How to decorate a bucket for a flower pot. Beautiful do-it-yourself flower pots - ideas, photos, step-by-step master class

decoration flower pots do-it-yourself one of the easiest ways to make your home more comfortable and original.

Now you can buy a wide variety of flower pots, but many people want their home to be decorated with unique accessories and interior details. In addition, the concept of DIY (do it yourself - made with your own hands) is in vogue, and many people begin to craft and needlework, even if they have never done it before.

You can buy a simple flower pot or planter in a store or online store, for example here, and if you want to make it bright and stylish, then you will need our selection of ideas on how to decorate a flower pot.

22 ideas for decorating flower pots with your own hands

  1. A simple ceramic or plastic pot can be decorated with beads or mosaic rhinestones. Use glue gun or another glue, you can try double-sided tape. Choose the pattern of the arrangement of beads to your taste.

2. From an ordinary flower pot to make a bright pineapple - great idea! To implement this method of decorating a flower pot, take a pot of a suitable shape. If the shape does not match, then polymer clay or salt dough mass will help to “bring it to mind” (see photo). After that, use paints and markers of suitable colors. If you plant aloe in such a pot, it will make the pot even more like a pineapple.

3. Similar to the previous way to decorate a flower pot. Use the photo tutorial below to make your own strawberry flower pot.

4. Take a permanent marker, acrylic or vintage paint and draw a beautiful pattern on the pot.

5. Decorating flower pots with your own hands using water and paints in the style of a watercolor ombre.

6. A simple but very cute way to decorate a flower pot with braid and lace ribbons.

7. Decoration of a ceramic flower pot in the style of "mosaic". Take pieces of a beautiful broken plate, cup, etc., stick it on the pot, and rub the remaining places with a building or gypsum mixture.

8. Do-it-yourself pots made of clay or other material are perfect for succulents. Bright and unusual coloring will make them exclusive.

10. Painted in black "slate" color pots are suitable for any inscriptions.

11. Another way to decorate a flower pot with inscriptions.

12. A cute pattern like this in the photo below will be loved by children and will take its rightful place in the children's room.

13. This way of decorating a flower pot, unlike the ombre style in step 5, suggests a random style - mix paints of several colors in water and lower the pot or planter into it. In this way, you can decorate the entire pot or just part of it.

14. Homemade flower pots from wooden block, additional coloring of some or all faces gives the product a special originality.

15. Apply to a flower pot geometric pattern- it's so simple, but it turns out a stylish little thing for decorating the interior.

16. Watercolor beauty will decorate both the flower pot and your home.

17. Spreading paint is popular. design technique decoration, applicable including for decorating flower pots.

18. Sweet decor in a "rustic" style to add ease and comfort to the home. This decoration of flower pots can be done with children.

19. Craftsmen who know the art of felting from wool and felt can make such cute pots.

20. To decorate a flower pot, you can use a beautiful fabric.

21. Needlewomen can knit such delicate and “warm” clothes for their planters.

22. Another way to decorate a flower pot with your own hands using paints.

We hope you enjoyed these ideas on how to decorate a flower pot. Write your opinion in the comments!

In our house, they do not always fit the interior of the room, and are often simply nondescript. Spring is coming and we want to transform our house, put things in order in all corners and come up with something new for comfort in our apartment. Why not start with flower pots, because they are always in sight - standing on the windowsills or somewhere near the window. At the same time, we will transplant the tired ones for a long time winter months plants in fresh soil and updated pots. First you need to decide what we want to change in the appearance of our flower pots. Maybe we are tired of their dull brown or gray color? Then everything is simple: take acrylic paints, a brush and change the color. Do not forget that before you start painting the pot, it must be well washed, dried and degreased (to do this, wipe the pot with nail polish remover or alcohol with a cotton swab).

It is necessary to pay attention to what material the flower pot is made of. If it is plastic, then before painting the pot, prime the entire surface of the pot with PVA glue, let it dry, and then paint it in the desired color acrylic paint. In addition to acrylic paints, spray paints can also be used.

When the paint dries, if you don’t get an even and beautiful layer, paint the pot again and let the paint dry well again. To fix the result, cover the pot acrylic varnish. Only when the varnish becomes dry, proceed to planting a flower in a pot.

As you can see in the photo above, the pots are not just painted with paint of one tone, but they draw drawings that anyone who can at least hold a brush in their hands can easily draw. The advantage of coloring flower pots with your own hands is that you can come up with any pattern or pattern and try to bring it to life.

It's pretty easy to decorate earthenware pots, especially those that aren't glazed. The surface of the pot is porous, so such a pot must also be primed with PVA glue before painting. When the glue is dry, carefully paint the pot in two coats. When the paint dries, start painting.

If you wish, you can decorate several flower pots in one theme and transform any room in the house with their help. Here are the pots that the boys might like.

And girls may like pots with flowers, butterflies (dragonflies) or birds.

If your child already knows how to draw something, try coloring flower pots together. Surely you will have a good and interesting time.

Children will surely be delighted with pots with eyes and spouts. They can serve as containers for small toys.

For the kitchen, paint the pot with flowers, berries, teapots or polka dots.

For the bedroom and living room, dream up and draw something that fits the interior of the room.

When inspiration comes, drawings are quickly thought up and immediately brought to life.

Sometimes even the drawings on the pot seem to be not enough for us, but we want to add something else to flower pot or the pot turned into something extraordinary. Then you need to look at home, what can be glued to the pot so that it stands out from a number of its fellows. It can be anything: beads, sequins, buttons, plastic and felt flowers and other small decorations. You need to glue on super glue or glue from a gun.

In a similar way, you can transform your flower pot by completely pasting it with shells. Such a pot will support well maritime theme in the room.

Flowerpots and pots decorated with shells can decorate not only a room, but also a balcony, terrace or porch in a garden house.

If the pot turned out well, you should not plant a plant in it that will cover the results of your work with its leaves. Plant in it, for example, cacti that grow slowly and do not hang down.

A ceramic or plastic pot can be pasted over with pebbles. To attach the stones, you can use super glue or glue from a special gun.

Simple plastic pots after decoration with pebbles, they are transformed beyond recognition.

Have you ever tried to use textured plaster to decorate pots? And you try. Get interesting results. Apply textured (embossed) plaster to the pot and, using a comb or notched trowel, apply to wet plaster any pattern you can think of. It is important not to smear the applied pattern, but to gently dry the pot. In the future, the plaster does not crumble and does not peel off.

Another noteworthy way to decorate flower pots is by gluing pieces of tree branches. Take thin branches of a tree (preferably not resinous species), garden nippers and prepare wooden "rounds". Start gluing them to the pot with hot glue from the bottom and continue until the entire area is filled. Alternate between small and large pieces of wood. When the glue dries, cover the pot with acrylic varnish.

And if you don’t want to cut the branches with wire cutters, just put two rubber bands on the pot and gently push the equally cut branches under them around the entire pot. Then tie the branches together with twine.

These pots can be decorated thin branches, painted with silver or gold paint and natural or artificial berries.

Many ways to decorate pots have already been invented. Perhaps you can come up with something of your own. Here I also bring to your attention how you can decorate pots with lace. Cut out fragments of lace and glue to the pot, which is primed with PVA glue. Next, the pot with lace needs to be painted.

To decorate the pot with twine, you will need a twine reel, PVA glue and a brush. Take a pot and coat the strip with PVA glue. Carefully start winding the twine around the pot. Further, also to the very top of the pot: coat the strip with glue and wind the twine. Then let the pot dry. Twine can even be painted any color with acrylic paint.

If you suddenly want flower pots to repeat the colors of curtains or curtains, then you need to take the fabric from which the curtains are sewn and make a pattern for the pot. To do this, on a clean piece of paper, “roll” the pot from one to the other edge of the sheet and draw two rounded lines: along the upper and lower edges of the pot. Measure the circumference of the pot from above and below, these dimensions should correspond to the lines you have drawn. Cut out the pattern and lay it on the fabric, securing with needles. By the way, do not forget to leave an extra 1 centimeter on the top and bottom of the pattern in order to be able to tuck the fabric. Glue the cut fabric with PVA glue to the pot, decorate as you wish.

From unnecessary knitwear, sew these “suits” for your pots. Look spring fresh and beautiful.

You might like the pot just wrapped in burlap.

Pots in matting bags look great, somehow it immediately becomes homely.

Everything that you read above makes sense to do with flower pots if they are still whole, without cracks, and ceramic ones do not crumble and do not crumble. And if there is no point in transforming old pots, then take them to the dacha and make such a funny “pot” company out of them.

Good luck to all!

From what and how you can make flower pots with your own hands, read

Decorating flower pots with your own hands - an exciting activity, which allows turning banal, inconspicuous or simply boring clay and plastic pots into exquisite decor elements.

Ideal material for decoration - untreated clay pots without painting and decorations: they are inexpensive and the plants feel just fine in them, while plastic containers do not have sufficient porosity, and therefore do not pass to the root system required amount air. For original decoration flower pots, almost all hand-made techniques are applicable, ranging from artistic painting and decoupage, and ending with crackle. A rich imagination, diligence and golden hands can create real miracles! We offer you several interesting ideas to help you breathe new life in nondescript pots and flowerpots.

Decorating flower pots with egg shells using the crackle technique

Crackle is a pattern of fine cracks on the surface of a ceramic product, which is created using special means for decorative effect antiquity. Usually, craquelure varnishes are used for crackle, but we will use the shells from boiled eggs. You can mix shell white and beige colour. If desired, the shell can generally be painted in any shade. Before work, the shell must be washed in warm water, degrease in solution baking soda and dry. A dark base is ideal for a natural white or beige shell, so if necessary, a light pot can be painted with dark acrylic paint.

We apply PVA glue on the surface of the pot and lay the shell on it with the convex side up, cover it with a napkin or paper and press lightly so that the shells stick tightly and become covered with craquelures - a network of cracks. To make the cracks wider, the shell pieces can be slightly pushed apart. The resulting ornament is covered with ink. As soon as it penetrates deep enough into the cracks of the shell, remove its excess with a slightly damp cloth. The paint will remain only in the cracks, and the shell itself will take on its original appearance. For durability, cover the pot with varnish.

Flower pot decor in oriental style

As in the previous version, here we will also use the eggshell crackle technique, and we will also have to delve a little into Chinese or Japanese hieroglyphics in order to select and beautifully draw symbols with actual meaning. For decoration, in addition to a flower pot, you will need eggshells, acetone, PVA glue, acrylic paints and acrylic varnish.

1. Thoroughly wash the pot and degrease it with acetone. We cover the prepared pot with silver paint. When the paint dries, cover the middle part of the pot with two layers of white paint.

2. We select hieroglyphs that are suitable in meaning and draw them with black paint on four sides of the pot. For example, you can draw the following symbols:

3. Remove the inner film from the eggshell and paint part of the shell black.

4. Let's start creating craquelure around the hieroglyphs: small plot we spread it with glue, apply a piece of shell to the surface, press it with our fingers so that the shell cracks and, using a toothpick or any suitable object, carefully push the shell apart, thereby creating space between the cracks. Similarly, lay out the entire surface between the hieroglyphs.

5. On the lower rim, painted with silver paint, lay out the craquelure with white shells.

6. When the pot with craquelure dries, cover it with several layers of varnish.

How to decorate a flower pot with a mosaic

To create a mosaic, we need colored pebbles, glass or pebbles, hot glue or regular PVA glue, tile grout, a small brush and varnish.

1. It is desirable that the pebbles or glass pieces be at least two colors, then you can try to post some interesting drawing. Before starting work with the pot, the invented drawing should be laid out on paper, if necessary, mark the pot and only then transfer the image to the surface of the pot.

2. First of all, we glue the drawing, and then we take on the background. Using hot glue will greatly speed up the process.

3. When the pebbles are thoroughly glued, we apply grout for the tile, thoroughly smearing the entire pot. If at the same time individual elements fall away, don't worry. They can be glued in a day, when the grout is completely dry.

4. 10-15 minutes after applying the grout, when it dries a little, with a wet cloth we begin to wash it off the glass or pebbles. After 24 hours if grout mixture it dries out a lot, apply another layer, wipe it again and wait another day.

5. All that remains for us is to open the pot with varnish, “settle” a plant in it and admire the creation of our own hands!

If the surface is completely laid out with pebbles, grout is not necessary. An interesting mosaic is obtained from pieces ceramic tiles, broken dishes, shells or seeds. Shells are glued using papier-mache: newspaper or toilet paper tear it into small pieces and mix it with glue, fill the shells to the top with the resulting mass and leave them to dry for a day, after that we grease the shells with glue and put them on a pot, pressing lightly.

How to decorate flower pots using decoupage technique

Colorful motifs cut from ordinary table napkins will help create a picture effect on the decorated item.

1. We paint the surface of the pot with acrylic paint suitable color. Bright colorful motifs will look most advantageous on a plain nuanced background.

2. Cut out one or more motifs you like from a multilayer napkin. We divide the napkin into layers. To work, we only need upper layer with the selected pattern.

3. We put the drawing on the pot (dry drawing on a dry surface!), Smooth it out and, using a brush, carefully cover it with PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, moving from the center to the edges so that there are no wrinkles and folds.

4. When the glue dries, cover the pot with clear varnish. The upper rim of the pot can be originally decorated with sisal, raffia threads or dry grass.

For decoupage, you can use not only paper napkins, but also any printing products, fabrics, lace.

Decoration of flower pots with sisal

Sisal can be an excellent decoration for a pot. Lubricate the surface of the pot with building glue and lay sisal threads in a circle. A piquant highlight can be a pigtail woven from the same material and glued to a pot wrapped in sisal.

Making a rustic flower pot

For modest flowers, reminiscent of field or meadow, a pot decorated with twigs will be an ideal “house”. For this simple but very unusual decor we need thin, even branches with a pleasant texture, burlap, a not very wide pot or jar with even sides, twine. We cut the branches so that they are slightly higher than the pot. We tie the branches with twine. We wrap the pot with burlap, sewing the ends together or fixing them with hot glue. On top of the burlap we wrap the pot with tied branches, connecting the ends with twine bows.

Decorating antique pots: how to create a patina effect

A couple of simple manipulations and the most ordinary clay pot will turn into an antique rarity. How? One, two, three!

1. Degrease the surface of the pot with any alcohol-containing liquid and carefully process sandpaper with 70 grit.

2. We cover the pot with moisture-resistant putty with careless strokes and let it dry.

3. We apply swamp-colored paint over the putty. When it dries, use 100 grit sandpaper to lightly rub over the places where the putty lay too thick. Well, now your pot looks like it was dug up during excavations. ancient rome!

Original decor of flower pots and planters

  • Moss and cones.

  • Birch bark.

  • To keep your green friends always warm and cozy, knit cute blouses for them or simply use sleeves from an old knitted sweater to make covers.

  • For a container with geraniums, a rustic “suit” made of burlap and buttons is perfect. We make a pattern, wrap the pot with burlap in several layers, mask the crumbling edges and decorate the “suit” with large decorative buttons, best of all - wooden ones. For a strong fixation of the burlap on the pots, we thread and fasten a tourniquet or elastic band along the upper edge.

  • We paste over the pot with simple pencils with an elastic band of the same color and size, and decorate the composition with a satin and organza bow.

Flower pots. DIY flower pot decoration

Someone buys expensive and richly decorated clay pots (sometimes completely out of line with general style decoration of the room), others, without hesitation, take simple plastic flower pots from the supermarket shelf, which are also not very beautiful.

How to inexpensively and beautifully make a pot an exquisite element of decor ??? For this, simple untreated clay pots without decorations and paintings are suitable for you. This has two pluses: they are inexpensive and ideal for a place of residence. indoor plants, whereas plastic containers for indoor flowers do not have the necessary porosity and, as a result, they do not allow enough air to pass to the root system.

First decide on colors in which you want to decorate flower pots. It is desirable to make them, if different, then sustained in the same style.

You can decorate flower pots in a variety of ways. Almost any needlework technique is applicable here.

Clay pots can be painted with paint from a balloon, wrapped with coarse thread or braid, painted with special paints, or beautifully draped with a cloth. You can also stick an application or beautiful beads on the pot and open the composition with varnish, you can make a planter out of fabric. With braid, embroidery, or just sew buttons on top, felt hearts, tie a ribbon with a bow.


Knitted flower pots look original:


You can wrap the pot with a pigtail of birch bast, dry grass, a simple rope or a tourniquet:


Very beautiful decoration of flower pots in decoupage style:


Option - just paint with acrylic paint:


In general, flower pots can be decorated with anything: shells, beads, buttons.

The pot looks beautiful, the pattern of which resembles a flower growing in it. It is good when the color of the flowerpot matches the color of the leaves or inflorescences of the plant.

Non-standard decor
With the help of putty mass, colored paints and sandpaper standard terracotta pots can be quickly turned into "antiques". We suggest cheating time and not waiting for the patina to appear by itself, but "aging" the pots in advance with your own hands.

Another option for non-standard decor is painting at home. You will need unglazed earthenware pots, waterproof varnish, and the same wall paint. Use mineral paints for clay pots and acrylic paints for plastic ones. Apply them in a continuous layer on the surface of the vessel. You can use templates that are sold in flower shops. They are strengthened on a pot and applied with a brush of contrasting paint. The most ordinary pots with the help of this simple technique will look like bright spots and will greatly decorate your windowsill.

Decorating flower pots is one of the elements of home decor.

What if the old flower pot is still quite strong, but completely unsightly?

Funny stripes way. Decorating a flower pot with a strip of fabric, as in the photo above, is a breeze


The only thing is to find a piece of dense, rigid fabric that matches the color, cut out a rectangle along the height of the pot (add 2-3 cm on all sides to the hem) and tuck the sections if they crumble. It remains to fix the fabric on the pot by gluing it along the upper edge and side, or you can chop off the edges of the “clothes” with pins (or sew on Velcro) - then the cover will be easier to change or remove for washing.

Learn more about decorating flower pots with glass mosaics

Necessary tools and materials for this:

plastic flower pot;
glass pieces (you can also use colored pebbles for an aquarium);
PVA glue or "hot" glue;
small brush;


1. If your glasses are at least 2 colors, you can make some kind of drawing (in the version presented to your attention, this is a fish). First you need to lay out your chosen drawing on paper. The next step is gluing the glass. First you need to glue the picture, and then the background.

Note. If you use "hot glue", it will take you no more than 30 minutes to glue the glass. If you take PVA glue, this process will take several days, since you will need to glue the glass, gradually turning the pot, and wait for the glue to dry. After the "hot glue" it is necessary to remove the cobweb.

2. After the glass has dried, we apply putty. It is necessary to thoroughly coat the entire pot. In this case, some pieces of glass may fall off - it's okay, glue them when the putty dries (after 24 hours).

3. After about 5 minutes, when the putty dries a little, start rinsing it off the glass with a wet cloth. Then wait 24 hours for everything to dry completely. The putty may dry out a little during this time. Then you have to apply another layer, then wash all the glass again and wait another 24 hours.

4. Final stage- most pleasant! It is necessary to carefully cover the glass with varnish - and your mosaic will shine!


Most simple ways flower pot decor.

Glue beautiful beads, buttons of interesting shapes, shells, rhinestones, pieces of plastic or glass, pebbles, amber onto the flower pot.

Method 1. You can pick up different parts of the same color, contrasting with the color of the pot. Or pick up decorative elements in tone with the main color of the pot. This method is very suitable for decorating clay or completely featureless flower pots.

A little trick: buy a glue gun, and gluing small decorative details will be easy and fast.

Method 2. You can use textiles left from curtains to decorate pots or pick up shreds of fabric to match the color of the curtains.

Or maybe the other way around! Flower pots decorated with bright contrasting ribbons will attract attention.

It can be beautiful ribbons, picturesquely tied around the pot.

A little trick: if you decorate several pots at once, make a pattern.

Method 3. Draw a pattern with acrylic paints on a clay flower pot (keep this in mind when painting and spread the paper when you paint).

The simplest drawing is the one based on geometric shapes: ovals, circles.

Designate with a simple pencil drawing outline. AT this case you need to draw an oval, paws and head of a turtle. Fill in the contour with terracotta paint and draw a frame around the turtle.

This drawing is good because if your hand suddenly trembles, then in this place you can paint on something.


The decorative possibilities for decorating flower pots are almost endless!

Cloth decoration

For work you will need:

Terracotta pots
pattern paper;
wide brush;
PVA glue;
thickener (PVA glue, diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1);
the cloth;
sharp knife;
On the outside mark the pot with a pencil


vertical center line. Lay the pot sideways on a sheet of paper so that the drawn line coincides with the edge of the sheet. Roll it across the surface of the paper, marking the top and bottom of the pot, as if you were making a pattern. Add 2cm seam allowance on both sides to fold over the edges. Then cut out the pattern.

Cover the pot with a thin layer of thickener and leave to dry. This will protect the surface of the terracotta and, by acting as a primer, will help the fabric adhere to the pot. Place the cut paper on the right side of the selected material and cut the fabric.

Put the pattern in a flat dish (tray, dish), pour on top

A little thickener and spread it with a brush over the surface of the fabric. Remove the workpiece from the dish and let the excess liquid drain.


Do not wring out the material, otherwise it will wrinkle.

Wrap the fabric around the flower pot, smoothing it slightly so it lies flat. At the same time, please contact Special attention on the protruding edge of the pot.

Trim loose fabric allowances, make incisions in a circle at regular intervals and carefully bend them over the top
edge of the pot. If necessary, use some PVA glue. In the same way, cut the material at the base of the pot, fold it under the edge and trim it, leaving the hole in the bottom uncovered.

decorative bow

Cut a rectangle of fabric about a third the height of the pot and twice the width. Cover it with hardener in the same way as a pot blank. Bend the opposite long edges so that they meet in the middle, press and dry for about 45 minutes.

Lay the resulting strip on the work surface on the wrong side.
side up and join the short sides in the center. Press down and
leave to dry a little. Insert the folded pieces inside the bow
thick paper so that it retains its shape and leave until completely
dry until the bow holds its shape on its own.

In the meantime, prepare a small piece of the same material for
center border and cover with hardener. Tie the prepared ribbon in the center, while aligning the ends of the bow.

Apply a little PVA on the back of the bow (at several points) and, attaching to the pot, secure. Leave to dry.



For this decoration, use a fabric with a catchy pattern, such as butterflies or flowers. Cut the silhouette roughly according to the drawing, process with a hardener. When the workpiece is dry, carefully trim the outline using sharp scissors. Glue the appliqué to the pot. Press it with paper and wait until the glue dries.


Pots can be pasted over with a corrugated gasket cardboard boxes. The paper is cut into strips, glued onto pots and varnished. In my own way appearance such flower pots are in no way inferior to industrial ceramics.

Pot tied with colored threads.
This method is suitable for those craftswomen who love and know how to knit. First, we measure the parameters of the pot, then knit at the discretion and desire with any pattern. And only then ready product"dress" on the potty.

Pot glued with colored soil for the aquarium or colored stones. To do this, we spread a small area of ​​the pot with glue and sprinkle it with soil, pressing lightly. After drying, you can paint it in any desired color, or leave it like that. And varnish

You can simply decorate with ribbons or bows, or you can embroider.

Another option is to sew covers for pots, or dress them in beautiful "clothes".

Decoration of flower pots. Decoupage technique

The easiest, fastest and effective method decorating flower pots - decoupage technique. To modify the pot, you will need a brush, special decoupage glue or PVA mixed with water in equal proportions, acrylic varnish and base color acrylic paint, ordinary but high-quality paper napkins or clippings from magazines with beautiful pattern suitable color.

Decoupage of flower pots is quite simple: after painting the container with acrylic paint and completely drying it, we cut out the pattern from the napkin along the contour, remove the topmost layer with the pattern, smear the surface of the pot with glue and carefully glue our picture on it. We smooth it, let it dry, cover it with acrylic varnish and ... enjoy the job well done !!

Decoupage of a flower plastic pot
Tools and materials


plastic flower pot
Layered napkin with violet pattern
White acrylic paint
masking tape
Blue spray paint
Yellow rhinestones
Braid with hearts
Clear acrylic lacquer
Universal glue
wide brush
Let's get to work on decorating a flower pot
The surface of the entire flower pot, with the exception of the rim, is covered with white paint.
After the paint has dried, apply masking tape under the rim to protect the white surface from the blue spray. We paint the bezel with blue spray paint, after drying, remove the masking tape. If you replace the spray with regular paint, masking tape will also be needed.
From paper napkin cut out the violets. To make it more convenient, you can first circle them with felt-tip pens. Carefully separate the ink layer from the paper base
Gently press each violet against the white part of the pot and carefully brush over its surface with an acrylic lacquer brush. After all the violets have dried, the entire surface of the pot will need to be coated again with acrylic varnish. Now our flower pot is not afraid of water, it can be washed without fear of damaging the picture.
Glue yellow rhinestones between the violets using universal glue.
Glue a blue ribbon with hearts on the blue rim.
If desired, and a small amount of imagination, you can create other drawings. It is important to choose matching colors.

For decoupage, you can use two-layer napkins with a beautiful pattern, and drawings on plain or rice paper. In the latter case, the technique will be slightly different:

We put the paper drawing in water for several minutes, transfer it to a paper towel and blot it thoroughly;
apply a small amount of glue on the surface and on the reverse side of the picture;
carefully transfer the drawing to the surface, press it with a sponge (so that air bubbles go away);
cover the entire surface with varnish or decoupage glue.
Decoupage of a flower ceramic pot
1. We buy an ordinary ceramic pot.
2. beautiful napkins are sold individually in an art store, choose the one you like, but think in advance what would match the background.
3. acrylic paint is suitable for the background, although there are cases showing that you can apply the background with ordinary gouache :)
4. be sure to buy a regular transparent construction varnish. It is much cheaper than those offered in art stores, and the function is the same.
The background should be applied to the pot with a roller or a piece of foam, but not with a brush, otherwise there will be stripes from the brush when it all dries


5. Cut out the pattern from the napkin and separate the topmost layer. Usually a napkin consists of 4 layers, there are also 2. We take the top one - with a pattern.

6. Apply paint to the pot - let it dry. It is advisable to leave it for several hours so that it dries completely. Then you definitely won't get stuck.
With ordinary PVA glue, carefully apply a thin layer gradually on our napkin.

Attention! Do not do it all at once on the whole napkin if the drawing is large. Otherwise, it may stick with wrinkles that you can’t smooth out without tearing! It is better to do it gradually, but carefully.
After applying the tissue paper, let it dry and harden.
Apply a thin layer of varnish with a brush over the entire surface of the pot and napkin.

The attractiveness and unusual decoration of a flower pot is limited only by your imagination!

Dedicated to lovers of the garden on the windowsill! A flower can be compared with a person. A well-chosen outfit can hide the flaws of the figure or face. And vice versa, tasteless clothes will spoil even the most beautiful lady. Therefore, the choice of a flower pot is of great value in creating general view. A beautifully designed container is expensive, and DIY flower growers take up decorating pots on their own.

Having done everything with your own hands, you will receive a unique handmade item. And we will show you how to decorate a flower pot as profitably as possible.

First, let's get mentally prepared. After all, any thing made with love brings positive energy to your garden. Then we move on to the material. We will need a base - a flower pot of any size, shape and structure (we will pick up an idea for each).

The pot that we take as a basis needs to be properly prepared. To do this, you need to clean it from dirt and the existing design. Then you should dry it and then proceed depending on what we are going to do.

Decor of flower pots

Design Ideas

In the proposed options, you do not need to purchase expensive materials in order to create a luxurious flowerpot. To do this, we will use improvised materials that everyone has in the house. Everything that is at hand is used. However, when choosing suitable design base material must be taken into account.

Let's take a closer look at a few ideas.

Beautiful decoration of flower pots with your own hands

Modern decor of flower pots with your own hands

DIY flower pot decoration


One of the simple and at the same time good options- the cloth. To create such a design, you need to take a clean ceramic or plastic pot, rub it with sandpaper (for better adhesion to the material). Next, apply glue to the surface in strips along the pot in a circle. Now you can start finishing. To do this, gently attach one edge of the fabric to the pot along its length, and continue wrapping the fabric, smoothing it (so that air bubbles do not accumulate under it). Triangular cuts should be made on both sides to make it easier to fix the material. All! The original pot is ready.

Idea for decorating flower pots

Decor of flower pots


If you want to complicate the task, the option with lace is suitable for you. With their help, you can make a gentle and cute planter in vintage style. As in the first case, the laces are held by glue. But here you need to be more careful, as droplets of glue can peep through between the laces. It is advisable to apply it in those places where the most tissue-filled areas are expected to be. The rest of the technology is the same. It is enough to "plant" the laces on the glue in any order. You can decorate the pot completely or place lace around the edge. The choice is yours.


Another option for decorating a flower pot is burlap. It is used on the same principle as the other fabric. This decor will give the garden a gentle rustic look. Complete it with buttons, decorative bugs, pebbles, flowers.

Beautiful decoration of flower pots with your own hands

Modern decor of flower pots with your own hands

DIY flower pot decoration


Using eggshells, we create an exquisite mosaic. We will need:

    ceramic or clay pot;


Prepare the eggshell. It needs to be washed and ceilinged up to the right sizes. Then gradually apply glue to the pot and lay out the mosaic, choosing the right parts of the shell. Using this technique, you can create a specific pattern, completely fill the space, or create a frame for a picture applied using the decoupage technique. If desired, the resulting design can be painted with waterproof paint.

Idea for decorating flower pots

Decor of flower pots


Can be used to decorate flower pots various materials, even paper or napkins. It will be possible to transfer the selected drawing from paper to the base using the decoupage technique. This requires:

    flower pot;


    drawing on a napkin or paper;

It is desirable that the base be made of clay, ceramic or glass (but plastic is also suitable) in light colors.

We separate the top layer of the napkin (on which the pattern is) or take paper (it should be thin) with a pattern, lean it against the pot and gradually cover it with glue. So it will be fixed on the base and get a little wet, taking desired view(like a drawing on a pot). We are waiting for complete drying, and cover with varnish for complete fixing and shine.

Beautiful decoration of flower pots with your own hands

Modern decor of flower pots with your own hands

DIY flower pot decoration


Another interesting, not expensive and enough simple idea for decorating flower pots - the use of cereals. This option also suitable for joint creativity with the child.

To do this, you need any base, PVA glue, brushes, and cereals that are bored on the shelves. It is better to take cereals with a flat edge: peas, lentils, pasta of any modification. Then fantasy comes into play. Using cereals, we have the opportunity to make original design pots simply by placing them on the upper and lower circle of the product, as well as create any picture. For the latter, semolina, rice, buckwheat, millet are well suited. Ready to need can be painted in accordance with the contours.

Idea for decorating flower pots

Decor of flower pots


Create a nautical theme with shells. They can be brought by you from a seaside resort, then this design will also be symbolic, reminding you of a vacation. Otherwise, you can purchase them at the store.

They are attached in a manner similar to the previous ones. That is, everything is held by glue. The rest is only up to your imagination. Seashells can be used to create a great marine motif on the surface of the pot, simply by arranging them in a certain order. Another idea that will remind you of a good time: transfer a photograph to the base using the decoupage technique and make a frame out of shells. Supplement the design by placing the remaining ones over the area. If desired, they can be covered with sparkles or paint.

Beautiful decoration of flower pots with your own hands

Modern decor of flower pots with your own hands

DIY flower pot decoration

Ropes and threads

For the decoration of flower pots, the use of ropes and threads in different options. Let's consider a few:

    Leg-split. A pot trimmed with this material will look attractive and restrained. It is necessary to grease the pot in a circle with glue, and tie it with threads, leaning them tightly against each other. It turns out original base. It can be decorated with various decorations to your taste, or left as is.

    Threads for knitting. Yarnbombing flower pots (covered with bright knitted fabrics) will add a cheerful touch to the garden, besides, they will protect the plants from hypothermia and overheating.

Idea for decorating flower pots

Decor of flower pots

Instead of a conclusion

Decorating flower pots is a fairly simple task. To create a masterpiece, you will need a base, glue and improvised materials. Of course, we do not forget about a positive attitude and wake up all our imagination.

Video: Flower pot decor
