Prayers to the Mother of God: all prayers to the Most Holy Mother of God. Prayer "Theotokos Virgin, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you": text, description

complete collection and description: rejoice virgin Mary prayer meaning for the spiritual life of a believer.

In Christianity, there are many prayers that are considered miraculous. One of them is the prayer "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice." It gives believers not only peace and joy, but also brings good luck in business.

Prayer text

Words of prayer very simple and easy to understand, so remembering it will not be difficult for anyone:

Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are You in women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls.

The Lord Himself told us about how powerful the prayer of the Virgin Mary is and how much it helps us in difficult situations. With these lines we glorify the Mother of God, because she gave the world the baby Jesus, who later took on our sins. We thank her for being a conduit between God's grace and our souls.

As you read “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice,” you express immeasurable respect for heaven and for the steadfastness of the Virgin Mother in the face of enemies and evil people throughout the earthly path of Jesus Christ, while his mother was next to him.

When to say this prayer

miraculous prayer"Hail, Virgin Mother of God" can be read at any time, but most Christians read it in the morning, afternoon and evening. According to believers, when they for a long time they do not cry out to the Lord through these words, their life is filled with despondency and misfortune. Others note that they turn to God for help with this prayer when they life path difficulties are encountered.

The miracle of this prayer lies in the light it gives to the soul. With her simple and unsophisticated, but powerful words, she saved and will save many more destinies and souls. To achieve the same effect, you need to read it with respect, and not thoughtlessly repeat the prayer text.

If you read "Our Lady Virgin, rejoice" 150 times a day then you will find happiness, and the Mother of God will cover you with her cover. Seraphim of Sarov said that this prayer is capable of anything - you just have to give a piece of your soul and invest some time in reading the prayer.

The miracle of "Virgin Mary, Rejoice" lies in its simplicity, which gives everyone Orthodox Christian happiness along with another important prayer, "Our Father". Even repeating prayer words three times - morning, afternoon and evening - you will transform your life. Prayer will give you health, good luck and good mood. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

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What helps the prayer "Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice"?

The prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, full of grace” is one of the oldest prayer appeals. There is another name - “Angelic Greeting”, and this is due to the fact that the text was based on the words of the Archangel Gabriel, who descended to earth during the Annunciation to tell Mary that she was pregnant with the Savior of mankind.

What helps the prayer "Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice"?

The text of the prayer is aimed at glorifying the Mother of God, since she gave the world Jesus Christ, who took over all the sins of mankind. It is a kind of gratitude for her help in the opportunity to turn to God.

The miraculous prayer “Virgin Mary, rejoice overjoyed” can be said at any time and several times a day. It is usually read in the morning, afternoon and evening. Believers say that this prayer text allows you to cope with existing problems, feelings and fears. The power of prayer lies in the fact that it fills a person with a kind of light that will help save the soul. They read the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos “Virgin, rejoice” in order to find consolation, instruct children and people who have departed from the church on the right path. She helps to find people who have gone missing, to protect themselves from problems and temptations. Regular reading of the prayer helps the soul to meet with the Mother of God after death. Her strength allows you to protect yourself from grief and various temptations and start a righteous life. The prayer of the Mother of God is a powerful amulet from various evils.

To get the desired effect, you need to read a prayer, following some rules. You need to repeat the text 150 times a day, for which you should use a rosary. It is important to pronounce the words not automatically, but thoughtfully, putting meaning into each word, otherwise nothing will work out.

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Prayer "Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice"

Among the many Orthodox prayers and appeals to God and His saints, the invocation of the Most Holy Mother of God is probably the most popular. The Queen of Heaven is indeed a very great heavenly intercessor and patroness of every person who calls on Her with sincere faith. Among the many texts glorifying the Mother of God, the most famous is the Song of the Theotokos or the prayer “O Virgin Mary, rejoice.”

The meaning of the prayer "Virgin Mary, rejoice"

The Song of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the most common prayers, which consists of laudatory and welcoming phrases taken from the Gospel. So, the appeal “Blessed Mary, rejoice, the Lord is with you” was uttered by the Archangel Gabriel when the Virgin was notified about the future birth of Jesus Christ.

The words about the blessed wife and the blessed fruit of the womb were uttered by the righteous Elizabeth, to whom the Mother of God came after she had learned about the future birth of the Son.

Also, this text clearly indicates the fact that the Mother of God is the most glorified among any other women who have ever lived on Earth. Although by nature Mary was ordinary person, sanctified by God's grace, she was awarded such a crown of holiness, which no other person after Her was awarded. The birth of Jesus Christ sanctified not only the soul of the Ever-Virgin, but also Her flesh. This is evidenced by such words from the prayer as "blessed are you in women" and "graceful."

Important! Since the very meaning of prayer is laudatory and joyful, reading these sacred words can help a person cope with many difficulties, calm down and feel the joy of communion with God. Glorifying the Mother of God, a person, as it were, expresses his readiness and desire to become involved in that Heavenly joy, which he can comprehend only through the knowledge of God. And there is no greater helper and intercessor on this path than the Virgin Mary.

Also important are last words prayers "as if the Savior gave birth to our souls." These words emphasize the meaning of Mary's earthly ministry - the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, who redeemed the sins of all mankind with His Blood. The essence of Christ's sacrifice was, first of all, precisely in the salvation of the human soul - many people forget about this today. People come to God with a variety of requests and worldly needs, but at the same time they very rarely ask for spiritual gifts. It is important not to forget that not a single prayer will be heard if a person does not see spiritual rebirth as the ultimate goal of his life.

When can I read the prayer “O Virgin Mary, rejoice”

As for church services, this text, addressed to the Ever-Virgin Mary, is read almost more often than any other. It is with these words that the evening service ends, after which the morning service begins, at which the birth of Christ is glorified. Along with the Our Father, the Song of the Mother of God is sung three times at the morning service.

As for non-church use, you can read a hymn of praise to the Mother of God in such cases:

  • for the blessing of food;
  • to leave the house;
  • on the road;
  • when attacked by evil forces;
  • in any grief, despondency, sadness.

It should be said that there are no obstacles to turning to the Mother of God in certain life circumstances. You can call on Her for help at any time, if a person feels the need and desire for spiritual support. The only thing that should always be remembered is that you can only pray for charitable and non-sinful things. If a person, through prayer, wants to harm his enemies, get dishonest profits, circumvent the law, or do something else impartial, he takes a big sin on his soul, for which he will definitely answer before God.

Important: Arriving at the temple, you can find any image of the Virgin Mary, and read the text, standing in front of it.

If a person’s family has especially revered icons of the Virgin, you can look for just such a one in the temple. But do not be upset if the church does not have the desired image - you can quite easily opt for any of those that are available.

In addition, after reading the canonical text of the song of praise, you can turn to the Queen of Heaven in your own words and express a petition or appeal. Thus, a person will avoid formal reading of texts, and communication with God and His Mother will be personal, coming from the depths of the soul.

Since the prayer “Virgin Mary, Rejoice” is very short, it is convenient to read it almost anywhere: on the road, while driving, before starting work, before eating. If for some reason a person does not have time to read his usual prayer rule, you can always read this short text several times, as well as the Our Father. Even such a short appeal to God will be accepted and a person will receive consolation if he turns with all his heart and with a desire to repent and change his life for the better.

Prayer "Virgin Mary, rejoice"

Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Gracious Mary, the Lord is with you: blessed are you in women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if you gave birth to our souls as the Savior.

Orthodox prayer "Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice"

In the world of Orthodox Christians, you can find a lot of prayers dedicated to the Virgin Mary. And every Christian has his strongest and best supplication to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

All Orthodox believers repeat such a petition not only in moments of difficulty and sorrow, but also in moments of joy.

Prayer appeal of St. Mary "Mother of God Devo rejoice” is based on the greeting of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary at the moment of the Annunciation.

The traditional church places the mother of Jesus Christ above all saints and angels. And today you can hear the prayer “Hail the Virgin Mary” in various languages ​​of the world. The appearance of this prayer occurred at the time of the rise of Christianity. And every believer endows the text of the prayer appeal with great and fundamental significance. This great prayer do not get tired of singing and listening to Latin, where the song is called "Ave, Maria".

When is the address to the Blessed Mary used?

Liturgical practice highlights the prayer appeal to the Holy Virgin in the foreground. The prayer to the Theotokos Virgin, rejoice, serves as the final part of the Sunday evening service, closing the evening and opening the way to the morning service, when the birth of the divine son is glorified.

Also, the prayer “Hail to the Virgin Mary” is always heard three times in the morning, as well as “Our Father”. Such a prayer serves as a blessing for the food. Pilgrims setting out on their journey along the St. Mary's Canal to Diveevo recite the prayer at least five hundred times, and by monks and pious Christians it is recited at least one hundred and fifty times daily.

Even the prayer appeal "Our Father" is not so often referred to as "Hail to the Mother of God Virgin." Among the people, Orthodox Christians say that if misfortune or something unpleasant happens to a person, you should listen to the Mother of God and everything will work out.

Even in minor troubles or in a depressive state, a prayer petition to the Mother of God will always help and guide you on the right path.

But the most important thing when saying a prayer is true, deep faith and bright thoughts.

The semantic meaning of the petition of St. Mary

By pronouncing the words of the text of the prayer petition to the Virgin Mary, rejoice, the soul of any person is filled with grace in an unknown way. And he begins to feel the Spirit of the world, the mercy of God, silence and harmony. In church teaching, the Mother of God is revered above all saints, and the appeal to the Mother of God serves as a union of the human spirit with the Heavenly Spirit.

The clergy of the church advise resorting to the prayer of the Mother of God whenever a person feels the approach and danger of evil forces. If you read a prayer with strong anger and irritation, with anxiety and fear, the mercy of the Mother of God will instantly save you from the crafty and evil arrows of the enemy.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos

In Christianity, the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, one of the most revered personalities and the greatest of Christian saints.

Prayer to the Virgin Mary Rejoice: comments

One comment

I say the prayer “Virgin Mary, rejoice” every morning three times, after reading the “Our Father”. This prayer seems to fill my soul with mercy, participation and grace. Earlier in the morning I was tormented by despondency, I could not relate to the world with a smile and bestow my good mood on others. Since I started reading “Hail to the Mother of God Virgin,” my inner state has improved, I feel peace and a surge of strength.

Miraculous prayer to the Queen of Heaven - Virgin Mother of God, rejoice

“Rejoice, Virgin Mary,” are the first words of the Angel Gabriel, with which he announced the good news to the Ever-Virgin Mary. At the Seventh Ecumenical Council, which consisted of four hundred bishops, a dogma was adopted on the veneration of icons of the Lord Jesus Christ, Angels, Saints, and the Most Holy Theotokos was honored special attention. In addition to humble worship of her holy face, the Mother of God rule was adopted - to honor the Angelic greeting with holy prayer and canonical hymns in the everyday life of church services. Catholics have a similar revered text of the prayer, which is also on everyone's lips - "Ave Maria".

The Annunciation of the Ever-Virgin - Joy to all Christians

The Holy Orthodox Church ranks the Annunciation among the Twelve Feasts. It is celebrated on March 25 (April 7 - according to the Gregorian, the new calendar). This great event is described by the Apostle Luke - at that hour, when six months had elapsed from the conception of the righteous Elizabeth of her son, St. John the Baptist, a miracle happened. The Archangel Gabriel, sent by God, appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced her about the future:

According to theologians and holy shepherds, the words of God's messenger "Rejoice, O Gracious One", are the main ones, proclaiming goodness for all mankind, the first since the time when Eve was announced about her fall into sin. Unlike Eve, who was cursed to give birth to her children in illness and pain, the Mother of God received a gift - rejoice, the curse has been lifted from the entire human race by the birth of the Son of God.

Fact! It is alleged that a messenger with great news came to Mary on the same day when the Creation of the world took place. Thus, mankind received a second chance for atonement for sins, from that moment the second countdown of earthly history began.

Prayer and its miraculous property

The angel announced to the Virgin about the immaculate conception in her blessed womb of the one who will save mankind - the Son of God, whose Name will be glorified in Heaven, Earth and in the heart of everyone living in this world. Therefore, the bishops of the Council of Nicaea decided that the angelic word should be given a worthy magnification.

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you,

Blessed are you in women

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,

like the Savior gave birth to our souls

The meaning of some words of prayer and their meaning:

  1. Mother of God- the one who gave us God.
  2. Blessed in women- means that the Ever-Virgin is exalted and glorified among other wives of the human race.
  3. Gracious- who received grace as a gift by the grace of the Almighty.

That is why the prayer to the Theotokos Virgin has become that miraculous word that gives our heart the grace of Holy Heaven. Embedded in this prayer is the aspiration of our soul to find help from the Ever-Virgin in every misfortune, forgiveness and salvation of us, the humble, in a difficult lot. After all, she is Graceful and Blessed to grant us her mercy, to be the Protectress over us.

  • Hail to the Theotokos Virgin is an obligatory prayer, like a troparion, during the all-night vigil.
  • Rejoice Virgin - the canonical prayer for the morning prayer for all Orthodox Christian rites. The only exceptions are important memorable days.
  • In a normal service, it is executed three times.
  • When praying for troubles or turning to the Ever-Virgin with a request for mercy, it is used large quantity times, which is determined more often at the behest spiritual guide, a priest.

It's important to understand! The obedience of the Blessed Mary serves as the first act of redemption in the history of mankind before God Most High, after the fall of Eve and her disobedience. That is why the words have a sacred meaning - the Mother of God redeemed, rejoice - you gave the Savior to people.

Folk recipes for help in troubles and illnesses

Hail to the Theotokos Virgin is used in every prayer of the Holy Heavens for the granting of mercy and comfort in sorrows. Being a canonization of the voice of an angel, prayer is necessarily used in rituals and prayers.

Infertility is a misfortune that the Mother of God will solve

Every woman is happy when her child is born. The inability to produce it becomes a great grief for the family. When traditional medicine remains helpless, they often seek help from the Holy Heavens. What is important - only God is given to heal your womb from trouble and give a child to parents. But for this you need to show your meekness, convince the Almighty of your reverence and ask him for permission from misfortunes. The Mother of God always acts as an intercessor and petitioner for the happiness of every woman. First of all, prayers are offered to her for the grace of childbearing.

You will have to pray diligently - when deciding on a ceremony, be sure of the firmness of your spirit to endure all the difficulties, for you need to pray for at least forty days. But the reward will be the miracle of your life.

  • Confess and take communion - this is the first thing the Orthodox do before starting any rite of communication with Higher Powers and Saints.
  • Ask for blessings from the father, the holy father of the church in which you are a parishioner.
  • Every morning, getting up and not having tasted either water or food, start praying.
  • Hail to the Mother of God Virgin - the main sacred song of everyone who asks for the blessing of the Heavenly Queen. It is read 50 times, after the canonical three-time reading of the Our Father.
  • The prayer service is completed with a triple reading of the kontakion of magnificence, which is also called the “Song of the Virgin”.

And my spirit rejoiced in God my Savior,

That He looked upon the humility of His servant, for from now on all generations will please Me;

That the Mighty One has done me greatness, and holy is His name;

And His mercy from generation to generation to those who fear Him;

Revealed the strength of His arm;

He scattered the haughty thoughts of their hearts;

He brought down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted the humble;

He filled the hungry with good things, and let the rich go with nothing;

He received Israel, his servant, remembering mercy,

As he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and his seed forever”

Important! Prayer is said before the holy image of the Virgin. Better if you care and buy consecrated icon"Annunciation Holy Mother of God", she has great power to give motherhood to a suffering woman.

Infidelity of the spouse - grief and sadness

A terrible misfortune for a family can turn into infidelity in marriage. Of course, you can shed tears and tear your heart in search of someone to blame, but it is better to turn your prayers and aspirations for reconciliation and admonition to the intercessor of all wives - the Mother of God.

She is able to give reassurance to a torn soul and set on the path of truth the one who has violated the oath of allegiance - Mother of God, help, and then rejoice for us - our prayer says. You need to be patient and diligently ask for the help of the Almighty and the Queen of Heaven.

  • The ritual must begin with confession and communion in order to cleanse the body and soul from the burden of sins.
  • The icon of the Mother of God “Fadeless Color” has great power to return peace and harmony to the family. Get it, it will not only become an assistant in this trouble, but will also protect your marriage in the future from any disagreements and quarrels.
  • For forty nights pray to the Queen of Heaven to give you her mercy. Rejoice in the Mother of God - three times at the beginning and at the end. And nine times they read the prayer to the icon "Fadeless Color"

Important! Do not be lazy and read the prayers for the due time. If you feel an increasing mental pain, then the Psalms will help you calm down a little in such a case.

Well-being and harmony in the family

Of course, the most important concern of any wife is peace and quiet within the walls of the house. It’s great when there is harmony and understanding between spouses, children grow up and delight, the house arrives with all sorts of benefits. But remember that without God's grace, everything can collapse in a moment. Let the Almighty into your hearts, and ask the Mother of God for blessings for every day and hour.

A big mistake is made by those who forget to give their heart to God in prosperity. After all daily prayer- this is the key to success in the future, an important part of life Orthodox person. She can protect her from troubles, misfortunes and any misunderstanding. The Heavenly Queen has always been the first intercessor for wives praying for the health and well-being of loved ones, so she is the first to be mentioned in their prayers.

  • Every morning and at bedtime, read the canonical threefold "Our Father", and then rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos.
  • Together with these prayers, they read the corresponding Psalms and a prayer to strengthen marital love.

Necessarily! Asking - Mother of God, pray for us, we give a certain vow of obedience and admiration. Therefore, one must try to be a diligent Christian - not to slander, not to desire someone else's, to fulfill the commandments of the Lord, so as not to turn the mercy of Heaven away from oneself.

Psalter to help

Each prayer can be accompanied by the reading of the Psalter - the songs of David, behind which a huge power of help is noticed. They are read at the end of the ceremony, choosing for reading those songs that have the appropriate meaning. There is an official synodal interpretation of the psalms, which is approved in the Orthodox Christian Church.

  • Psalm 19 is about giving spouses the miracle of having a child.
  • Psalm 75 - to help a woman in labor.
  • Psalm 106 - to those who pray for deliverance from infertility.
  • Psalm 142 - about the preservation of the conceived child in the mother's womb.

It is natural for Orthodox Christians to turn in prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos as to the Mother of the Lord, but often believers decide to read long akathists and canons, but do not know what exists short prayer"Virgin Mother of God, rejoice." If you deal with her interpretation, it becomes clear that she helps in many cases of life, like the Virgin Mary herself, to whom any person can turn, regardless of the degree of their churching.

Holy Mother of God in Orthodoxy

Few people have not heard of the Mother of God. Her place in the church hierarchy is special: she is the Mother of the Lord - Jesus Christ, who came into the world to save every person. From her very birth, her chosenness and difference from other people were noticeable. She did not want to get married, but wanted to devote her life to God, but he prepared a special service for her - he chose the Blessed Virgin as the Mother of the Savior of mankind. Mary remained a Virgin all her life - the conception of Jesus happened miraculously, from the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ, throughout his entire earthly life, treated his Mother with great reverence, which was passed on to all believers. In Orthodoxy, the blessed Mother of God is revered above angels and all saints, people believe that she is capable of performing real miracles. This is confirmed by numerous cases of healings after prayers before the images of the Virgin Mary.

All her life she was close to Jesus Christ, sharing all his hardships and sufferings, therefore the Blessed Mother understands human sorrows like no one else.

Types of prayers of the Mother of God

The veneration of the Mother of God is multifaceted and comprehensive, it is most clearly expressed in in large numbers prayers dedicated to her, among them:

  • "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice";
  • prayers before various icons of the Blessed Mother;
  • canons of the Virgin Mary, dedicated to certain events from her life or read in front of certain icons;
  • akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos - the oldest hymn read during Great Lent in churches;
  • akathists associated with the icons of the Mother of God, the most famous - Vladimirskaya, Feodorovskaya, Tikhvinskaya, Iverskaya, Joy of All Who Sorrow, the celebration of which is celebrated on specific dates.

Prayer "Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice"

In Orthodoxy, several church holidays have been established dedicated to events from the earthly life of the Virgin:

The first in chronology is the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Pure Theotokos, celebrated annually on April 7 - 9 months before the birth of Christ. The essence of the Annunciation: Archangel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary that she had conceived the Lord Jesus Christ, who would be the Savior of people. You can read about this in the Gospel of Luke, this angelic greeting - Virgin Mary, rejoice - has become a prayer. Literally, these words in Russian sound as follows:

Virgin Mary, rejoice, blessed Mary, the Lord is with you, blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if you gave birth to our souls as the Savior.

In Latin, similar words are called Ave Maria. The appeal “Our Lady, rejoice” is found in the akathists to the Virgin Mary and indicates their joyful and inspiring character, capable of bringing a desperate person back to life. Such a prayer addressed to the Virgin Mary testifies to the paramount importance of this event, which was the good news of the salvation of the human race.

The meaning of words in the sacred text

The sacred text has deep meaning. Every word is very important:

  • Virgin Mary - an indication of the purity of Mary, she was virgin before the Annunciation and remained so after the birth of Jesus throughout her life;
  • rejoice - it means that Mary should not be embarrassed that she will become a mother, she will bring joy to all people;
  • Gracious Mary - means that God's grace is on Her, without which it would be impossible to fulfill that great mission for which the Lord chose her;
  • The Lord is with you - it is said that everything is done according to the will of God; Blessed are you in Wives - Mary stood out among her contemporaries for her piety and humility with which she accepted the news that she would become the Mother of the Lord, by this she exalted herself among other women;
  • Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb - means that the appearance of the child with whom Mary is pregnant is blessed by God, these words were heard by the Mother of God later from the mother of the prophet John the Baptist - the righteous Elizabeth;
  • as if the Savior gave birth to our souls - Mary's pregnancy is important, because as a result, the Lord Jesus was born, who came into the world to save the soul of every person.

History of appearance

This prayer is essentially a laudatory hymn to the blessed Mother of God, which appeared around the 5th century. He firmly took his place in liturgical practice:

  • commemorated on all-night vigil(evening service);
  • used in the liturgy (morning service).

Also, this appeal to the Mother of God is included in the text of the morning and evening prayers from the prayer book.

When and how to read

Saint Seraphim of Sarov, in the absence of time for a complete prayer rule, advised reading:

  • 3 times the prayer "Our Father";
  • 3 times "Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice";
  • once "Creed".
  • when longing overcomes, including for no reason, it is recommended to say the text of the prayer 40 times in a row;
  • in incomprehensible life situations, when it is not clear how to act correctly;
  • when sinful thoughts attack;
  • with serious illnesses;
  • to protect the house from unclean spirits and evil people;
  • to improve relations with relatives;
  • learn to show mercy towards others;
  • reduce anger from loved ones;
  • brings peace to families, settles conflicts;
  • helps to understand the will of God about oneself;
  • promotes the marriage of single girls;
  • acts as effective prayer mothers about children;
  • directs to a charitable life;
  • is a blessing on travel;
  • sanctifies the meal.

The appeal of the Mother of God Virgin in prayer helps those who read it thoughtfully, with attention, lingering on every word, passing it through the soul and heart.

Before starting reading, it is necessary to disassemble all Church Slavonic words, if their meaning is difficult to understand, then one should turn to the interpretation. It is better to read a prayer in modern Russian at home aloud in complete silence in front of the image of the Virgin Mary. If necessary, you can say it to yourself on the road, when your heart is heavy and anxious.

Any prayer is communication with God, in this situation - even with the Mother of God, you can’t conduct this communication boldly and demandingly, you should ask for something patiently, wait with humility for what is asked and calmly accept the fact that not everything is fulfilled the way we are. want. If a person prays not only for himself, but for relatives and friends, then he will need even more spiritual strength and stamina to repel possible attacks by dark forces.

In addition to reading the prayer to the Virgin Mary, it is necessary to visit the temple (there you also need to read this prayer before the icons of the Mother of God), participate in church sacraments, try not to sin, not to quarrel with others, to show indulgence to everyone, as the Most Holy Theotokos teaches us. She fulfills the petitions of those who are trying to cleanse their hearts of evil and sincerely believe in the power of prayer.

Mother of God Rule

In church practice, the Theotokos rule, consisting of 10 prayers addressed to the Blessed Virgin, is popular. It is included in the Charter of the monastery in Diveevo, founded by St. Seraphim of Sarov, nuns and pilgrims must read the prayer Virgin Mary, rejoice 150 times, passing through the monastery groove.

The holy martyr Seraphim Zvezdinsky, who lived in the first half of the 20th century, introduced the Theotokos rule. In each of the dozens, the Lord's Prayer is commemorated, the Angelic greeting is read, and any events that happened to the Mother of God are told. At every ten, you should commemorate your living and deceased relatives.

Prayer to the Theotokos Virgin is of paramount importance in Orthodoxy, it reflects the meaning of the Christian teaching about the salvation of man.

Its value lies in the fact that its text is close to every person, touches many strings of his soul, but without his own efforts to change himself and his life in better side all prayer efforts will be in vain.

In Christianity, there are many prayers that are considered miraculous. One of them is the prayer "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice." It gives believers not only peace and joy, but also brings good luck in business.

Prayer text

Words of prayer very simple and easy to understand, so remembering it will not be difficult for anyone:

Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are You in women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls.

The Lord Himself told us about how powerful the prayer of the Virgin Mary is and how much it helps us in difficult situations. With these lines we glorify the Mother of God, because she gave the world the baby Jesus, who later took on our sins. We thank her for being a conduit between God's grace and our souls.

Reading “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice,” you express immeasurable respect for heaven and for the steadfastness of the Virgin Mother in the face of enemies and evil people throughout the earthly path of Jesus Christ, while his mother was next to him.

When to say this prayer

The miraculous prayer "Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice" can be read at any time, but most Christians read it in the morning, afternoon and evening. According to believers, when they do not cry out to the Lord through these words for a long time, their life is filled with despondency and unhappiness. Others note that they turn to God for help with this prayer when difficulties are encountered on their life path.

The miracle of this prayer lies in the light it gives to the soul. With her simple and unsophisticated, but powerful words, she saved and will save many more destinies and souls. To achieve the same effect, you need to read it with respect, and not thoughtlessly repeat the prayer text.

If you read "Our Lady Virgin, rejoice" 150 times a day then you will find happiness, and the Mother of God will cover you with her cover. Seraphim of Sarov said that this prayer is capable of anything - you just have to give a piece of your soul and invest some time in reading the prayer.

The miracle of "Our Lady, Rejoice" lies in its simplicity, which gives every Orthodox Christian happiness on a par with another important prayer, "Our Father". Even repeating prayer words three times - morning, afternoon and evening - you will transform your life. Prayer will give you health, good luck and good mood. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.03.2016 00:50

The miraculous image of the Virgin Mary grants healing to all who turn to him in a prayer request. Icon...

The Annunciation icon is valued among Orthodox believers for its miraculous abilities. Prayers to her...

The Mother of God rule is an indestructible wall from temptations, troubles and misfortunes.

He asks the angel:

How do you know?

The angel answers him:

Because the Mother of God is approaching the Throne, and she will plead for you! You honored her, prayed to her and always asked her. In great joy he woke up and began to revere the Mother of God even more.


O great boldness!

O passionate intercession!

From the fire of passions it withdraws, from the bottom of the fall it raises “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice. With this prayer, we will not perish in any way: we will not drown in the sea, we will not burn in the fire; but if Satan, who hates us, stumbles our way and knocks us down, then let us also exalt: “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice. “Virgin Mary, rejoice. And when we send up, let us rise, we will rise, the darkened ones will be enlightened, the sick of the soul will be healed, those polluted with sins will be cleansed, we will become white, like snow, with the Purity of the Highest heaven and the purest lordship of the sun's rays. The dead, slain by passions, let us rise, let us live, and in the ecstasy of the spirit let us sing:

I try to reach out to hearts about the need to help others, about the importance of mercy and charity.

Like a country without traditions.

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On the basis of how he makes his choice.

The recommendation to read the rule is given by the schemnik. I have no doubt that Christ is at the foundation of his work, and, being on this foundation, a person recommends a way to build salvation. But woe to a person who tries to use any recommendations, even the most prominent ascetics, without having a solid foundation!

The route Minskoe highway towards Moscow, before reaching Lesnoy Gorodok a few kilometers, a new road. Speed ​​about 100km/h or slightly less, left lane. The road is bad, all flooded. I'm going to work, my wife's car - four-wheel drive driving since 2008 The hood of my car caught up with the trunk of a nearby car on the right. Behind heavy traffic on both lanes. The car was taken. First, to the right on the second lane, then it was thrown towards the bump stop, then 1.5 turns around its axis, and it stood exactly 90 degrees across the two lanes. No collision and no damage. All this time, she repeated the prayer "Our Lady, Virgin, rejoice."


In this section, we will talk about three special Protections of the Most Holy Theotokos, which can be resorted to in any difficult and even seemingly hopeless life situations.

At the seventh Ecumenical Council of the Church, the holy fathers said: “Who will read the prayer 150 times with attention “Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice. ", he will gain a special Protection of the Mother of God over him."

The Queen of Heaven herself gave people this rule in the 8th century, it was once adhered to by all Christians, and then they forgot about it. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov recalled this rule. Blessing to go around the ditch around the Diveevo monastery, the elder asked people to read 150 times “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice. ”, thereby blessed this rule to fulfill daily.

In the cell of St. Seraphim they found an old book with a description of miracles that happened to people who performed this miraculous reading of the Arkhangelsk education of the Queen of Heaven.

Noah. Elder Schema-Archimandrite Zacharias (Zosima) valued and loved Bishop Seraphim and called him "holy bishop." He also daily fulfilled the Theotokos rule according to his scheme and gave it to one of his spiritual children to write off (the schemes are placed below).

From reading 150 times the prayer “Virgin Mary, rejoice. “man is of great benefit. The Lord showed us how powerful the prayer of His Most Pure Mother is before Him and how effective the help She brings in all circumstances.

This appeal in the most impassable places indicated a way out, not disposed to us, evil hearts repeatedly softened, and those who were not softened were put to shame and removed; in complete helplessness suddenly gave unexpected help, and, moreover, from such a side from which it was impossible to expect it in any way.

Reading 150 times “Virgin Mary, rejoice. "rejected the wrath of God and canceled the harsh sentence of the Judge of the Heart (according to karma, a person must suffer a well-deserved punishment for his misdeeds and sins, but thanks to the prayers of the Virgin, he does not feel the heavy sword of retribution on himself, but gets a second chance for correction).

“Virgin Mary, rejoice. It removes from the fire of passions, raises it from the bottom of the fall. With this prayer, we will not be able to perish: we will not drown in the sea, we will not burn in the fire; if Satan, who hates us, steps in our way and tries to leave us below the line of life, then we will say: “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice. ". And She will always help us.

1. When you, your children or loved ones are in danger or trouble, when doctors are unable to help you or a person close to you, read this rule, and the Most Holy Theotokos, after reading your prayers sincerely, will help you. This rule can be used (pray) both in relation to oneself and to another person. The rule is executed once a day.

2. This rule can be read in any life situation that seems hopeless to you, in order to be honored (deserve) and receive the help of the Most Holy Theotokos. In addition,) this rule can be followed every day, regardless of the situation.

the state in which you are. By doing this, you, thanks to the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, will not find yourself in difficult situations and will avoid many temptations, misfortunes, troubles, illnesses and problems.

3. The Theotokos rule can be performed in three ways:

a) in short order;

b) by complete scheme;

c) in a special way.

In a special way, this rule can be performed in emergency situations. For example, when your child or loved one is undergoing surgery, or you, your loved ones are in great danger, and in other situations of this kind.

In such cases, the Theotokos rule is performed in a special way - not in a short and not in a complete way. First, the prayer “Virgin Mary, rejoice, is read ten times. ”, and then a prayer appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos for help is read once. A prayer appeal is made in your own words - provided that they come from the bottom of your heart. Example:

“Queen of Heavenly Mother of God, my child will have (or is undergoing) an operation, have mercy, good Intercessor, make sure that the operation is successful”

“The Most Holy Theotokos, I pray Thee, save and save the daughter (son) in the evening (night) from all evil, misfortune, misfortune or reproach, I have the only Intercessor for You.”

And this is done until the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, is read 150 times. » and 15 times - prayer appeals about help. This is the way to do prayer rule differs from the other two in that the prayers read here can contain any request to the Most Holy Theotokos for help. According to the schemes, only the specific prayer petitions indicated in them can be made.

Attention! The Theotokos rule is performed only on the rosary. This is necessary for two very important reasons:

a) so as not to lose count of prayers;

b) so that the mind and prayerful state of a person are not scattered by counting prayers.

According to what scheme you will make the Theotokos Rule, it is up to you to choose, while you must take into account your mental and physical capabilities, as well as the time factor * and the current situation.

4. The Mother of God rule is often performed with a 100-grain rosary. But before proceeding to the description of the execution of the rule, you should at least briefly know what a rosary is.

The rosary is an ancient monastic amulet that not only monks have the right to wear. The rosary protects the person who wears it with him, from all evil, vain death, any danger, curses, evil spirits, witchcraft influence. In addition, the rosary also has a great healing

by force. Monastics of all degrees wear a rosary. This is a prayer subject used for frequent reading of the Jesus Prayer (“Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner”) or the Theotokos Rule.

A rosary is a closed thread, consisting of 100 "grains", divided into dozens of intermediate "grains" of larger sizes than ordinary ones. Cell rosaries sometimes contain 1000 "grains" with the same division. The rosary helps to count (hence their name) the number of prayers included in the daily rule by the monk, without focusing on the count itself.

The rosary has been known since ancient times. In Russia, in the old days they had the form of a closed ladder, consisting not of “grains”, but of wooden blocks sheathed in leather or fabric, and were called “ladder” or “lestovka” (ladder). Spiritually, they mean "the ladder of salvation", "the spiritual sword", they are an image of unceasing (eternal) prayer (a circular thread is a symbol of eternity).

At the moment, there are mainly three types of rosaries:

a) 33 grains (30 small and 3 large between them);

b) for 110 grains (100 large and 10 small);

c) for 1100 grains (1000 large and 100 small). Cell beads are rare.

Attention! The rest of the rosaries that can now be found are more decoration than rosaries.

The material from which the rosary is made can be very different (wood, thread, stones), and the strength of the rosary does not depend on it. The power of the rosary is in their prayerfulness. The more prayers were made for them, the greater their healing and protective power. When a person prays and touches the rosary in his hands, they are “saturated” with these prayers and with the grace-filled state in which a person is during prayer. By the way, here is one of the countless cases confirming the above:

“One holy elder sent his disciple for some reason to a nearby village. Before the road, he blessed him and gave him his rosary. The road to the village where his disciple was heading lay through a forest inhabited by many wild animals. Passing through the forest, the student met with a hungry wave

who attacked him. In fright, stepping back, the student held out the rosary in front of him. The wolf, attacking him, stumbled upon the rosary, and suddenly, with a screech, tail between his legs, ran away. When the disciple returned, he told the elder what had happened to him. In response, he laughed and said that he feared for his life, for he knew that many wild hungry animals were wandering in the forest, and therefore, in order to protect him, he gave him his rosary. For the prayed rosary is given the blessed state of prayer, in which a person stays during prayer. The Lord in paradise put man as head over all creatures (animals), but during the fall he lost this priceless gift. When a person is in prayer, this grace-filled state returns to him, which is partially transferred to the rosary. The wolf felt this power on the rosary and therefore fled in fear.

So, now you have a general idea of ​​what a rosary is. Now let's look at how to make the Theotokos Rule on them.

(short or full scheme)

♦ Prayer requests are read on each large grain, indicated in the diagrams.

♦ The rosary should be held in the left hand while praying so that the right one can perform one at a time. sign of the cross during each prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

(reading the rule in a special way)

♦ On each small grain, a prayer is read “Virgin Mary, rejoice. ".

♦ On each large grain, each time a prayer request is made for one thing (specific), and not as described in the diagrams.

♦ The rosary during the performance of prayers, as in the first variant, must be held in the left hand so that the right

during each prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, make one sign of the cross.

Note: the rosary can be worn on the right hand, neck (if the rosary is 100 grains) or in a separate pocket of clothing. If the rosary is prayed with the prayers of the Theotokos rule, then they have great grace to protect from all evil, troubles and troubles of the person who wears them.

Attention! Wearing a rosary as a fashion accessory or, as they say now, “to appear cool” is unacceptable and will bring nothing but harm. This is especially true for young people.

5. Both in the short and in the full scheme of the Theotokos rule, when an instruction is given to pray for something, you need to read a prayer and ask the Mother of God in your own words (if only they come from a pure heart and whole soul). Moreover, such prayers are performed only on each large "seed" of the rosary.

6. When the Theotokos rule is performed according to the full scheme, then on each large “seed” of the rosary, the troparion, ikos, Gospel indicated in the scheme are read, and then the specified chodu-literary appeal (request).

In the life of the Mother of God there were fifteen steps, fifteen main points, ”and the reading of the rule is divided into 15 tens. On each ten, all the main events from the life of the Most Holy Theotokos are remembered in turn.

1st ten. Read 10 times “Virgin Mary, rejoice. ” and the Nativity of the Virgin is remembered. (Pray mother for children.)

The 2nd ten is read and the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos is remembered. (Pray those who have gone astray and fallen away from the Church.)

The 3rd ten is read and the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is remembered. (Pray for the assuagement of sorrows and the comfort of those who mourn.)

The 4th decade is read and the meeting of the Mother of God with the righteous Elizabeth is remembered. (Pray that the Mother of God will unite the separated or missing.)

The 7th decade is read and the flight of the Mother of God with the Divine Infant to Egypt is remembered. (Pray that the Mother of God will help you avoid temptations and deliver you from misfortunes.)

On the 8th ten, it is remembered how the Mother of God was looking for the 12-year-old Child Jesus in Jerusalem. (Pray to seek Christ in this life and not cling to the vain world.)

On the 9th ten, the miracle created in Cana of Galilee is remembered. (Pray for help in business and for deliverance from need.)

On the 10th ten, the standing of the Mother of God at the Cross of the Lord is remembered. (Pray for help in grief.)

On the 11th ten, the Resurrection of Christ is remembered. (Pray - resurrect the soul, give courage to the feat.)

On the 12th ten, the Ascension of the Lord is remembered. (Pray for the ascension of the soul from vain worries and striving for the heavenly.)

On the 13th decade, the Zionskaya Upper Room is recalled - the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and the Mother of God. (Pray: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.”)

On the 14th ten, the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos is remembered. (Ask for a peaceful and serene death.)

On the 15th ten, the glory of the Mother of God is recalled, which the Lord crowned Her after Her relocation from earth to heaven. (Ask the Queen of Heaven not to leave the faithful and your relatives (for whom you pray) existing on earth, but to protect them from all evil, covering them with Your honest omophorion.)

Prayer to the Virgin 150 times who read

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Troparion to the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

"Tenderness" by Serafimo-Diveevskaya, ch. four.

Troparion Saint Seraphim Sarovsky, ch.4.

The natural beauty of the Russian land appeared, the heads of the monastery of Diveyevo, our reverend mother Alexandro, Marfo and Elena, who fulfilled the Blessing of the Queen of Heaven and acquired boldness to the Lord, pray at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity for the salvation of our souls.

Secrets of reading the Theotokos Rule (practical advice from an experienced hermit)

Written on the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Secrets of reading the Theotokos Rule

(practical advice from an experienced hermit)

To publish the prayer experience of Abbot Nikolai (name changed) and partly mine personal experience I didn't decide right away. Those high measures of prayer, which will be discussed below, require not only spiritual caution, but also a special way of life, which I can no longer lead now. The hermit, under whose guidance for four and a half months I mastered the secrets of reading the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mother of God,” met me already in the twentieth year of my prayer searches. Therefore, those prayerful measures that he laid on me should not be hastily put on themselves by those who live in the midst of worldly dispersion. The life of Father Nikolai and my life, in those days (probably these were the brightest, most carefree, most fertile and happiest times of my life), passed in conditions of almost complete separation from civilization. There was no electricity in our houses. They lived and prayed by candlelight, which they themselves made. They baked their own bread. In summer, during the rains, we were cut off from the world by mud and impassability, and in winter (for two or three months) by snow. With the sunset, everything stopped - except for prayer, prayer began at five in the morning.

CHAPTER ONE Why did I begin to pray the prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mother of God” instead of the Jesus Prayer?

If I had not lived next to Father Nikolai for about five years, then it would never have occurred to me, for almost half a year, to read not the Jesus Prayer as the main prayer, as I did before, but the full text of the prayer: .

Father Nikolai did not consider himself my spiritual father and I was not in full obedience to him, as is customary in the monastery, but I asked him for advice only when I had a special interest in what he was telling me. This is called "council residence".

About the Jesus Prayer, many books have been written by the Holy Fathers at different times. I had a chance to read a lot, but read detailed instructions about prayer: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice," I have never, and indeed the practice itself (if possible continuous) of reading a prayer: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice," in Orthodox asceticism is not widespread. Actually, except from Father Nikolai, I have never heard anything, anywhere and from anyone about such a practice, and have not read it. Those tips that I heard from Father Nikolai about how he read a prayer: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice," can be successfully applied not only to the reading of this particular prayer, but also to the reading of any other Orthodox prayers. The peculiarity of Father Nicholas was that he especially revered the Mother of God and loved Her so much in his heart that he (as he told me) sometimes, for several weeks, or even for several months in a row, instead of praying in the name of Jesus Christ, then the matter turned to prayer: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice." He did this, like the prayers of the Hesychasts, reading the full text of the prayer: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice," almost incessantly.

Starting to practice prayer: "Virgin Mary, rejoice" I was shaken to the core of my soul by what was happening (inside me, both in my soul and in my body) during those four and a half months while I read this prayer. The effect of prayer turned out to be so unexpected and so strong for me that I could not describe everything in words. And then, what I didn’t expect to see in myself at all, this phenomenon ... but the full text of the prayer: “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you: blessed are you in women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls” began to be read within me gracefully and spontaneously, moreover, without the slightest inner spiritual and volitional effort on my part. Perhaps this happened through the prayers of Father Nikolai. I would like to note that having been engaged in the search for the unceasing Jesus Prayer for more than 20 years, I never once felt within myself that the prayer in the name of Jesus became self-moving in me (however, I never aspired to self-moving prayer, not considering it spiritually important for myself), and here is a prayer: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice," suddenly began from time to time to be read inside me on its own (which was a complete surprise for me) already in the second month of practicing this prayer.

Father Nikolai, as he put it: “adjusted the Theotokos rule of Seraphim of Sarov to suit his habits.” He did not read (as is customary) after every ten prayers: “Our Father” and “Mercy of the Door”, but showed me a different practice of this prayer, which invariably requires considerable effort of the soul, which I use to this day. Now I have to read the prayer, mostly at night. Those who have the patience to read the story to the end will understand why this practice of prayer becomes impossible in the hustle and bustle.

It all started with the fact that one day, Father Nikolai, when I accidentally spoke to him about the Theotokos rule of Seraphim (who knows, 150 prayers are read there), confidently and firmly told me:

Since I am reading “Theotokos Virgin”, you will not be able to read not only 150 times in a day, but you will not even read a hundred prayers.

Well…! Can't be! I jumped up emotionally.

I had reason to be surprised. After all, I was no stranger to prayer. Behind were 20 years of almost unceasing exercise in the Jesus Prayer, and here 150: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice," during the day and only that ... but the elder, to my considerable surprise, turned out to be one hundred percent right. When I (according to his method) first began to read this prayer, I passed the first ten with considerable difficulty. Every now and then began to get stuck in the second ten. With great difficulty (after spending about two hours) I reached 40, and finally, completely hopelessly stuck, having not reached 50 prayers that day. After that, I just gave up ... realizing that 150 prayers a day, according to the method of Father Nikolai, I could not help but overcome, despite all my previous many years of practice in the Jesus Prayer.

What was Father Nikolai's method?

It consisted in the fact that if during the prayer: “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you: blessed are you in women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if you gave birth to our souls of the Savior” arose in the mind extraneous thoughts and the mind did not delve (with attention) into EVERY word of prayer, then in this case, I shouldn't have count this prayer; because such a prayer, scattered and polluted by extraneous thoughts, as Father Nikolai expressed it, was: “ immature , uncovered with sweat of the soul " .

In addition, on the first day of your practice of reading a prayer: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice," according to the method of Father Nikolai, I did not know much of what he revealed to me later, and since I did not know this, I did not have incentive in order to take this particular way of reading a prayer more seriously.

When the next day I came to Father Nikolai and said that I could not read the prayer: "Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice," without extraneous thoughts and distractions, he answered me.

This is because you: you don’t know the meaning of this prayer, you don’t know what this prayer brings, you don’t know how prayer should work, and you don’t know why you need to count only that prayer that was uttered without thoughts interfering with prayer and distracting the mind to something else.

I confess, I was hurt to hear these words.

I considered myself a well-read person and not as stupid as Father Nikolai made me out to be in my eyes, but remembering his monastic prayer experience twice as long as mine and his venerable age, I did not show that I was offended, but began to object.

At first it was hard for me to pray without disturbing thoughts, then it was very hard, and then my soul got so tired that it could not pray purely. Yes, and I read among the saints that only God can remove interfering thoughts, and the person himself is unable to cope with this.

Father Nikolai looked at me searchingly.

And why do you think that if you don’t “shed the blood” of your soul in prayer day after day and year after year, then God will keep you from demons that interfere with prayer?

I mentally bit my lip. After all, he knew from the writings of the Holy Fathers that if prayer does not trouble the soul and body, then it does not bring any benefit. But, for some reason, this was forgotten during that conversation.

If I force myself to pray purely, will thoughts go away?

Yes. Thoughts must go away completely, and prayer can become self-propelled.

- "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice"?- I was surprised.

What is the meaning of this prayer, what can it give and how does it work? Indeed, in this prayer, apparently, there is no meaning, because, unlike the Jesus Prayer, it does not ask for mercy and does not ask for anything at all.

This prayer is not composed by a man. It doesn't work the way you think. This prayer cleanses the soul and body. It is able to save you and gives you the fullness of communion with God.

These are the same words from the Gospel, slightly modified for euphony. They were said by the archangel Gabriel when he appeared to the Virgin Mary to tell her that the Savior of the world would be born from her. How can these words purify my soul and save me in eternity?

Do you know how words of prayer work?

I think that the correctly read words of the prayer reach the one to whom they are read.

You think wrong, - the eyes of Father Nikolai looked at me pitifully and reproachfully, - not only incorrectly and proudly read our prayers reach God, but in general all what we think and everything we desire, everything that we allow into our feelings, all this constantly ascends to God. You understand everything, absolutely everything and always. Even unbelievers, if they want something, then all their desires go back to God, Whom they deny, and then God Himself decides which of the things people want to allow to be fulfilled and which not.

Here you read the prayer: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice," and in your soul at this time extraneous thoughts. Don't think it's from you. You know that in prayer all attention should be immersed in the meaning of the words of the prayer and that you should not be distracted. But the demons, seeing that you can be cleansed by prayer, begin to defile the prayer, suggesting empty thoughts. If you want to achieve pure prayer, then you must drive out of yourself every day any thoughts that do not relate to the words of the prayer. If you are distracted, then do not count such a prayer: neither in the prayer book, nor at the Jesus Prayer, nor: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice." I don't know if you want to read it?

Probably not, I said honestly. - I am used to the Jesus Prayer, I know its meaning, and the prayer: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice," to read as you say, it is ..., - I grimaced as if from a toothache, - it is difficult.

This is where our conversation stopped and it seemed to me that now we will never return to it again. Both I and Father Nikolai knew well that in Orthodoxy nothing never forced on anyone. Pray yourself as you can and as taught, but insisting on your thoughts, teaching and pushing someone else into something besides his desire, this categorically not welcomed by the Orthodox.

But in my soul there was an understatement, which I could not stand and asked.

How does prayer work? "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice," if it does not contain any requests?

Do you know that we profess the Mother of God above all cherubim and seraphim, above all angels, above all saints, second in honor - after God?

You know with your mind, but your heart is silent.

“Father is right about something,” I honestly thought to myself, but I didn’t say anything out loud.

Just imagine Sergius, the Mother of God, above all the Holy people and above all the Angels, She is the Mother of God, the Queen of people and the Queen of Angels.

I was even dumbfounded by the strong feeling with which these words were spoken by Father Nikolai.

We were silent for a while.

And what can happen when I read: "Virgin Mary"? - I asked, - if in these words there is no petition?

You are a stupid head ... - Father Nikolai lightly tapped on my head, and then cross-blessed it. - Speaking with attention, reverence and humility "Virgin Virgin" you immediately, at the same moment, touch the very essence of the Mother of God and receive a blessing from Her and from God for confessing the truth that She gave birth to God. Do not think that when you read a prayer that you are reading it alone. No, at this time God sees you, all the angels see you and sees a great many demons. Demons, unlike you, see what you are by saying only these first two words. "Virgin Virgin" you receive a blessing and benefit to the soul, and from envy they cannot endure it. Here they begin to interfere with you and defile your prayer, diverting your mind to anything, but not so that your soul can hear other words of prayer more clearly. They begin to forcibly prevent your soul from reading carefully. In the soul by force begin to enter: empty thoughts, drowsiness, weight, clouding, burning and heaviness in the body. This is where patience is needed. You should at all costs try to cleanse your prayer of empty thoughts, of oblivion and of everything that interferes. You must fight for pure prayer until the Angels of God and God Himself begin to say it within you.

Is it possible?! - I was surprised.

If you are patient, then this is possible, - Father Nikolai answered me with confidence. - But keep in mind. It will be very difficult for you to read at first: "Virgin Virgin" without extraneous thoughts, because you don’t know the power of this prayer and you don’t know how cruelly the devil inside you will resist the fact that you start reading it.

This is what settled the issue.

As soon as I heard that the devil would begin to oppose me, the passion of a warrior immediately woke up in me. I hated the devil and the desire, at least in something, but to annoy him - I always had a strong desire. And on that day, for the first time, I decided to seriously try to pray in full text: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice" especially since, living in almost complete carelessness and solitude, I could afford to spend an arbitrarily long time on my prayer experiments. But then I... I didn’t even remotely imagine what kind of prayer hell I had to go through in the next four-odd months…

I remember when I asked.

Father Nikolai went to his bedside table, pulled out a drawer, rummaged around a little, took out a white wooden rosary (fifty) with dark crosses instead of large beads between tens and handed them to me.

Here, read fifty-five prayers. At least on a rosary, at least on a cross, read the full text: "Virgin Virgin". If you pass with attention one rosary a day, then consider that it is good for a start. If it works out, then add one more rosary over time. Strive for 150. If you believe the ancient tradition, then the number 150 was given by the Mother of God Herself, so that people would read like this. Now you know how to read. If the demons will catch up with empty thoughts, oblivion and drowsiness, then you do not count the bone, even if you read it a hundred times, but your thoughts will be distracted. The demons will see that you persist and then they will not interfere with you, because the more they interfere, the longer you will read your rosary, and it will be unpleasant for them. Read at least two months so that you can understand what's what, and then, as you like, return to prayer in the name of Jesus. The Jesus Prayer is also powerful, but the name of Jesus is also intimately present in the prayer: "Virgin Virgin" .

Like this, the name of God is present in the prayer: "Virgin Mary"?- I was surprised, because the name "Jesus" is not there.

But there are words: "Lord" , "the fruit of thy womb" and word "Savior". When you pronounce these words, then just like in the Jesus Prayer, with these words you touch the very Being of the Son of God and receive a blessing from Him

I understood everything, - I answered Father Nikolai, and taking the rosary asked. - Can I buy a hundred in the monastery? She'll be more comfortable.

No, Father Nikolai objected. This prayer is so difficult that you may have to finish your fifty prayers only at night, holding your hand with the rosary under the covers. Weaving under the blanket is confused, but not fifty. And if you reach one hundred and fifty, you will see for yourself, fifty is more convenient for counting.

On this, Father Nikolai and I parted and I did not come to him for two weeks, I read a prayer: "Virgin Mary, rejoice" trying by experience to understand the mechanics of this prayer.

CHAPTER TWO The first two months with a prayer: “O Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”

Remembering the words of Father Nikolai: “You must drive out of yourself every day any thoughts that do not relate to the words of prayer. If you are distracted, then do not count such a prayer. I had to urgently rearrange the reading of my morning and evening prayer rule.

If earlier it took me from 20 minutes to half an hour to (superficially, little attentively) read the morning and evening rules; now that I didn't count the prayer as read until each the word of the prayer did not respond in my mind with the utmost CLARITY, I began to get stuck on the rule for an hour or more. But at the same time, with full attention - I never once could read the entire text, but at first I only reached somewhere in the middle. It became MUCH, MUCH more difficult for me to pray than before, both internally and in time, but I did not give up. It happened that: “Our Father”, “To the King of Heaven” and other morning and evening prayers, I forced myself to read instead of once (as most Christians usually do) ten, twenty, and often many more times, with all my might trying to achieve, in the words of Father Nikolai: "the effect of a nail." That is, only when I saw that EVERY word of the prayer I read resonated inside my soul like a “driven nail”, and my mind and feelings, while reading, were not distracted, then only then did I decide to move on to the next prayer. Sometimes I had to interrupt an inattentive prayer even in mid-sentence, again and again return to the beginning of a poorly read prayer, and try to read it again and again - and so on, until I reached the point that the prayer was read with the utmost attention and feelings for me .

For about two months I did not succeed in completely reading all my morning and evening rules, but after exhausting myself fairly and being tired, I read (with attention) often, only less than half. I suddenly discovered that the more easily and simply the rule is read, the LESS it benefited the soul. And when the prayer goes on in all seriousness ... then the effect of reading the traditional morning and evening prayers was striking! The soul, after a careful reading of labor, was filled with a living, steady silence for the whole day or for the upcoming night ...

Father Nikolai once said wonderful words to me: “Here you are Sergius, you read a lot of books, and what benefit did you get ...? Read with attention 24 prayers of John Chrysostom. Read not once, but two or three times or more. think about it in each word. Feel what you ask. And you yourself will understand that the 24 prayers of John Chrysostom can easily replace all five volumes of kindness and, in general, all book wisdom combined. Remember this. Indeed, in these 24 prayers, there is everything that your soul needs on earth and in Eternity. They contain the meaning of everything. The only difficulty is to CLEARLY convey to yourself what you are asking for ”and he began to read slowly, clearly and distinctly :

1. Lord, do not deprive me of Your heavenly blessings.

2. Lord, deliver me eternal torment.

3. Lord, whether I have sinned in mind or thought, in word or deed, forgive me.

4. Lord, deliver me from all ignorance and oblivion, and cowardice, and petrified insensibility.

5. Lord, deliver me from every temptation.

6. Lord, enlighten my heart, hedgehog darken the evil lust.

7. Lord, as if a man had sinned, You, like God, are generous, have mercy on me, seeing the weakness of my soul. .

8. Lord, send Your grace to help me, let me glorify your name sacred. And then, to the end ... "

Oh sure. For a person who is not accustomed to working on himself, to read 24 prayers with attention, at first it is not always easy, but everyday hard work on himself is “worth many candles” because only work in prayer and on oneself can make the soul of an attentively praying one truly calm and even blissful in our crazy world.

I showed stubbornness and, finally, the days came when I was able to read any of the prayers of my rule with full attention without much violence against myself. Then (half a year later) such a blissful period came when I had only to pick up a prayer book, as interfering thoughts immediately moved away from me, one and all. And after several years of an extremely demanding attitude to attention during prayer, I could hardly imagine how disturbing thoughts could arise during prayer? After all, this simply CANNOT be. The result, after six months of internal cruel torment, exceeded all my expectations ... EVERYTHING, absolutely EVERYTHING interfering with prayer: laziness, drowsiness, fatigue - ceased to torment my soul, but as soon as I began to read any prayers, my soul experienced great joy and peace when reading . For some time it seemed to me that the state of utmost attention to every word of prayer is already the height of perfection, but Father Nikolai revealed to me that there are states of prayer that are higher and simpler than attentive reading of the rule. It took me a long time to understand that Orthodox prayer is not just an everyday boring duty, but unpredictable, surprisingly pleasant to the soul, strong beautiful world. But before this, hidden from me before, the inner beauty of prayers, I had a very, very long way to go.

In the first weeks of my prayer experiment, with a barely manageable strain of the soul, I began to manage to read one rosary with full attention, (55 complete prayers): "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice." Later it became easier for me. And at the end of the fourth month, it became not only simple and easy, but brought a long-awaited peace.

But for the first two months, as Father Nikolai had predicted, it was very, very difficult for me.

During the reading of the first rosary, every now and then I was overwhelmed: now a physically perceptible clouding, then so dense and strong oblivion; that my mind completely lost the ability to HEAR the meaning of what I read me. I read the words of the prayer over and over again, but I could not hear ABSOLUTELY NOTHING inside myself. And what would seem easier, just to hear inside yourself what is read in the mind? Then the heat and heaviness in the body suddenly piled up, then there was a desire to quit everything and start living easier, that is, “like everyone else”. Then there were obsessive thoughts about some urgent matters or other obstacles to attentive reading of the prayer. And what urgent matters can be in complete solitude. The heat in the body was especially difficult. It was not a simple heat, like an elevated body temperature, but a mystical heat, languishing not so much the body, but the very soul. And once, when I was already beginning to approach the three rosaries of carefully read prayers (165): "Virgin Mary, rejoice" A wild inner cold suddenly fell upon me. Consciousness clouded and I felt as bad as never before. Then I began to shake like in a fever, despite the fact that it was warm outside and in the house (it was the middle of summer). Finally, I took a thermometer and decided to measure the body temperature. He shook it off, put it under his arm, but the column did not rise one notch. I shook off the thermometer to the very limit, that is, below 35 and put it under my arm again, but in this case, the thermometer did not show anything. Obviously, something inexplicable was happening to me at that time, because the body temperature was below 35.

But the most difficult thing was that outside of me the air began to darken and the outer space began to tense up greatly. I understood that it was the demons who were trying to intimidate me severely and force me to stop reading attentive 165 - (three rosary) prayers: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice."

Although this is not the first time I have encountered demonic insurances, but the most hard times and I experienced the heaviest inner languor in my life precisely in those four months when I mastered the attentive reading of 165 prayers: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice." Later, Father Nikolai explained to me how to pray several types of prayers: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice," not changing the words of the prayer, but changing the tension of the soul in prayer. As he taught me: there is a strict prayer (according to a rosary and a count), there is a light one - without a count and without special effort to attention (this is when the soul is already very tired), there is grace-filled and self-moving (in this prayer, the work of the soul is almost not required at all, but it goes by itself) and there is spiritual, this is when the prayer: "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice," it is read almost without words, but it is filled with those feelings that God gives the soul to the Angels during their praise of the Mother of God in Heaven. It should not be forgotten that the glorification of the Mother of God in Heaven is by no means in Russian, and not in one of the languages ​​of the world, but in the language of angels in which the words are replaced by their feelings through the action of the Spirit of God. It so happened that Father Nikolai opened for me the horizons of monastic prayer work, such that I myself would not even dare to guess, or to assume that such a thing is possible for a person.

In general, the world of prayer is a world of infinite diversity and no less infinite inner discoveries for those who love and know how to pray... Those who are weary of prayers and consider prayer to be boring and of little interest are very, very mistaken.

Over the years, I have become convinced that - boring and uninteresting, this is all that is outside the prayerful state of the soul. That's what's really dark, boring, annoying and uninteresting. Prayer is ... it is EXTREMELY interesting and exciting for those who have managed to enter into the world of unceasing miracle, from the prayerful World of God, into active and living communion with their Creator and the Saints.

CHAPTER THREE about spiritual dangers at prayer

What dangers can I have in prayer? I asked Father Nikolai.

Haste and negligence, - Father Nikolai quickly answered. - Never rush to pray for the sake of quantity. Do not chase one prayer after another. That kind of prayer won't do you any good. If you do not restrain yourself and allow yourself to rush to prayer, then this will make your soul hard, like a Pharisee.

It is difficult for me to avoid haste in prayer, - I honestly admitted, - especially if you want to read the planned date, but there is not enough time.

Listen to EVERY word. speak out EVERY word of prayer slowly, and the quantity is not so important, - Father Nikolai told me clearly and impressively, - but do not put your feelings into prayer, because everything that is ours, human, is filled with pride and God will not accept it from you. Be afraid of your strong feelings in prayer, and most of all, beware of the thought that you are giving something useful to God or to others. Listen to the prayer in yourself and try to understand how the prayer itself will be reflected inside you. Do not fantasize in prayer, do not imagine anything, but listen to what resonates in your feelings.

How to understand this: “prayer itself will be reflected within you”?

There is a fine line here, - Father Nikolai sighed, - you cannot give free rein to your imagination in prayer. It is impossible to imagine what communion between us and the Saints can be, and even more so between us and God, but you need to hear the effect of grace in your feelings and thoughts, which prayer itself will produce in you.

Do you understand Sergey? prayer is the interpenetration of personalities .

I can't understand it.

When you pronounce the words of a prayer, then, by the grace of God, you touch the being of the one to whom you are praying, your own being and the being of the one for whom and for what you are praying. We have a very different nature with the saints, understand. This is difficult to understand at first, because we want our relationship with God and the saints to be built the way we want. But God does not want it to be our way, but He wants it to be the way it will be better for us. God wants to change our nature, wants to make it obedient to His commands, but this can be difficult for us.

What is difficult? - again I did not understand.

It can be difficult for us to understand how different we are. We and the saints are very different. So different that it is difficult for us to understand them, it is difficult to understand why they are so often silent in answer to our prayers. The saints, on the other hand, understand us, but they are silent and do nothing in response, because they do not want everything to be as it seems reasonable to us.

It is difficult for you to understand, because in prayer you give free rein to your fantasies and ideas about God. These fantasies and ideas of yours about God prevent you from understanding how prayer can affect you.

Again, I can hardly understand anything from what you are telling me, Father Nikolai...

It was really hard for me to understand him.

This is all because you have little experience in strict prayer. The mind of man is a bad artist, but the mind of God that lives in the saints is a good artist. We must not allow our mind and our feelings to pray. From our independent activity, we will only get worse and worse, but it is necessary that prayer itself direct our mind and our feelings. It is necessary that not our imagination, but prayer purify and change our everything. When we imagine how we can be well cleansed, in our opinion, then by this we greatly hinder God from doing His work. Yes, Sergei, we can greatly interfere with God with our fantasies and our will, do not be surprised at this. In addition, the devil easily mixes his action with our ideas about God. Don't think the devil is simple. Although he is fallen, he is a thousand times stronger than you.

In what way is he stronger?

Don't ask me about it. Only God can reveal this to you if you shed blood in prayer. BUT if you yourself pray in a relaxed way, then no words of mine will help you. You have to work in prayer yourself, and that is hard.

I already understood this. But you never explained to me what it is: “interpenetration of personalities” I haven’t read anything at all and don’t know about it.

Here look. You are who you are and you cannot be different. You cannot come to God with only a part of your mind, but you come all the way, you come as you really are, with all your past, present and even future, and if there is even a shadow of self-satisfaction in you, for example, that you pray well, then God will not accept your prayer at all, not just one ... will not accept until you humble your mind. This is the interpenetration of personalities. When you pray, you mystically enter the being of God or the being of that saint to whom you pray and unite with him in spirit, and believe me, neither God nor the saints will accept you as you are now, but they will wish to change and make you like yourself. There is no other way to get closer to God. Either you will become obedient and like Him and He will accept you, or, remaining with your own, you will be outside of His Kingdom. .

I sat shocked and thoughtful. There was something to think about. After all, such arguments about prayer were unfamiliar to me.

How prayer works: "Virgin Mary, rejoice"? - I asked and mentally scolded myself: “Wow ... a donkey, I could not have guessed to ask this question to Father Nikolai two months earlier, a proud and self-confident soul!”

Any prayer ALWAYS works in different ways and at different times it never works in the same way, you will clearly understand this with time. Listen to the first part of this prayer: “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, blessed Mary, the Lord is with you” here you are touching the essence of the Mother of God, and even if you pray very casually and badly, she still hears you and will want to change you.

She wants to change you in ways you can't imagine. Don't even try to imagine how prayer will change you. This is something no one can ever imagine. Our ideas about how prayer can change us in the future are all pride. It can be said that prayer can make you calmer, but before peace there can be a strong excitement from the passions and from the attacks of the devil. It takes patience. If you show patience, and if you do not prevent the Mother of God from changing yourself with your proud and stupid fantasies on spiritual topics, then your mind will become, not immediately, but gradually humble, and the power of the words of prayer will begin to open in you.

What does it mean: "to reveal the power of the words of prayer"? I asked.

I’ll explain everything to you now, don’t rush me, ”said Father Nikolai gently looking at me. - When you say the words: "Blessed Mary" then your soul, unless you begin to fantasize something from yourself, may be given to feel the grace that is in the Mother of God herself, but not all of course, but only the smallest part of it, but this is enough for you.

It was then that I thought ... “so that's why, while reading this prayer, I had such a feeling in my body and in my soul, as if someone was roasting me through and through like on a strong fire ... it is obvious that, zealous in praying with a rosary, I especially evoked the fire of the grace of the Mother of God within myself, and since there were plenty of sins and pride in me, I began to experience a strong burning sensation that I could barely bear, all over my body and in my soul, and this made me feel very, very bad . It was hard for me to attentive reading this prayer is very, very difficult ...

When you say the words "The Lord is with you" then these words of prayer at different times will be revealed inside you also in different ways. Then you will be given to feel the bliss of the Mother of God, because the Lord is with her; then you will feel that the Mother of God directs your life, because the Lord is with her and in her; then you will feel how, by the power of the Lord, the Mother of God cleanses your sins and directs you to the best; then, with the words: "The Lord is with you" and beyond, you will feel the same as the soul feels in the prayer "Our Father" when it reads the words: "Hallowed be thy name." In general, everything will always be different and tomorrow will never repeat what happened today and yesterday. At the same time, you must remember that in no case should you interfere with your mind and your proud feelings in the grace-filled action of prayer inside you, because that will be your pride. Remember that you will never become a good artist for your soul, but until your death, you will have to learn to humble your mind, grieve about your sins and humble all your feelings so that the power of the words of prayer can be revealed in you without spiritual obstacles before God, on your part... You should be able to listen to the prayer, be able to delve into its action, but you should not imagine or invent anything while reading the prayer. Do you understand what I'm talking about?

I partly understand. But not everything is clear to me.

Now further... "Blessed are You in women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb" the effect of these words of prayer is special and very strong. If the full power of these words is revealed in you, then you will see that these words can almost completely cleanse your soul, make it more silent and can even bring your soul into the Kingdom of Heaven even before the death of your body. So great is the power of these words. But the power of these words will not be revealed in you if you think that you are somehow special, that you are better than others because you pray a lot. If you pray correctly, then prayer will make your mind forget about everyone, it will stop comparing you with others, but your thoughts will die with time. Not immediately die, but over the years. They will die completely and it will be completely inevitable. Your mind will be silent from prayer. Vanity and all that is empty, all this prayer to the Mother of God will cleanse. After that, your mind will become like a white blank sheet of paper on which there are no inscriptions. Silence of the mind and feelings - that's what prayer gives and it's inevitable for everyone who prays in solitude with daily repentance.

Why will it be silence in the mind and not something else? I asked.

Because all of us, and I and you, and in general all people on earth - we are all very proud. When prayer deprives us of pride, then our mind falls silent, with time even the words of prayer may fall silent, but the Spirit of God will begin to glorify the Mother of God and the Saints within you without words. God, Sergius, has a different language and a different action. With Him always and everything is not at all as we think, but in everything that God does, power and strength are felt.

We were silent for a while.

I felt that Father Nikolai, due to his advanced age, was tired of a long conversation with me, and I understood that although I didn’t want to, I had to go to my house already.

Think about it... can you understand the meaning and power of the word: "God" ?

I think no. I can't do it, I honestly admitted.

This is because, - Father Nikolai said with unexpected persuasiveness and force, - that you want to understand the power and meaning of this word with your mind, but you can’t do that. It is not right.

How will be correct? I asked in surprise.

That's right, pronouncing this word with attention over and over again in different prayers, learn to listen to the action that this word produces inside you. If you do this, then secret doors in your mind and feelings will open for you, and then, unexpectedly for you, such a power can open in you that you will not even dare to dream of, even in a dream. God is great and close to each of us, and if we only gave God the opportunity to act within us, we would be saints long ago. But this path is for us: from year to year and from decade to decade, patiently listening to the action of prayer within oneself seems difficult, long and boring, from this we are barren. And then the worst of all troubles begins to operate within us. We begin to fantasize that we know God. We begin, as we think, in an Orthodox and correct way to imagine that we know when and how, in what case God will deal with us or with someone else .... and these proud fantasies of ours about God become an impenetrable stone wall between our mind and what God Himself would like to tell us about Himself. Don't think that God doesn't want to talk to us, Sergius. He really wants to talk to each of us, but can we listen to God without our stupid and empty colorful fantasies about the path of salvation? Here's the trouble...

I sat shocked by his words and his denunciation of me. After all, I loved to fantasize about God, I loved it very much. I have been doing this for twenty years and only now I realized that this was the wrong and dangerous path for me. The right way, it was necessary for me to bring my mind to silence by the action of patient prayer ... that's what would be right, and not to be smart about God that I don't know ... never to be smart ... but how to achieve this? Is it not patience in prayer?

So it turns out that I have not humbled my mind? I asked.

It's hard son. Those who humble their minds are few on earth, they are very few. The one who has humbled his mind becomes blissful even before the death of his body. In general, all the passions of this world leave him, and he already lives here in God, in a great and living Peace.

I wanted to ask: “what is the living Peace?” but then I realized that my time was up and that it was time for me to go to my place. Therefore, I did not ask Father Nikolai this, but asked the last one.

And the words: "like the Savior gave birth to our souls" how can they affect me?

Now go ahead and pray. If you pray with patience, then in time you will know everything yourself. Not everything is good for you to know ahead of time. Walk with God to yourself.

With this, I would like to conclude my short, fragmentary reminiscences of Father Nikolai (his name has been changed). He told me much more about prayer, about the salvation of the soul, and especially about repentance. Personal repentance, about his own sins - this was his favorite topic. He spoke to me about this so often and was so simple in everyday life that perhaps that is why (and also due to the pride of my mind), although I knew Father Nikolai for almost four years, but to understand what prayerful heights he managed to reach, I (only partly) could only last year his acquaintance with me. Such a petrified to God in those years - I had a soul.

I do not rule out that I happened to live next to someone who hid from big world and from fame to the saints, but I, in my pride - for a long time revered him for something too simple and insignificant.

After I spent about three months in prayer in reading full text prayers on the rosary: ​​"Our Lady Virgin, rejoice," Father Nikolai advised me to divide the prayer into four parts as follows:

First part: "Virgin Mary, rejoice"

The second part: "Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you"(mandatory stop and listen to yourself)

The third part: "Blessed are You in Women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb"(mandatory stop and listen to yourself)

Final part: “Like the Savior gave birth to our souls”(mandatory stop and listen to yourself)

After reading each of the parts of the prayer, Father Nikolai strongly advised me a little stop reading and listening to action prayers for feelings.

The words of a prayer are one thing, but the feeling of prayer is quite different. It is a feeling, not words, but the silent power of the action of the words of prayer. If, after you read any of the parts of the prayer, you clearly do not feel the power of the words of the prayer, then continue to slowly read the poorly read part of the prayer, over and over again until until the soul clearly responds to words. When the soul responds to the words and CLEARLY feels that the words have responded with FORCE in the feeling, then count the prayer on the rosary.

So praying, as Father Nikolai advised me, is very difficult and difficult, but only the very first time is difficult, and then the soul (if not lazy, then) gets used to it. Moreover, the property of the soul to clearly respond to the power of the words of prayer has one pronounced feature:

If you leave the reading of the Theotokos Rule for at least one day, or start reading this rule: casually, quickly and superficially (just to have time to read the planned number), then the soul will stop responding to the words of the prayer and stop living (and strongly) feeding on energy from above. A light reading of a prayer impoverishes the soul, makes it bored, and in the end the soul begins to feel within itself hostility to a serious spiritual life in general.

In order for the soul to “warm up”, cease to be petrified and again be able to “drink prayer like honey”, one must forcefully force oneself not to allow a single extraneous thought to arise within oneself during prayer, and over and over again try to achieve such a state when in the soul remain: only the WORDS of the prayer, only their MEANING and the ACTION of the prayer on the senses.

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Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are You in women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls. (Read 150 times daily).

If, out of habit, it will be difficult to overcome 150 times daily, you should read 50 times at first. After each ten, one should read "Our Father" and "Mercy Door" once.

Below is a diagram in which Vladyka Seraphim (Zvezdinsky) put his prayers to Ever-Virgin Mary. Fulfilling the rule of the Theotokos, he prayed for the whole world and embraced this rule throughout the life of the Queen of Heaven. After each ten, additional prayers are read, such as those listed below:

First ten.
We remember the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We pray for mothers, fathers and children.
O, Holy Lady Mother of God, save and preserve your servants (names of parents and relatives) and rest the dead with the saints in Thy eternal glory.

Second ten.
We recall the Entry into the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We pray for the lost and fallen away from the Church.
O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, save and preserve and unite (or join) to the Holy Orthodox Church erring and backsliding servants of Thy (names).

Third ten.
We remember the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. We pray for the assuagement of sorrows and the consolation of those who mourn.
Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, quench our sorrows and send consolation to your grieving and sick servants (names).

Fourth ten.
We remember the Meeting of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Righteous Elizabeth. We pray for the reunification of the separated, who have loved ones or children who are separated or are missing.
O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, unite in separation Thy servants who are (names).

Fifth decade.
We remember the Nativity of Christ, we pray for the rebirth of souls, for a new life in Christ.
Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, grant me, who was baptized into Christ, put on Christ.

Sixth ten.
We remember the Presentation of the Lord, and the word prophesied by St. Simeon: "And a weapon will pierce your soul." We pray that the Mother of God would meet the soul at the hour of her death and would make it worthwhile with her last breath to partake of the Holy Mysteries and lead the soul through terrible ordeals.
Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, grant me with my last breath to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ and lead my soul through terrible ordeals yourself.

Seventh ten.
We remember the flight to Egypt of the Mother of God with the Divine Infant, we pray that the Queen of Heaven would help to avoid temptations in this life and save us from misfortunes.
Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, do not lead me into temptation in this life and deliver me from all misfortunes.

Eight ten.
We recall the disappearance of the twelve-year-old child Jesus in Jerusalem and the sorrow of the Mother of God over this. We pray, asking the Mother of God for the constant Jesus Prayer.
Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Most Pure Virgin Mary, grant me the unceasing Jesus Prayer.

Ninth ten.
We recall the miracle in Cana of Galilee, when the Lord turned water into wine according to the word of the Mother of God: "They have no wine." We ask the Mother of God for help in business and deliverance from need.
Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, help me in all matters and deliver me from all needs and sorrows.

Ten ten.
We recall the standing of the Mother of God at the Cross of the Lord, when sorrow, like a weapon, pierced Her soul. We pray to the Mother of God for strengthening spiritual strength and for driving away despondency.
Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Blessed Virgin Mary, strengthen my spiritual strength and drive away despondency from me.

Eleventh ten.
We remember the Resurrection of Christ and prayerfully ask the Mother of God to resurrect the soul and give new vigor to the feat.
Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, resurrect my soul and grant me constant readiness for a feat.

Twelfth ten.
We remember the Ascension of Christ, at which the Mother of God was present. We pray and ask the Queen of Heaven to elevate the soul from earthly vain amusements and direct it towards the aspiration to the heavenly.
O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, deliver me from vain thoughts and grant me a mind and a heart striving for the salvation of the soul.

Thirteenth decade.
We remember the Upper Room of Zion and the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the Mother of God and pray: "Create a pure heart in me, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Do not reject me from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me."
Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, send down and strengthen the grace of the Holy Spirit in my heart.

Fourteenth decade.
We remember the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos and ask for a peaceful and serene death.
Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, grant me a peaceful and serene end.

Fifteenth decade.
We remember the glory of the Mother of God, with which She is crowned by the Lord after Her resettlement from earth to Heaven, and we pray the Queen of Heaven not to leave the faithful who exist on earth, but to protect them from all evil, covering them with Her Honest Omophorion.
Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, save me from all evil and cover me with Your Honest Omophor.
