How to make pineapple bloom at home. Homemade pineapple in a pot from the top - your personal mini-tropics. What conditions does a pineapple need for successful growth

How to grow pineapple at home

There is no need to tell about the taste of pineapple - this is a great natural dessert that can decorate any table. While eating a pineapple, its green top is usually thrown away as unnecessary. And in vain. You can master the technology of waste-free eating pineapples and even plant a small plantation and grow pineapple at home.

And if in how to grow a lemon at home, usually there are no difficulties, a pineapple plantation will require a lot of effort.

Of course, this will be more of a botanical experiment than practical, but growing a "crested" delicacy is an activity that will give you many pleasant minutes.

Choosing a "tuft" to grow pineapple at home

At home, the easiest way to grow a pineapple is from a tuft (crown) taken from the seed. When buying a pineapple, you need to pay attention not only to the quality of the fruit, but also to the condition of the tuft.

Most importantly, it should not be frozen.

Infructescences purchased in winter were most often in the cold for some time, and their tufts are not suitable for rooting. Best time acquisitions - summer or early autumn. Choose a tuft with an intact center, juicy green inner leaves.

Preparatory work and landing

So, the green rosette of pineapple must be cut off at the very base of the fruit, without pulp, and washed in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Then the cut should be sprinkled with ash or crushed coal - tablets will do. activated carbon from a pharmacy. After that, the cut should dry properly for 5-6 hours. The dried rosette is planted in a pot with a capacity of not more than 0.6 liters. Drainage is poured at the bottom of the pot, and then loose soil mixture , consisting of soddy soil, leaf humus, sand and peat in a ratio of 1: 2: 1: 1. A mixture of leaf humus and sand is poured on top of a 3 cm layer in a ratio of 1: 1. But in general, it's easier to buy ready-made in the store earth mixture for bromeliads.

In the center of the pot, a hole is made 2-2.5 cm deep with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the outlet. A little crushed charcoal is poured into it so that the tip of the outlet does not rot. A socket is lowered into the recess, after which the earth is well tamped. 2-4 sticks are placed along the edges of the pot and a socket is attached to them with ropes.

The soil is moistened, a transparent plastic bag is put on the pot and placed in a bright place. The socket takes root at a temperature of 25-27 ° C. If you take rooting pineapple now or during new year holidays, then it will be possible to put the pot with the handle on the battery, after placing a foam or cork stand under it.

Pineapple is growing

After 1.5-2 months, roots form and new leaves begin to grow. The plastic bag is removed only 2 months after rooting. In an adult pineapple, lateral layers often grow at the base of the stem. They are rooted in the same way as a rosette from the top of the fruit - and the thoughts of your own plantation cease to seem like a fantasy.

Pineapples need to be replanted annually, but do not get carried away and do not give the roots of the plant space - the capacity of the pot is increased very slightly. root collar deepen by 0.5 cm. Transplanted only by transshipment, without destroying the coma of the earth. The root system of a pineapple is very small, so mature plant a 3-4 liter pot will suffice.

Pineapple Heaven: Create the Conditions

The most important conditions for growing pineapple are temperature and light.

Pineapple is perfectly adapted to the dry air of living quarters. It is practically not affected by pests and diseases, it is easily put up with irregular watering. On the windowsills facing the sunny side of the windows, a powerful bush with beautiful arcuate curved bluish-green leaves grows in 2-3 years.

Temperature and lighting. In summer, the temperature should be 28-30°C, well, at least - 25°C. In warm sunny days the plant can be taken out into the street, but if at night the temperature drops below 16-18 ° C, then it is brought into the room in the evening. In winter, pineapple is kept at a temperature of 22-24 ° C. At temperatures below 18 ° C, the pineapple stops growing and dies. Hypothermia of the root system also has a detrimental effect on the plant, so it is undesirable to put it on the windowsill, close to the cold window. In winter, the plant must be highlighted fluorescent lamp so that the daylight hours are at least 12 hours.

Watering. Pineapple is watered only with warm water, heated to 30 ° C, acidified with lemon juice.

When watering a plant, water is also poured into the outlet, but it must be borne in mind that excessive waterlogging leads to rotting of the roots, so the earth should dry slightly between waterings. Except proper watering pineapple needs frequent spraying warm water.

top dressing. Every 10-15 days, the plant is fed with liquid complex mineral fertilizers such as Azalea. Necessarily 1-2 times a month, pineapple is sprayed and watered with an acidified solution of iron sulfate at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of water. Alkaline fertilizers such as wood ash and lime are not tolerated by the plant.

For the pineapple to bloom

With proper care, pineapple begins to bear fruit in the 3-4th year. Usually, at this age, the length of its leaves reaches 80-90 cm. True, an adult pineapple still needs to be forced to bloom. This is done with the help of fumigation: a tight plastic bag is put on the plant, next to the pot for 10 minutes. put a few smoking coals or a couple of cigarettes, observing the measures fire safety. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

Usually, after 2-2.5 months, an inflorescence appears from the center of the rosette, and after another 3.5-4 months, the inflorescence ripens. The mass of ripe fruits is 0.3-1 kg.

It is no less attractive that the fruiting of pineapple is not difficult to cause artificially. It is enough to place an adult plant under a cap filled with smoke, or pour an aqueous solution of acetylene, ethylene into a rosette of leaves, and after 8-10 weeks a bright red inflorescence with tubular blue-violet flowers will appear, and after 4-6 months yellow-orange seedlings ripen weighing sometimes up to 1.3 kg, and a strong aroma fills the apartment. The more intense the light and the higher the temperature, the more sugary the pulp, so the fruits of spring-summer ripening are especially tasty.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


An exotic fruit can settle in any apartment, regardless of climatic conditions and location. It is only necessary to buy a pineapple, carry out certain actions, create favorable conditions for keeping and ensure proper care. It is generally accepted to consider a tropical fruit a fruit, although from a biological point of view this is not entirely true.

What is homemade pineapple

The only representative of the Bromeliaceae family (bromeliads) with edible fruits is the pineapple. Perennial can grow both in the wild (Philippines, Thailand, Latin America, USA) and at home. Narrow long (up to 110 cm) pineapple leaves form a rosette; a short stem rises slightly above the ground. Max Height ornamental plant- 1 m, width -2 m. Peduncle - thick, fleshy.

Herbaceous culture blooms for a month. Then, from small greenish-white flowers, a fruit resembling a cone appears. In shape, it is oval, cylindrical, slightly elongated. Tropical fruit is not only pleasant, but also healthy, thanks to the content of vitamins and minerals. This dietary natural product:

  • strengthens the immune system (high content of vitamin C);
  • thins the blood;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • activates the breakdown of fats (thanks to bromelain);
  • strengthens nervous system;
  • accelerates protein and carbohydrate metabolism (contains manganese);

How to sprout a pineapple

If you are puzzled by the question of how to grow pineapple at home, it is important to study the intricacies and nuances of this process in order to achieve the expected result. Subject to all the requirements and conditions, you will get small, but very fragrant fruits. Interesting feature herbaceous plant is the death of the mother plant after fruiting.

This is a labor intensive method of sprouting. The small, slightly curved brown seeds are harvested from the fully ripened fruit. For quick germination of homemade pineapple, it is necessary to provide warm air. The temperature should be more than 20 ° C: the warmer it is in the room, the faster the fruits will appear. The algorithm of actions includes the following steps:

  • spread the seedlings wet wipes;
  • leave in a warm place for a day;
  • put in the ground to a depth of 1 cm;
  • pour soft warm water;
  • cover flower pot glass or film (to create a greenhouse effect).

Another method of germination is root cuttings. An adult plant lets side shoots. Shoots are suitable for germination, on which the fruit has not started. They are cut off, treated with an infusion of potassium permanganate, after which charcoal is applied to the damaged areas. The shoots are dried for 2-3 days, and then planted in a mixture of soddy land and wet sand. The flower pot is covered with a film or glass and placed in a warm (24-26 ° C), well-lit place. Roots will appear in 60 days. When pecking the first leaves, the plant is opened.

The easiest way to grow a pineapple is from the top. For right choice fruit for germination should adhere to the following rules:

  • Carefully inspect the leaves: they should be firm and bright green. Pineapple with brown or yellow leaves not worth buying.
  • By density, the fruit should not be soft or hard, choose the medium option.
  • In order to germinate an exotic fruit, it is better to buy from August to September.
  • The peel should be golden yellow, without gray spots.

To remove the top, grasp it firmly with your hand and slowly unscrew it. If everything is done correctly, the inner stem will separate along with the leaves. For an unripe fetus, this method is not suitable: it is better to use sharp knife. When cutting, do not hold the blade horizontally: maintain a 45-degree angle. Next steps:

  1. Remove the pulp remaining on the top so that it does not rot.
  2. Step back from the tuft 2-3 cm and cut off the tuft with leaves.
  3. Carefully remove the lower leaves.
  4. Place the planting material in a container with settled water room temperature.
  5. Put the flower in a warm and lit room.
  6. Change water every 2 days.
  7. After 3 weeks, roots will appear, after which the plants can be transplanted into the ground.

A fruiting tropical plant looks very unusual in the interior of the apartment, so growing pineapple at home in recent times Not unusual. With proper care, an exotic fruit takes root perfectly, and under favorable conditions, it can even bloom. You can wait for the appearance of outlandish fruits in 2.5-3 years.

In size, the flower pot should be no smaller than a pineapple cut at the crest. Over time, the plant will still have to be transplanted into more space, so you can immediately take a container with a diameter of 33-35 cm. If this is not possible, a pot 15-20 cm in size will do. The sides should be low. A prerequisite is the presence of a drainage hole. In his absence excess moisture will accumulate, leading to decay.

At the bottom of the flower pot, be sure to pour a layer of expanded clay. Then you need to fill the container with soil. The substrate can be prepared independently or bought. There are several options for the soil composition for homemade pineapple:

  • river sand and peat in the ratio 1:1;
  • leaf humus, peat, sod land, sand (2:1:1:1);
  • turf, leaf soil, peat, birch sawdust, coarse sand in proportions 3:2:2:2:1.

Pineapple care at home

After 2 months, you can already transplant homemade pineapple. By this time, the plant will take root and be able to actively absorb moisture and nutrients from the soil. Such a transplant is carried out every year. In order for the root system not to grow much, it is important to choose a new container, 2-3 liters more than the previous one. When transplanting, the plant is transferred along with a clod of earth.

For full growth and development, it is necessary to provide optimal humidity, definite temperature regime, regular watering, lighting and top dressing. Indoor pineapple is a photophilous plant, while exposure to direct sunlight is undesirable for it. The best option- place the flower pot on the west or east side. A perennial plant grows well with one-sided lighting, so turning it is not recommended.

In winter and autumn, heat-loving fruit must be additionally illuminated. To do this, you need to install at a distance of 20 cm from landing capacity fluorescent lamp and highlight the pineapple 9-10 hours a day. Light day for an ornamental plant should be 12 hours. In summer, it is important to maintain the temperature at 23-25°C, and in winter - 16-18°C. If the room is cold, use heating appliances. Cold air from an open window or exposure to a battery can cause an ornamental plant to become sick or wilt.


In the wild, pineapples can go without water for a long time, so at home, a tropical plant does not need to be watered abundantly and often. In summer, water procedures can be carried out 2 times a week, and in winter - reduced to 1 time. It is important to monitor the condition of the plant and soil. So, if the leaves are wilted, and the soil is dry, then it is necessary to additionally moisten the soil. The jet should be directed to the rosette of leaves, filling it by 2/3 of the volume. Water for these purposes is used at room temperature, pre-settled or filtered.

Vegetation of homemade pineapple occurs from late February to September. During this period, it is necessary to regularly feed the plant. Fertilize every 2 weeks. Monthly, you can spray the plant with iron sulfate (1 g of the substance per 1 liter of water). No need to use alkaline substances (lime, wood resin), suitable for top dressing organic fertilizers, for example, cow or horse humus. You can use a ready-made complex of mineral supplements, but the applied dosage must be reduced compared to conventional plants.

How to stimulate pineapple flowering

Planting a pineapple at home is half the battle. In order for the ovaries to form, it is necessary to provide him with proper care. There are special measures aimed at stimulating the formation of peduncles, for example, this can be done with ethylene. For this:

  • place a piece of carbide (15 g) on ​​the bottom of a liter jar;
  • pour water (active release of acetylene will begin);
  • tightly close the container;
  • let the solution brew for a day;
  • strain, separating the liquid from the sediment;
  • process the leaf socket with the resulting mixture.

An alternative option is to surround the flower pot with apples and cover it with a bag. Put the structure in a dark place. After a certain time, apples will release ethylene, which will provoke a tropical plant to release a flower arrow and begin to bear fruit. After 3 days, the package can be removed and the flower pot put in place.

It is possible to stimulate the fruiting of pineapples only in warm weather, when soil heating and additional lighting are not required. If you carry out this procedure every day, you will soon find an inflorescence. The flowering period ends with the development of the fruit. Depending on the conditions of maintenance and care, the maturation process lasts from 3 to 7 months. AT industrial scale for these purposes, in addition to acetylene, acetic acid is used.


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How to plant and grow pineapple on the windowsill. Rooting, care, flowering. How to root, care, make bloom pineapple plant (10+)

Pineapple on the windowsill - Rooting, care, flowering

We put the pot with the handle in a well-lit place in the apartment, but not under direct sunlight. Pineapple is a thermophilic plant, so the indoor temperature should be at least 26 ° C. Water the plant regularly.

Pineapple Rooting and Growth

It will take at least a month - one and a half, and the seedling will begin to develop its root system. After it takes root, you will notice the growth of new leaves, then the polyethylene can be removed. This will happen no sooner than in two months. Observing all these rules, in 2-3 years a thick beautiful bush will grow from a small cutting on your window, and in a few more years you will be able to watch the pineapple bloom. This will continue to bloom for about two weeks. exotic fruit, and in about six months the long-awaited harvest will also ripen.

How to care for a pineapple

The lack of humidity in our living quarters is great for pineapple. The plant almost does not get sick, and is not affected by pests, easily adapts to irregular watering. In the tropics, in their homeland, pineapple, for a long time develops and lives in the midst of drought, and only during endless tropical downpours does the plant accumulate water. Therefore, water the plant when the soil in the flowerpot is dry. Water procedures should be plentiful and carried out only with settled, warm water. Moreover, we moisten not only the roots of pineapple, but also the leaves. Water nourishes the developing roots and leaves of the plant, so they also need water.

In winter, pineapple has a lull in growth. During this period, the plant practically does not require watering, and the temperature in the room should be at least 15 ° C. However, at this time, you must take care and provide 12 hours of lighting in the room. You can highlight a growing pineapple with a fluorescent lamp. In the spring, increase the irrigation regime and the fertilizing regime, increase the temperature environment. Feed every two weeks with mineral fertilizers, such as mullein. You can apply complex fertilizers for flowers, but not lime and wood ash- your pineapple will not benefit.

As it grows, the original pot will be too small for the plant. Replant the pineapple once a year, constantly increasing the size of the flowerpot. With each transplant, deepen the stem of the plant into the ground by a centimeter. Perform all transplanting work carefully and carefully, without destroying the clod of earth. For an adult four-year-old plant, you will need a 4-liter pot.

How to make a pineapple bloom

In order for the pineapple to bloom, and this is not possible earlier than in 2-3 years, constantly fertilize and stimulate it to bear fruit. Already with the advent of spring and until late autumn, be sure to feed the plant. But, as a rule, pineapple does not want to throw flowers on its own in such conditions. Then, to stimulate flowering, prepare a solution that you pour inside the outlet for several days. 10-15 g of calcium carbide dissolves in 1 liter of water. After the release of gas bubbles stops, the solution is filtered and poured into the core of the outlet. Seal the remaining liquid tightly and store in a cool place. The stimulation process is carried out three times with an interval of 3-4 days. Also in the spring, you can do the following: make a greenhouse for a pineapple and put a plant and a jar of water there for several days. Three times a week, a piece of carbide 5 g is placed in the water. At the same time, smoke is released, which will stimulate the plant to produce flowers. Alternate the procedure with a break of a week. At this time, the plant is freed from polyethylene. Two to three months is enough and an inflorescence will appear on your plant.

The pineapple inflorescence is more than 100 strongly fused flowers, which, at the end of flowering, are tightly pressed against each other and form a seed. The pineapple flower changes color depending on the amount of light received: from pale blue to dark crimson. The pineapple flower thins out a delicate, unsharp, pineapple aroma within 10-15 days.

At this time, mineral fertilizers can also be applied to the soil. After about four months, a fruit will develop in place of a beautiful inflorescence. The ripening time of the fruit is the right time to apply organic fertilizing to the plant.

By following the entire procedure for planting and caring for pineapple, you will definitely rejoice at the long-awaited, unusually beautiful inflorescences, and the juicy and weighty fruit is a worthy reward for patience and work.

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Exotic lovers who do not yet know how to grow pineapple at home will be surprised to learn that it is very easy to do. Planting material a lot - in any supermarket you can buy fresh pineapple. It is desirable that it be ripe, without rot and not frozen.

There are pineapple plantations in many tropical countries. The Hawaiian Islands are the leader in its cultivation. A third of the world's harvest of these delicious fruits ripens here.

To stimulate fruiting all year round, use acetylene, which is formed after calcium carbide is combined with water. The resulting solution is strictly dosed poured into a rosette of leaves, after which the pineapple begins to bloom. After fruiting, the bush dies; for reproduction, the plants take young shoots of axillary buds and the top of the fruit.

How to grow pineapple from seeds at home

Cultivated varieties of pineapple do not have seeds. The seed method is used to grow decorative forms of a plant with beautiful leaf color and smaller fruits that are inedible.

Known species whose seeds can be bought at the store:

1. Pineapple bract striped. On the bright green of the leaves, reaching a length of 60 cm, cream and pinkish stripes are visible. The fruits are inedible.
2. Dwarf pineapple nanus. It blooms in spring with pale pink flowers in the second year of life. The leaves are about 45 cm long, covered with silvery hairs. Ripe fruit, sized egg inedible.
3. Pineapple large-tufted variegated. Ripe pineapples can be eaten, they are a little smaller than in the store, but sweeter and more aromatic. The leaves show pink and beige stripes.
For seed germination take plastic container from under the cakes, make holes at the bottom to drain the water. The container is filled with a substrate consisting of peat and sand or vermiculite.
The seeds are laid out on the surface, moistened with warm distilled water with the addition of Fitosporin. The container is covered with a transparent lid or bag and placed in a bright place. Nice results gives germination of seeds on a battery or heating pad.
Without bottom heating, germination takes 2 or 3 months, with heating about 30 days. Twice a day, the greenhouse needs to be ventilated, and the substrate should be moistened as needed.

Light day for emerging shoots should be at least 14 hours. When sowing seeds in winter, they are illuminated with a fluorescent lamp. The greenhouse is not removed.

When the rosettes of the leaves of the crops reach a diameter of 5 cm, they are planted in separate small pots. For planting, they buy soil for orchids or bromeliads in the store. You can prepare the substrate yourself from sheet, garden soil, vermiculite and crushed pine bark in equal parts. Pots with seedlings are placed in bags without closing tightly. In the first time after transplantation, the plants are shaded from the sun.

We grow from the top of a pineapple: step by step instructions

For propagation, use the top of a ripe pineapple. It is cut off, capturing the pulp by 2 cm, and put in a dark place for 3-4 days to dry the cut.

Step by step instructions on how to grow a pineapple at home from the top:

1. Take a planting pot, make good drainage from expanded clay in it.
2. Loose is poured on top fertile soil for bromeliads, in which a small depression is made.
3. Pour some water into the hole, remove the lower leaves from the handle, treat the pineapple slice with Kornevin.
4. The cutting is planted in a hole, tightly tamping the soil, cover it with a transparent bag and seal it with tape.

Put the plant in a warm and bright place, ventilate daily. The best time to plant is spring.

For rooting, an air temperature of 22 - 25 ° C is needed, it is desirable to provide the roots with lower heating by placing the pot on a radiator.
Small roots appear 2 or 3 weeks after planting. Pineapple roots do not grow in depth, but in width. After 3 months, small leaves will appear at the top, this indicates that the cutting has already taken root.

Propagation by root cuttings

After flowering, the fruit is tied. When it is ripe, it is cut and the plant is cared for in the same way as before. Most often, after fruiting, the mother plant dies.

During its flowering and fruiting, the pineapple begins to sprout side shoots. When the "kids" grow, they are planted in separate pots, again waiting for flowering and fruit.

Plant care at home

They put the pineapple in the brightest place in the apartment. He loves fresh air, so in the summer you can take him to the sunny veranda. To increase the humidity of the air (ideally it should be 70%), the plant is sprayed with warm water. The air temperature in the apartment should be maintained at a level of about 24°C, in winter not lower than 15°C.

For watering take only filtered or rain water. Water very carefully as the soil dries out.

In summer - plentifully, in winter and autumn - moderately. Water is poured along the edge of the pot without getting on the foliage. In order for the pineapple to grow faster, it needs to be sprayed with Epin once every 2 weeks.
After 2-3 years, the plant will grow a large green mass. And only for 4 years can begin to bloom. It is interesting that the fruit grown at home is much tastier than imported pineapples. It ripens on the windowsill, and semi-ripe fruits are sold in supermarkets, which are better stored.
For normal development, the plant needs top dressing. Use preparations for orchids and bromeliads. Can be watered with conventional fertilizers for flowering houseplants, diluting it 4 times large quantity water than indicated in the instructions.

This is due to ethylene gas, which is released by ripe fruits.
The bush is transplanted annually into a large container. Pineapple is very "gluttonous", it needs a lot for normal growth. nutrients, which he can get from fresh soil or dressings. The container for planting should be wide and shallow. The plant that bears fruit is no longer transplanted, if it continues to grow, change upper layer soil.
Having rooted several tops of store pineapples, after some time you can make a small plantation on the windowsill. It is only necessary to take into account the love of plants for light, top dressing and high humidity.

This amazing tropical plant is native to the tropics of South America. In European countries, they began to grow it in greenhouses, creating the necessary conditions climate.

But with a little effort, growing pineapple can be done even at home. And after a while it interesting plant will surprise us with his appearance and fruits.

Pineapple: plant description

this is herbaceous plant, in the center of which the stem sprouts. In the center of the stem, at the top, there is an inflorescence, which, after fertilization, turns into a seed.

Outwardly, it can be seen that the individual parts of the berries of the infructescence grow together into one fruit - pineapple. The stem is surrounded by a rosette - fleshy and thick leaves.

The pineapple fruit has an oval, cylindrical shape, consists of separate numerous small parts, fused together. A rosette of leaves forms at the top.

The dense scaly shell of a mature fruit has a dark green, yellow, brown or even reddish tint. Inside the fruit is a bright yellow flesh. It has a pleasant taste and good aroma. Ripe pineapple fruits reach a weight of 4-5 kg.

What conditions does a pineapple need for successful growth?

Pineapple, when grown at home, is very demanding on the conditions that will be created for its successful ripening. Since it is a tropical plant, it is extremely important to maintain proper lighting, air temperature and humidity.


Pineapple needs at least 6 hours a day, regardless of the time of year, to be in a well-lit place. AT summer period the plant can be taken out on a balcony or in a garden, in a moderately lit place. In the cold season, the pineapple should be kept on the south side to evenly receive sunlight.

The plant should not be rotated, as this can slow down growth, one-sided lighting is enough for it. If the season and weather do not allow sunlight to enter, then the pineapple can be highlighted with additional lighting - fluorescent lamps. Just keep in mind that when using lamps, pineapple should receive lighting for at least 8 hours a day.

Temperature and humidity

Pineapple is very afraid of the cold. If in the summer it is quite satisfied with the ambient temperature, then in the winter it is worth considering ways to keep the heat in the room and the soil of the plant. It should not be kept on a cold floor or window sill, in winter it is best to maintain a soil temperature of 18 - 21 ° C, the maximum temperature for the winter period is 27 ° C.

The plant should not be kept near batteries and heaters; it is also worth considering the absence of drafts. To maintain humidity, use a pot with wet drainage. You can spray water around the plant, do not spray the leaves, as water can accumulate inside the outlet and cause them to rot. They should be wiped from dust with a damp cloth.

How to plant a pineapple

Before planting a pineapple at home, you should first acquire a ripe, fresh and healthy fruit.

A good pineapple fruit should:

  1. Have a light sweet aroma.
  2. Have no external damage, the color should be uniform, golden brown.
  3. The pineapple should feel firm to the touch. If the fruit is soft, then it means that it is overripe. If the fruit is hard, then, on the contrary, it is unripe.
  4. The leaves at the top should be fresh, green with slightly dried edges - this is an important sign of fruit maturity. If there are gray spots, then this means that the leaves are damaged by worms, and the use of such a fruit should be discarded.

By observing the following rules, we will be able to grow a good pineapple at home, which will delight us with our unusual view and bear fruit in the future.

Separation of tufts from the fetus

Separating a crown of leaves from a pineapple can be quite simple. You need to grab all the leaves with your hand and turn it very carefully, as if unscrewing the cap of a bottle. If everything went right, you should have a crown of leaves in your hand with a small stem at the bottom.

If you are worried that you may not be able to do everything neatly, you should use a knife. With a knife, you need to cut off the top crown of the pineapple and cut out all the flesh to prevent rotting.

Preparing the crown for root germination

Need a knife to remove a few lower leaves, to expose the trunk, from which we will grow roots. After trimming the leaves and cleaning the trunk, leave our future pineapple to dry for a couple of days to prevent the scars and leaves from rotting after pruning.

Then the dried crown must be placed in a transparent bowl with water so that it covers the bare trunk of our plant. Water should be at room temperature. Place the dishes in a bright place, on the windowsill. You need to carefully monitor the water level, periodically changing the water. If done correctly, the pineapple will take root in 3 to 4 weeks.

Planting pineapple in the ground

After the roots have grown 3-4 cm, the pineapple can be planted in the ground. For the initial planting, it is better to use a small pot with a hole for drainage of water, suitable in size to our crown. A 3-centimeter layer of drainage is laid at the bottom of the pot; expanded clay can be used.

You need to fill the pot with loose, nutritious soil. After backfilling the earth, it is recommended to pour into the soil hot water. After that, you can plant our plant. You need to plant 5-6 cm deep, after planting it is good to water the pineapple with warm water. You need to put the plant in a bright and warm place. Pineapple takes root for 2-3 months.

Important!An important sign that the pineapple has taken root is the appearance of new leaves.

In the future, the first leaves will wither and die, but new green shoots will begin to grow in their place. Old leaves should be carefully cut and cleaned. A grown pineapple should be watered once a week with warm water. After a year of growth, the pineapple is replanted into a larger pot.

You still need to place a drainage layer on the bottom, this time you can use gravel. The soil should be used from a mixture of two parts of peat, one part river sand and three parts of natural soil. AT winter period pineapple growth slows down, but you should not worry: with the onset of a warm period, it will begin to develop profusely, only for this it will be necessary to feed the soil.

Did you know?If possible, during the primary and secondary planting of pineapple, it can be placed under a plastic cap for 2-3 weeks to create tropical climate conditions and better plant survival.

Pineapple Care Rules

Watching how our pineapple grows at home, we see that pineapple is very thermophilic plant. It needs to be watered, but stagnant water should be prevented. It also needs periodic top dressing of the soil.

Do I need to water my pineapple?

The soil in the pineapple pot should not dry out, but the water should not stagnate either. Therefore, an adult plant should be watered abundantly once a week with warm water.

If the plant is on outdoors, then its leaves should be sprayed: they will absorb moisture, and the rest will evaporate. During the period active growth watering pineapple can be changed: water twice a week, but reduce the amount of water poured. It is best when the water completely passes through the drain and flows out.

If there is a swamp smell in the pot or mold appears on the soil, then it must be replaced as soon as possible, otherwise the plant may die.

Important!The root system of a pineapple is very small, so a 3-4 liter pot is enough for an adult plant.

Feeding an exotic plant

During the growing season, pineapple should be fed twice a month. good fertilizer regular cow dung will come out. You can also make a complex mineral fertilizers, which are sold in garden stores, but the dosage should be halved compared to other plants.

It is also necessary to spray the plant once a month with a 0.01% solution of ferrous sulfate. Alkaline fertilizers, lime and wood ash are contraindicated for pineapple.

Secrets of successful pineapple flowering

In the natural environment, it takes 26 months for a pineapple to flower. At home, the timing of flowering can vary in different directions. When 16 months pass, and the height of the plant is more than 20 cm, you can count on the beginning of flowering. Pineapple blooms according to the following description.

At the top of the trunk, a bud begins to form, it gradually rises up on the stem growing from the trunk. After a couple of months, flowering begins and lasts literally two weeks. The flowers are bright blue. One flower opens for just one day. After flowering, the last flower begins the period of fruit development.

The ripening period ranges from 3 to 7 months, it all depends on the growing conditions and the pineapple variety.

It may happen that the pineapple has reached the desired age and developed normally, but flowering does not occur; in this case, the beginning of flowering can be stimulated. An aqueous solution of ethylene will cope well with this task.

To prepare it, you need to take 1-2 teaspoons of calcium carbide and pour 0.5 liters of water. Keep this solution in a closed vessel, then pour, filtering from the sediment. This solution should be applied at 50-55 ml during the week in upper part plant leaves. After such stimulation, the pineapple should give a bud in 4-6 weeks. If this did not happen, it means that he has not yet matured or is sick.

Did you know?Pineapple is a herbaceous plant, so after fruiting it will die. But it will leave behind several side shoots that can be used for further cultivation.

How to deal with pests and diseases of pineapple

Growing a pineapple indoor plant, we must be prepared for the fact that pests can attack him, like other plants. Also, if the rules for caring for pineapple are not fully observed, the plant may experience certain problems.

If the leaves begin to dry out, this means that the plant is in a very hot or sunny place. It needs to be sprayed with water and rearranged in a cooler place. If the leaves begin to turn pale and curl up, the plant should be put in a brighter place.

If the stem of the plant rots, it is worth moderating watering and stopping it until the plant returns to normal.

Pineapple can be attacked by such pests:

  • . It affects the leaves of the plant, it can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in ethyl alcohol. Also, the plant should be treated with an insecticide, which can be bought at garden stores.
  • mealy worm. Covers the leaves with a continuous film. You can remove it by washing the leaves with soapy water, then treat with Karbofos emulsion.
  • root worm. It affects the root system. If it is found, it is worth stopping watering and treating the soil with insecticidal preparations.
  • spider mite. It forms a thin cobweb on the leaves, it must be removed with soapy water, moistened with soft water and treated with a light insecticide.
  • orchid aphid. A small insect that lives on the top leaves of a plant and feeds on its sap. Having found aphids, the plant must be treated with Actellik.
  • Honeydew. This is a sticky coating formed as a result of insect secretions. If it is found, the leaves should be washed with soapy water.
  • Fungal diseases. Fungi are formed due to the application of fertilizers containing nitrogen. If they occur, the plant must be treated with a fungicide.

How to propagate pineapple

You can propagate pineapple with the help of daughter shoots, which are formed after the pineapple bears fruit. On average, up to five shoots are obtained from one plant. Child shoots should be separated from the main part with a knife. They should reach a height of 15-20 cm and have their own roots.

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