The most famous icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker. Examples of different icons and their description. Who patronizes St. Nicholas

Any nation, be it Slavs or Muslims, reveres its ancestors, saints and those who, according to ancient sources, made history. So, today you can meet the most different symbols and signs made in honor of one of the sages, miracle workers. For example, one of the truly worthy works is the icon of St. Nicholas. It is not only beautiful, but also of great importance.

Who is Nikolay Ugodnik?

Let's take a look at history. Nikolai Ugodnik is an archbishop who was often called a miracle worker. This meant that the holy man was the patron of the seas, travelers, children and merchants. In the history of the church, he was considered a symbol of power, goodness and justice. The saint was born in This happened in the third century AD. The fate of Nicholas the Pleasant was difficult, and, according to many, it was thanks to such trials that his soul and body chose the right path in life.

The boy was born in a Greek colony and early years was very religious. Since childhood, he devoted his life to Christianity. Thanks to his parents, Nikolai Ugodnik was able to get a basic education. The boy loved to study the Divine Scriptures. Almost all the time he was in the dwelling of the Holy Spirit, from where he did not leave during the day. At night, Nicholas prayed, read and mentally talked with God. An interesting fact is that after the death of his parents, the guy gave all his inheritance to charity.

The beginning of the activity of the saint

The saint served the church during the reign of the Roman emperors Diocletian, as well as Maximian. These two Christians issued decrees for their persecution. During this difficult period, temples, communities and other institutions were destroyed. But Nikolai Ugodnik has always been on the side of the people. He was nicknamed the "defender", as he always defended the interests of innocently convicted and slandered people.

In addition, Nicholas often prayed for the sailors, mentally sending them good weather, protection from piracy and other hardships. Throughout the life of the saint, many miracles and deeds were attributed to him. The archbishop in Russia was the most revered, as well as throughout the world. Today, Nikolai Ugodnik (miracle worker) is a symbol of protection against diseases and an adviser in failures who will always help. His power will forever remain great for the Russian people.

Acts of a miracle worker

One of the earliest events in the youth of the miracle worker was a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The saint decided to take such a step, because he wanted to help and fulfill the requests of desperate travelers. Some argue that the prayers of Nicholas revived people, gave strength and confidence, saved from death. It should be noted that in his youth he went to study in Alexandria and during that period of his life resurrected a sailor who fell from the mast.

There is also a legend about how St. Nicholas the Pleasant saved three young girls, whose beauty was “sold” by their own father, as he believed that this was the only way to pay off debts and survive in such a difficult time. When the saint learned about the plight of the young maidens, he made his way to their home at night and left a bag of gold for the eldest of the daughters, which became her dowry. Exactly 12 months later, Nikolai repeated the same thing, only this time he left the money to the middle of the sisters. Somehow, their father found out that the Pleaser was helping their family and decided to thank him. Then the man hid in the room of his youngest daughter and waited for Nikolai to come. According to one version, he nevertheless saw the miracle worker, but he did not accept any thanks. It should be noted that he was considered a zealous warrior of the Church of Christ. Sources claim that he incinerated idols and pagan temples ruthlessly.

Relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker

During his long life, Nikolai Ugodnik performed many brave and noble deeds. Some believe that it was for his merits that God granted him long years of life, because it is true that the miracle worker died at a very old age. Today, the relics of St. Nicholas are kept in the Basilica of St. Nicholas (Bari), but not in full force. Since some of them are in Turkey, in the church of St. Nicholas. This is due to the fact that supposedly it was not possible to steal all the relics. Therefore, it turned out that they are stored in completely different territories.

In honor of the great saint, churches and temples were erected in different cities and countries. It is assumed that the sailors took some of the relics of Nicholas and transported it to Bari, but the rest of the fragments remained in the grave. People delivered the remains to Venice, where another church was erected.

The emergence of the feast of St. Nicholas

Today, in many cities and countries there is a temple of St. Nicholas, which anyone can visit. And it is no wonder that people are happy to go to this place. Some are looking for support, others for consolation, and still others simply want to thank the saint for the help provided. Indeed, since ancient times, Nicholas the Wonderworker has been considered the patron saint of ordinary people, innocent, slandered, weak.

In honor of such a great man in our time is celebrated How did people come to this? It all started from the day the relics were transferred. At that time, only the inhabitants of Bari, who had the honor of keeping the remains of the saint, celebrated this holiday. In other countries, it was not considered authentic and was not taken seriously. However, in the lands of great Russia, saints were always revered, and the rumor about the feast of St. Nicholas spread very quickly. Orthodox Church The date has been set for May 9th. Since then, namely since 1087, people have celebrated the feast of the great and revered saint of God.

Today, the holiday is celebrated several times a year. But for representatives of the Russian people, it is associated with the date of December 19th. In addition, this day is considered a children's holiday, as Nikolai brings gifts to his little friends under the pillow (of course, if they behaved well all year).

Modern holiday dates

So, in our time there are several dates for the feast of St. Nicholas. The first is December 6 (19). Previously, it was believed that this was the day of the death of the miracle worker, but today it is an ordinary children's holiday, which is associated with sweets and new toys that fabulously appeared under the child's pillow. The second date is May 9 (22). This holiday has been celebrated since 1087, when the remains of the saint arrived in Bari. And finally, June 29 (August 11) - the birth of Nicholas.

The sacred place of St. Nicholas in the hearts of the Russian people

On the lands Russian Empire always revered the name of the miracle worker. In addition, the icon of St. Nicholas the Ugodnik, which meant a lot to every person, did not hide from curious and believing eyes. It is with this that a huge number of temples and works that were dedicated to this person are connected. Until the twentieth century, the name Nicholas was one of the most popular when naming babies. People believed that by naming the boy, they subconsciously convey to him a piece of the holiness and masculinity of the miracle worker.

Icon of St. Nicholas

It has already been noted more than once that people loved and idolized Nicholas the Pleasant, they turned to him with requests for intercession. It is not surprising that after his death they began to worship the icon of the miracle worker. For every Slav she had great importance. But what is the meaning of the icon? Why did people believe and continue to think that she is able to heal, help and protect?

The symbol of protection, nobility and justice in Russia was Nikolai Ugodnik. The icon, the meaning of which has been repeatedly characterized and explained, became the embodiment of the miracle worker after his death. They turn to her when help is needed, she actually helps believers. And it doesn’t matter whether a person is rich or poor, what his religious preferences or skin color are, the influence of the icon is immense.

The meaning of the icon of the miracle worker

The icon of St. Nicholas "works" for each person in different ways. But there is a theory about what it still means. According to many scientists, it is a symbol of the protection of the people. Therein lies its significance. It is believed that the icon is able to heal, relieve ailments, perform real miracles, and it doesn’t even matter whether a person is a believer or not. Thus, the meaning is very easy to decipher - a talisman that helps people. Of course, many preferred to worship the original icon. Today, the image of the saint can be purchased in many places, but this does not diminish the influence of the miraculous picture. It is important to know that the action of the icon becomes several times stronger if you say a special prayer.

Prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant

From time immemorial, prayer in front of an icon has been considered a guarantor of the protection of a person and the people for whom he asks the image of a saint. Therefore, it is always recommended to pronounce it so that the action is stronger. In fact, there is a huge variety. A person just needs to choose the one that will help achieve the desired result. For example, ask for marriage or protection, get rid of illness or trouble, and so on. But still, there are seven basic prayers that every person can learn. Then, pronouncing them in front of the icon, he can be sure that an unusual power will protect him and all family members, as well as his home and relatives.

The icon of Nicholas the Pleasant (Wonderworker) has magic power. She can not only fulfill the request of a person, but also answer some questions. Sincere prayer is endowed with an inexplicable power that can heal, get rid of mental or bodily diseases, as well as become enlightened, unite in a legal marriage with a loved one and forget about quarrels. In addition, the icon has energy that solves life's problems, from small to large ones. No icons of Russia, except for those that were dedicated to the Mother of God, occupied such an important place in the hearts of the Slavic people as the image of St. Nicholas.

Each person can meet his own icon of St. Nicholas. This is due to the fact that the holiday is celebrated in different days calendar. Thus, there is an icon of "St. Nicholas of the Winter" and "St. Nicholas of the Spring". The first was depicted in the episcopal mitre, and the second - with an uncovered head. Therefore, one should not assume that the icons are different, and the people on them are also different. No, both of them have the same meaning and miraculous effect on people.

Among other things, Nikolai Ugodnik is also a patron for Orthodox gypsies. Also interesting fact is that for some the miracle worker is Santa Claus. This is because, according to one of the legends, when Nikolai left bags for poor girls, and their father wanted to meet him and thank him, he foresaw this situation and threw gold into the chimney. It is on this story that the prototype of the great and generous Santa is built.

It should also be noted that the day of St. Nicholas is celebrated in the Ryazan diocese. This celebration is celebrated locally and in honor of the image of the miracle worker. Among the Slavs, the archbishop is often associated with God himself. He holds an important place in the hearts of believers and always helps them cope with ailments and failures. Representatives of the Buddhist people, the Buryats, live in Russia. They identify Nicholas the Pleasant with the deity of prosperity and longevity. The Kalmyks, in turn, included the miracle worker in the pantheon of the master spirits of the Caspian Sea.

Saint Nicholas

Oddly enough, it may seem to some unbelievers, but the icon of St. Nicholas really "works". In our time, there is evidence of this, because they share their stories simple people who prayed to the image of the miracle worker. So, for example, by placing many were saved from serious accidents or death as a result of a dangerous incident. Others share their impressions of the power of healing. For many women, the image of the saint helped to find love and happiness. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant (an icon whose meaning is interpreted as a talisman, a symbol of protection, grace, and so on) was first depicted around 1325.

A place for "conversation" with the saint

Finally, I would like to note that there is a place where you can always pray and “talk with the miracle worker” - this is the chapel of St. Nicholas. But you can also ask for help from a saint at home, in front of his face or without an icon. The main thing is to do this with good intentions, a pure soul and sincerity.

He has tremendous fame in the Christian world. He performed a large number of miracles during his lifetime, as well as after his own death. Despite being born in Lycia, the name Reverend Elder widespread in Russia.

Nicholas the Wonderworker. Icon from the Holy Spirit Monastery. Middle of the 13th century Novgorod. Russian Museum


The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is a guarantor of the protection of people from terrible disasters and diseases. She helps in finding the second half, heals from ailments and restores peace to the soul.

More prayers to Saint Nicholas:

The portrait features of St. Nicholas have been accurately preserved for many centuries. His appearance always distinguished by an independent and memorable personality. This is proved by the fact that even a rarely praying person easily recognizes the face of the reverend elder.

Local veneration of Nicholas from Lycia began immediately after the death of the Saint, and global fame throughout the Christian world came to his relics and icons in the interval from the 4th to the 7th centuries.. However, due to Christian persecution The iconography of St. Nicholas took shape only in the 10th century. The very first image (wall painting) of the monk is in the church of Antiqua (Rome). Frescoes and mosaics of Nicholas the Wonderworker were shown in the cathedrals of Constantinople, Kyiv and Staraya Ladoga.

The image of the saint was in the scenery of the temples of Byzantium and Ancient Russia. Here it was placed both singly and in a church composition.

  • The right hand of the Pleaser makes a blessing movement, and in the left hand is the Holy Gospel.
  • The set of vestments of the saint includes a riza, a phelonion (an upper monastic robe without sleeves) and an omophorion (armice).
  • In the structure of most shrines, the viewer observes the images of the Virgin and Jesus Christ, placed in oval medallions. The Most Pure Mother and the Son of God return the omophorion (armice) and the Holy Gospel, objects of hierarchical honor, to the reverend elder.
  • Since the 15th century, an icon in honor of "Nikola Mozhaisky" has been displayed in the churches of Russia. She creatively repeats the wooden statue that patronized Mozhaisk.
  • Often the saint was depicted as a militant defender with a sword in right hand. Such iconography was borrowed by Russian masters from Romanesque art.
  • The image of the holy warrior, who removes the threat from the homeland, gained great popularity in Russia, which waged continuous wars in the interval from the 15th to the 16th centuries. The sword symbolized God's Word that cuts all kinds of sins.
  • "Nikolas of Zaraisky" - the famous image, where the monk is depicted with outstretched arms. His right hand makes a blessing, in his left hand is the Gospel. This style of icon is extremely common in Christian art and is called "oranta".

Most of the other images of the Wonderworker do not fundamentally differ from those listed above: they fit correctly into traditional iconography. Such images are glorified by miracles and receive names from the place of acquisition.

Interesting! The most ancient icon of the Pleasant, known to the Christian church, is the image of Nicholas with the Messiah and many saints in the margins. The canvas differs in that the venerable elder does not make a blessing gesture with his right hand. The monks refer to this movement as the "speech gesture" as pointing to Holy Scripture.

Adoration of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

What helps the holy face

The holy elder is often called a "quick listener" because he quickly answers every person who reads a prayer service. If the petition remains unanswered, you need to reconsider your way of thinking and acting. A person is obliged to change his own attitude to the environment, learn to help, despite selfish impulses.

The answer comes only to those who read prayers from a pure heart and with full faith.

The venerable elder was extremely loved by the simple natives of the people, he always responded to the call for help. Therefore, his holy relics and images attract so many believers.

  • The icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant helps to resist injustice from the authorities or the government.
  • Prayers before the images of the venerable elder protect the innocently condemned. The ever-memorable elder always stood up for the Highest Truth, averting untruth from the victims of fate.
  • The shrines of Nicholas the Wonderworker are regarded as heavenly patrons of orphans, children and widows who have lost their support. The monk dedicated his whole life to destitute, grieving and unfortunate people, his first desire was to do good to his neighbor.
  • The pleaser protects travelers and makes the road much safer. To protect against accidents, it is necessary to pray to the Holy Spirit, and then personally ask Nicholas for safety.

The holy face is present in many houses of believers, as well as in vehicles. Ordinary people turn to saints with personal problems, because they do not want to distract the Supreme Lord over trifles. This is not entirely true, because God knows everything and is able to solve any problem. Remembering the holy images, it is necessary to mentally approach the True Father, who will dispel the darkness of ignorance.

Advice! The Orthodox tradition knows many prayers addressed to Nikolai Ugodnik. The believer should choose it according to the result he wants to receive. The prayer method of conversion has been known since ancient times and is rightly considered a guarantee of protection from trouble.

Reading the sacred words in front of the image, a person clears the mind from a raid of an ignorant vision of the world.

Icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker

Miracles of St. Nicholas

Extraordinary events took place in many parts of the world and our state.

  • In the 11th century, a baby drowned in the Dnieper. Parents sincerely and mournfully prayed to the Saint for his return. Soon the child was found alive, healthy and wet under the shrine of the reverend elder. It was then that the icon was recognized as miraculous and began to be called “Nikola Wet”. Until 1920, only a copy of this shrine survived, and during the war of 1941, it disappeared forever from the church world.
  • Chronicles say: the Novgorod ruler Mstislav, suffering from a serious illness, saw in a dream Reverend Wonderworker. He ordered the prince to transfer his own image to Novgorod from Kyiv. The ambassadors got caught in a relentless storm on Lake Ilmenskoye and moored on Lipno Island to wait out the bad weather. Here they stayed for four days and saw the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant arriving on the waves, for which they were heading to Kyiv. Prince Mstislav was healed and placed the shrine in St. Nicholas Cathedral. A monastery was soon built on Lipno Island in honor of the discovery of the icon.
  • When Mozhaisk was attacked by an enemy, Mirlikiy Pleasant rushed to defend the city. He hovered in the air above the main temple, holding a heavenly blade in his right hand, and in his left hand was a miniature model of the protected church. The enemies who saw this miracle were filled with horror and retreated. The inhabitants of Mozhaisk, in gratitude for saving the city, created a carved image of the saint. Today this sculpture is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery.
  • In 1225, the image of the Pleasant, which was called "Nikola Mozhaisky", was transferred to the Ryazan land from Korsun. Here the shrine performed incredible miracles, healing people and defending the city from enemies.


In Russian Orthodox tradition Saint Nicholas is remembered three times a year. For each celebration there is an individual hymnography.

  • December 19 marks the day of the death of the venerable elder.
  • May 22 celebrates the arrival of the remains in Bari. In other places Christendom this event was rejected for hidden reasons. In Russia, this date was established by the efforts of Metropolitan John II.
  • On August 11, the church celebrates the birth of Nikolai Ugodnik. In Byzantium they composed a specific service for this celebration. The repose of the saint is the only memory of Greek origin.

In Russia, the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is extremely significant, and the number of his icons is equal to that of the Blessed Virgin. In May 2017, the Orthodox Church agreed with representatives of Catholicism to transfer a small part of the relics to the Church of the Savior.

Churches in honor of St. Nicholas the Pleasant:

  • Church of St. Nicholas in Zelenograd

Iconography of the saint, Archbishop of the World of Lycia (circa 270-circa 345), a holy saint of God especially loved by the Russian people, an intercessor for all the suffering, oppressed, unjustly condemned, the heavenly patron of travelers and seafarers.

By the number of icons and churches consecrated in his honor, St. Nicholas occupies one of the first places after Mother of God and among the saints revered in Russia. The first St. Nicholas Church was built by a certain Olma (according to some sources, Princess Olga over the grave of Prince Askold († 882), at the baptism of Nicholas, no later than the 10th century.

But already in 971 Prince Svyatoslav destroyed it. In 990 this church was rebuilt by Prince Vladimir, and in 1036 a monastery arose here. According to tradition, in 1113 Grand Duke Kyiv Mstislav, returning from hunting, got lost in a dense forest. Suddenly, his attention was attracted by a bright light emanating from the icon of Nicholas, standing on a stump by the road along which the prince left the forest. In 1115, in memory of this, Prince Mstislav founded a monastery at the Askold's grave at the Church of St. Nicholas, and at the place where the shrine was found, he installed a pillar (slup) with the image of St. Nicholas, indicating the direction to the monastery, which became known as St. Nicholas Slupskaya or Stolbova (now there is St. Nicholas Church, transferred in the 1990s to the Uniates).

Iconography of St. Nicholas was formed in Byzantium, from there it came to Russia and already on Russian soil received its completed and perfect development. It is so diverse that it is hardly possible to find another saint with such a wide range of images. Saint Nicholas is perceived as the "Bishop of God", the closest to the throne of the Almighty and incessantly praying for mercy on people. This is evidenced by the texts of the akathist and prayers, where St. Nikolai is called: “Vine of the virtuous grapes of Christ”, “the law of Christ, the tablets of God”, “pleasing to the Lord”, “all-praiseful and all-honorable bishop”, etc.

Among the most famous iconographic types, it is worth highlighting: waist, shoulder and growth images, “Winter Nicholas” and “Spring Nicholas”, “Nikola with the Deesis”, Nikola Mozhaisky, Nikola Zaraisky, “Nikola on Ugresh”, hagiographic icons.

The oldest and most common depictions, present in almost every church, are the half-length images of St. Nicholas. On them, the saint is shown blessing, with a closed Gospel in his left hand, often with a Deesis and selected saints in the margins. Such a composition developed in Byzantium in the 9th-13th centuries. and actively developed in pre-Mongol Russia. As examples of Byzantine writing, one can name the icon “St. Nicholas” (9th century) from the monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai, and among the ancient Russian icons, but still of the Byzantine direction, there is a silver-colored image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from the Tithe Assumption Monastery in Novgorod (TG). On both icons, the face of the saint is marked by severity, concentration and self-absorption. .

Early reproductions include double-sided icons of the Mother of God and St. Nicholas, unknown in Byzantium, but widespread in Russia since the 14th century. and thereby pointing to a special reverence of the Blessed Virgin and the Wonderworker by the Russian people. An example is the portable Novgorod icon of the 15th century. (GMIR), an image from the Church of Demetrius of Rostov (XIV century, GMZRK), an icon from the Church of the Deposition of the Robe of the c. Warthogs of the Vologda region (end of the 15th-16th centuries, TsMiAR).

The attire of St. Nicholas on the icons is monotonous: it episcopal vestments or a white cross-haired phelonion, which is most often depicted in full-length depictions, but is also found in half-length compositions, for example, on a Novgorod icon at the turn of the 14th-15th centuries. (GRM). Differences in the attire of St. Nicholas formed the basis for two exclusively Russian iconographies: "St. Nicholas of the Winter" and "St. Nicholas of the Spring", corresponding to the days of veneration of the saint - December 6/19 and May 9/22. "Winter" Nikola is presented in a miter, and "spring" - with an uncovered head. According to legend, the iconography of St. Nicholas in Winter got its name thanks to Emperor Nicholas I, who once in winter drew the attention of the clergy to the fact that his heavenly patron was depicted without a headdress.

An important detail of the iconography of St. Nicholas is a red handrail - a symbol of the bonds of Jesus Christ, on the blessing right hand, located in the belt lines strictly in the center. Another significant component of the iconography and an inalienable hierarchical attribute is the Gospel in the left hand of St. Nicholas. The closed gospel has a bright red cinnabar edge, which makes it stand out in the composition. Usually the hand of St. Nicholas, supporting the Gospel, is covered with an omophorion, which indicates the sacred purpose of the book placed on the throne in the altar of churches. An example is the icon "Nikola with his life" from the village of Kargach (2nd half of the 14th century, State Tretyakov Gallery). The exception is the Rostov images, in which St. Nikolai presses the Gospel to his chest with his bare hand. This iconography reminds us that St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, a mentor in salvation and a teacher in life, shows his flock the image of God during the Eucharist. As examples, we can cite the edition of "Nikola Gostunsky" with a life (3rd quarter of the 16th century, GMZRK), where the scarlet cover for the chalice in the hand of St. Nicholas focuses even more on the gospel.

Another type of iconography is St. Nicholas with selected saints - demonstrates the prayer of the Church of Christ before the Savior, headed by Her "Bishop of God", which is Nicholas the Wonderworker. As a rule, the iconography includes the Deesis with the central image of the Savior Not Made by Hands on the ubrus in the upper field and the images of the saints on the sides and below, often in accordance with their hierarchy: above the apostles and Church Fathers, below the martyrs and healers. Examples are the image of "St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with Deesis and selected saints" from the Nativity Church with. Tsylib of the Arkhangelsk region (1st half of the 16th century, GE) and from the Rostov church of Hodegetria (16th century, GMZRK). An unusual composition is presented on the Vologda icon “St. Nicholas of Myra, with the Old Testament Trinity, the Appearance of Our Lady of St. Sergius of Radonezh and selected saints ”(XVI century, TsMiAR). The saint is shown waist-deep, blessing with his right hand, holding open hand closed gospel. Above his head in the celestial segment, the Trinity is outlined with a white contour, on the sides above - “The Appearance of the Mother of God to St. Sergius” and the prophets John the Baptist and Elijah, and under them, respectively, Sts. Ekaterina and Nikita, Stefan and Mina. Such icons, supplemented with plots and figures of saints, came to Russia from Byzantium. They demonstrated a variant of prayer lines with the central image of Nicholas the Wonderworker and other saints - heavenly patrons and intercessors of the owner of the icon and members of his family.

From the 13th century there are renderings of Nicholas the Wonderworker with an open book in his hands, on the pages of which the text of the service to the saint is placed. In ancient Russia, such images are rare. In modern times of the XVIII-XIX centuries. they were distributed mainly among the Old Believers, who depicted Nikolai Ugodnik with an open gospel and blessing with two fingers.

The indisputable masterpiece of ancient Russian icon painting is the image of "Saint Nicholas", written by the royal iconographer Simon Ushakov (1676, CAC MDA). On it, the saint is depicted frontally, wearing a sakkos and omophorion, blessing with his right hand, holding a closed Gospel and a scarlet veil in his left hand. Despite the realistic interpretation of the image, corresponding to the aesthetic requirements of the epoch of the 17th century, the face of the saint is emphatically ascetic. In his fixed and tired gaze, wide open brow, broken line of eyebrows, tragic features are clearly traced, bringing his image closer to the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands (1673) - the prayer shrine of Tsars Alexei Mikhailovich and Peter I.

Above in the heavenly segments, to the right and left, are respectively Jesus Christ with the Gospel and the Mother of God with an omophorion. Their images are reminiscent of the First Ecumenical Council (325), at which Saint Nicholas denounced the heretic Arius, for which he was defrocked and put in a tower, but soon, by the will of the Lord and the Mother of God, he was released and restored to the bishopric.

The inclusion of the images of the Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos has been known since the end of the 13th century, their placement in round medallions - from the 15th-16th centuries, in celestial segments - from the 17th century, and sometimes they were depicted standing on the clouds in full growth, as if on the edge " St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, with life "(2nd half of the 18th century, YaKhM). As a rule, the Mother of God holds the omophorion outstretched on both hands. An exception is the icon "Nikola Gostunsky", in which the Mother of God holds an omophorion gathered into a knot with one left hand. On some icons, the medallions with the images of Christ and the Mother of God are painted respectively in red, symbolizing the highest power, and blue, denoting spiritual purity, colors.

Shoulder images of St. Nicholas have been known in Russia since the end of the 15th century, and in Byzantium much earlier. They arose as an abbreviated version of the belt izvods, and were most widely used in the Rostov-Suzdal lands, and later, in the 19th century, among the Old Believers. Their number is not numerous, because they fixed only the face close-up and fragments of a phelonion and omophorion on the shoulders, and it was necessary to show the blessing right hand of St. Nicholas, the "Bishop of God." Shoulder images of St. Nicholas can be included in the editions with selected saints in the margins that were installed in churches, and in the prayer icons of the pen, painted by private orders of well-born families. Examples of shoulder images include the spinner icons from the Church of St. George in Vologda and the Church of the Annunciation in Kargopol (1st half of the 16th century, VGMZ), and the image of Nicholas with Deesis by the chosen saints (1st half of the 16th century, GE).

Another full-length iconographic version of Nicholas the Wonderworker has been widely known in Russian painting since about the 15th-early 16th centuries. It includes "Nikola Zaraisky" and its variant - « Nikola Mozhaisky", independent full-length images and excerpts included in the Deesis.

A rare iconography of the saint is presented on the icon "Nicholas the Wonderworker" from the Leontief Church in Vologda (3rd quarter of the 16th century, VGMZ). On it, the saint blesses with his right hand laid aside, as in the Zaraiskiye izvoda, and with his left hand, covered with a felon, holds the Gospel in a sharp diagonal angle unusual for Russian icon painting. Unusual are the asymmetric drapery of the saint's robe and the depiction at the ends of his luxuriously ornamented gold stole of the figures of Saints Basil the Great and John Chrysostom. All this, including the virtuoso icon-painting style - the graphic emphasis of the lines, the roundness of the forms, the picturesque and emotional expression of the face, speaks of the conversion of Russian icon painters to the experience of Byzantine iconographers, which became characteristic of the art of the era of Ivan the Terrible and the establishment of Russia as a kingdom.

In the Deesis rite of St. Nicholas is depicted in a three-quarter turn towards the Savior, with the Gospel or both hands raised in prayer, always with his head uncovered. The image of any other saint, especially revered in the temple (district), for which the Deesis was written, can serve as a pair for him. An example is the Vologda icon from the Leontief Church, where Nicholas of Myra corresponds to the image of St. Leonty of Rostov (1560s, VGMZ).

The hagiographic icons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, known from the 13th-14th centuries. They are based on in large numbers lists of the life of the saint, akathist, texts of services, "Russian teaching of the XI century", "The legend of the transfer of the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from Korsun to Ryazan" (1225), etc. The hagiographic icons have the most perfect and developed iconography, as in general , so the mullion and hallmarks separately, where, after the formation at an early stage in the XIII century. the main plots: birth, learning to read and write, ordaining priests, help in troubles, new ones are being actively added. Already by the end of the XIV - beginning of the XV centuries. the iconographically well-established circle of life scenes of Nikolai Ugodnik is determined, among which his miracles became his favorite: “Saving a ship during a storm”, “The Miracle of the Three Shipmen”, “Return of Agrik's son Vasily from Saracen captivity”, “Saving three husbands from execution”. The hagiographic cycle ends with the "Transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas from Mir to Bari" - one of the central holidays of the Russian Orthodox Church. The unusually wide distribution of hagiographic icons of St. Nicholas received in the XV-XVII centuries. A rare hagiographic excerpt of St. Nicholas of Myra from Pskov (2nd half of the 16th century, TsMiAR), representing 10 scenes from his life, written on 2 parts of a wooden icon case, intended for a statue or icon of the saint.

An exceptional example of iconography is the iconography of "Nicholas the Abominable", depicting the saint, as evidenced by the inscriptions on the icons, averting from evil, demons, misfortunes and all kinds of filth. She appeared in the 18th century. and has become widespread in Old Believer churches. On such icons, St. Nikola the saint is most often represented at the shoulder, with his head slightly turned to the right, pupils of strongly enlarged eyes turned to the left. The introduction of dynamics gives the image psychological tension. This is facilitated by the image in the lower part of some icons of the fingers of the blessing right hand of the saint and a fragment of the closed Gospel in a strong perspective. There is an assumption that a similar image is drawn from the stigma of hagiographical excerpts "Exorcising the demon from the well." Examples of "Nikola the Disgusting" are excerpts from the GMPI and TsMiAR.

In addition to the considered iconography, the image of St. Nicholas is included in the compositions of the “Conversational Icon of the Mother of God”, “Ecumenical Councils”, “Selected Saints”, etc.

Lit.: The life of St. Nicholas of Myra and his glory in Russia. Text from 1899. M., 2003; Veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and its reflection in folklore, literature and art. M., 2007;

V. Gusakova

Based on the materials of the ninth volume of the Encyclopedia "Holy Russia"

“Nikola the Wonderworker is our main assistant. Everyone goes to him, especially those who are going on the road or at sea. The girls come running - they ask for a good husband, - the grandmother-candlestick carefully wipes the icon of St. Nicholas with a clean rag, straightens the icon lamp. - Nikolushka is the fastest to fulfill our requests. Yes, and what a face, just look, simple, Russian, gray beard, exactly like our village ones ... "

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is the most revered saint in Russia since the adoption of Christianity. There is a developed iconography of this saint. The appearance of new images is associated with specific cases of the grace-filled help of the Great Wonderworker. When you turn to a saint with a prayer, then, looking at the icon, you don’t really think about the symbolic meaning of the image. But everything in the icon is not accidental, small detail may be of particular importance. Let's try to better understand what the ancient icon painters wanted to convey to us, one way or another portraying the saint.

The main iconographic images of St. Nicholas

Mosaic from the monastery of Stavronikita. 13th century Athos, Greece

Image type "Half"

The saint is depicted to the waist, with a blessing right hand and the Gospel, open or closed, in his left hand. The saint is dressed in a purple phelonion and an omophorion - a wide long strip of matter with the image of crosses - a sign of hierarchical authority. The omophorion symbolizes the likeness of the bishop to Christ in his care for the salvation of people and the special fullness of Divine grace and power given to him for this.

The left hand of the saint, holding the Gospel, is covered with an omophorion and a robe - as a sign of reverence for the Divine Words.

Nikola Lipny. Icon painter Alexa Petrov. Novgorod., 1294

To the left and right of the Saint, the figures of Christ and the Mother of God are often depicted. They recall the miracle that took place at the Council of Nicaea in 325. According to church tradition, Saint Nicholas, during disputes, slapped the impious Arius, whose teaching is defined as heretical, and for this he was deprived of the priesthood. But many had a vision of how the Savior Himself and the Mother of God brought St. Nicholas the Gospel and the omophorion are signs of hierarchal dignity. After that, he was returned to the rank of archpastor.

Image type "Growth"

In Russian icon painting, a special image of St. Nicholas with his arms spread apart, in a pose reminiscent of Oranta, is gaining popularity. In Greek monuments, with full-length images of bishops, a different type was used, with hands pressed to the torso. The vestments are: a riza, handrails, a phelonion, under which a club is visible, and an omophorion.

Saint Nicholas "Zaraisky" 15th-16th century Kargopol

The ancient saints were usually depicted wearing a phelonion, and not a sakkos, since until the 14th century only the Patriarch of Constantinople had the right to wear a sakkos. The image of St. Nicholas in full growth with the Gospel received the name "Nikolas of Zaraisky" by the name of the city where the image was located.

Another type of growth image of St. Nicholas - "Nikola Mozhaisky". Nicholas the Wonderworker is depicted with a sword in his right hand and a city (fortress) in his left hand. On these icons, the Saint is revered as the defender of Christian cities. The image was named "Mozhaisk" in honor of the miraculous glorification of the Saint in the city of Mozhaisk. During the attack on the city, St. Nicholas miraculously appeared to its defenders, standing in the air above the cathedral with a sword in one hand and with the cathedral in the other hand. The cathedral, as a sign of its preservation, was surrounded by fortress walls. Frightened by the menacing appearance of the saint, the enemy fled, and the rescued residents “made a carved image of a miraculous phenomenon.”

The carved wooden sculpture of St. Nicholas became the prototype for iconography. Some researchers consider such iconography to be borrowed from Western Europe, where the image of a militant bishop with a sword in his hand was cultivated.

Image Type "Shouldered"

Shoulder images of St. Nicholas have been known in Russian icon painting since the end of the 15th century, and in Byzantium much earlier. They originated as an abbreviated version of the belt lines, and were most widely used in the 16th century. Such icons were often painted according to royal orders, since Ivan the Terrible was appointed to the great reign on St. Nicholas Day - December 6, 1533 - and considered St. Nicholas to be his patron. Their number is not numerous, because they fixed only the face in close-up and fragments of the phelonion and omophorion on the shoulders, but it was necessary to show the blessing right hand of St. Nicholas, the “Bishop of God”. Later, in the 19th century, the popularity of such images increased again, especially among the Old Believers.

St. Nicholas is depicted at the shoulder, so that only a white omophorion with dark crosses and a small triangular fragment of the gate, decorated with precious stones. The face is large with a high and wide forehead, large eyes, a thin long nose and a small mouth. An attractive feature of small shoulder images is the proximity of the image to the person praying: the face and shoulders of the saint occupy almost the entire surface of the board, the head with a halo touches top margin, as if speaking towards the one looking at the icon.

Shoulder images of St. Nicholas can be included in the editions with selected saints in the margins that were installed in churches, and in the prayer icons of the pen, painted by private orders of well-born families.

An exceptional example of shoulder iconography is the image of "Nikola the Abominable", depicting the saint, as the inscriptions on the icons testify, averting from evil, demons, misfortunes and all filth. She appeared in the 18th century. and was widely used in Old Believer churches. On such icons, St. Nikola the saint is most often represented at the shoulder, with his head slightly turned to the right, pupils of strongly enlarged eyes turned to the left. The introduction of dynamics gives the image psychological tension. This is facilitated by the image in the lower part of some icons of the fingers of the blessing right hand of the saint and a fragment of the closed Gospel in a strong perspective. There is an assumption that a similar image is drawn from the stigma of hagiographical excerpts "Exorcising the demon from the well."

"Nikola Winter", "Nikola Summer", "Nikola Wet"

In folk culture, specific names for the images of St. Nicholas also appear.

Highlight icons "Nikolas of the Winter" and "Nikolas of the Spring" corresponding to the days of veneration in the year. At the same time, the "winter" Nikola is depicted in a bishop's miter, and the "spring" - with an uncovered head. According to popular tradition, iconography "Nikolas in Winter" arose during the reign of Nicholas I, who somehow drew attention to the fact that his heavenly patron was depicted on the icon without a headdress and made a remark to the clergy.

Unusual name "Nikola Wet" I received the image of the Saint thanks to a miracle that happened in Kyiv. The baby who drowned due to an oversight in the Dnieper after the prayer of his parents to the Wonderworker was found alive in the choirs of St. Sophia Cathedral under the icon of St. Nicholas. Since then, this icon has been revered as miraculous and was called “Wet Nicholas”, since the baby was lying all wet, as if he had just been taken out of the water.

St. Nicholas, 12th century, Velikiy Novgorod, from Nikolsky Cathedral

Another story miraculous image Saint is associated with Novgorod. The legend says that Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared in a dream to the gravely ill Novgorod prince Mstislav and ordered that his image, made on a round board, be transported from Kyiv to Novgorod. On Lake Ilmen, the princely ambassadors got into a storm and landed on Lipno Island, waiting for the weather to continue their journey. On the fourth day, they saw the icon of St. Nicholas floating on the waves, which exactly matched the description. After the miraculous healing of the prince, the image was placed in the Nikolsky Cathedral on Yaroslav's Court. Hence the name of the icon - "Nikola Dvorishchensky". Round icons are rare. Imagines clipeatae, i.e., images inscribed in a round frame that imitates the shape of a shield (clipeus), were widespread in late antique and early Christian art. Them round form symbolized both triumph, victory, and belonging to another, higher world.

Image type "Habitic icons"

Saint Nicholas, with 16 hallmarks of life. 16th century Rostov school

The hagiographic icons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, known from the 13th-14th centuries. They are based on a large number of lists of the life of the saint, an akathist, texts of services, "Russian teaching of the XI century", "The legend of the transfer of the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from Korsun to Ryazan" (1225), etc. The icons of hagiography have the most perfect and developed iconography as a whole, as well as the centerpiece and hallmarks separately. Miracles that took place in Russia are known - for example, the miracle of the Kiev brainchild. There could be various rearrangements in the composition of the hagiographic narrative - this left an imprint on the nature of the iconography of St. Nikola.

The main plots of the hallmarks: birth, learning to read and write, ordaining priests, help in trouble. Favorite among the circle of life scenes were the miracles of St. Nicholas: "Saving a ship during a storm", "Miracle of the three sailors", "Return of Agrikov's son Vasily from Saracen captivity", "Saving three husbands from execution".

Nikola Velikoretsky, 16th century. Kirillo-Belozersky Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve

Among the hagiographic icons of St. Nicholas, the type "Nikola Velikoretsky" is distinguished. In the centerpiece there is a half-length image of St. Nicholas in hierarchal vestments. The centerpiece is surrounded by eight hagiographic hallmarks. The compositional feature of the hagiographic icons of Nikola Velikoretsky is the large size of the hallmarks, equal in size to the centerpiece. The choice of plots is explained not by the sequence of hagiographic chronology, but by their meaning - they are united by the theme of pastoral ministry: 1. Bringing into teaching. 2. Appearance of St. Nicholas to Tsar Constantine in a dream. 3. Saving Demetrius from drowning. 4. Service of St. Nicholas. 5. Miracle about shipbuilders. 6. Deliverance of three governors from execution. 7. Salvation of Vasily, Agrikov's son. 8. Burial of St. Nicholas. The icon "Nikola Velikoretsky", according to legend, was miraculously found on the banks of the Veliko River. near Khlynov (Vyatka) in early XVI century. In 1555, at the request of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, the icon was brought to Moscow. Copies from the icon were also sent to Vologda, Totma and other cities. A year later, the image was returned to Vyatka.

Saint Nicholas, 16th century. Andrei Rublev Central Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art, Moscow

The miraculous icon has not survived to this day - there are only a number of lists, among which is the image from the Kirillov Monastery.

Each region had its own "favorite" stories, which were given Special attention. So, the plot "The Miracle of the Three Shipmen" was extremely popular in Novgorod, Pskov. This plot is not found in Central Russian icons: apparently, it was especially close to Novgorod merchants. The hallmarks contain a story about how merchants were robbed and thrown into the sea by shipbuilders. Then, with the help of St. Nicholas, swallowed by fish, "spit" by it on a stone that rose from the depths of the sea, and on this stone, as if on a ship, they were delivered to the city, the ruler of which punished the shipbuilders and returned their goods to the merchants. Novgorod icon painters are not limited to one image, but give a detailed story in several stamps (Novgorod icon of 1551-1552 from TsMiAR). The hagiographic cycle ends with the "Transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas from Mir to Bari" - one of the central holidays of the Russian Orthodox Church.

An icon painted on the basis of a lifetime portrait of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari, Italy.

In addition to the considered iconography, the image of St. Nicholas is included in the compositions of the “Conversational Icon of the Mother of God”, “Ecumenical Councils”, “Selected Saints”, etc.

No matter how St. Nicholas is depicted, you recognize him immediately - by his kind, understanding look, his round gray beard, so "Russian", by the grace-filled power emanating from the icon. This is the miracle of icon painting - through symbols and special artistic techniques to open the world of eternity and holiness before a person.

Maksimova Anna, 1st year AI

Any nation, be it Slavs or Muslims, reveres its ancestors, saints and those who, according to ancient sources, made history. So, today you can find a variety of symbols and signs made in honor of one of the sages, miracle workers. For example, one of the truly worthy works is the icon of St. Nicholas. It is not only beautiful, but also of great importance.

Who is Nikolay Ugodnik?

Let's take a look at history. Nikolai Ugodnik is an archbishop who was often called a miracle worker. This meant that the holy man was the patron of the seas, travelers, children and merchants. In the history of the church, he was considered a symbol of power, goodness and justice. The saint was born in Asia Minor. This happened in the third century AD. The fate of Nicholas the Pleasant was difficult, and, according to many, it was thanks to such trials that his soul and body chose the right path in life.

The boy was born in a Greek colony and was very religious from an early age. Since childhood, he devoted his life to Christianity. Thanks to his parents, Nikolai Ugodnik was able to get a basic education. The boy loved to study the Divine Scriptures. Almost all the time he was in the dwelling of the Holy Spirit, from where he did not leave during the day. At night, Nicholas prayed, read and mentally talked with God. An interesting fact is that after the death of his parents, the guy gave all his inheritance to charity.

The beginning of the activity of the saint

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant served the church during the reign of the Roman emperors Diocletian, as well as Maximian. These two men hated Christians and issued decrees to persecute them. During this difficult period, temples, communities and other institutions were destroyed. But Nikolai Ugodnik has always been on the side of the people. He was nicknamed the "defender", as he always defended the interests of innocently convicted and slandered people.

In addition, Nicholas often prayed for the sailors, mentally sending them good weather, protection from piracy and other hardships. Throughout the life of the saint, many miracles and deeds were attributed to him. The archbishop in Russia was the most revered, as well as throughout the world. Today, Nikolai Ugodnik (miracle worker) is a symbol of protection against diseases and an adviser in failures who will always help. His power will forever remain great for the Russian people.

Acts of a miracle worker

One of the earliest events in the youth of the miracle worker was a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The saint decided to take such a step, because he wanted to help and fulfill the requests of desperate travelers. Some argue that the prayers of Nicholas revived people, gave strength and confidence, saved from death. It should be noted that in his youth he went to study in Alexandria and during that period of his life resurrected a sailor who fell from the mast.

There is also a legend about how St. Nicholas the Pleasant saved three young girls, whose beauty was “sold” by their own father, as he believed that this was the only way to pay off debts and survive in such a difficult time. When the saint learned about the plight of the young maidens, he made his way to their home at night and left a bag of gold for the eldest of the daughters, which became her dowry. Exactly 12 months later, Nikolai repeated the same thing, only this time he left the money to the middle of the sisters. Somehow, their father found out that the Pleaser was helping their family and decided to thank him. Then the man hid in the room of his youngest daughter and waited for Nikolai to come. According to one version, he nevertheless saw the miracle worker, but he did not accept any thanks. It should be noted that he was considered a zealous warrior of the Church of Christ. Sources claim that he incinerated idols and pagan temples ruthlessly.

Relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker

During his long life, Nikolai Ugodnik performed many brave and noble deeds. Some believe that it was for his merits that God granted him long years of life, because it is true that the miracle worker died at a very old age. Today, the relics of St. Nicholas are kept in the Basilica of St. Nicholas (Bari), but not in full force. Since some of them are in Turkey, in the church of St. Nicholas. This is due to the fact that supposedly it was not possible to steal all the relics. Therefore, it turned out that they are stored in completely different territories.

In honor of the great saint, churches and temples were erected in different cities and countries. It is assumed that the sailors took some of the relics of Nicholas and transported it to Bari, but the rest of the fragments remained in the grave. People delivered the remains to Venice, where another church was erected.

The emergence of the feast of St. Nicholas

Today, in many cities and countries there is a temple of St. Nicholas, which anyone can visit. And it is no wonder that people are happy to go to this place. Some are looking for support, others for consolation, and still others simply want to thank the saint for the help provided. Indeed, since ancient times, Nicholas the Wonderworker has been considered the patron saint of ordinary people, innocent, slandered, weak.

In honor of such a great man, St. Nicholas Day is celebrated in our time. How did people come to this? It all started from the day the relics were transferred. At that time, only the inhabitants of Bari, who had the honor of keeping the remains of the saint, celebrated this holiday. In other countries, it was not considered authentic and was not taken seriously. However, in the lands of great Russia, saints were always revered, and the rumor about the feast of St. Nicholas spread very quickly. The Orthodox Church has set the date - May 9th. Since then, namely since 1087, people have celebrated the feast of the great and revered saint of God.

Today, the holiday is celebrated several times a year. But for representatives of the Russian people, it is associated with the date of December 19th. In addition, this day is considered a children's holiday, as Nikolai brings gifts to his little friends under the pillow (of course, if they behaved well all year).

Modern holiday dates

So, in our time there are several dates for the feast of St. Nicholas. The first is December 6 (19). Previously, it was believed that this was the day of the death of the miracle worker, but today it is an ordinary children's holiday, which is associated with sweets and new toys that fabulously appeared under the child's pillow. The second date is May 9 (22). This holiday has been celebrated since 1087, when the remains of the saint arrived in Bari. And finally, June 29 (August 11) - the birth of Nicholas.

The sacred place of St. Nicholas in the hearts of the Russian people

On the lands of the Russian Empire, the name of the miracle worker was always revered. In addition, the icon of St. Nicholas the Ugodnik, which meant a lot to every person, did not hide from curious and believing eyes. It is with this that a huge number of temples and works that were dedicated to this person are connected. Until the twentieth century, the name Nicholas was one of the most popular when naming babies. People believed that by naming the boy, they subconsciously convey to him a piece of the holiness and masculinity of the miracle worker.

Icon of St. Nicholas

It has already been noted more than once that people loved and idolized Nicholas the Pleasant, they turned to him with requests for intercession. It is not surprising that after his death they began to worship the icon of the miracle worker. For every Slav, it was of great importance. But what is the meaning of the icon? Why did people believe and continue to think that she is able to heal, help and protect?

The symbol of protection, nobility and justice in Russia was Nikolai Ugodnik. The icon, the meaning of which has been repeatedly characterized and explained, became the embodiment of the miracle worker after his death. They turn to her when help is needed, she actually helps believers. And it doesn’t matter whether a person is rich or poor, what his religious preferences or skin color are, the influence of the icon is immense.

The meaning of the icon of the miracle worker

The icon of St. Nicholas "works" for each person in different ways. But there is a theory about what it still means. According to many scientists, it is a symbol of the protection of the people. Therein lies its significance. It is believed that the icon is able to heal, relieve ailments, perform real miracles, and it doesn’t even matter whether a person is a believer or not. Thus, the meaning is very easy to decipher - a talisman that helps people. Of course, many preferred to worship the original icon. Today, the image of the saint can be purchased in many places, but this does not diminish the influence of the miraculous picture. It is important to know that the action of the icon becomes several times stronger if you say a special prayer.

Prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant

From time immemorial, prayer in front of an icon has been considered a guarantor of the protection of a person and the people for whom he asks the image of a saint. Therefore, it is always recommended to pronounce it so that the action is stronger. In fact, there are a huge number of prayers to Nikolai Ugodnik. A person just needs to choose the one that will help achieve the desired result. For example, ask for marriage or protection, get rid of illness or trouble, and so on. But still, there are seven basic prayers that every person can learn. Then, pronouncing them in front of the icon, he can be sure that an unusual power will protect him and all family members, as well as his home and relatives.

The icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant (Wonderworker) has magical powers. She can not only fulfill the request of a person, but also answer some questions. Sincere prayer is endowed with an inexplicable power that can heal, get rid of mental or bodily diseases, as well as become enlightened, unite in a legal marriage with a loved one and forget about quarrels. In addition, the icon has energy that solves life's problems, from small to large ones. No icons of Russia, except for those that were dedicated to the Mother of God, occupied such an important place in the hearts of the Slavic people as the image of St. Nicholas.

Each person can meet his own icon of St. Nicholas. This is due to the fact that the holiday is celebrated on different days of the calendar. Thus, there is an icon of "St. Nicholas of the Winter" and "St. Nicholas of the Spring". The first was depicted in the episcopal mitre, and the second - with an uncovered head. Therefore, one should not assume that the icons are different, and the people on them are also different. No, both of them have the same meaning and miraculous effect on people.

Among other things, Nikolai Ugodnik is also a patron for Orthodox gypsies. Also an interesting fact is that for some, the miracle worker is Santa Claus. This is because, according to one of the legends, when Nikolai left bags for poor girls, and their father wanted to meet him and thank him, he foresaw this situation and threw gold into the chimney. It is on this story that the prototype of the great and generous Santa is built.

It should also be noted that the day of St. Nicholas is celebrated in the Ryazan diocese. This celebration is celebrated locally and in honor of the image of the miracle worker. Among the Slavs, the archbishop is often associated with God himself. He holds an important place in the hearts of believers and always helps them cope with ailments and failures. Representatives of the Buddhist people, the Buryats, live in Russia. They identify Nicholas the Pleasant with the deity of prosperity and longevity. The Kalmyks, in turn, included the miracle worker in the pantheon of the master spirits of the Caspian Sea.

Saint Nicholas

Oddly enough, it may seem to some unbelievers, but the icon of St. Nicholas really "works". In our time, there is evidence of this, because ordinary people who prayed to the image of the miracle worker share their stories. So, for example, by placing the icon in a car, many were saved from serious accidents or death as a result of a dangerous incident. Others share their impressions of the power of healing. For many women, the image of the saint helped to find love and happiness. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant (an icon whose meaning is interpreted as a talisman, a symbol of protection, grace, and so on) was first depicted around 1325.

A place for "conversation" with the saint

Finally, I would like to note that there is a place where you can always pray and “talk with the miracle worker” - this is the chapel of St. Nicholas. But you can also ask for help from a saint at home, in front of his face or without an icon. The main thing is to do this with good intentions, a pure soul and sincerity.
