How to choose a sofa for a small living room. Sofa in the living room - choose the style, color and transformation mechanism. Is the selected sofa model suitable for interior design?

Basically, the place where the sofa is placed is the living room. The living room is the face of the whole house. Guests are welcomed in the living room, the whole family discusses all their problems in their free time or just spend their leisure time.

The sofa in the interior of the living room has an important role. Coziness, comfort come from him. Therefore, the purchase of a sofa is always given such great importance.

And here it is very important to pay attention not only to its appearance, but also to convenience, a long period of use.

When buying a sofa, focus on the following:

For what purpose are you buying it. This means the following: in order to watch TV in a pleasant environment in the evening and nothing more.

Then a sofa that is simple in its design will suit you. The main thing is to be soft and comfortable.

Or you want to use it as a place to sleep. How many people will sleep on it. Here the choice will be more difficult.

There are different design options for a sleeping sofa in the living room, both in terms of their ease of disassembly and the convenience of the bed.

It is necessary to pay attention to how the sofa will be cleaned, to its upholstery. If you have small children, this is very important.

When choosing the color of the sofa, you must consider the color of the walls in the room. In the interior, everything is connected to each other. Even replacing the pillows on the sofa can change your interior for the worse.

Decide on the size of the sofa so that it fits well into the interior of the room. If you correctly and responsibly approach the solution of these issues, this will help you in a faster and more correct choice of a sofa that is convenient for you.

How to decide on the style of the sofa

What style to choose for the sofa, you will be prompted by the overall interior of your room.

If the living room is decorated in a classic style, then the sofa should match it. This will create a single style of restraint, calmness.

Modern sofas are characterized by great comfort. They are more functional. This is achieved by using new design mechanisms and materials.

An ordinary sofa has simple shapes and an unpretentious look. If your living room is made in the style of elegance and conciseness, then this sofa is what you need.

Which sofa to choose will help you photos of sofas in the interior of the living room, shown below.

How to decide on the shape and size of the sofa

This will tell you the size of your room. Corner sofas in the living room are suitable for large rooms. The living room will look chic and rich.

Such models also provide sleeping places. A big plus of such a sofa is the rejection of other seating places such as chairs, ottomans.

The interior wins due to this, there is no clutter with furniture. Many models have reclining tables. Such a sofa will look good in the center of the room in front of the TV.

It will be more difficult to choose a model for a small room. For those who have a small room, there is no other choice but to buy small modular sofas for the living room.

And even so, before buying, you need to carefully measure the free space in the room. Measure seven times, cut once - this proverb is for this case.

It is for such apartments that sofa models have been created, consisting of separate sections, the so-called modular sofas.

Modular sofas are very popular right now. For large rooms, they can also be used. With their help, you can quickly and originally change the interior of the room, break it into separate zones.

In general, a modular sofa is a set of upholstered furniture, consisting of different elements.

Which sofa frame to choose

When choosing a sofa, this issue is also considered very important. The frame can be metal or wood.

On the market are modern sofas with plastic frames, or even sofas without a frame.

But such models are not particularly in demand due to their impracticality. You can't use them every day.

If you have chosen a metal sofa frame, then such a sofa will serve you for a long time. But for the sleeping option, you need to buy an orthopedic mattress.

If you have chosen a sofa with a wooden frame, then such sofas are environmentally friendly and safe. This is especially important for children.

Which frame to choose is up to you.

In the modern world, there is a variety of models of sofas in the living room, the photo clearly demonstrates them.

Photos of new models of sofas for the living room

So that your new sofa in the living room does not spoil your mood, soon after buying it, I advise you to thoroughly prepare for its choice. The price of a decent sofa starts from 15,000 rubles. It's a pity if the money you spent will fly into the pipe.

Where to start choosing a living room sofa?

  • First of all, you need to determine the tasks that the sofa in your living room should solve.. How many people should it accommodate, with what intensity will you use it, do you need a bed. The design and shape of the sofa will depend on this.
  • The next point is how much space are you willing to allocate to place the sofa.. This moment affects the size, shape and place in the living room of your new "friend".
  • Next, you need to understand how the sofa will “make friends” with the interior of your living room.. Perhaps the interior already exists and the sofa needs to be harmoniously entered there, Or maybe you have a different case - the interior is missing and its construction begins with the sofa. The choice of style, color and location of the sofa will depend on this understanding.

Why is it necessary to proceed in this order?

Because usually the choice of a sofa begins with a color. And with the words - "Oh, what a beautiful!", They bring him home. And at home, the second series begins. The sofa is so uncomfortable that even the flies do not sit on it. Of course it's a joke, but that's how it goes.

Now we will analyze all the stages of selection in detail.

The tasks of the sofa in the living room

The sofa in the living room can solve the problem of organizing a place for gatherings and relaxation, as well as, if necessary, provide an additional place to sleep.

The most important factor in this regard is the functionality and usability of the sofa. What characteristics should a comfortable living room sofa have?

seating sofa design

The sofa for the living room can be stationary and folding.

If the task of the sofa is to provide only a place to sit and relax, then a non-folding sofa is quite suitable. In the people it is called a sitting sofa. It makes no sense to overpay for a folding model if you do not plan to sleep on the couch.

Pictured is a stationary sofa for the living room

If you need to organize a sleeping place in the living room, you will need a model that allows you to turn your sofa into a bed. The so-called sleeping living room sofa. Folding sofas will cope with this function.

Pictured is a folding sleeping sofa for the living room

  • The durability and comfort of a stationary seating sofa depends on the type of frame of its filler and upholstery.
  • And for a folding sofa, in addition to these elements, the transformation mechanism is also very important.

Let me go over each of the elements in more detail.

seating sofa frame

The frame material can be:

  • Wood- Usually they use pine, birch, in expensive models oak, beech and even exotic species. When choosing a wooden frame, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the wood contains as few knots as possible. Perfect without them. Such a wooden frame will be durable and strong. The tree has proven itself well in both folding and stationary models of sofas for the living room.

Pictured is a sofa frame for a living room made of wood

  • Metal- basically, a metal hollow pipe with a square or rectangle section is used as a frame, the legs of the sofa often have a round section. Metal is the strongest of the frames. In addition, it does not burn and has good environmental performance. Frame pipes due to hollowness have a low weight. The metal frame is lighter than wood or plywood. Perhaps the only negative is the high cost. Therefore, it is rarely used in budget models.

Pictured is a metal sofa frame for a living room

  • Plywood very good stuff. Strength will depend on the thickness of the plywood and its density. The thicker and denser the better. Also, make sure there are no knots.
  • MDF(medium density fiberboard from the English Medium Density Fibreboard, MDF) is a fairly durable material and often has a decorative finished look. More often it is used for the visible elements of the sofa.
  • Chipboard(chipboard) is the most economical type of frame. Does not endure long and significant loads. It is not advisable to take a folding sofa with a chipboard frame. He won't last long. Chipboard is a rather porous and brittle material. Suitable for stationary sofas with a small load.

The photo shows the frame of the sofa for the living room from MDF

General conclusion on frames. The choice of frame material depends on the expected load and intensity of use of the sofa. The higher they are, the stronger the frame material should be.

Living room sofa fillers

The comfort of the sofa depends on the filler. Will it be comfortable to sit and sleep on it if necessary. I didn’t do a complete one here, but limited myself to only the most suitable for the living room.

As a filler in the sofa can be used:

  • Spring blocks. They come with dependent and independent springs. Independent spring blocks are ideal for a sleeping place. Spring blocks are among the most convenient and durable fillers. The sofa for the living room with a spring block is a very good choice.

Pictured are spring blocks. Dependent on the left, Bonnel independent on the right. These are the best fillers for a living room sofa.

  • Polyurethane foam PPU. Refers to hard fillers. It may be of various types. There are block and cast polyurethane foam. It also happens to be PPU in the form of balls. Block and cast differ in the way of production, they are approximately equal in strength. But the balls are used mainly for filling frameless bag chairs. PPU is well suited for a sofa in the living room, because it withstands loads, is comfortable for sitting and sleeping, and has a long service life. With proper maintenance, it will last 10 years or more.

In the photo on the left, PPU and on the right, latex are also good fillers

  • Soft fillers. Here the list is quite extensive. Sintepon, sintepuh, holofiber, komforel and durafil foam rubber and latex. From this list, holofiber and latex are best suited for a living room sofa. These fillers have good resistance to stress and are comfortable to sit on.

living room sofa upholstery

With the functionality and tasks of a sofa for the living room, everything. Let's move on to the next step.

Place and size of the sofa in the living room

Where to put the sofa, and what size it should be, depends on the area and free space in your living room. Let's consider different options.

Large size living room

Types and sizes of sofas for a large living room

Owners of spacious premises have more opportunities for creativity. In such a living room, you can safely use sofas of large sizes and various shapes. You are allowed to choose sofas of intricate shapes in the form of ovals, circles and other exotics. .

In the photo options for large living room sofas

Another interesting approach for a living room with a good amount of space is combinations of several small or medium sofas of the same type.

The photo shows a combination of the same type of sofas for a large living room

It is also acceptable to use the classics of the genre - a sofa and chairs for it. Usually the composition "sofa chairs" is placed around some object, such as a fireplace or TV.

.In the photo of the composition sofa chairs in the living room

And from modern trends it is worth paying attention to modular sofas. They were just created for solid areas and allow you to place a large company in your living room. At the same time, the sofa modules are mobile and can move in space. This will allow you to make a sofa of various configurations. Thanks to this, your company can be seated according to interests.

Pictured is the Blue Angel modular sofa in the interior of the living room

Place sofa in a large living room

The choice of sofa location depends on what you want to focus on.. On the sofa itself or on another object that the sofa complements and plays with.

In a large living room, a sofa or sofa combinations can be placed both along the walls and away from them.

  • Sofa can fit like an island. A table, a bar, a fireplace, a TV and even a hearth can be placed inside the sofa composition. For this option, Round, C-shaped and U-shaped and modular sofas are suitable. In this case, the sofa complements the central object.

  • With the help of sofas you can make zoning large living room. For example, allocate a recreation area, in some part of it, or divide the space with a sofa, as a partition, into a dining area and an area for afternoon relaxation. Corner sofas work well for this task. In this approach, the sofa acts as an independent, almost building element.

The photo shows an example of zoning a living room with a sofa

  • Compositions of sofas can be located in different corners or along the walls in your big living room. In this version, sofas are also independent islands of the interior. For this solution, corner, modular sofas and combinations of the same type of sofas of different sizes are suitable.

The general conclusion is simple. If you are the owner of a spacious living room - don't be afraid to experiment! Fortunately, the area allows you to do this.

small living room size

Since the area is small, it is necessary to give preference to the functional side of the sofa as much as possible. The sofa should be multifunctional. Such a universal home "soldier".

Types and sizes of sofas for a small living room

Obviously, for small areas you need to use compact models of sofas. In small living rooms it is preferable use sofas with straight lines. Small straight and corner sofas are suitable for you.

If you still want other shapes, then keep in mind that any circles or ovals take up a lot of space. You can use these forms of sofas if there are no more bulky pieces of furniture in addition to the sofa in your small living room. Otherwise, you simply have nowhere to go.

Same way it is not recommended to use sofas with armchairs in small living rooms. Armchairs require significant space for installation, but functionally they will not make life much easier for you. You can also sit on something less voluminous.

The place of the sofa in a small living room

Unfortunately, you won't be able to walk around. The main place of the sofa in your case is along a wall or in a corner of a room. So it takes up a minimum of useful space.

.In the photo above, corner sofas in the interior of a small living room

The photo shows straight sofas in the interior of a small living room

If you still decide to put the sofa away from the wall, consider the size of the remaining passage and how you will get to the sofa or other objects in the living room. Although in small studios the sofa is often used for zoning, separating the kitchen area from the living area with a sofa. Maybe a similar option will suit you. However, in this case, very tiny models are used.

In the photo above, examples of installing a sofa in a small living room are not along the walls

Decided on the sizes. We turn to the interior and the role of the sofa in it.

Sofa in the interior of the living room

As I said above, the integration of the sofa into the interior of the living room can take place in two main ways.

  • First option- this is when the construction of the interior of the living room starts from scratch and the sofa can become both a key - a central element in it, and be complementary. This option has more freedom of choice.
  • Second option- the interior already exists, or there is a design project and you only need to harmoniously fit the sofa. In this case, the sofa can be both an accent element and an additional one. The main difference from the first case is that there are restrictions on the color scheme of the sofa, which is already predetermined by the existing interior. This case involves a very competent work with the color of the sofa.

Both approaches assume that in the end all the objects and the interior of the living room will match each other in style. True, in some cases it is permissible to combine styles, for example, in eclecticism. But there is a very thin line between eclecticism and bad taste. Be careful with this.

Styles of sofas in the living room

In writing this section, it has been tempting to use almost scientific terminology and describe sofas in the styles of Tuxedo, Bridgewater, Sleeper Chesterfield, Cabriole Lawson, Camelbec, and even MID-CENTURY MODERN. These styles sound really mysterious and certainly have the right to life. But they are rather acceptable to use for the style of sofa shapes.

And when I imagined the picture that you go into a furniture store and ask the seller standing there - “Do you have Cabriol sofas”, his reaction and answer in the style - “The fool himself” became obvious to me.

Therefore, I will continue to use the "folk" names of the styles of living room sofas. They very much intersect with the names of interior styles. This will make it easier for you to choose a sofa. I counted over thirty styles and their combinations. So here I can only list them. And you can read about them in detail in another article on the site - styles of sofas.

modern sofa styles for living room

Minimalism, techno, loft, high-tech, fusion, eco-style, steampunk.

Pictured is a sofa in the living room in the style of minimalism

Styles that appeared in the 20th century

Boho, patchwork, art deco, shabby chic, provence, colonial style, constructivism, functionalism.

Pictured is a patchwork sofa

historical styles

Gothic, Baroque, Rococo, Empire, Art Nouveau, Classicism, Victorian style

Pictured sofa in the Empire style

ethnic styles

Scandinavian, Oriental, Mediterranean, African, Indian, Chinese, Arabic.

Pictured is a sofa in the living room in a Scandinavian style

We skimmed over the styles. Now we will analyze the main concepts that determine the role of the sofa in the interior of the living room.

Concept - sofa center of the living room interior

This approach suggests that the main focus of the interior should be on the sofa. How to achieve this?

Here's what you can do, but always keep the style of the interior in mind.

Use a sofa with non-standard upholstery in the interior of the living room. For example, upholstery in the form of a bright print is suitable. If a suitable copy is not found, you can sew an original cover, for example, from faux fur, in the form of a zebra or cow skin, or from a fabric that is unusual in color or texture.

Pictured sofas in the living room with unusual prints

Try a sofa in a bright or contrasting color with respect to the surroundings. The overall perception can be enhanced with details - for example, place photo frames on the wall in the color of the sofa, or ties for curtains. That is, add small accents to the color of the sofa to enhance the effect.

Suitable for an accent and an unusually shaped sofa, and to enhance it also with its unusual placement in the living room.

In the photo there is a sofa in the living room with an unusual shape and location

Concept - a sofa addition to the interior of the living room

This design option suggests that the sofa is not visible in the interior. His role in it is auxiliary and he only complements the main style. This approach involves the use of sofas in neutral, not flashy colors - gray, light beige, light cream, etc. The shape of the sofa should also be simple. Sofas of a straight and angular shape are suitable.

Photo of sofas in the interior of the living room

This photo compilation summarizes everything discussed above. There are photos of corner, straight and modular and original sofas in the living room. In short, living room sofas in all their glory.

To enlarge a photo, hover over it and click on it.

Video how to choose a sofa in the living room

For dessert, a video about the main aspects of choosing a sofa in the living room. I have already told about everything and even more above, but if you want to "fix the material" look.

A sofa is a piece of furniture that is able to give the room a cozy and comfortable atmosphere by its presence. If you know exactly which sofa to choose for the living room, choose the right shape, color, location, then you can change it beyond recognition. In addition, the sofa is an indispensable attribute of any interior. By and large, you can abandon many furniture elements in order to expand the free space, but the sofa always plays the role of the center of a quality rest area, of course, without it, the living room cannot become complete. That is why many people try to choose the most comfortable, ergonomic, spectacular models so that they not only complement the interior, but also become an integral part of it. Now we will learn how to choose a sofa, consider the main selection points that must be touched upon.

Sofa - an indispensable attribute of modern living rooms

A soft, comfortable, unusual, eye-catching piece of furniture is guaranteed to attract the attention of guests and become a real decoration. But it is important to learn how to choose sofas, because modern furniture manufacturers offer a huge variety of variations. This is not an easy task, so you need to take it seriously.

Important! Since the sofa is often located in the center of the room, even the slightest flaws attract the attention of guests right from the doorstep. In addition, in this room we not only receive guests, but also arrange family gatherings at home, taking a break from everyday hustle and bustle. Therefore, it is not surprising that living rooms in apartments and private houses are of great importance, since they seriously affect the choice of the entire interior content.

Based on the foregoing, the highest requirements are placed on the furniture placed in the living room. The recommendations that we give below will help you make the right choice, not get confused at the most crucial moment and purchase a product that best suits your individual preferences and the main parameters of the room.

The role of placing a sofa in the interior of any living room

How to choose a sofa for the interior? Where is the best place to put it? It is definitely impossible to answer this question, since a lot depends on the dimensions of the room, the location of windows, doors, TV, and many other factors.

Despite the fact that there is no single rule, there are still a couple of universal tips:

  • The purchase of such important upholstered furniture should be approached without jokes, in no case making hasty decisions.
  • This acquisition is not cheap, it is bought for a rather long period.
  • In the interior of a small municipal apartment, the sofa plays the role of a central element that attracts everyone's attention.
  • The shape and color of the sofa set a non-specialized mood for the inhabitants of the house and the room itself.

Functional and design features

Before you choose a corner sofa for the living room, a standard rectangular shape, transforming or any other, stop at some color, a certain appearance, you need to decide on the main purpose of using it in your home. You may find these tips and tricks useful when choosing a sofa design, depending on the features of its operation:

  • If you plan to sit on the couch in front of the TV, chat, eat with friends, then it is better to prefer a model without any functional changes. Such products take up a minimum of space, look elegant, stylish, but are designed for no more than 2-3 people.
  • Do you like to invite friends to visit, arrange intimate gatherings in the living room? Then your option is a corner sofa that can accommodate a large number of people.
  • If you want the sofa to be used as a bed at night, then you should pay more attention to indicators such as the ease and reliability of the change mechanism. It is important that when unfolded on the sofa there are not too large differences between the sections.

Important! An excellent option is a folding model equipped with an orthopedic mattress.

  • The choice of a living room sofa is often dictated by the need to arrange an extra bed in case your guests decide to spend the night with you. Such products are equipped with folding or retractable mechanisms.

How does the design of the living room affect the choice of sofa?

How to choose a sofa that would fit into the interior of the living room as well as possible, correspond to its non-specialized style? If you have settled on a neutral form of a discreet model, then correctly selected upholstery according to the texture can help you fit it correctly into the interior. For example:

  • The classic living room will be complemented by light-colored models with a discreet, unobtrusive texture.
  • Minimalism is definitely best combined with dark skin, wool or cotton in dark blue or gray.
  • The most practical option, at the same time suitable for the smallest or huge apartments where small children and pets live, is flock or microfiber.
  • If the living room is furnished in a rustic style, then linen covers, fabrics with a high content of viscose or cotton will be an ideal choice.

What role is assigned to the color of furniture?

Surely, you are wondering how to match the color of the sofa to the interior? To choose the right texture and shade for your new upholstered furniture, mainly focus on the color of the walls:

  • If the interior is dominated by neutral bright colors, then it is better that the upholstery be more saturated and clear colors.
  • Living rooms with colored walls are recommended to be complemented with white upholstery, in particular, this applies to heavily darkened rooms.
  • In no case do not order upholstery that is identical in color to the tone of the wallpaper, because the furniture will simply merge with the walls.

Important! Perhaps you want to use decorative pillows in your interior? This will be a good enough solution, because many colors and shades need reinforcement:

  • Pillows are recommended to be used in tandem with sofas in brown, cream, white, gray, as well as all shades of green.
  • The absence of pillows will calmly survive the models of orange, red, blue, yellow, purple, lilac.

The interior of the sofa

In fact, this parameter is not as important as it might seem, but the comfort of the sofa depends on it. Therefore, at the time of purchase, ask the sales assistant what materials were used to fill the model you liked.

It seems that the most important thing in choosing a sofa is not to make a mistake with the size and find a color in harmony with the decor. However, a small living room makes its own adjustments. You can buy the first sofa you like, but it will crush the living room, and it will seem that there is even less space in it. Therefore, we will tell you the tricks that designers use when choosing furniture.

What is little space?

Freeing up space under the sofa is not enough. To make it look proportional, you need to have a place in front of the sofa equal to its longest side, multiplied by two. For example, if you want a two-meter sofa, then make sure you can look at it from a distance of four meters, or does the size of the room not allow this?

So, you need to buy a smaller sofa?

This is the first conclusion that comes to mind. Yes, a compact sofa will solve the problem of scale, but it will not solve the problem of seating the family in front of the TV or a bed of sufficient length. Therefore, start from the actual length you need, but choose according to the tips below.


First, prepare your surroundings. Well-lit objects appear smaller than those in partial shade. Consider good lighting around the sofa. Let the light fall on it at an angle of 45 degrees to illuminate all planes as much as possible.

Rounded corners

All designers know that a square looks bigger than it really is, and a circle looks smaller. Use this illusion: buy a sofa with rounded corners and smooth shapes. Then he will, as it were, direct the energy into the form and will not try to capture the entire living room.

Division into sections

The sum of several sections seems to be less than the whole. The sofa can be modular or have several dedicated seating cushions. At a minimum, it is worth using a backrest made of individual pillows, and not a solid one.

The pattern solves the same problem: a large strip or a cage. Be careful, too small a pattern, on the contrary, expands the volume of the sofa. To find a happy medium, just rely on your feel of the furniture.


A sofa standing on neat legs is perceived as less massive, as if floating in the air. The reception is also good because more of the floor is visible, due to which the living area seems larger.

Color solution

We should not forget about our perception of color. It is important not only with the rest of the items and the decoration of the living room, not only the psychological impact of color, but also the effect of approaching and moving away. Deep cold shades, such as blue, cyan, aquamarine, purple visually distance the subject. Warm red, yellow, orange - bring closer. So for the sofa it is better to choose a cold shade of color.

The darkness/lightness of the color is also very important. Dark color, despite the fact that it removes the object and makes it visually smaller, it also absorbs light, which reduces the surrounding space. It is better not to make the sofa completely black, but black vertical elements are allowed. If you make an object, on the contrary, too light, it will appear larger by itself. Therefore, it is better to choose the golden mean.


Another important point when choosing a sofa in a small living room is its proportional combination with other items. It is better to put the sofa on a large carpet and not to hang too small images above it - the contrast of magnitudes will affect the visual proportions of the sofa.


For a small space, choose a sofa upholstery that is smooth and reflects the color as much as possible. Velvety textures and patent leather work well with this. Too textured fabric, such as fleecy or rough, will visually make the sofa heavier.


The sofa is a very important part of the interior, which can be found in almost every apartment. In the living room, especially if it is small, this element of furniture is the main one, so in style it should be in harmony with the design of the room itself.

Frame selection criteria

In whatever room you choose a sofa, its base must be strong and reliable.. Sofa frames are made of metal, wood, or a combination. Of course, the most durable and reliable is metal, but it also has its drawbacks. Firstly, it is incredibly heavy, which complicates transportation, and secondly, it is quite expensive. Consumers most often choose a wooden frame. This is due to the price category and relative ease. Wooden frames are created using several materials: plywood, chipboard and MDF. When choosing a sofa with a similar frame, pay attention to whether the wood is well dried. Chipboard parts must be coated with a special paint. If this is not the case, they can release harmful substances along with the resin.

Basic sofa mechanisms

See the photo gallery at the end of the article

  1. The most common and durable mechanism is the “book”. It is ideal for those sofas that will later be used as a bed.
  2. No less common, but not so convenient and completely unreliable mechanism is the “clamshell”. This sofa option can be safely chosen for those living rooms in which no one will sleep. It is better to lay it out no more than a few times a year. The berth is based on a support of 12 veneer sheets, and below, as a rule, plywood drawers are located.
  3. The roll-out mechanism is perhaps the most convenient to use, but experts do not recommend it for a permanent overnight stay. If you are going to use such a sofa for sleeping often, choose a high-quality and durable roller mechanism. Before buying, check if it sticks. The wheels must be made of rubber so as not to leave scratches on the floor.
  4. Folding sidewalls are a wonderful variant of the mechanism for the living room. Easy to fold and unfold, but can only provide one place to sleep.

Upholstery selection

When choosing upholstery material, you need to thoroughly study it from all sides.. If it is leather, pay attention to the dyeing and the quality of the workmanship. It is important to check the fabric material for the presence of Teflon impregnation or special spraying, which are designed to protect the upholstery from dust, moisture and dirt.

A sofa upholstered with tapestry, jacquard and chenille will suit the classic interior. For a minimalist room, it is better to purchase a model made of black leather or upholstered in dark blue or dark gray wool. Flock and microfiber covers are ideal for those with pets or small children. This is quite a budget and practical upholstery. A very stylish and safe option for furniture is to use linen, cotton or viscose covers.

Types of synthetic upholstery fabrics and their advantages:

  • chennil - very easy to clean and does not stretch;
  • flock - due to the fact that its surface is covered with pile, it requires a special approach to cleaning and a thrifty attitude;
  • tapestry - due to its practicality, this is perhaps the most common upholstery material, it is durable and has a wide range of colors;
  • velor - it is relatively easy to clean, but can wear out;
  • arpatek is a fairly durable material that is easy to clean, known for its long-term color retention;
  • microfiber - durable and practical material with a Teflon coating, has no predisposition to shedding and fading;
  • jacquard - famous for its exquisite and complex patterns.

Among the natural fabrics used for sofa upholstery, linen, cotton, silk and wool deserve special mention. These materials retain their shape well, but their common significant drawback is rapid wear. As a rule, sofas with natural upholstery are chosen for a bedroom or nursery. Synthetic flooring is more suitable for the living room.

Color selection

According to the rules of interior design, the color of the sofa is chosen in contrast with the walls.. The brighter and richer the color of the sofa, the more it will stand out against the background of walls of pastel or neutral tones. In a living room with colored walls, a white sofa will look very good, but this upholstery color is impractical, so it is better to use a light cover. The biggest mistake in decorating a room is to choose a sofa in the same color as the wallpaper.. In this case, it will simply merge with the walls and will be almost invisible.

When choosing a sofa color for a living room, it is important to consider whether you will be decorating it with throw pillows. Some shades look great as a background, but they must be complemented by expressive accents. For example, bright purple and turquoise pillows will look very high quality on a gray and light gray background of a sofa. Soft light brown is best complemented with dark blue elements.

Noble black can be successfully combined with gold, and dark blue will be even deeper if it is decorated with bright yellow accents. But black sofas for the living room should be chosen with care, as they can hide footage, it is better to use them only in spacious rooms.

White, cream and black pillows will look great on a green sofa. But again, here you need to build on the saturation of the color of the base.

Brown upholstery pairs well with warm orange or pink decor and looks great against cream walls.

The most common upholstery color in the last few years is gray. It is concise, versatile and has clear outlines - that is why designers love it. Gray goes well with almost all bright colors: red, purple, yellow, etc. In addition, this color is definitely the most practical, small spots, wool and other factors of everyday influence are hardly noticeable on it.

If the sofa itself is a very bright and saturated color, then it does not need any decorative additional accents.

Paradoxically, the most comfortable atmosphere in the living room will be created by a red sofa. But for the home, it is important to choose not a bright red, but a deeper and more saturated one.

  • A large and bulky sofa will visually reduce the room, so for medium and small living rooms it is better to purchase a sofa of modest size.
  • The filler in the sofa should be in several layers.
  • The most optimal filler is holofiber. It remarkably retains and restores its shape.
  • Choose a sofa with a zipper on the upholstery - this will make it easier for you to clean it.
  • When shopping for sofa cushions, look for those filled with felt, feather, down, or batting.
  • When purchasing an inexpensive sofa, check what is under the foam rubber. Well, if it is a spring block made of steel - such a frame will last a long time.

Buying a sofa for the living room is quite a responsible business. Such commodity-money transactions are quite rare, since they are designed for a long service life and significantly hit the family budget. Therefore, you need to carefully weigh everything and not rush into the choice. It is especially important to choose the right sofa for a small living room, as in a small space it attracts all the attention and becomes the main subject in the interior.
