Repair blinds broken cord. Repair of vertical blinds. Replacing the side ladder

High-quality blinds with proper care and handling will regularly serve a very long time. for a long time. However, blinds, like any other product, may experience different kind breakdowns. If your blinds are also having trouble, assess the extent of the problem and consider fixing it. repair work. With the solution of a number of minor problems, you can handle it yourself. By the way, you can read about the installation of blinds on our website.

There are a number of the most popular breakdowns that you can fix with your own hands.

Installing a new connecting chain

One of the most common breakdowns is a break in the chain, through which the slats of the blinds are connected.

For repairs, buy in a specialized salon new chain and insert it in place of the old part. Pre-calculate the amount vertical elements and measure their width. Traditionally, blinds are equipped with slats 8.9 and 12.7 cm wide.

Installing a new control chain

This chain breaks quite rarely, but you need to be prepared for such a situation.

First step. Remove the side eaves cover.

Second step. Remove the plastic gear.

Third step. Connected back or put a new chain on the gear and insert it into place.

The connecting lock must be located on the side opposite to the hanging gear. The runners, at the same time, must be in the open state.

Fourth step. Put back the cornice cover.

AT vertical blinds quite often the “shoulder” on the slats breaks. This element connects the fabric to the cornice.

Buy a new "shoulder" in a specialized salon, after specifying the width of your blinds slats.

Remove the damaged product and replace it with a new one. Usually, the “shoulder” is sewn in with a fishing line, however, some manufacturers glue the lamellae together. Be sure to check this point on an individual basis.

There are also blinds in which the “shoulder” can be freely removed and a new product installed in its place. If this is not your case, simply carefully cut the fishing line and sew the whole “shoulder” with ordinary threads.

Installing a new control cord

This cord breaks quite rarely. Much more often, the quality of its fixation simply deteriorates, as a result of which the cord is pulled out of its place.

Before you go to the salon for a new cord, measure the height and width of your blinds. Based on these data, the specialist will be able to calculate the amount of new cord you need.

You can also do the calculation yourself. To do this, multiply the width of the eaves by 2 and add one and a half heights of the blinds to the resulting value. So you calculate the required amount of lace.

Pass the two ends of the new lace through the side eaves cover first, and then through the runners. Lead one cord into the fixation element, and thread the second through the roller. You will find it in the side cover installed opposite to the control mechanism.

Pull the cord back to the fixing element, secure it in the form of a loop and twist it from above using a tool suitable for this (be guided by the situation). When screwing, try not to press too hard, otherwise the product may burst.

Installing new sliders

The most time-consuming option for repairing vertical blinds.

Buy runners and special connecting distances for attaching runners. Select the distances according to the width of the lamellae.

First step. Remove the control cord so that it does not interfere with your work.

Second step. Open the control mechanism.

Third step. Take out the runners.

Fourth step. Move the sliders away from the broken element. Squeeze out or unfasten (according to the situation) the distance and remove the damaged slider.

Fifth step. Set the click distance to the whole slider, fixing the new element in place of the removed product.

Sixth step. Pull the control cord through the sliders.

Seventh step. Insert new runners into the eaves by threading them onto the shaft.

Eighth step. Screw on the shutter control mechanism. At this stage, it is advisable to enlist the support of one assistant - he will hold the shaft, and you will screw the mechanism. Twist carefully, without excessive force, otherwise the mechanism may crack.

Ninth step. Return the control cord to its original position.

Repair completed.

These are all the main breakdowns, with the correction of which you can cope with your own hands. In case of more significant damage, it is better to immediately contact qualified master, otherwise you run the risk of completely breaking your vertical blinds.

Typical malfunctions of horizontal blinds

This section of the manual will be useful to owners horizontal blinds. Here are some suggestions for fixing the most common problems. Pre-evaluate the front of the upcoming work and decide whether you can handle the planned activities on your own or whether it would be wiser to immediately contact a professional repairman.

Problems with hooks and latches

Very often, in horizontal blinds, the hooks that take part in the rotation of the slats, as well as the lower latches, break.

To solve such a problem, you first need to buy failed spare parts in a specialized store and replace them. Make sure the new latches are the same as the latches on your blinds (they can be small or large diameter).

Dismantle the old hook, and then simply install a new product in its place. To do this, insert a new hook into the hole in the swivel mechanism. Hold the swivel mechanism with one hand, preventing it from rotating, while inserting the hook with the other hand. After that, insert a cane into the new hook.

To replace the lower louvers fasteners, unscrew the broken products and screw new fasteners in their place.

Installing a new cord

Buy new cord according to the size of your blinds. Pre-measure the height and width of the structure. You will tell the consultant of the specialized store these parameters, and he will calculate the required amount of cord.

First step. Remove the remnants of the old lace, if any.

Second step. Thread the new lace through lifting mechanism so that the rope passes between the cylinder and the roller.

Third step. Pass the rope through lower part plastic basket at the attachment point of the ladder. At the same time, the rope must be passed between the ladder.

Fourth step. Pull the rope up to the basket, at the same time pulling it along the bottom and running it into the space between the ladders into the cornice hole.

Fifth step. Pull the second rope in the same way as the first, but in this case it must be launched into the closest lamella punching.

Sixth step. Thread the string through the needle and alternately pull it through the slats through the right and left ladders.

Seventh step. Through the bottom of the blinds, pass the needle with the rope through the cap of the ladder and tie the cord into a strong double knot. Do the same with the other end of the rope.

If possible, pull a new cord through the slats in the normal state of the blinds, that is, it is better that they hang on the window during this repair.

Before starting the repair, remember the order in which the parts of the mechanism are placed so that you don’t mix anything up during the reassembly process. You can even take pictures of everything - it will be easier for you to navigate.

First step. Remove the side plugs from the louver cornice, and then remove the shaft from the swivel mechanism. The shaft can be made of plastic or metal.

Second step. Open the edges of the blinds eaves and dismantle the mechanisms for the subsequent installation of new elements.

Third step. Remove the mechanisms from the grooves.

If the lifting mechanism is being repaired, pull out the rope. Untie the hanging ends of the lace (usually they are tied into a knot) or cut (they can also be a single piece). Solder the ends of the rope with a lighter.

Fourth step. Insert the ends of the lace between the rollers of the new mechanism.

Fifth step. Push both ropes into the recesses. At the same time, it is important to make sure that the ropes are not intertwined in the eaves of the blinds.

Sixth step. Connect the mechanisms back. Place the turning mechanism closer to the center of the cornice, while the two antennae should rest against the back edge of the cornice. The lifting mechanism must be placed deep into the eaves so that the laces in the slots also “look” deep into.

Seventh step. Place the connected gears on the ledge. Straighten the ends of the eaves to their original position. When performing this operation, make sure that the hole in the installed mechanism coincides with the shaft. Otherwise, the shaft may simply not pass.

Eighth step. Put back the side covers.

This completes the replacement of the cord.

Thus, with the correction of simple breakdowns of vertical and horizontal blinds, you can easily handle it yourself. However, if you see that the damage is quite serious (not included in the list of problems discussed above), and the blinds are very expensive, it is better to immediately contact the services of professional repairmen. Otherwise, follow the instructions and you'll be fine.

Replacing the horizontal bar

Extremely rare, but sometimes it still breaks horizontal bar, acting as the basis for the entire structure of the blinds. It is impossible to repair this product qualitatively - all the “patches” fail very quickly.

Therefore, the only right decision this problem will become complete replacement the mentioned element. The knowledge gained in the previous sections of the manual will help you with this.

First of all, buy or order a new plank of the right size from a specialized store. Next, you need to dismantle all structural elements from the broken crossbar. Remove ropes, slats, internal controls and other components.

Remember, and even better, take a picture of the order in which you disassemble, so that later you can successfully reassemble the blinds.

Try on a new bar in place of the old one. Make sure the dimensions match and proceed with the reassembly of the blinds. Install and secure all structural elements in the reverse order of disassembly. At each stage, check the correct functioning of the system. During the process of dismantling and reassembling the elements, use the instructions given earlier.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself blinds repair

Vertical blinds are a simple device consisting of the following parts: cornice, connecting and turning chains, control cord, slats, hangers, lower weights. If you wish, you can fix some malfunctions that occur during the use of these curtains with your own hands.

Types of damage to mechanism elements

The design of the blinds is simple, however, during operation, several common breakdowns of device parts occur:

  • breaking the chain connecting the lamellas;
  • breakage of the cord that moves the strips along the eaves;
  • damage to the "shoulders" (plastic parts located in the upper part of the curtain structure and connecting the fabric to the cornice);
  • breakage of the runners on which the lamellas are attached.

Repair of vertical blinds

A very significant advantage of the product is the simplicity of the mechanism and the availability of spare parts presented by manufacturers in the markets and in stores, the ability to independently disassemble it.

You can repair the curtains with your own hands, the main thing is to carefully disassemble the product, and then assemble it, adhering to all the stages.

How to change the connecting chain

Quite often, the integrity of the chain is violated (with careless handling of the product) connecting the lamellas below. A new part can be purchased at a specialized store.

Replacing a damaged control circuit

Such a break happens infrequently (as a rule, as a result of sudden movements). The main requirement for this type of do-it-yourself repair is that the runners must be in the open state.

How to fix a control cord

This element in the design of curtains is quite difficult to spoil. A common phenomenon is a decrease in the quality of the cord and, as a result, a part jumping out of the control mechanism.

How to install new hangers

Failure given element fixing it by hand is pretty easy. AT hardware store acquired new item appropriate size (according to the width of the lamella).

Repair steps for replacing the runner

To repair such a violation requires attention and skill. It is necessary to carefully disassemble the mechanism and assemble it in the same sequence.

In addition to the standard care of the structure (as for any curtains, they require dry cleaning or wiping of small dirt wet wipes), it is necessary to follow the elementary rules of careful handling of the product and then repair of vertical blinds will not be required.

  • if the slat mover sticks or the strips do not unfold, no force should be applied. With absence apparent reason malfunctions, it is better not to disassemble the mechanism with your own hands, but to seek help from specialists;
  • operating requirements - slats can only be moved along the cornice in a position perpendicular to the window;
  • due to the fact that the mechanism is equipped with plastic components, better management- smooth, free movements;
  • since the fabric of these curtains loses color over time, when replacing one canvas, it is advisable to update several neighboring ones so that the shade of the new element is not very striking.

Don't rush to write off damaged blinds, it is advisable to first consult with professionals. If, nevertheless, the mechanism of your curtains is damaged, you should get rid of such blinds, or disassemble them into parts.

It may happen that repairing the curtains will cost less than installing a new product, even if there are damage to various elements.

Why do vertical blinds break most often? The answer is quite simple, this is due primarily to the fact that they are usually hung in in public places, where the attitude to window decorations cannot be called particularly reverent. Offices, schools, various state institutions, clinics, hospitals, various industries, trading floors, shops - vertical blinds hang almost everywhere. Of course, their popularity is primarily due to the rather low cost, ease of choice, manufacturing and installation time. But sooner or later they break, and then almost immediately the question arises of what to do next, repair the old ones or throw them away and order new ones?

In fact, it all depends on the situation and the type of blinds, in each case you need to understand in detail. Let's start with the rarest and simplest situations. If the slats of the blinds are made of plastic or aluminum, then in most cases it is enough to simply repair the cornice of the blinds and they will last the same amount of time. What is most interesting, often that repairing the cornice, that ordering a new one turns out to be the same in cost, while the new cornice will be made definitely faster. By the way, if you just order a new cornice, the window will remain bare only for the time of its replacement (usually no more than 20-30 minutes). In the case of repair, the window will not be closed or decorated with anything during the entire time of the bulkhead of the old cornice for blinds, which is clearly less preferable. Why the same price, you ask? This is due to the laboriousness of the work to replace individual components and the transport and time costs for the accurate dismantling and delivery of the cornice to the workshop. By the way, it may turn out that there are no components available for the cornice of the old rare system and the waiting period will increase by a few more days.

If the stripes on your vertical blinds are made of fabric, then there are already possible various options repair. Firstly, if they do not open and close well, and also turn, then the problem is in the upper cornice and we have already described this situation above. Secondly, it is also a very typical situation - the lamellas are very dirty, they do not rub off, they are not washed, while all the adjustments are normal. What's the easiest way to get out? That's right, just order new lamellas of the required length separately, it will be much cheaper than ordering a whole new product, but appearance will be like new. At the same time, they will indeed for the most part brand new!

Also consider another frequently encountered request: “How can we purchase various parts for blinds”? This is usually required in the case when the condition of the blinds is generally average, but the lower chain broke somewhere, the weights flew out somewhere, the “shoulders” broke and the slats fell from the eaves, etc. It seems that the problem is small, but on a certain scale it becomes large, especially when the number of products on the farm exceeds half a hundred pieces. In such a situation, many simply order all these small components from us with a margin for the future and, on their own, as needed, produce small vertical blinds repair.

High-quality blinds with proper care and handling will regularly serve for a very long time. However, blinds, like any other product, can experience various kinds of breakdowns during use. If your blinds are also having trouble, assess the extent of the problem and consider repairing it. With the solution of a number of minor problems, you can handle it yourself. By the way, you can read about the installation of blinds on our website.

Typical malfunctions of vertical blinds

There are a number of the most popular breakdowns that you can fix with your own hands.

Installing a new connecting chain

One of the most common breakdowns is a break in the chain, through which the slats of the blinds are connected.

For repairs, buy a new chain in a specialized salon and insert it in place of the old part. First count the number of vertical elements and measure their width. Traditionally, blinds are equipped with slats 8.9 and 12.7 cm wide.

Installing a new control chain

This chain breaks quite rarely, but you need to be prepared for such a situation.

First step. Remove the side eaves cover.

Second step. Remove the plastic gear.

Third step. Connected back or put a new chain on the gear and insert it into place.

The connecting lock must be located on the side opposite to the hanging gear. The runners, at the same time, must be in the open state.

Fourth step. Put back the cornice cover.

In vertical blinds, the "shoulder" on the slats quite often breaks. This element connects the fabric to the cornice.

Buy a new "shoulder" in a specialized salon, after specifying the width of your blinds slats.

Remove the damaged product and replace it with a new one. Usually, the “shoulder” is sewn in with a fishing line, however, some manufacturers glue the lamellae together. Be sure to check this point on an individual basis.

There are also blinds in which the “shoulder” can be freely removed and a new product installed in its place. If this is not your case, simply carefully cut the fishing line and sew the whole “shoulder” with ordinary threads.

Installing a new control cord

This cord breaks quite rarely. Much more often, the quality of its fixation simply deteriorates, as a result of which the cord is pulled out of its place.

Before you go to the salon for a new cord, measure the height and width of your blinds. Based on these data, the specialist will be able to calculate the amount of new cord you need.

You can also do the calculation yourself. To do this, multiply the width of the eaves by 2 and add one and a half heights of the blinds to the resulting value. So you calculate the required amount of lace.

Pass the two ends of the new lace through the side eaves cover first, and then through the runners. Lead one cord into the fixation element, and thread the second through the roller. You will find it in the side cover installed opposite to the control mechanism.

Pull the cord back to the fixing element, secure it in the form of a loop and twist it from above using a tool suitable for this (be guided by the situation). When screwing, try not to press too hard, otherwise the product may burst.

Installing new sliders

The most time-consuming option for repairing vertical blinds.

Buy runners and special connecting distances for attaching runners. Select the distances according to the width of the lamellae.

First step. Remove the control cord so that it does not interfere with your work.

Second step. Open the control mechanism.

Third step. Take out the runners.

Fourth step. Move the sliders away from the broken element. Squeeze out or unfasten (according to the situation) the distance and remove the damaged slider.

Fifth step. Set the click distance to the whole slider, fixing the new element in place of the removed product.

Sixth step. Pull the control cord through the sliders.

Seventh step. Insert new runners into the eaves by threading them onto the shaft.

Eighth step. Screw on the shutter control mechanism. At this stage, it is advisable to enlist the support of one assistant - he will hold the shaft, and you will screw the mechanism. Twist carefully, without excessive force, otherwise the mechanism may crack.

Ninth step. Return the control cord to its original position.

Repair completed.

These are all the main breakdowns, with the correction of which you can cope with your own hands. If there is more significant damage, it is better to immediately contact a qualified craftsman, otherwise you risk completely breaking your vertical blinds.

Typical malfunctions of horizontal blinds

This section of the manual will be useful to owners of horizontal blinds. Here are some suggestions for fixing the most common problems. Pre-evaluate the front of the upcoming work and decide whether you can handle the planned activities on your own or whether it would be wiser to immediately contact a professional repairman.

Problems with hooks and latches

Very often, in horizontal blinds, the hooks that take part in the rotation of the slats, as well as the lower latches, break.

To solve such a problem, you first need to buy failed spare parts in a specialized store and replace them. Make sure the new latches are the same as the latches on your blinds (they can be small or large diameter).

Dismantle the old hook, and then simply install a new product in its place. To do this, insert a new hook into the hole in the swivel mechanism. Hold the swivel mechanism with one hand, preventing it from rotating, while inserting the hook with the other hand. After that, insert a cane into the new hook.

To replace the lower louvers fasteners, unscrew the broken products and screw new fasteners in their place.

Installing a new cord

Buy new cord to fit your blinds. Pre-measure the height and width of the structure. You will tell the consultant of the specialized store these parameters, and he will calculate the required amount of cord.

First step. Remove the remnants of the old lace, if any.

Second step. Thread the new lace through the hoist so that the rope passes between the cylinder and the roller.

Third step. Thread the string through the bottom of the plastic basket where the ladder is attached. At the same time, the rope must be passed between the ladder.

Fourth step. Pull the rope up to the basket, at the same time pulling it along the bottom and running it into the space between the ladders into the cornice hole.

Fifth step. Pull the second rope by analogy with the first, but in this case it must be run into the closest lamella punching.

Sixth step. Thread the string through the needle and alternately pull it through the slats through the right and left ladders.

Seventh step. Through the bottom of the blinds, pass the needle with the rope through the cap of the ladder and tie the cord into a strong double knot. Do the same with the other end of the rope.

If possible, pull a new cord through the slats in the normal state of the blinds, that is, it is better that they hang on the window during this repair.

Before starting the repair, remember the order in which the parts of the mechanism are placed so that you don’t mix anything up during the reassembly process. You can even take pictures of everything - it will be easier for you to navigate.

First step. Remove the side plugs from the louver cornice, and then remove the shaft from the swivel mechanism. The shaft can be made of plastic or metal.

Second step. Open the edges of the blinds eaves and dismantle the mechanisms for the subsequent installation of new elements.

Third step. Remove the mechanisms from the grooves.

If the lifting mechanism is being repaired, pull out the rope. Untie the hanging ends of the lace (usually they are tied into a knot) or cut (they can also be a single piece). Solder the ends of the rope with a lighter.

Fourth step. Insert the ends of the lace between the rollers of the new mechanism.

Fifth step. Push both ropes into the recesses. At the same time, it is important to make sure that the ropes are not intertwined in the eaves of the blinds.

Sixth step. Connect the mechanisms back. Place the turning mechanism closer to the center of the cornice, while the two antennae should rest against the back edge of the cornice. The lifting mechanism must be placed deep into the eaves so that the laces in the slots also “look” deep into.

Seventh step. Place the connected gears on the ledge. Straighten the ends of the eaves to their original position. When performing this operation, make sure that the hole in the installed mechanism coincides with the shaft. Otherwise, the shaft may simply not pass.

Eighth step. Put back the side covers.

This completes the replacement of the cord.

Thus, with the correction of simple breakdowns of vertical and horizontal blinds, you can easily handle it yourself. However, if you see that the damage is quite serious (not included in the list of problems discussed above), and the blinds are very expensive, it is better to immediately contact the services of professional repairmen. Otherwise, follow the instructions and you'll be fine.

Replacing the horizontal bar

It is extremely rare, but sometimes the horizontal bar breaks, which acts as the basis for the entire blinds structure. It is impossible to repair this product qualitatively - all the “patches” fail very quickly.

Therefore, the only correct solution to this problem will be the complete replacement of the mentioned element. The knowledge gained in the previous sections of the manual will help you with this.

First of all, buy or order a new plank of the right size from a specialized store. Next, you need to dismantle all structural elements from the broken crossbar. Remove ropes, slats, internal controls and other components.

Remember, and even better, take a picture of the order in which you disassemble, so that later you can successfully reassemble the blinds.

Try on a new bar in place of the old one. Make sure the dimensions match and proceed with the reassembly of the blinds. Install and secure all structural elements in the reverse order of disassembly. At each stage, check the correct functioning of the system. During the process of dismantling and reassembling the elements, use the instructions given earlier.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself blinds repair

In many apartments, blinds have become an integral part of the interior. They are not an easy logical addition to windows, but also serve as protection from direct sunlight, as well as from prying eyes. As you know, blinds can be horizontal and vertical. Everyone chooses based on their own taste and the purpose of a particular room. But, like other interior elements, blinds can break. There could be many reasons for this.

But in spite of everything, they can be repaired with your own hands. This article will address the issue of repairing horizontal blinds and the causes of their breakdowns.

Diagnostics and preparation before repair

In principle, horizontal blinds can last for decades without breaking. This is due to the fact that their design is quite reliable and strong. But in some cases, they can break due to their inaccurate operation. Moreover, external pests can be pets and children, which hasten their breakdown.

Although they are not always the cause of the breakdown. For example, the mechanism can become very dirty, which will lead to poor movement of the slats. As a result, you will have to make great efforts to open / close the blinds and, as a result, breakage in the end!

Under any circumstances, the first step is to diagnose the blinds, and only then proceed with the repair.

Note! When dismantling the blinds, all removed parts must be folded sequentially. So, it will be possible to collect them back without any problems. Some photograph each of the stages of disassembly.

Faults and repairs!

If the canvas has completely stopped closing / opening or scrolls around its axis, then the problem will be only in rotary mechanism. To replace it, you must work in the following order:

  • First of all, the side plugs are removed from the upper eaves.
  • After, with the help of pliers, the axis of the rotary mechanism protrudes.

Note! To remove it, you will first need to unclench the sides of the eaves.

  • Next, a new mechanism is inserted and the blinds are assembled back.

In some cases, the problem lies in damaged lamellas.

Repair is done like this:

  1. The plug of the cord is squeezed out from the bottom of the bar, then the ends of the knot are cut off and the cord is removed.
  2. Next, the broken lamellas are removed and new ones are mounted in their place.
  3. After that, the cord must be threaded into the holes of the lamella, the bottom bar and the plug.
  4. On the last step the cord is tied into a knot, and the plug is inserted into the bottom bar.

If the problem lies elsewhere, namely in a torn ladder, then you will also need to remove the blinds. To do this, it is necessary to dismantle the side plugs on the upper eaves. After the repair process is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The upper end of the ladder protrudes from the caliper, which is located on the axis of the mechanism.
  2. To remove the cord, it is necessary to disconnect the canvas from the eaves.
  3. After, to the side should stick out the ladder.
  4. A new latch must be mounted on a new ladder.
  5. Further, lamellas are threaded into each cell of the ladder.
  6. Using a small piece of wire, the cord is threaded through the holes in the lamella. In this case, the jumper of the ladder should alternate to the left / right of the cord.
  7. At the very end, you need to fix the cord and ladder using the plug on the bottom bar.

So, here are just some of the breakdowns and methods for their elimination of horizontal blinds. As you can see, the work can be done by hand, without the involvement of specialists.
