Mini garden in a pot: compositions of miniature plots in a closed space. How to create a mini-garden in an apartment - ideas and tips

Creation miniature garden in flower pot turns us into real wizards: after all, a whole world with real plants, thoughtful landscape and fabulous inhabitants is created with their own hands. For a while, we return to childhood, when we were overwhelmed with fantastic ideas, and our hands were not afraid to work miracles and experiment.

Mini-gardens are becoming an island of calm in the daily hustle and bustle for urban residents, an interesting and useful hobby. With absence suburban area gardening can be done on a miniature scale in your apartment, because caring for such a composition will not take much time.

On the suburban area a mini-garden, arranged in a flowerpot or clay pot, can be placed on the street, “cruising” around the site. It will look great anywhere: on the terrace, at the entrance to the house, on the garden path or near the pond.

To make the miniature look holistic, you should not combine the elements you like in one composition different styles. First of all, you need to thoroughly consider the idea. It can be just a piece of a garden with dwarf trees, a miniature rock garden, a tropical island, etc.

You can complicate the composition and add a house, then the territory will be more “lived in” - tiny benches and a table with cups, a well and a fence, stairs and stacks of firewood are added. Again, it is worth considering whether this will be a fairy house or a medieval castle.

Japanese style bamboo mats, gazebos with a roof, lanterns and a bridge over a dry stream made of stones are emphasized. It would be a great addition here. Cherry blossoms from beads.

Using cacti, you can recreate the plot of the Wild West by adding figures of cowboys and horses, a wooden house and tumbleweed balls woven from twigs.

For charming and light french style can be woven from metal wire, painted in White color, "forged" benches, flower arches and a table for tea parties. Any idea, even the most unusual one, can be translated into reality, as all tiny pieces of furniture can be easily made by yourself.

Video: Miniature garden - interesting ideas!

What plants are suitable for a mini-garden?

The main characters of the miniature composition are plants. They should be short, unpretentious, slow growing and with small leaves. Dwarf ficuses and myrtle will look great as trees. Them beautiful crowns ideal for park style, but they will have to be pinched regularly. Complement their original park lights and benches, garden sculptures and paved with stone garden paths.

If the miniature garden is placed in an open area, perfect choice for him will be dwarf coniferous trees: junipers or cypress. For a rocky garden, plants are selected with such a root system that, in search of water, will make its way through any gap - these are pachyphytum, gasteria and saxifrage.

Among succulents, it is worth stopping at a stone rose, sedum, stonecrop. Can't do without ground cover plants: free areas can be filled with creeping gypsophila, small-leaved pilea, Rowley's ragwort and, of course, mosses.

Of the flowering ones, cyclamen, saxifrage, alyssum and streptocarpus are suitable. They will liven up and brighten up your mini-garden, and are easy to replace with other plants when they have faded. The choice of plants will depend on the theme of the composition, and if the garden will decorate city ​​apartment, then on the safety of plants for human health.

Choosing a capacity

In principle, any container can be used for a mini-garden, the depth of which does not exceed 15 cm. The larger the horizontal surface, the greater the scope for creativity. Suitable pots, flowerpots, basins, pallets, etc. You can also play with any form, but you need to decide whether they will admire the garden from all sides or some part of it will be closed.

Based on this, the composition is built, especially if a house is involved in it. For more decoration of the pot, you can glue it with pebbles, shells, multi-colored pieces of glass or tiles. Drainage holes are required.

Stages of creation

Having decided on the container and decorating it, expanded clay drainage is poured onto the bottom or pebbles are used for this. The soil mixture is prepared from 2 parts of coarse sand, 1 part of soddy soil and 1 part of peat. To give it looseness, add not a large number of vermiculite.

Plants are planted directly in the ground or dug in pots so that the roots do not intertwine. Then at any time a single plant can be replaced or simply removed. This method also solves the compatibility problem different types. It is better to bury the pots so that they are not visible. The soil is not added to the edge of the container by 2 cm. In order for the neighborhood to be successful, it should be taken into account whether plants like the sun or shade, an abundance of moisture or dry soil.

After planting the plants, the most interesting thing begins - decoration. Empty areas are covered with small gravel, decorative pebbles, and garden paths are laid out. These activities also help retain moisture and prevent the emergence of weeds.

To create a "reservoir", a small low vessel is suitable, which is dug into the ground, and the bottom is covered with small pebbles. The illusion of water in a stream and a river or the sea surface can be created using transparent glass beads blue color.

There are three ways to organize a mini-garden:

  1. In a flowerpot: where all the elements are located on the surface of the earth in the same plane.
  2. In a broken pot: a part of the pot along the side is carefully beaten off with a hammer and several small fragments are separated from it. The broken wall is dug into the ground, and steps are laid out from the small parts from the base to the top - an interesting two-level garden is obtained.
  3. A multi-tiered composition of 4 pots, different in size. A large pot is left intact, filled with drainage and earth. In the next largest pot, they beat off a part and dig it into the ground, do the same with the next one, but dig it into the previous pot. One broken part is installed on top and the smallest pot is placed in it, and small tiles for steps are broken off from the remaining piece. Thus, the area for planting and decorating is greatly increased.

As a decor, you can use children's toys and doll furniture. Houses and small elements are beautifully molded from salt dough and polymer clay. Inside you can put an LED candle or use glowing paints.

Made from wood or wire original fences, benches, decor is also easy to create from matches, plasticine, skewers, twigs, bottle caps and other materials at hand. There is also a place for a fire with a bowler hat, swings and ladders. Wheelbarrows and carts will be a nice addition to the overall picture, garden arches, bridges, straw baskets and hats, bird nests, "forgotten" watering cans and shovels. You should not just get too carried away with decor and overload your corner of nature with them, because, first of all, this is a garden with living plants, albeit in a miniature version.

A mini garden in a pot or in another container will become an outlet for those who miss their dacha. Such compositions are made from improvised and past materials, so you don’t have to spend money.

Mini garden - what you need for its arrangement

It will become a real outlet for people who like to create compositions from plants, to admire such creations. To make a mini garden, you do not need to spend a lot of money, because everything you need is often at hand.

Do you have small cacti or some succulents have given birth to babies, but is it a pity to throw away these shoots? Then such plants will decorate the composition. Often the central part of the garden on the windowsill are various houses, they can be made from improvised materials. If there is bark or a plastic bottle, these materials will serve as the basis of the buildings.

The table, chair of the doll will also fit perfectly into the picturesque picture. Make a small pond from the bottom plastic bottle or from a small bowl. You can buy a miniature openwork arch or make it from flexible wire. Then the product is covered with paint, and when it dries, it is installed in a mini garden.

You can line the path with stones, if there are no decorative ones at home, then go for a walk outside, and you will certainly find the right specimens.

Place all these improvised and past materials in a basin, in a bowl or in a broken pot. You will do an amazing job.

Check out some ideas for such a miniature garden. It could be a garden
  • mirrors;
  • tropical island;
  • alpine slide;
  • mini zoo with figurines of animals;
  • Christmas;
  • recreating a scene from a fairy tale or from another magical story;
  • strawberry;
  • medieval;
  • peasant;
  • Chinese;
  • bonsai;
  • Amazonian jungle;
  • cascade multilevel;
  • reflecting real place, for example, your dacha, domestic or foreign park, the Eiffel Tower;
  • cats;
  • using figurines from Kinder surprises;
  • using candy wrappers;
  • Japanese stones;
  • deserts;
  • in Provence style.
You can recreate other directions to which you have a soul.

Check out plants for a mini garden. You will see that some of them you have at home or in the country. The main thing is to take copies that differ in their small size.

  1. If you have a money tree at home, the plant has sprouted, use it for your composition.
  2. If you decide to make an alpine slide, or rather, a smaller copy of it, or recreate a Mexican desert, a rocky garden, a Caucasian meadow, then stock up on stones, succulents and cacti.
  3. Sedum is perfect for a flowering garden, the landscape will be decorated pink flowers this plant. Also a good option would be a rocky rose. Use saxifrage. These hardy plants require minimal maintenance.
  4. Haworthia has a striped pattern, great for mini desert compositions. An alpine meadow will become more picturesque if you place a diamond picker on it.
  5. If you have small containers, then place juveniles and gasteria here. These two plants coexist well with each other.
  6. If you want the entire container to be filled with green leaves, then plant gelksina. The composition will look exotic if you place a pachyphytum here. This plant is very successful in the Mediterranean composition.
  7. Fittonia comes in several colors. Its leaves can have pink, green with white, green with light and red shades. Choose the colors that will be most appropriate in your miniature composition. Of course, do not forget about stonecrops, they will revive your creation.
  8. Plant a chamedorea, a Kadie saw in the mini-garden, which will add elegance to the three-dimensional picture. Miniature varieties of ivy are now on sale, use them as well.
  9. You can plant streptocactus, miniature roses in a miniature garden. But these plants need proper care.
  10. If you are creating a Japanese garden, then use bonsai dwarf trees. it's the same good option landscaping.
  11. Small conifers will also be a wonderful decoration of the garden. But you need to keep in mind that they do not really like the dry air that the winter battery creates. Therefore, you need to keep such compositions either on an insulated loggia, or in winter garden or it is necessary to periodically humidify the air and properly care for the conifers.

Do not forget after the plants have faded, remove wilted buds. Also, remove drying leaves in time. Larger forms need to be pruned periodically so that the plant is right size.

So, here are some plants you can plant in a mini garden:
  • Money Tree;
  • miniature roses;
  • saintpaulia;
  • streptocactus;
  • cacti;
  • ivy;
  • chamedorea;
  • I drink Kadia;
  • stonecrop;
  • fittonia;
  • miniature conifers, including dwarf juniper, dwarf cypress and dwarf spruce;
  • gelksin;
  • pachyphytum;
  • young;
  • gasteria;
  • saxifrage.
As you can see, the plants for the mini-garden are diverse and many flower growers have suitable specimens on the windowsill. It will only be necessary to take shoots from them and plant them in a newly created composition.

The next master class will tell you in detail how to make such miniature gardens. Many items for them are easy to make with your own hands, find the rest on the street or in the house so that you do not have to spend much money, and the result will be excellent!

How to make a mini-garden with your own hands?

For this you can use various containers. If you have a rounded glass one, take it. Plants will be comfortable here, as the conditions are similar to tropical ones. You can take succulents that rarely need to be watered. They are drought tolerant.

Here's what you need for such a composition:

  • round transparent container;
  • small pebbles;
  • colored sand or carpet covering with low pile;
  • shells in the form of a starfish;
  • wire or toy furniture;
  • the soil.

Use light earth. To keep it in one place, it is better to limit it by pouring it into the cut part of a plastic bottle or by making a side.

Plant your chosen succulents or other miniature plants. On the other side of the clear aquarium, place the sand or carpet, cutting it out with scissors to give it the desired shape.

Mark the boundaries between soil and sand or pavement with stones. Put the shells in. If there is ready-made furniture for dolls, put a table and a couple of chairs in the mini-garden. If it is not available, then weave it from wire.

You can make decorative chairs by taking:

  • binding cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • jute twine;
  • floral wire;
  • wire cutters;
  • awl;
  • glue "Moment" and superglue.

From cardboard, cut out a rectangle of the desired size, which will become the base of the seat. Make holes with an awl at the same distance on three sides, insert the wire here. Make it longer at the corners so that the lower segments turn into chair legs. They should also be large at the back so that the back rises.

Now you need to braid the back and armrests with a cord. When you create the armrests of the desired height, weave only one back.

When it is done, proceed to the design of the legs. Lubricate them with glue, wrap each with a rope, the turns should fit snugly against each other.

From the same twine, you need to weave a pigtail, close the edges of the product with such a decorative element so that they look neat. Secure these parts with clothespins, Leave the product to dry completely.

Knit or crochet a twine rectangle to then glue it on the seat of the chair. This is how beautiful it will turn out.

In the same way, make a table or weave it from floral wire, making various decorative coils out of it. These flexible rods are very fertile material. You can weave decorative furniture not from floral, but from copper wire. Create from it and a frame for a canopy.

Use it when creating the next mini-garden, taking:

  • unpretentious miniature plants;
  • wire basket;
  • small tiles;
  • light soil;
  • decorative artificial flowers;
  • Dollhouse.

  1. Position low growing vegetation at the bottom of the container. Lay a small tile in the form of a garden path. Slightly taller plants will be planted to the right and left.
  2. Put the house in the background, decorate it with miniature pots of artificial flowers. These plants are easy to make yourself. To do this, you need to take the braid, wind a few turns around your finger, then fasten it in the center.
  3. Protect taller plants from low ones on one side by laying beautiful pebbles here.
The following work shows that a mini-garden can be done in almost any capacity. If you have an unused metal tank, use it. This will include quite a lot of soil, so the plants will feel comfortable.

Do not forget to provide drainage for any such exposure, it will not allow the roots to rot, accumulate excess moisture.

If you are a city dweller, you dream of having a house in the countryside, starting a household, but until you succeed, bring your ideas to life in miniature form. Then you can make adjustments, and when there is such an opportunity to acquire a piece of land and arrange everything on it the way you intended, do it.

For this sample you will need:
  • priming;
  • straw;
  • scissors;
  • small plants;
  • small branches of trees;
  • artificial pumpkins and peas;
  • toy roosters and hens;
  • house for birds in miniature.
Step by step creation:
  1. If you have children who have a miniature chicken coop, you can use it. If they have grown up, and such toys are no longer needed, the ideas presented will give them a second life.
  2. If you do not have such a design, you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to cut out the details of the chicken coop from plywood, put them together with small carnations, and then paint the structure.
  3. A chicken run area is also easy to make. Knock small bars together, pull on them plastic mesh, and if there is none, then ordinary gauze or bandage will do. Attach any of these malleable materials to a wooden base, placing the building at the center of your composition.
  4. Green plants are located along the edge, and in the center you need to pour a little soil and put straw cut with scissors or dried grass stalks on it. A few pumpkins and pea pods laid here will confirm that you wanted to recreate the composition of the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.
  5. This garden area will be separated from the decorative garden by a wooden fence. It is done very easily. Cut with scissors or saw off parts of the branch with a small hacksaw, knock them down with small carnations perpendicularly.
Various looks very nice decorative arches. They can be bought, such decoration elements are inexpensive. If you have wire, then you can weave the arch with your own hands.

Decorative stones well delimit the two zones, they create beautiful garden paths, grottoes and other small architectural forms.

If there are animal figurines in the house, make a mini zoo to please your children. Small plants will create a corner of pristine nature.

Saw wooden logs, put them in the form of steps to the house. The structure is also made of wood.

You can create a garden on the window in a minimalist style.

To make such a composition, take:
  • suitable container;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • priming;
  • sand;
  • plants;
  • branches;
  • paint;
  • brushes;
  • pebbles;
  • small saw.
Creation instructions:
  1. Pour into the container in the ground. Plant flowers around the edge of the pot. Saw off several pieces from the branch, glue them together to make a bench and a stool. Pour sand on the surface, lay out the stones beautifully.
  2. Details for a bucket and a watering can are cut out of cardboard and glued together. Then finished goods can be dyed.
For a mini garden, you can use a variety of containers. Suitable even garden cart. Many plants will fit here, and in the center of the composition is beautiful house and a fence.

Mini garden in a pot

Often such containers break, but you don’t need to throw them away, because you can make an interesting composition. Arrange the shards as shown in the photo. Fill in the soil and plant the plants. Decorate your creation with toys and miniature houses.

You can plant a small bonsai tree here, arrange a rock garden, then you will have a corner of Japan in a pot.

The pond looks beautiful too. If it is even, then put a round deep saucer or other small bowl in the pot, pour water. You can also use the bottom of a plastic bottle.

If you want a curved pond, use a different base or make one out of polymer clay and then fill it with water.

To make a mini pond or pool look beautiful, cover its bottom and walls with blue paint.

If you have some cement and sand, mix them in a ratio of 1:4, add water, pour into rectangular molds. You will get steps. Put them in a pot, let them lead to a medieval castle. It can also be made from cement.

Even a broken flowerpot can be transformed. And nothing that the capacity turned out to be small. If all the roots do not fit in it, lower them, let them hang down and give the composition an extraordinary look.

And here is an example of how you can make a mini potted garden using sand, cement and small gravel. These materials are mixed, added to water, poured into rectangular shapes. When the parts dry, they are interconnected, glued together with the same cement mortar. If you still have it, then create an unusual flower or a fabulous tree.

A mini garden in a pot can contain not one, but several buildings. Check out how easy it is to stack broken shards for an antique effect.

If you do not have the right material for the house, you can even make it from bark. Fasten its sides, lay the tile in the form of a doorway, gluing it to the bark. Make a wooden door.

If you have a small figurine, it is also great for creating an aged composition. For this, you need a minimum of soil, the surface is decorated with stones and several succulents.

The broken wall of the pot can be laid in the same way as in the photo, and steps can be made from small fragments. You get a wonderful composition.

Here's how to make a mini garden in a pot and other containers. If you are interested in this idea, we suggest you look at the material on this topic so that you want to engage in an interesting creative process.

And the following video will introduce you to samples of such creations.

For work we need:
1. Container for planting a garden (wide pot or any other container suitable for creating a mini garden).
2, live houseplants.
3, Expanded clay or other drainage.
4, Soil for plants.
5, Perlite (optional).
6, Ceramic mosaic.
7, Small stones or sand.
8, Decorative elements to create a composition.
9. Spatula, gloves (optional).
There are several types of mini gardens: for placement in an apartment; for placement on a balcony, in a winter garden; for outdoor placement. Now consider a mini garden that will live year-round in our house.
Pot selection.
To plant a mini garden, you can use a wide pot, basin or any other container that is suitable in size. The size of the pot should correspond to the plants that will grow in it: shallow (6-10 cm) is suitable for cacti and succulents, deeper (9-15 cm) for ornamental leafy plants. We take too deep a container only if we use large plants with a deep root system. For small plants, planting in a pot that is too large will cause the soil to turn acidic, as part of it will not be used by the plants. The pot can be both with drainage holes and without them (my basket without them).
I had such a small basket (20 * 17 cm, height without a handle 11 cm), which is perfect for the conceived garden in the Provence style:

Please note that inside the basket there is a plastic container in which I will plant the plants. I do not recommend using baskets for this purpose, in which the insert is made of film, since the film is not very durable in this case. The same goes for wooden boxes- it is better that there is some kind of container (plastic, ceramics) in it, then the box will not suffer after a while from the effects of water and soil.
The choice of plants to create a mini-garden.
The choice of plants depends on what goal we set when creating a living garden. If you want a beautiful flowering garden on short period time - flowering plants can be used: primroses, Kalanchoe, small flowering roses. An example of my garden with Kalanchoe:

Such gardens are very beautiful, but the plants usually bloom from a few weeks to 2 months. Then the garden will look different:

And after a few months, Kalanchoe, like other flowering plants, grows, stretches, and you have to remove it from the composition.
The second option: durable compositions that will grow up to several years without requiring a transplant. Such compositions can be made with cacti or decorative leafy plants.
When choosing plants for a mini garden, pay attention to the following points:
1. Selected plants must be indoor! that is, they do not require a cool content in winter. This information is written on the stickers on the plant's pot. If you see that in winter the temperature for a plant should be up to 8-10 degrees - better not take it - there is a high probability that it will die in the apartment. This applies, for example, to cypress trees.
2, We plant plants with similar conditions in one garden (requirements for the frequency and intensity of watering, illumination, soil composition, winter conditions, pot depth, etc.) For example, cacti should not be planted with ferns or chlorophytum that love moist soil, because in a cactus with abundant watering, the roots will begin to rot. Exceptions may be if the pot is very large and the plants are too far apart.
3. It is best to choose plants that are slow growing or that can be pruned while maintaining the original size of the plant.
Creation of a mini garden.
Let's start work :)
We pour drainage at the bottom of the basket, the layer thickness is about 2 cm. Since my basket does not have drainage holes for draining excess water when watering, I used expanded clay drainage that can absorb excess water. In pots with drainage holes, other materials (ceramics, crushed stone, broken bricks) can be used as drainage.

We fill 2/3 of the basket with soil suitable for our plants. I have ready soil for decorative and deciduous plants. I also added a little perlite to the soil (about 2 tablespoons) - white blotches are visible in the photo. Perlite increases the porosity and friability of the soil, prevents clumping, hardening of the soil. Water and fertilizers are absorbed by perlite and gradually released to the plant. Root rot is prevented due to over watering and stagnant water, as well as drying out of the soil. The soil is evenly moistened. Perlite may or may not be added.

We turn to the preparation of plants. I chose hedera (bindweed), Japanese euonymus and fittonia.

These plants are ideal for creating mini-gardens: they are unpretentious, can be cut, the euonymus and fittonia have many varieties with different leaf colors. And I still love Fittonia very much because by its appearance it shows that the soil is not moist enough - the leaves become soft and fall. After watering, the leaves of this plant become stiff again and rise. Great indicator!
I bought my plants, so I will wash the roots before planting. I always do this with purchased plants, because there may be pests or their larvae in the soil. I want to draw your attention to the fact that in this way it is better not to transplant decorative leafy plants in winter period(from November to February) - they may not survive, as they are at rest. During this period, it is better to transplant plants by transshipment (along with an earthen clod), or wait until spring. If we use our indoor plants for planting a mini-garden, there is no need to wash the roots.
Removing plants from pots

Gently release the roots from the soil:

Then I wash the roots under a thin stream running water room temperature

and spread the plants on a napkin so that the roots dry out:

After 15-20 minutes, you can start landing. We make a recess in the soil, plant a plant in it, cover it with soil and slightly crush the earth around the plant with our hands to remove air pockets from the soil. The process of landing itself could not be filmed, because I could not plant and photograph at the same time. It turned out this:

The plants were planted along the edges, and the composition of my garden will be located in the center. Bindweeds landed near the handle of the basket - they will curl along it when they grow up.
Watering our plants

The soil is too low, so we pour it. From above I will pour soil without perlite, visually I like it better.

Then I put the garden in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight, and leave it for 2-8 weeks, not forgetting to water. This is the time I need to:
1. Make sure that all plants have taken root well and will not need to be replaced with others.0
2. Ground donkey.
If you immediately place the composition in the garden, then after 2-3 months it will fall a few centimeters below the level of the pot, because the soil will settle during this time.
And finally, we begin to create the composition of our garden. I really like themed gardens, and this miniature garden will be in Provence style :) For me, Provence is associated with stone-paved courtyards, lots of flowers in pots and everywhere you can plant them, furniture with an elegant touch of antiquity and seeming simplicity and lightness in everything .
I made decorative elements in advance in accordance with the size of the basket. You can place the decor directly on the ground, I often use some kind of coating for my mini-gardens, on which the composition is located. It can be a mosaic, pebbles, dry moss, artificial turf and others.
For the Provence style, I chose a mosaic - it matches the color of my basket and the style of the planned garden.

Our garden will be constantly watered. To prevent water from getting into decorative elements, it is better to add soil under the composition so that its level is 1-1.5 cm higher than the soil level of the plants. And the second trick is to water the garden from a container with a narrow spout or from a large syringe without a needle directly under each plant, and slowly so that the water has time to seep into the ground, and not spread throughout the pot.
I lay the mosaic and fill the gaps with small green pebbles. Pebbles pass water and air and are safe for plants. And yet they do not change their appearance with long contact with water and earth.

Now we place decor on this site. First, I will place a fence made specifically for this mini garden (it has supports for deepening into the ground so that it stands securely).

How to make such a fence, you can see in my MK here.
So, we put up a fence:

Now I place the rest of the composition elements:

Well, our garden is ready:

Such a living miniature garden will grow and delight you for several years, but of course it requires love and proper care.
Good luck in your work and good mood!

2016-07-23 301


What tricks do summer residents and happy owners of private plots go to in order to create unique views on their territory. A beautiful and well-groomed personal plot is a guarantee of the good nature and hospitality of the owners, but it can take a lot of time and effort to realize such a dream. However, the game is worth the candle if you want an individual and creative approach to the work process. In addition, the idea will be suitable not only for the garden in the house, but also for installation on the balcony of the apartment.

Decorative elements for a mini garden in a pot

The main advantage of a mini-garden created in a pot is its portability. If he gets bored or interferes with the dacha works in one place, it can always be transferred to another. AT winter time, for example, it can be placed in a calm area and covered with snow.

Container and its choice

As a basis for any small garden, there can be a container or other container with a height of about 15 cm. Thanks to large space horizontally, you can create an interesting "landscape" using all your creativity. The pot may be round or square shape, you can create original compositions in several levels.

If you want to make the pot more attractive in appearance, you can do exterior wall cladding: first they are coated with a mixture of crushed peat and sifted sand, which are taken in equal proportions with water, and then decoration elements are applied. It could be pebbles colored tiles, plants. Suitable option will become a stone having a porous structure that can absorb a large amount of moisture. This stone includes tuff, limestone, shell rock. Thanks to soft rock, elements can be easily processed, and if necessary, drill holes.

Decoration will be exquisite and original if you use animal figurines and seashells. If you take a children's toy set, you will find a lot of interesting things in it: chairs, benches, armchairs and even doll houses.

Another decoration idea is water, which is created by means of a small vessel buried in the ground. At the bottom of the reservoir, you can pour a little small pebbles or special sand to hide the natural appearance of the bottom (usually made of plastic). The edges of the vessel can be decorated decoratively flowering plants or even beads to give the impression of silver or refraction of the sun's rays.

Another decoration idea is to use mountains or rocky gardens along with Mexican deserts and Caucasian meadows. To achieve this result, you will need stones and various decorative succulents.

Suitable plants for a mini garden

In the process of choosing plants for a mini-garden, it is worth remembering that they will differ from a flower bed. All elements that grow too rapidly will have to be removed or cut off, and doing this is extremely unpleasant. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to plants that grow slowly and feel great.

  • Gelksina- this plant can create enough greenery for the entire pot, "revitalizing" the rest of the components.
  • Pachyphytum- thanks to thick leaves of an interesting shape, it will bring more exotic to your composition. It can be beautifully used in a small Mediterranean-style garden.
  • Gasteria, young - they perfectly complement each other in one garden and bring more brightness and other elements to it. Plant roots can easily penetrate any cracks, so they can feel good on stony soil.
  • Money Tree, myrtle- will give the design more complexity and make it special. Thanks to the decorative shape of the crown, these plants will make the garden look more majestic.
  • Dwarf varieties coniferous plants suitable if you are going to keep the garden outside. For example, the use of decorative cypress or juniper, dwarf spruce will become relevant.
  • stonecrops- these plants are loved by many summer residents due to the ability to enliven the composition with their small stems.
  • Fittonia, despite its small flowering, thanks to a wide variety of colors, will allow you to make your garden more diverse.
  • Ivygeneral form The garden will become more interesting due to its unusual shapes and types. For example, a plant can either creep along the ground, or braid a pallet, a pot.

Each of the plants will help create an interesting overall composition, and your site will be unique.

Do-it-yourself mini-garden in a pot: a master class

Creating a mini garden in a pot is a creative and responsible process that requires a special approach.

Stages of work

  1. Planting in a drainage pot for planting. The soil mixture can be made by hand by mixing coarse sand with peat and turf (proportions - 2: 1: 1).
  2. To provide the soil with looseness, vermiculite must be added to it.
  3. Tamp the soil and plant the plant in a separate pot, which is then dug into the soil.
  4. Observance of the distance between plants plays an important role, the features of the growth of the root system and the agrotechnics of plantings are taken into account.
  5. The voids formed after planting must be filled with crushed stone or pebbles, this will retain moisture after watering and prevent the growth of weeds.

Do-it-yourself mini-garden in a pot: photo

A mini potted garden is considered a great idea for decorating a garden or interior. country house. You can make an original composition in a concrete or plastic pot or planter. Next, we will talk about how to decorate a miniature garden with your own hands and get an unusual corner in the exterior or interior.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You have, of course, seen perfect lawn in the cinema, in the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Creating a similar composition, whether it be miniature plants, an unusual rose garden (here you can see how to break a rose garden with your own hands), a Mexican desert or an alpine slide, vertical gardening starts with an idea. A master class on creating such an unusual miniature in a pot will enable any gardener to recreate what he likes.

Today there are a huge number of ideas that you can do with your own hands in miniature sizes:

  • tropical island - such gardens in miniature with their own hands are demonstrated here;
  • mini-garden of multi-colored glasses;
  • Japanese stone garden;
  • mirror gardens;
  • a miniature personal plot in the style of the Middle Ages with the use of mini-locks;
  • clay pot garden, while also decorating flower pots with our own hands;
  • bonsai garden - here you can see bonsai plants;
  • cascading miniature garden in pots;
  • Chinese garden, where decorative leafy plants and bridges are used;
  • the use of toys from kinder surprise in order to create a kinder garden;
  • an extraordinary upside-down garden, where everything is upside down and so on.

You can watch a detailed and instructive master class on equipping such a miniature on any subject.

Choosing a plant and container for a potted garden

The use of a decorative mini-garden is very diverse. It can be both as an addition to existing plants in the garden, on a balcony or terrace, and as the main decor in the central part of the garden. Due to its compact size, such a composition can be placed anywhere in the garden:

  • near the track;
  • at the pond;
  • on the porch of the house;
  • on the windowsill.

Important point : choose the right place so that the garden is available for public viewing. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the growth of the plant, which is used to create this kind of compositions. by the most the best place, which is suitable for almost any landscaping details, there will be a windless and well-lit area without any drafts from the eastern or western region.

Flowerpots, pallets or basins, and any other containers are quite suitable for creating miniature gardens in pots. Some use an old sink. You can choose pots of any shape - round, square and so on. Any pot should have holes in the base to allow excess liquid to drain.

Plants are selected based on the theme of the miniature garden. For example, cactus compositions are used to recreate rocky gardens. A stone rose, a diamond, a sedum, or other succulents are great for making a rocky garden. Also, cacti will look great in this kind of composition. different varieties. Plants such as saxifrage, gasteria and paphichytum can be safely planted among stones. Them root systems they can easily penetrate any cracks made of stones in search of water.

Photo - a variant of pots for planting plants and creating a miniature composition

Since any plants tend to grow in size, it is better to plant slow-growing and small-leaved varieties. Fittonia, stonecrop or peperomonia are suitable for such a composition. Ivy can be a great addition here. This decorative and deciduous plant will green up any composition and container.

Myrtle, money tree or dwarf ficus types are perfect plants for recreating park-style miniatures. They have a beautiful decorative leafy crown, which is constantly pinched to maintain beauty. Such a composition will be a great decoration anywhere: on a balcony, terrace or in the garden. A good addition to such a garden would be miniature furniture, lanterns, dishes, benches or park sculptures available in sets for children.

First master class

Consider the first master class for creating a miniature garden in a container with your own hands:

  • Bookmark drainage and fertile soil in a pot for planting. soil mixture can be made with your own hands by mixing coarse sand with peat and soddy soil in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. In order for the soil to be loose, you need to add a little vermiculite.
  • In a slightly compacted soil, we plant plants in the following ways: in one pot or in separate containers, which are then dug into the soil. When planting plants in one pot, the distance between plants must be observed, taking into account the growth of their root system. Also, when planting, it is necessary to take into account the agricultural technology of planting.
  • After landing, the voids are filled with pebbles or rubble. Thus, moisture is retained after watering and prevents the growth of weeds.

In the photo of miniature sizes, the original garden

  • Any low capacity, deepened into the ground, may turn out to be a miniature pond. Its edges are decorated with small stones or decorative tiles.
  • Our garden is ready. Further, simple maintenance of such a composition is necessary. Constant moistening of plantings and removal of faded plants and shrunken leaves is all that is required of you.

The video demonstrates this master class:

Second master class

Consider the basic materials that will be useful for creating a miniature garden in a flower pot:

  • a flower pot;
  • cardboard with a branch;
  • soil with sand;
  • pebbles and cement;
  • vegetation and glue;
  • wood varnish.

Miniature garden in a flower pot great idea for decoration personal plot or the interior of a country house. You can make an original composition in any suitable container.

Consider how to make a miniature garden in a flower pot with your own hands:

  • We mix earth and sand in the proportion most suitable for future plants. After that, pour the mixture into a container, where there must certainly be a hole. We put pebbles on the base of the container in order to improve drainage.
  • In order for a miniature house to appear in your garden, you need to make a paper blank with your own hands. After that, we break thin branches and fold them over the blanks.
  • After that, we proceed to gluing the elements of the house. All parts of the workpiece are then glued together, and the house is varnished.
  • A wooden bench will look elegant near the house.
  • To make it, you will need three sticks of the same length for the seat, four small ones for the legs, three for supporting the back and one for the back.
  • All elements are glued together.

In the photo, elements for creating a miniature garden in a pot

  • From toothpicks or thin twigs we make miniature fences. We cut out blanks for garden elements from cardboard.
  • Do not forget to cover cardboard products with paint or varnish.
  • For decorating miniature gardens, it’s good to make a couple of crafts from a dry cement mixture.
  • You can get beautiful garden paths, as in the photo below, small mushrooms or flower beds.
  • Any figure can then be painted to give it a more realistic appearance.
  • Decorating a miniature garden in a flower pot begins with planting vegetation.
  • Then we install a house with benches on a support and create our own landscape design miniature area.
  • If you own some other needlework technique, then make people or characters who will live in such a fabulous composition.
  • It is not necessary to make a large composition, since a miniature garden will look beautiful, even if you just plant various vegetation in it.
  • In demand for this kind of decorative elements like succulents, which are small in size and unpretentious in care.

Care for such a composition is easy. It is necessary to cut off strongly growing plantings in time, water them in a neat manner. It is imperative to feed, however, moderately - an excessive amount nitrogen fertilizer can cause a strong overgrowth of planted vegetation. In the manufacture of miniature gardens, patience is important. Enjoy ripening and waiting for the vegetation to start growing, for the first flower to appear, for the garden to grow larger.
