Finishing questions. Frequently asked questions about the renovation of apartments and bathrooms. Will the cost of work change during the renovation of the apartment?

I want to save money on repairs. What to choose - a construction company or a team of coven workers?

My favorite question. It is asked to me by clients, friends, acquaintances. Their most frequent argument is that in companies, repairs are more expensive due to the fact that you need to maintain a manager, website, employees, etc. And you can negotiate cheaply with covenants.

Let's compare a grocery market and a large hypermarket. There are private traders on the market, with incomprehensible goods, with prices that are formed in an unclear way, without a guarantee of quality. Coming tomorrow to the same place, you may not see yesterday's seller. Are they cheaper? No. They are more expensive, because the range is small and due to it you need to make a profit. In a large hypermarket, everything is transparent. There is a contract, there is someone to ask. There are clear prices, which, most often, are lower than market prices due to sales volumes. The same goes for repairs. If I have 14 properties in the works right now, I can afford to give you a good price...

Repair in a new building. Should I do it right away?

Our clients often have the question of whether it is worth doing repairs in a house that has just been rented out, or is it better to wait until it settles. Indeed, in the first few years after construction, the house experiences some deformation vibrations. This is due to a slight subsidence of the soil, thermal expansion and contraction of materials, an increase in the mass of the house due to the moving residents with their furniture, etc. How can this deformation affect your repair and is it worth the wait? There are several risks. First, tiling. There are cases when, due to the movement of the house, the seams in the corners or at the junctions of the boxes cracked. This is solved by clearing the seams and a new grout. Elimination time and costs are minimal. The second weak point is the joints of plasterboard ceilings. With improper installation, they crack in 100% of cases. With proper installation in 20% of cases. Here everything is somewhat more complicated. If your ceiling is made of plasterboard and painted, there is a risk that with significant deformations (for example, when the seasons change and sudden temperature fluctuations), the seams of the joints of the plasterboard sheets will burst. This is solved either by installing stretch ceilings or by gluing the entire surface of the ceiling with masking fiberglass before painting, for additional surface reinforcement. Masters performing work should take this into account. Otherwise, the draft of the house does not critically affect your repair in any way.

I am planning to do renovations. How can finishers cheat me?

1. Lowering the original price. You call on the ad and ask the approximate price of finishing work in the apartment. I will say right away, if you immediately, to the question "And how much will it cost to repair a kopeck piece?" call a specific amount, beware. A good master will never give an assessment without looking. Repair consists of several dozen technological processes, which are individual for each apartment. What layer of plaster will need to be applied? How many meters of cable to stretch? Is there a blockage of the horizon along the screed? Everything needs to be looked at. They also call you an attractive amount "from the ceiling", in the hope of attracting and stopping your choice on them. And then the second way goes.

2. Additional work. So, you have discussed the details and are ready to accept the proposed conditions. Be sure to ask for a quote. Be sure to sign a contract. The estimate should include all types of work with actual volumes and prices for each item. The final price must be specified in the contract. Otherwise, you will simply begin to count each hammered nail. Repair will turn into a bottomless barrel, a nightmare in which craftsmen will call you every day and demand money for newly emerging unforeseen work. And you can believe me, you can invent a lot of them. And justify it in such a way that it is impossible to find fault. For example, you can count each layer of priming in the preparation of the wall, separately, and not at the same time. And it will pour out into cosmic sums. By the way, about the amounts, the third way.

3. Advance. This is a classic. Before starting work, the team asks you for an advance payment, that is, money, for work not yet completed. Usually 20-30% of the total amount. You are assured that they have been working like this all their lives and that everything will be all right. You pay money. And the problems begin. Of course, not always and not for everyone. But here the banal human factor works. The master can go into a binge, get sick, but you never know situations. Of course, your money has already been spent. And who will process them? And the choice arises, either to enter into a position and wait, breaking deadlines, or to look for a team again, pay again, etc. An adequate master takes money upon completion of the scope of work, which can be checked and accepted. So comfortable for you and him.

4. Materials. You are lucky and have not experienced the problems mentioned above. But it's too early to relax. Often, craftsmen take care of the purchase of rough materials. And this is a couple of hundred positions for the entire repair. It is very difficult for an uninitiated person to figure out how much cable, plaster, drywall, etc. have been spent. And it costs nothing for an unscrupulous contractor to buy more, with a margin, and then resell the rest. Here, of course, it is impossible to control everything thoroughly. But in any case, a report on checks is required, it is desirable to control purchases periodically. By asking the master a couple of questions about where the funds are spent, you can have an idea if there is a concealment.

Of course, there are much more subtleties and nuances in the repair. You may come across craftsmen who, after the start of work, begin to be rude to you, ignore your requests, "forget" to perform certain types of work, use low-quality materials ... How to protect yourself from such problems? Try not to work with one-day firms and private traders, collect reviews about good firms or craftsmen among your relatives and friends who have had a successful repair experience. In this age of information, word of mouth still plays a big role. If you couldn’t find a good option among your friends, compare the offers of construction companies with experience. In the city of Tambov, the average price for apartment renovation does not differ much, the market regulates itself. Be sure to sign a contract. Do not expect to save money by calling the masters from the ad at the entrance. I never tire of repeating it. You will fail 90% of the time. I will reveal a little secret how to save on the cost of repairs if you do not fit into your budget. Let's say you called a measurer from a construction company, they prepared an estimate for you and you see that the amount is a little more than what you expected. Just ask for a discount. I guarantee that an adequate company will meet you halfway. Of course, you should not abuse this method, the masters also have their own families. Good luck in choosing a contractor!

When is the best time to renovate?

Many people think that repairing an apartment or a cottage is best done in the warm season. In practice, this is not the case. The only obstacle that can interfere with repairs in the winter may be the lack of heating. But in our memory there have not yet been cases when a rented house in a new building was not heated, not to mention secondary housing. There are usually no other problems.

Which is better to buy: resale or new building?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. It all depends on the quality of development, operating conditions and many other factors. But the advantages of these types of housing, from the point of view of finishing professionals, we will outline.

New building:

+ Zero depreciation of communications

+ No negative legal history of the property

+ "Clean slate" for creativity in terms of repair. No deep dismantling required.

+ Lower repair cost

+ Layouts of modern new buildings are more thoughtful and adapted


+ Ability to choose housing in the desired area of ​​the city

+ Possibility to reduce the price of housing during the negotiation process

+ The initial residential condition of the apartment, allowing you to immediately enter it at the first stage

(Advice from personal experience. If you decide to buy an apartment on the secondary market and have already chosen an option, do not be lazy and get to know your neighbors before the deal. I assure you, they will tell you much more than the realtor and, especially, the owner. In our practice, there was a case when, after the deal, the new owners found out from the neighbors that the apartment was, in the literal sense of the word, a homeless person with all the ensuing consequences, and we had to carry out a complete disinfection and disinfestation before starting the finishing work.)

I am buying an apartment in Tambov, but I live in another city. How can I make repairs?

Absolutely no problem. Our work is organized in such a way that, in principle, the presence of the client at the facility is minimized.

Everything will take place in several stages:

- We meet at the facility, discuss the details, take measurements. We approve the estimate. We sign the contract. We discuss convenient ways of interaction. Usually it is Skype and text messengers. We are discussing convenient ways of financing (transfer to a card, r/c, etc.).

We take care of further questions. Photo reports are sent to you daily, once a week we get in touch with the facility via Skype to assess the quality and volume of work performed. We discuss the nuances that require clarification by phone or Whatsapp. Everything is clear and convenient.

Repair is an important stage for which it is worth thoroughly preparing. Together with us, we will tell you what you definitely need to ask the construction team you hired in order to be calm about the result.

How many objects have already been completed by the brigade?

The success of your repair largely depends on the professionalism of the repair team. But no matter how experienced the craftsmen involved in the repair of your living space are, it does not hurt to find out what guarantees they provide after the work is completed.

In some cases, the qualifications of workers are of great importance: ask if there are highly specialized specialists in the team or all generalists. Are there plumbers, electricians, tilers on the team?

How long will it take to repair?

Needless to say, the answer to it is important: sometimes there are situations when the repair team promises the customer terms that are technologically impossible to meet.

How will the work be paid?

It is desirable to clarify this question in detail. It is best to pay for repairs in stages.

Sometimes, due to unforeseen cases, the repair budget for work and materials may increase, so before starting work, you should find out if it is possible to fix the cost of repairs per square meter.

Is it possible to see the brigade in action?

When choosing a repair team, it is important to see the result of their work live - preferably at the final stage. Only in this way you can objectively assess whether these specialists and the quality of their services are right for you.

Plus, it is always clear from the process how careful the builders are during the work, whether they smoke at the facility, whether they are careful with electrical appliances.

What draft materials are required?

Also, who will buy them? If the brigade is engaged in their purchase, find out how the reporting on the purchased materials will be organized.

The cost of repair work and materials strongly depends on the area of ​​the object and the complexity of the project. Indicative prices can be found on the price description page or in the price list.

How to estimate the cost of repairs before concluding a contract for a design project?

For a preliminary assessment, you can use the repair calculator or fill out a questionnaire for the repair of the premises and send it to managers for analysis and preliminary calculation.

How much does it cost to visit a measurer to draw up an estimate?

We do not go to the site to draw up an estimate, because the estimator will not be able to describe in detail all the work in 1-2 hours at the facility, as a result of which additional work usually appears during the repair process, the repair time and cost increase. We draw up a detailed estimate for all work and materials only on a detailed design project.

Is it possible to order repairs on credit or in installments?

We are not a financial institution and we cannot issue consumer loans, however, you can take a loan at any bank convenient for you.

Also, when ordering repairs, you can use an interest-free installment plan, because. When concluding a contract for repairs, we do not take an advance payment for the work. This means that at the initial stage of the repair, it is not necessary to immediately have a large amount of money, payment is made gradually, upon the fact of the work performed and accepted, during the entire period of repair. That. the amount for the work can be paid gradually, for up to 6 months without any bank interest.

What is the turnaround time for repairs?

The terms also depend on the area of ​​the object and the complexity of the design project. Usually, the entire renovation of an apartment of 100-150 sq.m. completed in 5-7 months. Apartments 40-60 sq.m. – 4-5 months.

How long does the estimate take?

A full estimate for all work and materials is usually drawn up in 2-5 working days, depending on the complexity of the project.

How many people will work at the facility?

Several brigades work at the facility: these are both general construction workers and highly specialized workers: tilers, painters, electricians, plumbers, parquet workers, etc.

In addition to the workers, a foreman (foreman) is present at the facility and manages the repair, and the technical supervision engineer also checks the work performed.

Do you have technical supervision?

Yes, the technical supervision engineer accepts the work performed and controls the work of the foremen.

How often does the foreman appear on the site?

Usually the foreman controls the work directly at the facility every other day, but closer to the delivery of the facility - every day.

What are the payment methods?

We accept payment in various ways: cash in the office, cashless payment on the account or by bank card through the terminal in the office or via the Internet.

What is the payment procedure?

When concluding a contract for repairs, an advance payment of 150,000 - 200,000 rubles is made. for the primary purchase of rough material and organization of the process. Works are paid in stages upon their completion and after their acceptance by the Customer, usually 1-2 times a month.

What discount is possible with a phased and 100% payment?

The discount for staged payment is discussed individually and depends on the volume and cost of the contract. With a full prepayment, we provide a guaranteed 10% discount.

What kind of work do you do or don't do?

We carry out all the work that is necessary for the implementation of the project.

What is the guarantee for repairs?

We provide a full 5-year warranty on all work, materials and equipment purchased through our company.

Do you have SRO and insurance?

Oh sure.

Do you provide acts of hidden works?

Yes, we provide it without fail.

Is it possible to change any work during the repair process?

Yes, you can change the scope of work. In this case, the estimate is recalculated and an additional agreement is signed to the repair contract.

Is the lifting of materials and garbage disposal included in the repair contract?

Yes, included.

Will the cost change during the renovation process?

After the conclusion of the contract, the value indicated in it cannot change. An increase or decrease in the cost is possible only if the Customer wishes to change part of the work or materials.

What engineering projects are needed for repairs?

It depends on the complexity of the project and the requirements of the Management Company.

Can part of the repair be done through your contractors?

Yes, this is discussed when concluding a repair contract, but in this case you will lose a comprehensive guarantee for “everything”, i.e. part of the responsibility will be on other contractors. This is usually not beneficial for Customers, incl. and by cost.

Are your materials and furniture cheaper than others?

It is cheaper to purchase materials and furniture from our company, because We work directly with manufacturers, without resellers and other stores. But at the same time, we do not limit you to the purchase of materials and furniture through our company, you can purchase both on your own, if you have such a desire and free time.

Can I conclude a repair contract with my design project?

Yes, you can provide us with your design project and we will draw up a detailed estimate based on it and perform a high-quality repair.

Is it possible to order repairs without a design project?

Is it possible to conclude a contract separately for rough or fine finishing?

Yes, this is discussed when concluding a repair contract, however, it must be understood that the cost of a contract for rough work only plus the cost of a contract for finishing work only will be higher than the cost of a turnkey complex repair, i.e. It's better to order everything at once.

Do you install kitchens and kitchen appliances?

If you ordered a kitchen from our company, then everything related to it: delivery, lifting, assembly and connection of equipment is carried out by our specialists with a comprehensive 3-year warranty.

You can order from us both the kitchen of any Italian factory, and the kitchen of our own production by Fundament Group of Companies.

Where can you see the kitchens of the own production of Fundament Group of Companies?

You can see several samples (about 8) of kitchens in our showroom in Moscow, on the street. Mytnaya 7 (at the address of the office).

Do you repair and insulate balconies?

Yes, but only as part of a complete renovation of the entire apartment. We do not do renovations on individual premises.

Is it possible to make repairs in the house or townhouse?

Yes, of course, we carry out repairs both in city apartments and in country houses.

What houses do you work with?

We work with any houses in Moscow and the Moscow region: panel, monolithic, block, brick. And also with houses with wooden floors, which are often found in the historical center of Moscow.

Is it possible to make repairs in only one room - for example, in the bathroom or in the kitchen?

No. We carry out only a comprehensive repair of the entire apartment or the entire country house as a whole.

Why do other companies quote a repair price lower than yours?

In practice, prices in all companies are approximately the same. Many, for the sake of competition, initially report a very low cost, so that during the repair they constantly expose additional work and additional bills. Upon completion of the repair, in these cases, the total cost of repairs increases several times.
