What global problems of our time exist. The concept of global problems. Classification of global problems according to Yu. Gladkov

a set of problems of mankind, on the solution of which social progress and the preservation of civilization depend:

preventing a world thermonuclear war and ensuring peaceful conditions for the development of all peoples;

overcoming the gap in economic level and per capita income between developed and developing countries by eliminating their backwardness, as well as eliminating hunger, poverty and illiteracy on the globe;

stopping rapid population growth (“demographic explosion” in developing countries, especially in Tropical Africa) and eliminating the danger of “depopulation” in developed countries;

prevention of catastrophic environmental pollution; ensuring the further development of mankind with the necessary natural resources;

prevention of immediate and long-term consequences of the scientific and technological revolution.

Some researchers also include problems of healthcare, education, social values, relations between generations, etc. among the global problems of our time.

Their features are: - Have a planetary, global character, affect the interests of all peoples of the world. - Threaten degradation and/or death to all mankind. - They need urgent and effective solutions. - They require the collective efforts of all states, the joint actions of the peoples for their resolution.

Major global issues

Destruction of the natural environment

Today, the biggest and most dangerous problem is the depletion and destruction of the natural environment, the violation of the ecological balance within it as a result of the growing and poorly controlled human activities. Exceptional harm is caused by industrial and transport accidents that lead to the mass death of living organisms, infection and pollution of the world's oceans, atmosphere, and soil. But the continuous emissions of harmful substances into the environment have an even greater negative impact. Firstly, a strong impact on people's health, all the more destructive because humanity is increasingly crowded in cities, where the concentration of harmful substances in the air, soil, atmosphere, directly in the premises, as well as in other influences (electricity, radio waves, etc.) very high. Secondly, many species of animals and plants are disappearing, and new dangerous microorganisms are emerging. Thirdly, the landscape is deteriorating, fertile lands are turning into piles, rivers into sewers, the water regime and climate are changing in places. But the biggest danger is global climate change (warming), possible, for example, due to an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This can lead to the melting of glaciers. As a result, huge and densely populated areas in different regions of the world will be under water.

Air pollution

The most common atmospheric pollutants enter it mainly in two forms: either in the form of suspended particles or in the form of gases. Carbon dioxide. As a result of fuel combustion, as well as the production of cement, a huge amount of this gas enters the atmosphere. This gas itself is not poisonous. Carbon monoxide. The combustion of fuel, which creates most gaseous, and even aerosol pollution of the atmosphere, serves as a source of another carbon compound - carbon monoxide. It is poisonous, and its danger is aggravated by the fact that it has neither color nor smell, and poisoning with it can occur completely unnoticed. Currently, as a result of human activity, about 300 million tons of carbon monoxide are released into the atmosphere. Hydrocarbons released into the atmosphere as a result of human activities are a small fraction of naturally occurring hydrocarbons, but their pollution is very important. Their entry into the atmosphere can occur at any stage of production, processing, storage, transportation and use of substances and materials containing hydrocarbons. More than half of the hydrocarbons produced by humans enter the air as a result of the incomplete combustion of gasoline and diesel fuel during the operation of cars and other means of transport. Sulphur dioxide. Atmospheric pollution with sulfur compounds has important environmental consequences. The main sources of sulfur dioxide are volcanic activity, as well as the processes of oxidation of hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur compounds. Sulfur sources of sulfur dioxide have long surpassed volcanoes in intensity and are now equal to the total intensity of all natural sources. Aerosol particles enter the atmosphere from natural sources. Aerosol formation processes are very diverse. This is, first of all, crushing, grinding and spraying, solids. In nature, this origin has mineral dust raised from the surface of deserts during dust storms. The source of atmospheric aerosols is of global importance, since deserts occupy about a third of the land surface, and there is also a tendency for their increased share due to unreasonable human activities. Mineral dust from the surface of deserts is carried by the wind for many thousands of kilometers. Volcanic ash that enters the atmosphere during eruptions occurs relatively rarely and irregularly, as a result of which this aerosol source is significantly inferior in mass to dust storms, its significance is very large, since this aerosol is thrown into the upper layers of the atmosphere - into the stratosphere. Remains there, for several years, it reflects or absorbs part of the solar energy, which in its absence could reach the Earth's surface. The source of aerosols is also technological processes economic activity of people. A powerful source of mineral dust is the building materials industry. The extraction and crushing of rocks in quarries, their transportation, the production of cement, the construction itself - all this pollutes the atmosphere with mineral particles. A powerful source of solid aerosols is the mining industry, especially in the extraction of coal and ore in open pits. Aerosols enter the atmosphere when spraying solutions. The natural source of such aerosols is the ocean, which supplies chloride and sulfate aerosols, formed as a result of the evaporation of sea spray. Another powerful mechanism for the formation of aerosols is the condensation of substances during combustion or incomplete combustion due to lack of oxygen or low combustion temperature. Aerosols are removed from the atmosphere in three ways: dry deposition under gravity (the main route for large particles), deposition on obstacles, and sedimentation. Aerosol pollution affects weather and climate. Chemical inactive aerosols accumulate in the lungs and lead to damage. Ordinary quartz sand and other silicates - micas, clays, asbestos, etc. accumulates in the lungs and penetrates into the blood, leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver disease.

Soil pollution

Almost all pollutants that are initially released into the atmosphere end up on land and water. Settling aerosols may contain toxic heavy metals - lead, mercury, copper, vanadium, cobalt, nickel. Usually they are inactive and accumulate in the soil. But acids also get into the soil with rain. By combining with it, metals can turn into soluble compounds available to plants. Substances that are constantly present in the soil also pass into soluble forms, which sometimes leads to the death of plants.

Water pollution

The water used by man is eventually returned to the natural environment. But, apart from evaporated water, it is no longer pure water, but domestic, industrial and agricultural wastewater, usually not treated or treated insufficiently. Thus, there is pollution of freshwater reservoirs - rivers, lakes, land and coastal areas of the seas. There are three types of water pollution - biological, chemical and physical. Pollution of the oceans and seas occurs as a result of the entry of pollutants with river runoff, their precipitation from the atmosphere, and, finally, due to human activities. A special place in the pollution of the oceans is occupied by pollution with oil and oil products. Natural pollution occurs as a result of oil seepage from oil-bearing layers, mainly on the shelf. The greatest contribution to oil pollution of the ocean is made by sea transportation of oil, as well as sudden spills of large quantities of oil during tanker accidents.

Ozone Layer Problems

On average, about 100 tons of ozone is formed and disappears every second in the Earth's atmosphere. Even with a small increase in the dose, a person has burns on the skin. Skin cancer diseases, as well as eye diseases, leading to blindness, are associated with an increase in the intensity of UV radiation. The biological effect of UV radiation is due to the high sensitivity of nucleic acids, which can be destroyed, which leads to cell death or the occurrence of mutations. The world has learned about the global environmental problem of "ozone holes". First of all, the destruction of the ozone layer is the increasingly developing civil aviation and chemical industries. Applications of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture; chlorination drinking water, the widespread use of freons in refrigeration, for extinguishing fires, as solvents and in aerosols has led to the fact that millions of tons of chlorofluoromethanes enter the lower atmosphere in the form of a colorless neutral gas. Spreading upwards, chlorofluoromentormethanes under the action of UV radiation are destroyed, releasing fluorine and chlorine, which actively enter into the processes of ozone destruction.

air temperature problem

Although air temperature is the most important characteristic, it certainly does not exhaust the concept of climate, for the description of which (and corresponds to its changes) it is important to know a number of other characteristics: air humidity, cloudiness, precipitation, air flow speed, etc. Unfortunately, data that would characterize changes in these quantities over a long period on the scale of the entire globe or hemisphere are currently not available or very few. Work on the collection, processing and analysis of such data is underway, and if there is hope that soon it will be possible to more fully assess climate change in the twentieth century. Precipitation data seem to be better than others, although this characteristic of the climate is very difficult to objectively globally analyze. An important characteristic of the climate is "cloudiness", which largely determines the influx of solar energy. Unfortunately, there are no data on changes in global cloudiness over the entire hundred-year period. a) The problem of acid rain. When studying acid rain, one must first answer two basic questions: what causes acid rain and how it affects the environment. About 200 mil. Solid particles (dust, soot, etc.) 200 mil. tons of sulfur dioxide (SO2), 700.mil. tons of carbon monoxide, 150.mil. tons of nitrogen oxides (Nox), which in total is more than 1 billion tons of harmful substances. Acid rain (or, more correctly), acid precipitation, since the fallout of harmful substances can occur both in the form of rain and in the form of snow, hail, causes environmental, economic and aesthetic damage. As a result of acid precipitation, the balance in ecosystems is disturbed, soil productivity worsens, metal structures rust, buildings, structures, architectural monuments, etc. are destroyed. sulfur dioxide is adsorbed on the leaves, penetrates inside and takes part in oxidative processes. This entails genetic and species changes in plants. First of all, some lichens die, they are considered "indicators" of clean air. Countries should strive to limit and progressively reduce pollution air environment, including pollution that goes beyond the boundaries of its state.

The problem of the greenhouse effect

Carbon dioxide is one of the main culprits of the "greenhouse effect", which is why other known "greenhouse gases" (and there are about 40 of them) account for only about half of global warming. Just as in a greenhouse, a glass roof and walls allow solar radiation to pass through, but do not allow heat to escape, so does carbon dioxide along with other “greenhouse gases”. They are practically transparent to the sun's rays, but they delay the thermal radiation of the Earth and prevent it from escaping into space. The increase in the average global air temperature must inevitably lead to an even more significant decrease in continental glaciers. Climate warming is leading to the melting of polar ice and rising sea levels. Global warming can cause a shift in the main areas of agriculture to temperature, large floods, persistent droughts, forest fires. Following the upcoming climate change, changes in the position of natural zones will inevitably come a) reduction in coal consumption, its replacement natural gases, b) the development of nuclear energy, c) the development of alternative types of energy (wind, solar, geothermal) d) global energy savings. But the problem of global warming to some extent at the moment is still compensated due to the fact that another problem has developed on its basis. Global dimming problem! On the this moment The temperature of the planet has risen by only one degree in a hundred years. But according to the calculations of scientists, it should have risen to higher values. But due to global dimming, the effect was reduced. The mechanism of the problem is based on the fact that: the rays of sunlight that must pass through the clouds and reach the surface and, as a result, raise the temperature of the planet and increase the effect of global warming, cannot pass through the clouds and are reflected from them, and therefore never reach the surface of the planet. And it is thanks to this effect that the atmosphere of the planet does not heat up rapidly. It would seem easier to do nothing and leave both factors alone, but if this happens, then human health will be in danger.

The problem of overpopulation

The number of earthlings is growing rapidly, albeit at a constantly slowing pace. But each person consumes a large number of different natural resources. Moreover, at present, this growth is primarily in the underdeveloped or underdeveloped countries. However, they are guided by the development of the state, where the level of well-being is very high, and the amount of resources consumed by each inhabitant is huge. If we imagine that the entire population of the Earth (the main part of which today lives in poverty, or even starves) will have a standard of living as in Western Europe or the USA, our planet simply cannot stand it. But to believe that the majority of earthlings will always vegetate in poverty, ignorance and squalor is unfair, inhumane and unfair. The rapid economic development of China, India, Mexico and a number of other populous countries refute this assumption. Consequently, there is only one way out - birth control with a simultaneous decrease in mortality and an increase in the quality of life. However, birth control runs into many obstacles. Among them are reactionary social relations, the huge role of religion, which encourages large families; primitive communal forms of management in which large families benefit; illiteracy and ignorance, poor development of medicine, etc. Consequently, backward countries have before them a tight knot of complex problems. However, very often in backward countries those who put their own or tribal interests above state interests rule, they use the ignorance of the masses for their own selfish purposes (including wars, repressions and other things), the growth of armaments and similar things. The problem of ecology, overpopulation and backwardness is directly related to the threat of possible food shortages in the near future. Today in a large number of countries due to rapid population growth and insufficient development of agriculture of modern methods. However, the possibility of increasing its productivity, apparently, are not unlimited. After all, an increase in the use of mineral fertilizers, pesticides, etc. leads to a deterioration in the environmental situation and an increasing concentration of substances harmful to humans in food. On the other hand, the development of cities and technology takes a lot of fertile land out of circulation. Especially harmful is the lack of good drinking water.

Problems of energy resources.

Artificially low prices misled consumers and triggered the second phase of the energy crisis. Today, energy obtained from fossil fuels is used to maintain and increase the achieved level of consumption. But since the state of the environment is deteriorating, energy and labor will have to be spent on stabilizing the environment, which the biosphere can no longer cope with. But then more than 99 percent of electrical and labor costs will be spent on environmental stabilization. But the maintenance and development of civilization remains less than one percent. There is no alternative to increasing energy production yet. But nuclear energy has come under a powerful press of public opinion, hydropower is expensive, and non-traditional types of energy production - solar, wind, tidal - are under development. What remains is ... traditional thermal power engineering, and with it the dangers associated with atmospheric pollution. The work of many economists have shown: electricity consumption per capita is a very representative indicator of the standard of living in a country. Electricity is a commodity that can be spent on your needs or sold for rubles.

The problem of AIDS and drug addiction.

Fifteen years ago, it was hardly possible to foresee that the media would receive so much attention to the disease, which was briefly called AIDS - "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome." Now the geography of the disease is striking. The World Health Organization estimates that at least 100,000 cases of AIDS have been detected worldwide since the start of the epidemic. The disease was found in 124 countries. Most of them are in the USA. The social, economic and purely humanitarian costs of this disease are already high, and the future is not so optimistic as to seriously count on a speedy solution to this problem. No less evil is the international mafia and especially drug addiction, which poisons the health of tens of millions of people and creates a fertile environment for crime and disease. Even today, even in developed countries, there are countless diseases, including mental ones. In theory, hemp fields should be guarded by workers of the state farm - the owner of the plantation. The foreman's are red from constant lack of sleep. Understanding this problem, one must take into account that in this small North Caucasian republic there is no poppy and hemp planting - neither public nor private. The republic has become a "transshipment base" for Datura dealers from various regions. The growth of drug addiction and the fight against the authorities resembles a monster with which he fights. This is how the term “drug mafia” arose, which today has become a synonym for millions of ruined lives, broken hopes and destinies, a synonym for a catastrophe that has befallen a whole generation of young people. In recent years, part of the drug mafia's profits has been spent on strengthening its "material base". That is why the caravans with the "white death" in the "golden triangle" are accompanied by detachments of armed mercenaries. The drug mafia has its own runways and so on. A war has been declared against the drug mafia, in which tens of thousands of people and the latest achievements of science and technology are involved on the part of governments. Among the most commonly used drugs are cocaine and heroin. The health consequences are exacerbated by the use of two or more types of different drugs alternately, as well as by particularly dangerous methods of administration. Those who inject them into a vein face a new danger - they put them at great risk of contracting acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which can lead to death. Among the reasons for the growing addiction to drugs are young people who are unemployed, but even those who have a job are afraid of losing it, whatever it may be. There are, of course, reasons for a “personal” nature - there is no relationship with parents, no luck in love. And drugs in difficult times, thanks to the "concerns" of the drug mafia, are always at hand ... The "White Death" is not satisfied with the positions won, feeling the growing demand for their goods, the sellers of poison and death continue their offensive.

The problem of thermonuclear war.

No matter how serious dangers to mankind may be accompanied by all other global problems, they are even remotely incomparable in the aggregate with the catastrophic demographic, ecological and other consequences of the world thermonuclear war, which threatens the very existence of civilization and life on our planet. Back in the late 70s, scientists believed that a world thermonuclear war would be accompanied by the death of many hundreds of millions of people and the resolution of world civilization. Studies on the likely consequences of a thermonuclear war have revealed that even 5% of the nuclear arsenal of the great powers accumulated to date will be enough to plunge our planet into an irreversible environmental catastrophe: the soot rising into the atmosphere from incinerated cities and forest fires will create a screen impenetrable to the sun's rays. and will lead to a drop in temperature by tens of degrees, so that even in the tropical zone a long polar night will come. The priority of preventing a world thermonuclear war is determined not only by its consequences, but also by the fact that a non-violent world without nuclear weapons creates the need for prerequisites and guarantees for the scientific and practical solution of all other global problems in the conditions of international cooperation.

Chapter III. The relationship of global problems. All global problems of our time are closely connected with each other and are mutually conditioned, so that isolated solution they are almost impossible. Thus, ensuring further economic development Humanity with natural resources obviously presupposes the prevention of growing environmental pollution, otherwise it will lead to an ecological catastrophe on a planetary scale in the foreseeable future. That is why both of these global problems are rightly called environmental and even with a certain reason are considered as two sides of a single environmental problem. In turn, this environmental problem can be solved only on the path of a new type of environmental development, fruitfully using the potential of the scientific and technological revolution, while simultaneously preventing its negative consequences. And although the pace of ecological growth over the past four decades as a whole in developing times, this gap has increased. Statistical calculations show that if the annual population growth in developing countries were the same as in developed countries, then the contrast between them in terms of per capita income would have been reduced by now. Up to 1:8 and could be in comparable sizes per capita twice as high as now. However, this "demographic explosion" in developing countries, according to scientists, is due to their continuing economic, social and cultural backwardness. The inability of mankind to develop at least one of the global problems will most negatively affect the possibility of solving all the others. In the view of some Western scientists, the interconnection and interdependence of global problems form a kind of “vicious circle” of disasters insoluble for humanity, from which there is either no way out at all, or the only salvation lies in the immediate cessation of ecological growth and population growth. This approach to global problems is accompanied by various alarmist, pessimistic forecasts of the future of mankind.


Christianity originated in the 1st century in Israel in the context of the messianic movements of Judaism.

Christianity has Jewish roots. Yeshua (Jesus) was brought up as a Jew, observed the Torah, attended the synagogue on Shabbat, observed holidays. The apostles, the first disciples of Yeshua, were Jews.

According to the New Testament text of the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 11:26), the noun "Χριστιανοί" - Christians, adherents (or followers) of Christ, first came into use to refer to the supporters of the new faith in the Syrian-Hellenistic city of Antioch in the 1st century.

Initially, Christianity spread among the Jews of Palestine and the Mediterranean diaspora, but already from the first decades, thanks to the sermons of the Apostle Paul, it gained more and more followers among other peoples (“pagans”). Until the 5th century, the spread of Christianity took place mainly within the geographical boundaries of the Roman Empire, as well as in the sphere of its cultural influence (Armenia, eastern Syria, Ethiopia), later (mainly in the 2nd half of the 1st millennium) - among the Germanic and Slavic peoples, later (by the XIII-XIV centuries) - also among the Baltic and Finnish peoples. into new and modern times The spread of Christianity outside of Europe was due to colonial expansion and the activities of missionaries.

Currently, the number of adherents of Christianity around the world exceeds 1 billion [source?], of which in Europe - about 475 million, in Latin America - about 250 million, in North America - about 155 million, in Asia - about 100 million, in Africa - about 110 million; Catholics - about 660 million, Protestants - about 300 million (including 42 million Methodists and 37 million Baptists), Orthodox and adherents of the "non-Chalcedonian" religions of the East (Monophysites, Nestorians, etc.) - about 120 million.

Main Features of the Christian Religion

1) spiritualistic monotheism, deepened by the doctrine of the trinity of Persons in the single essence of the Godhead. This teaching gave and gives rise to the deepest philosophical and religious speculations, revealing the depth of its content over the centuries from new and new sides:

2) the concept of God as an absolutely perfect Spirit, not only absolute Reason and Omnipotence, but also absolute Goodness and Love (God is love);

3) the doctrine of the absolute value of the human person as an immortal, spiritual being, created by God in His own image and likeness, and the doctrine of the equality of all people in their relationship to God: all the same, they are loved by Him, as children by the Heavenly Father, all are destined for eternal blissful existence in union with God, everyone is given the means to achieve this destiny - free will and divine grace;

4) the doctrine of the ideal purpose of man, which consists in infinite, all-round, spiritual improvement (be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect);

5) the doctrine of the complete dominance of the spiritual principle over matter: God is the unconditional Lord of matter, as its Creator: they have entrusted man with dominance over the material world in order to fulfill his ideal purpose through the material body and in the material world; Thus, Christianity, dualistic in metaphysics (since it accepts two foreign substances - spirit and matter), is monistic as a religion, for it puts matter in unconditional dependence on the spirit, as a creation and environment for the activity of the spirit. Therefore it

6) equally far from metaphysical and moral materialism, and from hatred towards matter and the material world as such. Evil is not in matter and not from matter, but from the perverted free will of spiritual beings (angels and humans), from whom it passed to matter (“Cursed is the earth in your deeds,” God says to Adam; at creation, everything was “great good ").

7) the doctrine of the resurrection of the flesh and the bliss of the resurrected flesh of the righteous together with their souls in the enlightened, eternal, material world and

8) in the second cardinal dogma of Christianity - in the teaching about the God-man, about the Eternal Son of God, who was truly incarnated and incarnated to save people from sin, damnation and death, identified by the Christian church with its Founder, Jesus Christ. Thus, Christianity, for all its impeccable idealism, is a religion of the harmony of matter and spirit; it does not curse or deny any of the spheres of human activity, but ennobles them all, inspiring to remember that all of them are only means for a person to achieve spiritual god-like perfection.

In addition to these features, the indestructibility of the Christian religion is facilitated by:

1) the essential metaphysical nature of its content, which makes it invulnerable to scientific and philosophical criticism, and

2) for the Catholic Churches of the East and West - the doctrine of the infallibility of the Church in matters of dogma by virtue of the Holy Spirit acting in it at all times - a doctrine that, in the correct understanding, protects it, in particular, from historical and historical-philosophical criticism.

These features, carried by Christianity through two millennia, despite the abyss of misunderstandings, passions, attacks, sometimes unsuccessful defenses, despite all the abyss of evil that was done and is done supposedly in the name of Christianity, lead to the fact that if the Christian teaching could always be accepted and not to accept, to believe in it or not to believe it, then it cannot be refuted and never will be possible. To these features of the attractiveness of the Christian religion, it is necessary to add one more and by no means the last: the incomparable Personality of its Founder. To renounce Christ is perhaps even more difficult than to renounce Christianity.

Today in Christianity there are the following main directions:




Catholicism or Catholicism(from the Greek καθολικός - worldwide; for the first time in relation to the church, the term "η Καθολικη Εκκλησία" was used around 110 in a letter from St. , formed in the 1st millennium on the territory of the Western Roman Empire. The final break with Eastern Orthodoxy occurred in 1054.

Orthodoxy(tracing paper from Greek ὀρθοδοξία - “correct judgment, glorification”)

The term can be used in 3 close, but distinctly different meanings:

1. Historically, as well as in theological literature, sometimes in the expression "Orthodoxy of Jesus Christ", denotes a doctrine approved by the universal Church - as opposed to heresy. The term came into use at the end of IV and was often used in doctrinal documents as a synonym for the term "catholic" (in the Latin tradition - "catholic") (καθολικός).

2. In modern broad word usage, it denotes a direction in Christianity that took shape in the east of the Roman Empire during the first millennium AD. e. under the leadership and with the title role of the See of the Bishop of Constantinople - New Rome, which professes the Niceno-Tsaregradsky Creed and recognizes the decisions of the 7 Ecumenical Councils.

3. The totality of teachings and spiritual practices that the Orthodox Church contains. The latter refers to the community of autocephalous local churches having Eucharistic communion with each other (lat. Communicatio in sacris).

It is lexicologically incorrect in Russian to use the terms "orthodoxy" or "orthodox" in any of the given meanings, although such usage is sometimes found in secular literature.

Protestantism(from lat. protestans, genus n. protestantis - publicly proving) - one of the three, along with Catholicism (see Papacy) and Orthodoxy, the main areas of Christianity, which is a collection of numerous and independent Churches and denominations, connected by their origin with the Reformation - a broad anti-Catholic movement of the 16th century in Europe.

Mironov Nikita

This material contains a research paper and a presentation on the topic: "Global problems of mankind".



MBOU "Balesinskaya secondary comprehensive school No. 5"

Global problems of mankind

Research work

Completed by a 9th grade student

Mironov Nikita

Checked by geography teacher

First qualifying category

Mironova Natalia Alekseevna

P. Balezino, 2012

1. Introduction…………………………………………………………….3

2. Main body:

  1. Characteristics of the global problems of mankind………5
  2. Questionnaire………………………………………………………6
  3. Ecological problems
  1. Air pollution………………………………….8
  2. Ozone holes……………………………………………10
  3. Acid rains………………………………………........11
  4. Pollution of the hydrosphere………………………………..13
  5. Terrorism………………………………………………….14
  6. Alcoholism…………………………………………………15
  7. Smoking……………………………………………………..17
  8. Drug addiction………………………………………………...18

3. Conclusion…………………………………………………………..19

4. Literature …………………………………………………………..20

5. Appendix …………………………………… ........................ 21


The last decades of the 20th century posed many acute and complex problems before the peoples of the world, which are called global. This drastic change occurred due to two interrelated circumstances characteristic of the second half of the century: the growth of the world's population and the scientific and technological revolution.

The rapid growth of the world's population is called the population explosion. It was accompanied by the seizure of vast territories from nature for residential buildings and public institutions, automobile and railways, airports and marinas, crops and pastures. Hundreds of square kilometers of tropical forests were cut down. Under the hooves of numerous herds, the steppes and prairies turned into deserts.

Simultaneously with the population explosion, there was also a scientific and technological revolution. Man mastered nuclear energy, rocket technology and went into space. He invented the computer, created electronic technology and the industry of synthetic materials.

The population explosion and the scientific and technological revolution have led to a colossal increase in the consumption of natural resources. Thus, 3.5 billion tons of oil and 4.5 tons of coal and lignite are produced annually in the world today. At such a rate of consumption, it became obvious that many natural resources would be depleted in the near future. At the same time, the waste from giant industries began to pollute the environment more and more, destroying the health of the population. In all industrialized countries, cancerous, chronic pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases are widespread. Scientists were the first to sound the alarm. Beginning in 1968, the Italian economist Aurelio Pecchen began to annually gather in Rome major experts from different countries to discuss issues about the future of civilization. These meetings were called the Club of Rome. In the spring of 1972, the first book prepared by the Club of Rome was published, with the characteristic title "Limits to Growth". And in June of the same year, the UN held the First International Conference on Environment and Development in Stockholm, which summarized materials on pollution and its harmful effects on the health of the population of many countries. The participants of the conference came to the conclusion that a person from a subject who studied the ecology of animals and plants, in the new conditions, must himself turn into an object of multilateral environmental research. They appealed to the governments of all countries of the world with an appeal to create special state institutions for these purposes.

After the conference in Stockholm, ecology merged with nature conservation and began to acquire its present great importance. In different countries, ministries, departments and committees on ecology began to be created, and their main goal was to monitor the natural environment and combat its pollution in order to preserve public health.

The term ecology is derived from two Greek words: from the Greek "oikos" - house, dwelling, homeland and "logos" - science, meaning "the science of the house." In a general sense, ecology is the science that studies the relationship of organisms and communities with their environment. For centuries, man has sought not to adapt to the natural environment, but to make it convenient for his existence. Now many people have realized that any human activity has an impact on environment, and the deterioration of the biosphere is dangerous for all living beings, including humans. Interaction problem human society and nature has become the most important at the present stage of development of civilization. The threat of ecological catastrophe comes to the fore, becoming even more significant than the threat of a thermonuclear conflict. The difficult ecological situation in the world did not develop suddenly, but was the result of a long-term anthropogenic impact on the natural environment, the result of ill-conceived decisions and actions. Global problems directly concern each of us.

Characteristics of the global problems of mankind

Firstly , global problems are those problems that affect the interests of not only individuals, but can affect the fate of all mankind.

Secondly , global problems are not solved by themselves and even by the efforts of individual countries. They require purposeful and organized efforts of the entire world community. Unresolved global problems may lead in the future to serious, irreversible consequences for humans and their environment.

Thirdly global problems are closely related to each other. Therefore, it is so difficult even theoretically to isolate and systematize them, to develop a system of successive steps to solve them.

Global problems are, on the one hand, natural in nature, and on the other, social. In this regard, they can be considered as the influence or result of human activity, which had a negative impact on nature. The second option for the emergence of global problems is a crisis in relations between people, which affects the entire complex of relationships between members of the world community.

Global problems are grouped according to the most characteristics. Classification allows you to establish the degree of their relevance, the sequence of theoretical analysis, methodology and sequence of solution.

The most widely used method of classification, which is based on the task of determining the severity of the problem and the sequence of its solution. In connection with this approach, three global problems can be identified:

Between states and regions of the planet (prevention of conflicts, establishment of economic order);

Environmental (environmental protection, protection and distribution of fuel raw materials, space and ocean exploration;

Between society and a person (demography, health care, education, etc.).


In my work, I want to talk about the global problems of mankind, which became the goal of my work. In order to achieve this goal, I set the following tasks for myself:

1. Reveal ideas about the main problems of mankind, show what danger some of them represent.

2. Conduct a survey among students in grades 8-9, show the results of the survey in a diagram.

3. Give a complete description of the main global problems and find solutions.

I used methods such as scientific literature analysis and survey. I interviewed 80 students in eighth and ninth grades, asking them the following questions:

  1. How do you understand the meaning of the term "Global problems of mankind"?

Basically, the meaning of the term "Global problems of mankind" is clear to students. Most students believe that the global problems of mankind are:

1. Problems of all mankind;

2. World;

3. Problems with a great threat to humanity;

4. Problems affecting the whole world as a whole;

5. Very important;

6. Problems causing harm to the environment and humans;

7. Extensive, covering vast territories;

8. Large scale;

  1. Which of the following problems do you consider the most dangerous? Choose three problems:

A) global warming

B) Ozone holes

B) acid rain

D) Atmospheric pollution

E) Pollution of the hydrosphere

E) Terrorism

G) Raw material problems (resource availability)

H) Demographic problem

I) The problem of peace and disarmament


According to the diagram (see appendices, fig. 1), it can be seen that the main problems of mankind are:

  1. Ozone holes
  2. Air pollution
  3. acid rain
  4. Terrorism
  5. Hydrosphere pollution

The main problems relate to natural pollution.

3. What measures are being taken to solve these problems in the world or country?

The students came up with the following solutions:

1. Creation of treatment facilities;

2. Respect for nature;

3. Limit the release of waste into the atmosphere;

4. Promoting a healthy lifestyle;

5. Creation of reserves;

6. Strengthening the fight against terrorism;

7. Reducing the amount of exhaust gases;

8. Signing of peace treaties, regulation of foreign policy relations;

4. What other problems, in your opinion, can be classified as global?

1. Alcoholism

2. Smoking

3. Addiction

(See Fig. No. 2)

5. Can you contribute to solving global problems?

Many of those interviewed can contribute to solving global problems, and here is what they offer:

  1. Do not litter
  2. Do not pollute the atmosphere
  3. Do not pollute the hydrosphere

4. Use the latest technology

5. Do not exterminate flora and fauna

(See Fig. No. 3)

Following from this, I put forward a hypothesis: there are a huge number of global problems that require immediate solutions. I would like to explore these problems in more detail and find ways to solve them..

Air pollution

Under air pollutionany change in its composition and properties that adversely affect human and animal health, the condition of plants and ecosystems should be understood. It may be natural (natural) and anthropogenic (technogenic).

The natural is caused by natural processes. These include volcanic activity, weathering of rocks, wind erosion, mass flowering of plants, smoke from forest and steppe fires, etc.;

Anthropogenic - emissions into the atmosphere of various pollutants in the course of human activity. In terms of volume, it often exceeds natural pollution.

Emissions of substances into the atmosphere are classified into: gaseous (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, etc.); liquid (acids, alkalis, salt solutions, etc.); solid (carcinogenic substances, lead and its compounds, dust, soot, resinous substances, etc.).

The main air pollutants are formed in the process of industrial and other human activities; these are sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter; they account for about 98% of the total emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The total world emissions of these pollutants into the atmosphere in 1990 amounted to 401 million tons (in Russia - 26.2 million tons). In addition to them, more than 70 types of harmful substances are observed in the atmosphere of cities and towns.

Another form of atmospheric pollution is local excess heat input from anthropogenic sources. This is indicated by the so-calledthermal zones, for example, “heat island” in cities, warming of reservoirs, etc.

Currently, the following enterprises mainly pollute the atmospheric air in Russia: thermal and nuclear power plants, vehicles, industrial and municipal boiler houses, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, building materials, oil production and petrochemistry enterprises.

In the developed industrial countries of the West, for example, the main amount of emissions of harmful substances falls on motor vehicles (50 - 60%), while the share of thermal power is much less, only 16 - 20%.

At thermal power plants, boiler plantsin the process of burning solid or liquid fuels, smoke is emitted into the atmosphere, containing products of complete and incomplete combustion. When units are converted to liquid fuel (fuel oil), ash emissions are reduced, but emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides are practically not reduced. The purest is gas fuel, which pollutes the atmospheric air three times less than fuel oil and five times less than coal.

A major source of energy pollution of the atmosphere - the heating system of dwellings (boiler plants, see Fig. No. 6) - emits products of incomplete combustion. Due to the low height of the chimneys, toxic substances in high concentrations are dispersed near the boiler plants.

In ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgywhen smelting one ton of steel, 0.04 tons of solid particles, 0.03 tons of sulfur oxides and up to 0.05 tons of carbon monoxide enter the atmosphere. Non-ferrous metallurgy plants discharge into the atmosphere compounds of manganese, lead, phosphorus, arsenic, mercury vapor, vapor-gas mixtures consisting of phenol, formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and other toxic substances.

Enterprise emissionschemical productionsmall in volume (about 2% of all industrial emissions). Atmospheric air is polluted with sulfur oxides, fluorine compounds, ammonia, nitrous gases (a mixture of nitrogen oxides), chloride compounds, hydrogen sulfide, and inorganic dust.

There are several hundred million cars in the world, which, burning a huge amount of oil products, significantly pollute the atmospheric air. Exhaust gases from internal combustion engines contain toxic compounds such as benzopyrene, aldehydes, oxides of nitrogen and carbon, and lead compounds. Correct adjustment fuel system automobiles allows to reduce the amount of harmful substances by 1.5 times, and special converters (catalytic afterburners) - to reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases by 6 or more times.

Intensive pollution also occurs during the extraction and processing of raw materials at oil and gas processing plants, with the release of dust and gases from underground mine workings, with the burning of garbage and burning rocks in dumps. In rural areas, the sources of air pollution are livestock and poultry farms, industrial complexes for the production of meat, spraying pesticides.

Ozone holes

Ozone holes (See Figure #5) are a phenomenon of low concentration of ozone in the stratosphere, which is located in the earth's upper atmosphere at an altitude of 10 to 50 km, where there is a layer of high concentration of ozone, called the ozonosphere.

Ozone holes are located mainly in polar regions such as Antarctica. And in recent times observed in the region of Southern Argentina and Chile.

According to annual studies, in these areas the ozone content is decreasing by about three percent per year. Currently, the depletion of the ozone layer is about 50% of its original state.

The formation of the ozone hole is associated with human economic activity and its constant intervention in the environment. Ozone is a natural filter that protects the Earth from ultraviolet radiation and compounds such as fluorochlorocarbons.

The ozone hole is formed by the decomposition of ozone into ordinary diatomic molecules of oxygen and chlorine, which rises and reaches upper layers atmosphere. Where does chlorine come from? Some of it comes from volcanic gases, but most of the ozone-destroying chlorine comes from the breakdown of CFCs, which are components of most paints, cosmetics, and aerosol products.

The weakening of the ozone layer increases the flow of solar radiation to the Earth and causes an increase in the number of skin cancers in people. Also from advanced level radiation affects plants and animals.

acid rain

In the fresh water of rivers and lakes there are many soluble substances, including poisonous ones. It may contain pathogenic microbes, so use it, and even more so drink it without additional cleaning it is forbidden. When it rains, drops of water (or snowflakes when it snows) capture harmful impurities from the air that have fallen into it from the pipes of some factory.

As a result, harmful, so-called acid rains fall in some places on the Earth (See Fig. No. 8). Blessed raindrops have always made people happy, but now in many parts of the world, rains have become a serious danger.

Acid precipitation (rain, fog, snow) is precipitation whose acidity is higher than normal. The measure of acidity is the pH value (hydrogen index). The pH scale goes from 02 (extremely acidic), through 7 (neutral) to 14 (alkaline), with the neutral point (pure water) having pH=7. Rainwater in clean air has a pH of 5.6. The lower the pH value, the higher the acidity. If the acidity of the water is below 5.5, then the precipitation is considered acidic. In the vast territories of the industrialized countries of the world, precipitation falls, the acidity of which exceeds the normal value from 10 to 1000 times (рН = 5-2.5).

Chemical analysis of acid precipitation shows the presence of sulfuric (H2SO4) and nitric (HNO3) acids. The presence of sulfur and nitrogen in these formulas indicates that the problem is related to the release of these elements into the atmosphere. These gaseous products (sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide) react with atmospheric water with the formation of acids (nitric and sulfuric).

In aquatic ecosystems, acid rain causes the death of fish and other aquatic life. Acidification of water in rivers and lakes also seriously affects land animals, since many animals and birds are part of food chains that begin in aquatic ecosystems. Along with the death of lakes, the degradation of forests also becomes apparent. The acids break down the protective waxy coat of the leaves, making plants more vulnerable to insects, fungi and other pathogens. During drought, more moisture evaporates through damaged leaves.

The leaching of nutrients from the soil and the release of toxic elements contributes to slowing down the growth and death of trees. It can be assumed that what happens to wild species of animals when forests die.

If the forest ecosystem is destroyed, then soil erosion begins, clogging of water bodies, flooding and deterioration of water supplies become catastrophic.

As a result of acidification in the soil, the nutrients that are vital for plants are dissolved; these substances are carried by rain to groundwater. At the same time, heavy metals are also leached from the soil, which are then absorbed by plants, causing them serious damage. Using such plants for food, a person also receives an increased dose of heavy metals with them.

When the soil fauna degrades, yields decrease, the quality of agricultural products deteriorates, and this entails a deterioration in the health of the population.

Under the action of acids from rocks and minerals, aluminum is released, as well as mercury and lead, which then enter surface and groundwater. Aluminum can cause Alzheimer's disease, a type of premature aging. Heavy metals found in natural waters adversely affect the kidneys, liver, central nervous system, causing various oncological diseases. The genetic consequences of heavy metal poisoning can appear after 20 years or more, not only in those who consume dirty water, but also in their descendants.

Acid rain corrodes metals, paints, synthetic compounds, and destroys architectural monuments.

To combat acid rain, efforts must be made to reduce emissions of acidic substances from coal-fired power plants. And for this you need:

Use of low-sulfur coal or its desulfurization

Installation of filters for purification of gaseous products

Application alternative sources energy

Hydrosphere pollution

There are many hydrosphere pollutants and they are not much different from atmospheric pollutants.

On a global scale, the main pollutant of the hydrosphere is oil and oil products that enter the aquatic environment as a result of oil production, its transportation, processing and use as fuel and industrial raw materials.

Among other products industrial production a special place in their negative impact on the aquatic environment is occupied by detergents - very toxic synthetic detergents. They are difficult to clean, and meanwhile, at least half of the initial amount gets into the water bodies. Detergents often form layers of foam in reservoirs, the thickness of which on locks and rapids reaches 1 m or more.

Industrial waste polluting water are heavy metals: mercury, lead, zinc, copper, chromium, tin, radioactive elements. Mercury (methylmercury fractions) is of particular danger to the aquatic environment.

Agriculture is becoming one of the most significant sources of water pollution. This is manifested, first of all, in the washout of fertilizers and their entry into water bodies.

Increasingly, water resources are being polluted with herbicides and pesticides. At the same time, the degree of their accumulation and manifestation of toxicity largely depends on the hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics of the water body.

The pollution of the oceans is growing. Every year, up to 100 million tons of various wastes from the coast, from the bottom, from rivers and the atmosphere enter the ocean. The movement of waters in the ocean leads to the spread of pollution over long distances;

Among the most polluted rivers are many rivers - Rhine, Danube, Dnieper, Volga, Don, Dniester, Mississippi, Nile, Ganges, Seine, etc. Pollution of internal and marginal seas - the Mediterranean, North, Baltic, Black, Azov, Japanese and etc. (See Fig. No. 7)


Terrorism today is the most powerful weapon, a tool used not only in the fight against the Power, but very often - by the Power itself to achieve its goals. (See Fig. No. 11)

Modern terrorism takes the form of: international terrorism (terrorist acts of an international scale); domestic political terrorism (terrorist actions directed against the government, any political groups within countries, or aimed at destabilizing the internal situation); criminal terrorism, pursuing purely selfish goals.

Terrorism appears when a society is going through a deep crisis, primarily a crisis of ideology and the state-legal system. In such a society, various opposition groups appear - political, social, national, religious - for which the legitimacy of the existing government becomes doubtful. People in most countries are unaccustomed to political violence and fear it. Today, the most common and effective methods of terror are violence not against government officials, but against peaceful, defenseless people who have nothing to do with the "addressee" of terror, with the obligatory demonstration of the catastrophic results of terror. So it was in America during the explosion of the buildings of the shopping center in September 2001 or the terrorist attack in Budenovsk. The object of the attack is a hospital, a maternity hospital. Or the events that took place in Kizlyar, Pervomaisky, as well as the explosion in Moscow, etc.

The task of terrorism is to involve a large mass of people for whom either the goals of terror are so lofty that they justify any means, or they are so indiscriminate in means that they are ready to realize any abomination.

Through "lofty motives" they usually involve young people, who, due to mental and moral immaturity, easily "bite" on radical national, social or religious ideas. It is most often involved through totalitarian, religious or ideological sects. by the most famous example is the sect "Aum Shinrikyo"

Terrorism of any kind, no matter what motives it is caused by, no matter how politicized, should be considered as a criminal phenomenon, subject to detailed criminological analysis.

After analyzing the results of the surveys, I considered such problems, which in our time can also be classified as global. These are alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction. I would also like to tell you more about them.


Alcoholism is a disease, a kind of substance abuse, characterized by a painful addiction to alcohol (ethyl alcohol), with mental and physical dependence on it. Negative consequences alcoholism can be expressed by mental and physical disorders, as well as violations of the social relations of a person suffering from this disease. (See Fig. No. 9)

It is known that the ruling Kievan Rus In the 10th century, Prince Vladimir decided to introduce a new religion to replace, as it seemed to him, the obsolete pagan gods. It is not known why he did not like Judaism, but he did not accept Islam only because, according to him, "joy in Russia is drinking." Thus, it was not entirely correct to believe that along with the introduction of Christianity, allegedly, Vladimir the Red Sun also introduced drunkenness in Russia, although it is already clear from his words that wine was drunk in Russia before.

In that era, our ancestors drank mainly wine and mash, and wine was most often imported. Since these intoxicants were weak, they for a long time did not give rise to any problems.

The use and production of vodka in Russia was first used starting from the 14th century, and a hundred years later, i.e. in the time of Ivan the Terrible, the so-called "tsar's taverns" first appeared, in which the tsar's close associates and his guardsmen "came off" for the most part.

Drunkenness became widespread in Russia with the organization of a large number of taverns for the common people during the reign of Peter I, who drank heavily himself and encouraged his nobles to do so. Starting from the XIV century, the production and distribution of all alcoholic beverages was taken under the strict control of the state, clandestine moonshining gained wide popularity. As a result, since the 19th century,alcoholism in Russiabecame a national tradition...

In 1985, an absolutely ill-conceived law was introduced, sharply restricting the consumption of alcohol in our country. They did not drink less, as the illegal production of alcohol increased sharply. Drunkards, unable to get high-quality vodka, resorted to the use of its surrogates, as a result of which the number of poisonings, alcoholic psychoses and alcoholism itself in our country increased sharply. Unable to find and consume alcohol, some began to look for alcohol substitutes - such “products” as toothpaste, liquids for defrosting locks in cars, and various kinds of medicines went into business. As a result, the number of cases of substance abuse and drug addiction has risen sharply, especially among young people.

Currently, alcohol abuse is the main reason that life expectancy among men in our country is much lower than even in the most underdeveloped countries such as Mauritania, Honduras, Yemen, Tajikistan and Bolivia. According to UN forecasts, poor quality food, excessive alcohol consumption and high levels of crime could reduce the population of Russia by 2025 from the current 142 million to 131 million.

How do countries fight alcoholism? There are 41 countries in the world wherealcohol problem completely solved, there operates " no alcohol law » and 40 countries where production and sales alcohol is so squeezed by the state that they are also fighting very effectively with this problem. And it turns out that there are 81 (2/3 of the world's population) countries in the world where the problemalcoholism and drunkenness somehow solved. But the remaining 1/3 of the world's population " drunk ", these are precisely the countries wheretheory of cultural, moderate alcohol consumption. And for the last half century, our country has been included in this 1/3. Meanwhile, Russia 100 years ago was the legislator of the theory of sobriety, there is a science of a sober lifestyle " sobreology ". Such scientists as Bekhterev, Pavlov, Vvedensky and others worked on this theory.

The problem of alcoholism in Russia is very acute, and the chief sanitary doctor G. Onishchenko and the president speak about this. Every year about 700 thousand of our citizens die from drinking alcohol in Russia. Just imagine, during the ten years of the war in Afghanistan, about 14,000 of our children died, and here 700,000 citizens die from alcohol in a year. And many do not take this evil seriously.


Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of preparations, mainly of plant origin, smoldering in the inhaled air stream, in order to saturate the body with the active substances contained in them by sublimation and subsequent absorption in the lungs and respiratory tract. As a rule, it is used for the use of smoking mixtures with narcotic properties (tobacco, hashish, marijuana, opium, etc.) due to the rapid flow of blood saturated with psychoactive substances into the brain. (See Fig. No. 10)

The top ten countries with the most widespread tobacco smoking are Nauru, Guinea, Namibia, Kenya, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mongolia, Yemen, Sao Tome and Principe, Turkey, Romania. Russia in this series of 153 countries ranks 33rd (37% of smokers among the adult population).

Since the inhaled smoke burns the mucous membranes and contains a large amount of harmful substances (benzpyrene, nitrosamines, carbon monoxide, soot particles, etc.), smoking (regardless of the drug used) increases the risk of developing lung, mouth and respiratory tract cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), mental, cardiovascular and other diseases. Researchers have noted a correlation between smoking and impotence.

Currently, the most common consequences of long-term smoking are the occurrence of COPD and the development of various tumors. respiratory system, 90% of lung cancer cases are associated with smoking. Smoking or passive inhalation of tobacco smoke can cause infertility in women. Atrophy and demyelination (destruction of the white matter of the brain and spinal cord) at multiple sclerosis more pronounced in patients who smoked for at least 6 months during their lifetime compared to patients who never smoked. Smoking addiction can be both psychological and physical.

With psychological dependence, a person reaches for a cigarette when he is in a smoking company, or in a state of stress, nervous tension, to stimulate mental activity. A certain habit is developed, a ritual of smoking, without which a person cannot fully live.

In physical addiction, the body's demand for a dose of nicotine is so strong that the smoker's entire attention is focused on finding a cigarette, the idea of ​​smoking becomes so obsessive that most other needs fade into the background. It becomes impossible to concentrate on anything other than a cigarette, apathy, unwillingness to do anything, may set in.


Drug addiction - A morbid attraction or addiction to narcotic substances used in various ways (swallowing, inhaling, intravenous injection) with the aim of inducing an intoxicating state or relieving pain. (See Fig. No. 9)

Drug addiction (from the Greek narke - numbness and mania - madness, enthusiasm) - in medicine, a disease characterized by a pathological craving for drugs, leading to severe impairment of body functions; in psychology, the need to use a drug or chemical in order to avoid the discomfort that occurs when the use is stopped, i.e. dependence on chemicals; in sociology - a type of deviant behavior.

Drug addiction includes two forms of addiction:

Psychological dependence is a state of the body characterized by a pathological need for the use of any drug or chemical substance in order to avoid mental disorders or discomfort that occurs when the use of the substance that caused the dependence is stopped, but without somatic withdrawal phenomena.

Physical dependence is a condition characterized by the development of abstinence upon discontinuation of the addictive substance or after the introduction of its antagonists.

Addiction wears inadequate behavior, the state of the drug addict is constantly depressive. In addition, aggressive and unstable behavior is characteristic of drug addiction. People who are dependent on taking drugs are potentially dangerous both for the individual and for the whole society. For the sake of another dose of drugs, they are ready to turn the world upside down, commit the most terrible crime, and at the same time not experience any feelings of guilt, confusion or shame. Drug addicts are degrading beings who are alien to everything human.

The consequences of drug addiction range from disability to death. Always remember the consequences of drug addiction and talk about them to children, acquaintances, even strangers. Show sympathy and understanding for sick people, because they, as a rule, do not give an account of their actions.


For thousands of years, man lived, worked, developed, but he did not even suspect that the day might come when it would become difficult, or maybe impossible, to breathe clean air, drink clean water, grow something on the ground, as the air is polluted, the water is poisoned, the soil is contaminated with radiation or other chemicals. But a lot has changed since then. And in our age, this is a very real threat, and not many people realize it. Another Chernobyl, if not worse.

Global scientists propose various options solutions to global problems of our time:

  1. creation of waste-free production,
  2. creation of heat and energy resource saving technologies,
  3. use of alternative energy sources (sun, wind, etc.),
  4. creation of a new world order,
  5. development of a new formula for the global management of the world community based on the principles of understanding the modern world as an integral and interconnected community of people,
  6. recognition of universal values,
  7. attitude to life, man and the world as the highest values ​​of mankind,
  8. rejection of war as a means of resolving controversial issues,
  9. search for ways to peacefully resolve international problems.

One of the first steps in solving environmental issues, is the elimination of environmental illiteracy. This is a task of the state or even world level. Already from the school bench, the young inhabitants of the planet Earth need to learn to appreciate natural wealth and comprehend the wisdom of their conservation. People need to be able not only to barbarously use all the best that nature can give us, but also to compensate for the damage caused. Human activities must be carried out in harmony with the environment.

Thus, I concluded that my hypothesis is correct. Each person should be aware that Humanity is on the verge of death, and will we survive or not? The merit of each of us.


1. A. Aseevsky, “Who organizes and directs international terrorism?”, M.: Publishing house of political literature, 1982.

2. Akhatov A. G. Ecology. "Encyclopedic Dictionary", Kazan: Ecopolis, 1995.

3. O.V. Kryshtanovskaya. "Illegal structures of Russia" Sociological research, 1995

4. E.G.Lyakhov A.V. Popov Terrorism: national, regional and international control. Monograph. M.-Rostov-on-Don 1999

5. V.P. Maksakovsky, "Economic and social geography of the world", a textbook for grade 10 - M .: Education, 2004,

6. Odum, Eugene , Fundamentals of ecology. - M., 1975.

7. Encyclopedic dictionary - reference book "ENVIRONMENT", publishing house "Progress", M. 1993

8. http://ru.wikipedia.org


Which of the following problems do you consider the most dangerous?

Fig. No. 1

What other problems in your opinion can be classified as global?

Fig. №2

Can you contribute to solving global problems?

Fig. №3

Rice. #4

Fig. No. 5. Ozone hole

Fig. No. 6. Atmospheric pollution

Fig. No. 7. Hydrosphere pollution

Fig. No. 8. The effects of acid rain

Fig. No. 9. Drug addiction and alcoholism

Fig. No. 10. Smoking

Global problems of our time is a set of the most acute, vital universal problems, the successful solution of which requires the combined efforts of all states. These are problems on the solution of which further social progress, the fate of the entire world civilization depends.

These include, first of all, the following:

prevention of the threat of nuclear war;

overcoming the ecological crisis and its consequences;

· resolution of the energy, raw material and food crises;

Reducing the gap in the level of economic development between the developed countries of the West and the developing countries of the “third world”,

stabilization of the demographic situation on the planet.

combating transnational organized crime and international terrorism,

· Health protection and prevention of the spread of AIDS, drug addiction.

General features global problems are that they:

· acquired a truly planetary, global character, affecting the interests of the peoples of all states;

· threaten humanity with a serious regression in the further development of the productive forces, in the conditions of life itself;

· need urgent solutions and actions to overcome and prevent dangerous consequences and threats to the life support and security of citizens;

· require collective efforts and actions on the part of all states, the entire world community.

Ecological problems

The irresistible growth of production, the consequences of scientific and technological progress and unreasonable use of natural resources today put the world under the threat of a global environmental catastrophe. A detailed consideration of the prospects for the development of mankind, taking into account actual natural processes, leads to the need to sharply limit the pace and volume of production, because their further uncontrolled growth can push us beyond the line beyond which there will no longer be enough of all the necessary resources necessary for human life, including including clean air and water. Consumer society, formed today, thoughtlessly and non-stop wasting resources, puts humanity on the brink of a global catastrophe.

Over the past decades, the general condition of water resources has noticeably deteriorated.- rivers, lakes, reservoirs, inland seas. Meanwhile global water consumption has doubled between 1940 and 1980, and, according to experts, doubled again by 2000. Under the influence of economic activity water resources are depleted, small rivers disappear, water withdrawal in large reservoirs is reduced. Eighty countries, which account for 40% of the world's population, are currently experiencing water shortage.

sharpness demographic problem cannot be assessed in abstraction from economic and social factors. Shifts in growth rates and population structure are taking place in the context of continuing deep disproportions in the distribution of the world economic. Accordingly, in countries with large economic potential, the overall level of spending on health care, education, and the preservation of the natural environment is immeasurably higher and, as a result, life expectancy is much higher than in group of developing countries.

As for the countries of Eastern Europe and the former USSR, where 6.7% of the world's population lives, they lag behind economically developed countries by 5 times

Socio-economic problems, the problem of the growing gap between highly developed countries and third world countries (the so-called `North - South` problem)

One of the most serious problems of our time is the problems of socio-economic development. Today there is one trend - the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. The so-called `civilized world` (USA, Canada, Japan, countries Western Europe- only about 26 states - approximately 23% of the world population) currently consume from 70 to 90% of the goods produced.

The problem of relations between the `First` and `Third` worlds was called the `North - South` problem. Regarding her, there is two opposite concepts:

· The reason for the backwardness of the countries of the poor `South` is the so-called `Vicious circle of poverty`, in which they fall, and the offset of which they cannot begin effective development. Many economists of the `North`, adherents of this point of view, believe that the `South` is to blame for their troubles.

that the main responsibility for the poverty of the countries of the modern `Third World` is borne precisely by the `civilized world`, because it was with the participation and under the dictation of the richest countries in the world that the process of forming the modern economic system took place, and, naturally, these countries found themselves in a deliberately more advantageous position, which today allowed them to form the so-called. `golden billion`, plunging the rest of humanity into the abyss of poverty, mercilessly exploiting both the mineral and labor resources of countries that are out of work in the modern world.

Demographic crisis

In 1800, there were only about 1 billion people on the planet, in 1930 - 2 billion, in 1960 - already 3 billion, in 1999 humanity reached 6 billion. Today, the world's population is increasing by 148 people. per minute (247 are born, 99 die) or 259 thousand per day - these are the modern realities. At This is why world population growth is uneven. The share of developing countries in the total population of the planet has increased over the past half century from 2/3 to almost 4/5. Today, humanity is faced with the need to control population growth, because the number of people that our planet is capable of providing is still limited, especially since a possible lack of resources in the future (which will be discussed below), coupled with a huge number of people inhabiting the planet, can lead to to tragic and irreversible consequences.

Another major demographic shift is the rapid process of “rejuvenation” of the population in the group of developing countries and, conversely, the aging of residents of developed countries. The share of children under 15 in the first three post-war decades increased in most developing countries to 40-50% of their population. As a result, at present, it is in these countries that the largest part of the working population is concentrated. work force. Employment for huge labor resources the developing world, especially in the poorest and poorest countries, is today one of the most acute social problems of truly international significance.

In the same time the increase in life expectancy and the slowdown in the birth rate in developed countries have led here to a significant increase in the proportion of elderly people, which entailed a huge burden on the pension, health and care systems. Governments are faced with the need to develop a new social policy capable of solving the problems of population aging in the 21st century.

Resource exhaustion problem (mineral, energy and other)

Scientific and technological progress, which gave impetus to the development of modern industry, required sharp increase extraction of the most various kinds mineral raw materials. Today every year the production of oil, gas, and other minerals is increasing. Thus, according to scientists' forecasts, at the current rate of development, oil reserves will last an average of another 40 years, natural gas reserves should last for 70 years, and coal - for 200 years. Here it should be taken into account that today humanity receives 90% of its energy from the heat of combustion of fuel (oil, coal, gas), and the rate of energy consumption is constantly growing, and this growth is not linear. Alternative energy sources are also used - nuclear, as well as wind, geothermal, solar and other types of energy. As seen, the key to the successful development of human society in the future can be not only the transition to the use of secondary raw materials, new energy sources and energy-saving technologies(which is certainly necessary), but, first of all, revision of the principles on which the modern economy is built, not looking back at any restrictions in terms of resources, except for those that may require too much money that will not be justified later.

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Page creation date: 2016-02-13

Good day, dear friends! We have already covered “cross-cutting” topics in social science more than once. For example, we previously talked about . In this post, we will talk briefly about the global problems of our time as part of the school social science course.

Before talking about them, it is necessary to understand what is the problem? A problem is a situation in which there is a contradiction between two or more elements. Well, here's an example: are bad roads in Russia a problem? Do not rush to give a definite answer! After all, bad roads in and of themselves do not affect anything. However, people drive on them, and there are accidents due to the quality of the roadway. It turns out that the problem will sound like this: the impact of road quality on the number of accidents. There are two elements: the quality of the roads and the number of accidents.

Global problems are such contradictions in the life of society that cannot be resolved by any one state alone; their solution requires the intervention of the world community! Ways to solve them can be very different: the problem of war is solved by an agreement between states, hunger is solved by humanitarian aid and can be the development of the economies of countries in which it exists, etc.

Now we will analyze some global problems with which you can argue your theses when you are.

War and Peace

This modern global problem lies in the fact that there are hotbeds of military conflicts in the world that can develop into a global armed conflict.

One such conflict is the Arab-Israeli: between Arabs and Jews living in the State of Israel. The origins of this conflict date back to the end of the 19th century, when the ideology of Zionism emerged. By the way, you can find out on the link. The founder of this ideology was Theodor Herzl, who in his book The Jewish State put forward the idea that the representatives of the Jewish people should form their own national state. And not just anywhere, but in their historical ancestral home - in Palestine.

Meanwhile, Arabs have long lived in Palestine. As a result, the so-called aliyah began - the migration of Jews to Palestine. Of course, on this basis, conflicts arise in Palestine between Arabs and Jews: about political influence, power, about land issues, so migrants seized local residents land ... The matter was complicated by the fact that Great Britain supported the policy of resettlement.

As a result, in May 1948, Israel, a state in which Jews lived, declared its independence from Palestine. And immediately began the Arab-Israeli armed conflicts:

  • First Arab-Israeli (Palestinian) War 1948-1949
  • Anglo-French-Israeli aggression against Egypt in 1956.
  • "Six Day" War 1967
  • "October" war of 1973

As we know, even today this region is in constant conflict, which can develop into a global conflict.

Another similar conflict erupted recently in Ukraine.

Similar military conflicts can occur between North and South Korea, between China and Taiwan, etc. More recently, there have been armed revolutions in Libya and Egypt. Thus, you yourself can figure out these conflicts if you google it yourself 🙂 And we move on.


As you understand, the problem of poverty belongs to the economic sphere of society. I would also call it the contradiction of the big difference between the rich and the poor. It also has a social character. Well, for example, a son from a wealthy family goes to school where different children study. As a result, there are children in the class and they differ in how they are dressed, which phones they have and how they communicate.

Children are so cruel, and if there are also material differences, this can lead to frequent conflicts and tragedies.

Today, according to official figures, there are about 8 million homeless children in Russia - vagrants who are of no use to anyone. Nobody can tell you the exact number. Plus, in Russia, 60% barely make ends meet - they have enough money for clothes and food, but buying durable goods is a problem. This can be seen in the survey materials of the Levada Center.

Well, imagine a young man of 22 years old who came from the army and cannot get a job anywhere, because there is no stupid job, and there is no money for education. As a result, he goes as a loader or cleaner. And he sees a man of his age, who has already "earned" a hammer and an apartment. What will his feelings be?

In more detail, how not to be in such a situation, I wrote in a post. But the problem of poverty remains global. For example, while you are reading this post, 25 thousand people have already died stupidly from starvation in Africa in an hour. There are rich and poor countries - no one solves this situation either.

global ecology

A very complex and urgent problem of our time. Hundreds of thousands of factories operate on Earth: from processing to manufacturing, millions of cars drive, thousands of tons of chemicals and toxic substances are thrown into rivers and reservoirs.

As a result, all this has an extremely serious impact on people's health: every day children are born with congenital chronic diseases. Allergies, asthma, eczema, cancer... And every year the situation worsens. Meanwhile, most people will continue to live their lives, their virtual lives: on social media. Few people actually put in the effort to the world was fit for life.

Scientists have calculated that ancient man in our gassed city would have lived a maximum of two minutes. Then he would die of suffocation. Can you imagine what kind of mutants we are if we live in cities until old age?!

Modern demographic problem

Today, over 6 billion people live in the modern world. In the middle of the last century there was a theory of the golden billion: its essence was that only 1 billion people could live in peace on Earth. The rest are doomed to death, as there are not enough resources for all. Yes, and the people themselves, the more they become stronger, they begin to destroy themselves. For example, in the 19th century there was only one global war: the Napoleonic one.

In the last century there were already two world wars, and they took over 60 million people to the grave. What will happen in the 21st century? In addition, the demographic problem lies in the fact that there is an increasing aging of the population: due to the level of development of medicine, there are more people who cannot be useful. As a result, if young people leave the country, who will work? Yes, and the old people themselves sometimes lead a terrible existence.

The demographic problem is directly related to the issue of the use of human capital. People are a non-renewable resource and in fact the most valuable resource. Well look. One person can come up with new device, program or computer. In a word, a person can invent a tool. Run out of oil? There is wind and solar energy.

Only a person can figure out how to convert this energy into electricity, and therefore into heat and light! Only a person can figure out how to clean the surrounding air from reservoirs. However, in order for a person to come up with this, it is necessary to develop him, to instill in him a sense of humanity and responsibility. It is necessary to give him opportunities for creativity and encourage creativity in him.

And our education system is aimed only at ensuring that a person learns to stupidly poke a pen into a test.

Adjacent to this demographic situation is the problem of drug addiction and AIDS. In essence, these diseases are a kind of punishment for people for their excesses. Don't you think so? Then write your point of view in the comments.

In conclusion, I give a small diagram of the global problems of our time:

On this I will finish this article about the global problems of our time. I hope you can use it asfor argumentation when performing USE tests in social science.

Sincerely, Andrey Puchkov

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With the development of mankind and under the influence the latest technologies new problems are emerging that previously people did not even think about.

They accumulate and over time begin to destroy modern society spiritually and physically. Everyone has heard about the global problems of modern society, such as the depletion of minerals, the greenhouse effect, overpopulation and the deterioration of the ecological state of our planet. In addition to global difficulties, any citizen can be affected, or are already being affected, by social, moral, economic and political problems. One of them can be attributed to various kinds of dependencies. Deteriorating living standards, job loss and lack of money for many lead to stress and depression. People want to forget and try to relieve nervous tension with alcohol or drugs. However, it is not only about bad habits, alcohol abuse or drug use. Modern society, like a virus, was struck by dependence on loans, computers and the Internet, as well as drugs imposed by advertising. At the same time, from some contemporary problems it is better to get rid of them or not to have them at all, it remains only to adapt to others. After all, some of them are ordinary difficulties that can be overcome and gain invaluable life experience.

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The most common problems in society

Social inequality. Rich and poor citizens have always been and are. However, now there is a huge gap between these segments of the population: some people have bank accounts with fabulous sums, others do not have enough money even for meat. According to the level of income society can be divided into three groups:

  • Rich people (presidents, kings, politicians, cultural and art figures, big businessmen)
  • Middle class (employees, doctors, teachers, lawyers)
  • The poor (unskilled workers, beggars, unemployed)

Market instability in the modern world has led to the fact that a significant part of citizens live below the poverty line. As a result, the society is criminalized: robberies, robberies, fraud. However, in the absence of strongly pronounced social inequality, the number of crimes is much less.

Credit cabal. Intrusive advertising slogans, calling to take now and pay later, are firmly planted in the minds of the people. Some people sign a loan agreement without looking, so they don’t know how dangerous fast loans are. Financial illiteracy does not allow you to assess your own solvency. Such citizens have several loans that they cannot repay in a timely manner. Penalties are added to the interest rate, which can become even more than the debt.

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Alcoholism and drug addiction. These diseases are a dangerous social problem. The main reasons why people drink are general insecurity, unemployment and poverty. Drugs are usually taken out of curiosity or in company with friends. The intake of these substances leads to the moral degradation of the individual, destroys the body and causes fatal diseases. Alcoholics and drug addicts often have sick children. Antisocial behavior for such citizens becomes the norm. Under the influence of alcohol and drugs, they commit various crimes, which negatively affects the life of society.

Breaking away from traditional family values. The family provides the necessary psychological support to each person. However, in modern society there is a departure from the traditional family, which is associated with the promotion of homosexual relationships, which are so popular in Western countries. And the legalization of same-sex marriages in some states destroys historically established gender roles. Indeed, even in the Stone Age, a man was the main earner, and a woman was the keeper of the hearth.

Imposed diseases and medicines. Drug manufacturers need unhealthy people, because the more sick people, the better the product is sold. In order for the pharmaceutical business to bring a stable income, diseases are imposed on citizens and a stir is created. For example, the recent mass hysteria surrounding bird and swine flu was accompanied by daily media reports of new victims of the disease. Panic broke out in the world. People began to buy all kinds of medicines, vitamins, gauze bandages, which increased in price by five or six times. So the pharmaceutical industry is constantly making huge profits. At the same time, some medications do not cure, but only eliminate the symptoms, while others are addictive and help only with constant use. If a person stops taking them, the symptoms return. Therefore, citizens are unlikely to ever be offered truly effective drugs.

Virtual world. Most children have free access to a computer from an early age. They spend a lot of time in the virtual world and move away from reality: they do not want to go out, communicate with their peers, and do their homework with difficulty. Even during the holidays, schoolchildren are rarely seen on the streets. Sitting at computers, children can no longer do without a world of illusions in which they feel safe and comfortable. Computer addiction is an emerging problem in the modern world.

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Attacks. Terrorist acts in different parts of the world are a serious social problem. Hostage-taking, shootings, explosions in the metro and airports, undermining planes and trains claim millions of human lives. Terrorism can be global, like ISIS and Al-Qaeda, for example. These groups want to get their hands on weapons of mass destruction, so they use global means to achieve their goal. Acting all over the world, they arrange terrorist attacks in different states with numerous victims. Terrorists can also be loners who are dissatisfied with the policies of their state, such as the Norwegian nationalist Breivik. Both varieties are heinous crimes that result in the death of innocent people. It is impossible to predict a terrorist attack, and absolutely anyone can become its accidental victim.

Military conflicts and interference in the affairs of other states. In Ukraine, Western countries staged a coup d'etat, which they paid in advance, provided informational and political support. After that, the US and the EU ordered to go to war against the inhabitants of Donbass, who did not want to obey the Ukrainian authorities. At the same time, Western countries, which are so fond of shouting about human rights, remained silent in this situation. And the United States financially helped Kyiv and supplied military equipment. When Russia provided assistance to the Donbass with weapons and food, it was instantly criticized by the West and accused of interfering in the affairs of Ukraine. At the same time, it was possible to agree on a truce, but Kyiv, at the suggestion of the US and the EU, chose war. The victims of political games were the inhabitants of Donbass. Thousands of people lived safely and suddenly lost everything, left without a roof over their heads. This is not an isolated case, the United States has repeatedly interfered in the affairs of the countries of the Middle East and other states.
