Bija mantra. Bija mantras that restore the energy balance of the body Seed mantra

Chakra work #1-7 + isochronous beat

This powerful mantra + meditation, which cleanses and activates all chakras from top to bottom, is a great tool for developing chakras and removing blockages.
The force of vibrations of these sounds greatly accelerates the activation of each chakra by connecting to the energy flow of the Universe, passing it through all the chakras, starting from the chakra - Sahasrara and grounding it at the exit of the chakra - Muladhara.

In all parts of the chakra-meditation for each chakra, the Kundalini mantra and the bija mantra corresponding to this chakra sound.
The main mantra that sounds in this meditation is Kundalini Aro Ha-Nam.
It always sounds after each chakra, thus you activate and strengthen the chakras by raising the Kundalini energy to them.

Mantras for the chakras:
1. Muladhara Chakra: Lam
2. Svadhisthana Chakra: To you
3. Manipura Chakra: Ram
4. Anahata Chakra: Yam
5. Vishuddha Chakra: Ham
6. Ajna Chakra: AUM
7. Sahastrara Chakra: Ogum Satyam OM

For the practice of Mantra meditation, it is necessary to visualize the images of the chakras in accordance with the images of the symbols of the chakras on the video.

Bija Mantras
From Sanskrit, the word "bija" is translated as "seed". The bija mantra is the "seed" or main mantra, which is not translated in any way. In fact, all other mantras arise from it. Having no translation, the bija mantra, however, has a metaphysical meaning. Based on this, mantras have a certain power and are used in a very specific way. At the same time, it is believed that bija mantras are the most powerful, because they do not carry a semantic load for the mind, but they have a certain working vibration. There are public mantras and those that a teacher gives to his student during the process of initiation.
Each bija mantra corresponds to some element, chakra, action, deity or its aspect. In order for the mantra to produce the right effect, you should learn how to pronounce it correctly.

Bija mantras of the chakras and elements.
Muladhara - Earth - LAM (LAM)
Svadhisthana - Water - VAM (VAM)
Manipura - Fire - RAM (RAM)
Anahata - Air - YAM (YAM)
Vishuddha - Ether - HAM (HAM)
Sahasrara - AUM (AUM)

Bija mantras of deities.
AIM is the mantra of Saraswati. It is used to strengthen memory and increase mental abilities.
HAUM, NOOM is the mantra of Shiva. It is used to awaken fire, relieves negative emotions, diseases, black magic.
SHREEM is Lakshmi's mantra. It is used for beauty, health, wealth. Brings harmony.
KREEM is the mantra of Kali. Gives energy, opens up new possibilities.
KLEEM is the mantra of Kamadeva. It is used for protection, light, goodness, peace, rest and rest. Strengthens the immune system and relieves insomnia.
HREEM is the mantra of Shakti. Used to cleanse energy and bring happiness.
RAM is the mantra of Agni.
GAM GLAUM is the mantra of Ganesha. It is used to improve creative activity, eliminates obstacles and enemies.
SOM - is used to increase efficiency, improve the functioning of the nervous system, heart. Increases intelligence.
OM SHANTI, SHANTI, SHANTI is a mantra of peace and tranquility. Eliminates nervousness and stress, as well as excessive emotions.
SHAM is a mantra for increasing the level of vital energy.

Bija from Sanskrit is translated as - seed. Bija mantras are peculiar sounds, on the basis of which they grow. They don't translate at all. But they have a subtle metaphysical meaning. For example, the syllable NAM is considered the bija sound of the air element. Yoga meditation on the sound of NAM helps to feel the power of prana and take it under your own control.

Bija mantras are the most powerful. The scriptures say that their power is so great that it can strike a person unprepared in body and mind for this process. Therefore, a practicing person should receive the energy of the mantra from a teacher, an experienced Guru. Bija mantra it is recommended to use for those people who practice them for spiritual growth and self-development.

Basic bija mantras

  • Mantra HUM - a three-part bija is a powerful defense against all evil. It is addressed to God Shiva, who monitors the balance of energies in the Universe and is the remover of all sorrows.
  • Mantra HAUM - also calls to Shiva and dispels sadness.
  • The bija mantra DUM is the mantra to worship Durga.
  • Mantras BRIM Hrim Krim - mantras of appeal to the great Deities Brihaspati, Mahamaya and the Goddess Kali.
  • Shrim is the mantra of Mahalakshmi, who is considered the Goddess of good luck, success, prosperity and happiness. Practicing this mantra daily, one gains all the blessings of the world.
  • The bija mantra KLIM is the mantra of Kamadeva, the God of love, which brings the practicing person happiness, mutual love, family well-being and relief from stress and sadness.
  • KSHRAUM is the incarnation of God Vishnu.
  • GAM is the mantra of Genesha, like GLAUM.

Bija mantras of the human chakras

Chakras are the energy centers of human consciousness. They are located in the subtle body of a person and are connected with his nerve centers. There are seven main chakras in total. They have the appearance of a lotus with different numbers of petals. With the right practice, you can achieve their disclosure. There are certain bija mantras that help accelerate the opening of the lotus petals. At help of the chakras and bija mantras a person has a unique opportunity to realize himself and improve himself spiritually.

  • LAM is the bija mantra of the first chakra. The chakra is red in color and is associated with the earth element and the human sense of smell. The Muladhara lotus has four petals.
  • VAM is the bija mantra of the second, orange chakra - Svadhisthana. The chakra has six petals and is associated with the element of water and human taste.
  • RAM is the bija of the third yellow chakra - Manipura. The lotus of this chakra consists of ten petals. The corresponding element is fire and the organs of vision.
  • YAM is the bija of the fourth green chakra of Anahata. The chakra has twelve petals. It is associated with the element of air and the sense of touch.
  • HAM is the bija mantra for the fifth blue chakra of Vishuddhi. The lotus of this chakra has sixteen petals and corresponds to the element of ether and the sense of hearing.
  • OM is the bija of the sixth chakra of Ajna. It is located in the area between the eyebrows and glows with a blue light. The bija of the seventh Sahasrara chakra is beyond all sounds. It cannot be described or expressed in words. This sound can only be perceived by an enlightened person.

Listen to the sound of the bija mantra on the video

Practice of mantras, Bija mantras.

The reading of mantras should not be taken lightly, as something ordinary. This should be a ritual for you first of all. If you want to practice any mantra, bring yourself to a state of calm, peace, get rid of anger, aggression and other negative emotions. In advance, before you start practicing mantras, you need to decide for yourself for what purpose you want to use mantras. For example, you intend to enter an ASC (altered state of consciousness) and ennoble your aura by clearing it of unfavorable energies. You decide that the mantra of the Vedic deity Hanuman is right for you. And now you need to properly tune in to practice. After all, to achieve success, one desire is not enough. First of all, learn how to read the mantra, at least a rough translation if it exists (the so-called bija mantras, for example, that is, sacred syllables, do not have a translation), the meaning of the mantra, how and on what it acts. Find an audio recording on the Internet and listen to it - this will give you at least an approximate (unlike the mantra that the guru gives you) idea of ​​​​pronunciation, stress and rhythm. You need to pronounce the mantra in syllables, as if stretching out the sounds - "ommm-hammm-ommm", feeling how your whole body vibrates from these sounds, how these vibrations penetrate deeper and deeper.

Getting up early in the morning, take a bath (or just take a bath - this will cleanse you both physically and on a subtle level), do not take non-vegetarian food, alcohol, or other substances that cloud your mind. Start chanting mantras at sunrise. Let a state of joy and reverence take over.

When practicing mantras, you need to achieve concentration on sound and vibration. Synchronization with breathing is also extremely important. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, measuredly, lengthening the exhalation, while reading the mantra. Find the rhythm of breathing that is most compatible with the rhythm of the mantra itself. You will master this art as you practice the mantras. Of course, at first you will lose concentration, suddenly finding yourself thinking about something else. Do not be upset, smoothly transfer your attention to the mantra. With practice, concentration will improve.

Practice mantras regularly, starting with 15 minutes and gradually increasing the time to two hours, then you will certainly achieve success!

There is such a class of mantras as bija mantras. What it is? Bija mantras are sounds and syllables that do not have a direct translation, but are associated with certain energies. These energies seem to "grow" from these mantras. Therefore, such mantras are called "seed mantras", or bija mantras. Among them there are those that are dedicated to the planets of the solar system - they are called graha-mantras. By repeating them, we make a certain fine tuning to these planets and receive the corresponding energy coming from this celestial body. Since we are part of the solar system, we are always open to these energies. Perhaps we do not feel it, but the energies of celestial bodies are extremely necessary for each of us. They influence our daily activities and decision making. Our life force is no doubt closely related to the power of the planets. If a person develops an energy deficit of any planet, corresponding problems immediately arise. For example, if you do not have enough energy from the Sun, diseases such as headache, poor eyesight, weakness of the heart appear. Also in your life there may be conflicts with superiors at work, or problems with entering into an inheritance. We can correct this energy imbalance through various techniques. Reading the mantra of the Sun in the described case is one of the most effective techniques. What happens when we chant a mantra? As a result of repeated repetition, we tune in to the desired frequency, the frequency of cosmic energy. We, as it were, ourselves begin to vibrate in unison with this energy, become one with it, as a result of which we fill our body, our consciousness and the space around us with it. Thus, it is possible to balance the energies, to make up for the existing lack of influence of any of them. The influence of each of the planets causes certain actions and events. If a person increases the influence of Mercury, for example, it contributes to advancement in business.

All types of human activity are due to the strong influence of the nine planets known in Indian astrology. This is how the corresponding mantras work.

  • Sun: Om Temple Hrim Khrum Saha Suryaya Namah. The mantra should be recited to avoid problems in work, in politics, related to fatherhood, head diseases.
  • Moon: Om Shram Shrim Shrum Saha Chandraya Namah. It is a mantra for helping with mental disorders, problems related to motherhood, stomach and blood diseases.
  • Mars: Om Krum Krim Krum Sah Bhaumaya Namah. This mantra will make your character dynamic, decisive, give courage, give strength to defeat enemies, attract success in real estate and vehicle transactions, and protect you from accidents.
  • Jupiter: Om Gram Grim Grum Sah Gurave Namah. Chant this mantra for overall success in life and protection in all things. It increases respect from others, improves social contacts, gives stability in work or business.
  • Saturn: Om Pram Prim Prum Sah Shanaya Namah. This mantra will allow you to avoid delays and delays, trauma, and help solve all the major problems in life.
  • Mercury: Om Bram Brim Brum Sah Budhaya Namah. Mantra for improving business relationships and communication skills. It also helps sharpen the intellect.
  • Venus: Om Drum Dream Drum Sah Shukraya Namah. This mantra allows you to harmonize and improve relations with the opposite sex, artistic talents, and attracts material wealth.
  • Rahu: Om Bhram Bhrim Bhrum Sah Rahave Namah. This mantra gets rid of clouding of the mind, legal problems, and the influence of negative entities.
  • Ketu: Om Pram Prim Prum Saha Ketave namah. Protects from slander, allergic diseases, as well as the influence of negative entities, and the onset of sudden unpredictable troubles.

There are other bija mantras.

The Shrim sound represents Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and abundance. Therefore, the mantra "Om Shrim Om" will bring financial well-being and other manifestations of the energy of abundance to a person who repeats it every day for at least 2 hours.

If you want to attract other people and enjoy what they give you, you should use the syllable "Klim". This is the sound of charm, attraction and charm - women should understand this very well. The mantra "OM Klim Om" will increase your magnetism.

The bija mantra is a prayer consisting of just one short syllable. Such formulas, written in Sanskrit, do not have an exact translation, but they carry a special metaphysical meaning.

In this thread:

It is in them that the greatest power lies, which allows you to establish a direct connection with the Creator himself and multiply the power of any other prayer. For this reason, the petite bija is often part of a longer, often targeted formula.

The most popular bija mantras

There are a huge number of one-syllable bija mantras. They are used both independently, for example, to open the chakras and prepare for a further lesson, and in tandem with narrowly focused manti, which greatly increases the effectiveness of the latter. To more accurately understand what a seed or bija mantra is, consider examples of the most popular one-syllable appeal to the Almighty.


As they say, only the lazy do not know about the bija mantra Om. Even a person who is far from mantric practices has heard this unique sound at least once, be it in a movie, on the Internet or in literature. And this is not surprising, the Om prayer is the most powerful tool, which contains the greatest power. Traditionally, this biddah is usually visualized as a light golden glow that carries vital energy to the body and mind. Repeated repetition of the bija mantra Om helps to open the energy channels of a person, cleanses the aura, clarifies the mind, but with strong nervous tension it gives peace and relaxation.


Bija is a prayer that gives wisdom, dispels ignorance, develops perception of the surrounding reality, memory and intellect. And all because her patroness is Saraswati - the Goddess who patronizes the teachings and arts. It is believed that this mantra helps to dispel sadness, overcome mental problems, gives peace and inner harmony.

Doom and Hum

Mantra Dum is used in mantric practice to increase vitality and strengthen the will. Represents protection from negativity, evil, etc. Bija Hum has a similar but more active influence. Helps protect against bad energy, dark magic, drives out internal demons, cleanses and soothes.


This bija mantra is read if they want to increase motivation, activity and move on to decisive action. It helps to eliminate enemies, promotes spiritual awakening, strengthens the body and strengthens prayers for abundance and wealth.


Prayer is endowed with the power of the solar luminary, it helps to purify space, energy and heart. Gives enlightenment, health and activity, cleanses the body and mind, fills the soul with a sense of joy, exultation and happiness. Great for enhancing leadership skills.


Like other bija mantras, it is pronounced with a long vowel. Shrim brings wealth, luxury and prosperity, strengthens the feminine, normalizes energy and psychic currents. It is used to enhance the effect of affirmations, prayers aimed at enrichment, helps in healing, gives good luck.


Prayer has a powerful force of attraction for anything, therefore it is often included in the mantras for the fulfillment of desires, wealth, good luck. It has a beneficial effect in the intimate sphere, helps to strengthen self-control, improves tone, and gives confidence.


Reading this bija mantra helps to gain courage, confidence, stamina, spiritual and bodily strength, since a monosyllabic prayer is an appeal to God Vishnu himself. It is used to get rid of serious phobias, petty fears and frequent irritability.


In order for the mantra to work correctly, when pronouncing it, it is necessary to emphasize the drawl "y". Bizhda allows you to develop the intellect, strengthen the memory, it eliminates all doubts, gives firm confidence, and eliminates disappointments.


A simple bija helps to get rid of apathy and passivity. It is read for the development of creativity, insight, speed of thinking.

Despite their apparent simplicity, all bija mantras are very powerful. And if they are read by an unprepared physically and morally person, then they can even bring harm. Therefore, before including them in regular practice, it is worth getting the blessing of a teacher or at least prepare yourself spiritually.

In general, bija mantras fully reveal their potential only to people whose practice is aimed at spiritual growth and knowledge.

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“The most powerful and important of all mantras are the syllable or bija (seed) mantras such as OM. Bija mantras are the first sounds that carry both the sound and the meaning, from which the language itself and the actual forces of creation come. They can create great powers of transformation that penetrate the depths of the subconscious to the very causal body, or karmic realm of the soul. Bija mantras have an energetic effect that works well if pranayama and silent meditation are done at the same time. As such, they can be more powerful than prayers, in which there is, rather, a thought and an idea. Bija mantras can be recited on their own or combined with other mantras. In the latter case, they seem to breathe life into the minor mantras, making them more powerful.

David Frawley

A.I.M.. AIM (pronounced as fluent English I'm) is the seed mantra of Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and speech, the consort of Lord Brahma, the Creator in the Hindu trinity of great gods. It refers primarily to the planet Mercury as the planet of speech, knowledge and mentorship, and sometimes to the Moon and Jupiter, conveying their creativity and expression.

AIM is also the mantra of the guru to help us achieve higher knowledge. It can be used to invoke the wisdom power of any planet to which we address this mantra.

SHRIM. SHRIM is the seed mantra of Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity and abundance, the wife of Lord Vishnu, the Guardian in the Hindu trinity of great gods. It primarily refers to the Moon as a planet of abundance, happiness and fertility. Sometimes it is used for Venus as a Goddess mantra, addressed to the heart, invoking happiness and love, and sometimes for Jupiter because of consonance with its general beneficial properties.

Shrim is the mantra of refuge and devotion. It can be used to petition for patronage and to express devotion to any of the planetary deities, helping us gain their favor.

HRIM. HRIM is the main mantra of the Goddess in general, all three of her main incarnations. It is said to be equivalent to OM when we refer to female deities. It refers mainly to the Sun as the source of life and light and to the heart as the refuge of the inner Sun, sometimes applied to Jupiter and the Moon to invoke their beneficent power. Since she represents the power of Maya that Rahu brings into the world, she can prevent the negative influences of this shadow planet.

HRIM is a mantra of magic, charm and empowerment. It can be resorted to in the case of any of the planetary deities whose spell and presence we wish to transfer to our heart.

KLIM. KLIM is the seed mantra of desire, love and attraction. She is associated with the god Krishna, who bestows bliss (Ananda) and with Sundari, the goddess of love and beauty. It is mainly applied to the planet Venus, but sometimes to the Moon.

KLIM is a mantra that can be invoked when referring to any planetary deity with whom we would like to communicate in order to fulfill our desires and express devotion.

STREAM. STRIM is the seed mantra of the great goddess Tara, who in Hinduism is the consort or female form of Brihaspati, the planet Jupiter. In Sanskrit, Tara means "star" and corresponds to the nakshatra of Rohini, the star of Aldebaran, or the alpha of Taurus. Since Brihaspati-Jupiter is the high priest or guru of the gods, Tara is the high priestess. As the main mantra of the Goddess, especially her aspect of supreme knowledge, it can also be used for the Moon and Venus.

The STRIM mantra can also be used to address any planetary deity whose energy we wish to use for creative purposes. She is able to help us overcome the difficulties associated with a particular planet. This mantra of the goddess of the Star sets us in tune with the beneficial radiations of the stars, especially the nakshatra that she rules.

HUM. HUM (pronounced as the English word whom) is the basic mantra of Agni or fire. In astrology, it corresponds to the fiery planets - the Sun, Mars or Ketu and enhances their fiery qualities. It is especially good for bringing in the higher perceptual faculty of Ketu, which is an invaluable aid in astrological studies.

HUM can be applied to any planetary energy whose light, warmth, power and wisdom we would like to activate.

The directly related mantra HAUM ("au" is pronounced as "oi" in the English word sound) is a special mantra for the worship of Lord Shiva, it is suitable for addressing the transforming aspect of solar energy, which is ruled by Shiva.

RAM. RAM is the mantra of Lord Rama - God in his protective, saving and compassionate incarnation. It has already been mentioned as the seed sound of Rahu. However, it can also be applied to the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, or any other planet whose saving power we want to bring. Most often it is used for the Sun.
