What is finishing work. Types of finishing works in construction Facing works in construction

One of the final processes of finishing residential buildings is pasting the walls with wallpaper. This is the main pasting material for finishing the walls of living rooms and corridors. Wallpaper is a paper-based roll material, the front surface of which has a single-color or multi-color pattern. Currently, a fairly wide range of wallpapers is being produced - non-primed, primed embossed, metallized, etc. According to their purpose and operational characteristics, wallpapers can be ordinary, washable (moisture resistant) and pile. In recent years, synthetic films have been widely used for interior decoration of residential and administrative buildings.

ordinary wallpaper produce a variety of colors. The color of the wallpaper should be selected depending on the purpose of individual rooms, size, lighting capabilities and a number of other data, as well as according to the instructions of the architects.

Unprimed wallpapers have a pattern applied directly to white or colored paper (background). The background may show through between the drawings. The pattern of the printed wallpaper is made with water-based glue paint.

Primed wallpapers are made from wallpaper coated with primer, on which a pattern is applied in one or more colors. In terms of quality, they are higher than unprimed ones.

Embossed wallpaper usually made from primed wallpaper paper, on which a pattern is applied with oil paints with simultaneous embossing.

Metallic wallpaper are made from wallpaper paper, on which a primer with metal powder is applied, after which a pattern is printed or embossed.

Washable (moisture-resistant) wallpaper is a roll material obtained by applying a thin layer of an aqueous dispersion of synthetic resins or a finished transparent PVC film to ordinary paper wallpaper. The surface of the wallpaper can be smooth and embossed with a color pattern and embossing. They also produce wallpaper with a texture that imitates embossed plaster, fabric, silk, etc. Washable wallpaper is used for pasting the walls of living rooms, corridors and kitchens.

Pile wallpaper are rolled material, which consists of a paper base and a pile applied to the paper in a continuous layer or in the form of combinations of a smooth field and a pattern formed by a fleecy surface. Pile is made from waste weaving wool, viscose yarn, cotton and cheap wood fiber.

Pile wallpapers are breathable and have increased soundproofing properties. They are mainly used for finishing rooms with increased soundproof requirements, such as radio and television studios.

Before starting pasting, the manufacturer of works checks whether the grade, quality and type of wallpaper correspond to the instructions of the building project and whether they are approved by architectural supervision. Wallpaper is delivered to the construction site in pieces, rolled into rolls. The length of the wallpaper in one piece should be 12 m, width - 500, 600 or 750 mm. By order of construction organizations, factories release wallpaper, without cutting them into pieces, in reels; the length of such panels is 500-600 m. At the same time, a workshop for cutting and completing wallpaper is organized directly at the construction site in one of the houses under construction. This allows you to check the quality of the wallpaper when cutting, and also significantly reduces the amount of waste.

When controlling the quality of the wallpaper, they make sure that the deviations in the dimensions of rolls 12 and 30 m long do not exceed ± 250 mm, and rolls 500 m long do not exceed ± 3.5 m; deviations along the width of the cloth for all types of rolls should not exceed ±3 mm. The edge of the wallpaper should have the same width - 10-15 mm along the entire length of the roll.

Wallpaper must meet the following requirements:

Have a solid base (paper), which will not spread when wet, and a smooth, uniform surface without extraneous inclusions and stains;

A single-color primer on paper should be even and dense, and a multi-color primer should have a uniform placement of color spots; have a durable paint layer that does not crumble when bent and does not leave marks when touched;

There should be no damage to the base, and damage to the edges should not affect the applied pattern or background;

Humidity of wall-paper should not exceed 6-8%.

If the wallpaper comes from the procurement workshop cut into strips, then you need to ensure that they are completed for each room and apartment, correctly selected according to the pattern, color and shades, the edges are cut equally on both sides.

Deviations of the cut panels of wall-paper on length should not exceed 10, on width - 3 mm. Fuzzy or uneven edges of the pattern and displacement of the colors of the pattern on the cloth are not allowed. The cutting line of the edge of the wallpaper panel should be even, without distortions and stripes of the uncut edge.

Particular attention is paid to the correct transportation of wallpaper and linkrust. Wallpaper is transported packed in packs and bales according to the types of colors and patterns. In this case, the packs are placed vertically. Wallpaper is stored in dry rooms equipped with shelving; Linkrust rolls are stored in a vertical position in a dry, warm room at a temperature of 0-18°C.

Pasting the walls with wallpaper is preceded by a thorough preparation of the surface of the walls, carried out in accordance with the recommendations of SNiP III-21-73 "Finishing coatings of building structures". Surfaces intended for wallpapering are well dried, leveled and cleaned of a solution of chalk or lime whitewash. Detected cracks, shells and cracks are sealed with lime-gypsum mortar.

On the prepared surface under the wallpaper, wrapping or newspaper paper is pasted, clean, without oil stains. For pasting walls with paper, and then with wallpaper, pastes made on the basis of flour, starch, wood glue, as well as various synthetic adhesives, adhesive mastics, and adhesive compositions based on dry building mixtures are used. For gluing synthetic films on a fabric basis, latex water-based adhesive bustilate or polyvinyl acetate adhesive is used. Such adhesives are prepared in the paint shops of construction sites or in paint shops.

Wall surfaces are cleaned of dust and other contaminants. Rough surfaces are carefully smoothed with the butt of a tree or a bream. Uneven surfaces of plaster or concrete are partially greased or completely putty. Then covered with paper.

Walls made of reinforced concrete wall panels made in cassette forms, as well as walls that have a flat and smooth surface, leveled at the factory, are not pasted over with waste paper.

Walls lined with sheets of dry gypsum plaster are not pasted over with waste paper, and the rustication between sheets of dry plaster is filled with putty flush with the entire surface and pasted over with strips of paper in 1-3 layers. After drying, the edges of the paper strips are cleaned with fine sandpaper or pumice. The recessed nail heads are covered with drying oil, sealed with putty and polished.

Before sticking paper, the surface of the walls is covered with a paste in separate sections. At the same time, the paste should not dry out completely until the paper smeared with paste is applied to it.

When pasting walls with simple wallpaper, sheets of waste paper can be glued with an overlap. When pasting with ordinary wallpaper, the paper is glued back to back. When pasting with embossed high-quality wallpaper, the paper is pasted end-to-end in two layers, and the second layer is pasted after careful grinding of the puttied and dried first layer of paper so that the seams of the first layer do not coincide with the seams of the second. Each pasted sheet should be well smoothed and leveled with a brush or rag so that there are no folds, wrinkles and bubbles on it. Particular care should be taken to paste over the surface near the baseboards and platbands. After drying, the surfaces pasted over with paper are inspected and the detected defects are cleaned with pumice stone or circles with fine glass skin.

Wallpapering should be started only after the glued paper has completely dried. The foreman inspects the panels of wallpaper intended for pasting this room and, if necessary, instructs the foreman to sort them. Light-colored wallpapers selected during sorting are recommended to stick on shady walls (less lit), and dark-colored wallpapers - on illuminated ones.

Sliced ​​panels are laid on the table with the pattern up. Then the upper panel is fixed under the folding roller of the spreading mechanism and passed through the mechanism. Wallpapers stick well only when they are sufficiently saturated with paste before being applied to the wall. Therefore, the foreman must ensure that poorly soaking wallpaper on thick paper, after the first spreading with paste, is kept on the tables. Before the sticker itself, sufficiently soaked canvases are smeared with paste for the second time with special brushes with the paste supplied from the pressure tank. Lubricated panels are first folded in half, connecting together the surfaces first covered with paste, and then four times (picture to picture). The panels folded in this way are fed to the workplace and glued.

In order for the panels to be glued strictly vertically, control vertical lines are beaten off on the prepared surface with a cord along a plumb line, along which the panel is applied. The first vertical line is applied by measuring from the corner in the upper part of the wall a distance equal to the width of the panel. The first canvas is glued exactly along the intended vertical line or marks and in the direction from the window deep into the room. This is done in order to eliminate shadows from the edges of thick wallpaper.

When sticking, the panel is applied with its upper end to the wall, and then smoothed with a clean rag or hair brush from the middle to the edges, while squeezing air out from under the wallpaper.

A well-ironed panel should not have wrinkles, swollen places, folds and raised edges. Edges are recommended to be rolled with rubber rollers. If an air bubble appears under the pasted panel, the wallpaper above it is pierced with a needle, the air is squeezed out and this place is carefully smoothed. The next panel is glued in the same way, making sure that the pattern on both panels exactly matches at the joints. In the course of work, short pieces (panels) are glued under and above the windows, as well as above the doors.

To increase the productivity of painters when pasting walls with wallpaper and improve the quality of their work, a brush with a spring holder is used to paste wallpaper. The panel smeared with glue is captured by the holder and placed on the upper part of the wall, adjusting the pattern to the pattern of the previously pasted panel. Then, pressing the upper part of the panel against the wall with the palm of your hand, release the holder and smooth it with a brush and press the panel against the wall over the entire plane.

Excess wallpaper at cornices, skirting boards, door frames, in corners with surface distortions, at window slopes, radiator niches and in other places are cut along the ruler immediately after the sheet is pasted until it is dry. When sticking on new surfaces, the wallpaper should be run behind the skirting boards and platbands, so the latter can be nailed only after pasting the walls with wallpaper. After pasting is completed, the walls are allowed to dry a little, and then they proceed to the sticker of the border or frieze.

Wallpapering of ceilings is carried out on reinforced concrete floor panels the size of a room. The ceiling surfaces of the panels must be even and smooth. Their humidity should not exceed 8%. Fat and rust stains, shells with a depth and diameter of more than 4 mm are unacceptable on the surface. Before pasting the ceilings, hidden electrical wiring must be completed. Surface preparation is carried out as follows: using a metal scraper with a long handle, the painter cleans the surface from mortar splashes and other contaminants; lubricates irregularities; putty places where the ceiling adjoins the walls; polishes smudged areas.

For pasting ceilings, wallpaper of light colors with a pattern that does not require adjustment of the panels when pasting is selected. The quality of the wallpaper must meet the following requirements: the background of the wallpaper must be uniform, without spots, stripes, streaks, the paint layer must be durable, not shallow and peel off, the edges of the wallpaper must be even and not have tears. Ceilings are pasted over immediately before pasting the walls. Immediately before pasting, the ceilings and upper parts of the walls are primed with a 3% solution of CMC glue.

The foreman of the painters must control the quality of the preparation of the paste for pasting ceilings using CMC glue. 500 g of CMC glue are poured into 10 liters of water with a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C with continuous stirring. The composition is kept for 12 hours until the adhesive is completely dissolved. Before using the paste, it must be mixed. The viscosity of the paste according to the VZ-4 viscometer should be 50 s at a temperature of 18°C.

Sticking wallpaper on the ceiling is as follows. First, the adhesive composition is applied to the ceiling with a fly roller in an even layer without gaps and streaks. The applied composition must be kept for at least 20 minutes. Then, with a fly brush, the painter applies the adhesive composition around the perimeter of the walls to a width of 10 cm. The wallpaper is passed through the installation for applying the paste, kept for 20 minutes for impregnation with the composition and glued to the ceiling, blocking the corner and the upper part of the wall by 10 cm.

The wallpaper sticker on the ceiling starts from the window to the door, parallel to the short wall with an overlap of 10-15 mm. The overlap should face the light. The glued panels are smoothed with a brush with movements from the middle to the edges. Wallpapered ceilings protect from direct exposure to sunlight and drafts until completely dry. During the drying of the wallpaper, the air temperature in the room must be constant, not higher than 23 ° C, and the windows in the rooms must be closed. With this drying mode, wallpaper pasted on the ceiling dries out in 1-2 days. and provide high quality work.

The quality of wallpaper work must meet the following requirements:

Panels of roll finishing materials and wallpaper should have the same color and shade;

Panels of wallpaper must be arranged vertically, without deviations of the position of the edges from the plumb line by more than 1 mm to the height of the pasting;

The fit of the edges of complex panels must be accurate, without gaps between the panels and without distorting the pattern; pattern displacement is allowed no more than 0.5 mm;

From under the cut edge of the wallpaper, the underlying edge should not be visible;

The joints of the wallpaper should be overlapped, the upper edge of the wallpaper in the joint should be facing the light (towards the window);

The joints of the wallpaper when sticking them back to back should not be visible at a distance of 3 m;

The border must be glued horizontally, without distortions of more than 2 mm for the entire length of the walls; the curb width should be no more than 25 mm, the joints should be overlapped and so that the upper edge of the curb strip is facing the light (window); the border should completely cover the upper edge of the wallpaper panel, the distance from the ceiling to the top of the border should be no more than 10 cm;

The wallpaper panels from above must be completely hung under the curb, without gaps between their top and the curb, the lower ends of the wallpaper must be cut 10 mm above the level of the finished floor (for single skirting boards and fillets) or at the level of the top of the skirting board (for double wooden and PVC skirting boards) );

It is not allowed to stick wallpaper on the plinth;

Spots, places contaminated with paste, streaks, changes in the color and shade of wallpaper, backlog of wallpaper, swelling, folds, wrinkles, uneven cut lines of wallpaper at skirting boards and platbands, unglued places, inserts (patches, pasting) of individual places in panels are not allowed.

Based on the materials of the reference book "Universal reference book foreman". STC "Stroyinform".

Any construction is considered completed when finishing works are carried out on a turnkey basis. This means that the exterior decoration of the house, its facade, interior decoration has been carried out in accordance with the intended design and the necessary engineering communications have been carried out. In most cases, it is the decoration of the facade of the building that gives it a presentable appearance, regardless of the type of house and the materials used in construction.

1.What is finishing work?

In general, construction and finishing works are a set of works, with the help of which the following is carried out:

  • Decorative design of the facade of a building or room
  • Protection of the structures from which the building is built from the influence of the external environment (especially in the conditions of the Chelyabinsk region)
  • Thermal insulation of the building and individual rooms
  • Soundproofing - both the house as a whole and individual rooms
  • Provision of the house with the necessary engineering communications, such as plumbing, electrical wiring, ventilation, heated floors, the Internet, etc.

Carrying out finishing works occupies a rather significant place in the overall cycle of building construction and repair of individual premises.

As a rule, repair and finishing work is carried out by specialists, since each type of finish has its own nuances, and they can be mastered only with great experience.

In Chelyabinsk, you can find a lot of companies involved in facade and interior decoration. However, some types of work are quite within the power of any craftsman.

2. Draft and finishing construction and finishing works

It is necessary to separate rough or preliminary work on finishing or repair and finishing work. For example, plastering of brickwork walls can be carried out from the outside and from the inside. In the first case, plastering may be sufficient for the final finishing of the facade of the house, in the second case, subsequent puttying of the walls is necessary. But this can also be considered rough work, if then wallpaper is pasted on the walls.

The same applies to communications - drilling holes, chasing walls for electrical wiring, pouring a concrete screed for the floor, patching holes in the walls or plastering the slopes of window openings.

3. Types of finishing works

There are several main types of finishes, regardless, rough or fine:

  1. Plaster work
  2. Painting works
  3. Floor screed
  4. Glazing
  5. Facing of buildings and premises
  6. Wallpapering
  7. Wiring
  8. Installation of plumbing, heating systems, etc.
  9. flooring
  10. Ceiling installation

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Plastering is the application of special solutions to surfaces that harden and make the coating even, protected from external influences and suitable for fine decoration. They are used at almost every stage of finishing, both external and internal. The roughest is plastering the facade of the house from the outside (for example, under siding), leveling the walls, preparing for puttying, etc. For rough plastering, it is most common to use a conventional cement-sand mortar, as the most inexpensive material. However, for each type of plastering work, depending on its complexity, a lot of ready-made mixtures are produced today.

The same applies to putty, with which the walls and other surfaces of the building are prepared for finishing. Sometimes the putty itself is already a finish, for example, when applying decorative plaster.

When plastering and puttying works are carried out with special tools - trowel, trowel, grout, falcon, etc. In principle, this is the simplest type of finishing work that anyone can master to save money.

Painting work is the application of paint, varnish or other decorative coatings to the treated surfaces (walls, ceiling, floor).

These works, too, as a rule, are subject to the master, who knows how to hold tools in his hands - a paint brush, roller, or spray gun. The main thing is accuracy.

You also need to be able to properly prepare the surface for painting - remove chips, scratches, apply special compounds, so that the finish coat is of high quality and durable.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the fact that painting work is considered the most toxic among other finishing works and requires caution and special equipment.

Concrete works that require a fair amount of physical fitness include coupler floor - that is, leveling it for final finishing with a board or laminate.

Typically, a flooring mortar is prepared from dry mixes, which today are produced in a large assortment. For mixing, as in carrying out plastering, mixtures use special construction mixers.

More complex procedures include glazing of the facade and premises. You need to have the necessary skills, the ability to use a glass cutter, to work carefully to avoid injury. However, modern houses today are most often equipped with plastic windows, the installation of which is best entrusted to specialists from the respective companies.

Facing works, as a rule, are the most creative part of construction. They include the installation of siding, various decorative coatings both outside the facade and inside the building. The cladding can include a mosaic that gives any coating a special aesthetic look, or a tile sticker, which is absolutely necessary in rooms with high humidity - bathrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens.

The most common type of interior decoration from the inside is a wallpaper sticker. Today there are a huge variety of types, colors, textures. The technology for the production of modern wallpaper, their types according to the type of walls today allow pasting even a person who is not very skilled, the main thing is to follow all the instructions and carry out the work carefully.

A special role in the decoration of houses and premises is given to electrical installation. It is better to entrust this type of work to specialists - in order to exclude injuries and, as they say, “everything worked”.

Particularly time-consuming procedures include the installation of plumbing, heating, ventilation systems, installation of a warm floor. As a rule, these works are also entrusted to specialists, but they can be mastered on your own, if you wish. This will save money during repairs and construction, it is only advisable to read the relevant tutorials.

Finishing flooring can also be carried out independently. The main thing is that the floor surface is perfectly flat. Modern types of linoleum, laminate, parquet boards allow you to lay the floor quickly enough.

Finishing the ceiling usually comes down to plastering it, puttying and sometimes painting. There are no particular difficulties in carrying out such work. However, today stretch ceilings are widespread, the installation of which is still better to entrust to specialists.

4.Materials used in finishing works

We have considered the main types of repair and finishing work and have already mentioned some materials for their implementation. They can be broadly classified into:

  • Dry mixes for putty, plaster, screed
  • Paints and varnishes - primers, paints, dry pigments, drying oil
  • Glass plain or tinted
  • Floor board, parquet, laminate, linoleum
  • Electrical wires, electrical installation materials
  • Plumbing, pipes.


Thus, finishing works are a very important and necessary stage of any construction and repair.

As a rule, finishing at a cost can reach a third of the cost of the entire construction of a turnkey house. However, at any stage you can save money - if you choose the right organizations, order turnkey finishing works or master certain types of work yourself.

In Chelyabinsk, many companies are engaged in finishing the facade of houses and repairing premises. High-quality work can be carried out in our company "K-Dom".

In any case, the finishing process itself will bring you moral satisfaction if you admire the fruits of your own labor or investment of money. And the more soul and money you put into it, the happier the result will be for you.

There are several successive stages in construction, and finishing work is one of them, because in the construction of a building, the construction of a box is essential, but not final.

For example, the most that is not a simple redecoration of an apartment usually consists only of finishing work. While the capital, which includes several stages, finishing work is completed.


Finishing work is the most important stage in construction and in any repair, since the appearance of the room, its atmosphere, and, as a result, the mood of the people in it, depend on the quality of this type of work.

From the right palette of colors, their combination, the quality of materials and the very performance of work, the impression that those present in the room receive, their feelings, as well as convenience, comfort and time savings depend.

Internal finishing works in overhaul

Over time, all buildings and structures need major repairs, this is an action that requires a serious approach, high-quality materials and the latest equipment, since this type of repair, in terms of its significance and the amount of work performed, is more like a reconstruction of a building.

Finishing work is the final stage in a major overhaul, which is usually preceded by activities such as:

  • reinforcement of the foundation and load-bearing structures (walls and beams);
  • a set of actions related to waterproofing and designed to protect the room from moisture.

Alternatively, the cost of finishing the premises is included in the price of the overhaul. But at the request of the customer, the estimate for finishing work can be made into a separate document in order to detail material and financial costs.

Finishing work. Kinds

These works are carried out in a certain sequence, depending on the wishes of the customer or the property owner and on the specific tasks assigned to the performers.

Finishing work is a set of actions that can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  • floor finishing;
  • ceiling finish;
  • wall decoration.

All component stages of finishing activities can have a wide price and quality range. You can always invite an interior designer to design a room in a specific style or to acquire maximum practicality, style and aesthetics. But this should be done before the repairmen begin their work. After all, the cost and duration of the execution of ideas depends on the type of finish and materials for its implementation.

wall decoration

Usually, this is where interior finishing work begins, which consists of the following stages:

  • preparation of walls - includes actions for leveling or giving them the necessary shape, for this they use plaster, gypsum or drywall;
  • next comes the stage of puttying or finishing leveling the walls;
  • then decoration is carried out (for example, painting the walls or pasting them with wallpaper).

Wall preparation is of the utmost importance in wall decoration, as a smooth wall surface is a very rare occurrence in most homes. And how the coating will lay down on the walls depends on this action, and the general appearance of the room also largely depends on the relief.

At this time, the most common type is wallpaper, staining occurs on their heels.

But there are lovers of interesting solutions that are ready in their homes with various panels.

It happens that the interior decoration of the walls includes the installation of decorative panels, which include plastic, MDF or fiberboard. For this type of work, the task of the masters is greatly simplified, because the procedure does not require alignment.

Ceiling finish

The situation with the surface of the ceilings is a little better than with the walls, sometimes there may be irregularities at the joints of panels or beams, but all this is well corrected by professional tools combined with skills. But if there is trouble with the relief of the ceiling, then special types of coatings come to the rescue, which can easily mask all the shortcomings of the builders.

But first things first.

The internal finishing work of the ceiling depends on the coating chosen by the customer for it, as well as the way in which they will be carried out.

At this time, there are several types of ceilings:

  • tension;
  • painted;
  • hinged;
  • pasted over.

The most popular one that the decorator usually recommends is the painted ceiling. It does not require special physical effort, material costs and time. The only thing that precedes the painting of the ceiling, and even then not always, is the preliminary leveling of its surface.

In second place in popularity are pasted over ceilings. It can be panels of various materials or any kind of wallpaper. This type of ceiling is inexpensive, simple and aesthetic.

The estimate for the finishing work of a stretch or suspended ceiling can unpleasantly surprise with its considerable result, but if the owner of the premises does not have a question about saving material resources, then this option is very good.

There is a wide variety of color options to which you can add some creativity and originality (different levels, relief, combination of shades and textures).

Floor finish

It includes a number of works on leveling the floor and installing a concrete screed, the final stage here is the installation of a floor covering, which the owner of the premises must choose. It can be laminate, parquet, linoleum, tiles or boards.

As for the laying of ceramic tiles and tiles, then you will need a master of finishing works, specializing in this. Since laying tiles is a job that requires a certain amount of experience and skills. In this way, you can decorate not only the floor, but also the walls in the bathroom, shower, or lay out a work apron in the kitchen. Sometimes the laying of tiles is included in a special category and in a separate price list for repair and finishing work.

Who to trust?

If the prices for finishing work scare you, or if you have some knowledge and skills in decorating the premises, then you can do it on your own. But there is no execution, covering additional costs or paying penalties and solving problems that have arisen at the stage of finishing work.

But in most cases, property owners resort to the help of professionals, among whom it is possible to find those who offer affordable prices for finishing work, their quality performance and guarantee.

Advantages of repair and finishing companies

Most organizations that specialize in repair, construction and finishing work provide:

  • detailed development of the plan and budget;
  • individual approach to each order;
  • modern equipment and advanced technologies;
  • highly skilled workers;
  • finishing in rooms of any degree of complexity;
  • performance of work within the specified time;
  • a guarantee for the performed types of work, which is provided after their completion.

Calculation of the cost of repair and finishing works

As for the prices for finishing works, they differ significantly in different regions of the country. For example, in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the cost is much higher than in Saratov, Tomsk or Cherepovets.

Also, the price of finishing largely depends on the materials, the complexity of the work and the timing of their execution. But in all cases, there is one principle: the larger the area of ​​​​the premises, the higher the price for the services rendered.

In most companies, the operation to calculate the cost of finishing can be done online; for this, there is a special calculator on the organization’s website, with which you can easily find out how much the planned event will cost.

There is another way - very often on those very sites of repair and construction companies there is an opportunity to use the services of an online consultant for free, who will help make preliminary calculations and orient on other basic issues.

about me and my team

Stroganov Kirill

I have been in the renovation business for over 15 years. The most pleasant thing for me is a solid list of satisfied customers.

My main task is to organize the repair process in such a way that it would be easy and pleasant when interacting with me and my team. I am as open as possible to you.

I will help you choose modern material, both expensive and not expensive.
I'm optimizing the budget. Many years of experience allow me to offer you the best way to reduce the cost of repairs without loss of quality even in the premium class.

I managed to put together a great team that works well together. This allows you to clearly meet the deadlines for work, not go beyond the agreed estimate and save your time and effort.

We approach our work with pleasure, starting from the creation of a design project and ending with advice on arranging furniture and decorating a room.

Finishing work, how to do it correctly and inexpensively.

Finishing work (OP) is the process by which a protective layer is created for the structure. She receives protection from external negative influences. Also, the operational period of the surfaces is significantly developed, and a more attractive appearance is created. Thanks to competent finishing, such characteristics of the object as sound insulation and fire resistance are also improved.

Types of finishing works

Since they can be carried out from the outside and from the inside of the room, then their types are appropriate. A more detailed division is as follows:

  1. Plastering.
  2. Painting.
  3. Glass work.
  4. Facing.
  5. Wallpaper pasting.
  6. Stucco work.
  7. Work on clean floors.

Before finishing work, the following stages must be completed:

  1. Training.
  2. Dismantling.
  3. Draft OR.
  4. Clean OR.
  5. Electrical work.
  6. plumbing operations.

Preparation stage

The main thing here is the preparation of the room. Furniture and other barriers to work are taken out of it. The creation of the necessary space is due to the plan of the planned work and the type of repair. If a major overhaul is planned, then all the furniture from all rooms is taken out.

During cosmetic repairs, furniture from one room can be deployed to another. Very massive furniture can remain in the room, but it should be moved to the center of the room.

It is also important to eliminate old wallpaper.

If it is necessary to replace the flooring, the work is carried out in parts. Any change in the position of massive furniture after the final stage of repair is carried out very carefully.

It is possible to replace doors without changing blocks after repair. If it is necessary to replace the door blocks, these actions are performed before working with the walls.


Here, operations are carried out to eliminate old components: finishes, wiring, plumbing, etc.

The goal is to improve the quality of the upcoming repair, replacement of structures or redevelopment.

Dismantling can be done on your own. You can turn to professionals. One way or another, it can affect such objects:




Detached commercial buildings.

Old wallpaper, paintwork, tiles and other finishes must be eliminated from the walls and ceiling. More modern materials will follow in their place. And also such dismantling allows to reveal different effects and to carry out high-quality leveling of surfaces.

Partitions may also fall under elimination. Cut out additional openings for windows and doors.

When dismantling the floor, its sheathing material is removed. Logs and boards can also be removed if a concrete base is being considered.

On the ceiling, plasterboard structures are removed.

How to remove windows, doors and wiring?

When windows and doors have solid thermal conductivity, they are replaced - they are completely dismantled.

Remove electrical wiring very carefully to avoid electric shock. Before this process, all electricity in the apartment / house is turned off. Then all the wires coming from the distributor, sockets and other current-carrying places are cut with wire cutters.

When the cable is located in the wall, it is better to extract it using a chisel, hammer, puncher, or drill. When removing it, it is important not to spoil the necessary electrical appliances.

They include the following:

  1. Plaster. The goal is to close cracks and uneven areas larger than 5 mm. Work affects walls and ceilings. Cement compositions are used:

With lime

With sand

With plaster.

There are also stages of work here:

A) Surfaces are prepared for the base.

B) Beacon profiles are installed.

C) The walls are finally leveled.

  1. Masonry stage. Systems are created from isolated building materials. Their assembly is obtained in a certain algorithm. They are reinforced with cement mortar.

Partitions, walls, columns, fireplaces can be installed. Of the materials, it is worth using natural stone, foam blocks, bricks, etc.

  1. Drywall work. Walls, various partitions, arches, slopes, suspension mechanisms, etc. are installed.
  1. Painting stage. Surfaces are treated, primed, reinforced (if necessary), ground and polished. The final phase is puttying with leveling agents.
  1. Plumbing. Sewerage and water supply, communication systems are being arranged. Pipes are installed and bred. Their tightness is checked. Devices are installed that take into account the flow of water. On the floor, an area is being prepared for a bathtub, a shower cabin and other plumbing fixtures.
  2. Electrical installation. Chasing walls. Installed wires and cables. Areas for sockets and switches are being prepared. Openings are created in the walls for shields and meters, fuses, adjustable blocks.

Ceilings are installed here. If necessary - and a variety of rack and other structures.

Walls and ceiling surfaces are painted. Mixtures for painting in several layers are applied to the treated surfaces (after priming and puttying).

Wallpaper is pasted. The walls are primed before this. Wallpapers are selected according to taste and for the tasks of the room, as well as for the type of wall surface. Glue is selected based on the type of wallpaper. For example, to glue non-woven wallpaper, you should not use glue for ordinary paper wallpaper.

Tiles can be glued in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. The process can take place on:

cement compound,

adhesive solution,


The surface for tiles is prepared: it is plastered, leveled, a screed is made (if necessary).

The floors are being laid. It can be parquet, laminate, linoleum and other materials. Thresholds and skirting boards are installed.

Doors and their components are mounted: platbands, limiters and other fittings.

Lighting fixtures are being installed. They can be on ceilings, walls and floors.

Plumbing is being installed.

Replacing wiring is a necessary operation, even with cosmetic repairs. These activities can be done on your own. But you still need the help of professionals in this area. The prices for these services vary. Their calculation proceeds from the type, difficulty and scope of the planned work. The replacement of the outlet is usually calculated immediately. A specialist can make some calculations right away, having studied the scope of work and knowing the wishes of the customer.

Within this stage:

  1. New wiring is being designed and laid. It can be isolated or open. It's a matter of the owner's wishes.
  1. Completely or partially change switches and sockets. Their work is adjusted. They can also be transferred from one area to another.
  2. Removed old lamps. New devices are installed and transferred.
  1. If necessary, the reason for the lack of current in a certain segment of the circuit is revealed.
  1. Various counters, automatic devices and RCDs are installed.
  1. The shield is assembled and assembled. Also, there can be several shields.
  1. Eliminate old communications.
  1. Lightning rods are installed, and a ground loop is mounted.
  1. Networks with low voltage are being installed: these are TV, Internet, telephone communications.

Even with this installation, they can: ditch walls, lay wires into the created strobes, mount main cable trays, etc. The main characteristics of the quality of these works are:

  1. All components of the circuit work in harmony.
  2. Electricity is supplied without interruption.

Plumbing work

They include a fairly wide range of diverse works. Some of the work is simple, they can be implemented on their own. And some can only be performed by specialists. And they mean a hefty expense. Examples of such work:

  1. Installation and repair of plumbing fixtures, water supply networks.
  2. Connection and adjustment of household equipment.

It is optimal to order a complex of works. In this case, there will be serious expenses, but your plumbing will be of high quality.

Materials used and their pros and cons

Types of materials depend on the place of their application.

Wall finishing options:

First. Wallpaper. They can have textures, photos, images, be glossy, matte, monotonous, etc.

Their advantages:

  1. Solid variety.
  2. Different price range.
  3. Ease of wall preparation.
  4. High dynamics and ease of sticking.
  1. Susceptibility to mechanical stress.
  2. If some area is damaged after painting, if it is difficult to replace. The reason is the differences in the shades of circulation.

Second. Decorative plaster. It can be used in various designs. Its advantages:

  1. Serious texture and color assortment.
  2. You can make your own image on it.
  3. Moisture resistant.
  4. Durability.

Its cons:

  1. High application complexity.
  2. Too serious price tag.

The third. Dye. It also has versatility. Strengths:

  1. An abundance of flowers.
  2. Can be used in different rooms. In the bathroom and in the kitchen, you can use moisture resistant and oil versions.
  1. Ease of application.
  1. Long service life.
  1. There are versions at any price.
  2. allowed to create patterns on the wall.
  1. Shows all uneven areas on the surface.
  2. The need for coverage in 2-3 layers.
  3. Nasty smell.
  4. Long drying process.

Fourth. Tile. Usually it is glued in bathrooms and kitchens. Her strengths:

  1. Moisture resistant.
  2. Ease of laundering.
  3. Resistant to light mechanical stress and wear.
  4. Does not ignite.
  5. An abundance of color modifications, textures and sizes.


  1. Modest sound and heat insulation.
  2. Fragility.
  3. Complicated fitting process.
  4. High price tags.

Fifth. MDF panels. Pros:

  1. Fast and easy installation.
  2. Environmental Safety.
  3. They do not need to prepare the walls.
  4. abundance of types and colors.
  5. Easy to clean while using.
  6. Modest prices.
  1. They show stains and traces of liquid.
  2. Pretty fragile.
  3. Susceptible to moisture.
  4. This is a combustible material.
  5. Unrepresentable look.

Sixth. Wood. The usual option for country houses and baths. Pros:

  1. Creating a warm atmosphere.
  2. Hiding uneven areas.
  3. Ease of installation.
  4. An abundance of forms.
  5. Improves noise isolation.
  6. Nice smell.
  7. Environmental friendliness.
  8. It can be dyed in different colors and tones.
  9. With proper processing, resistance to decay and durability appears.
  1. Serious prices.
  2. The need to update the defense against insects and moisture.
  3. Doesn't handle temperature fluctuations well.

In private homes, the interior becomes chic thanks to natural stone. Its advantages:

  1. Durability.
  2. Graceful look.
  3. Strength.
  4. Environmental friendliness.
  5. Resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations.
  1. Solid prices.
  2. Massiveness.
  3. Clogged with dust. It's hard to extract it.

For those who need modern materials, PVC panels are suitable.

Their advantages:

  1. Fast installation.
  2. Lightweight sheathing.
  3. An abundance of colors and images.
  4. Modest prices.
  5. Ecology.
  6. Heat and sound insulation.
  7. Moisture resistance.
  8. Durability.
  1. Flammability.
  2. Brittleness.
  3. Burnout in the sun.

Ceiling Options

Stretch and drywall options usually appear here. Their comparison is set out in this table:




Environmental friendliness




The need for powerful surface preparation

Abundance of designs

High speed and ease of installation

High prices

Potential Sag

The complexity of self-installation

Difficulty cleaning dirt

Potential web tears, collapses


Weakness to cold temperatures

Damaged area cannot be replaced

easy to scratch

When using powerful lamps, spots appear

High prices

Perfect evenness

Can create a variety of designs

On top of this material, any skin fits perfectly.

Behind this material, insulation and cables can be placed

Not the best strength

Moisture and fungus resistance

The need to plaster seams and screws

You can decorate the ceilings from the inside with wallpaper, paints and whitewash.

Whitewashing is a fairly old method of decorating. Its advantages:

  1. Ease of implementation.
  2. Cheapness.
  3. Does not lower ceiling height.
  4. The ability to "breathe".
  5. Ecology.
  6. Mold protection
  1. The need for surface preparation.
  2. One color option is white.
  3. cannot be washed.

If you are a supporter of the classics, then the white ceiling is your option. You can apply bleach. Usually its color is selected in lighter colors by analogy with the color of the walls.

Floor Options

All of them must have the following qualities:

  1. Ease of use.
  2. High strength.
  3. Fire resistance.
  4. Non-slip surface.
  5. Possibility for additional insulation.

If you need a universal option, then linoleum will fit. It is great for any space. Due to the abundance of colors and images, it is easily matched to any interior.

If you need an option with a better look, then it is better to take a laminate or wood. They have some analogies.

In rooms with high humidity and load on the floor, it is better to use ceramic tiles.

Even today, carpet has won good fame. This is an elegant replacement for carpets.



Ceram. tile


Easy and fast installation

Moisture resistance

Heat and noise insulation


Easy to wash

Abundance of choice

Tendency to deform

Resistance to chemical elements

Resistance to low temperatures

Resistant to temperature fluctuations




Noise due to poor installation

Requires special preparation before installation

fakes on sale

There are permanent breaks.

Ease of maintenance

Unpleasant odors

To finish the floor less often these options are used: natural stone, cork, rubber, bamboo and self-leveling floor.

Common mistakes when performing finishing work

Mistakes made during OR can negatively affect their quality and service life:

  1. A design project has not been created that reflects the visual result. It helps to understand in advance what the appearance of the interior will be when the work is completed. This will allow you to correctly calculate the required volumes of materials and resolve the issue with the types and volume and necessary work.
  2. Positions of plumbing, electrical equipment are not defined. Even at the beginning of the repair, you need to solve this dilemma in order to:

A) Determine how and where the sockets and switches will be located.

B) Develop a method for laying cables, pipes, ventilation, etc.

C) Calculate the load of the mounting structure.

For example, if you randomly plan the positions of lighting devices without dividing them into groups, in some areas of the premises you will get very weak or very strong lighting.

  1. There are no reinforced structures, reinforcement and insulation in the right places. Example: if the partitions are plasterboard, then a reinforced profile must be mounted in the installation areas of massive furniture and other similar elements.
  2. The conditions of all the main surfaces in the room have not been studied for defects. The same goes for communications. Example: if you do not change the wiring in an old house, it may not be able to cope with the load from powerful household appliances. As a result, circuit breakers will fly out.
  3. There is no study of heat loss sources. Example: without insulation of walls in apartments, where necessary, they can freeze, become damp. They grow mold and fungus.
  4. Repairs are being carried out partially. If it is not made uniformly in the whole apartment, but only in rooms, there may be level differences in the ceilings in the rooms. So it will be more difficult to build communications, the created coatings will be damaged.

If the available funds are not enough for a complete repair, it is better to save up even more and arrange full-fledged work.

  1. The use of cheap materials and compositions. As a rule, such materials are not durable. They won't last long. And soon it will have to be redone again. An example - if you lay pipes made of metal-plastic with cheap fittings, there is a high risk of leaks.
  2. No control over repairs. Control is essential when hiring workers. For example, they may deviate from the design project, install an outlet or pipes in the wrong areas, etc. Therefore, it is important to monitor the quality of work at all stages.
  3. Poor quality repair. This point follows from item 8. Some brigades charge small amounts for their services. Most often, the reason for this is the low professional level of employees. Such brigades can make repairs for a very long time and of poor quality. The end result is a waste of money.

Factors affecting the cost of repairs

Repair is a global event. It requires certain costs. But what are the factors that make up its cost? Their list is as follows:

  1. The professional level of employees. The higher it is, the higher the dynamics and speed of repair.
  2. The responsibility that experts can take on and the guarantees they provide.
  3. Hiring a team or an agreement with a company. In the second case, the payment is always higher, but there are more guarantees for the high quality of repairs, and all activities are reflected in the documentation.
  4. The amount of work carried out by a team or firm.
  5. The number of decorative components. For example, due to the use of 3d panels, ceiling lights, the payment for work also increases. These nuances must be foreseen in advance. The easier the repair is started, the easier it is to agree on an estimate.
  6. Dynamics of work implementation. Here workers can work in two shifts. Accordingly, the payment will be higher.
  7. Hire a foreman. It is needed if for some reason you cannot control the execution of work yourself. And if you can, and even get the materials yourself, then you get savings. But the time costs are enormous.
Details Posted on 03/04/2015 07:03

An important factor in the construction is the correct and high-quality finishing work. Classified by types and types of work performed work.

Exterior decoration of buildings and structures is carried out outside, and interior decoration, respectively, is carried out indoors.

Also, the classification of types of finishing works is divided into painting, plastering, tiling, facing, flooring, installation of windows and doors, as well as wallpapering.

Exterior finishing of buildings and structures

The type of this category includes the following types of work; painting, tiling, facing, as well as installation of windows and doors.

Facing work is the decoration of the walls of buildings with siding, as well as clapboard or slotted lining. This type of work is designed to protect the walls from the adverse effects of climate, and also gives the building a unique look and beauty.

The essence of painting work is painting the building with various paints, but only if the facing work is done with materials made of wood. This type of work provides additional protection to the cladding, and also gives the building its own individuality.

Tiled work is carried out along the perimeter of the building at the base of the foundation, as well as the foundation itself for its protection and durability. To avoid subsidence, the tiles are laid on a pre-tamped and leveled surface at the base of the foundation. Installation of windows and doors is carried out in pre-cut openings, and is the initial stage in the finishing work.

Internal finishing works

This type of work includes the arrangement and installation of the floor, painting, painting, plastering ceilings and walls, laying tiles, as well as wallpapering and many other types of finishing work.

The floor is made using boards on pre-installed or embedded massive logs or beams. Here, one should take into account the equal-level laying, which is achieved by the equal thickness of the boards and correctly laid beams. When the boards are evenly distributed, various insulating materials are applied, and painting work is also carried out. We should not forget about the factor that before the laying of the floor, the plumbing and sewerage system must be made.

Plastering of ceilings is carried out by two methods, namely, laying clay with various astringent impurities on a pre-shielded wall with a spatula, or applying dry asbestos sheets. Recently, the second method is the most common, as it does not require a certain skill. Applying wallpaper to a plastered wall is the final step in wall decoration.

It should also not be forgotten that the installation of electrical wiring must be carried out before the start of work on plastering walls and ceilings. Tiling works are carried out mainly in the bathroom and occasionally in the kitchen. The bottom line is to apply tiles both on the floor and on the walls.


At the initial stage of finishing work, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions:

The first step in finishing work is the installation of windows and doors in pre-prepared openings.

When plastering walls and ceilings, an electrical wiring system must be installed.

When installing the floor, a sewerage and drain system must be made.

Adhering to these rules will exclude the possibility of additional costs for the material, as well as reducing the time of work. You can find out the current prices for decoration by clicking on the link
