What to drink before conceiving a child. How can a man properly prepare for conceiving a child. Get exercise

You have decided to plunge into parenting. But wait a little, delay trying to get pregnant for a month or two, at least, to give yourself the opportunity to prepare for pregnancy. We offer you a list of 14 points dedicated to what a child needs in order to ensure a pregnancy without complications, and a healthy future for your baby.

Make an appointment with your gynecologist

Before you start trying to get pregnant, you should contact your obstetrician-gynecologist, who will prescribe a set of examinations for you. Mandatory manipulation when visiting a gynecologist is an internal vaginal examination with the taking of smears (for the vaginal flora and cytological examination), as well as an examination for sexually transmitted diseases.

Your doctor will carefully review your personal and family medical history, assess your health at the time of your visit, and check if you are taking any medications. Some medicines pose a serious risk during pregnancy. But there are also drugs that should be excluded from taking long before conception, due to the fact that they accumulate in the fatty tissue of your body and linger there for a long time.

Your doctor will also discuss with you the rules of nutrition, your weight (if necessary, prescribe you), the possibility of exercising, and the impact of bad habits on pregnancy and fetal development. Most likely, the obstetrician-gynecologist will recommend that you take a multivitamin, especially rich ones.

Some couples will also need to undergo genetic testing to rule out the risk of passing diseases such as Tay-Sachs disease, cystic fibrosis, or sickle cell disease to their child.

Review your family medical history

Find out if you have a history of (or your partner's) or chromosomal, such as Down syndrome, Tay-Sachs disease, sickle cell anemia, or bleeding disorders. Also find out if your family has a history of mentally retarded children or children with other developmental delays or anatomical defects (eg, heart disease, neural tube defects).

If such cases have occurred, then you will have to undergo prenatal tests and examinations by a geneticist for the risk of passing a hereditary disease to your child.

Avoid Infections

It is very important to avoid all infections whenever possible when you are trying to conceive, especially those that could harm your unborn baby.

Stay away from foods such as unpasteurized milk, soft cheeses and other dairy products, cold deli meats, raw and undercooked fish and poultry. These foods may contain dangerous bacteria that cause listeriosis, a disease of the alimentary tract that may well cause miscarriage (in the first trimester) or stillbirth. You should also avoid unpasteurized juices because they can contain salmonella and E. coli.

Wear gloves when gardening. If you are the owner of a cat, then it is better to ask someone close to clean her tray - this way you will protect yourself from infection with toxoplasmosis. If you have not been vaccinated against the flu, then be sure to do it, because the flu during pregnancy can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia and premature birth.

Take folic acid and watch your vitamin A

Folic acid intake is extremely important. With 400 micrograms of folic acid per day for 30 days before conception and throughout the first trimester of pregnancy, you can reduce the risk of having a baby with neural tube defects by 70%.

You can buy folic acid at the pharmacy as a separate preparation, or you can get it from multivitamin complexes for expectant mothers. When purchasing vitamins, check the label to make sure they contain at least 400 micrograms of folic acid.

Also make sure your multivitamin contains no more than 770 mcg (or 2565 IU) of vitamin A (beta-carotene). Too much of this vitamin can cause birth defects.

Fill your fridge with exceptionally healthy food

Although you are not yet "eating for two", but nevertheless, you need to stock up on all the necessary supply of nutrients in order to bear the child without any problems.

Try to eat at least 2 servings of fruit and 2.5 servings of vegetables a day, and eat whole grains and foods high in calcium (milk, calcium-fortified orange juice, and yogurt). Eat protein-rich foods such as beans, nuts, seeds, soy products, poultry, and meats.

Pay special attention to the fish you eat

Although fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids (which are very important for your child's brain and eye development), as well as protein, vitamin D and other nutrients, they also contain mercury, which is harmful to the body.

Most experts agree that pregnant women should eat a small amount of fish, but be sure to avoid those types of fish that are the most dangerous in terms of mercury content. These fish include swordfish, shark, tilefish, king mackerel and some others.

Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs

If you smoke or take medication, now is the time to stop. Numerous studies have shown that smoking or taking drugs can lead to premature birth, miscarriage, and low birth weight babies. Be aware that some medications may remain in your body for a long time after you stop taking them.

Studies have shown that nicotine can affect fertility and reduce your partner's sperm count. What's more, studies have shown that even secondhand smoke has a negative impact on your chances of getting pregnant.

Alcohol can also interfere with pregnancy, so it's best to stop drinking before you start trying to conceive. Be sure to refrain from any alcoholic beverages in the second half of your menstrual cycle. If you drink alcohol during pregnancy, your baby may have birth defects and many developmental problems.

Breaking bad habits right away can be very difficult. Feel free to talk to your healthcare provider. He can recommend effective ways and programs for you to stop smoking or taking drugs.

Limit your caffeine intake

Although the negative impact of caffeine on conception has not been fully proven, experts agree that pregnant women and those who are trying to conceive should avoid consuming it in large quantities.

Some studies have found a link between high caffeine intake and reduced fertility. It is better to limit the daily amount of caffeine you consume to 200 mg per day (that is, up to one cup of coffee), or to refuse it altogether.

Keep your weight under control

It will be much easier for you to get pregnant if your weight is as close to ideal as possible. Having a low or high body mass index (BMI) makes the process of conception more difficult. According to studies, a BMI below 20 or a BMI over 24 has a negative impact on fertility.

If your weight is far from ideal, then weight loss or, conversely, weight gain can help you get pregnant. give you the boost you need to conceive a baby. Talk to your doctor about the best way to reach a healthy weight.

Get some exercise

Start light exercise now and stick with it from now on and you will be rewarded with a healthy body fully prepared for pregnancy.

The exercise program should include 30 minutes or more of daily moderate exercise such as walking, cycling, or strength training.

To increase flexibility, you can try stretching or yoga. Even when you get pregnant, don't skip your workouts (unless your doctor deems it dangerous, of course!).

If you don't feel like spending your time exercising, you can add more activity to your daily life by taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking after work.

Visit a dentist

As you prepare for pregnancy, don't forget your oral health. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make your gums more susceptible to disease. An increase in progesterone and estrogen can lead to a variety of gum reactions to bacteria in plaque. The gums swell, redden, and bleed as a result of brushing or flossing.

When planning to get pregnant, take care of the health of your teeth and periodontium. Visit your dentist regularly (at least once every six months) for an examination and cleaning of plaque.

Reducing environmental risks

Of course, you cannot completely eliminate all environmental hazards, but you can do everything you can to limit their impact on your pregnancy and developing baby as much as possible.

If you are regularly exposed to chemicals or radiation, there are some changes you need to make before conceiving a child. Also, be aware that some detergents, pesticides, and solvents can be dangerous for a developing baby.

Find out when you ovulate

Some women simply stop using protection when they are mentally ready to get pregnant, and leave conception at the disposal of fate. Others, on the other hand, begin to chart their basal temperature charts and track various signals from their bodies to try and identify the most fertile days each month.

You can use our conception (ovulation) calculator or start charting changes in your basal body temperature (BT) and cervical mucus pattern. Tracking these symptoms over several months can help you figure out when you're ovulating.

In addition, at any pharmacy you can purchase a special ovulation test, which is based on the detection of luteal phase hormones in the urine, which is a signal that ovulation is approaching.

Stop using contraceptives

If you are using birth control pills, then it is best for you to complete the package you have started to prevent irregular bleeding. It may take several months before your normal cycle is restored, but some women are able to conceive as early as the first cycle after stopping oral contraceptives. But gynecologists still recommend using a barrier method of contraception (such as condoms) until your menstrual cycle returns to normal after you stop taking the pills. In addition, before planning a pregnancy, be sure to remove the IUD (intrauterine contraceptives such as a spiral)!

We have tried to tell you in as much detail as possible what you need. Now everything depends only on you. Good luck!

You need to take care of the health of your baby right from the moment you decide to conceive him.

  1. Future father and mother must be healthy. Of course, health is a relative concept. One of the parents may have a disease that is inherited. But now we will not talk about that. And about diseases that can and should be cured before conceiving a child.
    A woman, first of all, should focus on the condition of the reproductive organs. An obstetrician-gynecologist needs to check the condition of the uterus and fallopian tubes, make sure that there are no seals, narrowings or other pathologies. And the best option before conceiving a baby is to undergo a complete medical examination. However, it is best to do this to both spouses, because there are many diseases that do not manifest themselves in the body, but can significantly harm the health of the unborn baby.

  2. If the expectant mother is overweight, then it is preferable to lose it. This does not apply to those future mothers who are burdened with just a couple of extra pounds.
    If you are characterized by excessive thinness, then you need to get a little better. It should be remembered that in too thin or too overweight women, the production of certain hormones that affect fertilization is significantly impaired.
    Contraceptives should also be abandoned. However, for about a couple of months it is necessary to protect yourself with condoms. What for? The fact is that any oral contraceptives are used in order to prevent the maturation of the egg, that is, so that it is not able to be fertilized. Therefore, by stopping taking these drugs, you give your reproductive organs time to recover.

  3. You should stop smoking, drinking alcohol and, of course, drugs. Moreover, you need to give up bad habits a few months before conception. The body must fully recover and prepare for this process. If you can’t completely quit addictions, then at least keep them to a minimum. This applies not only to the future mother, but also to the father of the family, who will also be directly involved in the conception.

  4. It is necessary to bring yourself into a normal physical shape. This does not mean strenuously exercising in the gym and exhausting yourself to the point of exhaustion. You can just do exercises in the morning, walk, go to the pool several days a week, etc.
    Start monitoring your diet. It must be exceptionally healthy. Review the list of products that you systematically consume. In your diet should be a lot of greens, fresh vegetables and fruits. You really need vitamins right now. Moreover, if a man thinks that this applies only to women, he is deeply mistaken. Before you start conceiving a child, you will have to radically revise the diet of both spouses.

  5. Folic acid is one of the most important and effective vitamins that should be ingested by a woman before pregnancy. This acid is found in bran bread, cereals, green vegetables, and many other foods. In addition, folic acid is sold in pharmacies. It will be great if you start taking it some time before the planned conception.

  6. It is very important during this period not to worry, not to be nervous, to avoid all kinds of stress. A woman who is in constant nervous tension will not be able to endure pregnancy without difficulty. Of course, sometimes it is absolutely impossible to avoid stressful situations, but if you cannot change them, then at least change your attitude towards them.

Conception determines the start of pregnancy. It is necessary to prepare for this important step in advance, so that nothing later overshadows the meeting with your child. It is necessary to take into account many factors, such as age, the existence of hereditary and acquired diseases, nutrition, the presence of bad habits, etc. All this should be paid attention not after pregnancy, but before conception.

Our ancestors treated pregnancy as an absolutely natural state of a woman, and no wonder: not only in peasant, but also in noble, merchant, petty-bourgeois families, women who gave birth to five to seven (and more) children were not at all considered “heroine mothers” . (Recall that abortion was prohibited by law and the Church, condemned by public opinion.) However, those who are tortured by nostalgia for the “good old days” do not interfere more often with the fact that our ancestors also often treated very calmly: "God gave - God took" - that's the whole tale. Now times are different. Living conditions have changed, the mentality of people has changed ... And if you are not indifferent to the health of your unborn child, if it is important for you how it will grow and develop, you should approach pregnancy with all responsibility - such a statement hardly needs extensive evidence today. I would like to explain in more detail what is behind it.

How does conception take place?
Conception - the formation of a new organism in the process of merging an egg with a sperm cell. The seminal fluid, consisting of several million spermatozoa, has the ability to lower the acidity of the vaginal environment, as a result of which it can remain in the female body for several days in anticipation of the maturation of the egg. In the body of a woman during sexual contact (during the ovulation period), an egg is released, the production of progesterone increases, as a result of which the uterus is prepared to receive the embryo and, as a result, conception occurs.

Briefly, the process of conception can be described as follows: the release of the egg and ejaculation - the fusion of the sperm and the egg - the attachment of the egg to the uterus and its division - the formation of the embryo

How to prepare for conception?

As a rule, in our society, about 20 percent of pregnant women think about preparing for childbirth., if not less, but about preparing for conception - from the strength of 10%. And then, the vast majority of "conscious" couples are preparing for conception because it does not happen by itself, i.e. there is a possibility of infertility.

But there are issues related to preparing for conscious conception and not directly related to treatment and medical diagnoses.

There is an opinion that children themselves "choose" their parents and a good harmonious couple gives birth to exactly the child they lack. Experts know that juggling the timing of conception according to a calendar convenient for parents, according to the signs of the zodiac, etc. often ends in failure. And when the spouses wave their hand: "Come what may," then almost immediately wonderful children are obtained. Sometimes children are "mistaken" and then a very early miscarriage occurs. Naturally, all of the above applies to healthy parents who have not been treated for years for miscarriage and infertility.

Let's start with a banal enumeration.

It is advisable to start by determining the blood type and Rh factor, if they have not been determined so far. It would be good to put a stamp of a medical institution with these data in the passport. A positive Rh factor in a woman and a negative one in a man do not represent any cause for concern. If a woman has Rh-negative blood, and her husband has Rh-positive blood, then Rh conflict may develop during pregnancy, so a woman is recommended to do a blood test for antibodies to the Rh factor before pregnancy. The fact is that if a woman underwent a surgical operation (including an abortion) or a blood transfusion before pregnancy, or if the pregnancy is not the first, then there is a possibility of the formation of specific antibodies in her blood.

Rh factor is an antigen found in the red blood cells of humans and rhesus monkeys (hence the name). By the presence or absence of the Rh factor, Rh-positive (approx. 85% of people) and Rh-negative (approx. 15% of people) organisms are distinguished. When an Rh-negative woman is pregnant with an Rh-positive fetus, immune complications are possible (hemolytic disease of the newborn, etc.). To prevent complications, anti-Rhesus gamma globulin is administered.

In recent years, it has been established that the interferon system is responsible for the body's immunity to viral infection. Interferons are released by host cells in response to an infection that has invaded them. They selectively block viral RNA, preventing the virus from replicating without affecting host cells. This allows the use of interferons in preparation for a planned pregnancy.

A significant factor in miscarriage is a change in the body's immune response. Autoimmune reactions develop against the body's own tissues. The number of autoantibodies may increase after spontaneous abortions, as there is autoimmunization to the hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), with chronic infection, after previous endocrine diseases, with autoimmune diseases (rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, diffuse -toxic goiter, myasthenia gravis, etc.).

Preparation for a planned pregnancy in patients with a chronic bacterial-viral infection includes the following steps:

Assessment of the state of the reproductive system of the spouses, correction of the identified violations;

An examination to identify an infectious agent (causative agent) - for this, serodiagnosis is carried out, reflecting the degree of activity of the process;

Study of immune, if necessary - interferon status, its correction;

Control and correction of the blood coagulation system (hemostasis), which is activated during chronic infection, directly participating in the processes of death and rejection of the fetal egg;

Correction of the energy metabolism of both spouses by prescribing courses of metabolic therapy (i.e. therapy based on the correction of metabolism).

If one of the spouses has common diseases that are not related to the generative function, i.e. with childbearing
(the so-called extragenital pathology), such as: oncological, endocrine diseases, dysfunction of the heart, kidneys, liver, etc., it is necessary to consult a specialist with a subsequent examination. The purpose of such an examination is to determine the degree of damage to the diseased organ, the adaptive capabilities of the body and the prognosis of fetal development. The study will allow to determine the state of the reproductive system of future parents. Based on the data obtained, the doctor will determine the level of general (including reproductive) health and, if necessary, prescribe certain preparation for conception, eliminating risk factors for miscarriage.

The best preparation for pregnancy ---
it is a healthy lifestyle that includes many factors - nutrition, physical activity, mental comfort, hardening, the fight against chronic foci of infection, a change in harmful work.

Proper nutrition is the key to successful conception.
Proper nutrition in the period preceding conception will help the fetus receive nutrients from the very beginning of pregnancy, when organs are being formed. By the way, malnutrition is one of the causes of miscarriages.

Good nutrition completely excludes all kinds of preservatives and semi-finished products, fatty foods. Your diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables. Food should be taken 4-5 times a day and in no case should you snack on the go. Conception determines the start of pregnancy. It is necessary to prepare for this important step in advance, so that nothing later overshadows the meeting with your child.

According to the Department of Dietetics of St. Petersburg Medical Academy named after Mechnikov, pregnant women do not need nutritional supplements and synthetic vitamins. In extreme cases, special mixtures can be used as directed by a doctor.

Folic acid occupies one of the leading places in the prevention of certain congenital diseases. 2-3 months before conception and in the first 3 months of pregnancy, you need to eat foods containing folic acid: fresh herbs (not leaning too much on parsley), cabbage, beets, carrots, potatoes with skins, peas, beans, whole grains, bran, seeds and nuts.

If a woman receives enough vegetable proteins and spends enough time in the air, then vegetarianism does not interfere with conception and successful pregnancy.

The most frequent foci of chronic infection in the family- teeth, nasopharynx, vagina and intestines of the mother. Treat the teeth of the whole family and keep a close eye on them. Be sure to those who suffer from chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of exacerbations - washing and rinsing. The incidence of staphylococcal and streptococcal infections in newborns (which is usually blamed on maternity hospitals) could be significantly reduced if the family itself was not the source of the infection. Also, in preparation for conception, future parents are examined for the presence of various chronic infections (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia), because. the diseases found must be treated before pregnancy, and then undergo a rehabilitation course and improve immunity.

Stop using hormonal contraceptives 2-3 months before the planned conception, because their residual amounts in the body reduce the absorption of vitamin C, magnesium, folic acid and increase the absorption of vitamin A. In addition, in the first months of the abolition of hormonal contraception, the likelihood of having twins increases, because. not one, but two eggs can come out of the ovaries.

Spermatozoa mature within 2.5 - 3 months, therefore, during this time before conception, it is advisable not to do X-ray examinations, especially for dad.

Alcohol also negatively affects spermatogenesis. Some men say that the maturation period of spermatozoa is approximately 3 months, and therefore, conception while intoxicated is not so dangerous - after all, “old” and possibly “sober” spermatozoa are erupted. At first glance, everything is so, but ... In the semen there are always “freak” spermatozoa - germ cells with various pathologies. Under normal conditions, healthy spermatozoa most often “overtake” sick ones. But alcohol, immediately upon entering the blood, begins to have a toxic effect on the spermatic fluid, which is “responsible” for maintaining the viability of spermatozoa. The change in mobility and the death of part of the normal spermatozoa gives the unfavorable a good chance to "run" to the egg. And so the likelihood increases conception from "sperm-freak".
But what about women? They, too, should not be too close friends with the "green serpent", if we are talking about the planned and desired conception. On the basis, alas, of a very rich material, scientists came to the conclusion that drinking alcohol before conception significantly increases the risk of miscarriage and the birth of a child with a particular pathology. Therefore, expectant parents are advised to minimize alcohol consumption approximately 3 months before the intended conception!

Overheating of the testicles in the bath or when working in a hot shop, wearing too tight underwear or jeans can impair sperm quality. Remember that nature placed the testicles in the scrotum on the outside of the body, and not in the abdominal cavity, because the comfortable temperature for them is 35 degrees.

If these conditions are met, the probability of successful conception and the birth of a healthy child is quite high.

But contacting a doctor before conception is a prerequisite. Only a specialist will help to detect hidden problems that can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the unborn baby. One of the parents may be a carrier of a disease-causing gene, as a result of which even apparently healthy parents may have a handicapped or sick child. A child with a congenital defect can also be born to healthy parents as a result of disorders in the germ cells. The risk of giving birth to such a child is higher, the older the woman. Therefore, do not neglect the advice of geneticists and gynecologists at conception.

And do not forget that the best preparation for conception is a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and peace of mind! Any stress for you and your body (even the simplest acute respiratory disease) can be reflected.

Does the probability decrease? conception a healthy child with a large age difference between parents?- this question worries so many men and women now. The answer to it is simple: the difference in age as such does not play any role in this case, the age itself is important.
The age of the man. Let's start with the fact that it matters much less than the age of a woman. In men, as in women, with age, a natural process of a gradual decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones (the main one of which is the male sex hormone testosterone) begins. The average onset of the "male menopause", or andropause, falls between 45 and 60 years of age. However, the decline in reproductive capacity does not mean its immediate and complete extinction. The natural rate of decline in testosterone synthesis is approximately 1% per year. By the age of 80, testosterone production decreases by an average of 20-50% in relation to the norm. But although the chances of becoming a father for a man “in years” decrease with age, it has not been proven by medicine that this has any effect on the likelihood conception child with some kind of disorder. That is, such a probability, of course, exists (unfortunately, no one is immune from it), but it practically does not depend on the age of the man.
The age of the woman. From a medical point of view, the optimal reproductive age of a woman is 20-35 years. Until the age of 20, the body of a woman (again, an "average" woman) cannot yet be considered fully formed, it is often not ready to endure the global hormonal and physiological changes associated with pregnancy. Women over 35 are diplomatically referred to as women of older reproductive age. Around this age (for someone earlier, for someone later), a natural decline in female reproductive function begins. However, it is not only a matter of reducing the probability conception. Unfortunately, after 35-40 years, a woman significantly increases the likelihood conception a child with a genetic pathology (the most famous and common is Down syndrome). The mechanism of this phenomenon has not yet been clearly elucidated. However, thanks to modern means of prenatal diagnostics and the latest advances in medicine in the field of pregnancy management, the age bar for women carrying and giving birth to healthy children is rising literally before our eyes.
Age difference between parents - what does it affect? Here, from scientifically proven facts, we move into the realm of conjectures and theories. There is, for example, an opinion that couples with a large age difference are more likely to give birth, if not brilliant, then, in any case, very smart and talented children. Medicine is not able to confirm or refute this, because, firstly, no one has yet defined clear scientific criteria for intelligence, talent and genius, and secondly, it is not known to what extent the intellectual potential of a child can be considered innate, and to what extent - a product of upbringing (do not forget that a big difference in years implies a considerable age and, therefore, a considerable baggage of life experience for one of the spouses). There is also a theory that the age difference between parents affects ... the sex of the first child. According to British doctors who conducted special studies, mature men who yearn to have a first-born son, it makes sense to choose a younger life partner. Childless women of older childbearing age who dream of a daughter should also look for a father to their child among the younger representatives of the opposite sex. However, systematic studies confirming such a relationship, as far as we know, have not been conducted anywhere in the world.

During pregnancy and childbirth, the female body experiences significant stress to all vital organs. With redoubled energy during pregnancy, the heart, kidneys, and liver work. The nervous, immune, endocrine systems experience great stress. Ensuring the body's own needs fades into the background, the priority is to maintain the vital activity of the new complex "mother - placenta - fetus". This requires resources. Even if the body has a sufficient margin of safety, i.e. his general health, including the health of the reproductive organs, is able to withstand such a “test”, all the same, pregnancy is an additional (and very serious) burden on the body. According to the World Health Organization, a healthy woman fully recovers after childbirth no earlier than a year later, and a second pregnancy can be recommended to her only 2 years after the previous conception. Planning for childbearing should include a general examination, determination of the body's readiness for stress and the possibility of ensuring optimal environmental conditions. At the same time, your life, nutrition, habits, work should be subordinated to one idea - the birth of a healthy child.

The health of the father of an unborn child is just as important as the health of his mother.. We hardly think about male reproductive health if the partner becomes pregnant easily. However, we should not forget that sperm can retain the ability to fertilize, being at the same time an excellent nutrient medium for any microorganisms, including viruses. Chronic prostatitis, for example, often goes unrecognized because the structure of the male urethra (urethra) is such that clinical signs of infection may not appear for a long time. A number of diseases experienced by adolescents during puberty can have a negative impact on emerging reproductive health. In addition, general and reproductive health is 70-75% determined by the environmental situation, lifestyle, social and economic conditions, and only 25-30% is due to medical factors, which include hereditary characteristics of the body.

What specialists it is desirable to visit before conception?

To all women who are about to conceive a child, do a general blood test (hemoglobin, erythrocyte, leukocyte counts, etc. are important), a biochemical blood test, a general urinalysis, as well as smears and a blood test for genital infections: many of them have a harmful effect on the fetus.
Spouses need to visit medical genetic counseling. Consult with therapist . The task, which is to identify and treat chronic diseases (cardiovascular system, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, anemia, tonsillitis, dysbacteriosis, immunodeficiency states, etc.). The presence of chronic diseases can greatly complicate the course of pregnancy, so their diagnosis and treatment before conception is very important. Must visit in advance dentist and solve all dental problems.
The woman is advised to be examined by gynecologist . A general examination, ultrasound, determination of the hormonal profile and some tests of functional diagnostics (measurement of basal temperature) will allow us to assess the state of her reproductive system in order, if necessary, to correct the pathology leading to problems with childbearing.
It is advisable for the future father to consult with urologist and andrologist , since many diseases of the genital area that adversely affect reproductive health can occur in a latent form (for example, inflammation of the prostate gland).
In addition to visits to doctors, both partners must pass analyzes - get tested for sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis) , ureaplasmosis), the presence of herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, exclude syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C.

Chronic, undiagnosed and untreated viral or bacterial infection is one of the main factors in miscarriage. Even in the absence of a direct effect on the fetus, the infectious process leads to the development of chronic endometritis, endocrine and autoimmune disorders, causing deviations in the development of the embryo (fetus), up to its death.

The referral for these tests will be given by a gynecologist or therapist. A woman should definitely check the intensity of immunity to rubella, and if it is insufficient, then get vaccinated at least 3 months before conception.

In which cases would-be parents are strongly advised to consult a geneticist before conception desired child?
- If any of the parents at any time of life was close to a source of radiation.
- If any of them worked as a painter, X-ray laboratory assistant, was employed in hazardous chemical production.
- If for health reasons they often underwent X-ray examinations or they took drugs that have a teratogenic (causing "breakdown" of genes) effect.
- If the spouses are even distant, but blood relatives and if the expectant mother is over 35, and the future dad is over 40 years old: in this case, the risk of having a child with a hereditary pathology increases significantly.
- If the couple (as well as relatives of future parents) had cases of stillbirth, the birth of a child with malformations, with hereditary pathology (Down syndrome, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, etc.).
- If a woman suffers from repeated miscarriages, miscarriage (this may be due to a genetic pathology).

In addition, in order to reduce the risk of mutations (gene breakage) leading to the birth of a sick child, it is advisable for women to take folic acid, vitamins, trace elements before pregnancy (dosage and intake rules can be obtained from the gynecologist of the antenatal clinic). If you have a Genetic Center in your city, then you can contact them for specific recommendations on conception. As a rule, they do not deal only with problems of hereditary diseases and infertility, as is often thought, but also with pleasure examine the "normal" couple. Most often, they are examined for the presence of chronic infections, such as chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureoplasmosis, etc. It is desirable to treat the found infections before the onset of pregnancy, without fail having passed the stage of immunocorrection and the recovery stage.

Pregnancy is contraindicated if...
Modern medicine has significantly reduced the list of diseases that are absolute contraindications to pregnancy and childbirth. So, today even women with some forms of heart disease or diabetics can experience the joy of motherhood. However, contraindications to pregnancy still remain:
- conditions incompatible with gestation (epilepsy);
- diseases in which pregnancy and childbirth pose a threat to a woman's life:
- severe heart disease with circulatory disorders;
- severe hypertension with circulatory disorders;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- lung disease with respiratory failure;
- kidney diseases leading to chronic renal failure (glomerulonephritis, etc.);
- systemic connective tissue diseases (lupus erythematosus);
- oncological diseases.
In some of these cases, doctors may even recommend surgical sterilization to a woman as the most reliable method of preventing a deadly pregnancy.
In addition to absolute contraindications to pregnancy, there are temporary, associated with a particular state of the body of future parents. So, it is not recommended to allow the onset of pregnancy during an exacerbation of chronic diseases and infectious diseases, within a year after any surgical (abdominal) operations, during a sharp weight loss, as well as against the background of various courses of treatment (chemotherapy, radiation) and taking drugs that are contraindicated during pregnancy. Pregnancy in these circumstances may pose a risk to the health of the mother or fetus (or both), but over time, with improved health and discontinuation of drugs incompatible with pregnancy, a woman may well become pregnant, bear and give birth to a healthy child.

If you have decided to do everything possible for your unborn child by starting preparations for his appearance even before his conception - do not doubt that you have made the right decision! Who will help an inexperienced couple deal with all the questions that arise in preparation for pregnancy, make an individual list of necessary examinations, etc.? Now this is not a problem. In addition to state medical institutions such as antenatal clinics, polyclinics, family planning centers, specialized non-state structures have appeared that provide consultations to perinatologists, andrologists, and psychologists. The main thing is your desire!

P.S. - If you are already pregnant and are happy about it, we are also happy for you. Don't be discouraged or discouraged by the fact that you unknowingly ignored the recommendations of doctors to prepare for pregnancy. Turn - certainly together with the father of the unborn child - to specialists, and you will receive the necessary assistance - both medical and psychological.

Modern potential parents, thanks to the abundance of medical information, have become more responsible for their health. After all, everyone wants to have healthy and strong heirs.

So what should a woman, and a man, do, too, so that the pregnancy proceeds without severe complications, and a child is born without severe pathologies?

Preparing a woman

The good health of the mother is the main factor in the birth of a healthy baby. Of course, a woman's eggs are laid during fetal development, and every cigarette smoked or glass of wine drunk affects one of them, causing changes in her genetic chain. And if it is the altered egg that is fertilized, then the baby will have physical abnormalities.

Of course, it is difficult to prevent fertilization of the “wrong” egg. But other problems can be avoided. For this, it is advisable for every woman to undergo an examination before planning a pregnancy.

Medical examination

A gynecologist is the main female doctor, and preparation for conception should begin with a visit to his office. The specialist needs to provide a complete picture of the health of the expectant mother. He will give directions for the necessary tests, conduct the necessary studies and refer, if necessary, for further examination to other specialists.

What is the examination:

  1. A woman needs to exclude the presence of various kinds of infections in the body and be sure to check the Rh factor and blood type. A negative Rh factor in a partner and a positive one in a partner will require subsequent blood donation during pregnancy for Rh antibodies.
  2. Examination of the uterus, appendages, vagina will give an idea of ​​the absence of formations requiring surgical intervention. If suddenly there are problems, then first you need to carry out treatment.
  3. A mammogram will show the absence of a tumor in the breast.
  4. The dentist examines the condition of the teeth and treats those that need it. The growth of the fetus will require a lot of calcium, which the baby will take from mommy, so it is better to take care of the condition of the teeth in advance.

A visit to an otolaryngologist, therapist, immunologist, genetics will help prevent surprises that may begin during the period of bearing a child.

You also need to do the following tests:

  1. Blood for biochemical, general analysis. You also need to pass it to determine the infectious disease, STDs.
  2. General urine analysis.
  3. A smear from the vagina to determine the pathogenic microflora.
  4. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

In a conversation with a gynecologist, be sure to mention abortions, miscarriages, and the inability to conceive for a long time.

Proper nutrition

Three months before conception, the preparation of the body will require some changes in the diet. Every day, until fertilization, a woman will need to take folic acid (vitamin B) in an amount of 0.4 mg. Refuse to:

  • Smoked and spicy foods.
  • Soft varieties of cheese.
  • Soft-boiled eggs, rare steaks, raw milk.
  • Excess foods containing vitamin A (may harm the fetus in the future).

The menu of the future mother should contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Nutrition is based on products such as:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Foods containing fiber (lentils, beans, wholemeal bread, whole grain rice).
  • Sea fish.
  • Dairy.
  • Foods containing iron (dried fruits, oatmeal, red meat).
  • Greens (Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli).

You can drink vitamins in tablets. But you need to understand that it is not recommended to prescribe vitamin complexes for yourself, because an excess of vitamins is no less harmful than a lack. The dose and vitamins will be selected by the attending physician.

No to bad habits

From alcohol, drugs and smoking, a woman, of course, should be abandoned once and for all. If this is too difficult, then you need at least Smoking mothers expose their gestating children to oxygen starvation. The weight of newborns is usually less, and the risk of giving birth to a dead baby is greater. In children, diseases such as:

  • Allergy.
  • Asthma.
  • intrauterine pneumonia.

Such children will have specific facial features, and there is also a high probability of mental abnormalities.

Preparing to conceive a child will require a complete abstinence from alcohol before and during conception.

For three months, birth control pills (especially hormonal ones) and spirals should be abandoned. You will have to use condoms for a while.

To improve the overall well-being of the body, a woman needs:

  • Get enough sleep.
  • Walk more in the fresh air.
  • Avoid stress and excessive exercise.
  • Listen to calm music.
  • Contemplate beautiful pictures.

A favorable atmosphere in the family, good relations between family members, agreement in matters of conception will not strain the expectant mother once again. And the good mood and positive attitude of women is transmitted to all other family members.

We consider ovulation

Before starting sexual intercourse, a woman needs to count the days favorable for conception. To do this, you need to know your monthly cycle (it is constantly required to be noted in a special calendar). Ovulation begins about 14 days after the onset of menstruation.

Measuring the temperature in the anus every morning will indicate the exact time of ovulation. If until the cherished day it stays within 37 degrees, then on the day of ovulation it drops to 36.2.

Ultrasound and special tests from a pharmacy can also indicate the exact time of favorable fertilization.

How to prepare a man?

The father, like the mother, gives the child his genetic material. Good sperm quality contributes greatly to a favorable conception, and the sperm reserve is renewed every 2.5 months. Oppressive external factors affecting a man, as well as his bad habits, can do a disservice.

Visiting doctors

Preparing a man for conceiving a child is preferable no later than 3 months before the planned event. Moreover, in addition to giving up alcohol, etc., you will have to undergo a medical examination.

You need to go to the doctors:

  • Urologist.
  • Therapist.
  • Dentist.
  • Other specialists (nutritionist, geneticist, immunologist).

The urologist will conduct the necessary examinations of the male genital organs and offer to take tests for infection with PPIs. After all, sexual infections of the father can lead to pathologies of intrauterine development of the fetus.

When diagnosing any diseases, the doctor will prescribe treatment, after which the tests will need to be retaken. A spermogram is a must. It will give an idea of ​​the quality of spermatozoa and the number of cells capable of fertilization.

Further, the therapist will tell you how a man prepares for conception. The doctor will give directions for urine and blood tests. You also need to do a cardiogram of the heart. If a man has a history of chronic diseases or is prescribed medication on an ongoing basis, then the specialist will be able to select less toxic substances. It may be better to refuse to take some funds.

During the preparation period, it is useful for a man to start taking vitamins. The therapist will select the optimal multivitamin complex and prescribe folic acid. Some other drugs that the doctor will talk about at the consultation will also help increase fertility.

A blood test is important for confirming the blood type and determining the Rh factor. It is also necessary to exclude diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis.

Power correction

The preparation of a man for the conception of a child will not be complete without compiling the right menu. The diet should be diversified as much as possible: enrich with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements. Meat and fish products, fruit and vegetable dishes, cereals - everything should be present on the table. The best products for future parents will be those that have a natural composition. Preference before conception is given:

  • Beef contains zinc, which increases sperm production.
  • Freshly cut greens due to their folic acid content.
  • Foods rich in vitamin C (oranges, black currants, kiwi).
  • Whole grain products (rich in folic acid).
  • Eggs. They contain protein, trace elements and vitamins.
  • Dairy products due to their calcium content.
  • Fatty fish (omega-3 fatty acids).
  • Nuts. They contain zinc and vitamins.

Healthy eating is not overeating, but eating small meals 4-5 times a day. Obesity and excess weight of a man will negatively affect the ability to fertilize. Foods to limit:

  • Products with synthetic additives.
  • Baking.
  • Liver.
  • Coffee.
  • Fried food.
  • Fast food, soda, snacks.
  • Alcohol.

The habit of adhering to proper nutrition should remain. The younger generation will subsequently learn it, which will certainly have a positive effect on their health.

Getting rid of bad habits

How a man prepares for conception, and how bad habits affect this process, an andrologist can tell.

If a man is serious about becoming a father, then it's time to quit smoking. Alcohol, nicotine and drugs affect the reproductive system and lead to the birth of sick children. Nature limits the birth of unhealthy offspring, and the quality of sperm in the case of the use of harmful substances drops sharply.

Nicotine is excreted from the body faster than alcohol, which takes about 3 months to completely get rid of. The same time is needed to recover from diseases that require medication.

Sports and relationships

Sports exercises will only benefit if the classes are held without unnecessary physical exertion. With some sports it is better to wait. For example, martial arts or cycling can injure the groin area.

Continuous intercourse will not help you get pregnant faster. High-quality sperm should mature within 2-3 days, so the period of “relationships on schedule” begins.

Specific recommendations on how to prepare for conception will be given by a specialist at a personal consultation. Accurate adherence to the doctor's instructions before a crucial moment in the life of partners will help to conceive and endure a healthy, strong baby.
