Calculate the weight of the mesh from the reinforcement. Reinforcing mesh weight. Features and purpose

In order to significantly increase the strength of monolithic concrete structures, a special reinforcing mesh is used. To correctly perform all the necessary installation operations, you will need to know how to calculate the reinforcement mesh. If you do not know the weight of the material, its length and the magnitude of the loads that the structure can withstand, you will never be able to perform the correct reinforcement.

Improper strengthening of reinforced concrete structures can lead to serious consequences. Cracks will appear, the service life will be significantly reduced, sometimes this can lead to the destruction of a building or structure.

In this article, we will analyze in detail all the issues related to the calculations and selection of the necessary material during the construction of various objects.

First you need to figure out why they generally perform the procedure of reinforcing reinforced concrete structures for various purposes. First of all, this is necessary in order to make the building object more durable and monolithic. The mesh will tighten the concrete, thereby increasing rigidity. This will allow you to withstand heavy loads, as well as increase the service life.

The reinforcement procedure is quite complex and requires high precision. Therefore, before starting to strengthen concrete structures, it will be necessary to perform all the necessary calculations of the main indicators and characteristics. This will help not only to choose the right material, but also save a lot. You will know exactly how many relevant products to purchase.

Various building structures (floor, interfloor ceilings, walls, supports, slabs, etc.) require strengthening. Depending on this, a specific reinforcement scheme is selected. This scheme includes a number of rules and basic provisions, in accordance with which the installation and assembly of the metal mesh will be carried out. Accordingly, the calculations of the main parameters will be performed in different ways.

How to calculate a reinforcing mesh - the main parameters for the calculation

The following parameters will need to be defined:

  1. The exact amount of reinforcing mesh;
  2. The total mass (weight) of the required products;
  3. The principle of laying the grid;
  4. Bearing capacity and maximum allowable external loads.

If it is required to strengthen the foundation of a building, then in this case there must be both a longitudinal and a transverse reinforcing layer, which are laid at a certain distance from each other. The grid has standard sizes, which are not always enough to cover the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base. Therefore, it is necessary to connect several products, as a result of which joints appear. For high-quality connection of joints, steel wire is used.

If reinforcement of the interfloor ceiling is carried out, then it will be enough to lay two layers here and connect them in a strictly parallel position using high-quality wire. In the case of building walls or a strip foundation, the reinforcing frame can consist of three layers. When reinforcing columns and supports of various types, the frame is laid and connected in a round or rectangular position.

Cell size, mm Open, m Weight m 2, kg.
100*100*4 2*6 1.84
150*150*4 2*6 1.22
200*200*4 2*6 0.92
100*100*5 2*6 2.88
150*150*5 2*6 1.92
200*200*5 2*6 1.44
100*100*6 2*6 4.44
150*150*6 2*6 2.96
200*200*6 2*6 2.22
100*100*8 2*6 7.9
150*150*8 2*6 5.26
200*200*8 2*6 3.95
100*100*10 2*6 12.34
150*150*10 2*6 12.38
200*200*10 2*6 6.19
100*100*12 2*6 17.8
150*150*12 2*6 11.84
200*200*12 2*6 8,88

6 parameters to consider when choosing a mesh

Determining the main characteristics will help not only to calculate your costs, but also to understand which products in each case are best suited. The metal mesh is selected depending on the reinforcement scheme and the features of the building object.

There are six main parameters to consider when choosing a grid:

  • The diameter of the steel bars from which the product is made;
  • Relevant product class;
  • Values ​​of ultimate loads;
  • The values ​​of the mass and length of the product;
  • The specific place of installation and the shape of the reinforced concrete structure;
  • Product price.

The diameter of the rods will be one of the most important indicators that you should pay attention to in the first place. The number of perceived loads, and, consequently, the strength of the structure, will depend on this indicator. The thicker the mesh rods, the more loads it can withstand. The diameter will affect other indicators. For example, the larger it is, the greater will be the mass and price.

To strengthen heavily loaded slabs and bases, products with a bar thickness of 13 to 30 millimeters are used. Elements of buildings or structures that are not exposed to a large impact of external forces can be reinforced with a mesh with a rod diameter of 8 to 12 millimeters. In some cases, combined options are used when a mesh with different thicknesses is used in one reinforced concrete structure.

How to calculate a reinforcing mesh

The calculation of the reinforcing mesh is divided into two main stages. At the first stage, the loads that will be affected are calculated, and at the second stage, it is determined how many products are needed.

Determining the loads will help you understand how much weight the finished structure can support, as well as what forces and in what places will influence. Based on the received data, a grid of the appropriate size is selected. Only after that you can begin to determine the required amount of metal products.

The first stage of calculations is rather complicated and requires professional skills and knowledge. Special formulas are used here, taking into account many additional coefficients. If you do not have sufficient knowledge, then this work is best entrusted to trained professionals. When erecting large buildings or structures for various purposes, all necessary calculations are performed at the design stage.

Calculation of the required amount of material

After all the necessary indicators of the future reinforcing frame have been determined at the first stage, you can begin to determine the required amount of material. There is nothing complicated here, all you need is a simple calculator and a piece of paper. Knowing the geometric dimensions of the frame and the standard dimensions of the mesh sheets that are sold, you can calculate the required amount of material.

With the result obtained, you can already go to the seller and order the quantity that is necessary for the manufacture of a reinforced concrete structure. In this case, you will never have extra reinforcement, plus you will save a little on this.

Reinforcing mesh calculation table:

  • 1 meter armature = 1 m x (0.785 x D x D)
  • In brackets is the area of ​​the circle. D - diameter.
  • Specific gravity =7850 kg/m³

If you want to get the weight, then you need to multiply the volume by the specific gravity.


We calculate the volume: 1 m x (0.785 x 0.012 m x 0.012 m) = 0.00011304 m³

We consider the weight: 0.00011304 m3 x 7850 kg / m³ = 0.887 kg

How and why is weight calculated

Determining the weight of the mesh for reinforcement is performed in order to understand how much the finished building object will weigh. This parameter will also be very important when choosing ways to deliver products to the construction site.

First you need to know the diameter of the rods from which the grid is made and the geometric dimensions of the cells. There are special tables that indicate the weight of the product, depending on the above parameters.

If an individual order was made for the manufacture of mesh of non-standard sizes, then you will not be able to calculate the weight of this product from the table, because it takes into account only standard sizes. In this case, it will be necessary to use special formulas for the calculation. If you do not want to do this yourself, you can delegate the task to experienced professionals who will calculate everything in a short time.

What is a selection calculator

On the Internet, you can find various online calculators that help you determine all the necessary parameters in a few clicks. These are specially programmed algorithms. For the calculation, you will need to specify the basic parameters, and the program will give you the result.

There are two types of calculators. The first type helps to determine the loads, and the second one helps to calculate the weight and cost of rolled metal. The load calculator gives only a general idea, but not exact data. Therefore, it cannot be used for drafting a project. Accurate load values ​​should only be calculated by experienced people and using special formulas and algorithms.

You can use the weight and price calculator to the fullest. It gives fairly accurate readings. The program has several fields to fill in. They indicate the thickness of the rods, the dimensions of the cells and the cost of one ton of a particular product. If it is necessary to reinforce structures of a rather complex shape, then the mesh will have to be cut. In this case, the additional percentage must be taken into account. In most cases, this is no more than 5 percent.

After you have filled in all the fields, click on the calculation button, and the calculator will give you readings of the weight of the material and the total cost. Finding such programs on the Internet is very easy, just enter the appropriate query in the search box.

For high-quality strengthening of various reinforced concrete structures (floor, ceilings, slabs, blocks, supports, bridges, etc.), you need to know how to calculate the reinforcement mesh. This procedure consists of several steps that must be sequentially performed. Each of these stages we analyzed in detail in the article.

To increase the strength of foundations, monolithic structures and bases, reinforcement is used so that the structure can experience significant loads in all directions. The most effective option is a masonry mesh, the reinforcement in which is connected by welding or loops. The diameter of the components can vary from 3 to 40 millimeters, the distance between them is from 0.5 to 40 centimeters. The weight of the reinforcing mesh is an indicator necessary for calculations, since the product is made of metal and significantly weighs down the structure. Also, this parameter should be known when purchasing building material and settlements with transport companies.

Today, all the necessary engineering operations can be done online, there is also a reinforcement mesh weight calculator. For maximum accuracy of the result, it is proposed to enter the following parameters:

  • longitudinal wire diameter;
  • diameter of transverse reinforcement;
  • step of longitudinal reinforcement;
  • step of transverse elements;
  • sheet length and width.

After filling out the forms, you should click on the "Run" button and all unknown parameters will be displayed in the table.


There are the following types of frames:

  • a, b and c are flat;
  • d - spatial;
  • e - spatial with a 1-tee section;
  • e - spatial with a 2-tee section;
  • g - bent products;
  • h - bent spatial;
  • and - embedded elements.


Products for reinforcement are classified according to several criteria:

Rebar diameter and location

  • they are distinguished by diameter: light modifications with d wires from 3 to 10 mm and heavy modifications with d rods from 12 to 40 mm;
  • the location of the working reinforcement can go in 1 direction with the distribution in the other, or in both directions.



  • to strengthen the foundation;
  • for the roadway;
  • the formation of interior partitions;
  • for masonry work;
  • for plaster work;
  • leveling the floor surface;
  • to install thermal insulation.

Standard sizes

You can find the standard dimensions of the reinforcing material in the table below.

In the table you can easily find the necessary characteristics, for example, the weight of a 50x50 masonry mesh is 1.1 kg. But, if you do not have a computer with an Internet connection at hand or you prefer to do the calculations yourself, you can calculate this material parameter using the formula.

Weight calculation

The calculation is performed in 2 stages:

  • Find the volume of 1 meter of material. Indicator = 1 meter x (0.785 x D x D)
  • We calculate the desired parameter. The mass is set by multiplying the specific indicator - 7850 kg / m3 by the volume indicator.

Calculation example

Consider how to use the proposed formula in practice. For example, we need to calculate the weight of a reinforcement material with a transverse and longitudinal wire diameter of 0.012 meters. So, the volume is: 1 x (0.012 x 0.012 x 0.785) = 0.00011304 m3. Now you can calculate the mass: 0.00011304 x 7850 = 0.887 kilograms. If the table is at hand, it is advisable to check the results for accuracy.

Reinforcing mesh cost calculation

To calculate the purchase price of the reinforcement item, the resulting weight is multiplied by the cost per kilogram provided by the seller. As a result of calculations, you get the desired value. So, using simple solutions, you can quickly determine the required amount of reinforcement for specific work, make a purchase in the exact amount and not overpay for transportation. An up-to-date commentary on this topic can be viewed on the video

Standard and non-standard execution

In addition to the above, it should be understood that some manufacturers produce materials for reinforcement of non-standard sizes. In this case, more complex formulas will be required to determine the weight, so it is better to entrust such calculations to specialists or use electronic mathematical tables. Also, some manufacturers produce material for reinforcement with anti-corrosion coatings. It has not only a longer service life, but a greater mass. For example, galvanized rods will weigh more than conventional products. In such cases, the information from the product specification should be used.

Steel reinforcement mesh is most often used to reinforce various structures. It is made from a metal thread of different diameters, may have additional protection against corrosion. The small specific weight of the reinforcing mesh simplifies its installation and transportation.

The quality of this product

Characteristics of welded meshes depend on their purpose:

  • masonry and road;
  • strengthening of thermal insulation and glass.

Use low carbon wire. Bars of different lengths are welded by resistance spot welding. Corrosion protection is carried out by polymer coating or galvanizing, which is carried out in several ways:

  • galvanization of rods before welding;
  • electrolytic method;
  • hot cover.

Reinforcement without a galvanized layer is called light.

Corrugation of 1 or 2 layers is applied to the welded mesh for glass, thermal insulation.

Characteristics of welded metal products, according to specifications 14-4-1284-84

The mass is calculated depending on the size of the cell, the distance between the axes of the wire, the presence of galvanization:

Grid area to mass conversion tables

Reinforcing metal products are used for the following purposes:

  • reinforcement of reinforced concrete products;
  • coast strengthening;
  • reinforcement of the roadway;
  • in the household (making a fence for poultry);
  • territory fencing.

The mass of 1 square meter of a metal product depends on the length, width of the cells, the sectional area of ​​the bar, and the specific gravity of the material. The size value of the bar Ø ranges from 0.5 to 8 mm.

Form of release of products from welded fittings:

  • rolls;
  • cards;
  • panels.

The dimensions of the reinforcing mesh depend on the release form. Products in cards reach a length of 6 m. The maximum width is 2 m, the minimum is 35 cm. Two-meter panels have a width of 2.5 m. Rolls are produced with a width of 0.2–2 m, a length of 15–118 m.

The dimensions of the windows depend on the purpose, they are 6 * 6–20 * 20 cm. There are rectangular ones, with different overall values.

Standard TU 14-4-1284-88

Products according to these specifications are produced with square and rectangular windows.

From light, with a large cell size, they build cages for keeping birds and fur-bearing animals. It is used to strengthen reinforced concrete structures, making them stronger. But for this, the metal mesh must be of high quality. You should not use a product in which the welding points are located not at each point of contact of the rods, but through one. This technology significantly reduces the quality. This may affect security.

Welded fittings, according to specifications 14-4-184-93

The mass of 1 square meter of a metal product with the same thickness of the rod will be the greater, the smaller the size of the cell wall:

Parameters in centimeters Type of metallic thread Weight 1 sq. meters to grams
1,6*2,4 FROM 2480
1,6*4,8 FROM 1990
2,4*2,4 FROM 1970
2,4*4,8 FROM 1500
3,2*4,8 FROM 1250
1,6*2,4 O 2810
2,4*2,4 O 2220
1,6*4,8 O 2240
2,4*4,8 O 1710
3,2*4,8 O 1410


  • FROM- light type.
  • O– galvanized type.

For construction work, bars with a diameter of 0.6, 0.8 and 1 cm are used. The higher the load on the structure, the stronger the mesh should be, the larger the diameter of the wire.

The cell size depends on the material to be reinforced. To fix a brick structure, a wall length of 5 cm is enough. For a cement screed, these indicators will not be enough, you need to use smaller markings.

Steel products BP-1 from fittings V500S

Calculations were made when cutting 2000 * 6000 mm:

Reinforcing products are used as a base for marble masonry. It makes the structure stronger, more durable, prevents the formation of cracks.

For fencing areas, it is advisable to take galvanized products that are not affected by weather factors, therefore they are much more durable and have a better appearance.

Comparison table of class B500C with reinforcing bars of other classes

You can find out the mass of 1 meter of a metal product from reinforcement using the formula 0.785d 2, where d is the diameter of the metal thread, 7850 is the specific gravity of the wire in kg / m 3.
