Construction of a barn from foam blocks: features, subtleties. Do-it-yourself barn: how to create a hozblok from simple materials Silicate wall block for a barn

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Various non-residential buildings on the site, no doubt, are needed, they include a barn, which today we will build on our own, using foam blocks.

Photo of a barn made of foam block material

Why foam block

Of course, there is a huge temptation to simply ignore this moment, because we just have a barn, and in fact we should not be interested in what we will build it from. Nevertheless, this is a room in which you can arrange a warehouse for certain food products, tools, and equipment.

That is, we can still impose certain requirements on the internal atmosphere.

So, the construction of a barn from foam blocks allows us to talk about the following features of the material:

  • thermal insulation how important this is to a barn depends on its purpose.
  • Ease of use. We will consider this point in more detail below.
  • Relatively low cost.

Foam blocks for construction

Where to begin

Of course, we are not talking about any project here, but we still need to do some sketches and calculations.

Our building will not stand on the ground, we need a simple foundation - to fill it in, to calculate the amount of material. Decide on a construction site.

  • We select the parameters of the foam block. Let the standard size be 200x300x600 mm.
  • Consider the perimeter of the barn. We have it 4x3, that is, 14 meters.
  • The wall area will turn out, with a height of 2.5 meters, 35 square meters.
  • The standard amount of material per square is approximately 5.6 blocks, which means we need 196 blocks.
  • Next, we subtract the area of ​​​​the door, the window, if any, and we already get a completely accurate version of the number of foam block products.

Preparing the foundation

Important! This instruction allows us to calculate without jointing, which, however, will turn out to be minimal if we use special glue.

In terms of masonry, we are almost ready, but we still need fittings for laying in walls and a set of simple tools:

  • Roulette and corner.
  • A pair of trowels and a hammer.
  • Twine for guides and a weight for a vertical plumb line.
  • Wood saw.


There is absolutely no point in making a powerful foundation - just fill in a simple strip foundation (see also the article Foundation foam blocks 300 by 600 by 600).

For this:

  • We dig trenches 30 cm wide and 30-40 cm deep.
  • According to technology, we fill the bottom with sand and tightly ram.
  • We install reinforcement, it can be metal with a cross section of 8 mm.
  • We install the formwork, 15-20 centimeters above the ground level, the shed of foam blocks with our own hands should rise slightly above the soil, since foam concrete easily absorbs moisture.

We also knead concrete in standard proportions, one portion of cement for four portions of sand and gravel. In total, we will get at the level of 1.8 cubic meters of concrete, and this can be poured on our own. That is, there is no question of a mixer.

Finished Foundation

A small volume will allow us to pour everything at once, therefore, this will only add strength to the entire base.

In a few days we will remove the formwork and carry out waterproofing. This is a prerequisite, foam blocks should not constantly gain moisture from the foundation. For waterproofing, we use a simple mastic, with which we prime the base in several layers and cover the top with roofing material.

Important! In principle, laying can be carried out after 3-5 days. The concrete has already fully bonded by this point, and the additional load that will be the masonry of the walls, on the contrary, will only strengthen the foundation.


So, before building a barn from foam blocks, we completely calculated everything, prepared the material and now we are starting to build walls (see also the article Laying foam blocks with your own hands: step by step instructions).

masonry principle

The principle of laying a foam block structure is not much different from a brick one, however, of course, there are some differences:

  • Seam size. This is the first thing that immediately catches your eye. Such an insignificant thickness of the seam is achieved by the fact that we have glue, and it allows you to make masonry with a joint of 3 mm.
  • Rows, we, as in the masonry of the house, must be connected with metal mortgages. In any case, the barn must have strong walls.
  • We are working with the level and along the guides, trying not to deviate.

The ease of masonry and convenient material parameters allow even one person to build a barn in one day, at least the walls can definitely be erected.

The question of how to build a cinder block shed can practically be closed: however, we still have at least a few things to do.

First, the construction of a lintel over the doorway. This can be done in several ways, but if we still have concrete, we can simply pour it with rebar. There is no concrete left, you can put a jumper in the form of two steel corners or buy a cast concrete column.

Shed roof example

The roof remains. But here we will make everything very simple:

  • We waterproof the upper row of masonry and install a bar on it, it is possible with a section of 100 mm.
  • We make the second parallel wall one row higher and also lay the throw.
  • Now we make a crate, perpendicularly setting a beam with a cross section of 50 mm, in increments of a meter.
  • We cover everything with simple plywood.
  • We cover the plywood with roofing material.
  • We install slate sheets, as the simplest inexpensive option, just the price will be minimal.

Advice! The sides can be laid with foam blocks, cutting them at the right angle, since they are cut with a simple hacksaw for wood.


Nearly finished building

There is absolutely nothing complicated in the construction of a non-residential structure, as we have seen. The recommendations are simple, the advice is rational, and all the work will take several days at most (learn also how to build a garage from cinder blocks yourself).

If you are interested in this, and you are ready to proceed, then in the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

How to build a barn from foam blocks with your own hands? + video


The construction of any outbuilding can be carried out from a variety of materials, since they are not subject to special requirements, except for dryness, warmth and reliable protection from precipitation. And today we will talk about what a foam block barn is, a material that has won millions of hearts.

Building a shed from blocks - what are the advantages of the material?

If you decide whether to purchase foam blocks for the construction of outbuildings or just buy a plastic shed, be sure to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the material, its advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, it is worth noting the benefits of such a purchase, since the blocks are much cheaper than wood, and they are not inferior to it in quality and reliability. They are also cheaper than bricks, while walls can reach a thickness of up to 30 cm. They can be easily processed, sawn and combined with other building materials.

In addition, such buildings will "breathe", which reduces the development of mold and mildew, which makes the premises warmer, more comfortable and more suitable for storing a variety of materials.

Foam blocks can be compared with wood, only they are more durable and do not burn.. In such a shed, it is much more convenient to carry out communications (water pipes, heating systems, electrical wiring) due to the fact that it is easy to drill holes in the material and ditch it. However, any building material has drawbacks, which also affected the blocks. The main disadvantages include:

  • The fragility of the material, which is why experts advise building a high-quality foundation, preferably from a monolithic slab. But you can also build strip concrete, which is much more economical, although you will have to make reinforcing meshes every 3-4 meters.
  • High level of water absorption (about 15%). That is why you need to create reliable waterproofing and apply other methods of protection against dampness.
  • High vapor permeability, and therefore it is better to use an external vapor barrier, which will contribute to the rejection of moisture during "wet" periods.

The construction of a barn from foam blocks has differences in the process of construction compared to similar structures built from other building materials only in technical aspects, but in appearance, reliability and configuration it is not inferior to them. You just need to pick up a brand of material in the store, stock up on tools, and then proceed to the main work.

Construction of a barn from foam blocks from

Despite the sufficient cheapness of the material, you can also save on the construction itself if you decide to do all the work yourself. And now, step by step, we will tell you about how you can build such a necessary building on your site as a barn.

To learn how to build a barn from foam blocks, just check out our instructions.

  1. The first stage consists in preparing the foundation, creating formwork and pouring concrete. First, we mark our future structure on the territory, marking it with pegs, remove the soil and dig a trench up to 50 cm deep. Drainage (a layer of sand, gravel and crushed stone) needs to be poured into the bottom, we install a reinforcing mesh from above and create formwork. Next, we knead concrete (cement, water and fine sand), so that the solution turns out like sour cream, then pour the mixture. If it's hot outside, dampen the foundation with water for the first few days to keep it from cracking.
  2. The next step is building walls. If you do everything according to the instructions, you will not have problems at this stage. The main thing is to think in advance where the door and window openings will be located. Do not forget that the walls must be mounted on a waterproofing layer laid on the foundation. In order for the joint layers to be of a minimum size, it is best to use a mixture of sand and cement.
  3. We proceed to the direct construction. It is correct to start work from the corner of the building, for which you need to operate the building level and the corner block, constantly monitoring the evenness of the walls. If necessary, you can easily cut blocks using a hacksaw or power saw. And so, step by step, we build walls, following the evenness of the masonry.
  4. The last stage is the roof, the construction of which will also cost you quite cheaply, especially if you cover it not with metal tiles, but with simple slate. The basis of the entire structure will be the guide beam, between which it is necessary to install the floor beams. The most suitable beam diameter is 10-15 cm. To support the rafters, we use vertical racks, which are best done closer to the center for reliability. Slate or any other roofing material is overlapped on the prepared base. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws.

For reliability, you can finish the barn, insulate, carry out interior and exterior decoration, and after that the final step is the installation of shelves and racks, a desktop for construction work.

We build a barn from blocks with our own hands - key features of the work

A barn made of foam blocks, which absolutely everyone can create with their own hands, is a necessary building on any site. It is used to store material, various equipment, tools that you use all the time, all things that are not practical to keep in the house. And whatever material you choose for construction, you need to remember that the building must comply with all modern standards.

So, before starting work, select the place where the building will be located. The approach to it should not take you much time, but the barn should not be conspicuous either. Therefore, it is undesirable to build it in front of the house; places near the garden or right behind the house are best suited, where it will be hidden from prying eyes.. Do not choose places in the lowlands, because when the snow melts or during the rainy season, there is a high probability of flooding.

Do-it-yourself construction of a 6 × 4 barn from foam blocks.

Wood is the most popular material for building a barn. But it so happened that the foam concrete hozblok would have looked more organically on my site, and even more reliable. The dimensions of the future barn are 6 by 4 meters.

For starters, the foundation. Under the foundation, I built a formwork:

Then the concrete was poured. Now three weeks of rest - you need to let the foundation settle.

And now, the foundation is ready. You can start building a foam concrete hozblok! We start laying:

It is worth noting that, in my opinion, laying foam concrete for a barn is easier than building a frame from timber or boards. You put cement, you put a block, you trim the next one. Although on the other hand, there is more routine.

Meanwhile, the barn grew to this size:

Soon the frame was finished and I started on the roof. Roof system - truss.

As the material of the coating, I chose tiles. The main house is finished in the same way, so the barn will look harmonious:

That's almost all. Roof laid:

Finally, it remains to install the door and the foam block shed is ready! Apart from the time spent preparing and defending the foundation, the barn was built in 4 weeks. Built one.

I did not consider the exact costs for the construction of the utility block, but about 150 thousand were spent on materials.

How to build a barn from foam blocks with your own hands + Video

Not a single country house or cottage is complete without outbuildings. And many, before building a residential building, first of all decide to build a barn from foam blocks with their own hands. It is your work that will save up to 50% of the cost of the entire building on construction.

Why from foam blocks?

And really, why exactly from foam blocks? Are there few other building materials from which you can build various buildings, including sheds. Of course there are, and a lot. But foam blocks differ, first of all, in their technical characteristics, which, for example, brick or wood do not have. To put it simply, the foam blocks combined many of the properties of brick and wood, since they:

  • With impressive dimensions, they have a small mass, which reduces transportation costs and labor intensity of work.
  • The dimensions of the foam block and low weight make it possible to erect buildings and structures 3-4 times faster than from bricks.
  • They have good thermal insulation properties, due to the large number of air chambers in their structure. The thermal conductivity of the foam block is almost 4 times lower than that of a brick.
  • Foam blocks have good vapor barrier, which makes it impossible to develop such negative phenomena as mold and fungi.
  • Products made of foam concrete are easy to process, you can cut the foam block with an ordinary hacksaw.
  • Foam concrete is not subject to combustion, it is environmentally friendly, since it does not contain harmful chemical impurities that could release unwanted odors and harmful substances into the atmosphere.

REMOSKOP.RU site masters have prepared a special calculator for you Calculation of the number of foam blocks. You can easily calculate the required number of foam blocks.

However, do not think that this material does not have flaws. There is one, which is that a barn made of foam blocks requires external finishing, since foam concrete, having porosity, can absorb moisture, as a result of which, under the influence of temperature changes, its structure will collapse.

The first steps towards building a barn

If you decide to build a barn with your own hands from foam blocks, first of all you need to decide on its functionality - whether this building will be used to store household equipment, a home workshop, or it is planned to settle living creatures there. Based on the functionality of the barn, it is necessary to make a drawing of the future structure, where to indicate the dimensions, mark the window and door openings, partitions.

According to the drawing, it is easier to calculate the required amount of materials. Now it's up to the small - you need to choose a place where your barn will be located. Naturally, you do not need to build it in front of the house. It is better to place it on the side or behind a residential building, but not too far from it.

After the volumes have been calculated and the material has been purchased, you can proceed to the foundation. We choose a strip foundation, since the blocks, although they are light in weight, nevertheless, the building is being built capital and requires a reliable and solid foundation.

Foundation device

According to the size of the barn, the site is cleared and the top layer of fertile soil is removed. A trench about 70 cm deep and 50 cm wide is dug under the load-bearing walls. The bottom of the trench must be leveled horizontally and a gravel-sand cushion 10–15 cm high must be made. The backfill must be shed with water and tamped.

After that, you can expose the formwork in which you want to install the reinforcing cage. For the manufacture of the frame, it is better to choose reinforcing bars of a periodic profile with a diameter of 8–10 mm. If a knitting wire is used to connect the individual elements of the frame, then the frame can be mounted directly in the trench. But it is more convenient to make a welding structure on the ground near the future building. Pieces of concrete, red brick or pebbles 5 cm high are substituted under the frame from below. The same is done from the sides of the frame. Instead of the above materials, you can use pieces of foam that are tied directly to the frame. In this way, a protective concrete layer 4-5 cm thick is created, which will protect the reinforcement from corrosion..

The concrete mixture is placed in the prepared structure and bayoneted. That is, it is pierced with a sharp object - a stick or a reinforcing bar so that the concrete settles as much as possible and fills all the voids. The finished foundation must stand for 28 days. And only after that you can start building a barn from foam blocks.

How to properly lay foam blocks

The principle of laying foam blocks is no different from the technology of brickwork. In the same way, it is necessary to observe the horizontality of the laid out rows and the verticality of the walls. For this, there is a building level and a plumb line. Before starting laying, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing from a strip of roofing material on the foundation.

First of all, the corners are drawn out and a mooring is already stretched between them - a cord that allows you to keep the row horizontal, as shown in the photo. Foam blocks can be laid on a cement-sand mortar or on a special glue. In the case of using a traditional mortar, the seams between the blocks will be larger, and if glue is used, the thickness of the seams can be reduced to 3-4 mm, which will reduce the risk of heat leakage through the seams.

When laying, it is necessary to observe the dressing of the seams. This means that there must be a whole block above each connection of two blocks in the next row. The protruding mortar or adhesive is carefully removed from both the internal and external surfaces of the walls. When installing the block in its place, you should use a rubber mallet, but not an iron mallet.

If it is required, according to the project, to lay out the inner walls, then they are tied to the outer ones by laying metal mesh or iron anchors in the joints.

After the walls are laid out to the desired height, the next stage in the construction of the barn will be the construction of the truss system and the roof.

How to make a barn roof

If the project provides for a shed roof, then the front wall of the barn must be made higher than the back wall in order to maintain the specified roof slope. But it is better to choose a gable roof, in this case there will be extra space in the attic where you can store a supply of hay for animals or other things. In addition, a gable roof looks more attractive, and due to the larger attic space in the barn itself, it will be warmer. After all, air is also a good heat insulator.

For the device of the truss system, a Mauerlat is laid on top of the walls - a wooden beam on which the rafter legs will rest. A layer of roofing material is also laid under the Mauerlat, and the beam itself, the cross section of which is usually kept within 150 × 150 or 200 × 200 mm, is attached to the walls by means of bolts or anchors. On the Mauerlat, transverse floor beams are laid, which will be the basis of the barn ceiling and attic floor.

The rafter legs are assembled on the ground into a triangle, which is fastened in the upper part with a transverse bar. After that, the structures rise up and are installed alternately with their fastening with temporary struts and jibs.

The top of all rafter legs is connected by a ridge board. After that, the lathing step is performed, which is selected depending on the roofing material used. All wooden elements must be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants to prevent wood decay and protect buildings from accidental fire.

It remains to lay the roofing material, insert windows and doors and make the floor. All this is carried out according to traditional proven technologies and should not cause difficulties in execution.

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95 photos of the modern understanding of the hozblok

Not a single summer cottage or private house can do without utility rooms. Usually they are erected at the first stages of land development as temporary shelters, which can serve as a shelter from the rain, a bathroom, a warehouse for tools and building materials.

With thoughtful placement, such a building, after the construction of a residential building, can be converted into a barn, a bathhouse, or used for other household needs.

Types of outbuildings

Before you organize a hozblok in the country, you need to decide on its purpose, take into account the main functions of this building and the period of time during which it will be used.

Budget temporary houses can be built from wood, or a metal frame upholstered in different materials. Foam block buildings will require more investment, but they will last much longer and have better hydro and thermal insulation. It would be advisable to include such a building in the overall project for arranging the land plot.

Depending on the purpose, the design, dimensions and layout and placement of the utility block are determined.

Garage-type buildings are a closed room with an adjoining canopy. At the stage of building a house, the covered part can serve as both a temporary dwelling and a warehouse, and a car is parked under a canopy. Such a temporary building can later be converted into an indoor garage, workshop or summer kitchen.

Security booths provide round-the-clock human presence in the country to prevent theft, or just overnight. In the future, they can be disassembled, moved or turned into a storage room.

The barn is a storage block. When determining the dimensions, architecture and building materials, it is tedious to focus on individual needs and opportunities.

But keep in mind that a concrete foundation, a pitched roof, drainage, waterproofing and ventilation vents will increase the functionality of such a structure.

A temporary house with amenities is designed for living on a land plot. It is equipped with a shower and a toilet, electricity is supplied, heating and a stove for cooking are connected.

If you build such a temporary hut in the rear of the planned house, it can be converted into a good utility block for storage, workshop, laundry, etc.

Ready hozblok

All types of hozblok can be purchased ready-made. Structures made of plastic and metal with verified dimensions and the necessary options can quickly solve the problem of temporary residence and work on the site, or supplement the residential complex with the necessary utility rooms.

As a rule, such structures are easy to assemble, they can be used seasonally or moved to different sites. There is also the option of buildings on wheels.

The quality indicators of finished plastic trailers and temporary huts in some cases are not inferior to structures made of metal profiles. Sophisticated design and condition of materials for external and internal decoration, as well as the presence of a floor are the advantages of such a choice.

The service life of plastic houses reaches 10 years. The advantage of buildings made of metal profiles is their strength and durability. By cleaning surfaces and painting, you can update the appearance and functionality of the building.

Although it will take more time to assemble the metal frame and profile sheathing, moreover, it will also be necessary to prepare the foundation and flooring for the finished metal models. But buildings of this type are easier to remake, they can be expanded or partially dismantled.

Hozbloki in the modern sense

In our time, utility blocks are a full-fledged part of architectural design, and unsightly sheds hidden in the depths of the garden are a thing of the past.

Naturally, well-equipped, durable and aesthetic-looking buildings require material costs, but a neat spacious garage, dry and ventilated warehouse or sauna is not just a tribute to fashion, but a reasonable contribution to comfort.

Outbuildings located at some distance from the house, with a rational layout, unload the main residential building, increasing comfort and facilitating economic activities.

The design solutions for household blocks for summer cottages proposed in the photo indicate that even inexpensive and modest buildings can become a decoration for a personal plot.

The first building on the land does not have to be temporary, inconvenient and ugly. It is enough just to get rid of stereotypes and start building household blocks with your own hands or with the help of specialists with care and attention to detail.

It is worth spending time on both design and calculations in order to end up with a full-fledged and multifunctional office space.

Photo hozblok to give

How to make a barn from foam blocks with your own hands

Each person will be able to make a barn of foam blocks with their own hands. In your own yard you will always need a utility room. For example, you will need to keep various things there, building materials, tools, inventory. In such a building, you can build a workshop or a room for various pets. To make it warm, you need to choose the right material. One of the best options are foam blocks.

Why you need to use a foam block

Foam concrete has many advantages. These include the following:

  1. The building will have good thermal insulation. This material has the same thermal conductivity as natural wood. When compared with silicate or ceramic type bricks, foam blocks lose heat 3 times less. This is achieved due to the fact that the material has a porous structure. At 80% it consists of small cells of a closed type. Because of this, the temperature changes slowly. Thanks to these properties, the construction of foam blocks will create the effect of a thermos.
  2. The product is frost resistant. When frozen, water will migrate over the block, whereby the structure of the material is preserved so that the blocks remain intact.
  3. Soundproof properties. Due to the fact that there are many cavities inside the block, the hozblok will have good sound insulation.
  4. Hygroscopicity. The material is hygroscopic, so that the air exchange will be normal indoors. Due to this property, steam will come out, mold will not form on the walls due to dampness.
  5. The foam blocks from which we build the barn do not support combustion and do not ignite. This material is able to withstand fire for about 8 hours, and in doing so it will collapse.
  6. Ease of use. It is very easy to handle the foam block, and much easier than with ordinary bricks. In addition, for finished blocks, the standard dimensions are 20-30-60 cm, so it will be much faster to build walls.
  7. Lightweight blocks. Usually they weigh no more than 11 kg. Due to this, the load on the base and walls will be significantly less.
  8. Small cost. As a result, material costs can be saved. The financial costs for the entire building will be significantly less than if foam blocks were used.
  9. Environmental friendliness. Foam blocks are considered an environmentally friendly material, since only sand, cement and foam forming substances are used to create it (as a rule, this is a protein base).
  10. It is easy to saw the block due to its porous structure.

But foam blocks also have disadvantages that must be taken into account if this material is chosen to create an animal shed or store tools. Firstly, the disadvantages include the insufficient strength of the material, which is why it is not allowed to build a building with a height of more than 10 m. This disadvantage affects the transportation of the material. Secondly, due to the ugly appearance of the blocks, additional facing work will be required. In addition, it must be borne in mind that if there is no additional protection, then at extremely low temperatures the material will begin to gradually break down.

Preparatory stage: site selection, calculations and drawings

Before thinking about how to build a barn from foam blocks, you need to choose a place where this building will be located. It is very important that its location is convenient for people. Usually they make 2 entrances in the building. One of them should be wide enough. This is very convenient if you need to bring furniture or other large items. Depending on the purpose of the building, it can be placed next to the house or further away.

After choosing a place for a farm building, you need to consider its shape and dimensions. Then make a drawing or at least an approximate diagram. After that, you can start the calculations. It is imperative to calculate how many materials will be needed for a foam block shed.

For example, the dimensions of the blocks are approximately 20-30-60 cm. The building has a length of 6 m, a width of 3 m and a height of 2.5 m. In this case, 30 blocks will be needed. To calculate, you need to calculate the perimeter of the building (that is, 6 + 3, and then multiply the resulting amount by 2). Then divide it by the block length - 0.6 m. In total, 30 blocks will be needed for one row. Now you can find out how many rows there will be. To do this, you need to divide the height of the entire building by the height of 1 block. It turns out 8.3 rows. As a result, you will need to make 8.3 rows with 30 blocks, when you multiply both indicators, 249 blocks come out - this is the total amount of materials for the entire building. It is necessary to take into account exactly those dimensions that the selected foam block has, since the dimensions may vary. In this case, their number for the construction of the building will be different. In addition, you need to consider that there will be openings for doors and windows.

After that, you can begin to calculate the amount of materials that will be needed for the roof. It is necessary to use roofing materials (for example, metal tiles), as well as boards and beams for the rafter system. Overhangs in front, behind and on the sides are supposed to be 0.5 m larger than the parameters of the base. This will prevent rain from getting on the walls. With the selected building parameters for the construction of a 2-pitched roof, the following amount of materials will be needed:

  1. Wooden bars - 30 pcs. with a length of 3 m and a cross section of 10 * 5 cm. In this case, the angle of inclination will be approximately 53 °.
  2. Boards - 15 pcs. 6 m each. The cross section is 10 * 2.5 cm.
  3. Beams for floors - 20 pcs. 4 m.
  4. Mauerlat - 2 pcs.
  5. Boards for crossbars - 1 pc.
  6. Metal corners, 3 rolls of insulating material, self-tapping screws and nails.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare tools in advance. Of the various meters, you will need a ruler, a square, a building level. To create a sticky composition, you need a drill with a mixer nozzle or a concrete mixer, mortar containers, bayonet and shovel shovels. You will also need a large watering can, a hose with a pump, a spatula, a hammer, nails. You can't do without stairs.

The second stage: the construction of the foundation and walls

When all calculations are made and materials and tools are purchased, it is supposed to start construction work. First you need to make a foundation for a barn of foam blocks. Tape design works best. Step by step work is as follows:

  1. Level the area where the building will be located. After that, make a markup depending on what dimensions are chosen for the building. To do this, use stakes and cords.
  2. Dig pits around the perimeter of the future building. It is best if the depth is lower than the freezing level. As a rule, 0.3-0.5 m deep is enough, but in some soils (for example, clay type) it is required to break up to 1 m. Make a trench 0.3 m wide.
  3. Pour sand into the trench and carefully compact so that the layer is even. Its thickness should be approximately 10 cm. More crushed stone needs to be poured onto this pillow. This layer should also have a thickness of 10 cm. After that, lay out a waterproofing layer on these 2 layers throughout the trench. This is required so that there is no absorption of the liquid concrete solution into the lower layers. Waterproofing should be positioned so that it covers not only rubble and sand, but also the soil on the sides of the trench.
  4. Before starting to equip the foundation for the barn, it is supposed to build a formwork that will be used for pouring concrete. For this design, metal and wooden boards are used. The height should be above the soil level - it should reach the basement level of the future building. For the strength of the formwork, fixation with clamps and spacers is used. From above it is necessary to fix also props. It is necessary to install a metal frame on the waterproofing layer or use a reinforcing mesh. The rods should be about 1-1.2 cm thick.
  5. Reinforcement can be poured with concrete mortar. It is best to use the M200-250 brand product. The entire perimeter should be poured out of concrete in 1 step. Do not do this in the heat or rain, otherwise the foundation will simply crack. Under normal weather conditions, it will take about a month for the concrete to harden.
  6. When the concrete is completely frozen, you need to prepare the surface for further work. It is necessary to clean it from dust and dirt, remove protrusions and other defects.

After the foundation of the building is made, it is necessary to proceed to the arrangement of the walls. To do this, the surface of the concrete foundation is supposed to be covered with a material with waterproofing properties. For example, you can use roofing material or waterproofing.

After that, it is supposed to prepare an adhesive mortar for the walls. You need to use cement and sand. 3 parts of the first component rely on 1 part of the second. When the composition is ready, you can start laying the first row of blocks. You need to start from the corner of the building and then continue along the entire perimeter of the building. The seam should be no more than 3 cm thick. When the first row is laid out, it is necessary to check that the wall is even. To make the wall strong, it is recommended to use reinforcement bars. Their diameter should be 8 mm. They are supposed to be laid after every 4th row of blocks.

Third stage: arrangement of the roof and processing of walls

After the walls are erected, you can make a roof. First you need to wait until the solution hardens. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. To the top row of the wall, fix the bars with metal studs, which will be used as a Mauerlat. The distance between the studs should be no more than 1.2 m. There must be a waterproofing layer under the Mauerlat.
  2. Fasten the trusses to the edge to form gables. They can be aligned and fixed with temporary stops. The truss structure with the edge must be carefully strengthened. To do this, nail it with a board to the wall of the building. In this case, the walls must be completely flat. It is better to assemble the rafters on the ground, and then raise them for further installation. Be sure to stretch the twine between the trusses.
  3. Fix the farms along the edges to the Mauerlat. The rest are installed by twine. For convenience, you can make labels. It is best to use overlays and metal fasteners for fastening, since the wooden elements will simply dry out over time, so nails will not help.
  4. When the building system is fully installed, it must be covered with a special membrane with waterproofing properties. Install the trim on top. If you use metal tiles in the future, it is best to install bars in one layer that have a cross section of 5 * 6 cm.

Now it is supposed to start insulation work. Styrofoam is perfect for this. Dust and dirt must be removed from the walls. Then fix the defects. After that, apply a primer. Then fix the plinth strips with anchors and dowels. They are used as a support for fixing corners and plates.

Next, you need to do the preparation of glue for foam boards. It is necessary to pour the product only with cool water. For stirring, it is recommended to use a drill that has a special nozzle. After that, the substance is left to infuse for 5 minutes. Now on the plates you need to apply such a composition at a distance of 3 cm to the edges around the entire perimeter. In the middle, also treat the surface. Apply plates to the wall and strengthen with dowels. Then cover everything with glue and install the grid. When everything is dry, you need to apply plaster and paint.


Building a barn from foam blocks is an easy task. It will turn out to save a lot by doing everything on your own, without the help of a construction team. The main thing is to make the calculations correctly and be able to use the necessary tools. The result is a well-built utility room that can stand for many years.

Do-it-yourself barn

In a private yard, a barn is needed as a storage room or for keeping animals. Often this outbuilding is built from used materials or using what is left after the construction of the house. The size and design of the barn is determined by its purpose. For example, to store inventory, it is enough to build a small cold utility block, and you need to keep a large number of birds already in a spacious insulated building. Now we will look at how to build a barn with our own hands from wood and foam blocks, and also present several options for drawings of a farm building.

Determine the location of the barn

A place to install a barn is usually chosen further from a residential building. It is desirable that it be a hill, otherwise the hozblok will constantly be heated during rain. In general, before choosing a place for construction, you need to look at projects at least on the Internet, and then decide on the purpose of the outbuilding.

The photo shows examples of beautiful hozblokov for storing inventory. Here such a building can be installed in a conspicuous place. It will even become a decoration of the site. It is only necessary to try to make the decoration of the barn so that it is combined with the architectural ensemble. If it is supposed to make a barn from blocks or used materials to breed birds in it, then such a building must be hidden further from public view. In addition to the fact that the barn will spoil the interior of the yard with its appearance, an unpleasant smell will come from the bird.

Barn Project Examples

Before building a barn with your own hands, you need to draw a drawing. The diagram shows the dimensions of the future building. This will help calculate the required amount of material. However, even before drawing up the project, you need to decide on the target direction of the barn. For example, capital construction requires more investment and labor, and a temporary utility block can be quickly assembled from improvised materials.

It is important to decide on the roof of the hozblok. On an outbuilding, you can install a single or gable roof. Each roof option requires certain financial investments, skills, and labor costs. If you need a poultry house, firewood storage, a toilet or an outdoor shower, it is wise to get a combined building.

The choice of material depends on the target direction of the hozblok. Usually sheds are built of brick, wood or foam blocks. Further, we offer several projects of outbuildings. Maybe you will like one of them.

It is difficult for an inexperienced person to draw up a drawing of a hozblok on their own. This photo shows a project for a frame shed with a gable roof. Assemble it according to the indicated dimensions, if the dimensions of such a building satisfy you.

According to the next project, we assemble a frame hozblok, divided into three compartments. Inside, you can organize a poultry house, a pantry, a woodshed, a summer kitchen or other premises as needed.

When it is decided that we are building a barn only for livestock, you can use the following proposed project.

You can organize a summer shower, toilet or pantry in a small hozblok. It can be assembled according to the presented drawing of the frame building.

It is better to assemble all sheds of temporary use using frame technology. A general view of the structure is shown in the photo. You can leave the dimensions of the frame or calculate your own.

Decide on the type of foundation for the barn

The choice of the type of foundation depends on what kind of building will be built. Heavy sheds with brick or block walls are built on concrete belts. It is reasonable to place frame hozbloks on a columnar base. Now we will take a step-by-step look at how to make your own foundation for your barn.

Important! Concrete tape for the barn cannot be poured on peat and sedimentary soils.

Strip foundation for the hozblok

Reinforced concrete tape can also be poured for a frame shed. Although for such buildings it is reasonable to equip such a solid foundation with their large dimensions. Pouring a concrete strip requires a lot of labor and financial investment. Usually such a base is made for brick or block sheds.

A step-by-step guide for the construction of a concrete tape for a utility block looks like this:

  • On the site mark the contours of the future foundation. For a shallow base, they dig a trench 40–50 cm deep. If soil heaving is observed, then the depth of the trench is increased to the level of soil freezing. Usually, a depth of up to 80 cm is enough. The width of the reinforced concrete tape for a frame utility block is taken in the range of 25–30 cm. For brick and block sheds, the width of the reinforced concrete tape is made 100 mm more than the thickness of the walls.
  • The bottom of the trench is covered with sand and gravel 15 cm thick. Formwork is assembled from the boards equal to the height of the basement. It is installed from above along the perimeter of the trench, and the bottom and side walls are covered with roofing material. If the height of the formwork is more than 50 cm, the side walls are reinforced with temporary supports. Particular attention should be paid to strengthening the corners.
  • In order for the tape to have good resistance to bending, a box-shaped reinforcing frame is assembled inside the trench. Rebar 12 mm thick is tied with knitting wire. Rods cannot be welded.
  • The barn tape is poured in one day, otherwise a monolithic base will not work. It will take a lot to prepare the solution, so it is better to use a concrete mixer.

After a minimum of two weeks, the concrete will gain about 70% strength. On such a foundation, you can already begin to put up the walls of the barn.

Column base for hozblok

During the construction of frame sheds of small sizes, a columnar foundation is most often installed. Cabinets are able to withstand light construction and do not require a lot of building material.

Let's look at the step-by-step actions for performing work when laying red brick pedestals:

  • Adhering to the markings, they dig holes 70 cm deep. They must be placed at the corners of the future building with a maximum step of 1.5 m. If the width of the utility block is more than 2.5 m, then intermediate pedestals are additionally provided.
  • A 15 cm layer of crushed stone with sand is poured at the bottom of each hole, after which they begin laying red bricks on concrete mortar.

Having built all the cabinets, make sure that they are on the same level. If necessary, low pillars are built up with concrete mortar.

For the construction of pedestals for a frame hozblok, you can use hollow concrete blocks. For them, holes are dug in steps of 1 m. The step-by-step instructions for laying blocks are no different from working with bricks. Only voids in the blocks during masonry need to be filled with mortar.

Concrete blocks can additionally be laid under the floor beams of the utility block. They will not allow the floor to sag when exposed to a large load.

Columnar wooden foundation for a temporary house

Any person who built temporary huts for household needs did not lay a powerful foundation for them. So for our hozblok, you can build a foundation of logs. If the blanks are well treated with waterproofing, then such a temporary hut will last up to ten years.

Let's look at how the phased laying of such a foundation takes place:

  • From the materials you will need larch or oak logs 1.5–2 m long with a diameter of 30 cm. That part of the pillars that will be in the ground is treated with bitumen, and wrapped with two layers of roofing material on top.
  • Holes are dug under logs. The bottom is covered with a 150 mm layer of crushed stone or gravel. All logs are installed in the holes, after which the gaps are simply pushed with soil. It is allowed to fill the pits with concrete or fill them with a dry mixture of sand and cement.

To the wooden foundation, the lower trim of the frame shed is simply nailed.

Instructions for the construction of a frame shed

First, let's look at the construction of a barn using frame technology. Even one person can do this job.

So, guided by the project, we proceed to the construction of a frame shed:

  • First, from a bar with a wall size of 100x100 mm, you need to assemble the main frame of the utility block. The frame racks will be attached to it. To connect the elements at the corners of the frame, at the end of the beam, cuts are made by half its thickness, that is, 50 mm.
  • Regardless of the design, the foundation is covered with two sheets of roofing material. The hozblok frame is nailed to the wooden base with long nails. To the concrete tape, fixing occurs with anchor studs.
  • Now you need to fix the lags to the frame. A board with a section of 50x100 mm is laid in steps of 600 mm. The top edge of the log should be flush with the surface of the frame, otherwise it will be difficult to lay the floor in the barn. For an insulated barn, a double floor is needed. To make it convenient to knock out beams from below with a board or OSB, do not rush to fix the frame to the foundation. The entire structure can be fixed after fixing the subfloor.
  • When the lower frame of the hozblok is already securely fixed to the foundation, they begin to install the racks. They are made from a bar of similar thickness. It is optimal to install racks 3 m high in front of the barn, where the front door will be, and 2.4 m in the back.
  • Racks are placed at the corners of the frame, at the locations of partitions, door and window openings, and also exactly along the wall with a maximum step of 1.5 m. The blanks are attached to the frame with metal mounting brackets. For the rigidity of the frame, all racks are reinforced with jibs, which are set at an angle of 45 °. You can reduce the instability of the frame by installing temporary supports.
  • In the places where the door frame and window frame are installed, horizontal jumpers are nailed. The upper harness is attached to the racks with the same mounting brackets. The frame is assembled from a bar of the same thickness, because the entire roof will be supported on it.
  • Now the turn has come to the barn floor beams. They are made from a board with a side size of 50x100 mm and laid in steps of 600 mm. Behind and in front of the frame, the beams should form an overhang about 500 mm wide.
  • A crate is nailed on top of the logs. For hard roofing, a sparse lathing of unedged boards with a thickness of 25 mm is used. Under a flexible roof, a solid base is made of plywood or OSB.

On this, the skeleton of the frame barn is ready. Now it remains to sheathe it with a board or clapboard, lay the floor and lay the roofing chosen by the owner.

On the video, the manufacture of the frame structure:

Instructions for the construction of a barn from foam blocks

Recently, for the construction of sheds, foam blocks have been used more often than bricks. The popularity of the material is due to its low weight, good thermal insulation performance, as well as the ability to "breathe". Foam blocks are larger than bricks in size, which speeds up the process of laying the walls of the barn. It should be noted that the blocks have several varieties that differ in their composition. Material characteristics can be seen in the table.

Foam blocks can be laid out on a concrete solution, but it is better to use glue. The construction of the walls of the barn starts from the corners. Under such a capital structure, a strip or slab foundation is suitable. You can install piles, but it will cost the owner dearly.

When all four corners are level and plumb, a rope is pulled between them. On the cord from the corners continue laying the walls. It is important to observe the dressing of the seams in the rows, otherwise the design will turn out to be shaky.

Adhesive or concrete mortar is applied with a notched trowel. The foam block should be lubricated abundantly so that there are no areas left without a solution. After laying the block, the excess is cleaned off with a trowel or even spatula.

The walls of the barn are driven out with a height of at least 2 m. Further, around the entire perimeter, a strapping from a bar - Mauerlat is laid. The truss system of a shed or gable roof of the barn will be attached to it. The second version of the roof is more difficult to manufacture, but allows you to organize an attic on the utility block for storing things.

Waterproofing must be placed under the Mauerlat. On a large barn, the slate roof puts a lot of pressure on the walls. For its uniform distribution, it is often practiced to pour a monolithic reinforced concrete belt on the top row of walls.

When the rafter system of the barn is installed, the crate is nailed, waterproofing and roofing are laid.

In conclusion, we suggest you look at a selection of photos of country sheds.

If you get creative, then the barn can be decorated so that it becomes a landmark of your site.

The foam block as a material is not popular in the construction of a barn. However, if, due to circumstances, there is no possibility to perform a household building made of wood, a foam block is preferred.

Such a barn looks capital and solid. Especially if there is a foam block house next to it - both buildings will look attractive. The barn of foam blocks is no longer trimmed in any way - even in its initial form it looks quite decent. An important advantage of foam blocks is also the absence of the need to protect it from aggressive factors, unlike wood.

Benefits of a foam block shed

  1. Price. Of course, compared with wood, a foam block shed will cost much more. However, when compared with similar capital materials (for example, brick), it costs less.
  2. Convenience in construction. The foam block can simply be laid and a barn frame made of this material can be built by a person without building experience.
  3. High strength. In the case of the barn, you can even say redundant. The strength of the foam block is enough for the construction of two and three-story houses, to say nothing about a barn.
  4. Low density. The foam block is foamed concrete. In terms of density, it is comparable to wood. Therefore, it has an insignificant weight, it is convenient for construction and transportation.
  5. Thermal conductivity. And according to this characteristic, foam concrete is superior to analogues, compared with wood. One row of foam concrete in terms of thermal conductivity is comparable to brickwork, 70 cm thick. This means that it will be cozy and warm in the barn.
  6. Security. Foam concrete does not require protection from insects, fire, cold or moisture. It is quite good in this aspect and does not need additional processing.

Disadvantages of a barn made of foam blocks

  1. The need to build a quality foundation. If you can build an ordinary columnar foundation under a wooden shed, then you will have to pour a high-quality foundation under the foam blocks and wait a few weeks until it settles.
  2. Shrinkage. The foam block slowly adds strength, so it shrinks over time. Although this is not a critical factor, it is still worth taking into account.

In general, the foam block is an excellent choice if wood is not suitable for certain reasons. It is reliable, durable, warm, lightweight, does not need protection and processing - what else is needed for a hozblok?

Turnkey foam block shed, price

If necessary, in an additional auxiliary place there are several options for solving the problem: an extension to a detached building or house. The cost of a prefabricated structure depends on its size, the number of building materials required and the layout. All these terms and parameters are agreed with the contractor at the time of placing the order.

Gardening and landscaping work involves a wide variety of tools and equipment. For a long time they occupied a place in the garage, and, along with their presence in the garage, there was a lot of dirt - it is unrealistic to completely clean shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows and other things useful for the gardener from dirt. And then one day, on a beautiful summer day, it was decided to build a small shed to store them.

First of all, the strip foundation was poured, which will serve as the basis for our canopy walls. After the concrete has gained strength, you can start laying the walls.
To perform the work, you will need the following tools and fixtures:

  • trowel;
  • building level;
  • nylon cord;
  • construction falcon;
  • shovel;
  • stitching for seams.

Expanded clay concrete blocks and cement-sand mortar will be used from the materials.

Preparations are over, it's time to start work. The first step is to mark the installation site of the first block. The geometry of the entire future structure will depend on how it is installed. It is immediately necessary to calculate the axial center of the walls adjacent to each other. To do this, we measure the thickness of one and the other wall, divide it in half and make marks on the concrete. Serifs can be made with any sharp object, or just a trowel.

After the center is found, we take out the overall size of the masonry block on the foundation. Of course, you can not do this, but during installation, use a tape measure to move the block back and forth, but this is not always convenient on a freshly laid solution and it is not very easy to carry out such a process on your own, you will need an assistant for anyone.

The brand and, accordingly, the strength of the mortar will depend on the proportion of cement-sand. The most optimal ratio would be 1:3, which will be approximately equal to brand 150.

We deliver the solution to the installation site of the first block and spread it evenly under the first block. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the block has two cavities in the middle, so it is not necessary to make a “bed” for the entire block, it is enough to lay the solution only under the stiffening ribs.

We install the block in the design position. We do not strongly press it to the base, center it on the marks and check the straightness of its installation with a building level. For the first block, you can use a level of any length, even 30 cm will be enough.

We check the horizontal and vertical position of the installed unit. There is a level!

We are preparing a "bed" for the next block. Then we proceed to the preparation of the block itself.

The sides of the block, like those of the brick, have their own name. The elongated flat part is called the bed. The lateral elongated part is a spoon, and the lateral narrow part is a poke.

Our masonry is spoon-shaped, since it is the spoon that looks outward. The blocks are connected to each other by a poke, in which special grooves are made, to fill them with mortar in order to better adhere to each other. Abundantly clog them with a solution. You should not worry about the extra solution, during the installation process it will fall off by itself.

We install the second block close to the first, press and press so that it falls into place and check the horizon. If the block is slightly raised, you can tap and plant it with a trowel or a wooden mallet.

The next critical step is the installation of the corner block of the second row. It is installed with a bandage relative to the first row in such a way as to overlap half of the first block in the perpendicular direction. By the same principle, the corner blocks of all subsequent rows of masonry are laid.

In order not to constantly apply the level to each ordinary block, you can set the two extreme ones and pull a nylon cord between them, which will show the top level of the blocks.

Aesthetic beauty is an important moment in construction. And the point is not even in architecture, but in giving the simplest building structures accuracy and completeness. For masonry, such a measure is the jointing of the seams. We take a special trowel and with light movements we drive along fresh seams.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is not to rush and everything will work out!

Wood is the most popular material for building a barn. But it so happened that the foam concrete hozblok would have looked more organically on my site, and even more reliable. The dimensions of the future barn are 6 by 4 meters.

For starters, the foundation. Under the foundation, I built a formwork:

Then the concrete was poured. Now three weeks of rest - you need to let the foundation settle.

And now, the foundation is ready. You can start building a foam concrete hozblok! We start laying:

It is worth noting that, in my opinion, laying foam concrete for a barn is easier than building a frame from timber or boards. You put cement, you put a block, you trim the next one. Although on the other hand, there is more routine.

Meanwhile, the barn grew to this size:

Soon the frame was finished and I started on the roof. The roof system is rafter.

As the material of the coating, I chose tiles. The main house is finished in the same way, so the barn will look harmonious:

That's almost all. Roof laid:

Finally, it remains to install the door and the foam block shed is ready! Apart from the time spent preparing and defending the foundation, the barn was built in 4 weeks. Built one.

I did not consider the exact costs for the construction of the utility block, but about 150 thousand were spent on materials.

The barn is an important part of the summer cottage. Today we will consider the foam block as a building material for the construction of a utility block. Before contacting a construction company, the owners should roughly know the construction technology of the building, the types of materials and their advantages. This will help to clearly articulate thoughts when contacting a construction company and save time at the stage of planning the construction of a barn from foam blocks.


Features of foam blocks

Foam block, or lightweight building stone, is an inexpensive material that has proven itself in the construction of small houses. It is obtained by mixing cement, sand, water and a synthetic or natural blowing agent. In the process of mixing, a homogeneous mass is obtained, cut into measured pieces and left to harden on the street. The process does not require special skills and expensive equipment, therefore, when buying material, there is a high risk of acquiring a low-quality foam block.

    Polyethylene film to protect against moisture;

    Marking containing information about the characteristics of the foam block.

Do not confuse the foam block and the block of aerated concrete. In the second case, lime is added to the mixture. During a chemical reaction with aluminum powder, it releases hydrogen, which causes the porous structure of the material. After the blocks are formed and dried, they are subjected to heat treatment. This significantly increases the price of aerated concrete.

You can distinguish the foam block from aerated concrete with the naked eye: it does not have through pores, due to this, the moisture resistance of the material increases.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of buildings from foam concrete blocks from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


There are several reasons to build a hozblok from foam concrete blocks:

    Building under construction in a short time due to the ease of stacking blocks;

    porous structure material provides a small thermal insulation of the room. due to this, animals can be kept in the building in the winter;

    Foam block does not burn, and during a fire does not emit harmful substances;

    Blocks have light weight with a large volume, this allows you to build buildings on any soil using a lightweight foundation;

    Blocks are easy amenable to cutting, they are given any shape and size;

    The walls pass air and steam well, a comfortable microclimate is created inside the room.



The foam block has several disadvantages:

    The material has unsightly appearance and requires external finishing;

    The outer layer of the foam block absorbs water, therefore, waterproofing is desirable for him;

    At temperature fluctuations blocks saturated with moisture are quickly destroyed due to alternate freezing and thawing of water inside the pores.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that specialize in the construction of houses and other objects from foam concrete. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Types of foam blocks

There are several types of foam blocks according to various criteria:


    Low-density heat-insulating blocks weigh 11-19 kg, thermal conductivity coefficient 0.12 W / m ° C. Found application in warming of internal walls of buildings. Brands D400 and D500. Not applicable for the construction of load-bearing structures;

    Structural and heat-insulating blocks have an average weight of 23–35 kg, a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.14–0.29 W/m °C. Brands D600 and D900. Used for the construction of load-bearing walls of low-rise buildings;

    Structural blocks have a high density and sufficient strength for the construction of load-bearing walls or ceilings. The average weight of one block is 39–47 kg, the thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.36 W / m ° C. Brands of blocks D1000 and D1100/


Manufacturing technology:

    Threaded blocks are formed from the mixture by cutting with a steel wire. This type of block has an improved indicator of geometry and edge integrity;

    formed blocks not so precise, they are made by pouring the material into molds with partitions. The manufacturing process is very simple, does not require special equipment and skills, so the material is characterized by low cost;

    reinforced blocks with polypropylene fiber have increased strength and are used for the construction of load-bearing walls.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most. In the filters, you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.


    wall has a standard size;

    Partition semi-blocks are used to build walls inside the building;

    non-standard Blocks are made to order.


It is recommended to build a barn from foam blocks from D600 grade material. Structural and heat-insulating blocks have the necessary strength, and low thermal conductivity will protect the barn from freezing. The blocks are relatively light in weight, so a small number of workers can be involved in the construction.

If a special glue is used to fasten the blocks, then it is possible to build only from threaded materials.

Preparation: barn projects, drawings, approximate dimensions

Before starting work, the customer needs to clearly articulate their desires when contacting a construction company engaged in the manufacture of a barn from turnkey foam blocks:

    Hosts first choose size future building. The optimal dimensions of the utility block are 4 * 6 m;

    The hosts choose location of the building, and representatives of the construction company inspect the site and make a verdict on the possibility of installing a utility block at this place. The decision depends on the analysis of the soil and the location of the barn in relation to other buildings and site boundaries;

    The hosts choose roof shape, location of doors and windows.

After receiving data about the future object, engineers draw up a project for a utility block from foam blocks, approve it from the customer and begin construction.


Design calculation

The design calculation allows you to determine the amount of material, the expected temperature in the room and the load on the foundation and foundation (the soil on which the foundation rests). The calculation is performed by engineers after the project is agreed with the customer. They advise the most suitable materials, ways of finishing walls and creating a roof.


Material Quantity Calculation

At the beginning, a barn plan is being prepared and material for its construction is being selected. The standard size of the foam block brand D600: 20 * 30 * 60 cm. The amount of material for the barn:

    For block count calculations the length of the wall is divided by the length of the block 600/60=10 pcs. This is the number of blocks for laying the first row of a long wall;

    Calculated similarly number of blocks for a short wall. From the value of her pancakes, the block width is subtracted, doubled (400-(20*2))/60=6 blocks;

    Located sum of blocks for laying one row: 10*2+6*2=32 blocks;

    Standard building height 250 cm. The number of blocks is calculated in the same way: 250/30 = 8.3 blocks. The value is rounded up;

    For construction one shed you will need 9 * 32 \u003d 288 foam blocks of the D600 brand.

In addition to blocks for construction, it is necessary to purchase boards for the construction of the floor, log and roof truss system.


Foundation selection

In most cases, a strip foundation is suitable for the construction of utility blocks for giving from foam blocks. I put it in accordance with the rules:

    Foundation poured in a pre-prepared trench, on the bottom of which sand or a sand-gravel mixture is laid;

    Foundation deepening must exceed the depth of freezing of the soil. This value is individual for each region;

    Foundation poured 40 cm above ground level;

    Extra strength reinforcement mesh attaches to the foundation;

    The foundation is being poured at once;

    Further work can be done a week later. During this time, the concrete mixture is gaining 70% strength. She will gain all the strength in 28 days;

    The mixture should set at a positive temperature and high humidity from 90%.


The choice of insulation

In regions with a cold climate, outbuildings must be insulated. This will prevent the interior temperature of the room from dropping too low at night. Cattle can be kept in insulated utility blocks.

Heaters for the barn:

    Mineral wool;





When building a barn for a summer residence from foam blocks, the optimal insulation is mineral wool. The material does not burn, does not emit harmful substances, has a low thermal conductivity (0.035 W / m ° C), is easy to install. Mineral wool is laid in blocks on the crate from the inside of the walls; it requires additional vapor barrier from the side of the room and waterproofing from the side of the wall. Mineral wool is covered with plywood sheets and only after that the interior decoration of the room is carried out.



The shape of the roof is selected based on the snow load, individual for each region. The gable roof is stronger, it allows you to effectively use the attic space and is suitable for covering spans of more than 4 m.

For the arrangement of the roof choose a profiled sheet. Strong, durable and cheap material does a good job of protecting the building from environmental influences.


Video description

How a barn is built from foam blocks can be clearly seen in the following video:


Despite the simplicity of the design, it must be remembered that rather high operational requirements are imposed on the sheds, which means that professionals should be involved in their construction. This is a guarantee not only of the speed of construction, but also of the quality and durability of the building.
