What kind of paint can be used to paint plastic. How to paint plastic car parts in a garage. New unprimed part

Such a polymeric material as plastic is used by us in a huge number of areas. And from time to time there is a need to change the color of certain plastic surfaces or products. With this, considerable problems can arise if you do not know the technology of such coloring.

  • Plastic is famous for its insulating qualities, and, as a result, mediocre adhesion. In this regard, not every paint will be able to firmly adhere to the polymer surface;
  • It is easier to paint hard types of plastic. From soft surfaces, constantly bending during operation, the paint can peel off. For coloring soft products, it is best to use elastic enamel;
  • If we are talking about a solid form of plastic, such as containers are made of, then universal acrylic enamel is ideal for painting;
  • Coloring is not carried out in the case of such types of plastic as polyethylene, polystyrene and polypropylene.

Preparing plastic for painting

If your type of plastic is suitable for dyeing, and you are passionate about changing the colors on your drinking water bucket, then you need to start with degreasing (solvent, white spirit), antistatic treatment and putty. The latter is necessary if the plastic has flaws and damage. Sanding with water at the same time will also help to remove cracks and cracks, if they are small.

The most important stage of preparation is the primer of the plastic surface. We have already said that the adhesion of such a polymer coating is extremely mediocre, and a primer will help improve it.

Choosing a primer for plastic

For plastic, an acrylic-based liquid primer-enamel is used. This component dries quickly, creating a layer on the plastic surface that adheres well to the paint. At the same time, such a component is able to retain paint even under the influence of the sun and moisture. Finally, there is a way to apply such a primer by spraying. It is not only fast, but also very economical.

By the way! If, after drying, the primer is treated with sandpaper, the surface will acquire a matte color and it will become even better to adhere to the paint.

Paint for plastic: choice

Spray paint is the best way to give plastic a new color. It lays down perfectly, is applied evenly and very quickly. There are special types of paint created specifically for these polymer products. At the same time, fast drying is also noteworthy. The disadvantage of such paint is the inability to make clear boundaries without the use of masking tape, as well as the difficulty with painting fine details and mixing colors on one surface.

Painting with universal or acrylic enamel created for plastic. Usually fine work is carried out in this way, or parts that do not require special attention are painted. The reason is the longer drying time, during which the sticky surface can get dirty.

By the way! There is information on the Internet about the successful use of leather paint for plastic. It is applied after preliminary degreasing. In this case, the coating lies evenly and firmly.

Plastic dyeing process

  • Before painting, it is better to cover with masking tape all those places that will not be processed. This is especially important when working with paint in cans;
  • Regardless of what exactly you paint the plastic with, it is best to apply 2-3 layers;
  • When working with an aerosol, the latter must be shaken for at least 30 seconds. At the same time, keep the sprayer at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the surface to be painted. If you want to simplify the application of paint, making it more accurate, then you can use nozzles on the spray can;
  • When painting with a brush, try to apply the coating in a thin layer, pressing the tool against the surface. When doing this, make sure that the angle is approximately the same. It is better to apply a layer of paint with a wide strip for greater uniformity, and then shade it to get into all pores. It is better not to submerge the brush completely when applying paint to it.

Things to remember when painting plastic

In order for the paint to better adhere to the plastic product, it is necessary that both the paint itself and the plastic surface be at approximately the same temperature - 20-23 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the humidity in the room should not be higher than 80 percent (ideally - 65), otherwise the drying process will be very long. Drying of plastic should take place at a temperature of 17 to 60 degrees.

Finishing painted plastic

In order for the new layer of paint to stay on the plastic surface for as long as possible, you can cover it with a layer of spray acrylic varnish.

A modern car is not only metal parts assembled in the right order, but also a mountain of plastic: bumpers, spoilers, moldings, exterior mirrors, and so on.

What you need to know for painting plastic car parts with your own hands?

And so that their untidy appearance does not oppress the driver and does not scare away his passengers, you will have to learn how to paint plastic body parts with your own hands. Perhaps someone has already mentally painted a picture of how he easily takes a spray can and puts the car in order in about twenty minutes. But it was not there! The subtleties of this simple work fit just in one article, which is better to read to the end.

Like all other plastics, plastic has some properties that are unique to it, and therefore a car enthusiast should at least understand a little about the materials that went to the car. Almost all parts are made of different types of plastics. Generally, all plastics used for internal and external parts of machines must be, above all, strong and safe. They are divided into 2 types: those that require a primer and do not need it at all.

Usually you have to choose one of the following plastic repair methods:

1. Check for buoyancy

Putting the plastic in water, see if it sinks or not. If the part is immersed in water, then unnecessary trouble can be avoided. If it floats, then first you need to apply a primer for plastic, and only then - an acrylic primer.

2. Incineration

Break off a small piece of plastic from the part you are about to repair. Make sure it is free of dirt, paint, or mold grease. Set fire to the plastic. If it burns and smokes, then the material does not need to be primed. If the flame rises clean (like a candle), then a plastic primer should be applied before the main primer coat.

Do-it-yourself painting of a new plastic car part

If you have purchased a new plastic body kit or bumper, then you probably want it to fit almost tone-on-tone to the color of your car. Here's what you'll have to do:

  • Degrease the part;
  • Apply primer on plastic;
  • Apply acrylic primer;
  • Sand the last layer;
  • Apply pigment or "base";
  • Apply varnish.

If your plastic part does not require additional primer, then first degrease it by wiping it with anti-silicone. After that, apply an adhesive line under the two-component acrylic primer with grit 240 and above and prime thoroughly.

Grind the dried primer with an abrasive 320 (under a simple enamel), and then “under the metallic” with an abrasive 450 or 500. After adding the primer and plasticizer, or “Elasticator”, as it is called, to the paint, paint the part (look at the percentage of components on the bottle). "Elasticator" will help the paint not crack even with small pushes of the car.

In the event that a part needs to be primed with a plastic primer, be sure to very, very thoroughly clean the surface of factory mold lubricants.

Next, follow the same steps as described in the two paragraphs above, only before using an acrylic two-component primer, apply a primer over the plastic. It is usually one-component and almost transparent. It dries very quickly, but does not like “busting”: with abundant application, it will definitely give smudges. It is better to apply 2 thin layers, waiting for each of them to dry. Grinding such a soil is not worth it. But as a consumable material, you can use soil.

Almost all the work on preparing and painting plastic is the same and does not differ much from: you need to degrease the surface, putty before leveling and sand it. Special putty for plastics is expensive, but you can easily get by with a regular two-component polyester putty.

Painting plastics is a process that can come in handy for many things, from painting parts indoors to tuning your car. If you want to decorate your home, create a stylish interior in it, without too much material cost, the easiest way to give plastic objects and surfaces a second life is to paint them with beautiful and high-quality spray paint. How and how to paint plastic, the article will tell you.

In everyday life, plastic materials are called:

  • plastic.
  • Polypropylene.
  • Polycarbonate.
  • Polystyrene.

Plastic, like any material, eventually becomes unusable, so the question of how to paint plastic, give it an aesthetic appearance is always relevant.

Tip: Paintable plastic should be thoroughly washed and dried before being coated. Particular attention should be paid to the edges of objects that can be deformed or rubbed from intensive use.

Before painting plastic, you need to get acquainted with some of the nuances of the work:

  • Surfaces must be cleaned of grease, oil and bituminous stains, other contaminants with a solvent.
  • Parts are treated with an antistatic agent - a liquid that relieves static stress that has accumulated during the friction of plastic. This is necessary to eliminate the possibility of attracting dust and small fibers on the surface during painting, which can harm the process.
  • When processing old items, to correct any defects, first putty is applied on plastic, which differs from ordinary polyester, with greater elasticity.
  • All irregularities are rubbed with abrasive moisture-resistant sandpaper. In this case, mashing is carried out using water. This will eliminate all cracks and cracks.
  • The part is well dried and degreased again.
  • Surfaces are primed with approximately three thin coats to prevent sagging. The primer provides the best adhesion. The material can be used in this case two-component or one-component, with different colors.
  • After the primer layers have dried, the surface is matted under the paint using abrasive emery cloth, number 400-500.
  • Do-it-yourself painting with acrylic paint is carried out with the addition of plasticizer. The paint is applied from two to three layers with an airbrush. Each layer must dry well before applying the next.
  • After 20-30 minutes, a layer of varnish is applied, when using paint - metallic.
  • A wax polishing paste is applied to remove minor defects that arose when painting plastic.

Preparation of paintwork and other materials for painting

The produced range of paints allows you to choose any color, as in the photo, suitable for painting a plastic part.

How to paint plastic

  • For coloring soft plastic products, it is better to use elastic enamels with a high content of plasticizers.
  • Universal acrylic enamels are used for hard plastics.
  • To improve adhesion, plastic surfaces are pre-primed.

Tip: Parts made of polystyrene, polycarbonate, polyethylene will not be painted.

For painting surfaces can be used:

  • Spray paint for plastics. It is easy to apply, and no special skills are required, it is enough to clearly follow the step-by-step instructions that are attached to the material. For aerosol paints, special tips are available that allow you to conveniently adjust the amount of the sprayed composition and the uniformity of its distribution.
  • Ordinary brush when painting a surface from a can. At the same time, the process becomes much more complicated, due to the need for maximum isolation of the part from the presence of all kinds of dusty elements and villi in the air, which is quite difficult to do.

Painting with a brush is indispensable if you need to make a high-quality coating on fairly small details. In this case, the balloon will not cope.

Tip: The best effect when applying paint is obtained by immersing the brush in paint for a third of its length and quickly working without waiting for the paint to dry on the brush. During painting, the angle of inclination of the tool should be the same, and the excess paintwork should be squeezed out on the edges of the paint container.

Dipping a brush into a can of paint

  • Paint "liquid plastic" can be applied to any kind of surface. The coating creates a dense polymer layer that reliably protects the product from external influences and gives it the desired decorative effect. These are, most often, one-component compositions made on the basis of organic solvents, which include polyurethane, alkyd or acrylic resin fillers with the necessary plasticizers, color pigments, and complex additives.

To paint plastic you will need:

  • In sufficient quantities, paint on plastic or spray acrylic enamel, its price is slightly higher.
  • Acrylic aerosol varnish, matte or glossy - for the final finishing of parts.
  • Protective mask or goggles, gloves.
  • Newspapers or plastic wrap.
  • Tape or masking tape.
  • Container with water, rags, detergent.
  • white spirit or other solvent.
  • Fine sandpaper.
  • Putty and primer, in the presence of deep scratches and chips on the product.

Plastic coloring technology

Step by step spray paint coating of plastic:

  • The plastic surface is cleaned with a sponge or brush with soapy water from contamination. If there is dust and dirt on the product, the paint will lie unevenly and the surface will have to be repainted. You can remove heavy dirt, erosion and mold with bleach. After that, the part is well dried.
  • The surfaces are degreased with a solvent or white spirit, then the applied composition is washed off, and the product is thoroughly dried.
  • To add porosity to the structure, the surface is polished with fine sandpaper or a special grinding machine. This will allow the paint to lie perfectly flat, which ensures that the paint is bonded to the porous material. The surface after grinding will become matte.

Tip: With the right sandpaper, the product does not acquire unwanted roughness. Sandpaper should have a grit of no more than 180. Be sure to remove dust after grinding.

  • Places not to be painted are glued with construction tape, and after the work is completed, the material is immediately removed.
  • Plastic is painted with spray paint. For this:
  1. the spray in the can is shaken for at least 30 seconds;
  2. spray paint is sprayed from a distance of about 30 centimeters from the surface;
  3. the paint on the surface should be laid in uniform smooth movements. After the first layer has dried, after 20 minutes, the next layers of paint are applied. It is recommended to apply up to three layers of coating on plastic.
  • After the spray paint has dried, varnish is applied in the same way.

More details about the coating shows the video in this article.

How to paint plastic with a brush

Painting plastic products with a brush is slightly different from the previously described method. The process has its own characteristics. One of them is considered to be a long drying time, which requires completely isolating the painted surfaces from dust. At home, this is not so easy to do. Therefore, this method of painting with a brush is used only for painting objects that do not require special attention.

The technology of painting with a brush is quite simple and practically repeats the process of applying spray paint coating:

  • The product is washed before painting. Drying up.
  • Surfaces are degreased, wiped and dried.
  • Parts are sanded and primed.
  • Covered with paint.
  • An additionally painted surface can be protected by applying acrylic varnish on it, but only after the paint has dried.

Painting plastic products allows you to extend their service life and change the look of the room.

There are situations when motorists and owners of houses or apartments decide to change the usual interior and color of a room or car, as a result of which they face an interesting question: how to paint plastic and what materials can be used for this?

We paint plastic

As a rule, the technology for performing painting work for any surface remains the same. But, in addition to the general requirements, there are also some subtleties, without which it is simply impossible to perform a high-quality finish. That is why it is worth taking such additional information into service.

Varieties of paints for pvc products

We paint plastic

Today, a huge variety of paints is presented on the market of paints and varnishes, which can be used to cover PVC structures with high quality. They can be either in the form of an aerosol and spray, or in the form of a familiar paint for application with a brush or roller, which can be either matte or glossy or mother-of-pearl.

Specifications for paints suitable for plastics are shown in the table.

  1. Maraplan is a great example for pvc construction work.

Finishing work with such paint is performed using a roller, sponge, brush or sprayer. If such paint on plastic is applied at a temperature of 20 ° C, then after 20 minutes you can start applying a second layer, and after another 4-5 hours the product will be absolutely ready for use. Maraplan paint is very resistant to ultraviolet rays, and is also resistant to mechanical damage. But, it is better not to subject the film to mechanical overload until the coating is completely dry.

  1. Rainbow-180 is an absolutely white glossy coating for pvc sheets.

This plastic paint is used to decorate windows, window sills, skirting boards and other hard plastics that can be used for both exterior and interior decoration. In addition to pvc, the aerosol is also suitable for various surfaces, as well as putty and wood. You can work with such paint at 15-75 ° C, and the next layer can be applied after 1-2 hours. This paint is great for outdoor decorations.

  1. Snezhka is an acrylic-based enamel for decorative framing of hard PVC and other materials.

According to the advice of experienced craftsmen, it is better to apply such a coating in 2 layers. After applying the paint, the surface of the plastic will be matte after 5-15 hours, and this coating can be used for both exterior and interior work.

  1. Acmelight is a coating that can glow blue or green in a dark room.

We paint plastic with our own hands

This paint is widely used for PVC, ABS, polystyrene and polypropylene. It has a high level of strength and weather resistance. Such paint has proven itself in the restoration of pots, furniture, souvenirs, window and door blocks using a spray or dipping method from 1 to 3 layers, as indicated in the instructions for use of the material. Before starting painting work, as well as in the process of their implementation, the paint must be thoroughly mixed all the time, because the additives are prone to settling, and the time for drying the finish varies within 2-4 hours.

  1. Gamma - acrylic paint, presented as an aerosol.

In the palette of such a finishing material there are about 25 shades that are applied to plastic, wood and steel, it is also great as a graffiti spray. The decorative coating obtained in this way will be weather-resistant, have a deep color and a muted sheen. To achieve the best result, it is better to choose a white base (if we are talking about a fluorescent version, this requirement is mandatory). Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the material in 2 layers to increase the contrast and enhance the color, but it is allowed to reapply the material only after 30 minutes, so that the bottom coating has time to dry properly.

It is also worth highlighting a separate category of paints, which include chromium. Chrome is also called as "mirror paint" is most appropriate in engineering. To apply chromium to the surface of the product, both an aerosol and a galvanic method are used, the difference will be almost imperceptible.

Today, finishes such as chrome (especially in the form of an aerosol) are gaining more and more popularity. Chrome, due to its mirror-like features, fascinates the eye of passers-by, which is why mottos and motorists love to use it.

In addition to high strength, chrome withstands high temperature changes, and it does not matter at all what is used for applying an aerosol or painting was done at the factory.

Chrome can have a gold or silver color, which can also be an interesting detail when decorating the interior of your apartment. In addition, chromium has excellent physical and chemical properties and an affordable price.

How is painting done?

Before starting painting work, the plastic must be pre-cleaned and dried, because it is allowed to paint it only with a good level of adhesion, which can only be achieved on a degreased and cleaned base.

To prepare the surface and clean it, in no case do not use the usual solvents or the familiar white spirit for a long time. Today, the market offers specialized formulations for cleaning plastic in a wide range.

Please note that not every plastic needs a primer, and sometimes it happens with accuracy, yes, on the contrary, it is impossible to do without it. To understand how to act in a particular situation, there are 2 simple test methods:

  • Buoyancy

For such a test, it is worth taking a piece of plastic and lowering it into water. If it starts to sink, then you won't need a primer. If, on the contrary, the material lies on the surface of the water, there is nowhere without a primer.

  • Combustion

If the material begins to smoke during arson, the primer does not need to be applied, and if it burns “clearly”, the application of a primer layer is inevitable.

If you need to paint a non-new part, then it may need to be sanded, which will require sandpaper number 320-400 and water to remove cracks and cracks.

We paint plastic parts ourselves

When painting, the paint is applied to the surface with brushes, paint rollers on a woolen or mohair basis. Aerosols and sprays for small-scale production can also be used.

Today, each of us, sooner or later, is faced with the need to paint any plastic parts. After all, we are surrounded by a lot of things from this material: in modern cars, motorcycles and scooters, the number of plastic parts is increasing all the time. The technology of painting plastic has its own characteristics and nuances. This is due to certain properties of this material: it is quite elastic and the paint does not adhere well to its surface. Also, the behavior of plastic when coated with paintwork materials depends on the type of plastic. To date, there are many different means for coloring this material, so repairing car plastic parts is not a problem.

The type of material is always indicated in the marking on the inside of the part, so before you start painting, carefully study this abbreviation.

Types and properties of plastics

Plastics are materials with a polymer base. Due to the content of various plasticizers, stabilizers and other fillers, plastic is endowed with good properties of fluidity, plasticity, strength, etc. There is a classification of plastic according to the following criteria:

  1. Chemical composition.
  2. Rigidity.
  3. Fat content.

But, perhaps, the main criterion for characterizing this material is how plastic behaves when heated. According to this property, its types are distinguished:

  • thermoplastics - plastic that melts when heated, and in the process of cooling it acquires its original state. Due to this property, such parts can be welded and soldered. This type of material is the most used for the production of auto parts: panels, bumpers, radiator grilles, wheel caps, etc.
  • thermoplastics - materials that become soft when heated only once - during the formation of the part, remain solid during subsequent heating. You can’t weld and solder them, otherwise the material will simply collapse. Thermoplastics are heat-resistant, so they are used for the production of hoods, trunk lids, fenders, etc.
  • Elastomers are plastics with high elasticity. When loaded, it bends, and when it is removed, it takes on its original shape. The main advantage of this type of material is that even at very high temperatures they remain elastic. Tires, seals, etc. are made from it.

Painting plastic in the car (video)

Determining the need for a plastic primer

Before painting, often plastic parts need to be treated with a primer. Often, but not always. It all depends on what type of plastic this element is made of. At home, this is not difficult to determine, for this you only need matches or a lighter. With their help, we need to set fire to a small area of ​​the product.

If the combustion process is accompanied by soot, then priming is not necessary. Another life hack - the part must be immersed in a container of water, and if it floats, then soil is not needed.

Stages of painting plastic elements of the machine

Before you start painting, you need to prepare all the tools and materials necessary for work:

  • dye;
  • solvent or white spirit;
  • acrylic varnish;
  • primer for plastic "plastafix";
  • abrasive paper for cleaning.
  1. We clean the surface with an abrasive cloth to get rid of small irregularities.
  2. We process with a degreasing agent - in our case we use a solvent or white spirit.
  3. We use an antistatic agent so that dust does not sit on the surface.
  4. If there are significant irregularities, we putty the defects and clean them. We use a special putty for plastic.
  5. Re-degrease the base.
  6. We apply primer - 2-3 layers and leave the coating to dry - usually it takes about 1 hour.
  7. We apply acrylic paint in 2 or 3 thin layers with a paint brush or spray can. This composition, as well as possible, is suitable for coloring plastics. And leave to dry for 30 minutes.
  8. The surface is varnished.
  9. Apply paste to polish the surface.

Tip: It is better to apply paint from a spray can, this will significantly reduce material consumption, unlike painting with a brush. But if you have to work with a brush, then expect that such a coating will dry for 20-25 minutes longer.

Various technologies for painting plastic

There are many different technologies for painting plastic car parts with your own hands. Which one to choose depends purely on your desires and taste preferences. With the help of paint, you can imitate the wood coating on the part. This technique is not particularly difficult, but the result is spectacular.

The technology of such coloring is as follows:

  • After preliminary filling and priming with a brush, we apply longitudinal lines with black paint; in some places, holding the brush perpendicularly, we rotate it, thus, drawing, as it were, knots.
  • Then we clean the coating along the drawn stripes, creating an imitation of a wood structure.
  • Next, apply white paint.
  • We glue thin strips of adhesive tape in random order.
  • With dark brown paint, draw the gaps between the adhesive tape.
  • We remove the adhesive tape and use brown paint to correct the drawing as we wish.
  • If desired, the surface can be varnished.

Swirling technique (swirling - English rotation) is distinguished by its originality and creativity. What is it? Let's try to figure it out.

The meaning of such coloring is to cover a plastic part with a multi-colored film of paints. To do this, a special paint is poured into water and the product is immersed there. In this way, a colored film covers the surface.

Such a plastic processing option as flocking performs not only a decorative function, but also improves the thermal insulation characteristics of the material. After all, plastic, painted in this way, does not lend itself to heating. Externally, this finish creates a velvet effect on the surface.

Photo gallery of finished works
