Gas stove for home. Types, fuel consumption and choice of gas stove for heating a private house. Types of gas ovens

In the cold season, gas heating for summer cottages will do a good job, as it is a fairly economical type of fuel, especially since the heating process itself takes place quite quickly, which is important for premises without permanent residence. Only there are a large number of such heaters, and they have different power and heating principle, therefore, the choice of the unit, first of all, should be influenced by the frequency of your presence outside the city.

Below we will talk about this in a little more detail, and also learn more with the help of the video demonstration in this article.

Gas heating

Types of heaters

Convectors can work not only from the main, but also from bottled gas, so this unit is quite suitable for your country house, you just have to change the bottle for refueling from time to time. The connection in this case is very quick and easy, but we will talk about the propane-butane tanks themselves a little later.

Combustion of liquefied hydrocarbon gas (LHG) takes place in an isolated chamber and its heat heats up the air that is between this chamber and the decorative casing rises, that is, a convection process occurs. This design has a fairly reasonable price (depending on power), but the main thing is not even this, but the rapid heating of the room, which, perhaps, is in the forefront with a non-constant heating mode.

Another important advantage of this design is that it has the ability to automatically adjust the temperature in the range from 13⁰C to 38̴̴⁰C, and even at maximum load, the casing does not heat up above 60⁰C, therefore, it does not pose a risk of burns. In cases where the gas pressure drops to a critical level or the flame goes out for any reason, an auto-lock is activated that turns off the device.

Catalytic heaters can conditionally be called multi-fuel, since the instruction allows using not only gas, but also gasoline as an energy carrier, although in this case we will talk about the first option. Such units are used for enclosed spaces (, utility rooms, warehouses, apartments, etc.) with an optimal area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 20m 2.

Note. Catalytic combustion is called flameless combustion, which occurs as a result of the oxidation of organic and inorganic substances on a solid surface. The amount of heat released by such a catalyst heats the surface to a red or yellow heat.

Heaters of this type are very good for residential premises, if only because they are practically safe - the possibility of an explosion or involuntary ignition is practically reduced to zero. With the help of such a device, heating the cottage with liquefied gas (LPG - propane-butane) is quite efficient (some models are capable of delivering up to 4.9 kW) and economical.

The catalytic panel is usually made of fiberglass with the addition of platinum as a catalyst.

An autonomous gas heater for summer cottages with a ceramic panel, from which ultraviolet radiation emanates, works very efficiently and can operate both on liquefied carbon gas and on natural propane-butane. Such devices can be classified by panels, for example, light ceramics have a radiation temperature of more than 800⁰C, while dark (catalytic) ones have IR radiation below 600⁰C.

The main distinguishing feature of an infrared ceramic heater from a catalytic one is that the first one has an open flame at the outlet and, consequently, higher power, as well as an increased service life of the plates. The devices can be very easily installed in the place you need by connecting the cylinder with a rubber or bellows sleeve.

To date, heating the cottage with gas using infrared heaters has long been no know-how, but, despite all the advantages, the devices are not widely popular, perhaps the rather high cost of the units is to blame.

The installation of a ceramic infrared heater is not limited by the volume and quadrature of the room - the most diverse models in terms of power are always at your service in offline and online stores. So they can be used not only for summer cottages and a large country house, but also for warehouses, supermarkets and the like. In addition, models can be not only floor-standing - they can be mounted to the ceiling, walls, and even mounted to the floor.

Not always gas heating in the country can heat the entire room - there are also portable heaters that will help you in a cold room until you start the main heating system, or if you go there for a few hours. Of course, such a spray can will not be enough for a long time, but for the most part it depends on the model and volume of the tank.

Gas heating boilers for summer cottages are also in great demand, although this applies mainly to situations where people often come to a suburban area or even live there permanently. The advantage of such units is that they are constantly able to maintain the set temperature, and you can safely leave, knowing that a warm room awaits you upon arrival.

But such units have a lot of varieties, so they can be floor and wall, single-circuit (without hot water supply) and double-circuit and, finally, convection, as in the photo above and condensing.

In short, then:

  • convection units more suitable for radiator circuits;
  • and condensation- for a water-heated floor system.

In the case of combining these circuits, a convection version is usually installed by inserting a three-way valve into the system to adjust the temperature on different circuits.

Gas cylinders and their connection

  • Of course, most often there are no natural gas pipelines outside the city, so heating a country house with gas cylinders is a fairly normal phenomenon and we are not talking about compact appliances here, this is a full-fledged supply of an energy carrier to the boiler. But in this case, one tank will obviously not be enough, so you can independently assemble a complex from such tanks, the number of which can be determined from the table below.
  • To connect the cylinder to a common supply line with your own hands, you can use rubber and rubber-plastic hoses, the length of which should always be slightly longer than the distance between the tank and the pipe so that there is no tension. A significant drawback of such hoses is that they cannot be used for more than 5 years - the rubber cracks and there is a risk of rupture, which can lead to a fire and even an explosion of LPG.

Many owners of summer cottages and country houses often face problems in the heating system of their seasonal homes. For such buildings, it is recommended to use brick ovens. But such a heating design has a number of serious drawbacks. To quickly heat a residential building in which they do not live permanently is a rather difficult task. Gas stoves are an alternative option for heating a country house and a summer residence.

Design features

Such devices in their design practically do not differ from gas-fired boilers.

The main feature is the method of operation. The gas oven is not connected to pipelines. This is a convenient heating system for a house or cottage, which allows you to quickly warm up the premises. The liquid coolant cannot freeze in it.

The devices operate on main or bottled gas. The design of the furnace has a body, a firebox, a burner, a heating shield, automation (a system for shutting off the fuel supply).

A device designed to operate with liquefied gas can be used to heat a small house (one- or two-story). For heating large areas (more than 60 m2), gas-fired stoves are not suitable.

Such heating structures can operate in continuous or temporary mode.

This device is one of the most important elements of such a heating system. Burners used in gas ovens have different fuel consumption. To heat a small house or cottage, you can use a device that consumes no more than 4 m3 / h.

The burner is a replaceable element. It can be purchased and installed separately. A part of the required power is selected and mounted in an existing furnace. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the dimensions of the threaded connection of the burner and the source of fuel supply to the heater match. The dimensions of the mounting window for this element are 40-55 cm.

All gas stoves for heating homes must have certificates confirming their compliance with the state standard of safety and quality. If there is no such documentation, then it is better not to purchase such a product.

The walls of the fuel cell are heated by the combustion of the fuel. Air, to maintain the combustion process, is supplied through the blower.

At the top of the heater there is a chimney (through which combustion products exit), it is connected to the firebox.


A gas stove used to heat a country house or cottage is an efficient heating system. Due to the peculiarities of the fuel material used and the nuances of functioning, they have gained wide popularity. Their undoubted advantages include the following:

  • durability, reliability (in fact, there is nothing to break in such a heating device, the warranty period for their operation is 12 years, but in fact a gas furnace will last much longer);
  • environmental safety (devices using gas for heating will not harm a person and the environment, unlike solid fuel boilers, they do not emit toxins during operation, they can be used at any time of the day and year);
  • Efficiency at a high level;
  • ergonomics (gas consumption is 133 g / h, in areas with main gas, this value is even lower);
  • saving space (unlike firewood, gas does not need a separate storage room, it does not need to be delivered, you can fill the cylinder at any gas station);
  • ease of operation (furnaces are connected to the main pipeline or to a conventional gas cylinder and provide comfortable living conditions).


Gas stoves are not without drawbacks. The equipment itself and its installation is by no means cheap. Natural gas is the most inexpensive fuel, but its cost in our country is systematically increasing.

Gas stoves are quite difficult to install and connect. In the event of even the smallest mistake, one can encounter huge problems in the use of such devices (they will either not do what they are intended for, or they will begin to pose a danger to the life and health of residents).

Nuances of installation and use

When installing gas equipment at home or in the country, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements for it.

Often, for heating private housing, not one, but two devices are connected to the chimney. If two gas units are connected, then they are located at different levels in relation to each other. The distance between them must be at least 0.5 m. A cut must be made in the chimney if it is nevertheless decided to install the heaters on the same level.

This design can be in the form of a cylinder, an oval, in some cases even a square. But in the latter version, you may encounter the problem of poor-quality traction.

The branch pipe of the gas furnace must be of the same or smaller section as the chimney channel. If several heating devices are connected, then the cross section is determined using special calculations. At the same time, they take into account that the units can work simultaneously.

The chimney pipe must be protected from excess condensate. To do this, a stainless steel structure is mounted inside it. The chimney must be installed strictly vertically. In this case, there should be no ledges.


It is required to maintain a certain distance between the wall and the furnace: it must be at least 5 m.

The heater must be placed on a non-combustible solid base, the dimensions of which must exceed the parameters of the furnace by 10 cm on each side.

Absolutely forbidden

It is impossible to create a chimney from materials that have a porous structure. It is also prohibited to run the pipe through rooms with poor ventilation.

Criterias of choice

When buying a gas stove for heating a country house, cottage, bath, garage, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • the size of the unit, its compliance with the parameters of the building that it will have to heat;
  • the presence of an automatic system for shutting off the fuel supply, a thermostat and a gas fuse (the last two will require a small overpayment, but during the operation of the gas furnace they will save money);
  • possibility of functioning of a gas torch on the main and liquefied gas;
  • equipment certification.


Russian-made gas furnaces (Teplodar, Rus, Troika, Termofor) have good reviews. They are of high quality and are presented on the domestic market in a wide range. They have a nice design, a steel firebox, a door made of metal or heat-resistant glass. Such units are characterized by high performance, simplicity and unpretentiousness in use. Some models are equipped with special valves that allow you to regulate the temperature.

A gas stove for heating a summer house, a private house is a profitable and practical option. If desired, it can be assembled with your own hands, but in case of an oversight, such a device can lead to leakage of fuel material and an explosion. Therefore, safety precautions are very important.

Gas heaters for summer cottages

Heating summer cottages with seasonal residence is not an easy task. The classic option for such houses is brick ovens, but they have a number of disadvantages. An excellent alternative to tradition has become a gas stove for summer cottages and country houses. This method of heating is especially well suited in settlements where the main gas pipeline has already been laid, but the heater can be easily installed in any house, since it can also work from bottled gas.

Design features

By their design, gas furnaces differ little from conventional boilers. The main difference lies in the principle of operation - the heater is not connected to the piping system. The result is a very user-friendly heating method. If necessary, the house can be heated very quickly, while there is no risk of freezing of the system with a liquid heat carrier, as when installing a boiler.

Structurally, stoves for summer cottages, operating on mains or bottled gas, consist of a body, a firebox with a burner and a heating shield. Models designed for liquefied gas are suitable for small houses, no more than two floors. They do a poor job of heating large areas. Gas furnaces on natural gas can operate both in continuous and temporary mode.

The principle of operation is very simple. During the combustion of gas, the walls of the firebox heat up. The supply of air necessary for combustion is carried out through the blower. In the upper part, a chimney adjoins the firebox, through which combustion products are removed.

Ode to gas

Gas stoves for a country house or cottage - a modern, energy-efficient heating system. The advantages of this method of obtaining heat lie in the features of the fuel used and the principles of operation of the equipment. The undeniable advantages of gas heating can be considered:

  • Environmental friendliness. To date, furnaces and boilers using gas as fuel are the safest from an environmental point of view. Unlike their solid fuel counterparts, they are non-toxic.
  • High efficiency. Even in the most severe frosts, gas stoves are able to effectively heat the house.
  • Profitability. This criterion is especially pronounced in the area where gasification has already taken place and main gas has been carried out. Nevertheless, for periodic heating of the dacha, a gas stove connected to a conventional cylinder will differ in the same insignificant operating costs.
  • Ease of use. Here comments are superfluous. To ensure comfort, it is enough to install the stove and connect it to a gas source.
  • Reliability and durability of use. The warranty period for the trouble-free service of a gas furnace is 10-12 years. As practice shows, in reality this period is much longer. By choosing this option for heating a summer house, you can forget about a number of problems for many years.

An extensive list of advantages of gas heating equipment cannot but be diluted a little with the disadvantages inherent in such systems:

  • The high cost of heating devices. Having decided to use gas for heating the dacha, you should immediately be prepared for the fact that the purchase and installation of the furnace will cost a considerable amount.
  • The complexity of installation and connection. The slightest mistake of the installer can easily turn into considerable problems in the operation of the gas oven. In the best case, the device simply will not perform its tasks, in the worst case, it can become a source of danger to the health and life of people.

Homemade stoves

Gas heater 4.2 kW

One of the above disadvantages of gas-fired dacha stoves is the high cost of equipment. If you have building and engineering skills, you can try to get around this minus by redoing an ordinary brick wood-burning stove. In general, the modification is quite simple. A burner is installed in the furnace and the design of the chimney changes. Unlike a wood-burning stove, such a stove is already capable of operating continuously, maintaining a constant comfortable temperature.

Installation of an automation kit allows you to get an autonomous heater in the full sense of the word. In the absence of traction, an increase in temperature, or a cutoff in the gas supply, the sensors are triggered, and the automation simply turns off the furnace. What is the catch of homemade stoves? In the complexity of the conversion of the chimney. In order to make it technically possible to connect gas, it is necessary to create a system for the removal of combustion products that meets the requirements of the gas service. Whether it is worth doing such a difficult job, if the question concerns heating a summer house with seasonal residence, is up to its owner to decide. As practice shows, for such houses a ready-made model of a gas stove will be a good choice.

Chimney Requirements

Requirements for the chimney when connecting gas equipment:

  • 1 - 2 appliances can be connected to the chimney. When connecting two gas units, they must be located at different levels relative to each other at a distance of more than half a meter.
  • When installing two appliances at the same level, a cut in the chimney is required.
  • The cross section of the chimney channels must not be less than the branch pipe of the furnace connected to it.
  • When connecting several units, the cross section is determined using calculations based on the conditions that all devices will work simultaneously.
  • The chimney must be lined to protect against excessive condensate that can destroy the brickwork. For this purpose, a stainless steel pipe is installed inside.
  • The shape of the chimney can be cylindrical or oval. In some cases, a square section is allowed, but it cannot be considered successful, since the chimney will not be able to provide normal draft.
  • The chimney is arranged strictly vertically, without ledges. A slope of no more than 30 degrees is possible if the section is strictly observed throughout.
  • Make a chimney from porous materials.
  • Route the pipe through living rooms or non-residential premises with insufficient ventilation.

To bring the pipe from a wood-burning stove in accordance with these standards, its serious alteration is required.

Gas oven operation

Heating of the dacha with gas

Ready models of gas furnaces after connection to the highway are completely ready for operation. Converted wood stoves have a number of nuances. When burning wood, flue gases move through the smoke channels, transferring heat to them. The stove heats up, the air in the house warms up.

After the conversion of the chimney, all channels are removed from it, as a result, less heat is accumulated. It would seem that this factor should have reduced the efficiency, but in practice, even such a home-made gas stove will be more efficient than modern solid fuel equipment. The reason for this is simple - the ability to constantly maintain fire in the furnace.

Industrial Models

Despite the fact that you can convert an ordinary brick wood-burning stove to use gas, it is better to give preference to ready-made models. The choice of such units is huge. Devices differ in their features, technical characteristics. They are united, perhaps, by only one undoubted advantage - ease of operation. In fact, in order to start using the stove for its intended purpose, you only need to provide gas supply from the main pipeline or cylinder and connect to the chimney.

No desire to re-equip the chimney for gas equipment? You can always make a choice in favor of stoves with a coaxial chimney. Such heat engineering devices can be installed even in a city apartment without worrying about the removal of combustion products. Such models are more expensive, but they are much more efficient and easier to operate.

You can choose a heat-intensive or non-heat-intensive model. For a dacha, to which the owners come in winter from time to time, a heat-intensive stove will be the best choice. It is able to accumulate heat, like a regular wood burning one. The cooling time depends on the specific model and is 4 - 12 hours. Non-heat-intensive stoves, in fact, are a gas-fired potbelly stove. To maintain heat, it is necessary to ensure its constant burning.

gas heater

Portable gas heater

Separately, it is worth mentioning another type of gas heating equipment - heaters. They combine the advantages of conventional electric convection models with the low cost of operating gas ovens. The principle of operation of such a heater does not differ from a conventional convector. The main difference is the type of fuel. The heater is connected to a gas cylinder.

Just like electric convectors, gas heaters have automation systems that ensure normal operation and maintain the desired temperature. For a small country house, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 60 square meters. meters, the heater can be a real salvation. They are safe and effective. With their help, you can quickly warm up the house and maintain the desired temperature. They do not require supervision. At a time when the house is empty, the equipment simply turns off.


Gas heating equipment can be a good alternative to a brick wood stove. To do this, you can pick up a finished model or convert a conventional stove to run on gas. It should be noted that experts do not recommend rebuilding the stoves on their own, since its design must be completely changed so that both the heater itself and the chimney meet the requirements for gas heating.

Today it is difficult to find a user who would never cook on stoves powered by blue fuel, natural trunk or liquefied from cylinders. Many Russians use desktop gas stoves in summer cottages where there is no main gas pipeline, the product is connected to the cylinder, having an oven available, this design completely replaces the standard stove.

Many readers are interested in how such miniature devices differ from full-size models, what are their technical parameters, advantages and disadvantages. To learn all the nuances of proper use and find answers to frequently asked questions, we advise you to carefully read our article.

Tabletop mini-stoves equipped with an oven have the same set of technical parameters as their standard counterparts, so we will briefly highlight each.

Dimensions and weight

These very compact products have a width of 550 mm, a height and depth of 400 mm, so they can be installed anywhere in the kitchen, for example, on a wide windowsill or a free-standing cabinet from the kitchen set. Product weight up to a maximum of 19 kg.

Housing and hob

The body of the original oven is made of brown enameled metal, this coating is resistant to minor mechanical damage. The cooking surface with gas burners is made of heat-resistant enamel, it is quite easy to care for it, just do not use detergents with abrasive content, so as not to scratch the surface.

Hobs and burners

Many consumers still confuse these names: for cooking on gas, a modern design with automatic ignition on piezoelectric elements or an electric analogue is used - this is called a burner, and open burners are installed in the oven.


The miniature copy is designed for baking and is capable of performing the same actions as the standard version, only the internal volume of output is not more than 19 liters. The door is equipped with double-layer glass to protect users from possible burns, because the maximum temperature reaches 270 degrees.

Gas control system

Modern gas equipment is produced only with such systems designed to ensure the safe use of blue fuel. In the event of a sudden extinction of the flame, a special sensor transmits a signal, a special rod shuts off the gas supply to the burner or burner in the oven.

Child protection

The rotary switches are designed in such a way that small children will not be able to turn on the gas stove during the absence of adults.

Today, not many manufacturers are engaged in the production of miniature gas stoves with ovens, the Gefest company from the Republic of Belarus is the leader in this.

Features of stoves with gas burners

The range of gas mini-stoves with ovens is small, so choosing the best option for your needs is quite simple. Almost every model can operate on mains or bottled liquefied gas. The dimensions of such products are small, as well as their own weight, so they are easy to transport, for example, to the country, so that during the whole season of work in the garden and in the garden you can provide yourself with hot food and even homemade cakes.

The oven is small, but it will really help you out in the fall: you can pasteurize canning jars in it, dry chopped fruits or mushrooms collected in the forest. Using a grate and a pan to collect fat, you will cook deli meats no worse than in a standard oven in a city apartment. The main advantage of such a product is its unique compactness and excellent mobility.

Pros and cons

The advantages of desktop models are almost identical to those of their large-sized counterparts:

  1. There is no inertia when heating the burner, so the dishes and their contents are instantly heated.
  2. After the gas supply is cut off, heating also stops, which means that there is no 100% risk of overcooking food.
  3. The heating power can be controlled visually, reducing or increasing the burning of the flame.
  4. The cost of gas in any region of Russia is much less than the price of electricity.
  5. Although the cost of miniature desktop analogues is higher, they are available to the general population.

There are some minor downsides:

  • the oven has fewer options than in the standard version;
  • the cylinder connection system needs to be checked more often than the trunk version.

Gas household appliances have been the most affordable and very popular solution for many years. Modern developments improve the technical parameters, use, as well as the safety of long-term operation.

How to choose

It is necessary to choose a desktop household gas stove in such a way that it meets your requirements, experts advise paying special attention to such characteristics:

  1. Dimensions and weight. We have already talked about the standard dimensions of desktop stoves earlier - they rarely exceed the parameters of 550x400x400 mm, and the weight is not more than 18-19 kg. Such a product does not take up much space, even in the smallest country kitchen.
  2. Each model has two burners, and their total power does not exceed 1.6 kW, they can be the same in size or different, depending on the whim of the designer.
  3. The body of the product is made of metal coated with white or brown enamel; heat-resistant enamel is used for the hob. Compact models harmoniously fit into the interior of any kitchen.
  4. Oven. The inner coating is enameled metal, it can be of a gas or electric type - this is already an amateur, some prefer an electric grill for frying meat delicacies, but for a summer residence, a gas analogue is still considered more comfortable.
  5. The presence of a grill and a spit increases the cost of a mini-cooker for table placement, so this addition is only of interest to gourmets who want to taste their favorite delicacy in any environment and weather.
  6. All models have a high level of safety, which is achieved by using the latest technologies: gas control sensors are installed in the oven and on the hob, the automatic ignition system helps to do without matches and piezo lighters. Parental control should be present in any household equipment if you have small and rather inquisitive children in your family.


  • Material:
  • body - metal with heat-resistant coating
  • hob - enameled steel
  • Total power:
  • two burners - 1.70 kW
  • ovens - 1.0 kW
  • Oven volume: 19 l
  • Maximum temperature: 270 0 C
  • Dimensions: 550x400x400 mm
  • Weight: 18 kg
  • Warranty: 2 years
  • Additional information:
  • Brown colour
  • the number of glasses in the oven door - 2
  • baking sheet, wire rack
  • compactness and light weight
  • the presence of a gas control system
  • oven works great
  • not found

The model is really of excellent quality, as evidenced by the positive reviews of many real users. The Gefest company from Belarus keeps the quality and reliability of manufactured household appliances at the level of the USSR - you can use the device for at least 20-30 years.

  • Material: enameled metal
  • Energy class: A
  • Total power:
  • burners - 1.6 kW
  • ovens - 0.4 + 0.6 kW (upper and lower heating elements)
  • grill - 0.8 kW
  • Oven volume: 18 l
  • Maximum temperature: 260 0 C
  • Dimensions: 390x550x400 mm
  • Weight: 18.3 kg
  • Additional information:
  • runs on natural and liquefied gas
  • electric oven
  • power consumption at standard load - 0.49 kW. hour
  • easy to use desktop stove
  • quality plus reliability
  • in the oven it is good to cook porridge
  • not found

Gefest PG 100 K19

Gas is one of the blessings of civilization. If it is available, then why not choose it as the fuel for the sauna stove?

Let's look at the pros and cons of this step.

Gas stove for sauna or bath?

Time does not stand still: more and more steam bathers understand not only the significant difference between the national baths of neighboring peoples, but also the fact that the conditions of these baths are demanding on heating equipment, room arrangement and other components.

Hence the question: in which of the baths will the gas stove be in place? And is it really contraindicated for another?

The answer is quite simple: gas is just fuel, and the real value for your bath will be the material from which this stove is made.

After all, it won’t be a big discovery for you that a gas burner can be put not only in a metal, but also in a brick oven?

But not every brick oven is suitable for gas. What are the restrictions?

  1. The furnace part should not be too large, but also the torch from the burner must not touch the furnace material.
  2. The stove is not suitable without a smoke circulation system. Good scheme Dutch or Swedish stoves.
  3. Bell-type stoves too not an option to switch to gas, because the product of gas combustion under the cap will not be kept, it will be carried out into the chimney, and the task of the cap is to have time to pick up heat. In this case, it won't.

Least Suitable for Russian bath will be unshielded. But with a solid brick - also a perfectly acceptable option.

Concerning saunas, then she needs fast and strong convection. Therefore, the best stoves will be those that are free to heat fresh air flowing through from the street - this is either a metal stove without external finishing with an open heater, or the same stove in a mesh casing.

Gas as a fuel behaves quite controllably and predictably if do not violate the operating instructions. Therefore, you can get the given conditions without surprises.

For a better understanding, let's look at this:

Gas oven device

The above already, as it were, hinted at the fact that a gas stove is not much different from a wood stove. And indeed: if desired, you can redo the existing wood-burning stove by putting a gas burner in it.

Note! There are limitations, for example, it is better to set microflare burner so that the metal does not burn out, it is necessary to ensure that the flame does not touch the walls and top.

The internal heater can also become a source of problems - flowing or closed, it not designed for a torch temperature of 1600 degrees.

Keep in mind! Even in the case when the gas is completely burned in the air, problems remain. After all all the heat goes up, and the lower part is not heated. Therefore, the steam room heats up unevenly, and therefore longer.

By the way, the dimensions of the fuel compartment in the initially gas stove will still be smaller than in the wood stove, but this is understandable - the firewood is voluminous, so additional space in the furnace was allocated for them. Gas doesn't need that much space. He only needs air.

IMPORTANT! And here is the really important point: for complete combustion, the gas needs an influx of fresh, oxygenated air. Because any combustion is oxidation, interaction with oxygen. If it is not enough, combustion will be incomplete, and incomplete products are dangerous to humans!

To better understand this issue, let's look at the structure of the main part of a gas sauna stove:

Gas burner device

To date, there are two types of burners:

  • atmospheric;
  • supercharged.


Cheap gas burner, because it is arranged quite simply. It is a tube or tubes through which one or another natural gas flows under pressure. Before it burns, it must mix with air, and air in this type of burners is supplied solely by means of draft. And if there is no well-conducted ventilation, then it is better not to experiment with such burners.

Well, if you are sure that your ventilation is good, the draft will work properly, then the atmospheric burner will be good - it is silent, does not depend on electricity.

Truth, it depends on the movement of air in the room itself- this introduces changes in the proportions of mixing gas and air. The result is uneven heating. Yes, and efficiency suffers - a lot of heat goes into the pipe in the literal sense. In addition, and gas combustion is often incomplete.


The second type differs significantly from the first in design. The meaning of the difference is that make the pull even. To do this, you need a fan, and therefore electricity.

As in an atmospheric burner, in a pressurized burner, the gas must first be mixed with air. The fan is adjusted so that the ratio is optimal. When this is achieved dependence on the movement of air in the steam room disappears, and with it the unevenness in the formation of the mixture and its combustion.

It is worth mentioning the advantages and disadvantages blast or fan(Yes, these are also options that are structurally the same thing). It is clear that dependence on electricity is difficult to attribute to advantages.

IMPORTANT! If someone has problems with electricity, then it is better to secure the gas oven fan emergency power supply.

The second, less important drawback is noise. The third is the cost, which is 2-3 times higher than the cost of an atmospheric burner. As for the latter, it’s worth estimating how quickly the choice will pay off, because the pressurized burner has a big advantage: it is twice (!) More economical than atmospheric.

In addition, forced draft burners are normally installed in wood stoves. But it's up to the owner to decide, because the conversion of a wood-burning stove to gas can significantly reduce its life due to metal burnout.

One more advantage worth mentioning: the possibility power settings.

work pressurized burners from both main gas and liquefied. At the same time, the transition from one type to another is quite simple.


For a better understanding of the subject, watch the video, which clearly demonstrates the operation of a forced draft burner installed in a metal sauna stove.

As you can see, not everything is so simple with a gas stove, as the sellers say. Therefore, it is worth comparing the advantages of all existing types of furnaces.

Comparison of gas, wood and electric oven

Disadvantages of gas

  1. Gas stoves are not only a fire hazard, but also an explosion hazard. Therefore it the only type of stove that requires a permit.
  2. Since a gas stove can be both metal and brick, the issue is decided solely depending on the weight of the entire structure, including the chimney.
  3. If the stove is metal, it will burn out sooner or later - with wood or gas. However, since gas it will happen faster.
  4. According to fire safety requirements storage for gas cylinders should be a separate building.
  5. Permission implies not only an inspection of the equipment by a gas inspector, but also a bypass various instances.

Advantages of gas

  1. Simplicity power control. While the maximum efficiency is maintained even if the power is reduced to 3-5% of the nominal. Wood-burners cannot boast of anything like that.
  2. Exactly set temperature- a plus that electric ones also have, but is missing from.
  3. Reduced preparation time baths - after forty minutes it is already possible to run children and women, and after a couple of hours the steam room goes “on mode” (! About steam room stoves).
  4. Compared to wood burning: practical no soot and soot, no preparatory work with fuel, higher efficiency of the furnace.
  5. Compared to electric: gas cheaper electricity.

Disadvantages of wood

  1. First of all, stress time to be spent to ensure that the bath went "on mode". Depending on the material of the oven, it can be 4 or 6 hours. Metal ones, of course, will warm the steam room much faster, but this.
  2. Another big drawback is dirt associated with regular cleanings- from the ash pan to the chimney.
  3. It is also worth mentioning that the fuel has to be prepared in advance, because different brands of stoves consume logs of different lengths, so it’s not enough to chop firewood, they still need to be cut into the right lengths.

Advantages of wood

  1. is considered traditional, therefore the inconveniences associated with it are accepted as a continuation of its advantages. First of all, we are talking about fans of the Russian bath, who appreciate a wood-burning brick or brick-lined stove as a source of uniform, soft heat, while inside the stove they heat up to 400 degrees to give light steam.
  2. Those who are more interested in “just washing up”, of course, do not see the point in studying the intricacies of the art of a stoker and bathhouse attendant, but they are also able to evaluate a wood-burning stove as the least expensive both in purchasing it and in supplying it with fuel.

Disadvantages of electrical

  1. Of course, you don’t need to get permission for an electric one, like a gas one, but if the stove is not the weakest, you will have to pull three phases to get 380 volts. A good electrician will explain whether 220 V can be dispensed with in a particular case or there are no options.
  2. You may need to change the wiring to a thicker cable.
  3. The cost of electricity is the highest among other types of fuel.
  4. A rare one is either an expensive "thermos" or a Russian invention with a steam generator hidden in an open heater.
  5. You can not pour a lot of water and wet the heating elements.
  6. Heaters generally fail easily.

Advantages of electrical

  1. Ideal.
  2. Heats up quickly.
  3. Takes up little space.
  4. It does not need a foundation or a chimney, and therefore, at the construction stage, you can not really think about where it will stand.
  5. If, after this list of advantages and disadvantages, you still decide that gas is more suitable for you than others, let's look at what you need to focus on when choosing it.

Gas heater for sauna: which one to choose?

There are several selection criteria, each of which should be considered separately.


Powerful gas oven for very large saunas

This is the parameter of heat release per hour of gas combustion. Power is different:

  • nominal;
  • minimum;
  • maximum.

The last two define the boundaries of the stable operation of the burner while maintaining its safety. Rated power determines the maximum value of heat generation during continuous operation. This takes into account the excess air, which should be minimal and the incomplete combustion of the fuel, which should remain within the prescribed limits.

The power of the burner is indicated in its passport. Our task is to calculate how much energy is needed to heat a particular steam room. Of course, there is a simple calculation for this with coefficients:

  • calculate the volume of the room;
  • we measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsurfaces devoid of thermal insulation - tiles, etc. We multiply their surface area by 1.2 and add the resulting figure to the volume of the room calculated above;
  • in a log house without thermal insulation, the multiplying factor for the entire volume is 1.5;
  • if , add another one and a half cubic meters to the calculated figure.

Let's summarize what we got. The final figure is the number of kilowatts needed to heat our premises. It remains only to compare with the numbers rated power vending burner.

By the way, in further calculations you can proceed from the fact that a gas heater for a sauna with a power of 10 kW, it will burn 1 cubic meter of natural gas per hour or 0.85 kg of liquefied gas.

Burner type

Above, we have already talked about what kind of burners are. It's time to choose the right one.

Let's start with the cheaper ones. atmospheric can only be placed in rooms with a volume of more than 12 cubic meters. This is due to the need to ensure sufficient air flow to the burner. And people should have something left to breathe).

Attention! The smaller the volume of the steam room, the more correct it is to take supercharged burner. In addition, it is more suitable for various types of existing stoves (if you transfer wood to gas).

And if you intend to use firewood from time to time, and not just gas, then atmospheric for you - not an option.

By the way, it is also worth mentioning that in addition to purely gas burners, there are also burners of the so-called “combined type”, which implies the possibility of working as on gas so on diesel fuel. If anyone has gas problems, then this is their option.

And now the most important thing: when choosing a gas burner, you need to look whether it is specifically designed for sauna stoves or not. And it's better if it's intended. Their difference is that they are longer than the usual ones. This is done in order to put them in . And the use of others in the case of a gas bath stove is not recommended.

IMPORTANT! The gas stove in the bath should be heated exclusively from the dressing room!


Automation in a gas oven is designed not only to simplify its management, but also ensure people's safety located in the room (not to mention the safety of the room itself). That's why it should not be neglected.

What automation can be purchased for which burners?

atmospheric burners are the simplest, but they can also be equipped with oxygen concentration sensors, which can independently turn off the gas supply in case of its strong fall. This will protect people from the products of incomplete combustion of the gas.

Useful video

But in this video shows not only how to ignite an atmospheric burner, but also how the device that shuts off the gas works when the flame goes out.

AT supercharged more automatic burners: she answers for shutting off gas in cases of lowering its pressure in the network, power outage or flame extinction.

Also, all gas ovens are supplied with thermostats that maintain the set temperature. These devices also belong to the automation we are considering.

Nuances to consider before installing a gas stove

We didn't touch the topic. self-made gas oven for one simple reason:

IMPORTANT! Homemade gas ovens and gas burners not certified, they are prohibited by law. In case of violation, you will have to pay fines.

The only thing in your power is buy a ready-made burner and prepare the stove for gasification. Compliance with the following standards should be checked:

  • the firebox must (!) Go out into the dressing room, and the opening of the firebox is finished with iron;
  • dimensions of the furnace opening: 47-55 cm in height, 35-45 cm in width, and if together with a metal frame, then 61-68 and 51-66 cm, respectively;
  • the minimum volume of the room for installing a gas oven is 8 cubic meters. (Remember, yes, that atmospheric ones are set with a volume of at least 12 cubic meters);
  • the height of the room cannot be less than 2.2 m;
  • a window with an area of ​​0.6 sq. meters, slots under 4 cm or ventilation grilles;
  • the refractory material under the stove must be at least 10 cm wider than the dimensions of the stove on each side;
  • combustible walls should not be closer than half a meter to the heater.

IMPORTANT! All work related to gasification is carried out professionals.

Documents that need to be issued for the operation of a gas sauna stove

fire certificate for gas stove

The first document that you must have is certificate for purchased equipment: burner or furnace. What is bought in the store already has such a certificate.

Another important thing is this: the delivery set of the burner may include a hose with a reducer and other parts for connecting to bottled gas, which, if desired, can be purchased separately, but here you need to know that with a separate purchase, each part will need a certificate. This will complicate the procedure for obtaining a permit.

When the equipment is installed but not yet connected, you need to call the inspector for inspection. He must check everything and, if necessary, point out what needs to be corrected. After receiving the result of the inspection, a bypass of other instances begins, the result of which will be the receipt permission to operate the stove, which is issued by Rostekhnadzor.

The requirements for atmospheric models are more stringent than for supercharged ones. In addition to fire safety measures and chimney insulation, as well as the presence of a spark arrester at the end of the pipe, which applies to any type of burner, will be checked thrust and ventilation device.

The most famous Russian companies producing gas furnaces

We are not interested in promoting any of the manufacturers, therefore we simply inform that the Russian enterprises "" and "Termofor" have ready-made gas furnaces:



Well, if you are not afraid of the hassle of paperwork, a gas stove can really save a lot of labor and money (this will be later, but at first you will have to spend a lot of money). But do not forget about the main thing - about security, because today we have all the means to prevent the explosion of domestic gas.

Where could I buy

Even more models of gas ovens are presented on the official websites of suppliers, some of the companies are collected in the "" section.

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