Hyacinths: a description of the methods of reproduction available to the common man. How to propagate and grow hyacinths at home

Propagation of hyacinths, or, as they are popularly called, rain flowers, is not a difficult matter. Every mistress of even a small garden plot can breed this flower for the joy of himself and the views of those around him.

Hyacinths are quite popular plants these days. They look very neat. And although hyacinth sometimes breeds quite hard, but still a keen hostess personal plot or a small flower bed can find its own optimal and convenient way for it to propagate rain flowers.

What you need to know about the reproduction of hyacinths

Breeding hyacinths is quite an interesting activity. But do not expect hyacinths to reproduce themselves. Even if they do, this process will not happen very quickly. Independent natural reproduction of these beautiful flowers various colors drags on for quite some time. Therefore, if it is decided to plant a rain flower on the site, then it is worth learning more about the methods of its reproduction and making some efforts.

But sometimes it happens that the process of reproduction of these flowers is involuntarily accelerated by rodents and mice that are completely unpleasant for humans. Indeed, hyacinth is probably the only flower that is not only not afraid of mice, but even, on the contrary, with their help can increase its population.

The thing is that the mouse, eating part of the bulb, thereby damaging it. Damaged areas begin to stimulate active cell growth. So in these places new cuttings are formed, and hence new units of the plant.

It was such an accidental discovery, made by one of the gardeners, that allowed breeders to develop new way breeding these amazing and beautiful flowers. This method is now called bottom cutting.

Done cutting method

An incision, or cutting the bottom, is quite efficient technique breeding hyacinths. As mentioned earlier, a damaged bulb activates all its forces for further survival, thereby accelerating cell growth. The influxes formed after damage soon turn into surprisingly even and neat bulbs. This method of reproduction can also be called reproduction by children.

In order to properly produce this breeding method, you need to have a sharp knife or scalpel on hand. Turning the onion upside down and having previously cleaned it of old fabrics, sharp knife make an incision. Plant tissues bottom must be removed completely. Otherwise, on the remaining parts of the plants, new tissues that give rise to a new plant will not form. A hole should form inside the bulb, outwardly resembling a small funnel. An interesting fact is that this method not only allows hyacinths to multiply faster, but also heals the existing material. The bulbs formed when using this technique are extremely even and strong. After cutting out the wedge-shaped part of the bulb, it is necessary to dust it with activated carbon powder.

  • put them on the bottom of the box with the cuts down;
  • the bottom of the tank is pre-filled with perlite;
  • the box with bulbs is covered with a bag, and after about 2-3 months you can observe the appearance of small bulbs.

Propagation of hyacinths by leaves

Propagation of rain flowers can be done not only by cutting the bottom, and certainly not waiting for the bulbs to be gnawed by mice. Today, there are several more ways to breed these flowers. Which method will be the most effective and convenient, each gardener will determine for himself personally.

For example, hyacinths can be propagated by leaves. But for everything to be successful, you need to know some subtleties.

best period for reproduction using this technique will be the time of tying buds on the hyacinth.

From each individual plant, it is required to take two large leaves, which are located at the very base. The leaves are cut with a knife. Cut leaves are divided into a number of parts, but the size of each of them should not be less than 5-6 cm. Next, these leaves must be processed in a heteroauxin solution and planted in a container with sand, planting depth should be no more than 30 mm.

The box, as in the first case, is immersed in a plastic bag. Plants should be stored in this form under diffused light, the temperature should be around 15 ° C. After a month, bulbs will appear, and after 2 months, roots and leaves can be seen.

Hyacinth propagation (video)

Cultivation of hyacinths by seeds

Reproduction of hyacinths by removing them from seeds also takes place, but it should be understood that such a method of reproduction will take a rather long period from the grower. Rain flowers propagated in this way will begin to please with their beauty only for 6-7 years of life.

Seed setting will occur only in warm sunny weather. The bolls have not yet opened during this period, but are already turning yellow. This is a signal for the ripening of flower seeds. At this time, you need to have time to pick the boxes and dry them. Within a week, the boxes will open, and the seeds can be packaged in paper bags.

It is important to remember that each variety, if there are several, must be stored in a separate bag so that the seeds do not mix.

It is necessary to sow prepared seeds in the fall, in a still warm ground.

If you plant hyacinths with seeds in spring period, then seedlings of plants can be expected only in a year. Seedlings can be seen in the flower bed in April or May.

The best option there will be sowing seeds in a greenhouse, the bottom of which will be covered with sand. In sandy soil, the risk of seed rot is very low.

In general, it can be noted that rain flowers are quite beautiful plants. Delighting the surrounding people with their flowering, they create a true spring mood. Hyacinths do not require any special conditions for their breeding, and these flowers have a sufficient number of propagation methods, you just need to choose the right one.

Hyacinths: description and breeding (video)

Everyone would be good hyacinth, but it hurts slowly multiplied. Bulbs can bloom two or three years in a row and not produce babies. Quite by chance the Dutch discovered fast way breeding hyacinths.

An ordinary mouse helped them in this: having climbed into the room where the bulbs were stored, she gnawed out the bottom of one of them, and after a while small children appeared on it. Since then to get a new one planting material, bulbs stimulate. They do this in several ways.

bottom cutting

When planting look after large, dense and heavy bulbs. When they fade and the leaves begin to turn yellow, these hyacinths are dug up. Without waiting for the bulbs to dry, they are washed under a strong stream of water, washing away the earth and old scales. Then they put it in a box in one layer and, in good weather, dry it in the shade under a canopy, and in rainy weather, in a warm, ventilated room.

After about a week, the roots will easily separate, which means you can start cutting the bottom. With a sharp knife, a wedge-shaped cut is made, removing the entire bottom and central kidney. The cut must be dusted with crushed wood or activated charcoal.

The prepared bulbs are placed cut up in a box, on the bottom of which perlite is poured. The box is placed in a plastic bag to create optimal conditions for the growth of children: temperature 30 ° C and humidity 100%. After 2.5-3 months, young bulbs will reach 5-10 mm, they will have the beginnings of roots and small sprouts.

If the operation was carried out in June-July, then the prepared bulb (together with the children) can be planted in open ground, covered with peat. If planting is late, then the bulb is placed until spring in a box with earth (bottom down) and stored in a basement or refrigerator at a temperature of 2-6 ° C, and planted in a flower garden in spring.

When the leaves of the hyacinths turn yellow (this usually happens in August), the bulb is dug up. It will be filled with grown children. They are planted in open ground in late August - early September to a depth of 10-12 cm according to the 5x15 cm scheme and cover with peat with a layer of 10 cm. After the first winter, the mulch is removed, and after the second - left. In the third season, young hyacinths bloom.

Reproduction by bulbous scales

Bulbs with a diameter of about 5 cm are divided into 4-6 parts. Then separate scales are broken off from the bottom, the breaks are treated with coal, the scales are placed in a plastic bag with perlite or clean river sand, or charcoal.

The bags are tied and kept for 6 weeks in diffused light at a temperature of 20-25°C and for 6 weeks at a temperature of 17-20°C. During this time, one or more onions are formed at the base of the scales. Further storage and landing, as in the first case. In this way, up to 50 new bulbs can be obtained from each bulb with a diameter of 5 cm.

bottom notching

In this case, the bottom is not cut out, but cross-shaped cuts are made on it: on large bulbs 4, that is, two crosses are obtained, on small ones - 2 cuts (up to 0.6 cm deep). They are dusted with coal and the bulbs are placed for a day in a dry, warm place with a temperature of 21 ° C, so that the cuts open better. The subsequent operations are the same as in the first case. With this stimulation, the onions form less (up to 10-15 pieces), but they are larger.

Reproduction by leaf cuttings

Best time for this method - the appearance of buds on the hyacinth. Two leaves are taken from each plant, cutting them off at the very base. You can divide the leaves into several parts, but so that they are not shorter than 6 cm. They are treated in a solution of heteroauxin (0.5 tablets per 1 liter of water) and planted obliquely in a box with sand to a depth of 3 cm.

The box is placed in a plastic bag and kept in diffused light at a temperature of 10-15°C and 90% humidity.

After 30-40 days, the rudiments of the bulb will appear on the handle, and after 2 months - the first roots and leaf. After that, young plants can be transplanted into the garden. It is realistic to get 8-10 children from one cutting. Moreover, it is also possible to propagate hyacinths during budding and blooming of the first flower during forcing in the apartment. The lifespan of a hyacinth bulb depends on the condition of the bottom and storage scales. Young, weighing 60-80 g, have a small round bottom.

Hyacinth is one of the most beautiful garden plants that pleases with flowering in early spring. Their lush curly hats of delicate shades will decorate any flower bed. Gardeners, who have many varieties of this handsome primrose on their plots, have mastered the propagation of hyacinth in subtlety.

There are three such methods - seeds, part of a leaf and bulbs. Each of them has its pros and cons, and for successful breeding you need to know how to propagate hyacinth at home with any of them.

How to propagate hyacinth from a bulb

A mature bulb with children, from which young leaves are already breaking through. Babies are ready to separate from the mother plant

Like any corm plant, in nature, hyacinth reproduces by bulbs that form next to the mother. Each of them forms only one baby. This happens when mature plant will gain enough vegetative mass and strength to start the division process.

The baby is formed from one of the covering scales, which begins to grow intensively and gradually separates from the main tuber. All this time, the plant does not bloom, but gives all its strength to the formation of a daughter onion. The separated young bulb of hyacinth for several years increases above-ground part and blooms only in the fifth or sixth year.

Biologists were not satisfied with such a slow breeding process, and they spied on how a plant behaves, which has been attacked by pests and dies. It begins to intensively grow children, trying to leave offspring until the death of the mother bulb. As an experiment, scientists tried to carefully cut out its lower part along with the embryo of a flower bud, simulating a quick death. The trick was successful, and the plants began to form numerous children, which were enough for further breeding.

The method proved so successful that it is currently used for industrial production a large number of new plants, which then go on sale or are used in landscaping parks and adjacent territories.

Bulb planting time

You bought a hyacinth bulb in the flower department, and now the question arose before you - when should it be planted. In Russia, the conditions autumn planting onions in open ground are similar to agricultural technology winter garlic. AT middle lane the dates come at the end of September and the first half of October, and in the south you can plant the whole of October.

The time must be chosen so that before the onset of stable frosts, the onions take root, but do not release leaves. Too early or late boarding leads to the fact that an unrooted or growing bulb freezes and rots.

How to germinate hyacinths from a bulb at home

Hyacinth bulbs for forcing. Almost every plant has a well-developed flower bud.

As a rule, at home, the bulbs are germinated for early forcing. To obtain flowering bush by the right time, you need to know the plant variety. The table shows when to plant hyacinth bulbs of one or another flowering period:

Important! For growing hyacinth in a pot, only the largest bulbs with a diameter of at least 5 cm are suitable. For successful flowering, they must go through a full dormant period or be purchased with the marking “For forcing”.

The pot should be chosen in such a size that the bulbs do not come into contact with each other and with the edge of the pot. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom and a soil substrate of the following composition is prepared:

  • 0.5 parts of river sand;
  • 2 parts of sod or leaf land;
  • 1 part mature compost or manure.

The bulbs are kept in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, washed, dried and planted in pots, deepening by two-thirds. The soil is moistened, and the pots are covered with paper caps and cleaned in a cool place with a temperature of 5–7 ° C. Under such conditions, the plants should spend 2–3 months. Watering is done in small portions when the soil is almost dry.

At the end of the dormant period, the plants begin to throw out the first leaves. The pots are moved to a cool window sill without direct sunlight and wait until the peduncle reaches a height of 12–15 cm. Then the paper cap is removed. Blooming hyacinth requires a temperature of 16–18 ° C.

You can find out more about what to do with hyacinth after flowering in a separate one.

How to propagate hyacinth bulb

There are two ways to propagate the variety you like with bulbs - by dividing it and stimulating the formation of children. Amateur flower growers can try both. For division, large healthy onions are selected, cleaned of dry scales and cut vertically with a clean, sharp knife. On each part, a particle of the bottom with the beginnings of roots should remain.

slices dipped bottom into a drug that stimulates root formation and placed in a moderately moist loose substrate - moss, sawdust, clean river sand. The substrate is covered with polyethylene and left in a cool place. From time to time the film is opened for airing and inspection. Per winter months roots appear on most of the lobules, and by spring the rooted particles are ready for planting in open ground.

The second method involves cutting with a scalpel or a spoon sharpened on one side of the entire lower part of the donut along with the central kidney. The cut points must be treated with crushed charcoal to prevent fungal diseases. Onions are placed in containers with sand cut up and covered with a paper cap to create a greenhouse effect.

Some growers lay the bulbs cut down on a layer of sphagnum or vermiculite. Both substrates retain moisture well and retain natural ventilation. While maintaining humidity within 80–90%, the formation of children begins in one and a half to two months.

Parts of the bulbs with babies are placed in moist, loose soil and stored in the cellar at a temperature of about +5 ° C until planting. In the spring they are planted in open ground, and put back in the cellar for the winter to avoid freezing.

Important! In the southern regions with mild winters the mother tuber with the children is left in the ground, covered with a thick layer of sawdust or leaf litter.

After a few years, the children are separated from the main tuber. They bloom in 3-4 years.

How to store hyacinth bulbs

In order for the hyacinth to bloom in spring, the bulb must go through a dormant period, which is about three months. This time is divided into three stages:

  1. The first ten days the planting material is stored at a temperature of +30 °C;
  2. For the next two months, it is reduced to + 22–25 ° С;
  3. All the remaining time before planting, the bulbs are kept at + 16–18 ° С.

The entire dormant period must be maintained at a humidity level of 70%, this allows you to keep the planting material of the highest quality. high humidity will lead to decay, and at low bulbs, the percentage of germination sharply decreases. Before storing them, they are carefully inspected, damaged or rotten specimens are rejected and sorted by size.

Important! To protect against fungal infections, the bulbs are sprayed with any fungicide - both chemical copper-containing preparations and natural ones - phytosporin or garlic infusion are suitable.

The bulbs are placed in disinfected boxes in one layer, wrapping each in paper or newspaper. Peat or slightly moistened sawdust is also suitable. The storage room should be ventilated and shaded. From time to time the contents of the boxes are inspected. The rotten bulbs found are cleaned with a sharp disinfected knife to a healthy tissue and the slices are dipped in crushed coal. After drying, such specimens are stored separately and inspected more often.

How to grow hyacinths from seeds

This method is most often used to experiment with breeding new varieties. Hyacinth seeds look peculiar - black pubescent balls with white tails, and the size is easy to estimate from the photo. They are harvested when the boxes begin to turn yellow, but have not yet opened.

This is what mature seeds look like.

The soil mixture for germinating hyacinth from seeds is prepared in the same way as for bulbs. Seeds are sown quite densely - 150-200 pieces per square meter and close up no deeper than 2 cm. The best time for sowing hyacinths with seeds is early autumn, for about a month before landing bulbs. For the winter, the bed is covered with spruce branches, hay or compost from frost.

Hyacinth seeds sown at home must go through a period of vernalization. To do this, after landing, they are kept on the top shelf of the refrigerator. At the end of winter, seedlings are rearranged on a cool windowsill.

Seedlings appear in spring. Seedlings are weak, grow slowly, root system poorly developed. Therefore, they are not transplanted and all care activities are carried out very carefully. In the first year, sprouts need:

  • regular weeding;
  • moderate watering with settled water;
  • careful loosening of the topsoil;
  • scattered sunlight;
  • top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers.

To create a gentle microclimate and protect against damage, the bed with seedlings is covered with any agro-cloth, leaving holes for ventilation. Young plants bloom for 5-6 years.

Propagation of hyacinths by leaves

This interesting method is another option for obtaining new colors. It consists in the following. At the beginning of flowering, one or two leaves are cut off from the plant, cutting them off with a knife at the base. The leaves are cut across into pieces 6–7 cm long. top throw away. Then the lower sections are dusted with root-forming powder or dipped in its solution and planted in wet washed sand. The planting container should be low and wide. leaf cuttings drop at an angle, cover the top of the container with a film and put in a lighted cool place.

Bulbs at the ends of the cuttings appear about a month after planting. When they increase in size and start up their own roots, they are seated in a light nutrient soil. Further care for seedlings is the same as for other methods of reproduction. When the bulbs reach 3 cm in diameter, they are considered mature.

This method is simple, requires high costs and skills, and allows you to propagate a rare variety in a short time.

Clearly and in great detail the process of reproduction of this beautiful flower featured in a series of short videos:

To the conditions of detention. These flowers, like all bulbs, can rot and die only when excessive watering and stagnant water. Sandy loamy soil with the addition of grassroots peat is well suited for growing hyacinths. Hyacinths lend themselves to selection and forcing. Like any bulbous plant, these flowers can be grown for any holiday, including New Year and Christmas. Hyacinths were massively grown 200 years ago. Two-color varieties of this flower were bred.

In order to propagate hyacinths, a simple industrial method can be used. When propagating from the mother bulb, up to 200 children are obtained from one plant. This breeding method bulbous plants the fastest.

Reproduction of hyacinths in nature

In nature, hyacinth builds up a baby for a very long time. It takes five years to form one adult bulb. With an excess of nutrients, the mother bulb forms a small tubercle similar to a scale. This process, over time, increases and separates from the mother plant. During the formation of a new bulb, hyacinth is vulnerable to fungal diseases. Since all the nutrients are spent on the formation of a new plant, the hyacinth does not bloom, and its natural immunity is reduced.

Reproduction of hyacinths at home

To at home, you need a bulb that is at rest. On its bottom (the part where the roots grow from) you need to make several shallow cuts.

Hyacinth bulbs should be cut only to a natural thickening, that is, a third of the diameter.

Next, the bulbs are placed upside down in plastic container. Pour 4 cm of water into this container and close it with glass. Then the bulbs are placed on electric stove. It is necessary to maintain a water temperature of +30 ° C for a week. For another two weeks, the water is constantly cooled to +10 ° C.

Three weeks later, in the cuts of the donets will appear a large number of kids. When you notice their appearance, remove the glass from the container and turn the bulbs upside down. Provide water drainage and fill the container with soil.

A few years ago, they gave me a blooming hyacinth by March 8th. And then I really wanted to have such beautiful, early flowers in the garden. The basics about in the garden I had. Yes, here how does hyacinth reproduce, artificially - I did not know.

After my plant faded and the leaves withered, I hid it together in a pot in the basement until October and forgot. And in the fall I remembered and landed in the garden. On the next year in the spring my hyacinth blossomed, but did not give a daughter bulb, and I so wanted to propagate it as soon as possible.

It was then that I began to look for materials for the reproduction of hyacinths and try everything described. And now I found the most suitable and simple method of reproduction for me, this is cutting the bottom of the bulb. It happens in the following way.

Wash the hyacinth bulb running water washing away all soil. Then they are dried and treated with a fungicide to avoid infections, only then the bulb is ready for the "operation" for reproduction. The knife must be sharp and disinfected, including the hands.

The bulb itself should be large, at least 6 cm in diameter, dense, without physical damage.

We cut the hyacinth bulb with 2 even crossing cuts. It turns out a cruciform incision with a depth of 0.5-0.7 cm. Then the incised bulb is dried under a canopy at a temperature of 21-23 degrees, so the incisions open more strongly. We sprinkle the incisions with crushed activated carbon, or they are also treated with a fungicide.

In this state, the bulb is stored in a ventilated, dark room with a temperature of at least + 21 degrees. In 2-3 months, small onions form. Without separating them from the mother bulb, we plant them in October in the garden or in the greenhouse for growing. For the winter of planting, we mulch or simply cover with fallen leaves.

Most right time for artificial propagation of hyacinth from 1 to 20 July.

Of course, the bulb is capable of reproducing itself, but it produces very small offspring, 1-2 are much less common than 3-5 baby bulbs. My bulb gave me 12 young bulbs, which in 2-3 years will please with their flowering.

Seed propagation of hyacinths is used for breeding, breeding new varieties, since hyacinths grown from seeds do not repeat the color of the mother plant.
