Installation tips. Where is the best place to install an air conditioner? Installing air conditioners: tips from a professional installer Installing an air conditioner tips from installers

installing an air conditioner with your own handsClimatic equipment is installed in advance, before the onset of heat. In some cases, to save money, an air conditioner is installed by hand. The main condition is to strictly adhere to the instructions, to carry out work in the recommended place. Incorrectly selected parts can cause damage to the climate control device.

The principle of operation of the air conditioner, split system

To form a general idea of ​​​​the organization of the internal device, and before installing the air conditioner, we recommend that you consider the principle of operation of the system. Climatic consists of 2 equivalent blocks - compressor and evaporator. They are connected to each other by special adapters, branch pipes and tubes.

The evaporation unit is installed inside the dwelling, and the compressor unit is installed outside. High-performance and expensive models are equipped with one compressor and several indoor units.

High pressure refrigerant is sent to the evaporator section. Then there is an expansion of freon, its gradual boiling and vaporization. It is this cold vapor that absorbs the heat of the air. The air conditioning system works with the active formation of water condensate, which settles on a special radiator. At the final stage, water is discharged from the building through a special tube.

In the process of operation, the compressor pumps out the evaporation of freon. The pressure inside the unit is increased by a built-in pump. Gradually, under the influence of temperature, the refrigerant changes from a liquid state to a vapor state. A dense "fog" is sent to the condensate chamber for gradual cooling (a small fan is used for this purpose) and transition to a liquid state. Then the circle closes and the process loops.

The efficiency and duration of the operation of the house, as well as the amount of electricity consumed by the appliance, are determined by the intensity of operation of the unit, the climatic features of the region. If there is a heater in the room near the climate control device, the level of electricity consumed increases, which is fraught with the failure of the device. Even ordinary dust can provoke a breakdown. The room is scheduled for regular wet cleaning.

Couplings and joints require sealing without fail in order to level the likelihood of freon or other refrigerant evaporation. Install the outdoor unit of the air conditioner so that it is level below the inside of the unit. The outdoor unit is located in a dark place, away from sunlight.

Do-it-yourself air conditioning installation: tools - a complete list

Installation of air conditioning systems is a technically complex, responsible, and therefore expensive event. In this matter, all aspects are important - experience, practical skills, theoretical base and the availability of the necessary tool. These factors determine the speed and quality of installation. Let's analyze the feasibility of using the tools that come with the standard installation kit.

Taking into account the scope of their application, they are divided into several functional groups.

power tool

Without a power tool, installing an air conditioner with your own hands is simply impossible. We are not talking about any specialized solutions:

  • perforator;
  • "Bulgarian";
  • drill.

A powerful puncher is chosen so that it can easily make a through hole in the wall through which a line is laid between the indoor and outdoor units. Low-power combined electric drills, where only the function of a hammer drill is provided, are indispensable in this case. They are not able to drill through brickwork.

Before you install the air conditioner yourself, you should make sure that you have all the necessary tools.

For a concrete wall, you will additionally need a grinder to remove metal reinforcement, as well as other consumables - discs, drills, concrete bits.

Measuring tool

Installation of a window air conditioner is carried out with the obligatory control of the horizontal level. You can use markers, marking pencils, building or laser level. You will also need a number of additional equipment. Air conditioners with installation cannot be reliably and efficiently fixed without additional technical means.

Specialized Equipment

Specialized tools are necessary for the high-quality and efficient functioning of climate equipment. Copper pipe soldering tools, industrial type vacuum cleaner and vacuum pump.

  1. Devices for connecting copper pipes. We are talking about low temperature welding. It is carried out using a special solder and a gas burner. A pipe cutter is used to cut them. It is better to refuse an ordinary hacksaw for cutting metal, since small chips will certainly remain in the line, which is fraught with damage to the climate device. To remove the chamfer, use a rimmer, rolling. The main turns are formed by a pipe bender.
  2. An industrial vacuum cleaner is used to suck up dust and small debris. Under no circumstances should they fall into the appliance.
  3. Vacuum pump. The unit dries up the line. If you follow the installation rules, then this procedure is mandatory, without it the efficiency of the air conditioner will be nominal.

The listed equipment for installation is basic. You can not do without additional consumables - pliers, drywall, stepladders, metal scissors, screwdrivers. The exact list is determined by the owner, taking into account specific conditions.

Do-it-yourself air conditioner installation: step by step instructions

Do-it-yourself installation of an air conditioner begins only after the acquisition and preparation of the necessary equipment, tools and climatic equipment. First of all, the outdoor unit is fixed on the outer wall, after which internal work is carried out.

At all stages, it is extremely important to observe safety precautions, especially when it comes to skyscrapers. Installation of the outdoor unit is one of the most important and crucial stages.

Outdoor unit fixing

Installing a window in general, and its outer part, in particular, on the walls of country houses is not accompanied by any difficulties. But in the case of multi-apartment buildings, not everything is so simple, the place is selected with great care. When deciding where to install the air conditioner, pay attention to areas with minimal natural light.

There are several basic rules:

  1. The outdoor unit should not spoil the view from the window to the neighbors in the apartment.
  2. A small tube is used to drain condensate.
  3. The climatic device is placed in such a way that it is within reach, because. equipment requires periodic maintenance.

In 90% of cases, the block is fixed at the north or east side, under the window or at the bottom of the balcony. These are the unwritten rules for installing an air conditioner, which are mandatory among professionals. If they are observed, it will not be difficult to reach the outside of the climate control device.

  • The attachment points of the brackets are checked with a building level, and then holes are prepared in the wall. Anchor bolts are used for secure fixation.
  • To connect the functional blocks, an 80 mm through hole is made. If possible, it is better to drill a hole between the bricks, along the seam.

According to the previously prepared markings, metal brackets are installed, screwing the bolts as securely as possible. The standard installation of the air conditioner is carried out in such a way that a distance of 10 cm is maintained between the climatic unit and the outer wall. The gaps are closed at the final stage, after connecting the device.

Installing the indoor unit

Do-it-yourself air conditioning installation indoors, where to start? First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is strictly forbidden to mount the indoor unit behind curtains, near electrical appliances, above heaters or batteries - all these devices often cause failure of the block processor.

Before installing the air conditioner, you should carefully check the wall for laying heating, water pipes, and electrical wiring in it.

The fastening of a metal plate from standard components for the installation of air conditioners begins only if the work area is completely free: the distance from the ceiling is from 10 cm, from the corner of the walls - at least 5 cm. Two points are connected with a meter and mark a horizontal line. The indoor unit is mounted on a fixed metal plate.

The next step in the installation of the air conditioner, or to be more precise, its indoor unit, is the preparation of holes in the wall for connecting communication hoses, electrical wiring, and pipes for draining liquid condensate. The interior space should be sufficient for free placement of all elements in the wall.

Independent installation of the air conditioner is not possible without separate wiring for the indoor unit. For this, wiring with a cross section of at least 1.5 square meters is suitable. mm. It is mandatory to connect a separate machine for the climate control device. Upon completion of the wiring, it is connected to the input of the shield (the indicator can accurately determine the "phase" and "neutral" wire).

The terminals of the outdoor and indoor units are connected to each other with multi-core wiring (it is pushed into the hole prepared in the wall). The installation scheme is clearly described in the instructions that come with each climate control device. When installing air conditioners on your own at home, it is extremely important that the terminals by name match the wires themselves. Otherwise, there is a danger of a short circuit.

Pipe laying instructions

A standard air conditioner installation kit includes several copper pipes. They are carefully cut with a margin of 1 meter for bends. The tubes are prepared with a special tool - a pipe bender, when using it, the metal does not crack, no dents form. Proper preparation includes covering the pipes with polyurethane foam hoses that act as thermal insulation.

Special threaded flanges are put on the ends of the tube. The next stage of installation work is high-quality flaring of copper tubes. This process is carried out extremely carefully in order to eliminate the risk of grooves and microcracks. The nut should fit onto the rolling without any problems. As for tightening, it is performed with a special torque wrench.

Do-it-yourself installation of the air conditioner continues: pipelines are attached to the fittings. It is impossible to confuse anything, because. copper pipes have different cross-sections and diameters. The flanges are securely screwed onto the fittings, while the connection must be extremely tight, but at the same time, the tube should not be pinched or damaged.

At the final stage, the installation of air conditioning systems comes down to connecting a plastic pipe to a reinforced housing. For reliable fastening, use a heat-shrinkable tube from the delivery set. It is better to put a drainage tube at a maximum distance from the base of the wall.

Installation and installation of air conditioners will be incomplete without placing pipes in a special hole made in the wall. There they are carefully and extremely accurately aligned. Outside, the outlet and underwater pipes are fixed with clamps for greater reliability. An electrical wire is placed near them for connection to the outdoor unit.

In the room, the holes are blown out with mounting foam, as an alternative, they are filled with liquid silicone. Installing an air conditioner on a balcony and in a house involves checking the structure for leaks with a soap solution or a bicycle pump. Soap solution is washed with a sponge or cloth. If defects are found, the thread is tightened tighter.

Vacuuming the air exchange system

The correct installation of the air conditioner with your own hands is described above. The owner should be aware that to remove moisture, dust and the smallest particles from the climate device, the system is evacuated. It is performed upon completion of the final and high-quality sealing of the joints, because it is impossible to get rid of the air completely. The air conditioner with the installation is connected to a vacuum pump, air pumping takes about 1 hour.

Freon or other refrigerant is pumped into the system. The tank on the balcony is filled with a pressure gauge or adapter connected, since it is necessary to strictly control the pressure in the system. After preparing the air conditioner, a special automatic disconnector turns on independently, and the system goes into test mode. With uniform and efficient air circulation, the hole in the wall is sealed with mounting foam, followed by decor.

Installation of industrial air conditioners is carried out exclusively by professionals, because these are expensive climatic complexes for the adjustment of which specialized equipment is required. Spare parts are included in the standard package, you do not have to buy anything in addition.

Now you know how to install the air conditioner yourself and in what sequence to perform the corresponding work.

Installing an air conditioner with your own hands: the secrets of professionals

The installation scheme of window air conditioners provides for the possibility of installation in the winter. That's just have to be content with not too comfortable conditions. Water or snow must not get into the line. It is better to install and pump the refrigerant at positive temperatures outside the window (at sub-zero temperatures, the stuffing box often fails, since it is rubber).

To install air conditioners, it is not at all necessary to evacuate the system. The nut is not completely screwed to the copper tube, then the control valve located at the thick tube opens slightly. Under pressure, the air will be forced out by freon, and it will be necessary to quickly tighten the nut.

This method is incorrect, since the quality and sealing of the system cannot be verified. Installation of industrial air conditioners using this technology is not carried out.

Below is a detailed video instruction, which demonstrates the main stages of installing climate systems with your own hands.

but you do not yet have experience in this matter, we advise you to first familiarize yourself with the following information:
  • Air conditioner power calculation

Any room that you want to cool has its own parameters, on which the required power of the air conditioner depends. This is the area, and volume, and the number of windows, taking into account the cardinal points to which they face, and the number of heat sources in the room, and a number of other factors. If something is not taken into account in the calculation, then there is a chance to choose an air conditioner or insufficient power, which will lead to the fact that it will not fully perform its functions, especially during a hot period of time, or, conversely, you will incur unreasonably high costs due to purchase and installation of a more powerful air conditioner than you need.
As a rule, if it is necessary to cool rooms in typical apartments, the calculation is greatly simplified, however, there are nuances here that are better to discuss with a specialist.

  • Choosing the brand and type of air conditioner

This is a very important and subtle point. Currently, there are a huge number of different brands on the market, from constantly being heard to a lot of new ones, sometimes very nice sounding. At the same time, sellers who offer you this product often act as "experts" and strongly recommend some of them. Be careful: sellers are not entirely objective. Their task is to sell the goods they have, therefore, according to their version, the best thing will always be exactly what they currently have in stock.
When choosing an air conditioner brand and a seller (however, this also applies to all household appliances in general), we recommend that you follow a few simple rules:
1. Try to make the brand of your chosen product known to you. Beware of buying products, no matter how they are touted, and no matter how attractive their price may be (remember the free cheese in the mousetrap!), if you have not heard of such a brand before.
2. It is advisable to purchase household appliances from those sellers whose location you know, and in case of some unforeseen situations it will be easy to find them later.
3. It is better to purchase air conditioners from the organization that can perform their subsequent installation (then, if dismantling is necessary, for example, for warranty repairs, you will not incur additional costs).
4. When choosing a brand of air conditioner, be sure to ask the seller about the warranty period, the availability of authorized service centers, and where the nearest one is to you. Practice shows that if an authorized service center is far away, then in the event of warranty cases, very often there are problems with the departure of the mother - and money (considerable) for the departure is required, and they go for a very long time, and in case of problems with repairs, they may subsequently refuse it .
5. Customers who purchase and install air conditioners in authorized service centers for air conditioners of the corresponding brand are exposed to the least risk in this sense, which, at the same time, are also located nearby and constantly work in your area of ​​​​residence.

Another important question: what type of air conditioner to choose, conventional or inverter? It all depends on the requirements that you place on the air conditioner. If you want a modern product with a very low noise level, reduced power consumption and increased service life, and at the same time you are not very constrained in funds, then this is definitely an inverter. If your goal is to provide sufficient comfort at minimal cost, then it makes sense to stop at a conventional split system.
For reference: the main difference between an inverter and a conventional air conditioner is the compressor operation mode. If in a conventional air conditioner it turns on and off at the command of temperature sensors, then in an inverter it works continuously, smoothly reducing or increasing its power as needed. This ensures the absence of starting currents and loads, which reduces the overall power consumption, increases the life of the compressor and makes its operation more silent.

  • Selecting the location of the air conditioner

When you decide to purchase an air conditioner, you probably already mentally figured out where you will have it and how it will fit into the interior of your room.
Unfortunately, your wishes are not always technically easy to fulfill. When choosing a place to install an air conditioner, for each type it is necessary to take into account some features, for example: for the installation of split systems, it is desirable, if possible, to minimize the distance between the outdoor and indoor units (the length of the route); not everywhere it is possible to hang an outdoor unit on the outer wall - it is advisable to hang it where installation can be done without high-altitude work, where direct sunlight does not fall on it during the day, etc. Therefore, the final location of the individual blocks of your device is best agreed with the installation engineer.

  • What is the best time of the year to install an air conditioner?

Many customers, having decided to install an air conditioner next year following the results of a hot summer, are waiting for next spring, so that they can do it by the warmth, by the sun. And with great surprise, turning to the sellers and installers in the spring, they discover a shortage of air conditioners and a queue for installation. The time has already passed, even in our country, when air conditioners were exotic and a luxury item. Now they are becoming a necessary attribute of creating normal living conditions for all segments of the population. And tangibly they turn from a seasonal product into an all-season product. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to wait for warm days. Decided to purchase an air conditioner - do it almost any time. Experienced installation organizations carry out installation at any time (except, perhaps, frosts below -20 degrees) with the same quality and at the same prices.

  • Air conditioner maintenance

Are you the proud owner of an air conditioner? Congratulations! We wish you to fully enjoy the comfort it creates. However, do not forget that this is a complex technical device, which, like a car, needs periodic maintenance. It is advisable to do this at least twice a year - before the start of the summer season, in the spring, and at its end, in the fall.
And for those areas where there are a lot of poplars, it is highly recommended to carry out the third maintenance after the stop of the distribution of poplar fluff. And then you will enjoy the coolness without problems for many years.

Who should install the air conditioner?

Who should install the air conditioner? Do it yourself or leave it to the professionals? Everyone who has ever purchased an air conditioner has asked this question. The duration and reliability of the operation of climatic equipment depends on the correct installation of the air conditioner. Often, due to poor-quality installation, the air conditioner fails in the first months of its operation.

So, the model and brand of the air conditioner is selected, the air conditioner is purchased, it's up to the installation. The installation of an air conditioner is not limited, like any household appliances, to a simple connection to the network, there are special rules defined in SNiP. Installation of the conditioner begins with installation. In practice, it looks like this: an installation team comes to you with special tools, various components and assembles your air conditioner. Your air conditioner will serve you faithfully for a long time only if you contact a trusted serious organization with qualified specialists.

When purchasing expensive climate equipment, buyers often think that installing an air conditioner is not a serious matter, so they turn to little-known companies that claim that installing an air conditioner from them will cost a much lower amount than from other companies. So-called "one-day firms" under various names suddenly appear on the market and just as suddenly disappear. Enticed by the low price, statements about the “quality of components” and an eternal guarantee, the consumer also purchases the equipment itself from dubious firms, not realizing the true quality of the “pig in a poke”. Turning to the "one-day firm" for the installation (assembly) of the air conditioner, you sign a death sentence for your climate technology. Pseudo-specialists do not spend money on a professional tool, but manage with a minimum number of tools such as pliers or a hacksaw. What is the quality of the work performed and the guarantee for the equipment?

Contact the companies where the installation (assembly) of air conditioners and any other climatic equipment is carried out by qualified specialists who have previously been trained in the installation centers of the largest climatic companies. Professional installation of the air conditioner will significantly save time, money and nerves, eliminate the need to deal with issues of warranty (post-warranty) service. Don't skimp on installation!

Proper installation of the air conditioner

Important details. Take an interest in the dimensions of the proposed equipment. It may happen that in all other respects the air conditioner suits you, but it will not fit into the interior of the apartment in any way .. An important, although forgotten by many, moment is the color of the external unit. A good technique should have a multi-layer acrylic coating, which is 5-6 times more reliable than ordinary paint, protects the device from corrosion. You should ask about the reliability of different models, the availability of warranty and service. When buying air conditioning equipment, experts recommend paying not for the amount of air conditioning function, but for its reliability.

Often, customers who want to install an overly powerful air conditioner in an apartment (or several conventional units at once) forget that the home electrical network may not be able to cope with the upcoming load. The consequences of such a rash step are going to authorities, agreeing on permission to increase electricity consumption, laying cables, additional financial costs, etc. The power of the consumed energy is approximately half or a third of the cooling capacity. For example, an air conditioner with a cooling capacity of 2.5 kW consumes about 0.8 - 0.9 kW of electricity.

It is better to install the air conditioner before or during the repair, because. for laying electrical wiring and mounting brackets for the indoor unit, it is necessary to hammer and drill the walls of the apartment.

When concluding an agreement with the company for the maintenance and installation of an air conditioner, pay attention to the fact that the text of the agreement contains all the services agreed earlier, as well as the terms for the installation of equipment. A quality installation will cost at least S200-300 dollars. Practice shows that more than 80% of all defects found in air conditioning systems in recent years are caused by unskilled installation of an air conditioner or other equipment.

Where does the installation begin?

To any, even a low-power (from 1.5 kW) air conditioner, it is necessary to carry out hotel wiring and install a separate machine in the electrical panel. Old wiring may not withstand the load and heat up.

During the standard installation of a split system air conditioner, the following operations are performed: - fixing the external and internal units - drilling holes in the wall - installation of freon pipelines - installation of a drainage system - installation of electrical connections - removal of air from freon pipelines - test run of equipment.

Fixing the outdoor and indoor units When mounting the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, the following points should be taken into account: It is practical to install it on a non-glazed balcony. If the balcony is glazed or not, the outdoor unit of the air conditioner must be installed within reach, because. equipment needs preventive maintenance. Otherwise, you will have to call a climber, which is quite expensive.

The surface of the wall must be strong enough to bear the weight of the block, and smooth - otherwise the block will vibrate and deform. The external unit of the air conditioner must be installed at a distance of at least 10 cm from the wall, otherwise the compressor will overheat in the heat and fail.

To mount the outdoor unit, holes are drilled and special brackets and bolts are used. Fastening takes place with the help of a mounting plate strictly according to the level and must withstand a weight several times greater than the weight of the block. Features of mounting the air conditioner: Regardless of the height at which the outdoor unit is installed, it is necessary to make a metal visor above it. This will protect the device from snow and icicles.

On high floors, the outdoor unit is mounted from a machine equipped with a sliding ladder. If the installation is carried out above the 5th floor, climbers are called. Such calls are paid separately and cost from $60 to $150. If you live on the upper floors, then the outdoor unit can be placed on the roof. At the same time, the difference between the indoor and outdoor units in height should not exceed 3-20 meters (depending on the brand of air conditioner and model).

When installing outdoor units of air conditioners on walls made of sandwich panels (tin, fittings and thermal insulation), as well as on the roofs of buildings with metal roofing (corrugated sheet, metal tiles), strong vibration and increased noise are possible. Therefore, it is necessary to plan a separate foundation with special stands and vibration isolators.

When installing an air conditioner in an apartment on the ground floor, you can hang the outdoor unit at a height of 1.8-2 meters above the ground and hide it in a special cage. Installing an outdoor air conditioner unit is a responsible matter. During the warranty period, the company that installed the air conditioner is responsible for the consequences of dropping a loose unit or poor performance.

The indoor unit is also installed on special brackets, which are fastened with screws to the wall (if the unit is wall-mounted) or the ceiling (if it is ceiling-mounted). When installing the indoor unit of the air conditioner, there should be no distortions. Otherwise, water (condensate) will flow out of it onto the floor, which, according to the installation rules, must be discharged through a drainage pipe into a special tank. (Usually bring the drain tube to the street or into the sewer).

Places where the indoor unit should not be installed.

  • Over any heat source. Otherwise, the air conditioner will constantly work at full capacity and quickly fail. In rooms where devices with high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations (drill, drilling machine) are constantly used. Their work can knock down the setting of the processor installed inside the air conditioner.
  • Above the bed or above the workplace (to avoid colds). In places where air circulation will be difficult, such as behind curtains. The distance to the obstacle (wall, furniture, etc.) must be at least 3 meters. Otherwise, the air flow from the air conditioner will be reflected from the obstacle and return back with the same temperature as it left the unit. The air conditioner setting will show that the desired climate is set and the unit will turn off.

In a standard apartment, when installing a channel split system, they most often do the following: the indoor unit is hidden under a false ceiling where a high ceiling height is not particularly needed (in a dark room, in a corridor or in a toilet). Air grills are installed above the doorways leading from the rooms to the common corridor - and the false ceiling in the rest of the living quarters can be omitted. Drilling holes. Holes are necessary for laying inter-unit communications (freon pipeline and electric cable) and for installing a drainage system. For work, a perforator with a drill of 45-70 mm is used. The holes are drilled with a downward slope towards the outer wall to allow the condensate to drain freely from the sump of the indoor unit.

Installation of freon pipelines.

Installation of the pipeline is the most important stage, on which the final result largely depends. Usually the pipeline is laid in a decorative box or hidden in the wall. In the latter case, appropriate strobes are prepared in advance in the wall of the room. Pipe cutting, bending, edge cleaning and flaring are performed using special tools (pipe cutters, pipe benders, scrapers and flaring tools). In some cases, soldering may be required. Signs of poor-quality work in this case are the neglect of cleaning the pipeline from chips, poor-quality rolling, pipe creases.

It is impossible to bend the tubes with freon several times in a small area and unscrew their connections. If the tubes are twisted into a ring with a radius of less than 100 mm, then it will be more difficult for the compressor to pump freon. The consequence of all this will be a freon leak, a decrease in the power of the air conditioner, and a compressor failure.

Installation of electrical connections, drainage pipeline.

Inside the room, the freon pipeline, electric cable and drainage hose are usually laid together (in a box or in a strobe). It is important that the section of the electrical cable used matches the power of the air conditioner. It is also necessary to remember about grounding, to prevent creases and ruptures of the drainage hose when passing holes in the wall and touching bare parts of the pipeline. The hole in the wall after laying this "beam" is filled with a heat insulator to prevent freezing of water and the appearance of drafts in the room.

For the device of the drainage pipeline of the air conditioner, it is necessary to use only a specially designed reinforced tube. It should bend easily, without changing the round internal section, and be perfectly smooth inside. The drainage tube, through which the accumulated moisture is removed, must necessarily go at an inclination of 5-10 mm so that there is a natural flow of water. If for some reason the tilt cannot be done, it is necessary to install a special pump to force the removal of moisture.

Violation of the technology leads to an electrical hazard, melting of the drainage hose, drafts, and condensate entering the room. When draining the drainage into the sewerage system inside the premises, a siphon (water seal) must be installed on the line in front of the drainage discharge point so that unpleasant odors do not penetrate.

Removal of moisture and air from the pipeline.

The pipeline of the air conditioning system must be cleaned of moisture and air, since their interaction with freon adversely affects the operation of the air conditioner. A vacuum pump is used for operation. Neglect of this operation leads to loss of air conditioner power, possible failure of the compressor, a sharp reduction in the life of the equipment.

Test run of the air conditioner.

At this stage, the installers must turn on the split system by installing it on the test program. If everything works, and the case does not vibrate, then it is in order. If necessary, the refrigerant is recharged or bled off.

Operation and preventive maintenance.

For long trouble-free operation of the air conditioner, certain operating rules must be observed.

Specialists of RostComfort LLC name the following main reasons for the failure of the air conditioner.

1. Dirty filters of the indoor unit. The air filter protects the heat exchanger of the indoor unit, which, if dusty, reduces the efficiency of the air conditioner. In fact, the air conditioner works like a vacuum cleaner, and the filters play the role of a dust collector. To clean the filters, it is enough to rinse them in warm water and dry them for a few minutes or vacuum them once every two to three weeks.

If the filters are not cleaned for a long time, then the air in the room will cool worse, the operation of the refrigeration system will be disrupted, which can lead to freezing of copper pipelines. In this case, when the air conditioner is turned off, the ice will melt and water will drip from the air conditioner. Filter cleaning is not included in the standard warranty service and must be carried out by the consumer in accordance with the instructions for use.

2. Freon leak. The second most common reason for the failure of the air conditioner is a normalized freon leak. Rated leakage (about 6-8% per year) always occurs. To compensate for it, the air conditioner must be refueled with freon every 1.5-2 years. The compressor during operation is cooled by freon, with its lack, overheating and jamming are possible. The cost of replacing a compressor is about half the cost of a new air conditioner.

3. Drops in the middle of winter. If you turn on the air conditioner with the drain piping outside for cooling at sub-zero outside temperatures, the water inside the piping may freeze, forming an ice plug. Therefore, it is necessary to take care in advance of heating the drainage pipeline to + 5 ° C. For this, a special cable is used. If an ice plug does arise, you will have to wait for a thaw, not turning on the cooling system until the onset of heat.

Air conditioning should be selected and installed in advance, without waiting for the summer heat. So you can save a significant amount, especially if you complete it. In order for the equipment to work without failures, do-it-yourself installation of the air conditioner must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, in a suitable place for this. Mismatch of technical conditions or incorrect selection of parts will lead to a quick breakdown of the split system.

To properly install everything, you should have an idea about the device and the principle of operation of the air conditioner. It consists of a compressor and an evaporator unit connected by pipes. The compressor is mounted on the outside of the wall, and the evaporator is installed indoors. Expensive models have not one indoor unit, but several that are connected to one compressor.

The refrigerant is supplied under high pressure through the nozzle into the evaporator unit. It enters the evaporator chamber, expands there, boils, and its vapors begin to intensively absorb heat. During this process, water condensate is released and settles on the radiator of the evaporative unit. From there, the moisture is sent to the tank and is discharged through the tube outside the building.

All this time, the compressor pumps out the refrigerant vapor from the chamber, increasing the pressure behind the pump. As a result, the refrigerant heats up and turns from a liquid into a high-density mist. In this state, the refrigerant enters the condensate chamber equipped with a radiator, is cooled by a fan and turns into a liquid again. In this form, it is again fed under pressure into the evaporator nozzle and the working process is repeated.

The efficiency of the equipment and the energy consumption directly depend on the operating conditions. If a heater is located near the air conditioner, the compressor consumes and fails more often. Ordinary dust that has got inside the system can also cause a breakdown, and therefore wet cleaning should be carried out regularly and very carefully. You can not put various objects on the surface of the block, as well as cover it with something.

To prevent the evaporation of the refrigerant, all joints and connections should be carefully sealed during installation. The outdoor unit should be placed lower than the indoor unit and in the coolest place possible. It is good if the unit is constantly in the shade from the overhang of the roof or walls. Compliance with these conditions will ensure uninterrupted operation of the air conditioner and a comfortable indoor climate.

Air conditioner detailDescription
1. Fancreates a stream of air blowing around the condenser
2. Capacitora radiator in which freon is cooled and condensed. The air blown through the condenser is heated accordingly
3. Compressorcompresses freon and keeps it moving along the refrigeration circuit. The compressor can be piston or scroll (scroll) type. Reciprocating compressors are cheaper but less reliable than scroll compressors, especially in low outdoor temperatures.
4. Control boardinstalled only on inverter air conditioners. In non-inverter models, they try to place all electronics in the indoor unit, since
large fluctuations in temperature and humidity reduce the reliability of electronic components
5. Four way valveinstalled in reversible (heat - cold) air conditioners. In heating mode, this valve changes the direction of freon movement. In this case, the indoor and outdoor units seem to change places: the indoor unit works for heating, and the outdoor unit works for cooling
6. Unionscopper pipes connecting the outdoor and indoor units are connected to them
7. Freon system filteris installed in front of the compressor inlet and protects it from copper chips and other small particles that may enter the system during the installation of the air conditioner. Of course, if the installation was performed in violation of the technology and a large amount of debris got into the system, then the filter will not help.
8. Protective quick-release covercloses the fittings and the terminal block used to connect electrical cables. In some models, the protective cover covers only the terminal block, and the union connections remain outside

1. Front panelIt is a plastic grill through which air enters the unit. The panel can be easily removed for maintenance of the air conditioner (cleaning filters, etc.)
2. Coarse filteris a plastic mesh and is designed to trap coarse dust, animal hair, etc. For normal operation of the air conditioner, the filter must be cleaned at least twice a month
3. Fine filtercan be of various types: coal (removes unpleasant
odors), electrostatic (retains fine dust), etc. The presence or absence of fine filters has no effect on the operation of the air conditioner
4. Fanhas 3 - 4 rotation speeds
5. Evaporatora radiator in which cold freon is heated and evaporated. The air blown through the radiator is cooled accordingly
6. Horizontal blindsAdjust the direction of the air flow vertically. These blinds are electrically operated and their position can be adjusted from the remote control. In addition, the blinds can automatically make oscillatory movements to evenly distribute the air flow throughout the room.
7. Display panelindicators (LEDs) are installed on the front panel of the air conditioner, showing the operating mode of the air conditioner and signaling possible malfunctions
8. Vertical blindsare used to adjust the direction of the airflow horizontally. In domestic air conditioners, the position of these shutters can only be adjusted manually. The ability to control from the remote control is only in some models of premium air conditioners
Condensate traylocated under the evaporator and serves to collect condensate (water that forms on the surface of a cold evaporator). Water is drained from the sump through a drain hose.
Control boardusually located on the right side of the indoor unit. This board contains an electronics unit with a central microprocessor
Union connectionslocated at the bottom rear of the indoor unit. Copper pipes connecting the outdoor and indoor units are connected to them.

Air conditioner installation tools

If you are going to install the air conditioner yourself, you need to prepare in advance all the tools that you may need:

In addition, you will need a whole bay of copper tube with factory-rolled ends. Scratches, dents and similar defects are not allowed.

It is best to install the air conditioner during a major overhaul, since you will have to break through the wall and damage the finish.

Video - The principle of operation of the air conditioner

Prices for accessories for air conditioners

Accessories for air conditioners

Air conditioner installation instructions

If the tools are purchased, the air conditioner is delivered and unpacked, you can get to work. The outdoor unit is installed first, and then the system is mounted indoors. During the installation process, one should not forget about safety, especially if the work is carried out at the level of the second floor and above.

Outdoor unit fixing

When installing an air conditioner in a private house, there are no particular difficulties in placing the outdoor unit, but the place must be chosen very carefully. The block housing should not block the view of neighbors, and condensate should not flow down the wall of the house. At the same time, the air conditioner should be mounted within reach from the balcony, since such equipment needs periodic maintenance.

It is best if the block is fixed to the east or north side of the window or balcony, and preferably in its lower part. So he will not interfere with anyone, and you can easily reach him through an open window. Using a level, mark the places where the brackets are attached and drill holes in the wall for anchor bolts. For laying inter-unit communications, a through hole with a diameter of 80 mm is drilled. In a brick wall, it is recommended to drill along the seam between the bricks - it will take less time and the hole will turn out neater.

Brackets are installed according to the markup, align and securely tighten the bolts. The outdoor unit itself is fixed so that at least 10 cm remains between the radiator and the wall surface. The connection is made a little later, at the same time the resulting gaps are closed. If the unit is securely mounted on a vertical surface, you can proceed to the next step.

The indoor unit must not be mounted behind curtains, above a battery, or in rooms with sources of electrical interference that can cause damage to the block processor. After choosing a place, be sure to check the wall for the absence of already laid communications - electrical wiring, water or heating pipes.

If the site is free, fix the mounting plate: step back from the ceiling 10 cm, from the corner of the wall 5 cm and mark a horizontal line with a pencil. Drill holes for the fasteners and screw the plate securely. The indoor unit of the air conditioner is mounted on the plate, after which a hole is drilled in the side wall for a communication connection - electrical wiring, pipes, hoses for condensate drainage.

Wiring connection

For a block indoors, they lay their own, the minimum cross section of which is 1.5 square meters. mm. Be sure to install an automatic shutdown. When the wiring is laid, it is connected to the input shield: a yellow wire with a green stripe is connected to the neutral wire. To determine the zero and phase, use the indicator.

After that, the terminals of both blocks are connected with insulated stranded wires, passing them through a hole in the wall. The names of the terminals must necessarily match the wires, everything is clearly written in the instructions attached to the air conditioner.

Copper pipes must be cut, leaving a margin for bends of about a meter. When bending tubes, special tools are used to avoid wrinkles, dents and cracking of the metal. Thermal insulation is put on the prepared tubes - polyurethane foam hoses. Foam rubber is not suitable as a sealant, as it has a short service life.

Threaded flanges are put on insulated pipes, while the thread should be located at the end of the tube. The next step is flaring the tubes. Flaring must be done very carefully so that cracks and grooves do not form on the tubes. The nut should be easily put on the flare, and it is better to tighten it with a torque wrench - this will prevent the flared connections from being squeezed out of the nut.

Pipelines are alternately attached to the corresponding fittings, which are difficult to confuse due to different diameters. The flanges are screwed on the fittings so that the connection is tight, but not pinched, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the tube. In conclusion, a piece of plastic tube with a reinforced body is connected to the drain pipe. Fastening is carried out with a piece of heat-shrinkable tubing or a threaded flange, if it is included in the kit. The drain pipe should be taken away from the bearing wall as far as possible.

Now the pipes are led into the hole, leveled, from the outside they are fixed tightly to the wall with clamps. The wiring cable is fixed nearby, the pipeline is connected to the outdoor unit. The hole is blown out with mounting foam or filled with silicone. All external connections are checked with a bicycle pump and a soapy solution for leaks. If air is leaking somewhere, the thread is tightened more tightly. After checking, the soap coating is wiped from the thread with a clean cloth.

Vacuum system

Vacuuming the system makes it possible to remove the smallest particles of dust and moisture. This process is carried out after sealing the threaded connections, otherwise it will not be possible to completely pump out the air. To do this, a vacuum pump is connected to the system and air is pumped out for an hour.

Filling and testing the air conditioner

The refrigerant from the cylinder must be pumped into the system. An adapter and a pressure gauge are connected to the cylinder, and then, strictly monitoring the pressure, the reservoir is filled. When the process is completed, the automatic disconnector is turned on on the air conditioner, after which the system automatically enters the test mode. If everything works smoothly and the circulation of cold air becomes uniform, you can close the hole in the wall, clean up the consequences of installation and enjoy the coolness.

Find out how it is done, and also check out the step-by-step guide from our new article.

Prices for the range of air conditioners

Air conditioners

Video - Do-it-yourself air conditioner installation

Installation tips. Where is the best place to install an air conditioner?

Before you buy a split system in Krasnodar, it is advisable to determine the place where you will hang it.

It is technically possible to install an air conditioner in a room absolutely anywhere, however, for its high-quality work, without the risk of failure, there are certain rules and some nuances that must be observed during installation.

In this article, we will try to describe in as much detail as possible the most common mistakes during the installation process, as well as give recommendations on the correct installation of the air conditioner in order to avoid unforeseen problems in the future.

1. Install the indoor unit of the split system at a distance of at least 10 cm from the ceiling. Because the air conditioner takes its cooling/heating air from inside (not outside), the small distance from the ceiling to the top of the ceiling (where the air intake grille is) can make it difficult to recirculate the air. In this case, firstly, the air conditioner will not be able to produce enough cold / heat, and secondly, it will work for wear, which will lead to a quick failure of its compressor. That is why it is forbidden to put various objects on the air conditioner and cover its upper part. If you are installing an air conditioner at the stage of repair, take into account the possible lowering of the ceiling level (stretch ceilings, plaster ceilings, etc.).

2. Do not mount the indoor unit of the split system above cabinets, shelves, chests of drawers if the distance from them to the lower edge of the indoor unit is less than 70-100 cm. Firstly, this causes dust accumulated on the top surface of the cabinet to be blown off every time the air conditioner is turned on. Moreover, the close location of horizontal surfaces leads to the creation of a circulation of the air flow, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the air conditioning system. The flow from the air conditioner is drawn back into the air intake, the air exchange in the room deteriorates, the air conditioner, taking in cold air, begins to "think" that it is time to stop its work, because the temperature sensor is located at the flow inlet.

3. The air flow must not be directed directly at people. When working in the cold, the temperature of the air stream from the air conditioner is 7-15 ° C lower than the ambient air temperature in the room. If such a stream blows on a person for at least a few tens of minutes, poor health is subsequently ensured. As a rule, air is directed so that it passes between workplaces or where people are least likely to be. In the bedroom, you often have to make a choice on which wall in relation to the bed to hang the air conditioner. Most often, people are afraid to place the indoor unit over their heads and mount the unit on the wall to which their feet are facing. If it is not possible to remove the unit from the bed as much as possible and direct the air in the other direction, it is better to mount it overhead. In this case, cold air will not blow on the head, but on the legs, which are usually covered with a blanket.

4. Do not install the air conditioner indoor unit above a heat source (such as a radiator). Due to the flow of warm air rising from the heat source, the air conditioner will think that it is not cooling the room enough, and will work for wear, as a result of which it will quickly fail. In addition, excessive heat may cause the plastic casing of the indoor unit to be deformed.

5. Do not install the air conditioner in a place where air circulation will be difficult (for example, behind curtains, etc.). The distance to the obstacle should not be less than 3 meters. The cooled (or heated) air flow from the air conditioner will be reflected from the obstacle and will return back with the same temperature with which it "came out". The air conditioner will decide that the work has been done, the desired climate is set and turn off.

6. The indoor unit of the split system must be installed strictly according to the level. This is necessary so that the moisture condensed on the heat exchanger can be freely removed to the outside through the drainage system. If the indoor unit is installed with a significant skew (±3-4 mm is allowed), there is a possibility that water will accumulate in the drain pan and periodically flow out of it directly onto your floor.

7. It is not recommended to install the air conditioner in rooms where devices with high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations are constantly operating.(e.g. drill, drilling machine). High-frequency vibrations can knock down the chip (processor) installed inside the air conditioner.

8. Try to install the indoor unit so that the length of the refrigerant pipe is as short as possible. Firstly, a long route increases the cost of installation, and secondly, it reduces work efficiency. Moreover, if you decide to lay the track in a box, then a long box through the entire wall greatly spoils the interior.

9. If possible, run a separate power cable to the air conditioner. To any, even a low-power air conditioner, it is necessary to carry out a separate electrical wiring and put a separate machine in the electrical panel. Because the old wiring may not withstand the load and it will ignite. Be especially vigilant if your house is older than 1990. In old houses, the wiring is not designed for the loads from the use of powerful electrical equipment.

1. Do not install the outdoor unit on a glazed balcony or loggia because heat dissipation will be very difficult. Installation is only possible if the windows can be opened wide. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the operating range of outdoor air temperatures. The upper temperature limit for different air conditioners is not the same and ranges from 40 to 46 C.

2. The outdoor unit should not cause inconvenience to your neighbors(noise, dripping condensate).

3. Try to place the outdoor unit in such a way that the sun's rays fall on it as little as possible. The direct rays of the sun can provoke a protective shutdown of the device due to overheating.

4. Locate the outdoor unit in such a way that during operation, the heat removed from the room is freely discharged into the environment.(For example, do not install the outdoor unit where the prevailing wind is directed towards the air conditioner, otherwise the normal operation of the fan will be disturbed).

5. Do not place the outdoor unit in close proximity to the canopy of trees. Leaves and fluff from poplars clog the heat exchanger, moreover, during gusts of wind, branches can get into the equipment, damage the fan or heat exchanger fins. If, nevertheless, your house is all buried in greenery, then you need to cut down some of the branches located next to the air conditioner.

6. It is forbidden to install outdoor units on the ground and in those places where they can be soiled with mud, covered with snow, flooded with rain or sewage. Blocks must be installed on a special stand.

7. It is forbidden to install outdoor units in places where there is a possibility of leakage of explosive gases. In particular, this applies to the air conditioning of the first and second floors, where gas pipes of gasified buildings usually pass.

8. When placing the outdoor unit on the ground floor, install it in a special protective grid. This will prevent theft and acts of vandalism.

9. Take care of the condensate drain. Most often, condensate is discharged to the street. In this case, the flowing water should not fall on the wall of the building. Condensate discharge to the sewer is preferable, but expensive. If you plan to install a block above the sidewalk, then this is the only acceptable option.

10. Do not install the outdoor unit on a weak base, for example, on a wall made of hollow bricks or thin metal. The fragility of the supporting structure almost always causes excessive noise, the elimination of which takes a lot of effort and money. Yes, and the air conditioner can simply fall.

If you need a high-quality installation (installation) of split systems in Krasnodar, the company's specialists will help you with this website
