dispel doubts about recycling, here are the instructions:

  1. After intercourse, first of all, remove the condom correctly so that it does not have time to slip and get stuck inside the girl, no matter how stupid it may sound, because the consequences can be far from joyful.
  2. After that, tie a knot at the end of the used product, wrap it in a napkin and throw it in the trash.

After you throw away the condom, be sure to wash your hands and penis, no matter how clean you think they are.

What should not be done?

Explain the behavior of manufacturers, why you shouldn't throw a condom down the toilet, very simple.
First of all, the materials from which the products are made do not dissolve in water. What's more, they can get stuck in the drain, resulting in a blockage and a serious problem.
It is also important that, unlike other substances that enter the sewer, rubber almost does not dissolve with the help of chemistry, which is used to eliminate traffic jams.
In such a situation, you will need to use a special cable with a hook, which is quite laborious.
Plumbing services in this case will not be very cheap, so save your money and dispose of condoms correctly, because now you know.

What else can not be sent to the toilet?

So, it is worth adding some materials and items not for the toilet.

  • Garbage left over from construction. Never send it down the toilet. This also applies to large pieces of bricks, and bulk materials. The former, respectively, can get stuck, while the latter settle on the pipes and clog them after a while.
  • Pellets from the cat's litter. It all depends on the type of filler. For example, gel, mineral and clumping products do not dissolve in water, so they should be thrown into the trash, not down the toilet. The consequences can be dire. Wood decays in water, so it can be flushed down the toilet, but it is better not to do this, because the ash sometimes gathers in a lump and clogs the pipe.
  • Toilet paper. Everything will depend on what type of cleaning system your home is connected to.

If we are talking about an individual septic tank, then not everything is so rosy:

  • The designs of individual sewers provide that the pipes are used with a smaller diameter, and therefore, when flushing toilet paper, a jam from cellulose may gradually form.
  • Toilet paper, if it enters a separate septic tank, will not decompose and will settle on the walls or bottom of the container, so over time the tank will become clogged.
  • Food waste. The situation with such waste is almost the same with toilet paper. For urban sewers, food particles are not dangerous (unless, of course, it occurred to you to wash off huge pieces that could get stuck along the way). Private sewers do not provide this luxury, so it is strictly forbidden to flush food there, especially if you have a biological waste treatment plant with anaerobic bacteria.

Now you understand, why you shouldn't flush a condom down the toilet. It will also be useful to know that they cannot be sent sailing through city pipes. But, if there is a blockage in the toilet, you can clean it yourself, since there is nothing complicated in this.
