Sheathing the gable with siding: step by step instructions. How to sheathe a gable with sanding. Detailed instructions for sheathing the gable with vinyl siding. How to independently sheathe the gable of the house with siding: photo and video instructions Do-it-yourself installation of gable siding

Finishing the house includes many stages, one of which is the sheathing of the gable with siding. This process is not much different from working with facades, but has some nuances associated with the special geometry of the structure. The installation of panels does not require special equipment or expensive materials; there will be no problems during all stages.

To avoid delaying the installation process, it is advisable to prepare the necessary materials in advance. To work you will need the following:

  • Siding. At the moment, there are many types on sale, but vinyl and metal are the most preferred. The first option is lightweight and has excellent qualities, while the second requires a reliable foundation, but is distinguished by decorative durability.
  • Framing details. The frame can be created from a wooden beam with a section of 50 * 40 or metal profiles mounted on suspensions. An alternative may be a special suspension system for siding, but it requires financial costs and fitting parts.
  • Thermal insulation material. Its use is not always necessary: ​​for example, if the attic is non-residential. Laying insulation makes it possible to increase the energy efficiency of the house in regions with harsh winters, but subject to the insulation of the surface of the roof slabs.
  • Complementary elements. Depending on the technology chosen, you will need a starting rail, a J-profile, an inner corner, a soffit, a near-window bar (if there is a window with a slope) and a casing (an opening without a recess).
  • Steam and waterproofing. Protection from water is required for any work, and vapor barrier - when covering a living space with heating.
  • Fasteners: screws, nails.

Separately, material for scaffolding should be provided. Alternatively, other options may be used to allow work at height to be carried out without risk.

Siding calculation

Classic gable roof

Due to the fact that such a roof has the shape of a triangle, the formula is used to determine its area: ½ * (a * h).

Calculation guide:

  1. The base of the pediment is measured (a).
  2. From the top of the roof, the distance to the base (h) is measured.
  3. Separately, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window, if any, is calculated. To do this, multiply the length by the width.
  4. The area of ​​one sheathing panel is indicated by the manufacturer on the label.

Scheme 1. Calculation of the dimensions of the gable roof gable (conditionally)

Approximate calculation:

The base is 7 m, the height from the arch to the bottom is 3.5 m.

The chosen type of metal siding is ship timber, the area of ​​​​one part is 0.85 m 2 (length - 366 cm, width - 23.2 cm).

½ * (7 * 3.5) \u003d 12.25 m 2. ½ is 0.5, so instead of multiplying, you can divide by 2.

If there is a window, its area is subtracted from the total.

12.25/0.85 = 14.4. The result is rounded up to 15, which means the required number of panels.

On a note! It is recommended to add 1-2 parts to the resulting number of panels for trimming or possible errors.

Roof with a variable angle of inclination (broken)

This design has a more complex configuration, so the procedure for calculating the total area begins with measuring the entire surface and drawing up a diagram. To quickly calculate the amount of material, the pediment is divided into geometric shapes.

Scheme 2. Division of the pediment into figures (conditionally)

After the breakdown, 4 figures are obtained: B - a rectangle, A, B1 and B2 - triangles.

The required dimensions are determined:

  • The total base of the pediment is 12 m.
  • The height from the roof or ridge to the base is 4.5 m.
  • The base of triangles B1 and B2 is 1.5 meters; height - 2 m.
  • From the total size (12 m), 1.5 * 2 is subtracted, it turns out 9 m - the length (c1) of the figure C. The width (c2) is identical to the height of the figures B1 and B2 (2 m).
  • The length (b1) of rectangle B determines the size of the base (a1) for triangle A and is 9 m, the height (a2) is 2.5 m.

The area calculation is performed as follows:

  • Triangle A: ½ * (9 * 2.5) \u003d 11.25 m 2.
  • B1 and B2: ½ * (1.5 * 2) = 1.5 m 2.
  • Rectangle B: 9 * 2 \u003d 18 m 2 (length * width).
  • Total area: 18 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 11.25 \u003d 32.25 m 2.

If there is a window, its size is subtracted. The door can also be sheathed separately with siding or highlighted with other material.

For example, a panel has an area of ​​0.85 m 2, then 33 / 0.85 \u003d 39 (38.8) pieces. + stock 1-2 parts.

Such a calculation allows you to determine how many ordinary elements are required to sheathe a complex gable of a country or private house.

Trapezoidal shape

Scheme 3. Division of a trapezoidal pediment into figures (conditionally)

Measurements are taken and transferred to the diagram. For example:

  • common base - 12 m, height from it to the top of the roof - 2.8 m;
  • rectangle B: length - 8 m, width - 2.8 m;
  • triangles A and A1: height - 2.8 m, base - 2 m.

The area is determined:

  • rectangle B: 8 * 2.8 \u003d 22.4 m 2;
  • triangles A and A1: 2 * 2.8 \u003d 5.6 m 2, two figures: 5.6 + 5.6 \u003d 11.2 m 2;
  • total: 22.4 + 11.2 \u003d 33.6 m 2, rounded up to 34 m 2.

If there is a window or door opening, its size is deducted.

34 / 0.85 (panel area) \u003d 40. Thus, in order to finish the pediment, you will need 40 parts with a small margin.

Siding is better to choose and purchase after measurements to determine the most suitable.

On a note! The gable overhang (cornice) is measured separately to calculate the required number of soffit and profiles.

How to sheathe the gable of the house with siding with your own hands

To properly complete the finishing work, it is necessary to divide the process into stages.


After making calculations and acquiring material, you should prepare the necessary tool:

  • Siding trimmer. The best option is a grinder, for small jobs an electric jigsaw or metal shears can be used.
  • Drill and screwdriver.
  • Hammer, mallet.
  • Level.
  • Ruler and tape measure.
  • Square.
  • Construction knife.

Other tools may also be needed, including cleaning the base.

Preparatory work

High-quality finishing implies responsible preparation:

  1. If necessary, the old coating is removed. The base is cleaned of dirt, dust and everything superfluous.
  2. The state of the surface is assessed. Due to the fact that such a design is often made of wood, defects may be present. All of them are eliminated, damaged areas are replaced with new ones.
  3. The base is treated with antiseptics and flame retardants and dried well.
  4. If the attic is residential, then a vapor barrier can be additionally laid. It needs to be screwed on.

All work is carried out in good weather.

Sheathing and insulation

It is not difficult to make a frame with your own hands, the process is almost the same as with the facade. When performing general work, it is advisable to make an interconnected crate if there is no ebb overhang.

Photo of the device of a wooden crate for siding:

Installation of an interconnected cladding of the facade and gable

Should know! The frame on the pediment made of wood is created from a bar. The material is pre-treated with agents to increase fire resistance and protection against fungus and mold.

Algorithm for the device of a wooden crate:

In the absence of insulation, the filing of a moisture-proof membrane is mandatory before installing the frame.

Installation of a metal profile crate is shown in the video below.

Installation of siding and accessories

To finish the gable from the siding quickly and without errors, it is advisable to perform the work with an assistant. Step-by-step instructions include several successive steps.

Fasteners of the initial elements

Work order:

  1. Installation of the upper parts of additional products. Several parts can be used for this purpose, the most common is the fastening of a corner strip or J-profile on the inside of the roof slope. Due to the fact that the pediment has a different geometry, for proper joining, all nodal elements are cut at the right angle.
  2. After marking and pulling the cord along the bottom, the initial bar is set. It is cut at the corners, taking into account the width of the previously mounted elements and a gap of 5 mm. The part is fixed precisely in level through the longitudinal mounting holes. Self-tapping screws are screwed in evenly, with a gap of 1 mm. Docking of two starting elements is carried out with a gap of 5–6 mm.

Installation and docking of the initial siding elements

Attention! To achieve a better result and avoid the appearance of waves, the fasteners begin to be screwed in or driven in from the center to the edges.

Sheathing of window openings

Windows should be sheathed depending on the depth of the slope, most often, taking into account the created frame, the distance to the frame is more than 10 cm.

Action algorithm:

  1. On the inside, it is required to fix the finishing profile: it is cut at an angle and joined.
  2. The window trim is trimmed. It is adjusted to the width of the slope and docking bends are made at the edges to eliminate the appearance of cracks.
  3. The window trim is fixed along the outer perimeter to the racks of the crate. The edge starts behind the laid profile.

If the depth of the slopes is insignificant, then a wide platband is installed, framing the opening.

Working with ordinary panels

To close the gable with siding, you must do the following:

  1. In the presence of an equidirectional bevel of the roof, a template for cutting parts is immediately made. If the structure has a complex geometry, then several such forms will be required (for each section). Difficult places are adjusted individually.
  2. The lack of panel length suggests the installation of docking strips. The situation can be simplified: if the window opening is more than 1.5 meters, then the profiles are set along the edges of the window. In this case, at least 3 segments of the surface division are obtained.
  3. Panels are mounted traditionally. The first part is wound up behind the profile located along the slope, and the connecting element, and lowers to the starting bar. Then it rises to the connection of the castle part with a small gap.
  4. Further sewing is performed in a similar way, taking into account the trimming of the edges.
  5. The last element - a small corner - is attached directly through a pre-drilled hole, after which it is sealed.

Be sure to check the level, and leave a compensation gap.


At the last stage, it is required to hem the roof overhang:

  1. If an internal corner was previously installed, then a J-profile is mounted on the outer part of the overhang. But for complete closure (with sufficient thickness), a J-chamfer (windboard) is set instead of this element. With a small thickness, it is replaced with a simple overhead corner.
  2. A trimmed soffit is placed in the resulting space. Details are attached in the same way as siding.
  3. If the roof has a complex geometry, then connecting strips are set at the corner nodes.
  4. After the process is completed, the reliability of all parts is checked.

When performing work according to the rules, it will not be difficult to veneer the surface of the pediment, and the resulting sheathing will last for many years.

Any owner of a private house sooner or later begins to think about the need for external decoration of the pediment. As practice shows, siding is best suited for this. It is quite easy to install, so even a layman can handle it, guarantees the aesthetic appearance of the house, and also provides additional protection against moisture. In this article, we will talk about how to fix the siding to the front of the house.

What you need to know about frontons?

Before proceeding with the choice of material for cladding the pediment, you need to understand what functions this element of the facade performs and why it is built? The pediment is the part of the house located between the slopes of the roof. Depending on the purpose of the under-roof space, the methods of building gables differ. So, if it is non-residential, then the height of the pediment can reach no more than 1 m. If you plan to make an attic, then its height will vary from 2 m and above. You also need to choose a finishing method from the purpose of the attic - whether it will be a separate room or a continuation of the walls. In the first case, laying heat and waterproofing is necessary.

fronton requirements:

  1. Protection of the under-roof space from wind, precipitation and cold.
  2. Ensuring the rigidity and strength of the roof.
  3. Aesthetics.

Based on these requirements, many choose siding for finishing the pediment, since it is resistant to precipitation, does not fade in direct sunlight and provides an attractive appearance of the building.

To sew up the gable with siding, there is no need to carry out large-scale preparatory work. For this purpose, you can use both ordinary vinyl siding and basement, characterized by increased strength. A large selection of colors and textures allows you to realize any design idea and make the facade beautiful and original. You can install siding on absolutely any surface: brick, concrete, wood, stone. This is one of the most inexpensive, quick and easy ways to decorate the exterior walls of a house.

Preparatory moments

Before installing the siding on the gable, the latter must be cleaned of the old top coat, remove dirt and dust. If the pediment is made of wood, the boards must be treated with an antiseptic and a deep penetration hydrophobic primer. The surface must be properly dried and leveled as far as possible. The allowable difference in height can be no more than 10 mm. Otherwise, the siding will quickly deform.

Mounting on a crate

If leveling the surface is too expensive or takes a lot of time, the siding is mounted on the crate. For example, in buildings of the old type, the outer surfaces of the walls are not even, therefore, in this case, the material should be attached only to the frame. This method has its advantages - the crate not only guarantees correct and high-quality installation, but also allows for additional wall insulation. Therefore, even if you are the happy owner of a house with perfectly even walls, but you plan to make a residential attic, it is better to make a frame and lay insulation under it.

The crate can be made of wood or metal. A metal frame is preferable for obvious reasons. It is not subject to rotting, more durable and durable. However, its cost can confuse economical owners, so many people prefer to build a wooden crate from unnecessary lumber or cheap softwood. But if opportunities allow, it is better to mount the frame from galvanized aluminum profiles. By the way, the same rack profiles are used to work with drywall. Products are much lighter than wood, so they do not carry a significant load on the foundation or walls of the house.

To fix the guide profiles to the gable, use only galvanized hangers. Install racks in 50-60 cm increments. Since the metal frame is stronger than wood, the pitch can be increased.

After installing the frame for insulating the attic or attic, it is necessary to lay waterproofing and insulation. Ideally, you must first cover the surface of the wall with a vapor barrier film, then with insulation, and then close everything with waterproofing. To insulate the pediment, the most common and cheap materials are suitable, for example, mineral wool or polystyrene foam boards. As a waterproofing, you can use a building dense film with a thickness of 200 microns.

Calculation of materials and fittings

Before you go to the store for siding, you need to calculate how much it will take for the gable. In addition to the material itself, you will need mounting hardware, which is best purchased from the same manufacturer. For the most accurate calculation, it is necessary to draw up a drawing of the building in a convenient scale.

What accessories will be required to install the siding on the gable:

  • mounting strips;
  • J-profiles;
  • connecting H-profiles (it is not recommended to overlap them so that litter and water do not penetrate into the joints);
  • window profiles (if there are windows in the gable);
  • finish profiles.

You can attach the siding from the outside only with galvanized fasteners. Any others will quickly begin to rust and reduce all your efforts to zero.

Siding installation

As we have already said, despite the evenness of the walls, it is better to mount the siding on the crate. If the panels are installed horizontally, the batten elements must be fixed vertically, and vice versa. By the way, vertically located siding looks more familiar and visually makes the house taller. The installation step of the lathing slats is 30-40 cm.

Installation of starting J-profiles

If this is your first time facing a gable with siding, pay special attention to the installation of starting profiles. The subsequent work and the final result depend on the correctness of their installation. Take as much time as you need for this step.


When mounting the starting profiles, constantly check their horizontalness with a building level! If the horizontal is broken, the siding will warp, and it will be very difficult to fix it.

External corner profiles

Before attaching the corner profiles, install or mark out the soffits so you can clearly see where their edges will run.


Panel installation

So, when all the preparatory mounting elements are fixed, you can actually proceed to sheathing the gable with siding with your own hands. You need to put the first panel as carefully as the starting profiles, since the final result depends on it. It is best to start work from the most inconspicuous part of the pediment in order to practice and correct possible shortcomings in time.

How to sheathe a gable with siding:

Sheathing the gable with siding may seem like a difficult task, but in reality everything turns out to be not so difficult. If you want to do everything qualitatively, you can practice installation on inconspicuous areas of the house or on some building (barn or garage).

How to sheathe a gable with siding in video format:

Siding gables: photo

Siding - fronton trim

  • metal siding
  • Vinyl siding
  • Mounting

Roofing is an integral part of the appearance of your building. When choosing a sheathing for a gable or cornice of your roof, you need to know all the positive and negative properties of this material. The main thing is that the finish that you have given your preference to is not only very beautiful, but also practical enough and able to protect your building for as long as possible.

When choosing a material for finishing, it is necessary to pay attention not only to aesthetics, but also not to its performance.

A roof with a pediment, which is sheathed with wood, only initially has a neat appearance, but after a while it loses it. Wood paneling cannot withstand weather and fire well, and it also creates a huge appetite for insects. In addition to all this, gables sheathed with wooden clapboard need annual care, which leads to some costs and time.

Virtually all of the aforementioned negative points are absent from vinyl and metal siding. By the way, both of these materials meet all environmental standards and they can sheathe not only the roof, but the whole house. Houses sheathed with siding breathe, as its installation provides for a system for draining condensate and roof ventilation, but each type of siding has its own nuances.

metal siding

Siding is able to retain its natural color up to 50 years.

The undeniable advantage of metal siding is its durability and excellent resistance to fire. The color scheme of this type of siding is diverse - it has more than 100 colors of the palette. Of course, a pediment sheathed in too bright a color siding evokes the feeling of an artificial material, but, as they say, there is no comrade for the taste and color. Metal siding is a very strong material, as it consists of galvanized steel, a passivated layer and a primer layer, and this is absolutely uninteresting for insects. Finishing the building with this material throughout the entire period of operation (from 50 years) is able to retain its color due to its high resistance to fading in the sun.

Finishing this type of material also has its drawbacks. With a sufficiently strong impact, the surface is deformed and dents remain on it. Metal siding, in addition to periodic washing, needs additional care, for example, applying a special protective coating to prevent corrosion. Yes, and sheathing a building with metal siding will be much more expensive than using vinyl or wood siding for this.

A significant disadvantage is also the fact that the metal is much more than other types of finishing materials, tend to pass heat. Because of this, houses covered with this siding need extra insulation to keep out excessive heat in summer or cold in winter. It must be remembered that the sheets of metal siding are quite heavy and for their use a certain supply of load-bearing structures of the house is required, therefore, such cladding may not be suitable for a particular building.

Vinyl siding

All the negative aspects of the metal and wood material for house cladding were taken into account when developing an inexpensive, but very practical, attractive and modern PVC material - vinyl siding. The decoration of the pediment with this material is very beautiful, durable, fire resistant and does not corrode.

The manufacturing technology provides for the presence of two layers. The top layer protects the aesthetic properties of vinyl siding, color and climate resistance. The bottom layer determines the mounting and structural properties of the panels.

Caring for a gable or eaves cladding made with vinyl siding is very simple: just a watering hose and detergent.

Roofed houses, whose gables are sheathed with this facing material, always have a very attractive appearance, since vinyl siding panels do not fade and do not deform with sudden changes in temperature. The sheathing made of such material is very flexible; when struck, it is very quickly restored to its previous state, while it does not form any chips, dents, or cracks. The color scheme is mostly soft pastel, which is another plus, as a gable covered with vinyl siding will give the roof a more natural look than metal siding.

I would like to note that vinyl siding has another important positive point - easy installation. Installation is carried out using a hand tool, which, as a rule, any owner has, which allows you to sheathe the francon yourself. Before proceeding with the facing of the pediment, it is necessary to calculate and purchase all the necessary material.

Siding has a huge range of colors, so choosing the shade of interest will be quite simple.

In order to perform siding sheathing, you will need:

  • siding panels;
  • crate;
  • nails, screws;
  • square;
  • screwdriver;
  • finish and start bar;
  • roulette;
  • wooden beam (section 50 × 100 mm);
  • board (thickness 50 mm);
  • stationery knife.


Cutting siding does not cause any difficulties, so getting the details of the required shape will be quite simple.

Scaffolding is made from a bar with a section of 50 × 100 mm. Scaffolding flooring is made of boards (50 mm), edged boards (25 × 100 mm) are suitable for braces. If the roof gable has ebbs, you can rigidly connect the lower part of the scaffolding to the wall. With a high roof ridge, it is necessary to make a second tier of scaffolding.

Sheathing the pediment can be done in three ways. The first is to make an aluminum frame, and then fix the siding panels on it. However, installation in this way is more expensive and not everyone can afford it. The second is that the panels can be mounted directly on the wooden gable of the roof. The third - is the most optimal solution, the siding is mounted on a wooden crate. Let's dwell on it in more detail.

We vertically fix a solid wooden beam along the entire gable with a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. So that the outer surfaces of the bars of the crate are in the same plane. Wooden bars can be nailed to the gable, they are cheaper than self-tapping screws. But we attach the siding panel to the crate only with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver. It is worth remembering that they need to be slightly twisted to the end in order to allow the panels to maneuver a little at high temperatures.

Sheathing the gable with siding must begin after installing the starting bar. Using a level, it must be installed strictly horizontally and secured to each rack. We combine the profile spike with the groove of the starting bar. A characteristic click will be the result of the correct connection, which is called a lock.

At an angle that repeats the slope of the roof, we cut off the ends of the panels. When sheathing the gable of the roof, it is necessary to leave a gap between the crate and the end of the panel (1 cm). It serves as a compensation for the thermal expansion of the panels, and also prevents the deformation of the siding during the shrinkage of the structure.

The final moment is the installation of the finishing strip, which is carried out before laying the last row of panels.

That's all, the pediment is sheathed, you can enjoy the beautifully executed roof.

How to finish the gable of the house with siding

Siding is currently one of the most popular materials for cladding the exterior surfaces of private homes. Finishing the pediment with do-it-yourself siding and the roof is a rather difficult task, but doable for any owner. In order to competently and efficiently carry out such facing work, it is necessary to understand the features of this task.

Today it is customary to pay special attention to the cladding of the pediment and the roof of the house, since only the finishing of all the external surfaces of a private house can provide an overall attractive appearance for the entire building. If you install siding only on the facade of the building, the protection of its structures and the general appearance will not be complete.

Finishing the pediment is often carried out using modern siding, as this material is distinguished by its affordable cost and high-quality technical characteristics, and also provides a spectacular appearance to the object.

Types of siding

According to the materials used in the production process, all siding on the market is divided into four main types: cement, vinyl, steel and wood.

Each of these types can be used to trim the gable.

Vinyl siding

Vinyl finishing materials are the most popular with owners who require facing the gable or roof of the house. Vinyl siding can be installed both vertically and horizontally.

The vertical installation option is usually used for cladding non-residential premises - commercial and industrial facilities, and horizontal installation is better suited for private houses.

Pros and Cons of Vinyl Finishing

Any finishing material has both positive and negative qualities.

The table below shows the main pros and cons of vinyl siding designed for gable finishing.

Advantages Flaws
Long service life - up to 50 years. Weak resistance to mechanical damage, due to which dents may occur on the surface of the finish.
Preservation of external parameters throughout the entire service life. The material is flammable.
Resistance to temperature changes, maintaining technical characteristics at an external air temperature of -50 to +50 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to organize small gaps between the individual slats.
It is not subject to corrosion, does not deform and does not rot.
Environmentally friendly material.
The presence of holes in the panels provides high-quality air ventilation when finishing the facade, roof and gable of the house.
Does not conduct electricity.
Simple and easy installation, which can be done by hand.
Resistance to any environmental influences - ultraviolet radiation, precipitation, wind.
It does not require serious financial investments for maintenance during operation.
Attractive appearance.

It is necessary to buy siding for the house only taking into account all the listed disadvantages of this facing material. At the same time, professional installers are well aware that a properly lined gable with vinyl trim can serve a person for decades without any problems.

Therefore, installation, taking into account all the requirements of the manufacturer and safety instructions, allows you not to feel any shortcomings in the operation of this coating.

What does siding include?

Sheathing the gable with siding on your own is a doable task, but before starting installation, the owners will need to figure out what components such a coating consists of.

Facial siding strips can be made in various shapes and have a variety of colors and shades. Pediment siding is very popular with home owners, imitating the surface of natural facing materials, for example, the surface of stone, wood or brickwork.

Among the most popular representatives of the market, one can single out such sheathing for the pediment, such as: shipboard, lining, shingles, scales, herringbone, etc.

To securely trim the pediment with siding, it is necessary to use reliable fastening systems. Facing installation involves the use of additional panels of various shapes and purposes, among the products on the market we can distinguish: finishing profile, starting profile, corner profile, window trims, H-shaped profiles and others. To make the pediment the most attractive, various decorative elements can also be used during installation.

When purchasing materials for the roof, it should be remembered that various manufacturers produce fasteners of different shapes for their products, and therefore, it is best to take all the components of the same brand necessary for covering the pediment.

Mounting principles

In order to properly sheathe a gable or install roof siding, the owner should familiarize himself with the basic rules and features of such work. The first thing to consider before installation is the thermal expansion of the selected finishing material.

For standard gable and roof panels, about three meters long, which were installed at an ambient temperature of +5 degrees Celsius, in hot weather conditions can be extended by 10 mm or more.

It is precisely because of this feature that the panels for finishing the pediment should be mounted so that nothing interferes with their expansion and contraction at different times of the year. In hot weather, siding should in no case rest against the structure of the house or other elements of the external cladding. If you forget about thermal expansion, the siding can deform and burst during operation, which will lead to the need for costly repairs.

Modern and high-quality fasteners allow you to install siding on the gable and roofs on a special metal crate. Proper fastening will ensure a long service life of the entire outer coating.

Fastening must be carried out in the center of the oval fastening holes, so that seasonal extensions will take place without any damage or damage.

To ensure unhindered expansion, the fastening should be loosened somewhat by unscrewing the fastening screw by half a turn.

If the issue of using this type of material for finishing a building is resolved, then it is best to use its advantages, but one should not forget about the disadvantages of this kind of panels. Their positive properties of siding include the following:

The scheme of insulation of the roof of the house.

  1. It is reliable in operation and relatively durable.
  2. Resistant to mechanical stress.
  3. It tolerates various climatic changes well.
  4. Metal siding is available in a variety of colors, which allows you to choose the desired color for any pediment.
  5. The price of panels is acceptable for most consumers.
  6. Installation is carried out according to well-thought-out technology, accessible to any beginner.
  7. You can install siding not only on the facade of the building, but also on the gable.

Disadvantages of sandwich panels:

The siding structure is self-supporting, that is, no additional load can be placed on it.
The panels require careful handling during storage and during installation work, since any careless movement can easily damage them.
If installed incorrectly, the thermal insulation properties of the sandwich fall sharply.

Preparatory stage

Calculation of the siding for finishing the pediment.

Before direct work, it is necessary to carry out an accurate calculation of the parameters and the number of siding panels for your home. Otherwise, you will have to re-purchase the material, which may increase the finishing time. Many companies on their websites offer an excellent option for calculating the amount of siding using an online calculator. Planned prep work is a great way to get your house siding done like a pro.

If you are planning to start such work for the first time, it will not hurt you to study all the basic nuances. Recommendations from experts and training videos can be a useful example. As a result, you will not make predictable and common mistakes, and, accordingly, you will be able to save your time and money.

Roof lining with vinyl siding.

When you start installing the siding panel on the gable, it must be fixed from the center to the edges. Lay the cladding elements exactly in the centers of the perforations. The angle must be 90 degrees. A technological gap is made between the head of the fastening screw or nail and the surface of the siding, which should be at least 2-3 mm. Sandwich panels themselves can be strengthened in three different ways:

  1. They are mounted on an aluminum frame. This method is good, but relatively expensive.
  2. Sometimes the panels are laid directly on the gable of the roof. This can only be done when this base is made of wood and at the same time has a flat, smooth surface.
  3. the most common option is a crate made of wooden beams, on which sandwiches are installed. This greatly speeds up the work and reduces the cost of them.

To make a frame out of wood, buy bars of the right dimensions. They are fixed in the same plane. To check whether they are installed correctly or not in a vertical plane, a building level is used.

The details of the crate should be mounted as evenly as possible, since the quality of the surface obtained at the finish and the appearance of the pediment itself depend on this.

The end parts of the sandwich panels are cut according to the angle of the roof according to its shape. To do this, you need a measuring tool.

To protect the material from temperature fluctuations, a technical gap of about 10 mm is left between the panel and the crate. This will avoid deformation of the siding even when the structure shrinks.

The last rows of the sandwich should be done with finishing-type planks. In this case, a joint is formed between the wall of the building and the pediment. It must be hidden under a special corner element. This is the last stage of work.

You can install vertical type sandwiches, which will give the structure a more individual look. They must be fixed with a special ebb or profile.

This is usually done with a molding or using a J-shaped fastener.

What materials and tools are used in the work

  1. Sandwich panels.
  2. corner elements.
  3. Rails or bars made of wood.
  4. Aluminum elements for the crate.
  5. Antiseptic compositions.
  6. J-profile or molding.
  7. Screws, screws, nails.
  8. Electric drill.
  9. Bulgarian or hacksaw.
  10. Building level.
  11. Metal square.
  12. Measuring tools.

The use of siding panels for gables allows you to well emphasize the architectural advantages of the building. At the same time, emphasis is placed on its individual parts. The main advantage of this method is the ability to install sandwich panels yourself. With proper installation and compliance with all of the above recommendations, you will get a warm house inside and an attractive outside.

Preparatory stages of installation

Instructions for sheathing the pediment.

When using an attic space for an attic or living rooms, it is recommended that the gable be insulated. For these purposes, foam plastic is used with clogging of the joints with mounting foam and external plastering or glass wool with a hydro-barrier coating (construction film).

Sheathing the gable of the house with plastic panels begins with fixing the starting (initial) bar at the bottom of the working surface.

To do this, the pediment is upholstered with a wooden or aluminum vertical crate, to which the cladding is subsequently mounted. The wooden frame is created from timber about 50x50 mm in size.

The last mounting option is considered not as reliable as others, especially if the installation is carried out without a frame and there are remnants of old paint or plaster left on the facade of the building.

If the pediment of the house is made of wood materials and it is not planned to be insulated, then vinyl panels can be mounted directly on the tree, after soaking it with an antiseptic.

For the convenience of mounting the panels on the crate, they have special elongated holes. It is necessary to place a self-tapping screw or nail exactly in the center of the hole and do not tighten it by about 1-1.5 mm until it is in full contact with the siding. Only with this installation, the siding panel will be fixed correctly and will be able to move with thermal expansion (compression).

Preparatory work on decorating the gable of the house with siding is completed by installing a drain gutter or plank and fixing the start panel.

Materials and necessary tools for siding installation

Panels of this material are installed on the crate of the gable, using:

  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • electric drills;
  • square,
  • roulettes;
  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • clerical knife;
  • fasteners;
  • plumb.

Before starting work on fixing the siding, you need to make strong scaffolding. The surface intended for mounting the material must be without protruding parts of the structure, and very even.

The crate is made only from completely dry wood, its moisture content should not exceed 15%, otherwise, when the material dries out, the base for mounting the siding may deform and distort the panels of the fixed decorative material.

For the crate, slats from 25 to 60 mm in cross section are used, pre-impregnated with antiseptics and flame-stopping compounds. Also, a galvanized profile used for fastening drywall is suitable for the device of the crate. The bars are laid in 20-40 cm.

There are several varieties of siding according to the raw materials used in its manufacture:

  • cement based;
  • metal;
  • vinyl;
  • from wood.

Vertical installation of siding panels is used when finishing non-residential premises, for example: car washes, trading floors, all kinds of cafes and eateries, industrial premises. Installation of panels horizontally is used in the decoration of residential buildings.

Vinyl siding

Vinyl siding can be safely called the ideal material for gable sheathing, because it is devoid of all the disadvantages inherent in metal and wood material.

It is characterized by a long service life, has a presentable appearance, is resistant to aggressive environmental influences, and does not change its color even with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

Sheathing the pediment with siding made of polyvinyl chloride is also distinguished by the amazing ease of installation work, which makes it suitable for sheathing the attic, which will still have to be insulated.
It must be said that houses, the gable of which is made of vinyl siding, always have an attractive and well-groomed appearance.

Also, the advantages of this material include the increased flexibility of its elements, due to which, even with a relatively strong mechanical effect, they do not lose their integrity, quickly acquire their former shape and do not crack.

Another advantage of vinyl panels is their low specific gravity, due to which they can be used both for arranging a new gable and for an already used one. Thanks to the wide color palette that the modern market offers us, choosing the right shade of the material will not be difficult.

Among other things, it is ideal for attic sheathing, which will need to be insulated to prevent heat loss.

And if you decide to start arranging the pediment at home, but do not know how to do it correctly, then let's take a look at the most important points with you on how to sheathe the pediment with siding.

To do this, we need the panels themselves, self-tapping screws, a sealant, nails, a clerical knife, a screwdriver, a square, as well as finishing and starting strips, a wooden beam with a section of 50 by 100 mm and an edged board about 50 mm thick.

The main stages of installation

On the sides of the working surface (the perimeter of the pediment), a J-shaped profile or inner corners are attached, which are joined at the highest point.

If the side profile is not long enough, it is overlapped by about 12-25 mm. Then the next main panel is inserted into the lock (leaving a gap of 2-3 mm) and is also screwed to the frame in a free state.

The gaps between the main cover and the J-strips should be at least 3-6 mm.

Docking of ordinary panels with H-shaped elements is carried out with gaps of 6 mm. If connectors are not used and the cladding is fastened with an overlap, then the overlapping distance should not be less than 25 mm.

The edges of the main strips are cut with the required angle of inclination so that they easily fit into the receiving J-profile (not forgetting the expansion gaps of 3-6 mm).

The uppermost main ordinary panel is attached to the gable with a stainless steel nail.

The final step in sheathing the attic of the house with siding is the installation of soffit strips on the ledges of the roof.

Depending on the roof covering and the arrangement of the row panels, various J-bevels, F-shaped or finish profiles can be used.

Some recommend first fixing all the necessary panels on the window, and then starting the main lining, joining the receiving parts, others advise finishing the pediment, and only then proceed to decorate the window opening.

Do-it-yourself filing of the attic with vinyl siding, the main thing is to correctly and accurately fix the main coating, additional and decorating panels, taking into account temperature fluctuations (expansion and contraction of the material), and then the cladding of the house will please the eye for many years.

Varieties of siding

Siding is a finishing material that looks like separate panels. Each module has snap hooks and a perforated edge for fasteners. The dimensions of the panels are different, it depends on the capabilities of the manufacturer, usually their width is 10-30 cm, and the length reaches 6 m. This material is durable, thanks to its qualities, the finish of the roof gable does not require paintwork and does not suffer from moisture up to half a century. In construction stores today you can find the following types of siding:

  • Vinyl;
  • Metal;
  • Cement.

It is good to sheathe the pediment of the house with siding to protect it from various environmental influences. Now many people sew roofs with siding. How to sew up a pediment and at the same time save money is a good question. Often, cheaper PVC coatings are used as siding on the gable of the roof, the installation of which is easy to do with your own hands.

Siding installation

Sheathing the gable with siding is done in three ways. In the first method, it will be necessary to make an aluminum frame to fix the panels on it. Despite the fact that this method is the most reliable, it is also the most expensive.

In the second method, the installation of panels is carried out directly on the wooden pediment of the structure.

In turn, the third method is the best option and represents the golden mean between the first two, since in this case the panels are installed on a wooden crate fixed on the surface of the pediment.

It is also suitable for arranging the attic, which must first be insulated.

During the implementation of the third method on the surface of the pediment, it is necessary to fix wooden bars in increments of 40 to 50 cm

It is very important that all the outer surfaces of the bars are in the same plane. Fixing the beam is carried out using self-tapping screws or nails

The panels themselves are fixed to the crate by means of self-tapping screws. Do not tighten the screws too tight, as in the summer when the panels are heated, they will expand, which can lead to damage.

Facing with siding should begin only after the installation of the starting bar. Using a level, the starting bar is set in a strictly horizontal position and fastened with self-tapping screws to each rack.

When installing the second bar, you will have to hear a characteristic click of the locking connection, which will indicate the correct installation work. In the same way, it is necessary to carry out the lining of the attic, which must first be insulated.

The ends of all panels are cut at an angle that repeats the slope of the roof.

When covering the pediment with siding, it is advisable to leave a technical gap between the surface of the crate and the end part of the panels, which will be necessary during the thermal expansion of the elements, and also it will not allow the panels to deform when the structure shrinks.

At the final stage, the installation of the finishing bar is performed. It should be noted that this method is also suitable for facing the attic gable.

As you can see, covering the gable with siding is not the most difficult task, the main thing is to approach its implementation with all responsibility and theoretical knowledge of the matter.

  • How to make a crate for siding
  • Installation of wall sandwich panels
  • How to insulate the attic from the inside

What is needed for sheathing the pediment

To avoid delaying the installation process, it is advisable to prepare the necessary materials in advance. To work you will need the following:

  • Siding. At the moment, there are many types on sale, but vinyl and metal are the most preferred. The first option is lightweight and has excellent qualities, while the second requires a reliable foundation, but is distinguished by decorative durability.
  • Framing details. The frame can be created from a wooden beam with a section of 50 * 40 or metal profiles mounted on suspensions. An alternative may be a special suspension system for siding, but it requires financial costs and fitting parts.
  • Thermal insulation material. Its use is not always necessary: ​​for example, if the attic is non-residential. Laying insulation makes it possible to increase the energy efficiency of the house in regions with harsh winters, but subject to the insulation of the surface of the roof slabs.
  • Complementary elements. Depending on the technology chosen, you will need a starting rail, a J-profile, an inner corner, a soffit, a near-window strip (if there is a window with a slope) and a casing (an opening without a recess).
  • Steam and waterproofing. Protection from water is required for any work, and vapor barrier - when covering a living space with heating.
  • Fasteners: screws, nails.

Separately, material for scaffolding should be provided. Alternatively, other options may be used to allow work at height to be carried out without risk.

Siding calculation

Classic gable roof

Due to the fact that such a roof has the shape of a triangle, the formula is used to determine its area: ½ * (a * h).

Calculation guide:

  1. The base of the pediment is measured (a).
  2. From the top of the roof, the distance to the base (h) is measured.
  3. Separately, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window, if any, is calculated. To do this, multiply the length by the width.
  4. The area of ​​one sheathing panel is indicated by the manufacturer on the label.

Scheme 1. Calculation of the dimensions of the gable roof gable (conditionally)

Approximate calculation:

The base is 7 m, the height from the arch to the bottom is 3.5 m.

The chosen type of metal siding is ship timber, the area of ​​​​one part is 0.85 m2 (length - 366 cm, width - 23.2 cm).

½ * (7 * 3.5) = 12.25 m2. ½ is 0.5, so instead of multiplying, you can divide by 2.

If there is a window, its area is subtracted from the total.

12.25/0.85 = 14.4. The result is rounded up to 15, which means the required number of panels.

Roof with a variable angle of inclination (broken)

This design has a more complex configuration, so the procedure for calculating the total area begins with measuring the entire surface and drawing up a diagram. To quickly calculate the amount of material, the pediment is divided into geometric shapes.

Scheme 2. Division of the pediment into figures (conditionally)

After the breakdown, 4 figures are obtained: B - a rectangle, A, B1 and B2 - triangles.

The required dimensions are determined:

  • The total base of the pediment is 12 m.
  • The height from the roof or ridge to the base is 4.5 m.
  • The base of triangles B1 and B2 is 1.5 meters; height - 2 m.
  • From the total size (12 m), 1.5 * 2 is subtracted, it turns out 9 m - the length (c1) of the figure C. The width (c2) is identical to the height of the figures B1 and B2 (2 m).
  • The length (b1) of rectangle B determines the size of the base (a1) for triangle A and is 9 m, the height (a2) is 2.5 m.

The area calculation is performed as follows:

  • Triangle A: ½ * (9 * 2.5) = 11.25 m2.
  • B1 and B2: ½ * (1.5 * 2) = 1.5 m2.
  • Rectangle B: 9*2 = 18 m2 (length*width).
  • Total area: 18+1.5+1.5+11.25 = 32.25 m2.

If there is a window, its size is subtracted. The door can also be sheathed separately with siding or highlighted with other material.

For example, a panel has an area of ​​0.85 m2, then 33/0.85 = 39 (38.8) pieces. + stock 1-2 parts.

Such a calculation allows you to determine how many ordinary elements are required to sheathe a complex gable of a country or private house.

Trapezoidal shape

Scheme 3. Division of a trapezoidal pediment into figures (conditionally)

Measurements are taken and transferred to the diagram. For example:

  • common base - 12 m, height from it to the top of the roof - 2.8 m;
  • rectangle B: length - 8 m, width - 2.8 m;
  • triangles A and A1: height - 2.8 m, base - 2 m.

The area is determined:

  • rectangle B: 8 * 2.8 = 22.4 m2;
  • triangles A and A1: 2*2.8 = 5.6 m2, two figures: 5.6+5.6 = 11.2 m2;
  • total: 22.4 + 11.2 = 33.6 m2, rounded up to 34 m2.

If there is a window or door opening, its size is deducted.

34 / 0.85 (panel area) \u003d 40. Thus, in order to finish the pediment, you will need 40 parts with a small margin.

Siding is better to choose and purchase after measurements to determine the most suitable.


Like any other finishing material, siding has a number of disadvantages:

  • it does not tolerate mechanical stress well - after the impact, traces remain on the panels that cannot be got rid of (however, the damaged part can be dismantled and replaced with new elements);
  • if a fire hits the surface, it will not go out immediately (therefore, it is not recommended to make a flame in close proximity to a structure sheathed with siding);
  • if you ignore the rules for mounting panels, they may subsequently begin to warp.

If you analyze all the possible problems that may arise, it turns out that they are all completely solvable.

Sheathing the roof gable

Installation work

To carry out all the siding work, you will need the following tools:

Scheme of the pediment with siding trim.

  • protective glasses;
  • awl;
  • portable circular electric saw;
  • twine with a weight (plumb) and chalk;
  • roulette;
  • metal folding ruler;
  • pliers;
  • hacksaw for metal with small teeth;
  • level (min. 60 cm long);
  • cross saw;
  • hammer with a nail puller;
  • crimp pliers;
  • pliers-perforator;
  • metal corner;
  • screwdriver;
  • knife-cutter;
  • metal scissors.

Finishing the gable with siding panels involves the use of vertical guide elements. They should be placed sequentially every 30-40 cm. In the event that the structure is based on a wooden beam or slats, they must be additionally treated with a special antiseptic composition

You should also take into account the change in temperature in winter.

For this, it is important when creating a siding gable to take into account the process of expansion and contraction of the material.

The device of the lathing of the pediment.

During installation, it is necessary to leave a technical gap between the strips and the ends of the panels. It will ensure the free movement of the siding in a linear direction. Thus, the entire cladding will be protected from temperature changes, which can cause material destruction and deformation. It is best to fix the siding with galvanized screws or nails. Many novice builders underestimate the choice of fasteners, because they consider it only a small matter. However, this is not the case. The service life of the siding depends quite significantly on the quality of the hardware. The most common components include self-tapping screws, which significantly increase the speed of installation work. When choosing, it is worth focusing on fasteners without a drill at the end. A nail is less convenient to use, but its functionality is practically not inferior to self-tapping screws. A sufficient size of the hardware will be 30 mm to securely fix the structure. The average calculation per 100 m2 of the facade is about 1600 elements. Consumables for arranging siding should be purchased with a margin.

metal siding

This material has a long service life and is able to maintain its color vibrancy for more than 50 years. Its important advantage is its high resistance to ignition.

Metal siding is made from a layer of galvanized roofing steel, as well as a passivated layer, a primer layer and a polymer coating.

And these materials are of no interest to insects. The polymer coating is highly resistant to UV radiation, due to which it does not fade and is able to retain its original color for a long time, and can also be used to equip the attic.

However, like any material, metal siding has some drawbacks, such as low resistance to mechanical stress, the need for constant maintenance, and it costs a little more than its wooden or vinyl counterpart.

Also, a significant disadvantage of this type is the high thermal conductivity, and therefore such gables will have to be insulated after installation.

Another disadvantage of using metal elements is their relatively high weight, which makes their use absolutely unacceptable for roofs with a relatively dilapidated truss system.

Work order

Do-it-yourself sheathing of the gable with siding should begin with the arrangement of scaffolding or a reliable ladder, which is high enough to safely reach the place of work. First of all, the walls are prepared for the installation of the frame. To do this, remove the protruding parts and seal the gaps with the help of moisture-resistant mounting foam. In brick houses, it is necessary to make a frame of U-shaped metal. On a house made of wood, you can use a crate of slats. The width of the step between the rails is usually about half a meter. If the gables are planned to be insulated, then after arranging the crate, layers of thermal insulation material should be laid under the frame and covered with a waterproofing membrane.

Installing the siding on the gable in a vertical position requires fastening along the base of the gable to the self-tapping screws of the starting rail. Experts do not advise screwing fasteners all the way, as the siding material expands at high temperatures. If the length of the panel for sheathing the gable is not enough, then it is necessary to install an H-shaped profile at the junctions. The joints are arranged so that there are as few trimmings as possible and the appearance of the pediment is not affected.

Along the slopes, it is necessary to fix an L-shaped profile - panels will start behind it during installation. You also need to make a template for trimming the right and left edges of the panel. Mount the first panel on the starting rail, fixing it with a lock until it clicks. For buildings with a heated attic, the panels should be overlapped so that the wind does not penetrate. Places for tie-in windows are equipped with a special window profile so that the skin looks more neat. You can also close the joints with ordinary plastic corners.

Having laid the siding in this way to the very top edge of the structure, it is necessary to finish the corner joints with plastic corners and sheathing of the ebb. Finishers in most cases horizontally sheathe the gables with siding, but sometimes there is also a vertical finish, because the walls between the slopes of the gable type roof were traditionally equipped in this way.

Sewing up the gable with siding is an economical and reliable way to improve the appearance of the building with your own hands, increase its service life and forget about painting the walls of the house every season. Currently, on the Internet you can find a large number of photos and videos on this process, where all its stages are described in detail and many important nuances of such work are indicated. There are also many photos of the gables of houses already sheathed with siding, so you can choose how best to finish your home without any problems.

List of sources


Siding can be used to finish the pediment not only when the house is fully sheathed with siding, but also when building the roof of a brick house or any house whose walls are lined with brick. Particularly beautiful is the facing of the gable siding, which has a low tide.

To finish the gable with siding, two pairs of hands will be quite enough: one carries out the sheathing directly, working from above; the second - below - cuts the siding and delivers it upstairs.

An important step in finishing the pediment with siding is the installation of reliable scaffolding: the work process will be the easier and more comfortable, the more confident you feel on them.

To begin with, an abutment bar is installed at the base of the pediment; for this, a sheet of metal tile with a pre-cut corner on the top shelf is placed under the bar. The bar is fixed with three self-tapping screws with a press washer. Then the metal tile sheet moves further and the next plank is fixed (with a slight overlap of 2-3 cm) and so on until the end.

Sheets of metal tiles should not be immediately attached, as they will only interfere with further work.

The installation of internal corners at the base of the gable overhangs is the next step in facing the gable with siding.

Having cut off the first element as in the photo at an angle, it is fixed with self-tapping screws.

For the entire length of the gable overhang, one inner corner is usually not enough.

Performing undercutting of internal corners

Docking adjacent internal corners

Cutting and docking of internal corners at the top of the gable

It is better to measure the required length of siding panels as follows: inserting the end of the tape measure into the inner corner, measure the distance to the outer edge of the outer corner, then add 5-7 mm to this distance.

Since the groove of the outer corner is usually deeper than that of the inner corner, it is easier to install the siding by inserting one end into the outer corner, and then, bending the panel a little, fill its second end into the inner corner.

To ensure that the siding panels do not break, it is necessary to cut in the heat, even if the sheathing is done in the cold season.

The pre-cut first panel is fixed at the bottom, controlled with a 90° angle, and then the rest of the panels are inserted up to the top.

Usually, a segment of the inner corner or H-rail is installed at the upper junction of the gable overhangs, but you can do it easier: the topmost panel on one side of the overhang is bent and wound up on the other overhang by 2-3 cm, as shown in the photo.

Then the starting profile is installed and fixed, and it must be fixed in such a way that the first panel snaps into place freely behind it. To do this, you can use any trim of the siding by putting your cheek under the initial profile (see photo).

Next, the window trim is installed (wide J-profile). If the sheathing is made for a heated attic space, then it is necessary to recess the windows 12-15 cm deep so that they do not freeze through, and also install external slopes. If a cold attic is sheathed, then the window is installed flush with the outer plane of the pediment.

The cuffing is done at an angle of 45 °, and in each corner joint the upper profile is installed without a tongue, and the lower one with a tongue of about 1 cm (see photo).

It is better to install the reflux of a plastic window after the complete finishing of the pediment.

The next step is the installation of H-profiles. The places of their installation must be calculated based on the shape and size of the windows and the pediment itself; at the same time, of course, you should try to leave as little scraps as possible.

After installing all the fittings, we proceed directly to the installation of panels.

The panels need to be cut at a certain angle, which can be determined using a template from any two pieces of the panel (see photo). For convenience, two templates are usually made: one for the right side and one for the left.

When mounting the panels, the main thing is to ensure that they can move freely left and right within 1 cm.

After installing all the panels, they proceed to fixing the sheets of metal tiles on the ebb of the pediment.

A pediment is a part of the facade bounded by truss structures from above and an ebb, located at the level of the floor slabs of the upper floor, from below.

Sheathing of the pediment is made after the completion of all general construction work. Various materials are used for this: all types of siding, profiled sheet, lining, plaster compositions, boards.

Among this variety, siding occupies a special place as a universal, sought-after material for finishing a private house.

The answer lies in its technical and operational characteristics:

  • Strength, reliability, durability. The main task for external cladding is to protect the wall and insulation (if any) from the negative effects of rain, snow, wind, and ultraviolet radiation. Siding does a great job of this. It withstands many freeze-thaw cycles without cracking. Does not corrode, does not rot. With the exception of wood, mold and fungus do not multiply on other panels. Metal siding reliably protects the wall from mechanical damage. It does not need to be replaced within 20-30 years, and metal is generally designed for 40-50 years of operation.
  • Mounting technology. You can sheathe the wall on a crate with or without insulation, as well as on a bare base. All fasteners and additional elements are unified, the order of work is well studied and described. Therefore, installation can be done by hand, without the involvement of hired organizations.
  • The cost per square meter. Paneling is one of the most inexpensive types of finishes. The material, together with the frame, is cheaper than a similar volume of plaster. Siding is sold in all hardware stores, it is available to everyone.
  • Large selection of colors. Panels can be painted in any color palette, which opens up additional possibilities for facade design.

Thanks to these properties, siding remains one of the most popular materials for finishing a gable.

What siding to choose for the gable

For facing a private house, several types of siding are used:

  • Vinyl. Gable sheathing with vertical or horizontal vinyl siding is the most popular way. It does not bend, does not crack under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Under it, mold and fungus do not develop. Unlike wood, vinyl panels do not burn, but soften and melt when exposed to high temperatures. They practically do not fade under the rays of the sun. There are panels in white, pastel or bright colors. The advantages of vinyl siding include low cost per square meter.
  • Wood. This is a lining made of wood fibers pressed together. The most demanding of all types of siding. Wooden lining absorbs moisture and gynet. To slow down moisture absorption and decay, it must be periodically impregnated with an antiseptic. Siding tarnishes and cracks from ultraviolet rays. The service life does not exceed 5-10 years. It depends on the frequency of antiseptic treatment. The high cost per square meter also does not add to its popularity.
  • Ceramic. New type of siding on the market. It is made from clay with the addition of organic fillers. Environmentally friendly and non-flammable finishing material. It is characterized by an average price per square meter. It is rare in our country.
  • Cement. Textured siding imitating natural wood trim. It consists of cellulose molecules and cement. Cement-based siding does not collapse under the influence of precipitation and seasonal temperature changes. Its color does not fade from the sun, it does not crack. It is easy to mount. Siding does not require special care. Cement panels are heavy, so under them it is necessary to arrange a reinforced frame made of steel profiles. During cutting, it often bursts and crumbles. Cement siding has a very high price per square meter.
  • Metal. Galvanized siding with a polymer or powder coating is used for sheathing the gable. It is much stronger than vinyl or wood. It does not collapse under the action of atmospheric precipitation, it is reliably protected from corrosion. The color of metal siding does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet rays, does not crack. Galvanized steel panels do not support combustion, they cannot be ignited. It costs more than vinyl, but it wins in terms of performance.

After analyzing all the available types of siding, we can conclude that it is best to use vinyl panels for facing the gable of a private house. In second place, not far from the first, are steel cladding elements.

How much does it cost to cover a gable with siding

  1. Order calculation in the construction organization. Representatives of the company will come to the site, make all the necessary measurements and calculate the amount of material needed, its cost. This method is suitable when ordering a full range of works from calculation to installation. Separately, no one will agree to make measurements and calculations.
  2. Use the calculator on one of the construction sites. A convenient way for people who understand what needs to be done and how to do it. To calculate the required amount of siding and additional elements, you will need the geometric dimensions of the gable, as well as the size of the windows (if any).
  3. Do the calculations yourself. The most common way. The number of panels is determined based on the size of the gable. If it is shorter than 6000 mm, then solid panels are calculated, without a docking H-profile. If the gable length is more than 6000 mm, then an H-profile is installed in the middle of the gable, and the length of each element is equal to the distance from the ridge overhang to the dividing profile.

Additional elements are measured in running meters. These include window slopes, low tide, starting and finishing strips. The installation step of the carrier profile is 600-1200 mm. If the siding is mounted vertically, then the profile is horizontal and vice versa. The amount of windproof film is determined based on the area of ​​the pediment plus an overlap of 100-150 mm on the lower edge.

Gable trim for siding

There are three ways:

  1. Without frame. Suitable for sheathing smooth wooden gables. Without a crate, it will not be possible to mount the siding on a stone or concrete base. With this method of installation, there is no ventilation gap between the wall and the outer cladding. The pediment may begin to "cry".
  2. On a wooden frame. A common cladding method. The wooden frame can be used to install vinyl and metal siding. The frame consists of a square beam 50 × 50 mm, U-shaped suspensions (when the wall is strongly curved). Wood frame is rotten
  3. By metal frame. Most often, for the installation of all types of siding, a frame made of galvanized metal U-shaped or L-shaped profile is used. It is mounted on a bare wall as well as on suspensions.

Rules for installing a gable from siding

  • step of fastening suspensions or carrier profile 500-600 mm;
  • distance from extreme suspensions and gable corners 50-150 mm;
  • wooden bars before installation are treated with an antiseptic for 2-3 times.

Step-by-step instructions: how to sheathe a gable at home with siding with your own hands

For successful installation work, you must strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of specialists. The technology of siding installation has been studied in detail for a long time, exhaustive methodological recommendations have been compiled.

This completes the gable lining with vinyl or metal siding. Subject to the rules and installation technology, the pediment is reliably protected and will become a decoration of the facade.

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